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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• " l UADnill U||ltIT O J { Things do not change; we { KII|=-K J[IP|PJ~ { The most difficult thing in life II • ] --nw.= n,=== By Lois Pierce Barkley's mother, Mrs. Rule Dick- periences far ollt numbered their [ is to know yourself. --Thales I hIo / | A V|.~|T HOODSPORT -- School Will be- inson and then with Mr. Barkley's }unhappy ones. { " e ||UO l km~m wsv•• gin Sept. 8, with students attend- parents, Mr. az~d Mrs. George J Sonya .especially enjoyed her J~ ..... { By Mary Valley ing a half-day session. A birth Barkley, Skokomish Valley, on Istay in Hoodsport, seeing her pal'-{ , ,,,,,T~,, ,,n,,, ...."q. GRAPEVIEW -- Summer may, (Charms l~ois s younger son)[ SKOKOMISH--- Mrs. Harold certificate will be required for all their way to Moclips where they[ent's former home and meeting| | U niltU untvl;-IN [ be on the wane but don t de was marrmd last ~atmnay eve H e t~ned ho . - ' - { ' ' " "| unter has r t t • me after first graders entering school First are building a home I people who were her parents'{I mr.,raTD¢C r • " ~ " flies' . ' . • . , ~ .,, L~. n,.., spair--we have sometim~g planned {nmg. How tune • _ . {visiting relatives m Los Angeles, graders must be six years old as Testing Hoodsport s new fire en-{r~e,ghbors and fmends~ { . , ,,L~, n,.j ~,dj ' l erk u 3 timse on l'ormer Glapeviewi~esv'ran{¢ . ~- " i . ~ to lea 1y p I . • d-of-the- .~ . . Cahf of Se t 1 196,) unless they at- gme last Saturday a land nlark Mls William Good aster enter- Kids undor 1' Free season "blues! ore" Grapeview Vol- and Henrietta raynton, who navel Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley at- tende~)kindergarten last yeal: and of around 35 year's gave way to }tined "the girls in hP~ home the[ k ~ ,~,.~:e:.!,,. d unteer Fire Department will spon-Ibeen residing in Me:~a, ~r.~z., I or{ tended a family picnic and reunion then their bi,rthday must fall be-:flames. The late Herb Dickin,~on's] three nights they were here. Wed-{ ~__~~v v:s ]-tm~ • sot a Labor Day ~reekend "Come mlany ),ears, are DacK I n me {last Sunday at Kneeland Park. fore Oct. 31, 19{}5. |work-shop was burned to the]nesday Mrs Rule Dickinson took{ As You Are" (lance at our new[N°rthwest a.nd hat! mace pjans tO|Coming from out of town for the New teachers this year will be ground to make way for new ira-{them'to Olynlpia for a two hour/ ~r Op+m s:00. St,arts Dusk~ fire }/CLI] Saturday. visit Grapewew uns pas~ ~aon.o.ay. { annual affair were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ella Cole, second grade; Mrs. ]provement. Howard Lockwood was| tour of the Capitol and a shortn IF" wod. lhru. Tues. Everyone i'.~ invited to come and [ )nIt we are sorry ~o. repo~ that { Warren Johnston of Spokane, Mr. Marilyn Johnson, junior high; Mrs. I running the motors and did an{ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Spike| • ~~bby Darin • dance to the live mnsic of the{ riem'letm decatur n.l m ~eatue [ and Mrs. Joe Ryder and family of Virginia Pill, f~rst J~rade.. and Miss [ exeellant job according_ to obsez~-[ Young, who was Mr. Andersen's{ E r,,~r~m~Y .... ,~_ i Tune Toppers of Shelton from{~ass weekend and the~r pmns nave[Yakima, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ellen Moore, music. [ers. {('s father)assistant at the} i ~ r~,~,~,, Jl 9:30 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. Delicious been postponed, to. tne great, ms- [ Johnson and Art Barrett of Port A SAFETY FIRE Arms course Terry Witham and Miss Suzanne{ Hooctsport Forest Service better} • 'rHI~AT IMPOSVER • home-cootted refreshments will be appointment of their many n'mnos Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ahem for boys 10-18 will be held Sept. {Solomon, Concrete, spent the[ than 20 years ago In the after-] ~ served by the Ladies Auxiliary and here. _ ,- ..... ,. [ of Chehalis, Mr. and Mrs. Allen 2-3, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the } weekend at Terry's folks, Mr. and [ noon, We[lnesday, they were given| ~,- • " ee ch '. ' • A BELATED nappy Mrmaay" mwatr Mrs • ' " " Food Comm~tt .... a~tman Phylhs{ ........... h . _ . {Oster of Tu ~, .. Ruley Hoodsport F~re hall. Boys should{Mrs. Art Indahls. Sunday guests ia guided tour of the Shelton mills{ . ........... Lutz assures us there will be am- { to ~rs..w.alt ,:cKe.r~ w ocem~ra..~- [ Parent of Medina,' Mr. and Mrs. register at Canal SUpply before [ were Mrs. Indahl's niece and bus- | Wednesday evening Mrs. Gordon| B~ _ ~t] ~&~* L.&~ m :ple for all. Serving with her are ea net 89in on v'rmay, .Aug. zorn:i Jack Stewart and family and Mr. coming to the course. Instmmtorlband, Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Beck of{Dickinson entertained in their ho-i • ~,h, Hy. ES 7-64641 Mesdames Bill Seiners, Russ Wells, { at.Shelt.on..~anor.~m'smg ~ome ]and Mrs.Wally Ausserer and faro- will be Dan Anderson. . • [Bremerton. " [ nor at a dinner, after which Ruie,| ~mm~=~--------qmm~ Don Pogreba and Howard Somers. ~,~tn a mrmo.ay cageA~rom c|.aug.n- t ily of Tacoma. The Hood Canal Woman's Club i IT WAS a happy day for Judyt showed them her pictures of Aus-|~ ~xr.~ ..... ~o.. ~.~.., Dance Committee chairman Ed ~r an~ son-m-law, knn..and Else [ WEEKEND VISITORS at the will sponsor a rummage sale at the { Shumate Aug. 22.' She" graduatecl| tralia and they in turn showed pie-| ~ "~:'~",~,.' Okonek also promises a lively eve- wac~.~ an~ nus~an~ walt. Grand- { George Bartdey home were Mr. Valley Center store building next { from St. Joseph's school of nut's-| tures of their'trip. | • ..... '~,,~"" " • I)0INT ninff. So- join the fun and we'll s°n*~°o;anclzam.~l.Yzr°m.(ga.~. ~iar:iand Mrs. Ed Korthik of Bellevue to the Service Station, Sept. 3-4. ling in Tacoma. Judy will continue} The ~irls continued on their[ • MV~~:~¢'it {'ARTY I see you all at tim fire hall Sat- oor maa.e a ooume celeora~)on Oil and Mr. and Mrs. Blair Barkley of Dennis O'Neih Boilerman 1/c[on at St Joseph's as a surgical} ~ ......... °;~',,~a ......... ~;,~ lenv-|! Thurs. th,'u Tuo.~\ i |~ | il II I~IAL urda'y even'ng! ............ dv~ | it Dy visiting net on ~aturaay: ....,.^ ][Edm°nds" ' no~ntheUs~Leohard~Mas~n~is|nurse.Hersister~anewi~enter~`~;"~`~\~`~n".~f:~".~-~(~r~."~ioat f he havin { ] | ~k TI NAW ~YHAf-!' Y°ll I)IDwi'r~'~I~I~I,:,~ F, ~JI ii ; ~,,~.,wo~ [ A very surprme~ ~um{s Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ervi'ce. Ellensbur this fall for her fourth "'~P ........... ~ ": .... : .......... '""-'" .......... .~ ........ .,- . e "n o t .s . g g ~sh them well m thew chosen I School hells ring again at Grape-[ prae~ca!ly bun~p;~ ]V~on~onephew[ Don Doal~ were Mr. and Mrs_.Of completed his enhstment. He dr, [year of eol!ege. {fields of work, and a safe, happy| ~k~lie cNts I ,,;',,, w-,~-esdav Sent 8 ~- ~-~ ~oo rno,-vo~ _ ~- .... '"/vi,e ~amey ot ~netton ann ~gmK rived in Olvmuia ~rom San Fran- ~otn girls with their mother • ..e ............. .,, * ~ .............. , • • ..... . ~ , 3onrney to their res ective homes.l . in at lxeI utapewew Grocely Do k of Lon Jew .... P and Mrs. Olsen will spend Tues- :g .............. • I a gv . _ clseo last Wednesday and was lMrs. James Silumate flew to San{ ..... ' '~ W day at the school for teachers',+ne.zr~°p~pe~+~unex~pec~te~Y I. and Mrs. ~enny mvans a~d met by his grandparent,, Mr. and lF, ranciseo last MOnday for .a vaca [} ........ • " . in Los Angeles. Accompanied by weekend Withhis parer~ts, Mr.:a~id " ' ' . " da. ~slv;ght!)" _.Football asp{rants[classmate' Dave Seesman, ~OblMrs XrchieVau~hn Mrs. ArthurKraus,~eattle, for-] ~- ........ 11 iii~~ L:niet clayton anu ,.arry ~utz I ....~-+ -. -wrni~ht with th~ ,,r.,,. t ~;" • - '- - ~- ;'; ........ ' --,' ' mer owner ot wne tlaraen s ~esort I ~vl;ss ~o~ya hnoerson, ~t. Faul,[ I ~ i i ~ n i • r" and " ~pc.~ a. ,, . v ~ ,, ~,,o t.;nrls£y ana, deI:x r_un~ur oK Tne . . • " from Grape~mw • newe0mers[_,. +u~;. ~+-*+-h I~lan~ ~-~ ~--1 .... - ....... pirated from Monday until FmdaylMmn., arrwed last Monday andll IIlIM~lm m.~-- D'tve and BillMendenhall from [ ~.~"~'~..~.~" to "hio'~'-'~-~'~'~ ~--~J [/)at!es; ore., ma e, rjea, trlp at the hoine of ~rs. Robert Rowe. [ with her, her traveling compan-[ | i ms ~ ~ m hat We Do... i ~lean brake drums IdJust brake shoes ,ta t i i*t and repack front . i" ' ", .......... ~1 recently awarded a Lucky Buc-/in the Valley and visiting their Our eornmunity extends sincere| c~untr~, home family and schools 1| I~i~/l~l~ll E~LII~RmlilI~I~W#/I /llli-l[~ Infla mmseo a.uwn ~ use ~rst ~vtct~ams [ kle" from his Wing Commander| daughters and their families, Mr .sympathy to. the l-lenry l-lansens| Mis~Andersson ancl Miss LeFee/I : I.napeet,,spect greaSewheel sealw ~ove l~Ja~njnce:W~6!a~t~iver~a~i [ ~sM2Che~.~d Fil~!d:O~enh:Xmagt h~d[ ~in:s MTarlHeJr~inB2:r.e t~ind ~h3 f~ddYofsifM::~ iNnCtkhe~f:VraeaZ~l ~egrree~ea~h Ar~:u~C~tsW~Ulmde keep[{ These tires have been getting an average of ~ato tile bay. Y _ [ time of tide unfortunate three-car/Davis recently retnrned from Tex: bereavements. : [ .... Y ...... " ..... 1| mr}ca Jonnson escapeo serious in-!~u~--q"-ion~. last month in which he { as wnere ...... tne spent severa~ wee~s ~Mr. and Mrs. John Pill ~tre en- ~ me. not so wea~tny., woum~ ws~t]t ~tv-ou,~u~~ ~#~ It#tit ..~=t.~]jagtc~ refill master jury and 1.nn"~culously . walked{miraculously escaped serious in-{ with anothe~Y(langhter joying a vacation while attending] the.!r cou.n~r!e~.thejr peo_p.!e._..would{I away Irom their fletnollsne(1 re-I. / ' " "~" ''----" ......... *;^-i- Rich ] uave a very Ultlel'UILL opllllOll ol|| f~ ~ ~ • ~ • ~ = Jllly txte ~IW~ltt~ t:~atVClI~VXl a~ hicle at auuroximately 9:~0 u.m.[ " " [ VICKI VALLE~ returned to Se- . ...... "] America and Americans. Miss Ya-i[ ouaran~ea as long as ~nere is ~,reao :=kendabS°rbers and were "l~ieked up by passing{ Mr. and Mrs.C.W. Walker bade{ attle with her parents after spend- land ~n,f,we~j ~.,, uo,,,a Tm~/manouchl, however, said, "o r|l .... Camber local residents who took them to J. farewell on monclay to . melr[ ing a week with the ~eorge Val- ._."~.. ~'~"~_.~_ s.'_'~ _':~'l~..r~'{ economy is based on tourists and|| on tile tire. ;nend caster ............. +,.~ ~f ~-~1~ T.~I.~.~..................... ~ ....~ *.;~.a I daughter and family,, d Josepnth " ann{ leys_ at Island Lake and her grand- ~lcKmsoncta with &cem°ratestumt)ernerpav~y ~'~ "at ~'* the"'{ tr-de_ , as~ we welcome. ,, the weathv {I, Jim Doerty. A phone call to Mr. [ Barbara Shah an..an_ e,r four{ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester VaN ~,=Y,. ..... ~.=~. ~^++~. ~,,,a,,,~ American tourmt . [| , .......................... Bill Batstone b~ought fllst aid Y g ....... / g" ~Icrhf ~Zonn,, h;,+bd~ frill | Miss Andersson. who will teach IIVVtilL "'~V~C~IVl ~t~. VV"~ VVa~L~JLa- in to factory and a wrecker post haste to the [ spent the weekend w~tn mere a~[ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linder en- ""2~'_~" =*_~'v~,_'_"~7,~.";;u ~a"e= seventh ~,rad English, when she {i -- -- =m ........... their watertront home near ~taa Sund ~vtr a.u ~,.~ ~,., ~,,--= ., * o o ifler scene We are happy to report the [ ...... "/tertained with a dinner ay ev-___. :L~ ...... L* .... ~,. +^ o~^, returns to Sweden in two weeks [[ ~.Ji r~rHrv ~illr~{ J girls are both free at thin writ- • . g g enmg for five boys from the For- +,~ ~,t ,,,In ¢~noh ~ the_ Pinneer when asked if she found America [[ ~J~rril~ ~Jwflr_~Jw plpe i,~ h.t wo resnectfullv call the I Plete enjoyment of the lovely wea-/ estrv Division at Camu Govev The w:.. ~..?. ........ 7_-- -=:- z: ...... _ ........... ~ ........ ,~ ...... ti ~ =m m=m m ~=.i~, ~m ---~, ........ r o, m,,- • , *u~ *---.;,.. ~ .... .." ..... • ., "- --" ~"nOOL tnis year ~rs ~mitn was ttn rote expecLeu a~ wut.u ~u, ~a,u, I! trlng linkage attention of our county commis- tuer ~el)~ t,e z~--,~ s-~,~v. ~ .... "| boys will be leaving soon for fur- ~/Iardell Schumate " ~ "No, before I came, I thought all / " rm,,~n~ ~r~,r~Tnn ~ stones toot~ie2ao~al~(lou~co]~dvti:n p~ed for tne tmee say get toge { th~v~rStaUn~Vv~nrsF~i?ttrYclark made I MRS. ELEANOR Brewer, Oak- Americans had cars, lived in love: / IJ1P.~ ]DI~U±~I" J~£~l) APPOINTMENT of t ' p .... P { " , ..... | • . " i la~rl r~av snent Tuesday with l~rs ly Villas and were rich. Then ~ {{ ~| klmlm road Wouldn't a railing with re-We are happy to report tna~ Mr.l a weekend trip to Hermiston, Ore I~"'~ "~-~.'. r ~ • ,'i .... ,^ ~.^~^~ + .... ,,~..~ ~ ,, .,= =,,., IIIlll~ flective paint or at least, .a warn- Erland Odegard's heart condition| Elaine Miller of Seattle ,and Don r~r D2c~i*~i°Z" Gene French and Kentt~ck~'~tnd'founc~ s~ ma'nySpeo-' | ri [£r ing sign help to prevent furtlmr its improving after two ~eeks | and Bobby Poole of Snohomish { ..,vt . ...... . .... o~11o ..,1 ..~ nl~ living in novertv I w, rote home [| mm kU6== accidents here ? We have long felt| spent at the Shelton General Hos-| have been vacationing on the farm [ ~1,~'~u w%[~"~ *~un~av~'~'ms~'s of i~t's "awfu~l,-~t~'ful, a~wful". I| that this was a particularly dan- pital. He is expected to ~e trans- / of their aunt and uncm, Mr an~ I :"-'~."-' "':'= .... ~ °- ASKED IF she had chan~ed her ~ |I.A--_. gerous curve, ferred, within a few days, to Shel-[ Mrs. Stan Johnson. " ] tn~/~tcz~r~Mr~s?cl~lt~Sa'm A Ha-s opinion ~ince taking this t~ur, she [I Sale Good Until September 4, 1965 kl The Somers family welcomed ]ton Manor Rest Hom~ .according/ The Valley. Vaqueros report R !and daughters ~:athi and Melody, smiled, and admitted she had [i Mr. and Mrs. John McGlothlin [ to.neighbor an~. gooo_zrlena, mrs.| mos~ interes~lng and i Beverton Ore, snent the weekend somewhat. All expressed their ap- {| li ql q lit • back to Grapeview last Thursday Jon~l~even~hoW~s~s~. em~s pmc:y [three days a.~ .tne mason .~0u~t.y with the 'Frank G~ays. Steve Hays preciation for the chance of seeing I| ~i b~ J'@ [ [•Altl~l~ Grove evening after a year s absence. [ gent e . . y dy ho~e| ~'mr..*l~ney wren to taa~K ~ne lair returned home with them Sunday the United States by car, but ad- |] i|~ P| | 0 | ~||L~| John .and Emma drove out from a compmte recovery an p { board ~or tneir part m provi~!n.g evenin~ mitted they had a few unpleasant | Oklahoma with friends Mr. and I tha~ nis many .~rmnas wl, remem-/ the new norse Darn, also a mg Rev~and Mrs C A Pickering, experiences, however, they were || 1st & Cota 426 81a~ Mrs Geor~'e Piclde with ulans to I per nim amo wxtn cards or testers, than~-you to our maser, ~vtrs. joan .. • ' -- - ,' " " - - ha .... to re"ort the ,qeasant ex t~ - v-x • . °._ • _'-_ ~__. I ----------- Hunter for her man,, hour° of weslyn ~aroen s were guests oi vv.~ v v. " ~ , remain zor tne coming grape nay- [ ~ alone that gives ' ~ ~ their daughter.and son~n-!aw,"th~ -, vest LOcal friends of the McGloth- It is motive supervision in helping us get rea- re~ ~ " - • . chaTacter to the actions of man. d~ for the fair Those partici'~atin~* marion ~'. ~0Mns several ~ays, - .liras will be interested to hear that [ _ ~ • . v q +,,~.t.~ l~nm~ q~,,~lav" nf this [ ! "T~.'o ~,..~d~.~ Conlev Earl{ ---~ruerefrom ou,r club were Jayne anct~"*':"'~ ""-~ ......... ,' ..... 1 .......~. ......... ~ , m" m weeK. , , Curt Hunter, Ja le S ith, Randy .................. e--- inder Benny B e, and Win and . ren,e Art Tozier. They all won ribbons ,0usy person a.t~ ms~ ._ ::. _.. and are looking forward to nextshe. spen~ a oay at the ~ea~e year. t~ivle t~en~er wnere £ne ~em~- - UNITED DRIVE-IN THEATRES ..d nual Gift Show was in session. ~1~1~ (~)$CW, INI* The skilled hands of American Labor, by contri- ltlting greatly to the construction of our booming and Stling economy, our way of life, have created a g, virile America. We salute all workers, part}c- those of our community, for their invaluable in creating a great Nation. MASON COUNTY • ,, • Edwin Tayl,or, president; T. Webb, vice president Jack Cole, secretary. Jerry Samples, manager The morality of an action de- Wednesday afternoon in company pends upon the motive from which with Mrs. Ben Morris and their we act. --Samuel Johnson niece Pare Gable and Mrs. Dick Addleman, she attended the show "Hello Dolly". Thursday, And. 26 ~mo~@~ ~11~$; she and Archte attended the wed- ding in seattle of Miss Jean Anne ~~ Watson to Daniel O'Mara. Mrs. Caiahan played the wedding music 26 years ago, on the same day, for Miss Watson's parent's wed- ding, Dr. and Mrs. Wiiber Watson, of Seattle, whose, Wedding Was in Edmonds. Thursday night the Calahans were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morrm. Friday Mrs. Morris and Pe~n Gable accompan- ied the Calahans home for a week- end in Hoodsport. ~..,~ Mr. and Mrj. Blair Barkley stop- ~turday with Mrs. . Of every tsn vet~ean~ now ltv- ~.~~ ing, eight will.sUrvive until 1980, four will be alive in the Year 2000. the Veterans.{dmlnL~tratLon estl- l~ore~t fires destro~ them| mates. . . ,, ., L ' ' ' -' The bride selected her wedding paper trousseau and wedding accessories from Art Point Studiol album. Your new'life dessrves the finest! We invite you to see the latest wedding designs, beautiful script letted- hags, quality papers, napkins, champagne toasting glasses and other accessories in the Art Point album, ltreel wlth ~ compUmentk Virgtnht Courtetmy's etiquetm booldsa Tow 03L 313 o31 e • act A GALLON AT REG~ I TAIL PmC, ~00 mOO $1UAW~A~Ixn=lM ~¢RYLIC 011 RUStiC ~ Wll eAUl ql~Vtt FINISll IUT minim Of Shell. 1st & Pine 416.439~ i ] itJ t