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• ¢¢ *
• H Lq'ON---MASON COUN'PY TOTTPNAT -- l .bli hM in Chr stmantown, U.&A.', helton,
Weir Appointed To Last Assistant Position
With the appointment of La.rry
Weir to tile third assistant pnsi-
tmn, tlighclihlber vmsity football
coach Jerry Mills had his grid tu-
Loring staff complete this week
and functioning, on all cylinders.
Weir was immediately assigaed
to work with the line, a position
he handled last year witi] Itarold
Wilson, now resigned. Weh' and
Jerry Knutson will be this year's
line coaches with Mills and Jack
'~Vright handling the backs.
Sixty-five aspirants for the 1965
Ilighelimber wu'sity are in their
second week of conditioning now,
on a two-a-day workout sched-
ule this week except for today,
when a single workout is slated
at 4:00 o'clock. Friday's schedule
calls for 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
workouts, then Satnrday evening
at 7:00 o'clock Mills will send his
squad through a game-eondKion
scrimmage. ~
TIIREE TRANSln'EI~S helped ~ ~:~
offset the loss of one B squad
frolu lasL veer ou \vb,,-~
ills was
counting for SOme heft
in his line. Jim k;orst, 21u.-pourm
junior tackle, .~everely cut a foot
with tm axe at llis home and
probably won't be able to play
until 'mid-seasoh at least •while
t11¢ 15-stiteh wound heals.
Bill and Dave Mendenhall, twin
brothers from Sea[tle Prep, shonld
help make up Borst's loss, how-
ever. Bill, 6-3, weighs in at 250
sounds and Dave, 6-1, at 190. Both
are tackles Their addition to the
squad is highly welcome as line
material, while good, was not plan-
The thh'd transfer is sophomore
teve Camper, 5-10, 140-pound
]uarterback candidate from San
Rafael, Calif. He is the son of
helton's new police chief.
AF'rER SATURDAY eveaing's
crimmage the squad will take a
two-day weekend lay-off, then
down for the sotlth Olympic
oree scheduled for Friday,
3apt. 10. This event has been
~hifted from Snnth Kitsap to Bre-
merton's Memorial Field, incident-
and will start at 8:00 o'clock.
Shelton is paired against South
Kitsap iu the opening period and
tgainst East Bremerton in the
~hird period. South and East are
in the second.
Lettermen are rare as junior
flgh football squad members go
but Coach Bill Brickert started
i~t.s')~i{)~5 turnouts Yesterda~- \vith
::hree as a nucleus for this year's
]lazar grid team.
Biggest was Gene Purvis, 191-
)ound tactde. Smallest was Gary
kustir~, 147-pound fullback• May-
)e best wa,~ Chris Close, 6-foot-2,
65 pound quarterback. All three
~arned varsity lettcrs last year
,.s eighth graders.
They were among 36 ninth grad-
rs who drew equipment Wednes-
lay morning. A second equipmcnt-
ssue yesterday afternoon for
dghth graders had 62 sign-ups.
"Brickert's assistants staff was
~ompleted last with the appoint-
ment of Bernie Dorcy to the third
spot. Ldddy Martinson and Gary
Karlberg, newcomers to the Shel-
!.on faculty, had earlier been ap-
pointed to the other two assistant
W L rf ra*
Olympia .................. 17 4 151 65
SHELTON .............. 16 6 187 58
McClcary ................ 13 10 lql104
W.S.C.C ................... 11 11 ]0919].
Ahccdeen ................ 6 ].7 77127
I=htcoda .................... 4 19 77 188
Imst Snnday
()lynll)ia 5-2, Shelton 4-3
W.S.C.C. 5, Aberdeen 2
McUh,aly 9, Bueoda 0' (fft)
Next ~antlay
Shetton at Bucoda
McCleary at WSCC
Olympia at AL, erdeen
......... v. - ..... • ..............
TRICKS OF THE TRADE--Leap-h~og, gridiron derivation, helps
get Highclimber football players in condition.
Trailblazers Benefit
Scrambles Termed
'Very Successful'
Eleven first-place trophies in as
many divisions were awarded at
the Shelton Trailblazers Motor-
cycle Club's Bud Frantdin Kidney
Fund benefit scrambles held last
week at the Masori County Fair.
The Trailblazers, who were
"veFy pleased" with the large
crowd and the resultant overwhel-
ming success of the race. ,were
able to raise a donation of $307
ear-marked for the kidney fund~
from the race. !
FIRST PLACE trophy winners
in their respective, divisions in-
clude: Richie Durward, 50cc; Cliff
Schoening, 90cc A main; Jerry
Robertson, B main; Dan Staley,
C main; Bill Duimck, 250 cc A
main; Sandy Saunders, B main,
Jin{ Newcomb, C main; Rick Mit-
chell, D main; Ken Simons, 500c
B main; Ken Habeck, 650cc A
main; Gerry Powers, B main.
The Trailblazers schedule a
meeting at the fairgrounds Sat~
urday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday club
members and their families will
gather for a picnic.
The next cycle event will be an
endurance run slated sometime in
I Shelhm booled away all huL a en's fly in center and Chuck John
mighty dim title hope hy splitting son dollbled him home.
its Timher League doubleheader In the bottom half, Pete opene
witts Olympia on Loop lPield Sun- with his thi~l hit of the gamt
day. (he was to finish tim day witil 5
The Senators gained a split for for-7 and a season average a,
the day despite craning only one this point of .451), was bunted tc
run of their total of seven in the second by Roy Kimbel and passed-
two Ramcs as they won the ()pen- bailed to third during walks t¢
er, 5-.t, and dropped the niglKcap,Jerry Mallory and Ron Ahlf whicl.
3-2. .filled the bases.
AT Tills POINT Pete broke
The Lc)gger~. on the eontra.rv,off the bag when he thought
came0 all their rims as Olympia
played errorless ballin both Olympia pitcher J. V. Lyman
started his windup but Lyman
games. By coml)ari,~on, theLog- tluew to third and picked him off.
gers committed eight. This started a big lmssle but Urn-
FIVE BOOTS in tim first game pire Jack Stewart ruled Lyman
denied Jerry Mallory a 4-1 suc- had not balked and Pete was ont.
cess and three in the second cost Then Jack .M'~llory struck out t0
Tinl ~ ] '
lx':se a shutout as he gained douse the lqst Logger hope.
vict(ny in his first mound appear- Olympia had taken a 3-0 lead
ancc for the Loggers. with a solo in tile first (the only
Pete Bioomfiehi took the loss earned i'un) on a single, two stof
in the opener. He relieved MaN en bases and a run-seining fly,
lory to pitch the seventh with the and a pair in the third on two er-
score knotted at 4-4 and got the rors, a double and a walk.
first two batters, out. Then Ron The Loggers rallied to take the
Ahlf dropped Warren Levenhag- lead at 4-3 with one in the fourth
, , .
Although King and Itumpy fish-
ing has slowed down. somewhat,
more and]arger Silvers have been
showing in Hood Canal waters
around Hoodsport in recent days.
Shirley Huisingh, a consistent
saimqh-eatcher around Hoodsport,
nabbed the largest reported fish
this week --a 241,/a -pound King
Sumlay. The whopper is a Strop-
sen Salmon Derby entraflt.
Bob F~ederlckson of Hoodsport
Marina checked 1l salmon among
10 fishermen out of the Marina
during the week. Only (me other
sizable King was reported there
during that time---that a 20-0 King
to C. O. Johnson of Bremerton
OTHER SALMON recorded out
of Hoodsport area waters includ-
ed: Herb Fugman, Bremerton, 9-0
Silver; Frank Hughie, Seattle,
BULL NECK COMING UP--Coach Jerry Mill~
WEIR demohstrates how he wants an exercise done which
Grid Po~t deve;ops neck muscles. Resistance by the neck-
owner is 0art of the requiremdnts.
iITl~.~..lll01LOWE, RESTON LE '' " , Y fl'@' 'MS I.'. 9m
! 83 C1 de • .......
AD art y Coots 85 Ra
QUALIFYING RgJUND Don Pauley and Fred Stuller 86 ~ ~e~= --vvR Innt~ nuug :~ ::: ::
Defending e h a m p i o n Sonny Pop Hulbert 87, Larry Lmson. , • ...... ~ • H. i'~i~.:i;: ;i
Wanted for Lowe and Tom Reston playing/Bob Kieburtz Ilarry Cole and ; League unenm s PlOW :~
Y Night in his first clue championship lBob Turner 88 ,to comprise the =- 7,
tournamentL 3ed the qualifying I championship flight f Shelton's 10 women s bowling !:~::! :
L~ a.gLles to~ nd of the annual Shelton Golf t Jim Archer Tetzv Thomnscn ileagues will be opening tlleir 1965- i!~!~:::: ': :
tb Club competition to determine the iDarrell Denniston and Bud Knut- 66 season about September 20 :~;::: :
men's club champion with 18-hole zen 91, Gary Nicloy and Glen at both the Timber Bowl and
cardsof73. !Robertson 94 Bud Pauley and Shelton Recreation.
Qualifying ended Tuesday with i Bob Olson 95, Gene White, Val St- Feminine bowlers interested ill i)
~l~ 32 entrants. Womnament chair-te~a.ko, and Jack Kimbel 97, Billaffiliating with one or more of
man Don Pauley was in the pro- :uJcme 100, Rudy Flaktls 105, Jim the leagues are invited to contact!
'Daytime eess of dividing the field into Hartley 107 and Dan Carl 108 Pauline Archer. secretary of the
fit"his and setting up matches yor to compose the second flight. Women's Bmvling AsPects[ion,
Older thg next round of play as tne Losers in these two flights will426-6689, or either of the bowling
.lournal went to press yesterday, form the first and third flights lanes for information on available
He indicated tourney participants so that four flights will be going openings.
limb` ^ _ would have probably a ~couple of after opening rouud matches haveThere are places still open in
,~ [ ~ Day weeks to play their next matches:~ been completed. In all but tl~emost of the leagues, including
r The 32-man field will be sPli~ championship flight 85 percen~some of the mixed circuits, but
I~dh, _, , into championship and ..secon.~handicap will be allowed, thoseinterested should act soon
'vm(lais fU~,hts Psulev said with the spn~ , , , whilethese openings do exist,
t° 'nlation coming at 88 sttokcs, whmh n:ea~ MIXED TWO-BALLfl)I¢AWS IVIrs. Archer pointed out.
V~ ~O1 ;, , H]cre will be 17 in the titm x-g ANOTHER FINE CROIVD ...............
ta(,t :~nd 15 in the low,er flight due to Forty-six participants enjove't, s sometl'e monthlYcompetitionmiXedandtWO.ballpothmkfour'dm. ~~li0,~ Keglers
This is how the nualifying score.
lOW1 w,,.,t" S(,n ,v T~o'.,',~ a,,'~ m,,m ,-~-
- - ............. l 'net at the Sbelfon Golf Club last Ts g ,ad ffednesd v
~il t,u~ 78 Bob Coots and Helme rH1 - Thursday evening. ' " an Shelton Recreation Len~ue boWl-
426,8452 81. Ivan Myers ~2, ~uv. The September duplicate n2.;, tng will start next ~Vednesda.y,
• P,"c :with, Joe Holt and Jack ~te - heen scheduled for Sunday, the .zu Sept. 8, at lhe ShOhm R.ecrenHn;~,
~.2;2~ ~ ........ i .......... with tee-off at 4:30 p.m., chmr- it. w'ts announced by loop sccre-
men Bob anti Betty Olson an- tarv Alice Longaere. .
ilo~'~" cad. , .
Prize winners at last week ,'; Scheduled fro: 7 p.m. action Wed-
play were: Helen Rice and Bud nesday are Ritner's Pink Ladies
: NOTICE Pauley tied witi] Dot lVillour ":me m lane one Ol.~en's Furniture on
Rocky Hembroff with 42 for lOW lane two Thm'ston County Bev-
~-'~o.e on 'lane three and Clary and
gross; Jean Ntcloy and Bob Olson Clary on lane fonr. ' "
i with 33 for low net, Gladine BofA( 9 o.m. Wednesday Rainier
ck and Jim McComb second .at
33V2; Joan McComb and Ray yv~th Beer Will bc on one, Lm~ake's Ser-
i 1 Bowling League w i,o ooo, at 14; ,three and Shclton Rec;'eation on
. . ~f~dfO~ fewest putts, June Diclde vlee on two LUCky Imgei~ Bee," on
~l;'-~l'iIane ~enevhitc and lint. Willour for I lane fo,,r.
Sept- 13, 7:30 P.M. gross at 64 L,,cille
• and Darrell Denniston second 2 aL the ShelLon Golf Club last
~ 4
2'pla~P ~nf rmme~ ;iili i~ho~t
Mr. and Mrs Glen Sowers and from an estrimated i15 yards out
Mr and Mrs Clyde Blown were snd the second time he ba ed
guests for the evening, ia,birdie three by chipping in fgtgom
, . , atmut 40 fee
; [ It " "t t(1) the right.
JIM. FEEI,S FEATltERS "d[ ...e _was playing in a f(mrsome
Jm~ A~ chelwishes he COlU xvil:n Hat ~ r Petm ¢
I " " '~ ' - I nd "'3 • • "son, Bill Dicl ie
play all holes like he played No. a Rudy Flakus.
Members and New Teams
m singles by Kinlhel and Jerry
~Iallmy, Kirnhel's steal of thit(:l
nd Atflf's fly; and a trio in the
'ifth on Terry Kadotm's walk,
31cornfield's rbi dou1~le, a walk
.o Kimbel and Ahlf's triple.
OLYMPIA TiED it wiLh a gift
narker in the sixth scored on
Hallory's w~ld pitch after a single,
tossed ball and steal of third.
The Loggms won the nightcap
n the first inning', Scoring all
:heir runs on singles by Bloom-
:laid and Kimbel, Jerry Mallory's
riple and Jack Mallory's samqfice.
A single followed by two errors
wesented Oiympta with a run In
he second and an error followed
,y a double dittoed in the third.
~rom thdre on botl~ pitchers bar-
ed the door and tim Logger de-
fenses tightened up to commit no
acre miscues.
An Olympia ramner was nailed
~t the plate with the potential ty-
ug run iia the fifth trying to score
on Warren Levenhagen's- double
und another Sehator was doubled
off third with one out on a line
hive to shortstop Ray Manke.
ONLY LOGOER threats afLer
Lhe first were Manke,s two-out
triple in the fourth and'Ahlf~s
walk foBowed by Jack ,M~!lory's
single with two out in the sixth.
Sheltoh and Olympia:each have
two regnlar sea,~on games to go--
IN MASON cOUNTY Shelton at Buedda and Aberdeen,
Olympia at ABerdeen and Mc-
Cleary--but Olympia has make-
up games Wtth I~0th ~heltofl arid
Cot, actions Center.
7-0 Blackmouttu Mort Adams, 9~I Sunday's box scores:
Sih, er; Mel Whitaker, Seattle, Olympia ab r h[,~lheiton ab r. h
10~ Silver; 'F. Neau, 4-0 Black. Jaquei3b 4 1 l[l]hnfld3b-p 4 1 3
mouth; D. grote, 8% Silver; Cur- Mrtnleh If 4 0 0]Kimbel 2b-ss 2 2 1
ly, Donovan, 1.2-0 and 8V~ Silvel's O.,Tohns'on rf 3 1 0[,l~Mall~-y pdf 3 0 1
and Lena, "Cilte~, Tahuya, 11~,~ Lvnimgen 2b 4 2 1JAhlfcf 2 0 1
King. C.Johnson c4 0 213kMallry e4 0 ()
Three salmon were brought in to Harness lb 3 1 2] Manke ss-3b 2 0 0
Wingard's Sport Shop. Archie (Hlchrist ss 3 0 11Temple lb 3 0 1
Wright had a 3-5 King and Paul Peters ef 3 0 1]Snyder rf 3 0 0
Arrhstrong tbok a 7-2 Humpy and Lyman p 0 0 0[ Kad0ufi lf-~b 2 1 1
7-15 King. , Totals , 27 5 8[ Totals 25 4 8
Xferle's Sporting Goods reported SCORE ~!" INNINGR
two fish, =a 4 t/2 Silver. and a 4~,/,
Blaekmouth taken by ~lohn Nicl~'- Olympia ........................ 1 0 ~ 0 0 i i--5
ols of Seattle and a 10-0 fish to
Les Todd.
In freshwatcr action, good-sized
Silver trout ar.e still bein~ taken
at Sui;amit Lake in Thurston
Cmmty while Silver fishing has
picked up some in Lake Cush-
tn~n. Perry~;mkles 'ate
a good
bait bet at' Summit while anglers
must go deep for their catches at
Those shoLgun blasts you heard
y~sterd.ay and. today probably were
intended for legal game. The 1965
band-tailed pigeon and mourning
dove sea~son 'opened Wcdnesday
md will run to the end of Septem-
Bag limit f0r doves is 12 pcr day
with .24 birds allowed in a per-
son's possession at any one time.
Ttie pigeon bag' limit is 8 per day
with 8 in 13osses§ion.
Shooting hours this season are
one-half hour before sunrise to
hits .................. 3 1 11 0 1. 1--8
Shelton ........................ 0 0 01 3 00---4
hits .................... 1 0 12 2 11--8
SUMM~RY: 3b-Ahlf. 2b-Bloomfield,
Temple. l_.evenhagen, O. Johnson. SH-
Kimbel. Ahl{, Le~'enbagen. SB-Kim-
bel. Jerry Mallory, Manke. Jaquet 2,
I'I:erness. Gilchrest, Peters. E-Ahlf,
Manke, Temple. Snyder. Kadoun, RBI-
Ahlf 3, Bloomfield, Levenhagon 2,
C. Johnson, Peters• RRF-Mallory 1,
Bloonffield 0, Lynmn 4, Loser-Bloom-
field• SO-Mallory 3, Bloomfield 1,
Lyman 6, BB-Mallory 3, Lyman 4.
WP-Mallory L PB-Mallory 2. HA-
• G. Johnson by Mallory LOB-Shel-
tort 7, Olympia 7.
Olympia al, r hIShelton
Jaquet 3b 4 0 0[ Bhnfld 3b
Mrtnlchj) 3 1 0i Kimbel 2b -
G.Johns0n rf 3 0 2]Jr Malh, y cf
Lvnhagen 2b 3 2 liAhlf c
C.Johnson c 3 0 1]Jk Malh'y If
Ross lb 2 0 0[Manke ss
Gilehrest 2b ] 0 01 Teml)le lb
Kranz ef 3 0 11 Myers rf
Peters If 3 0
Late For
Over ~n
Del West and Al Burnett pool-
ed their pitching talents for a
5-2 Corrections Center victory
over Abe,deen in Tinlher Leag'uc
ha~cball action Sundav whioh
~ltretcl~ed Bob Sm~d's record to
9-out-of-l.0 .mmcesses in league
Jlay since he took over the In-
mate coaching reins.
Victory enme late, the ~enter
scoring four rluls in the last
three inninK~ to pnll it out after
Aberdeen tied it ul) at 2-2 in the
Burnett ~'ot c r e d i t for the
p!tchlng victory after re!ieving
West in the s~xth. We~t pitched
2-hit ball durirtg" h~ tenure and
was nicked for a run inthe fourth
0n a vcalk, infield out, ~tolen base
and single.
the seventh 3n a single an~ two
doubles, the second of which was
tt pop fly on which the base run-
tiers had to hold up until it drop-
ped between three fielders•
Burnett hammered ~home the
game's first run in the opening
frame with a triple to leftcentej"
after Dave Barr had walked. Barr
drew another base on b~lls in the
sixth to drive in the ,second run,
tile sacks being jammed at the
moment after Troy Phmt's walk
and singles by ,lak~ Pot~et and
Bob Ward.
eline the winning run ~ the .,~ev-
elith when he walked, stole a~d
finished n~ on Htmt's 2-sack
blast. Hunt .later was ~tpped trv'
ing to steal home but Poteet g~)t
a. life on an infield boot, stole and
scored on WaP~l's sin~'h..
The tidal Inmate tally checked
In when Scott wali~ed in the
etgl)th, moved to third on Bur-
.flails single and a steal, then
scored On Di~k Pert'son's sacri-
fice fly.
Next Sunday McCleary visits
the Correctkms ,Center.
The box scor0:
Aberdeen ~b 1~ Ii I~'.,~.C.C.ab r h
T,Snfrd lf-ss 3 0 0 Bart" 2b-3b 3 1 ()
Tomson s~ 2 ,0 0[ Williams m , S 0 0I
Lle¢te,~ p-If 3 0 llWarren ss
D.Herman If 1 0 0= Scott ('.
1 0 0
4,~. 0
4 ,0 (l
4 1 2
'3 0 1
Hathaway 2b 5 (} 1'~ Burnett 3h-p
J.I~erman It) 3 1 l{Perrson ef
Porter ef-p ,q 0 11 Hunt lb
Foshatlg mS-p- I Poleet If
ef 4 0 0[ Hood rf
R[ghtmire 3b ,2 0 1[Ward rf
S.Sanford e 4 t 1[ Was! I)-21:)
I-Iansen rf 2 0 0~, Totals
WdS/br6ok ai" 2 0 11
ai, r It]Totals 35 2 7I
3 1 IAberdeen .............. 0 0 (! 1 0 01' 0 0--.2
3 1 1hits .............. 0 I 01 0 13 1 0,~-7
2 0 0W,S,C,C ............... 1 0 00 0 12 1 ~-~-tf
2 C 1hits .............. 1 1 01 0 23 i x--$
8 0 1 SUMMARY: 3b-Burnett. 2b-Hunt,
2 0 0IAedes, Westbrook. H-Perrson. RIII-
2 0 0Barr, Burnett, Perrson, thmt. Wm'(t,
.sL!p.set. , . ~
Nimrods may open fire on Blue
Ruffed : and - Spruce .(Franklin)
Grouse Saturday~ Sept. 11, in all
counties in the state. The grouse
season runs to Nov. 21.
Hunters will be allowed a bag
limit of three grouse per day or a
total of nine in possession at any
one time with a straight or mixed
One-half hour before sunrise to
stinset are the legal hunting hours.
Persons intending to apply for
any of the 1965 controlled dam
huntsmust have their applications
for a permit in to the Game De-
partment by Sept. 9 at 4:30 p,m.
Those hunters interested in the
controlled elk hunts have until
sept. 23 "at 4.:30 p.m, to submit
permit applications to the Came
Depsrtment, Olympia office or any
Department district office.
~Rose p 2 0 0
Totals 26 2 T~tali*~ '~1~ 3 8
Olympia ...................... 0 1 10 0 00---2
hits .................... 0 2 I0 2 01--6
Shelhm ........................ 3 0 00 0 0x--3
hit,~ .................... 3 0 1"1 0 1 x---8
SUMMARY: 3b-Jort'y Mallory, Manke,
2b-Cl, JQhnson, I,eveIfllag'en, SH-Jack
Mallory, Gilchrest. RBI-Jerry Mallory
g. Jack Malh)ry, G. Johnson, E-Bloom-
field, Jerry Mallory, Ahlf. RRlV-lRose
0, Martinoltci~ 3. SO-Rose 3, Martln-
olieh 5. BB-R(,se 2, Martinolieh : 1:
"DP-Mtilike to Bloomfield. Levenhagen
to Gllehrestto Rosa. LOB-Olympia
i, Shelton 3. " ....
Make YourOld Jewelry New ain
If You Have Any Gold Jewelry That Has an
AVerage Small Size i iam0nd Missing We Will
ReplaCe Thins fflall Diamond for Only $5.00.
Beautiful Rainbow
All 14 KT. Solid Gold
H E $22,50 .... HIS $24.50
"ROBU BAHA" SCORES--Robu Baha, a six-year-end Arabian
stallion belonging ~oMr. and Mrs. Virgil Martinell, Shelton, took
two top' honors in the All-Arabian [-Iorse Show at Greenacres in
Olympia Sund~ly. Robu Baha was first place winner in the four-
year-old and older halter classes and was named Grand Cham-
pion Stallion., The Sunday event was,Robu B~ha's first show
this year. Entries of Mr. and Mrs, Jamee Taylor, ~hel{on, won
four places in the Sunday ~ompetitlon in Olympia. Tt~elr "J, B.
Koptin" was second in the halter class for three-year-old Arabian
colts; another second wefit to their "Libras Lady Me{l" In year-.
ling purebred competition; "Sea-Horse Fury" got fourth in the
gelding halter class and; the Taylor's "Libra" was fifth in four-
year-old halter class for mares competition.
' ;" '" ' ": ' 2' '. "2 )"'. " " " , ,.., .