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sHEI TON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ-- Published in cCC%rfstmasfown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington
GETS CANCER CRUSADE AWARD---Mrs. J. can Cancer Society at the local unit's meeting
Robert Brooke, Tacoma, and on the far left in Thursday, looks on. Mrs. Brooke is vice president
this Journal photo is shown as she presents a of field organization and a board member of the
state certificate of appreciation to Mrs. Floyd O. Washington Division of the American Cancer So-
Ridout, Shelton, (center) for Mrs. Ridout's ='nots- ciety. Mrs. Ridout served as crusade chairman for
ble assistance in the crusade to conquer cancer." the local unit's April drive, which netted a record
Dick Souliere (right), who was reelected presi-contribution.
dent of the Mason County chapter of the *Ameri-
Too Late To Classify 6 * * * * * *
Fight C racer i = v
old, double c trport, large fenced ! ~aaAA~AH ,iAI|A |
back yard, bu it- n range. Phone I .~iP[ B~'RR~ I
426-8431. M 9/2 tin ' V'F~'~R~VR /VIIV I ,
.................. ,-- on
1959 REX three-bedroom trailer, in- 'Our most effective weapon orial chairman is Mrs. V. T. C -
eludes furn turk blocks oil (*rums ...... " ""
and 'steps, $2,950 or trade tl~ree ag%js~c+ancerlsKn?yl:°geesl~::~ nolly. - " h
bedroom home. Hoodsport area. rn,o. *~,~*~ ~. ...... , ..... r ~ Election of Mason County c ap-
Hoodsport 877-5362. F 9/2 of field organization and a boars ter officers was also taken up at
member of the Washington Dtvi- the meeting. Dick Souliere was
FOR SALE -- 1Oxl3 tent: wltn gag a .......
pole bag. Floored. $60. Used verysign ot me Amerman uancer ~o- returned as president. Mrs. Ridout
little. :[hone 426-3484. K 9/2-9 ciety, told volunteer members of was elected vice president for
~'~A~T~.---'-~.~~ the Mason County chapter of the field organization, Dr. B. B. Fore-
STAUFFER REDIJCI ........ ,~ • ' ' annualman was reelected vice president
.~......~ ..... phn,,. 426-3484 K 9/2-9 ACS at the local umts
......................... - --" ers
.... meeting and election ot o~nc for medical affairs, Betty Mast
1951 FORD Vicioria for sale. Runs ~_~ ,~.+ , ~b was returned as secretary, Mrs.
good. g,)od tires, $125, Phone,426- "~r~ .... .~ w~. "--- ^ cer So W. T. Furlong was chosen for
8553. Inquire ,)17 Ellinor. B 9/2-9 It is tne outy ot tne ~an -
Mrs. Shackleford was again select-
~ I---~H--~OTf.P~INT stove._$'d0. Wo?d CinetYersag:~otu;°:2ucat%dth~eV°e1. another term as treasurer ann
furnace ant a,r (lucts, ~lO0. l~lgnt
finish dining table, six chairs. $100,~ sponsibility of the vohmteers, in ed vice president of field organi-
all good condition. Call 426~312, ,. turn, to convey this message to zation in North Mason County.
~. ~/2-.~ ,the people she said. Mrs. Brooke Two appointments were also made;
~ indicated that two vital factors that of Mrs. Mickey Goodwin as
='~'~= "~'=='~'~ ~ concerned with knowledge are crusade chairman and Mrs. Ed-
~. 3~" time and action. Something can ward H. Faulbert as service chair-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS be done about many cancers if
:IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE they are detected in time, she said.
In thc Matter of tbc Estate of FRED one of the major obstacles the
H. DIEHL, Deceased.
Vincent T. Connolly is the appointed Cancer Society is attempting to
lnd qualified Ext~'utor of said estate, overcome. And, on the poslttve
All persons llaving claims against said side of this effort, while cancer
dceeascd are reqnh'ed to serve the
Same in duplicate, duly verified, on xvas once spoken of in hush-hush
said Executor or his attorney, Roll- terms, it is now almost a dinner
ert L. Snyder at tim address below table
topic "which is very good",
stated, and file the santo with the
Clerk of said Court, togettmr with
proof ef such service, within six
months after the date of first publica-
tion of this notice, or the same will
bc barred.
])ATE of first publication: Septem-
ber 2 1965.
't28 Imurcl Street
Shelton, Washington
Attorney at Law
125V~ N. 5th
Sl~clton, Washington 9/2-9-16 31
SOURCES, Department of Conser-
vaflon, Olympia
Sl~elton, Washington on August 6,
1965, filed application for permit to
divc.rt the public waters of Island
Lake in the amount of .01 second-foot,
subject to existing rights, from April
15 to October 1 each year .[or the
purpose of irrigation (lawn) tnat trio
approxinmtc point of diversion is lo-
cated within Lots 9 and 10, Block 3,
Correction Plat of lsland IJakc Shore..
lands of Section 1, Township 20 N.,
:Range. 4 W. W.M., in Mason County.
Any objections must be accompan-
ied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording
fee and filed w~th the State Super-
via01' of Water Resources within thir-
ty (30) days from Sept. 9, 1965.
Witness my hand and official seal
tl~is 241h day of August, 1965. '
State Supervisor of Water
Resources. 9/2-9 21
S()URCES, Departmcnt of Conserva-
tion, Olympia.
MENT. INC. of Seattle, Washington on
August 3, 1965. filed application for
permit to store the public waters of
an unnamed stream tributary of Ham-
mersley Inlet, in tim amount of 53
~tcre-fcet, subject to existing rights, for
the purnose of recreation that the
huPoundlnK structm~ is located with-
SELISE~ of Section 18. Township
20 N.. Range 2 W. W.M., In Mason
Any objections must be accompan-
by a two dollar ($2,00) recording
fee and filed with the State Supervisor
of Water Resources within Chirty (30)
days from September 2, 1965.
Witness my hand and official seal
this l~Ih. G.daYwALKER°f August, 1965.
State Supervisor of Water
Resources. 8/26 9/2 2t
Mrs. Brooke said.
The Cancer Society attempts
to relay its urgent message at
several different levels including
schools, business and industries,
clubs and the home and family.
And volunteers in the small com-
munity (like Shelton) lare the
grass roots of the Cancer Society,
where personal contact gets the
message across, the field organi-
zation representattvd said.
Mrs. Brovke's short talk to the
group Thursday at the Shelton
Hotel wasn't her only reason for
coming to town. She presented
Mrs. Floyd D. Ridout of the Mason
County unit with a state certifi-
cate of appreciation "for notable
assistance in the crusade to con-
quer cancer." The certificate was
signed by Walter Ricker, M.D.,
president of the Washington Div-
ision of the American Cancer So-
MRS. RIDOUT, who served as
chairman for the local chapter's
April cancer crusade, was com-
mended by Mrs. Brooke as being
one of the outstanding volunteers
in the state. Mrs. Ridout, with
the help of some 200 volunteers
and Mrs. G. G. ShaCkleford; Bel-
fair, who directed North Mason
County activltie~s, raised a local
record of $4,210~ during the coun-
ty's crusade. Ttds figure also in-
cludes a total 0f $869.93 which
came hi throug~ the year-round
Memorial program.
The majority "of crUsade contri-
butions are used for Cancer re-
search and education programs.
The ACS Memorial program is
Intended primarily for people who
have lost close r~latives or friends
to cancer and wi~h to make a con-
tribution to the American Cancer
Society as a livir~g memorial to the
deceased, Such :gifts greatly as-
sist the Society's programs of re-
search, education and service to
cancer patients. Each contribution
is deductable fo~' tax purposes and
~ach is ackno*~ledged. An ap-
propriate memorial card is sent
to the family, the amount of the
gift not indicated. County mem-
Signature 15 Cu. Ft. Upright Freezer
• Magnetic Gasket • Lock & TWO Keys
• lnterior Light • ~wing-out ~asxeu
• Deluxe Interior Trim • Signal Light
Save $40.00 ................................................... NOW $177,00
Holds 725 lbs. of Food.
Save $30.00 .................................................. NOW $209.88
Signature 30 Cu. Ft. Upright Freezer
Holds 1054 lbs. at Certified Zero cold temperature. 4 big Quick
Freeze Shel~es. Interior Light. Magnetic Gasket. Lock & Two
Cut $51.00 .................................................. NOW $288.88
Signature 17 Cu. Ft. Upright or Chest Freezer
Holds 615 lbs. of Food.
Save $32.00 .............. NOW $197.00
Signature 13.5 Cu. Ft;. Combination Refrigerator
2.door --- Completely Frostless. Freezer holds 120 lbs. of food.
Reg. $258.00 ................................................ NOW $21 .
220 N. First
Smith, Reece Speas, Doreen Stans-
bury, D o n a I d Taylor,Tins
Schwartz, Durlene Swann, Brad-
ley Johnson.
The kindergarten class to be
taught by Mrs. Sparks and to be
held in a ~oom in the Grant C.
Angle building is not included in
this list. Mrs. Sparks is arranging
individual conferences with the
parents and the members of her
of Bill and Betty Goodpastor ....
Rule Dickinson of Hoodsport was
responsible for their entertain-
The two young ladies from Am:
erica accompanying the group ano
doing the driving during the tour
are Sonya Anderson of Minnesota
and Diane St. John from New
Sonya's parents, Wally and Han-
nah Anderson, had lived in Hoods-
port 25 years ago before she was
born. Her father held the position
of district ranger while residing
in the community. One of the mo-
tives for coming to Hoodsport was
so Sonya and her friends might
have the opportunity to get ac-
quainted with the country Sonya's
parents had lived in for so many
years yet their daughter had never
had the opportunity of viewing.
EaCh of the foreign young ladles
had a definite view of their tour
and of the United States.
The Carlsbad Caverns and a
mule trip down the Grand Canyon
seemed to be of most interest
to Miss Ryan of East Africa. Ap-
parently it took her quite a bit
of courage to ride a mule to the
bottom of Grand Canyon as she
had sold her ticket for the ride
once before she got up the nerve
to buy it back and mount the
Evergreen S('heol
Mrs. Cox - 9-1l:15 a.m.--Greg
Albrecht, Sherry Barren, Shane
Braz, Kathleen Bushell, Casandra
Carr, Buck Clark, Joan Connolly,
Earl Culpepper, Allen Davis, Junell
Denniston, Becky Goldy, David
Johnson, Wally King, Peggy Lit-
tle, Allison Luhm.
Mrs. Cox 12:30.2:45 p.m.--
Patty Lund, Cindy Phillips, Laurie
Rasmussen, Sheryl Sallee, Richard
Schimschat, Kirk Scoles, Jeanne
Seferos, Floyd Smith, Shawn Sow-
ers, Becky Stein, Tommy Swift,
Sharon VanderWal, Teresa War-
ren, Sam Wright.
Mrs. Snyder- 9-11:15a.m.--A1-
len Browning, Deny Cherry, Doug
Christensen, Cherie Christian, Lisa
Cole, Joseph Coleman, Michael
Commet, Valorie CAtzick, Dennis
Denvaney, Jeffery Hartman, Trudi
Hartman, Kathy Henz, Larry
Hope, Danette Huisingh, Adrian
Mrs. Snyder - 12:30-2:45 p.m.--
Danny Johnson, Kevin Johnson,
Peggy Johnson, Peggy Kane, Kel-
ly Pierson, Brian Poe, Shana
Roach, Roxane Sears, Toby Silva,
Eileen Smith, Richard Smith, San-
dra Smith, Linda Swenson, Duane
Mrs. Wagner - 9-ll:lSa.m.---
Mark Barrett, Vickie Boxdorfer,
Cheryl Cochran, Duane Cooper,
Tim Cress, Gene Combs, Paul Ea-
gle, Glenn Ellingsworth, Darwin
Gallinger, Kristy J:ackstadt, Andy
Medcalf, Roxanna Minish.
Mrs. Wagner - 12:30-2:45 p.m.---
Ruthella Nestell, Tami Nicholson,
Judy Purvis, Dana Schnitzer,
Johnny Scott, Wendy Shelton, Ri-
chard Stidd, David Sweitzer, Mary
Jane Travis, Ronald Williams,
Williams, Floyd Wood.
MORE TRAILER SITES--Helping to soothe the growing pains
this community is feeling is the expansion pictured here at the
Evergreen Trailer Park. Eleven new spaces capable of accom-
modating trailers up to 70 feet long are under construction to
add to the 22 already existing spaces. The Evergreen Trailer
Park, owned by Mrs. Edna Shively, is located opposite the Shel-
The Shelton School Board again
rejected as too high bids on the
repair of the roofs of the Irene
S. Reed Building and the High
School gymnasium at a special
meeting Thursday afternoon.
The one bid received was from
Victor Orlans Roofing Co., Taco-
ma, which has contract for re-
pair of the Mt. View, Bordeaux
and Grant C. Angle buildings. The
company's bid on the two roofs
was $17,800.
On the recommendation of Ar-
chitect William Conklin, Shelton,
the board again rejected the bids,
which they had rejected earlier
also, as being too high. New bids
will be sought to be opened at
8:15 p.m. Sept. 14.
The board voted to award a
contract to furnish the district
with fuel oil to Olympia Oil and
Wood Products Co., Olympia. The
firm was low bidder over Acme
Fuel, Olympia.
The board approved six teach-
ing assignments to complete the
staff for the coming year.
APPROVED were Stella Brown,
Mrs. McArtln, r - 9-11:15a.m.-- half-time home economics in jun-
~arol B~arnes, Vicki Baze, Arian ior high school; Larry Weir, as-
Burkman, Martin Darden, Jennie sistant high school football coach;
Dougherty, Stephanie Feuling, Da- Bernard Dorcy, assistant junior
niel Fitchitt, Todd Fraisure, Gayle high football coach; Robert Them-
James, Christopher McGee, Joel as Daly, school psychologist; Dr.
Manke, Lori Powell. Thomas Rowland, 18 days as pay-
Mrs. McArthur - 12:30-2:45 p.m. chological supervisor and Mrs.
Tamera Ford, Regina Raichart, Barbara Ann arrach first grade.
Daralyne Rice, Janice Simpson Mrs. Tarrach was approved pen-
Terri Spoon, Debbie Stacy, Scott
Debbie Stacy, Scott Townsend,
Mlark Trail, Linda VanderWegen,
Pamela Whitney,' Melinda Zachry,
Lynn Zamzow.
Mrs. Shimek - 9-11:15 a.m.--
Daniel Brown, Kathleen Byrne,
Kim Camera, David ChappeD, Jay
Einarsson, Paul Hunt, Anita La-
Ment, Barbara Lyon, Ella MaN
linger, Herbert Maschner, Andrea
Minor, Greg Sheetz, Scott Ben-'
nett. ~ :' ~
Mrs. Shimek - 12:30-2:45 p.m.--
David Claussen, Larry Claussen,
Debra Coleman, Shannon Duffey,
Kirby Hopper, Diana Knutson, Ro-
ger Krumpols,'Vickie Little, Mar-
gie Morkert, Cynthia Sievert, Kurt
Mrs. Tin(hll - 9-11:15 a.m.--
Betty Ann Anderson, Thomas Bot-
torf, Jon Brownfield, Steven
Chamblin, Patricia ChappeD, Ter-
ry Claussen, Bill Hanna, Michael
Mrs. Tindall - 12:30-2:45---Tru-
dy Lindberg, Mar Losacco, William
Martinel, Brett egg, Wendy Smith,
Steve Swearingen, Terry White,
Charles Wright.
Morning Session:
Mrs. Hamlln's Room - 9 ram.--
Another highlight of her trip
was the night the girls were forced
to sleep in a barn in Iowa due
to the fact that they had no other Roger Ayer, Marie Barrom, Linda
reservations. Apparently this was Blanton, Mark Brewer, Theresa
also the sleeping quarters of the Anne Cormier, Mary Cruikshank,
bits on the farm so the girls were Kathleen Cunningham, Debra
forced to share their beds. Eash, Holly Estvold, Mike Fleteh-
Miss Ryan has been in this er, Debra Frost, Cherie Johnson
country for two years and at the David Johnstone, Colin Kavanek
completion of two more years of Tim McMillin.
college she will return to her Miss Mayor's Room- 9a.m.--
home in East Africa. Paula Anderson, Andrea Arnold
Berit Andersen of Sweden Derald Baze, Dennis Boelk, Brian
claims that the people in her coun- Core, Steven Cowles, Jack Eagle,
try have a poor picture of Amer-John Fowler, Annette Geist, Chris
ica. They seem to think that the Hanson, I~bbie Howard, Mark
Americans are too busy to be Hurst, Kim Joslin, Mike Keyzers,
friendly. Miss Andersen disagrees, Pat Keyzers.
though, and to quote her, "Amer- Mrs. Tarra~h's Room - 9 a.m.--
ica is the friendliest country I Randy Bowlen, Trina Bralley,
have been in." Cheryl Chaplin, , Steven Christy,
Anne Marie Le Fee from •France Jay Conner, Tom Creekpaum, Ber-
said of the United States, "I am nice Emsley, Richard Emsley, Rob-
very impressed by the great var- bie Giles, Erin Gilman, Tanya God-
iety of people and places." Basic- dtng, Joy Nestell.
ally, she seems to think that the The morning session lasts until
American people and the French 11:15 a.m.
people are much alike. Afternoon Session:
"I don't think we stayed long Mrs. Hamlin's Room - 12:30 p.m.--
enough in any one place to really Terri Mirka, Deanie Morrison, Lori
get to know the people," stated ~Noreen, Sylvia Norris, Stanley
Masoko Yamanouchi of Japan. "I Norwood, Traey Pinkerman, Deb-
was very impressed with the beau- bie Putvin, David Reed, Shirley
tiful scenery though." Miss Yama- Robinson, Joey Santamaria, Wal-
nouche has one year of college ly Sewell, Tom Wittenberg, Jeff
left before she returns to her Wolden, Cynthia Wright, Donna
country. Zangl
The girls bid their farewells Miss Mayer's Room- 12:30p.m.
to Hoodsport last Thursday and
~ill to St. Paul Sept. Lane LaMent, Debra Landis, Brian
Martin, Jerry Morris, Larry Nutt,
. Denise Parrish, Richad Salee, Eu-
gene Van Cleave, Kim Wheaten,
Tmnmt Wilson, Tracey Wokojance,
Cindy Woodard.
Mrs. Ta~rrach's Room - 12:30
p.m.---Jerry Hansen, Bob Linn
• Steven Lyons, Patrick Morrow
Darlene Nichols, Matt Smith, Vio-
let Smith, Brenda Stevens, Dar-
vin Taylor, Terri Twiddy, Sandra
Witlson, Morlan Tuller.
The afternoon session lasts until
2:45 p.m.
Two young nten, given deferred ....
sentences in Mason County Su- Tygart's brother, J am e s, were
pertor Court on charges of second charged with burglary in a break-
degree burglary last March, were in at the Pool Nuotare last Feb-
each sentenced to a maximum of ruary. The two pleaded guilty and
15 years in prison in Thurston were given deferred sentences by
County Superior Court on similar Judge Charles Wright. James Ty-
charges this week. gart, Sbelton, pleaded not guilty
i The two, Willis Tygart 24, and ~o the charge and will be tried at
!Alton Russell, 17, pleaded guilty the next jury session in Superior
n Thurston C o unt y Superior Court here.
Court to charges of burglarizing Ty~art and Russell were :rap-
the Centralia Fruit Farms in posed to have returned to Arkan-
which they got about $1,000. They sas after being released from Ms-
were sentenced by Judge Hewitt son County Jail last spring. They
Henry. Tygart gave his address had arrived here from Arkansas
as Shelton. shortly before the incident at the
Tygaxt and Rus~ell, along with Pool Nuotara
ding arrival of the necessary pap-
ers. She is a graduate of Central
Washington ~tate College and has
taken advanced work at the Uni-
versity of Hawaii and ColumbiaI
Unive'rsity. I
Daly is a graduate of the Uni-I
versity of California with a BA[
degree is psychology and has [
taught hz schools in other states. [
He has taken advanced work at[
California State Colleges and art
the University of Washlington. ]
Daly, however, must have one[
year of work ;as a school psyeholo- ]
gist under supervision before he[
can obtain a qualifying certificate [
as a school psychologist in the|
State of Washington. he hiring of|
Dr. Rowland as psychologist sup-]
ervisor on the basis of $900 for 18 ]
days will provide the necessary|
i supervision for Daly for the com-]
ing year.
ton airport and is just three miles from the
Corrections Center. Eleven W.S.C.C. staff member
their homes at the Park now. In addition to the
One/once a year srs we able to offer savings like
.these, Lovely Berkshire Stockings In the newest
fashion colors. All" with the famous NYlore Run
Border at top end ice, Look at the savi._, n0sl
IRegular Price Sale Price 3 Palm
51.85 $1.09 $3.19
$1,50 $1.1 ~ S3.4~
S1,~5 Sl.29 S3.7~
Mrs. Shively also has seven apartment units plus a.
service house with laundry, showers, rest rooms, and
ers apartment.
MOBILE HOME MOVES OUT -- This deluxe feet long), vinyl-covered wall pan~
model trailer house, the seventh to come off the long bedroom vanity and an extra
assembly line at the new Shelton Mobile Homes wardrobe closet. Cost for this del
factory at the airport, was completed and readytoo, said Rowe. Retail price for th
for shipment Monday morning. Shelton Mobile about $9,000, while other models
Homes owner H. O. "Red" Rowe said the deluxe range cost between $6,000 and
model could be considered the "Cadillac" of mobile now has 14 employees at Shelton
homes. Among the many extras on the 12 x 60- said he plans to expand his work
foot unit are divider doors between the kitchen and expects 12 more trailers to be con~
dining room, extra long cabinets, a new ventila- tember.
tion type door, extra large front-room window (8
PRODIGAL --- Lea L%Bissoniere
has retumtcd to the sales staff
at Kimhel Motors Inc. after ltll
abseu('e of sever,%[ years and is
ready again to h'nd his long
experience in the automotive
l'iehl for the henefit of car aud
truck buyers in I)otl~ the new
and used cai~gories at Kimhel's
Members of the Kimbel
got their first look at the new
Chrysler and Plymouth models
in Seattle at a speaial pre-vicw
Tuesday. The new ears were lln-
veiled during ~m origimd Broad-
way-type musical rewm "1966
Swing I,Tp" fe~t.ring a c~tst of
13 singers and darn'ors.
A~vailal)le to you without a doctor's
prescription, our product called Oar,-
nex. You must lose ugly fat or your
money back. Odrincx Is a tiny tablet
and easily swallowed. Get rid of ex-
cess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs
$3,00 and is ,sold on ~his guarantee: If
not satisfied for any reason, Just re-
turn the package to your druggist and
get your full money back. No questions
asked. Odrin~x is sold with this guar-
antee by :
Railroad Aw~nue - Mail Orders Filled
• Attention Fishermen and Early RiserS'
Open 6 a.m, for Breakfast - LuncheO~
• Elec. Elevator Launching - Any Tide
• Bait -- Tackle --- Gas --- Storage
Bob & June Fredrickson owners
On Hood Canal near Potlatch on HwY.
-- Our Specialty -"
We feature SEAFOOD,
Phone 877-9788 --- Take-OUl~
1 ~ Mile South of Union on Beautiful
Open 11 a.m. -10
Featuring: Steaks, Seafoods an
Fried Chicken
Try Our Fabulous Home
Featuring Flavor' cr-~CI
Home Made Pastries and
Open 6 - 10 Dailyj
Courteous Service and GOOO
For ,Orders To Go Call
Dl ii{g- {Ti in-7-TCit-i'l e i
Open 6-10
6-12 Friday &
"--On Highway 1016-miles So'.-of
• Thursday Special -- 8-oz. New Vo¢
Delicious Home Made Pie --
Fresh From Bay ,
• Davey Crocketts for the small frY,
Every Day 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
1934 OlymlJic-Highwa3TNorth on
Special Dinners Daily--- Fried
• Buckwheat Hotcakes Ar
Open Sunday during
Seafood, Chicken, Char-Broiled
Prepared to perfection by our oW"
Cocktails in the Liars' Den Bane
Phone 877-5388 for reservati~"
Open 6-10 p.m. Daily--Closed
Sunday 1-6 p,m.
Located In Hoodsport on 11wy. 101
We Feature 6teaks &
Dancing on The Water
3 nliles West of Beifair on Hood
We Take Pride In
We specialize in a wide variety
Servin g---B rea kfast --
• ~eafoods--- 6teaks---