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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ii:u 2, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COU'NTY 30URN'AL'- Published in c07vHstma. own; J.S:AY; Shelton, .Washin Olsen SPECIAL EFI,~ECTS 1!. ill t,:'ril)r decorating can often be achieved subtly by tile use of just a few pieces, or by the judicious Use of color and acctu;sories. Instance you like which is You don't way to ml Gain the fin- choosing an or an aniiqno authentic ]ac- Id a few brass up your Far ~here,though Ks re- oatenlt)ol,lt ry. (:all enable a Spanish :r you partie- will be not overdone, grow tired of --OB TUAR ES-- Mrs. Zoe Seeva Succumbs At Home h'f:.~;. Z~)~• Sc('\,a of l!oodsport (ti~d A~l~,'. 2,1, in imr home at tim aK(' ,fl' 65. She h:M been a resident of Ma- SOil (_~,()lll/ly fOl' tile lrtst 35 years • loll (hlt'ill~,r this time was a. lllCln- h(!l' of lhe lh)od C:mal \Vomen's Chlb. ~:~ht' \va.s h()rll l)ceelllber 20, 1S!19 ill Montevido, ~linn. Last riles were lleld from the Mt. View Funeral Itome in Ta- eonla. Htlder tile dilection of the Ba t,~;tone I~'IUleI'HI liolue. }~ev. Bruce I'nrker officiated. Bm'ial was in ihc Mt. Vi~w Cemetery of T'l('l)nla. SI|I'ViV()I'S arc, olle son, 3ack E. Set.v:( of Salem, Ore.; thlce bro- thers, Everett Wadsworth (;f Gig Harhm', Howard Wadsworth of Tacoma. ;rod Harvey Wadsworth of San Lnis Obispo, Ca.lif.; a sister, M',s. E. P. Knox of Tacoma; and three' gr.mdchihlren. Who likes to and lean to- Rites lleld For •., create d.centclloosePieCeSyouraS Iloward MeNish, 6 the major fine lines of with aim- that readily decorating yoll of want Six-year-old Howard W. McNish died Sunday in the Shelton Gener- al hospilal. He was born in Olym- pit: May 19, 1959 and made his home at: Route 2, Box 671, Shel- ton, with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. MeNish. A private funeral serviec was held at 11. a.m. Wednesday in the F;atslone Funeral home with Rex'. Charles Wigton officiating. Burial was in Shelton Memorial Park. 13esid(~; his parents he is sur- vived hy i.wo sisters, Raianne Me- Nish and Mrs. Claudette Krona, both of Shelton; two hrothers, Raymond MeNish, Shelton, and Ralph E, MeNish, Fort George, Calif.; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. McClanahan Quilcene. always Furniture. 4th & Cota SPORTGASTER JACKETS in the New Long L,ook Largo Selection Priced from $ Lady Gift( Stream proportionM stretch pants for ski or leisure wear. Priced from $1 198 to $'I[ 998 Gold Loden and Black COLLEGE Sldrts and Sweaters OWN to Coordinate Textured Hose 0, $1.00 to ma,tch The Little & Big Sh0ppe 426-4266 Charles E. Wiss Takeu By Death Charles Elmer Wiss died at his home, Route 2, Box 249, Monday. Born in Minneapolis, Minn. Aug. 9, 18S:I he moved to Skooknm Point in Mason county in 1888 then to the Agate area in 1912. He was one of the original char- tel" members of the Agate Grange and worked in the logging busi- ness until his retirement ten years ago. The flmeral service was conduc- ted by Rev. Charles Wigton at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Bats(one Funeral Home and was followed by cremation. Survivors include him wife, Flor- ence I. Wiss, Shelton; three daugh- ters, Mrs. Lorenc Droescher, M't's. A Heo T,on~acros and Mrs. Doro- thy Willey, all of Shelton; nine g,.ndcnilaren; two brothers, Lantz Wise, Shelton, and George Wiss, Everett; and two sisters, Mrs. Esther Berets, Shelton, and Mrs. Edna Farguhar, Whidby Island. Forn, er Resident Dies In. Centralia The funeral service for former Shelton resident William James Hamilton, 82, was held at 11 a.m. Monday in the Strieklin Funer,al Home in Centralia with Rev. Har- vey C. Hartling officiating. Bur- ial was in Centralia. Mr. Hamil- ton (tied at his home there last Friday following a long illness. He was born in Hoquiam May 8, 1883 and worked in Shelton as a logger prior to his retirement in 1938. He had been a resident of Centralia the past seven years and was a member of the J-Ioquiam Elks lodge• Survivors include his wife, :Mrs. Linda Constance Hamilton, Cen- tral(a; one son, George W. Ham- ilton, Central(a; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph (Ella May) Pauley and Mrs. Clarence (Dorothy) Lund, both of Shelton; one brother, Ray Hamilton of Shelton and eight grandchildren. Rites Friday For Selma M. Johnson The funeral set*vice for Selma M. Johnson of Route 2 Box 323 will be held at 1 p.m. Friday in the Batstone Funeral Home with burial in Shelton Memorial Park. Mrs. Johnson died Tuesday in the Clinic Hospital. She was born ill Clay County, Minn. July 18, :1889 and moved from there to Ma- son County in 1925. Survivors include her husband Carl A. Johnson, Shelton; one daughter, Mrs. Stanley Gwinnett Shelton; a granddaughter, Miss Jmtice Kay Gwinnett, Shelton; and a sister, Mrs. Jennie Swen- sen, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Simpson Names Field Engineer Appointment of Donald F. Cox 36, as new field engineer for Simp- son Timber Company has been an- nounced by Ken Good, chief plant engineer. A native of Washington, Cox studied engineering at the Uni- versity of Puget Sound and comes to Simpson with several years ex- perience as a field supervisor in construction work. Cox and his wife, Dolores, have three children. : HUGE 18 CU. FT. INSIDE CAPAC- ITY WITH THE OUTSIDE DIMEN- SIGNS OF A 13 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR ;:L¸ ..... ¸" ¸;?¸ , ;/j~'i NEW FOAM INSULATION permits thinner walls! More space inside with smaller outside dimensions. Roomy 27.8 sq. ft. total shelving. Door storage; twin porcelain crimpers. ALL F'ROSTLE$$ forget defrosting! No messy drip pans! SEPARATE FREEZER holds 175 lbs. of food. Giant swingout basket for meats and packages. BonUs "bookshelf" storage in. freezer door. Separate freezer cold control. BIG VALUE ONLY N. 1st • WORK DISPLAYED---One of the more interesting exhibits at the Mason County Fair was this display in the Golden Age Club booth by Lyman Kavan- augh, Shelton, of the tufted sofa pillow covers he makes from yarn. The American Flag at the top of the picture is also made in the same way. Kav- anaugh, a retired construction worker who moved to Shelton from Seattle six years ago, first made the pillow covers about 35 years ago, and then dis- continued it for many years. Since his retirement, (: i he has taken up the hobby again. Most of the Items which were on exhibit at the fair were made since the first of the year. In making the pillow covers, he first stretches the yarn across the frame which he is holding in the picture. Each oorner is then sewn with a 15-pound test nylon cord he gets from a fishing supply store. When the yarn is all sewn, it is cut and fluffed into balls and then at- tached to the pillows. The yarn used is all 100 per cent virgin wool, Kavanaugh said. Mason County will receive $138.- the 27 comities in Washington who 236.25 in Federal Forest Funds this year. it was announced by the U.S. Forest Service this week. This is almost $24.000 more than the $114.590.54 received last year. The money in this county is div- ided equally between the schools and the Comity Highway Del)art- ment. THE COI tNTY Commission has received two ]'eqncsts fr(/m school districts for a share of the school portion. Southside School asked $25,000 to assist in tile construe- tion of a proposed new multi-pur- pose building. Shelton School Ibis. trict did not ask a specific anlonnt, but. asked that it be considered In the division. Mason County ranks 14th among l'eceive a share of the nlolleV Mt. Moriah Lod e F. & A. M. No. 11 Saturday, September 4 Stated Communications Lodge Opens 8 p.m. Lout O. Larson, W.M. Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary 1961 TEMPEST 4-door, Economy with Radio, Heater, & Automatic .......................... $795 1960 RAMBLER WAGON, Rebuilt Motor ............... $495 1958 CHEVROLET 4-door, Sharp ........................... $595 1957 RAMBLER WAGON, Clean ............................. $345 1957 FORD 4-do'or, Clean .......................................... $395 1952 DODGE, New Paint, Runs Good ....................... $395 For A Good Deal See Front & Railroad 426-8183 We Will be closed Labor Day Weekend Sat. --- Su,n. --- Mon. She~ton Announces In Room The Board of Directors of Shel- ton General Hospital announced today that an increase in their room rates has been necessitated by recent ,payroll increases effec- tive Aug. 1. Late last week marked comple- tion of negotiations between the Washington State Registered Nur- ses' Association and the Southwest Washington Hospitals. The terms of the negotiated contract with the Registered Nurses has his- torically been the basis for ad- justments in the wage scale of tho ~other employees in Southwest: Washington hospitals. The overall adjustments in the wages and salaries for all employ- ees at Shelton General necessitat- ed increases in the room rates by' $2 a day mt wards and semi-private rooms and $3 a day on private rooms. This brings a rate stl~c- ture of $23 a day for wards, $25 a day for semi-private rooms and $28 for private rooms. " Cal Hopper, Administrator at Shelton General Hospital, pointed out that these new room rates will still be among the lowest in the state and in Southwest Wash- ington. Three young Grays Harbor area men are being held in Mason County jail on charges of second degree burglary. The three, Leroy Roland, 18; :Norman Hiler, 20, and Edward J. Fox, 19, were charged in Mason County Superior Court Friday in information filed by Prosecuting Attorney Byron McClanahan. War- rants for the three, along with another youth who has not yet been taken into custody, were signed by Judge Robert Hannan, Raymond, who was presiding at the court session. The throe youths were charged with breakiug into cabins owned by ' Donald Swedblom, Charles Hover, Donald Ott and Robert A. Johnson, all in the Mason Lake area. TIIE TRIO were arrested in Ho- ~quiam on charges of gas theft and sentenced there. Mason Coun- ty officers, when finding they were in custody, went to talk to them because of information that one ()f the youths had been seen in the Mason Lake area about the time the bm'glaries were taking place. After being brought to tile Ma- son County Jail, the youths ad- mitted to the burglaries here along with a nuntber in Grays Harbor Pacific and Snohomish County as well: The information provided by the three is expected to lead to further arrests in tile Grays llar- bor area, Sheriff's officers said. The youths were taken to Grays Harbor County jail earlier this week for qnestioning concerning burglaries in th=~t area, officers said, but, have now been returned to Mason County for prosecution. Also signed in Superinr Court Friday wm~ a warrant~ eharging Albert R. Davis, Shelton, with car- nal knowledge Davis voluntarily gave himself up to officers at the Mason County Jail Monday. "k SAVE ON TIRES FOR EVERY CAR ON THE ROAD 1 "k BLACK .WALLS, WHITEWALL TUBELESS, TUBE-TYPE! * CLOSE-OUTS! BUD&'IgT TIRES! * ALL BRAND NEW, ALL FINE ]HIGH-PERFORMANCE TIRESIi , GOODYEAR QUALITY! £LOSIN6 OUT OUR FAMOUS ALL-WEATHER TIRE Black Tubeless Car Price* AS LOW AS ' For'Buick Special, (lids Sizesto fit ....... 6.90 x 13 F-S5 Corvair, Lancer, '~ " Valiafft, Fairlane. ......... practically 7.5o X 14' For Chevrolet, 'Dodge, 7.75 x 14 Ford, Plymouth, Mer. all cars ! 6.o0 x t36.70 x 15 cury, Pontiac, Rambler. twbeless 7.75= 15 Studebaker, Willy=. . Built with ~,,~w,~ . , ta%a 8.ODx 14 For Chrysler, DeSoto, /extra-mileage ==__~ 8~25 x 14 Oldsmobile, Pontiac, 7.10 x 15 Mercuey, al~o mat~ 5ta- Tufsyn and 885 x x5 ,0.., .......... 3-T nylon ! 8. .i i4 Fe< Edse,, OeSoto, 8.55 x 14 Chrysler, Pontiac, I~w. WHITE VALLS- MORE![ 7.,o,,5 ¢ury. ONLY s2.25 8.4 , _ , For Buick Electra, Cadil- .,etust=x ldgte ' 8.0Ot8.2Ox15 Oktsmobile, Pack- 8.85f9.00 X 15 ard, Chrysler, Lincoln. Our BRAND NEW OUR -PRICEI} NYLON TIREI ICED IN PAIRS TO SAVE YOU MONEY! / , GOODYEAR Power Cushion $ mm~ new fire that tames on ' ( all makes of the sew 106.5 earll Nawwrap-arotmdtreed, / mew low profllel Fine=t new- ! PRICES'~rAIUr AT A LOW "~X oar tire you mn buy st my p~ 14tH1TEWALi AT.SIMILAR LOW PRICE ! Goodyear All-Weather --the only low-priced tir~ with extra mileage Tu syn rabbet sad ex- tra-arran8 ~-T.. nylon eordl NEW BLACKWALLS f 6.70 x 15 tube-ty1~e ' t~u= t~ trod 2 otd tlr~. NEW WHITEWALLS I , 6.70 x 15 tube-tyl~e t pkJe tax and 2 old tires ,. )"No Limit" Guacantee! GO NATION.W'DE ~O ~'*O(M~Vg~I~ GUARANIi'Irlr- No Ilmlt oa ,,,onths. No Rmlt On .Re;. NO flmR as tO ~ aS to I~d. For the entWe life of the.treed. • ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED against defectg in workmanship an~ m aterte!s and norms road hazards, except tepp=rable punctures. • IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FAILS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any of more than 8Q,000 G oooyear oeamr~ hn the United Statos and Cannon win make allowance on a new tire based on oriBinal tread depth ~emai~g sad Goodyea(e prmteo '*~tchSnSe t'ri~e" current at the timo of adj~tetme~t, cot on the higher "No Trade-In Price," Brakes FRONT & GROVE SHELTON 19th & PAC. AVE. TACOMA 5th & E. MAIN PUYALLUP Alignment Recapping Truck Tire Service 7,•