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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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].965 30U'RN.A.L- 1 ublished in "¢hristma mv* U.S.A." helton , : P,a.GE 1i a better leg- ,d~,ll • =. [ 'i '. ". '.. i." ..... ,,.e.-od..-i ! It" =, ,n GIUgRI ! t t SCHOOL MENU : --]ncraas ~ • lid • la By Frances Carte homes and could use in her b~t- ~. MeIntyre and Mrs. T. Bryan Mrs. Arthur Kraus, of ~e.nttle, ~! -~--~-= f l V I.emlv |t I LILLIWAUP ....When Zoe ~ce-Itle for a better life weapons not]Miles. Nine tables were in pla.v, i former owner of The Gardens F.e- Menus for Shelton Elementary i || xa stlmken aftez a pleasant din- us!rally found in a Woman's arse-i Mrs Walter S Allison wa.~ first sort at Potlatch, was a luneheoli Q~h^M~ ~,n ~h~tt~n .q~'ninr:' rTheatre ...... ~e~ evening with neighbors, died .nal--l~ick-axe, gnlb hoe, shovel, Iprize winner; Mrs. l~red Martin I guest Thursday at the home of ........ ".'"." " : ".' I i /O iL I ,:,ONLY BY BETTY CRISS t graouated this year irom uentrallsuddenly at her Indian Beach cot-ihammer and sa.w. land Roland Willson second prize/Mrs. Lestm" L. Ag~r. Mrs. Kraus, ~,gr~ ~cnoou ~\ : ~ar.ts [ p,m, I _. _ I Washittgton State College. Mrs./tage T'~lesday night, she left a] BEACH NEIGHBORR vcere~winners; pinochle was won by l,a past president of the Head ..... , .... ;~. .~.'2.:~.b3._ I BELFA.IR.-- "l~he ,~:verg2:eenlMarjorie Ward is tile new fourth[shocked and'saddened corntnunity.]amazed to witness the enei'gy, IMrs. William Bearden and Mrs, ICanal 'Woman's Club,'leftlast,T,'ri. week o, ~ep~. a-,u ~..~HUNT~cu~ I (Jarden ~lun has sc~e(u}m¢)Hs 3m.~- grade teacher, Sire receiveo net!They lost not only a warm, under-/coura~'e and cheerfulness with/John Aaro. Sven Bragstad won day, after spending a, ]cxv oays ......... ~ ....... : ,~.... ~!or Fair for ~ep~.: ], at };ne g raoe BA degree from the University of sta~{din~ friend and neighbor, but~whieh- five-foot-two and a. half, ] the door prize, i in the guest hmlse of the Robertvveonesoay .... .w,~t~m~ o. ~ ~[L: ischool gym. Se!~gs' ~or.iLowers or ICalifornia and attended tile Uni-[an un~or~'etable person, whose i ll9-nound Zoe went on to finish[ A correction should be made in]R°wes, visiting anti greeting oh.l terec~ ram., portc,.~, scans, t2s~e]~ [veg, etab)es of tnezr enoiee were [ versify of V~rashington to obtain [ achievements and inspiration had [ the "building job Throughout the [ this cohnlm's announeemen't last ]friends. g'reen, same! .,~n s~vee~.. ~Le~: ~l~f',#~t#~ I oistriDuted to emmencary muaents|her Wash!no!on State Teaehing/ ..... :-:- -'-- -~ ..... count" almost | ..... -"-- "~---""---" ~" .......... ~. / '_- _ .. " . . . ' ! m~r cameo s.eeu w~.e,- ,.¢~u. ~... _ ,.,~, , . " .. . ., ,~. . :_ . . , , . ~, _ : ~ ..! uecu,.e ,, iv, us~. '.* ' /yea,'s ,race t.e, they uave watt.-| week ot tile opening Iall Dtlsiness[ Luncheon gllests at the home and milk ]~}~ Ln.c .sp~:mg anu ~ms m oate[Certfficate. Harry l~.;nocns_ c!Z[a legend, led her add to the achievements in,1 session of the Lilliwaup Commun- of Mr. ahd Mrs. Oran B. Lee at. ' ~ ~' tr mists at the ballot box. Ass con-[91st birthday Sept. T, ~ll not be ~Nq ;~j~$1,~0,~) .......... . • ~e~,~,~ ~V~lg~"S"~ sequence tremenoous strides have/here to celebrate it at the ~eacon ~ltl~. ~.~.1~ ~,~-~ ~,~ue k nr- ir'~r..r-- .~m~--,,-.~.--~p been made in tm rown the en Poln emr She lan 01,~*'~'~ ~96~ P " g g " I t Resort this y , p R ~ ~} $~ • -- .~.#t ~ ~ ezal standard of hvi ' "~ ~' . "ng. i to return here from Spangle IateP . , ~ ft.~yl&131b ~, --,,. ,.,.,.~A,., ..... -=------------------ I in the month; . ..~ ~llLII~L ~'~ . ............ ~Q#. G~llette AI r~Url~l~ PiT Oood order is the foundation ofl PINOCHEL PLA~ERS had an- Cl'e'~v oQ~ ............. ...-o,~v World Series • all good things. --Edmund Burke' other interesting dvening Friday 3:~.~. oo,r ~o,~ .~ .......... ~l~ Special .... .. ............. In obedience to the divine ns- night wheti they atten~t0d the par~ *" -ooo~. ~Jo~l" "'" .~T~ltt~.~ ,~ I~ .... I Ft~R IP.VI=I~Y/MINiGJ 1 ~, man's individuality reflects I ty given by the Lllltwaup C0m; - .... hazer • I divine law and order of being munity ClUb in the community ~" ~op. ~~ItD~ ....: ...... m,. ., ~-~ ~ @~um|l'~l~lJl,~ ~-~-.~ ~* • --Mary Baker Ed~ylhali. H0stesse. were M,rs. Franl~' ...... |i OOIH W I .UU ® Comfort in walking is not enough when you buy children's shoes, important aS it is. Children also run, hop, skip, jump, dance, play ball, climb trees. They need the sup- port that only proper fit with Rood shoes can give them. Our fitters are experts in properly fitting children's shoes through long experience and study. [dtuords shoes are built to give your children comfort for whatever active children do. All Children's Fittings Guaranteed MILLER'S SHOE DEPT. Operated & Managed by Chrlstensen's for Shoes, Bremerton Open Friday Nights 'til 9 p.m. Hillerest Phone 426-4522 Peehee PorHeiio 12 for $1.00 8haeffer Oarlrldge Pen With 5 Cartridge~ Liveline 5-in 1 • Oanvas Binder $1.89 Contains Canvas Bind- er, Assignment Book, Theme Book, Index Dividcr, Dictionary ot 5 RING FILLER "EVERGREEN SQUARE Broxodent Electric Tooth brush, Reg. 19.95 $14.88 Travel Alarms from $6.98 and up Men's Travel Kits, $1.29 and up Sunbeam Electric Blanket : Reg. $24.95 Now $14.95 or