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tfler finishing fourth in league
ast year, Mary M. Knight
rants to go all the way
Lady Owls' volley-
dl team finished fourth in
Le Coast 1B League last
.,ar, and are hoping to go
further this season.
We're hoping to get
[l the ~ay every year by
orking hard and giving
your best every time,"
Pad coach Kitty Brehmey-
• said. "Every day is bet-
,r. My philosophy is for
he girls to have fun while
orking hard."
There are 18 total girls
1 the varsity and junior
tristy volleyball teams
"This is a
really nice
group of
, to work
with, and
they have
ds year, with nine re-
trners from last season
ad two returning se-
"We're young; we've got this bmm will play very
lot of freshmen from an well together beca usewith
adefeated junior high such a small school, we
;ason so they're going to all know each other i very
mtribute," Brehmeyer well."
dd. "I like it because it's Brehmeyer said she
aking some of the older thinks the Lady Owls will
rls work harder." be a fairly strong team in
The returning seniors, league this year.
inda Cook and Em- "We've got some really
¢ Johnson, are helping to nice athletes this year,"
ad the team this season, she said. "I'm just really
"I think the team looks excited. This is a really
vesome so far; we're all nice group of young wom-
aying really well togeth- en to work with, and they
'," Cook said. "I believe have positive attitudes."
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Ashley Sowle passes the ball during drills in practice for the Mary M.
Knight volleyball team on Thursday, Aug. 25. With 18 girls combined on
the varsity and junior varsity team, and the freshmen girls coming off
an undefeated junior high team, head coach Kitty Brehmeyer is hoping
for a successful season.
3rothers United wins New Millenium league title
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2~ Shelton exit off Hwy 101
Jourr~ p~o~ by em~ Hnon
remias Eseobar, left, tries
, stop a pass from Bernabe
bastian during the New
llenium League finals
ime on Wednesday, Aug. 24.
scobar played for the Broth-
United team, which won
I over Sebastian's Monar-
m team. With a season re-
)rd of 3-1-2, the Brother
nited took the league flue.
game was one of the
games," Escobar said.
Ve did what we had to do
ld we played with heart."
he teams, both from Shel-
m, will also be playing this
11 on Sundays.
:neeland Park closed
;ept. 6 through Sept. 9
Shelton Parks and Rec-
stion Department will be
nducting annual main-
aance on .the Imagina-
m Station playground at
zeeland Park.
Crews will check play-
0und apparatus and ap-
V a sealer to the wood
mcture on Tuesday,
,pt. 6.
This maintenance work
11 result in the closure
of the playground through
Friday, Sept. 9.
The annual maintenance
is necessary to ensure the
play structure is safe for
all who use it and that the
life span of the structure is
For additional informa-
tion, contact Mark Ziegler,
Shelton Parks and Recre-
ation, at 432-5194.
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Shelton-Mason County
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Sept. 1,2011-
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