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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1965
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2, 1965 tER XL SAW job, for amateur, with :L. Weighs oz., less ~)ut fells feet in di- "softwood in ,Uconds. + Have a free demonstration $11.96 value the Worm HILLCREST O Montcl'r Rayonier Promoles Industrial Relation Man Lt. Tur- :u. In. 250 HP " Drive -Mer- rtesy light 5 4 pr, White Brakes, Radio and Retract- ts, Padded Washers & NOW ,21 HOQUIAM -- The promotion of Jerome D. Gregoire to the position of Assistant Manager of the Northwest Industrial Relations Di- vision of Rayonier Incorporated was announced today by Fred I. Bradshaw, manager of the North- west Industrial Relations Division at Hoquiam. Gregoire began his new duties Sept. 1. His office will be in Ho- quiam. In his new assignment, Gregoire will be concerned with all phases of Industria Relations in Rayon- Jar's Northwest operations. In ad- dition, he will continue to direct tile Company's Northwest public affair~] and community relations activities. Since 1959, Gregoire has been Northwest Public Relations Rep- resentative for Rayonier. A native of Portland, Ore., Gregoire is a ~ graduate of the University of Port- land and the Harvard Graduate School of Business where he re- ceived his M.B.A. in 1955 at which time he joined Rayonier. SttELTON--MASON COT_rNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chrd trnastown, U.K')I.", Shelton, Washington Christian Science Services Are Set The concept of man as made "in the image of God" will be present- ed in the Bible Lesson-Sermon at all Christian Science services this Sunday. The subject is "Man." The following passage from the Christian Science textbook by Mary Baker Eddy will be includ- ed: "There is but one creator and one creation. This creation con- sists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities, which are embraced in the infinite Mind and forever reflected. These ideas range from the infinitesimal to infinity, and the highest ideas are the sons and daughters of God" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 502). The Golden Text is from Daniel in the Old Testament: "O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong." It is easy to deceive one's self without perceiving it, as it is dif- ficult to deceive others without their finding it out. --La Rochefoucauld Quickly • Courteously @ Confidentially For, Vacations, Emergencies, You Name It Why Go Out Of Town? Try Us For $50 And Up! on Salary, Furniture, Personal Property 105 Railroad Avenue • Shelton Hotel Building Galaxie 500 4 dr. sedan, black, 352 cu. in. 250 HP engine, Cruise-o- marie transmission, Courte- sy light group, 735x15 White side walls, Decor group, Power steering, Radio and rear seat speaker, Tinted windshield, padded dash and Visibility group. Was $3535.55 NOW Country Sedan Green, Station Wagon 4 dr., Yel- engine, low, 289 cu. in. 200 HP en- nsmission, gins, Cruise-o-marie trans- 775 x 15 mission, Power steering, Ra- Power die, Tinted windshield, 2 tkes, Ra- speed w I p • r s, windshield ,lts, Tint- washers, padded dash and ded dash back-up lights. NOW Was $3467.85 NOW I)ASI Country Sedan Qr Station Wagon, 4 dr., White, tle'a'l'qaN 352 ou. in. 250 H P engine, Cruise-o-matic transmission, Courtesy light group, 815 x 15 White Side Walls, Eleo- ~X'L tric tailgate window, Power steering, Radio, and Wheel covers. +rgundy, Was $3603.70 NOW "If engine, ~l~ ~missJon, of, Courte- Country Sedan Station Wagon 4 dr, Red, 289 cu. in. 200 HP engine, Cruise-o.matic transmission, Courtesy light group, 815 x 15 White Side Walls, Power Steering, Radio and Visibil- ity group. steer- 735 x 15 and r, Deluxe ;d wind- and vis- Now SO0 Blue, 352 engine, I, ~, 735 x Decor ng, Pew- and rear lied wind- =h and vis- Now Was $3495.18 NOW Bill Johnson Dick Robinson I With Mrs. I wto During 2 ½-Months In Europe | (Installment two of Mrs, Flo- renec Lawton's trip to Europe May 9-July 20 this year). $ * $ May 13 Lisbon, Portugal Today we began an all-day tour of Portugal. After leaving Lisbon we passed a beautiful 1~esidential area and then into farming districts. Every spot of arable planted to something. Even the hills are planted clear to the top, and it is a very rugged country. There will be fields of grapes, then grain, some green, some ripening, wheat, oats, rye. Then acres and acres of olive trees, small potato fields and patches of cabbages and corn. Not a speck of tillable soil is wasted. And always a spot for flowers. "~Ve came to a small fishing vil- lage, Nazare on ~a beautiful half- moon sandy beach covered with boats of all sizes and colors. The people here have their own style of dress. The women wear seven petticoats and the men plaid pants and black berets. TEAMS OF OXEN were on the beach here and there to pull in the heavy seines of fish. Leaving Nazare we passed through forests of eucalyptus trees and small pine. They were log- ging, taking only the larger trees and reforesting as they went--per- petual yield. The trees were about the size of our telephone poles. The smell of eucalyptus and pine was wonderful. We passed through forests of cork trees, Portugal supplies half the world's cork. The cork bark is peeled from the trunk and lar- ger branches for several feet at a time and is taken only once in approximately 10 years, when it will be ready to harvest again. The climax of this day's trip was a visit to Fatima, where there is a Catholic Shrine second only to tile one in Lourdes, France. But this is much more recent, built in 1917. The highway was crowded with a steady stream of busses, cars, and every other means of transportation. This had been go- ing on for days as pilgrimages to / i¸¸•' • : ~i~¸ / !, , • i• : ? PAGE 7 II CAN SS CHANGES (Editor's Not4 : This is the 4th of a series of (.oh,mns hy C. A. Skinner, soei',d seenrlty distrie.t nl=anagcr ill Olympia, telling what the soci:fl security llln{~lld- ments of 1965 mean to you and your family). Young people who receive soc- ial security benefits as the chiht- ren of retired, disabled, or (te- l:eased workers and who have not finished their education by the time they reach 18 can contimm to receive paymeut until they finisl~ school or reach age 22 as a result of ,a change in the law, Former beneficiaries whose ben- efits stopped when they reached age 18 and who are not: yet 22 can have their benefits started again if they are attending school full time. These students will be required to file new applications for benefits. Retroactive payment can be made for months in which a student was attending school full t=me as far back as January 1965. Anyone between 18 and 22 whose parent has retired, died, or became disabled, should ask at the social security office whether he can get benefits. BENEFITS CAN continue to be paid during a vacation of up to four months if the person will be returning to school right a~ter the vacation. The change applies to students who take full-time vocational courses and those still in high school full time as well as to those going to colleges and universities full time. Under this provision, a mother is not eligible for benefits on the basisof having in her care a childwho is receiving benefits after18 because he is attending school full time. Anyone who has ,a question about this or any other provision of the social security law is in- vited to write or phone the Olym- pia district office, 1007 South Washington. Enroll Now for Music Lessons GUITAR Mr. Dale Evans The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to pro- fess courage and act accordingly. ---Corra Harris Union City Lodge F. & A. M. No. 27 Stated Communications Lodge Opens 7:30 p.m, Visitors Welcome James Reader, W. M. Gordon E. Stolz, Secretary 2nd Thursday Monthly FROM HEALTH SERVICES Why is America the health- lest nation in the world? There are many reasons, but here are two of the most im- portant : With only about 6% of the world's population, the Unit- ed States has approximately 28¢~ of the world's trained physicians I And, we have a b o u t one- fouz%h of all the world's phar- macies! This m e a, n s that health services and products are more available to Americans than in any other major country on earth. In each of this country's 55,- 000 pharmacies you find: Personalized service. Y o 11 r neighborhood p h a r m a c i s t counts on your patronage just as you e 6 u n t on him for prompt, c a r c f u 1 attention to your needs. Full line of products. Every pharmacist s t o c k s thousands of products to take care of emergencies as well as contin- uing needs. But the number of phamna- cists is important by itself. It means that nearly every Am- erican is no further than a few minutes away from the medi- cation he needs, wlmn he needs Galaxie 500 2-door Hardtop, Lt. Tan 6-cyl. engine, Cruise-o-Mat- ic t r a n s m i ssion, 7:35x15 White side walls, Decor Trim Group, Power Steer- ing, Radio, Padded Dash and Visibility group. Was $3200.04 NOW Galaxie LTD 2.door 14ardtop, Dark Green 289 Cu. In., 200 H.P. En- gine, Cruise-o-Marie trans- mission, C o u r t e s y Lamp group, 7:35x15 White side walls, Power Steering, Ra- dio & Padded Dash. Was $3554.02 NOW I@ Thunderbird 2 dr. Hardtop, Lt. Beige, 390 cu. in. 300 HP engine, Pow- er Brakes, Power Steering, Cruise-o-matic transmission, Padded Dash, Wheel Covers, Safety Convenience Control Panel, 8:15 x 15 White Side Walls and Red Band Tires, Radio and Rear Seat Speak- er, Tinted Glass and Fender Skirts. Was $4863.50 NOW Fairlane 500 Cp. Country Sedan Station Wagon, 4-door, Dark Blue, 352 Cu. In. 250 H.P. Engine, Cruise-o.Matic transmission, Courtesy Lamp group, 8:15x15 White side walls, Electric tailgate, window, Power Steering, Radio, Tinted Windshield, 2- Speed Wiper, Windshield Washers, Padded Dash & Wheel Covers. Was $3662.67 NOW Mere. Montry. Blue 4-Door Sedan, 390 Cu. in. 266 H.P. Engine, Multi- Drive Mere-o-Mat(c, Cour- tesy Lamp group, Electric Clock, 8:15x15 White side walls, Decor group, Power Steering, Radio, Deluxe Seat Belts, Tinted Windshield, In- terval Selector wipers, Windshield Washers, Padded Dash & Visibility group. Was $3638.36 NOW I Allan £inarsson Bob Wolden 2-Door Hardtop, 289 cu. iM. 200 HP engine, B u c k • t Seats, Cruise-o.matic trans- mission, 6:95 x 14 White Side Walls, Power Steering, Radio, Tinted Windshield, Padded Dash and Visibility Group. Was $3165.77 NOW MAGIC MADRID--Mrs. Law- ton alights from her plane in. Madrid, Spain, after flight from Fatima take place on the 13th of every month, but on May, 13 and October 13 there are spectacular processions and outdoor ceremon- ies. People camped everywhere and all the inns were crowded to over, flowing.. LEA~ING FATIMA, we return- ed to L'isb0n by another r~te. The land here for miles was very. rocky. There were more brick fcnc- es approxima£eIy two feet wide by four feet high than there were gardens. Imagine picking rocks• and making fences to find a tiny garden patch. And this went on for miles. May 14 Madrid, Spain Left Lisbon this afternoon for Madrid. Like Portugal, they are ?'avtng an unusually hot May here and hotels are already clx)wded with tourists. * * $ May ]5 Madrid, Spain At 9 a.m. today we began our seven-day Andalucia tour by mo- tor coach, staying overnight at Granada. We spent all day sight- seeing. The Alhambra is considered the most beautiful building in the world and rm sure it is. We saw the spot where Queen Isabella signed the papers giving Christo- pher Columbus permission to sail on his voyage to discover America. It was here that Washington Irv- ing wrote his 'Tales of Allmmbra' when he was ambassador to Spain before I was born. These buildings are the most gorgeous things I have ever seen. It seems nothing could be more magnificent (until we saw the next one) . . . the Arabian Towers, the palace of Mere, Montry. Charles V and the wonderful for- real gardens, the cathedral and 4 dr. sedan, Ocean Tur- monastery which is now a museum quoise, 390 cu. n. 250 HP with enormous doors which took engine, Multi-Drive Mere- 30 years to calve and are inlaid o-Mat(c, Courtesy Lt. Group, with tortoise shell, silver and bits 8:15 x 15 White Side Walls, of precious woods. Decor group, Power Storing, , , , Radio, Deluxe Seat Belts, May 17 Tinted Windshield, Internal Selector Wipers, Windshield AFTER BREAKFAST we con- Washers, Padded Dash, V s- tinued to Malaga, then lunch at ibility groupand Deluxe Torremolinos and on to Marbella Wheel Covers. and the Hotel Don Pepe for the Was $3571.23 NOW night. I believe it is the most lux- urious so far. As we left we could see the outline of Gibraltar in the distance. May 18 We drove miles and miles along 65 TRUCKS this beautiful Mediteranean coast. The farming country grows more prosperous each mile large wheat farms, tobacco fieids, corn, thousands of olive trees, and euca- lyptus and pine. Lunched at Alge- ciras, where we passed by Gib- raltar and could easily see the shores of Africa across the water. We passed through large cattle ta~ches, I suppose where nmst of the bulls are raised for the bull fights, Bull fights take place ev- ery Sunday in all the large cities and approximately six bulls are killed each performance. WE PASSED one place where canals were built to let salt water run iu from the ocean. It is dried in the sun and the salt left. is re- fined and sold commercially. Also, they are drilling for oil along coast. This evening we arrived at our mtel in Seville, the Alphonzo XIII. I'm out of descriptive adje-Ctives so let's just say this is "IT". Pa- tios, galeries covered with marve- lous tile work, arn~ chair used by H; ~ Alfoll=o ~ when 8Lipl- ACCORDION John Halvorsen PIANO Mrs. Gallinger 205W. Cots 426-4302 Pt'esetltz Thel J iggest Watch Va_ue of the Year 426-3283 Ranchero F-250 Green & White F-IO0 Turquoise Econoline Van I Lisbon, Portugal, on an early leg of her 2~z-month European trip. $ $ ing at the inaug~n'ation of this hotel to which he gave his name. These roads are not as smooth :as ours at home and 10 times as crooked. One can't really nap be- cause it is important to watch and see. how the driver is going to come out. However, I will say FVe not seen an accident or anyone hurt 'so far. Wonderful drivers! (to be continued) Jewelry • 502 W, Franklin Easy Credit Terms it. And, for most Americans, it means that he has a choice of pharmacies to patronize. We h o p e you'll give our pharmacy the chance to serve you. Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.-- 426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays --- 9:30 - 6:00 I m The Beckwith • oo+, .. £og o. • At-/°°rIper VV +.... v-. • tainles oa'=rproof "" ewel reel Case • ,, Move ' rade _ ullbl'eak~L, tt(~llt • Full h Ute Mains tit ' -_ Y S.. proof P }g All "/'hese Dell xe b~e_ttO,es: UncondibonalV+" s for 30 Coil]Pare Wonths With $45 • $50 Value $27.50