September 2, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 2, 1965 |
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PAGE $ COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in tmas¢oum
I , I r I Ji i " , \Vhoever is
i a _'1'1 | II I | ", I H! II II [must be ,vr,
I l II , I ' I "' " ' r"--'"
I 1 P f II" "" gl I I't
I:~1. IS ROLL'ILITI TO mA~E. /-- ~l I By. Mru. Ray. Krateha [construct. a multi-purpose build, = BY DORA HEARING Rossmaier ..... and girls, of ,Shelton
II i[[Mr Clifford Ford ]I , ", I[ He camefinal!Ythrough just free and isI]AUg.b Matlockthe [ Nancy. [[|~'~| DIAIo_t anYting for
1"l'IE'' ~T~ i] ~V-~l SOUTHSIDE -- Directors of ing'whmh.w°uldc°stabout$65,'l ||,. ] M~',O~,,--.~.O,.h~,~.+l+t~, w,,~ ~,'. + ~,'.. ,,o;
r_~. II ~|VlSouthside School District at a I000 accoraing to the architect'sI l' l| tCockburn, daughter of Mr and ICochran anti family of East Olym- I1 --"-~-
~ "-t~ ~'~ ~.~ 1.4" By Jes.~le Tupl)er - I special meeting hetd Thursday estimates• ........ • w Mrs Ri('hard Cockburn ( f Sin t)- Pia- " " D I A I/I q
• evenin decide .... By Mahel Khhl
--h:;> L~ ;/,~..~-f"~/'~)/~ I ~^Tz~ ~,TA~nXrA~,~ .... .~..1 . g ~ d to submit to the[ The amount.of Federal ForestJ r~vmc~:~ ~;1.. A..,1 ...... Isons Sahnon Hatelaery, completed Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl, |
/lfl i'(" ~ [~ .m[~ ~L~2 I1~.,~ .... ~.t'~:' ......... ~.--. ~mu.T[voters of the district, two propo-IFnnds received by the District/ ~,'~2".~'" -U.2"""~ .~"X~'T",leight weeks of t)asie military IPortmau were Thm'sday dinner
V'~.~./f {~--'-~/~*-~-" [[~3°rheZ~tr°lee,n, :'~l~U;~[~gha~[sitions at the General Electtonlwould greatly redl~ce or elimlnate/S°n °,~ ~l}.ano ~v~rs:Jonn Anocr-[training at the Womens Army[glwsts (;f Mr and Mi's. L D ~¢~
~. .~ L-.A ~_..--Amue~ II ~ " " "~ ~' : v" / November 2 'the need ^~ ~ ..... ":~- "^ ,, /son, nacl tile InlSlOrtune tO Da(:lly/co1 ..... Cell+... r,~..., a,+..r,~^..... .~-' Ip~.rt ...... o4' °h-~*"" i ~',.~
pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. AI n Olson, Pro osltion No 1 would auth He e er " cut a foot on glass on Wednesday ..... ) •
............................... p .... w v, th,s amo.nt will not ,,e ............. ,.,, Wh,ie tra,,.ng ti,ele l,e RAD St,oil,. ,s
I~ ~ ~- ~ II ~,~X~'a~eu .~r ~[, y:~i..~ay .~?2h[ orize the lsstmnce by the District known in time for the Nov 2]°~ last weeK. ~uc~m~" zor n~m, ju:Stiwas selected as a squad leader L spending a couple days at, tim R [ ~~
~_.~--J~----~ ~.~ |1 ¢...""~i~. l~[l~Y' ~t~.~/of 20 year genez'al obligation election, so it was decided to ask]acr°ss the rosa ~eo J aco.~- and placed in charge of 35 trainees. E. Bradberry imme. " ~~
"~"~ ~ ]'~ ~ |1 ~.nd.~V~,~u..~L ~ ' u~ ...... /bonds in the ,axnount of $41,325, the voters for approval of a spec-[~on, nomeffe~:evl~ung ~vj:~u_~al~e Pvt Coekburn enlisted for three Matlock I~adies Cluh will have ~,~_.~.,:
~4 | IIe; 2 .v'~,'~'~2: _ . . . /Proposition No. 2 would authorizelial levy should one become nec-/~' .... ~Y" .... s .~ ...... .~" ~" years'in Arm,,s "Graduate S,~ec a work day at the Rossmaier J~rL'ff~J~g~
r¢ooert riiileary ~entralia, eel- . contralti, wno are aunt and C0U-I,~" .* .... t- "" ". ' *'
~ %*" ! [].~. ....... ~. ..... Z~.*~.~ .......... /a special one year excess levyJessmy after the amount of the/ ........ " ialist Program" for a 12 week home for then" next regular meet- ~/~'~f~,~
~[ ~ | ~ [" II';'+"?'+~.'+' '.'%.°V' ~'. ..... ~.~_Y'[" ~/of not more than 21.5 mills. The IFederal Forest Funds are known./Sm.?~ mrs, Jacooson, . ..+ neuronsvc~iatricProcedures ing Sept: 8 Take a sack hmeh ~/f"~l
party last wemmsoay at ms Iam- men , Also wsmng was mrs ~race " r*., • ,
~r7 ~ ~ ~_ |[ .. _ , .... [ ey raised by approval of these Thin will save the expense of a/ .......... '. ~-- [school The course is ~iven at tile[c°ffee will be furnished I Jt J~
lly S summer home on tnelake r • : rlilleary ot ~age lxanwatze| Tney ..... s .• "" " "
]b£ ~-----'/~¢~fl.~ II_" ' . _ - __ _ •/p opomhons would be needed to specml election at a later date I- ." ..... ( .... , US Army Medical Field Service DINNER GUESTS Sunday at I ~.I/I
.. au ~ ~'~.~" ~tGuests were uregg,~sa~, Krista, t ..... . Filin-swil" ,. . , ".~nao oroppeo in unexpecteu,z ..... '," . . ' ~ - . '. . _ ,.,., _
p/..~--__.--it41"~ ( ~ ,, .~ .. , .'- ~. t ~~ g t open ~ep~ ~ anu) .......... .~,Uo.,. I School, Fort Sam Houston San I the IC Ford home wele Mr and
r~.~ ~ I land ~im botomon, ana ~.evin uur-/ c'ose .......... : -- ~. ,were wamng ~or mrs .a~,.o .... ' ..... "" • I I '~X'~+,~•
I1 gin all of Centralia and Jeff/tives in the area came to visit I.l" ~ep~. ~ag tne t~ounw A}~.m-land Mrs Anderson to return from [Antonio, 'rexMiss Cockbnrn is a Mrs. I, D, Simpson of Bremerton. I ILN,,X.'%,,~m
• tor's ozzice tor tne one position "' • n'aduate of Mar M Kn h selmol Mrs J I- Sin leton and M" '~
If you come to us, tt won't I] Bergman, Seattle, and Mr. Ge0./wlth them at the Papworth home. I.¢ ~.h,..1 ,~t.o., ..... ~...~ ,,~....... [town l~rs Gregg, a retired nurse ]g .: . .y . ig t... ~.. ~.. g ,.. ~. m d[ ~J~"~,,~,~, ~
lust SEEM like you are oettina l] Lord, Mrs. Frank Gregg, and Mrs, ] Mr, and Mrs, Dave Smith and :',._]2"..:~'~':~_Z';'.'$'. ............ "/knew exactly what to do so pres- and tne only glm at, Matlock WhO Mrs. Herbert Bren.meyer Jr. and[ ~~
e e r ~3~k t~OvtO%OZ ' 8'
, . • •. • . _ II MISS SUSAN Herrold, Central- / Pauleys in Shelton last Saturday IThe teachera' will, meet at the / Jacobson's brother. • J Valley has been transferred' from I birthday. I I Becau
o eventn scnool miring the morning bept 7 .-
• • " Ilia, was a guest f tile Hillearys| g. r [ ....... • . . . '. I Mike was rnshed to tile doctor]F°rt'Le°nardw°°d Me. to Fort[ MR. AND MilS. James Owens[ ] giVeS
i l on Saturday. Also visiting last[ Mrs. Gladys Reed, Ida., was a ]an~ regls~at.lon" ~oz' new sl:uuents [here he was in'surgery for sever-[Gordon, Ga. and Gene Brehmeyer, land baby visited at the Earl[ | ' ,i
_ _ ~]l~ I[ week were Mr. and Mrs. Robert [ guest of Mr, and Mrs. Lee Dawson I w~lI ~e nela Ln tne afternoon rr({m]aI hours ~ettln~ two tendons sew-[who has i)een stationed in Call- ]Walker home Sunday evening. ] | ~ h nerfed,
~~~1.~i~ |[Huffstetler and children, Char-]at the ,state park at Westport Iz. to o p,m. ~tuaents entering me/ed back ~nd nt~'merous stitches ill-[fornia, called his folks, that he I The Larry Walker 'family spent[ | "" =_..5 flaWl
~.~.k,.~.~,~ x'~l~'~2(f~ [[lotte, Tim, Lynda and Kevin, of/last" Frmay night. Activities in-j.nrs~ gra~e .mus~ oe sl.x years malside and out He now wears a was being shipped out again, last week in Tacoma with rela- | mu.~/_;::;,l
• -~A-2A-AA~ / IlCentralia /cmaed digging clams and golnglt)y~ep.L x, m_ crier to oe enronea.],~,,~I 0.~ ~'~ .... . ..... q'. ^f Gene is in the Marines lives I tme¢ow"
• • - ' dancin a erS for the eomm ear ................ The fo~,
li'i~=llq~$ 1]. MIs: Edith, her _mste r,] ,~n ~a,.,=.............. ]will'h,. ¢i,~ ~rvn,~o 7vr,,g~Y~,.,,,[crutches, and is having a grand Word was received hereof the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riehert of I 2. The :~:
|]lvirs. Aoelame ~urmn. and daugn-] ~. =u•._v~:.o~.~y ...... .Y) ~.':~ ~.~. l ii;2;.SLL~::5".~2.~Y~'~:'L'Z"" .~_:Y. I time in the Lilliwaup home of his lpassing of Mrs, Peter Zott 78 ]Hoquiam and Doug May of Seat-I | guamnl%.~
i, ter ~ars. l;awrence r~ansen nrove | l)awsons, IS Ilvlng With his(1as 1 ~ °--, ~u.u sr=ue ~u.e~ ~urte; / .... ~ ....... ~° as" ""~ Mrs Geortre in Tacoma A"-' o~ ~-- -'-o ::tI ....... e,,-~-.. ~; .... " ..... +~ .e I | 7...~,.r fig
' • • • t ird d • s-a,,uP,,,=-~,-, -.-,. ,.,,.. • ~. ~s. ~. o,,~ .~,.~ .. ~ ~=,~ o.,,.~.~ ,~,,,.v. ~t,.,~ ,.~ ~.~,...~ .
|] to Issaquah last weekend to mint ]while attending Grays Harbor Col- ] h gra e, Mrs, Delozes Pap- / ...... [former De(ke~ ................]th ......................... [ | ~',~'"- =ld
• • ' as. four r ,.k~ilaplll .... -, Vllle /'t~IUUIIL. ~2I%A21111~LII rlOW~lU llOiile. Ivll. laCem~
Mrs. Edith Papworth. Other rela- lege. M:~s. Dawson spends her P ~, th g ade, Dave Whitene~, . • • , m , , P : .
..... ]time between their park home and ]fifth grade, Mrs. Patricm Graig ] Kmth Combs ran rote a httle[ MR, AND MRS. BOB Dawson ld Mrs. James Rodge~s of Elms ] I 3. P~:Onepf,
........... ~[hirt e lake home. ' sixth glade and science James tr°uble °n Weanes°aY t°° x°u'a are eni°ving a visit fr°m the we[e °rap m guests', . . " • " - - out diam.
Mr and Mrs RalDh Sorin~er and/Malvey and seventh grade and/almOst think It should have been former's two sisters Mrs. Othes I Mrs. John MeGarvie and her I ] your _.,,,,
. , • •. children visited 1V[r -and" Mrs ]principal, James Cronk. Bus driv-|Friday the 13th if you are super- IFleming from Hot Spring, Ark. aunt and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were] | time p~
ttl, |]Charles Springer at Brinnon las;]er and ct/stodian George A Sny. ]stitious. Ten-year-old Keith start- and Mrs, Susie Ballard of Friend- luncheon guests Monday of Mr |4. Lifetlm,..
IqlIJLU ItlIL+ ~lt IIlII;~L MUdlILI [[Sunday. lder. ' led having a real bad back-ache ship Ark a+ld Mrs Andrew McGarvie ,.,~1 I towardan~
W/ |] MI~. droye to] Southside Grang+ regular meet.+which necessitpt:f lt pl Ladies Club met last
+ .=.. ............. ---------- I/Renton last Thursday with her ling Will be held Sept. 3. [to surgery [or remova a . , " [week Wednesday with Mrs. Clif- ] Mr. and Mrs. Lnd Rossmaier I | eler's ~tor+~
lhF I'.IIMM IMIIl!i~ Jr, iIIiusTnli~ I/daughter, Mi-s. Gladys Reed and/Mr ,a/id MrsAdlai Helnis and ling appenqlx, wnmn was tastenea i ford Combs lmstess. Mrs. Watson I callod at the Arthur Sharp llo,ne/ I 5. All dlan0~
I~111 V•IiliI~IP /11~t11~ ~ /111~115/VIiII~ to lus backmamn necessary a Ros' m
| randdaU ~ter Mr r g s btrthda was celeb~a e O1 m m and on the Ca~l Good
|[g g ..... , '~.R0be ta T~y-tfamily returnecl home from Cen-/ " . .... .s . ] ' y . . 't d.l' Y P' ' -] | "" :.=',,Instl~
lor much larger lnCl.~lon tnan usual 'This '~
• , "" • . 'tzal" +MinneSota Wheer they a~te'" n-a- ' " . . ' . • '. Thursday, , the chtb is invited Iburn family, of Shelton Sunday.. / i ,~-'. 0~-
Over-Night Serwee on those hard-to- et varts I J . and MPs, Jim Clemwions and led Mrs, Heinis s p~rents golden/ ' .... " I Y Riverside Club to a hmch-I Mr. and Mrs. Emil Tviet of/ I tin~ :~
"~ ~ |/children, Roger and Gaff, of Ta- |wedding anniversary. ]enjoying nre again, leon at, the home of Mrs. Frank ILake Nahwatzel called at the An- / |~,~..~.~"
iiil~Pl~li4~lqPIIIl~ 111111141~l/llldll" I[tll4mlll I/coma, visited the Clifford ReeVes [ SILVER STA.RS "held an over-] TIIAT AFT]ERNOON, the +Cliff]Matuska' I drew McGarvie home Sunday. / I- "+--
last Snnda The e mo Combs had recewed a call zrom
u|umu|n~ ma~m~ amw I/ Y" Cl m ns spent inight trail ride Saturday at Bud ] " "'" ...... d I MR. AND MRS, LUD Rossma- I Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie and [ / ::~,
rues f son G~r tha~ ms w~te ~etty, na
i] .t o the weekend working on ]Eveleths. Gohlg on the 15-mile ] Y .' . -]ier were Wednesda- evening' din ]their aunt Mrs. Lillian Monroe of[ /
i iI /
in Mar M Kni ht schoo hm Si the car leap forward
• Crank Shaft Kits i[ g y • g 1 t " ] mmons. Mrs. George Magnett ] ~ ..... '.." ---di-- ] Hearing Monday They aiso visit- ]throug+h Sept. 17 with the school ~ | . ,..,:
ear ~ett is aomg nne actor ng
I/Y • /and Jo Ann Cole went and stayed / Y ..... led at the Stan Gwinnette and R I district clerk. Mr. .Pahner Mr. / I jewe-/,
Nmk and Jennifer Flares E1 ov r .... to the ~octor ana expects to re- , ' ' s • 's e " . r
! ra rlrl lt~ i t] ,n i, ,..n l/ o.o ~IYarine Air Force Base near/riSe ,mght but dldnt go on the/turn to p;r Th a elinSiwm ekC f. lE' rlad dryh°m;Sdward Valle a~dmM~iC:Ok~ntve, n:itizXn/ I
/r_~ rlriu.~ i I LI~|_ [~. |llII-- i[~,anta Ana, Calif,, ,z'eturned home ] Guest of Miss Marlene Schmidt ]next wee .. • ' - ]s~'ent' Frida- evenin :' "~ ~' ~y ]wishing to file please do so be-] | ~.~
k~" I~ II ill~il~ • I "llll/W I~ iilVl last Monday bv bus after snend [stavin~ ov,rnt~rh~ Mn,++,, ~,,o,~t,~ /the Combs nape to never repeat. 1" v ~ y " g at Lne rtoa- I tw+~on tho nh .... ~.+.. t
I/. - +. - - | I+1 ~ - -L4~I .......... J ........ ~ | "-- ¢~1 ........ :~ ..,a I aer gnnldin~ hnn~,a I .................... il~ll~--.-----.+,....~
,-.,-,,~ ~ +,-~. +_ ~ .......... l/rag a month and a half with thoir lwas Miss Georgia Mag~ett. / ~r. ana za,rs, t:ecn, ~et+a} ...... I° - -'---S-'Y ........ I.-7 ..........
~ ~Oo ~11"$1; ~[. Jr'none zJl:~t~-~L ||grandparents, 1vIr. and Mrs. Jack | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and |children are now 3ust aoout cam- / Jvtr. ana ~rs. Lud Rossmaier ac- II
||Settle, Hoquiam, at their summer |Janice spent Saturday in Cen- |pletely settled in their new home Icompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James ~1 d,
............... t'place on the lake. tralia and Chehalis. [adjacent to Lemkes Service. _. _ I ]1 M,J,A Tk|~ Tk~ It~. nAGID
.... / There will be a uommunity utuo ]on qud~in~ teams mh ...... D~+ /III|(I~U /1110 /11~ VOW a vim ---
|meeting on Saturday Sept. ' Is"and S • , , ' " II
• ......... " inner ThisI cott Miit nbe ger and il ............... • .--*
• |prece?ea oy+a ham.. ffair so [Chuck Brown on livo stock judg-/I Ull SUMETHiNr, Abnul ilearin5
,I II , , ","~ Is a nusoana aria w~ze a , ]mg, Aleca Ruddell and Sally Ein- 1" ...... "- --====="-- "'--
// . plan to ,atLen~. . ........ ..... ]arrson on judging senior clothing',/I
__ jr...--~= ¢ Ladies UIUD Will noIQ Its .ext /Shalen Evers and Susan B '
: ...... " ' ' Se t. 14. " usack
__ ----. ] ...,.. I II I meeting on Tuesday, p . ._ /on junmr food, Beverly Brown/I lae ~-ha~u ~aom t-n m,lmh|o TIDt speak }
"~f "-ql " -"" ~, - ' • Visiting on ~atu~:'aay~n the ! ~n,.~,,~,,~a .... ~ ~ ~ i [~. u~xx~, ~,~ .... ~,~ .......... ~ ..... ~
r and ~' ...... ~'"""'~ iron ,~vez's • 011 u
! ~ 1~ ritz Buechel home were M .... e
• -[=i : IHH il ,,, ~' I -- .... :_ [placed in top four in food and[I stay home from partms becaus Y _
Mt's Tom z~tecnell ana cnilaren • . I'I1
-- ~.][. ----- -- - "z " _ = clothing in Mason County Fair and ]i clearly in rou s' if the family tu
....... -~. ot Tacoma. i Beverly Brown in foods clothing ,I b ~ , . a ~
Mr and Mrs Ed Weaver and SO low o ma h
ht i • ' and garden iudEin " and" 'so had to /I y U can t hear it; you Y .
~ ~ , son, Pat of .Shelton were Saturday choose whict~ teana° they would be/I inE loss without realizing it Let us
# -" ii ~ dinner guests oz ~vtr. anu ~vtr~. ~'~,~ on to go to Puyaliup as they were /1 v~g-~.-~..-, • . +' .-- ' • "~. ..'_ ..~..~,;a g
'" : :~ ~I Pearson. allowed to be ()n onl" ,)~- " // ~t~ electronic nearlrlff
I~ +Dining on Fmday evening w~t • " ]~1
t ~ ,~ ...... Alvia Cha-'man and The following seven S V C mem- II you how you may Hear Again,
- '~ ,: ,. Mr. ana lvlrs, p . . . ' ' : .
" P' t~ ,, family were Mr. and Mrs. James be~s w~l mght .ehampmnshlp ros/I with a Belto'ne.
} i: Come to see our representati'
I i =-- J[ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ghramm of . .... '" ' " t //
' Union finally brought home (>n valley Clovers gardens by the i/ Mr. Harry BodenschatZ
| [i J J ................. ~++'e dau~h-county agent ana £eaaers gave l/ ~ ,'~,
I !! " t%~.~ut23~ieU~['arie?wl~:'was boru Roetfy and Randy How'ard and// at Eells and Vallev Aooliance u
- :-" ,,., ~..~ 7 .~he now weiffhs five r~]c~ anu race t~u(men red riboons /| o ---- '
_ u,, .~.....~ .._ ~o '""~s talland Beverly Brown a blue .
pounas anu ~ .to m~-,; • [| •
I ~ f" Grandparents are Mrs. Agnes ~ Mr.s. Dale Ehlers, Nancyand [| ~rl~M_ _R~n| _~rd I0 I
r ~radle of maa~ ~1 vv il VIH MI~IH~II •
~: Christopher of Portland and M. 2 'X Brookings, Ore., and |/ • r
........... d ~vtr and Mrs Dan B~own and Dan
i ana ~rs. nan~ l~tut . • . . ' -//
L- SALLY AND JIMMY Ein~,'sSon nY of Kamilche were Sunday can [| Imp| .A=,- ..,.....,,,+m alfl
[." came home Saturday from the lerSsatuzda)n the JOe Brown home. |,// .... hr. L/U~Pv.=_ mmmmnllmm.---Ilgl~illlliliU 141~"
motorcycle races held in Olympia " Y the L. J, Brown faro- //
the proud .possessors of seco].~d i ly of Olympia and Mrs. J. H. rt .~ ,,-,,,,or
II place trophies, Sal}y won h e r + j ~ ~'~:;dof l~I~helton called. || ~,~.,~! ~tu. ~....w :
the Powder Puff race on t . y r. and Mrs. Bill Brown // -~An ~m ~.-- -- ~.. .
"" family ~onda 50 and Jimmy in and Shelley stopped in with their || JLUD ~. ~l;ll venue, ulympl
I' the mens ,race in the 50 cc class, brine new log truck. ||
Nancy Schuffenhauer spent the t;
This is a standard remark among the better cook in
your neighborhood because cooking with gas is habit
forming.., fast. Once exposed to FLAME cooking,
modern housewives are unwilling to trade their good
fortune for any less-glamorous, less-effective, less-savory
method• For speed? Nothing equals natural gas. As a
prime example, water boils far faster over the FLAME,
and all cooking is done in less time than 'a flameles
burner takes. In cooking, just as in heating, it's the
FLAME that counts! Cook faster, cook better, cook
more economically with the clean, INTENSE BLUE
FLAME of natural gas. Gas cooking will help you earn
Cascade's ALL GAS RATE for a 15% earing.
SHEL N * 122 S. THIRD ST. • 426-8433
w~eRend With ~usan Bloomfield.
.Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Robbins
and children of Tacoma were Sun-
day evening callers in the 3oe
Kirk home.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mh's. Hans Lund were the Marvin
Lunds of Bayshore.
Dining on Thursday evening
with the Merlin Rickards were
Mrs. E]iZab~eth Byrd and Jimmy,
Klmand Lee Johns and Mr. BI;:
Sirdar of ~RoRomish Valley.
The Rickards family called on
lV[rs. Byrd on Monday evening.
.Mrs. A. E. Lemke enjoyed a
visit, on Tuesday morning from
Mrs. Lois Kay Elick, of Boiling-
ham who as a girl lived at t~he
place now owned by Mrs. Lemke.
ver 4-H members will hold their
next meeting today in the home
of Ronny Rlekards.
Eight members of this group
will be going to the Puyalup fair
Sandison Named To
Eduoalion Commission
State Sen..Gordon Sandison of
the 24th District, representing Ma-
son, Clallam and Jefferson CoUn-
ties, has been re-appointed to Wes-
tern Interstate Commission for
Higher Education by Gov. Dan
The Western Interstate Commis-
sion for Higher Education admin-
isters the Western Regional Edu-
cational Compact, which has been
adopted by the Legislatures of all
13 western States for the purpose
of increasing educational oppor-
tunities for western youth• The
Commission also assists univers-
ities and colleges in improving ac-
ademic programs and aids in ex-
panding the supply of specialized
manpower in the West.
Servtng with Sen. Sandison as
Washington Commissioners, are
President Charles Odegaard of the
University of Washington ahd
President C. Clement French of
Washington State University•
Among the youngest survivihg
veterans with service-connected
disabilities are the 154,000 peace-
time veterans who average 38
of age, the Veterans Admin-
istration reports.
August 26th thru
ie Guarantee
ag=~t deled= tn workman.hip '~nd ma6rI~ls
rout all z=orraal road ~a~a~ for U+o lfi'e el tho
original t~oad. ~oplnce~tl nm Pm-latmt ot
tread wear and. ba~4 on tho prlce flint "'ou
~ctually pald /o= tl~ ~o~ ~a -" .' ?
l=t pd~. • ncutiot=
When you purchase 2 New
selling price you get 2
:' .... ""::::::"..:i:~ii:!:i:i,ili~!i~i:i!~;ii~;ii~ii:i:?!::i!i~!i:i::,
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
2226 Olyrnpl¢
, ,i!