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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: es: " A00Chmb er report: Timberwolf Tal Summer took youthsts o-f activity .marks days ,1to a variety of places before first session of school € By LINDSAY ORME tion of their classes, and will be " " middle school on August 20. Sup- nt BYMELISSA SPEIGLE Corps, a semi-professional level their task was to play in the Capi- School begins on September 7, available for questions. Free ham- ply lists and memos from the stu- # Now that the summer's over marching band that travels all tal Playhouse's pit orchestra, but many activities will have be- burgers will be served. A parent information night will dents' teams were included. 1t .cteS;hoo 1 . be held at 5:30 p.m. September 8 Those who have not received a ivy tl Is only days away, it's over the continent to perform, along with some of the area's gun before the first day of school, to answer parents' questions class schedule can call the middle , Ic$ tls',:'__ me yearly question, 'as AMONG THE many places greatest musicians. 'e probably Volleyball and basketball prac- about sports. lal}t  ummer worthwhile?" they went were Wisconsin, Call- had more fun in the pit than they Students have already received tice began August 30. Volleyball school at 426-7991 for a schedule 'answer that question our Schedules were sent from the or for additional information. .... carry , Y fornia, Louisiana, Canada, Utah, did on stage," announced Jacki essential back-to-school informs- players met to discuss the stu- .,, spondent asked several Idaho, and Oregon. Amanda, who with a smile when asked what tion, and they have begun sports dent handbook, but practice will e$  n FI!gh Schoolers what they resume thought of the experience, practice for seventh- and eighth- played lead baritone for the she September7 after school. fill  eve,elr SUmmers doing. And group, thought very highly of the . th,ff,, am spend it doin some- "No Stephanie played for four of grade volleyball and football. The s#a eaflu °tw°rth. While the respons- experience, matter who you the musicals, Joseph and the day for school to begin draws To participate in sports, ate- created from re art are, you can always learn some- Technicolor Dream Coat, State nearer every day. Are you ready? dents must be in the seventh or ca;me ..... P s of va- thing from drum corps, be it me- Fair, The Whiz, and The Sound of eighth grade and be passing all • ,o o tales from work, there sical or even about yourself." Music, also had an opinion of the Shelton Middle School will host their classes. If a student did not ity t Ls One thing they all had in a barbecue today for this year's make passing grades the previous nil# nmon: productivity. You don't necessarily have to pit orchestra. "I learned to count," sixth-grade students and their semester, he or she will have to go out of state for a vacation she reports. ! f 'a cation destinations r antg:d parents. The barbecue will be wait five weeks before being a l-  '' 1) Oregon state to Washin n, though, as I was reminded by So, "Was this summer worth- held at 6 p.m. today in the middle lowed to participate in sports. 1 i_ as well as places such as sophomore Hayley Trawls, who while?" I don't know about yours, school gym. At the barbecue, at ,.o and Canada, and lust said her mini-vacations were the but for Shelton High School stu- teachers will introduce them- In addition, students in sports jl# everywhere in between." several camping trips she took. 427-0886 When asked what she enjoyed dents, yes; it was. selves, will give a brief descrip- must have physical exams as well i IONG THE students travel- Y : 0Washington, D.C. this sum- about camping i Hayley smiles Lt :ere SHS freshmen Jackie then answers, don't like socks and I do like rice." The answer q an and Tara Weaver, who may be confusing but the point is ic  L'gradeaS partclassOf trip.their optional loud and clear - Hayley spent her • • summer doing what she loved, as d h en Tara was asked what did many other high-school stu-  i0L r SOught of the expedition, her dents. I -'r o as nearly instant. "There t- . v many museums." She Not everyone's summer, how- ! [ *Usecl,10t0f funthen added, "But it was a ever, consisted of just vacationing • ', ' and fun. l_ 0f museums is right. The Working was also high on the "ae hosts about 13 large Seunas, six of id b- - . which were visit- list of students' activities for the A summer. One of the students who |ler ackie, Tara, and their spent their summer working was lth 'vvnat did, Jackie think of l • Useums9 works for the Shelton School Dis- [1' iteres, -_ ,, • They were very Josh Holbert, SHS freshman, who Ik |eren,,',tg • Museums, however, trict. His job consists of setting up :::: i II I, |viait  me only things that were district computers, doing inven- :i: ! IMd  on their trip The also ............. * [thteh r respects to place y such tory, and ordering new equipment °:7 • "%a 2ac°in Memorial, the Jef- for teachers. i : :i : ' i  tetiuflemorial, the Washington EVEN THOUGH it was work, :b..Oav meat, the Bureau of En- Josh says he still enjoyed himself.  i:: ,*ift]te,ag and Printing, Ford's "I had a lot of fun, I kept very [:,: :i I • _lit , E,nbay Row, The buy, and I learne a lot. I did it |t,a?°Use, and several other so I could learn,more, help out, Ya! x.)memorials. and because it s something I ll le Jackie and Tara were really, enjoy," he said. ,| %PV in Washington, D.C., Hes not the only one that ap- , tta" | atigh-schoolers were also va- preciates his job. Rebecca Speigle,  ; ; :'i • \\; | 0r01g, a number of them in a junior, also likes hers. As a life-  " Jli i), ' Family vacations, reun- guard and swim teacher of two -I:: 11, !Fi ,,: just fun trips were a few years, Rebecca's had the opportu- ! I1 ,€tll%"WhY students traveled nity to meet a lot of kids, learn i!! [ a,|'dq%t', w.oeni°r Jake Ozga, how- more about swimming, and has "1!% " not there for an of a7[ bcf0eba°ns; he traveled to )re- even saved a life. When asked what her favorite thing about °" 12 Sebah camp. working this summer was, her  $0rY WINCHELL, another answer was, "It was fun because I alflilo f gon-goers, offered some was with friends." ..... [ 2GD[RcoVNmeYsSeIPe 0 .... dwminSert!!t!Fhes Chris Olin's summer also in- ? i [  95 NEON volved working. Chris, a fresh- "This cr is so man at SHS, is a soccer referee for teams that vary in age every- cute, Value priced. )r y :h#ll'  |til, a'ans0 SpentTh°mas'h ...... an SHS j'u- where from seven to 19 years old. i 77097A 99242A l 'tler er ummer l;rav- I became a soccer referee for the $6,850 "|  a most exotic destination fun of it and I was unknowingly $ 5 -'r Small town in Mexico taught responsibility, people ._.t.t o .... ayed tbr several '-IP- ". W '- skills, and about what hard work "- |cem!e in Mexico, she ex- was. And the large salary was 96 WINDSTR GI, :lllt o ate from a different just an added bonus," reported TRACER I/-T Pa V6, 7 pass., one iilk,  View "I wan " ;llk. - edu- .. • t to get a Chris of his job. 4DR, low miles, low pay- ?:le owner, very clean, llWli k_ .cat, on so I don't have to It he  that,, she said. Jordan Roquemore, also a ments, lots to choose from. A s. new car trade. I'% e. where she stayed freshman, not only had one job 77112 $'1 /ll {ll.. 00.mmer, manage00 to *5,995 'll.l ra-_nmg water, and mon- handle three separate ones: land- IS' the l'2s. and flash floods cov- scaper, handyman, and tiler. His  .... ............. i|of_.. 1 nearly every day. In impression of the summer? "I :l;. all the rain the weather 96 PROBE GT 94 F1.50 ,:!!!; h d ohUdnaid;s learned a lot of important lessons °taasn leamVianng over the summer that will affect Red, chrome 4X4 me for the rest of my adult life." wheels, 5 spd. One Full load, low " Itioa f entertainment and re- WHILE JOSH, Rebecca, owner, "nice. miles, nice truck. ,ice ltother . Chris, and Jordan worked at their JAYS 77188A |';?' al,.. 3Unior, Amanda Pet- jobs, several other high-school $13,495 * I 1,995 I1 i[e :Jraveled this summer, students were completing a job of " /iiaTe of her peers', her -  their own, theirs being a non-pay- , #)€ . S was not all fun and ing one. Those students are i .., 9 ]FOD SC{ 80 CHIVY . lttle C e Was a part of the Stephanie Limberg, Jacki Cox, i ' SCades Drum & Bugle Greg Hoff, and Joey Walbaum; EXPLORIR WGN SUBURB&N Low miles, Very clean, low One owner, "new car ,: .... ,,m 3/4 ton, people hard to find. miles, priced to sell. trade," auto, AC, hauler, V8, auto You Know , ' *17,988 *4,945 *3,995 *1,995 i ,, ' tee 98 WINDSTAR 97 ETRO 98 FORD 97 F-150 Quad seats, rear TAURUS SE SUPER CAB 4X4 Ontil recently, there has only been air, chrome 4DR, auto, AC wheels. "Great car" Loaded, auto. All power, 77164 77096 77] 51 nice truck. 99229A °ne funeral home in Shelton. *17,988 '6,995 *11,995 *19,995 o You have  :. .... :ii 94 BUICK 94 RANGER 94 LINCOLN 97 FORD q ChOice ? i:i :::' CENTURY S(IPER CAB XLT MK8 DITION ........ :i ......... ; Great driver. "Black Beauty." 4X4 XLT ....... ::: Auto, AC Leather. Loaded, wheels, nice. : ............... 9180A 99259A 99131B 77205 :,: s6, 940 *4,995 *9,995 *25,495 i::ii:i ....... :+: : !:.:!:!ii!!i:!iii!!!i!iiii!ii: 313 W. :d. Shelton, 360/427-8044 * Olympia: 360/943-6363 Thursday, September 2, 1999 - Shelton-Mason Coun' Journal e 11 : es: " A00Chmb er report: Timberwolf Tal Summer took youthsts o-f activity .marks days ,1to a variety of places before first session of school € By LINDSAY ORME tion of their classes, and will be " " middle school on August 20. Sup- nt BYMELISSA SPEIGLE Corps, a semi-professional level their task was to play in the Capi- School begins on September 7, available for questions. Free ham- ply lists and memos from the stu- # Now that the summer's over marching band that travels all tal Playhouse's pit orchestra, but many activities will have be- burgers will be served. A parent information night will dents' teams were included. 1t .cteS;hoo 1 . be held at 5:30 p.m. September 8 Those who have not received a ivy tl Is only days away, it's over the continent to perform, along with some of the area's gun before the first day of school, to answer parents' questions class schedule can call the middle , Ic$ tls',:'__ me yearly question, 'as AMONG THE many places greatest musicians. 'e probably Volleyball and basketball prac- about sports. lal}t  ummer worthwhile?" they went were Wisconsin, Call- had more fun in the pit than they Students have already received tice began August 30. Volleyball school at 426-7991 for a schedule 'answer that question our Schedules were sent from the or for additional information. .... carry , Y fornia, Louisiana, Canada, Utah, did on stage," announced Jacki essential back-to-school informs- players met to discuss the stu- .,, spondent asked several Idaho, and Oregon. Amanda, who with a smile when asked what tion, and they have begun sports dent handbook, but practice will e$  n FI!gh Schoolers what they resume thought of the experience, practice for seventh- and eighth- played lead baritone for the she September7 after school. fill  eve,elr SUmmers doing. And group, thought very highly of the . th,ff,, am spend it doin some- "No Stephanie played for four of grade volleyball and football. The s#a eaflu °tw°rth. While the respons- experience, matter who you the musicals, Joseph and the day for school to begin draws To participate in sports, ate- created from re art are, you can always learn some- Technicolor Dream Coat, State nearer every day. Are you ready? dents must be in the seventh or ca;me ..... P s of va- thing from drum corps, be it me- Fair, The Whiz, and The Sound of eighth grade and be passing all • ,o o tales from work, there sical or even about yourself." Music, also had an opinion of the Shelton Middle School will host their classes. If a student did not ity t Ls One thing they all had in a barbecue today for this year's make passing grades the previous nil# nmon: productivity. You don't necessarily have to pit orchestra. "I learned to count," sixth-grade students and their semester, he or she will have to go out of state for a vacation she reports. ! f 'a cation destinations r antg:d parents. The barbecue will be wait five weeks before being a l-  '' 1) Oregon state to Washin n, though, as I was reminded by So, "Was this summer worth- held at 6 p.m. today in the middle lowed to participate in sports. 1 i_ as well as places such as sophomore Hayley Trawls, who while?" I don't know about yours, school gym. At the barbecue, at ,.o and Canada, and lust said her mini-vacations were the but for Shelton High School stu- teachers will introduce them- In addition, students in sports jl# everywhere in between." several camping trips she took. 427-0886 When asked what she enjoyed dents, yes; it was. selves, will give a brief descrip- must have physical exams as well i IONG THE students travel- Y : 0Washington, D.C. this sum- about camping i Hayley smiles Lt :ere SHS freshmen Jackie then answers, don't like socks and I do like rice." The answer q an and Tara Weaver, who may be confusing but the point is ic  L'gradeaS partclassOf trip.their optional loud and clear - Hayley spent her • • summer doing what she loved, as d h en Tara was asked what did many other high-school stu-  i0L r SOught of the expedition, her dents. I -'r o as nearly instant. "There t- . v many museums." She Not everyone's summer, how- ! [ *Usecl,10t0f funthen added, "But it was a ever, consisted of just vacationing • ', ' and fun. l_ 0f museums is right. The Working was also high on the "ae hosts about 13 large Seunas, six of id b- - . which were visit- list of students' activities for the A summer. One of the students who |ler ackie, Tara, and their spent their summer working was lth ' vvnat did, Jackie think of l • Useums9 works for the Shelton School Dis- [1' iteres, -_ ,, • They were very Josh Holbert, SHS freshman, who Ik |eren,,',tg • Museums, however, trict. His job consists of setting up :::: i II I, |viait  me only things that were district computers, doing inven- :i: ! IMd  on their trip The also ............. * [thteh r respects to place y such tory, and ordering new equipment °:7 • "%a 2ac°in Memorial, the Jef- for teachers. i : :i : ' i  tetiuflemorial, the Washington EVEN THOUGH it was work, :b..Oav meat, the Bureau of En- Josh says he still enjoyed himself.  i:: ,*ift]te,ag and Printing, Ford's "I had a lot of fun, I kept very [:,: :i I • _lit , E,nbay Row, The buy, and I learne a lot. I did it |t,a?°Use, and several other so I could learn,more, help out, Ya! x.)memorials. and because it s something I ll le Jackie and Tara were really, enjoy," he said. ,| %PV in Washington, D.C., Hes not the only one that ap- , tta" | atigh-schoolers were also va- preciates his job. Rebecca Speigle,  ; ; :'i • \\; | 0r01g, a number of them in a junior, also likes hers. As a life-  " Jli i), ' Family vacations, reun- guard and swim teacher of two -I:: 11, !Fi ,,: just fun trips were a few years, Rebecca's had the opportu- ! I1 ,€tll%"WhY students traveled nity to meet a lot of kids, learn i!! [ a,|'dq%t', w.oeni°r Jake Ozga, how- more about swimming, and has "1!% " not there for an of a7[ bcf0eba°ns; he traveled to )re- even saved a life. When asked what her favorite thing about °" 12 Sebah camp. working this summer was, her  $0rY WINCHELL, another answer was, "It was fun because I alflilo f gon-goers, offered some was with friends." ..... [ 2GD[RcoVNmeYsSeIPe 0 .... dwminSert!!t!Fhes Chris Olin's summer also in- ? i [  95 NEON volved working. Chris, a fresh- "This cr is so man at SHS, is a soccer referee for teams that vary in age every- cute, Value priced. )r y :h#ll'  |til, a'ans0 SpentTh°mas'h ...... an SHS j'u- where from seven to 19 years old. i 77097A 99242A l 'tler er ummer l;rav- I became a soccer referee for the $6,850 "|  a most exotic destination fun of it and I was unknowingly $ 5 -'r Small town in Mexico taught responsibility, people ._.t.t o .... ayed tbr several '-IP- ". W '- skills, and about what hard work "- |cem!e in Mexico, she ex- was. And the large salary was 96 WINDSTR GI, :lllt o ate from a different just an added bonus," reported TRACER I/-T Pa V6, 7 pass., one iilk,  View "I wan " ;llk. - edu- .. • t to get a Chris of his job. 4DR, low miles, low pay- ?:le owner, very clean, llWli k_ .cat, on so I don't have to It he  that,, she said. Jordan Roquemore, also a ments, lots to choose from. A s. new car trade. I'% e. where she stayed freshman, not only had one job 77112 $'1 /ll {ll.. 00.mmer, manage00 to *5,995 'll.l ra-_nmg water, and mon- handle three separate ones: land- IS' the l'2s. and flash floods cov- scaper, handyman, and tiler. His  .... ............. i|of_.. 1 nearly every day. In impression of the summer? "I :l;. all the rain the weather 96 PROBE GT 94 F1.50 ,:!!!; h d ohUdnaid;s learned a lot of important lessons °taasn leamVianng over the summer that will affect Red, chrome 4X4 me for the rest of my adult life." wheels, 5 spd. One Full load, low " Itioa f entertainment and re- WHILE JOSH, Rebecca, owner, "nice. miles, nice truck. ,ice ltother . Chris, and Jordan worked at their JAYS 77188A |';?' al,.. 3Unior, Amanda Pet- jobs, several other high-school $13,495 * I 1,995 I1 i[e :Jraveled this summer, students were completing a job of " /iiaTe of her peers', her -  their own, theirs being a non-pay- , #)€ . S was not all fun and ing one. Those students are i .., 9 ]FOD SC{ 80 CHIVY . lttle C e Was a part of the Stephanie Limberg, Jacki Cox, i ' SCades Drum & Bugle Greg Hoff, and Joey Walbaum; EXPLORIR WGN SUBURB&N Low miles, Very clean, low One owner, "new car ,: .... ,,m 3/4 ton, people hard to find. miles, priced to sell. trade," auto, AC, hauler, V8, auto You Know , ' *17,988 *4,945 *3,995 *1,995 i ,, ' tee 98 WINDSTAR 97 ETRO 98 FORD 97 F-150 Quad seats, rear TAURUS SE SUPER CAB 4X4 Ontil recently, there has only been air, chrome 4DR, auto, AC wheels. "Great car" Loaded, auto. All power, 77164 77096 77] 51 nice truck. 99229A °ne funeral home in Shelton. *17,988 '6,995 *11,995 *19,995 o You have  :. .... :ii 94 BUICK 94 RANGER 94 LINCOLN 97 FORD q ChOice ? i:i :::' CENTURY S(IPER CAB XLT MK8 DITION ........ :i ......... ; Great driver. "Black Beauty." 4X4 XLT ....... ::: Auto, AC Leather. Loaded, wheels, nice. : ............... 9180A 99259A 99131B 77205 :,: s6, 940 *4,995 *9,995 *25,495 i::ii:i ....... :+: : !:.:!:!ii!!i:!iii!!!i!iiii!ii: 313 W. :d. Shelton, 360/427-8044 * Olympia: 360/943-6363 Thursday, September 2, 1999 - Shelton-Mason Coun' Journal e 11