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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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No one steps up j HaL| " 00der Editor, *heJournal: jority of the private property own- i --" WEIEIMEND In recent years Mason Count ers who testified at the July 13 _ , y . . , . residents have watched salmon county commlsmoners meeting runs dramatically decline or dis- agreed.  SPEC II 00LSe e I  in election because the could not appear completely. Seven of the Mason County private property [ e-lutted--beforeWmCn we' • Y election nine species declared "threat- owners and developers are joining [ -:  ,, ened" or "Endangered" are in the right in and stating, "Not I." [ a Y,i{ebuttal letters for the s tateofWashington, sothegover- , ..... " -- -- -.'l"heJ°urnal'sDolic isto Se tember9zssue '  'vr I  Se_ptember-9 i-ssl that aren t .............. ul ol mese groups are respon- n°liSoZnteaw:r':moCagL ' sible for declining salmon runs. L n l -ec rebuttals and attempt to plow ....... "J They should just state for the 10n in th "te)-rinte: uiCawtn'UnnaS'to ste u to the record, "We don't care about sal- ,.v____ ® task* g g P p men and it's going to be business • a uu veoureve ten A coalition of builders, farmers ofmi ....... Exciting new year and cattlemen challenged the ulonsoraouars. salmon listings in federal court. For the record, I live on Tee "Not I," says the coalition. They Lake and my family has owned blame overfishing for salmon de- property on the lake for over 25 S# br, The Journal. many capable, willing members of clines and ask to halt salmon years. We have a wild coho salm- '.i,tL 1 fishing, on run that exists in a type 4 or re's a slight chill in the eve- our community to serve on our .................. 5" stream on privately owned de- )reeze, sighs of boredom and Business and Finance Committee, lon-lna]an nsnermen aru pL=- ............ a veloped and undeveloped proper aints that there's nothin to the Council of Student Learning paring co ngn me u..-wanaa ....... " i$1#  erupting with increasing and the Athletic Committee as " " " it ues The runs coincide with the salmon agreemen oecause • _ . cy from the kids, the bar- well as various short-term com- crops" melr ........... snare oime t) . nar- ttimes that the streams have wa vest from 50 percent to 32 per- andleaf-s,zed @.[ :,new pencils, Darer and mittees as needed to help us de- ' er and Tee Lake flows into , "+ T "  th P, Rendsland Creek and Tahuya ij |  as you walk'into W 1 velop and implement olic and .......... , - ...... oet ....... a a- . • • P Y • • • nlver Tee Lake waters aependon , .nu multitudes of sales fii- individual school action commit- Sound Gfllnetters Assocmtmn. • ,, , e _, many fingerling type streams ! Plcting youths bedecked in tees. It is our desire for the citi- The Indian gillnetter fisner- th .......... ! - .... a flOW in me winter nrougn Lew .culturallv-nrescribed, = , zens. of Shelton School District to men increased the tribal share of th ....... e lo-w.zthout, name br n be reformed, enabled and empow-  ...... e grouna roo nltemng systems .... - a d at- . ...... surrounalng me lake raser lver sockeye zrom u per- .. .. , , !1 :,1 Plllng °ut °fthe Sundav eredpartnerswithusas°ursuc" centupt°percenincnenexi: ,a  ' l ler all lead me to the in- cess and hence our students' suc- four years. And, even if 1-696 Many of these streams on the Conclusion that Septem cess depends on such commit- passes (initiative to ban the use of privately owned, riparian shores alm. ost here and school will ment. many commercial fishing nets), of the lake have not been docu- e back in session I'm no There are so many different op- the measure does not address mented. In my opinion, many of b:[ reluctant to acknowled-e portunities and levels of involve- tribal fishing. "Not I," say the the current land development fr. I everal weeks before was ment available which will help Washington State tribes, rules on the books are not being th @  With undeniable dread improve our educational system,  .... Count,, commissione enforced, the water quality of Tee ........  rs L E-Z K.ARE r to the coming of the and not all require joining a cam- are considering reducing or cam- " " FLAT INTERIOR • In fact, I am eaaerl- an mittee The district needs volun-  .....  ..............  ...... ream ake has dechned, nyad (ingraft) of.| i o Y - " ''+°]" °;';"°+;"" +' °+ is in our lake bed, and the public :.! .ng September 7 for the teers at all levels from after- buffers, while other counties are usage of our lake waters has m' - ORWEATHERALL NEWl WORK SITE l ) rag of the new scloo1 vsr school tutors to hel in in the w ...... ---- P g looking at enlarging them. The creased. , FLAT EXTERIOR RADIO CHARGER s| Itl it the opportunity of classroom. Contact your principal executive director of the Econom- In the late fall and winter, I El Spatter-resistant interior formula dries in min- AM/FM radio operates off DeWalt batteries ic Development Council stated take my young son out to look for utes. Exterior resists mildew, stains and fading, or AC power. Charges batteries in one hour. to find out ways you can be in- volved both at school and home which will aid your child's learn- ing. If you are the parent or care- giver of a preschool-age or young- er child, I believe that one of the most important ways you can pre- pare your child for school is to read to your child at least 20 minutes per day. Studies show that academic performance can be increased significantly by increas- ing a child's pre-kindergarten lit- eracy experience regardless of so- cio-economic status. Reading to a child doesn't cost anything but time and effort and the long-term rewards are invaluable! Although joining your school action committee is probably the easiest way to participate in and become informed about what your neighborhood school is doing to pursue our vision of excellence, there are many other organiza- tions throughout the community who need committed volunteers and whose efforts affect the suc- cess of our vision. This is where the partner portion of our vision becomes most important. Mason County Literacy, Boys and Girls Club, 4-H, various sports clubs, Save Our County's Kids (SOCK), dance, music and church organi- zations to name a few, are all valuable ways of building commu- nity into the life of a child. Recently I read this plea from Retired General Colin Powell: "It's more than throwing comput- ers at them. It's more than just having testing standards• It all comes down to putting a commu- nity of adults into the lives of youngsters - adults who are suc- cessful, adults who serve as a role model, adults who show young- sters what life is all about." I echo his plea. Please, make it your goal to find a way to be involved! Our children need you[ The first day of school is fast approaching and the time for rest and reflection is almost over. Soon the sounds of school buses filled with eager children will again be rumbling through our streets. The call to fill our sched- ules with sports practices, music and dance lessons, homework and PTSO meetings will invade our summer serenity. I sincerely hope that this school year will be different, that each parent, teach- er, student and community mem- ber will be confident that Shelton School District is on its way to providing quality educational op- portunities to all of our students a fresh start. ith January 1, the begin- a new school year is an to formulate new goals In years past my year's resolutions customized to the vari- I have assumed• As a centered around my getting better grades in g year, spending more being more in- n teacher, they became to be more organized prepared so I could attention to each stu- ray class. As a parent, I lunch money ready at a time, keep up with limit TV, enforce time, have family be more involved in aCtivities and organize my so as not to be too busy most important people in ray family. as a member of the Shel- d Board, I have been with our superin- and fellow board mem- our goals for the the coming year. center around our mrtners in educa- for a changing That vision is found Strategic plan docu- developed over a a dedicated group of members and district .Wrapped up the stra- process last Au- relieved and excited sire that the might be less than striving for. Not be- ack of effort or input COmmunity or district more from realization Strange new terri- into. integration in our vital component of year we have the doors" as our mt has so aptly said ct. We have enlisted BARG and that each of us will seek to be -, .. involved in this exciting en- u you Call a . o i. ...... ,9 denver. I wzsh you all the very ........... happiest of New Years! Cellar Jayni Kamin -'" Shelton School Board tking about selling your er-Held Note and Deed of or Real Estate Contract? Contract Equities whose over 15 years in , helps give you top dollar for your Call for a quote 426-1059 Ask for Bill that "Type 4 and 5 streams are the spawning coho salmon. That essentially drainage ditches" and way he'll remember that once that "the proposed buffer widths upon a time, he saw a wild salm- for properties with small streams on run on Tee Lake. will render many platted lots in Terri K. Day-Odegaard the county unbuildable." The ma- Tahuya Levy unnecessary Editor, The Journal: performance. F1 e retract 5 About five ears a o we the Taxpayers in "r D" ' y g , , now have another opportunity to taxpayers of District 5, paid over express their support, or disap- $100,000 in legal fees, fines and proval, of the proposed emergency penalties for the actions of the medical service (EMS) tax levy by district, under the fire chiefs di- utilizing the mail-in ballot, on or rection, for their improper billing before September 14. of Medicare charges. Subsequent This proposed levy follows the last EMS levy increase, two years ago, which raised the tax levy from $.18 to $.25 per $1,000 of as- sessed valuation, or a 35 percent increase for property owners in this segment of their property-tax bill. The fire chief and the com- missioners are now seeking another increase. This time they want the levy to be permanent and have proposed a 100 percent increase, bringing the tax levy to $.50 per $1,000 of assessed valua- tion. In actuality the tax increase is even greater due to the recent increases in property value as- sessments. Comparing these in- creases, with the average in- crease in income by taxpayers within the district, EMS costs are increasing at a rate over 10 times greater than the average taxpay- ers' income. This tremendous in- crease is even more difficult to comprehend since EMS services are billed to the recipient of these services at prevailing emergency service rates. This levy has been presented as necessary in order to provide emergency medical service for the residents of the district. However, the facts do not support this premise, as the existing EMS staffing and operations level seems capable of meeting current and foreseeable needs, in the opinion of knowledgeable commu- nity members, and some of the candidates seeking a commission- er's position. Furthermore, our EMS service is also supported by other district EMS facilities. Why then are the fire chief and the commissioners asking for more tax dollars? Possibly the answers may lie in a review of their past to this costly mistake, Washing- ton State auditors found District 5 to be in "noncompliance with regulatory requirements," and seriously criticized the fire chief and the commissioners for exces- sive spending, inadequate finan- cial controls and poor recordkeep- ing. Several of these deficiencies were also found in the previous audit, a situation which in the private sector would result in management termination or change. Since the fire chief has been in his position for over 20 years, taxpayers have the right to expect much better perfor- mance. Adding to these unacceptable issues is the fact that the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney was required to change the proposed EMS tax levy ballot title explana- tion and wording, as the one originally submitted by the dis- trict concealed the fact that the fire chief and the commissioners were proposing a permanent tax levy, thus making it much more difficult for taxpayers, via the bal- lot box, to periodically review how their tax dollars were being spent. This particular issue smacks of improper ethics and de- ceptive practices. The truth of the matter is that poor management by the fire chief and some commissioners has created very large holes in the "financial pockets" of the dis- trict. Should we keep pouring more tax dollars into this abyss, or should we demand improved performance and change, in the best way available - at the ballot box with a "no" vote? R.A. McKibbin Harstine Island OF , t ,,weO Make  .o...,,... g ? f s40000.'00 %W.) COMPLETE ROOF* Not valid with any other discount. Coupon must be presented at time of acceptance of proposal. One coupon per customer. Valid Aug• 26-Oct. 31, 1999. "CarefulJob Allm (d rill FREE SiteClun-Up" az,d[. ' II   ESTIMATES 2136 Olympl© Highway North. Shelton ,oo., 2-pk, 10.1-oz. Can be applied in hot or cold temps. 674 846 354 217, 35] 643 Includes auxiliary port for CD or tape players. Your Choice z 0a 12.99. 1 l 1.99 • % (FALL GRASS SEED Mix of Kentucky bluegrass, creeping red rescue anal perennial rye. 34b. 548 65d 399 , ---- • Variable speed, reversin . U to 1200 RPM Include s :u2k3  keyPholder 40-ct./33-gal. trash & yard or , 90-ct./13-gal. toll kitchen bags. 3,31 959, 434 472 3.44 f HOME INSECT FOGGER The fast and effective w6y to get rid of pests. 6-oz. 268 653 3.99 GAS 99.99 Rust preventative coating. White or black. 196 444, 931 1.99 r 48" SHOPLIOHT Holds two fluorescent tubes. 12" hanging chains. 5' grounded cord. 365 145 \\; 8.99 : 6-PIECE SAE COMBINATION With matte finish 016n:lTu:es vinyl pouch 9.99 * CIRCUIT ALERT " /SEASO N END VOLVAS! TlSVlR CLEARANCE r3oo/o | AII remaining '00:003nll | lawn and pat,o With b°th °udible °nd visible sign°Is t° 7 | .furniture. I Sale I,m,ted to stock on hand. | Thursday, Friday, • 6,99 \\; s°t,,r,,o,,,s.,.,,o,,on,,. • Thursday, September 2, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 mmmm No one steps up j HaL| " 00der Editor, *heJournal: jority of the private property own- i --" WEIEIMEND In recent years Mason Count ers who testified at the July 13 _ , y . . , . residents have watched salmon county commlsmoners meeting runs dramatically decline or dis- agreed.  SPEC II 00LSe e I  in election because the could not appear completely. Seven of the Mason County private property [ e-lutted--beforeWmCn we' • Y election nine species declared "threat- owners and developers are joining [ -:  ,, ened" or "Endangered" are in the right in and stating, "Not I." [ a Y,i{ebuttal letters for the s tateofWashington, sothegover- , ..... " -- -- -.'l"heJ°urnal'sDolic isto Se tember9zssue '  'vr I  Se_ptember-9 i-ssl that aren t .............. ul ol mese groups are respon- n°liSoZnteaw:r':moCagL ' sible for declining salmon runs. L n l -ec rebuttals and attempt to plow ....... "J They should just state for the 10n in th "te)-rinte: uiCawtn'UnnaS'to ste u to the record, "We don't care about sal- ,.v____ ® task* g g P p men and it's going to be business • a uu veoureve ten A coalition of builders, farmers ofmi ....... Exciting new year and cattlemen challenged the ulonsoraouars. salmon listings in federal court. For the record, I live on Tee "Not I," says the coalition. They Lake and my family has owned blame overfishing for salmon de- property on the lake for over 25 S# br, The Journal. many capable, willing members of clines and ask to halt salmon years. We have a wild coho salm- '.i,tL 1 fishing, on run that exists in a type 4 or re's a slight chill in the eve- our community to serve on our .................. 5" stream on privately owned de- )reeze, sighs of boredom and Business and Finance Committee, lon-lna]an nsnermen aru pL=- ............ a veloped and undeveloped proper aints that there's nothin to the Council of Student Learning paring co ngn me u..-wanaa ....... " i$1#  erupting with increasing and the Athletic Committee as " " " it ues The runs coincide with the salmon agreemen oecause • _ . cy from the kids, the bar- well as various short-term com- crops" melr ........... snare oime t) . nar- ttimes that the streams have wa vest from 50 percent to 32 per- andleaf-s,zed @.[ :,new pencils, Darer and mittees as needed to help us de- ' er and Tee Lake flows into , "+ T "  th P, Rendsland Creek and Tahuya ij |  as you walk'into W 1 velop and implement olic and .......... , - ...... oet ....... a a- . • • P Y • • • nlver Tee Lake waters aependon , .nu multitudes of sales fii- individual school action commit- Sound Gfllnetters Assocmtmn. • ,, , e _, many fingerling type streams ! Plcting youths bedecked in tees. It is our desire for the citi- The Indian gillnetter fisner- th .......... ! - .... a flOW in me winter nrougn Lew .culturallv-nrescribed, = , zens. of Shelton School District to men increased the tribal share of th ....... e lo-w.zthout, name br n be reformed, enabled and empow-  ...... e grouna roo nltemng systems .... - a d at- . ...... surrounalng me lake raser lver sockeye zrom u per- .. .. , , !1 :,1 Plllng °ut °fthe Sundav eredpartnerswithusas°ursuc" centupt°percenincnenexi: ,a  ' l ler all lead me to the in- cess and hence our students' suc- four years. And, even if 1-696 Many of these streams on the Conclusion that Septem cess depends on such commit- passes (initiative to ban the use of privately owned, riparian shores alm. ost here and school will ment. many commercial fishing nets), of the lake have not been docu- e back in session I'm no There are so many different op- the measure does not address mented. In my opinion, many of b:[ reluctant to acknowled-e portunities and levels of involve- tribal fishing. "Not I," say the the current land development fr. I everal weeks before was ment available which will help Washington State tribes, rules on the books are not being th @  With undeniable dread improve our educational system,  .... Count,, commissione enforced, the water quality of Tee ........  rs L E-Z K.ARE r to the coming of the and not all require joining a cam- are considering reducing or cam- " " FLAT INTERIOR • In fact, I am eaaerl- an mittee The district needs volun-  .....  ..............  ...... ream ake has dechned, nyad (ingraft) of.| i o Y - " ''+°]" °;';"°+;"" +' °+ is in our lake bed, and the public :.! .ng September 7 for the teers at all levels from after- buffers, while other counties are usage of our lake waters has m' - ORWEATHERALL NEWl WORK SITE l ) rag of the new scloo1 vsr school tutors to hel in in the w ...... ---- P g looking at enlarging them. The creased. , FLAT EXTERIOR RADIO CHARGER s| Itl it the opportunity of classroom. Contact your principal executive director of the Econom- In the late fall and winter, I El Spatter-resistant interior formula dries in min- AM/FM radio operates off DeWalt batteries ic Development Council stated take my young son out to look for utes. Exterior resists mildew, stains and fading, or AC power. Charges batteries in one hour. to find out ways you can be in- volved both at school and home which will aid your child's learn- ing. If you are the parent or care- giver of a preschool-age or young- er child, I believe that one of the most important ways you can pre- pare your child for school is to read to your child at least 20 minutes per day. Studies show that academic performance can be increased significantly by increas- ing a child's pre-kindergarten lit- eracy experience regardless of so- cio-economic status. Reading to a child doesn't cost anything but time and effort and the long-term rewards are invaluable! Although joining your school action committee is probably the easiest way to participate in and become informed about what your neighborhood school is doing to pursue our vision of excellence, there are many other organiza- tions throughout the community who need committed volunteers and whose efforts affect the suc- cess of our vision. This is where the partner portion of our vision becomes most important. Mason County Literacy, Boys and Girls Club, 4-H, various sports clubs, Save Our County's Kids (SOCK), dance, music and church organi- zations to name a few, are all valuable ways of building commu- nity into the life of a child. Recently I read this plea from Retired General Colin Powell: "It's more than throwing comput- ers at them. It's more than just having testing standards• It all comes down to putting a commu- nity of adults into the lives of youngsters - adults who are suc- cessful, adults who serve as a role model, adults who show young- sters what life is all about." I echo his plea. Please, make it your goal to find a way to be involved! Our children need you[ The first day of school is fast approaching and the time for rest and reflection is almost over. Soon the sounds of school buses filled with eager children will again be rumbling through our streets. The call to fill our sched- ules with sports practices, music and dance lessons, homework and PTSO meetings will invade our summer serenity. I sincerely hope that this school year will be different, that each parent, teach- er, student and community mem- ber will be confident that Shelton School District is on its way to providing quality educational op- portunities to all of our students a fresh start. ith January 1, the begin- a new school year is an to formulate new goals In years past my year's resolutions customized to the vari- I have assumed• As a centered around my getting better grades in g year, spending more being more in- n teacher, they became to be more organized prepared so I could attention to each stu- ray class. As a parent, I lunch money ready at a time, keep up with limit TV, enforce time, have family be more involved in aCtivities and organize my so as not to be too busy most important people in ray family. as a member of the Shel- d Board, I have been with our superin- and fellow board mem- our goals for the the coming year. center around our mrtners in educa- for a changing That vision is found Strategic plan docu- developed over a a dedicated group of members and district .Wrapped up the stra- process last Au- relieved and excited sire that the might be less than striving for. Not be- ack of effort or input COmmunity or district more from realization Strange new terri- into. integration in our vital component of year we have the doors" as our mt has so aptly said ct. We have enlisted BARG and that each of us will seek to be -, .. involved in this exciting en- u you Call a . o i. ...... ,9 denver. I wzsh you all the very ........... happiest of New Years! Cellar Jayni Kamin -'" Shelton School Board tking about selling your er-Held Note and Deed of or Real Estate Contract? Contract Equities whose over 15 years in , helps give you top dollar for your Call for a quote 426-1059 Ask for Bill that "Type 4 and 5 streams are the spawning coho salmon. That essentially drainage ditches" and way he'll remember that once that "the proposed buffer widths upon a time, he saw a wild salm- for properties with small streams on run on Tee Lake. will render many platted lots in Terri K. Day-Odegaard the county unbuildable." The ma- Tahuya Levy unnecessary Editor, The Journal: performance. F1 e retract 5 About five ears a o we the Taxpayers in "r D" ' y g , , now have another opportunity to taxpayers of District 5, paid over express their support, or disap- $100,000 in legal fees, fines and proval, of the proposed emergency penalties for the actions of the medical service (EMS) tax levy by district, under the fire chiefs di- utilizing the mail-in ballot, on or rection, for their improper billing before September 14. of Medicare charges. Subsequent This proposed levy follows the last EMS levy increase, two years ago, which raised the tax levy from $.18 to $.25 per $1,000 of as- sessed valuation, or a 35 percent increase for property owners in this segment of their property-tax bill. The fire chief and the com- missioners are now seeking another increase. This time they want the levy to be permanent and have proposed a 100 percent increase, bringing the tax levy to $.50 per $1,000 of assessed valua- tion. In actuality the tax increase is even greater due to the recent increases in property value as- sessments. Comparing these in- creases, with the average in- crease in income by taxpayers within the district, EMS costs are increasing at a rate over 10 times greater than the average taxpay- ers' income. This tremendous in- crease is even more difficult to comprehend since EMS services are billed to the recipient of these services at prevailing emergency service rates. This levy has been presented as necessary in order to provide emergency medical service for the residents of the district. However, the facts do not support this premise, as the existing EMS staffing and operations level seems capable of meeting current and foreseeable needs, in the opinion of knowledgeable commu- nity members, and some of the candidates seeking a commission- er's position. Furthermore, our EMS service is also supported by other district EMS facilities. Why then are the fire chief and the commissioners asking for more tax dollars? Possibly the answers may lie in a review of their past to this costly mistake, Washing- ton State auditors found District 5 to be in "noncompliance with regulatory requirements," and seriously criticized the fire chief and the commissioners for exces- sive spending, inadequate finan- cial controls and poor recordkeep- ing. Several of these deficiencies were also found in the previous audit, a situation which in the private sector would result in management termination or change. Since the fire chief has been in his position for over 20 years, taxpayers have the right to expect much better perfor- mance. Adding to these unacceptable issues is the fact that the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney was required to change the proposed EMS tax levy ballot title explana- tion and wording, as the one originally submitted by the dis- trict concealed the fact that the fire chief and the commissioners were proposing a permanent tax levy, thus making it much more difficult for taxpayers, via the bal- lot box, to periodically review how their tax dollars were being spent. This particular issue smacks of improper ethics and de- ceptive practices. The truth of the matter is that poor management by the fire chief and some commissioners has created very large holes in the "financial pockets" of the dis- trict. Should we keep pouring more tax dollars into this abyss, or should we demand improved performance and change, in the best way available - at the ballot box with a "no" vote? R.A. McKibbin Harstine Island OF , t ,,weO Make  .o...,,... g ? f s40000.'00 %W.) COMPLETE ROOF* Not valid with any other discount. Coupon must be presented at time of acceptance of proposal. One coupon per customer. Valid Aug• 26-Oct. 31, 1999. "CarefulJob Allm (d rill FREE SiteClun-Up" az,d[. ' II   ESTIMATES 2136 Olympl© Highway North. Shelton ,oo., 2-pk, 10.1-oz. Can be applied in hot or cold temps. 674 846 354 217, 35] 643 Includes auxiliary port for CD or tape players. Your Choice z 0a 12.99. 1 l 1.99 • % (FALL GRASS SEED Mix of Kentucky bluegrass, creeping red rescue anal perennial rye. 34b. 548 65d 399 , ---- • Variable speed, reversin . U to 1200 RPM Include s :u2k3  keyPholder 40-ct./33-gal. trash & yard or , 90-ct./13-gal. toll kitchen bags. 3,31 959, 434 472 3.44 f HOME INSECT FOGGER The fast and effective w6y to get rid of pests. 6-oz. 268 653 3.99 GAS 99.99 Rust preventative coating. White or black. 196 444, 931 1.99 r 48" SHOPLIOHT Holds two fluorescent tubes. 12" hanging chains. 5' grounded cord. 365 145 \\; 8.99 : 6-PIECE SAE COMBINATION With matte finish 016n:lTu:es vinyl pouch 9.99 * CIRCUIT ALERT " /SEASO N END VOLVAS! TlSVlR CLEARANCE r3oo/o | AII remaining '00:003nll | lawn and pat,o With b°th °udible °nd visible sign°Is t° 7 | .furniture. I Sale I,m,ted to stock on hand. | Thursday, Friday, • 6,99 \\; s°t,,r,,o,,,s.,.,,o,,on,,. • Thursday, September 2, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 mmmm