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September 2, 1999 |
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00u00perior court roundup: McGee is arrested after
Judge doubles McCord's bail 'ch h tig
" p P
o s ' inves ation
after arrest on bench warrant
8d.efendant in Mason County beT 30, a pretrial hearing for Oc- charges after his arrest last McGee was identified Friday in program.
• " ' Thursday in an investigation of Mason County Superior Court.
w nor Court, arrested on a tober 27 and trial during the jury an alleged "chop shop" at his Judge Toni Sheldon found prob- McGee was arrested last Octo-
arran and held on $5 000 bail term that be ns N v
w . _ , , " o ember 8.
ap bail doub!ed when he • Marc Eward Frary, 28, of home at 21 NE Leahy Drive. able cause for his arrest in con- ber and charged with possession
" nection with the lesser crime of of stolen property in the first de-
,,,. tg oemre a jua e 502 guilP ;Male Street SheltOndeiiPeryled He was arrested in an investi- two counts of taking a motor vehi- gree after deputies found two al-
,'of;1,Kempton ScCord, not tea charge of
cation of possession of stolen cle without permission. She set legedly stolen pickup trucks at
.! • washington Street of methamphetamine. Judge property after deputies of the Me- bail at $7,500 pending arraign- his home in Tahuya. He faces the
t0t :,n, Was in court on Wednes-' Sheldon scheduled an omnibus son County Sheriffs Office re- ment September 9. prospect of a speedy conviction on
st ( Y, aUgust 25 to face chares of hearin for Se tember 30 a re- calved a tip that he had returned At the time of his arrest McGee this charge if a superior court
"essi - g P , P
n of methamphetamine trial hearm for October 27 and to his house in Tahuya. Deputies was enrolled in Friendship as judge finds that he has violated
and drivin • • ' g
i in th^ gLwith.hcense suspend- trial during the jury term that be- think his property may have been part of a diversion agreement the terms of his diversion agree-
s,, mra ciegree The war- gins November 8. used to strip down stolen vehicles that allows defendants to avoid ment with Friendship.
ia rogued after he failed to * Richard Martin Ralston,
. l)efe°r a pretrial hearing. 36, of 191 NE Katchemak Lane,
il M .:'° attorney Sergi said Belfair, pled not guilt to posses-
. '^mlSsed the hearing be- siGn with intent to mYufacture a Admits theft, burglary:
on ." marked the wrong date controlled substance. Judge Shel-
ale calendar Ser I ask don th pl d h g
Judge o_ • g ed scheduled an ommbus hear-
t'o oail , . - g . P , P
/0 , oawyer to keep the defend in for Setember9 retrial You ea s to c ar es
iranisno at $5,000. 'This gentle- hearing for September 22 and
fly l"tlv e'-' mght risk" He is cur" trial during the jury term that be" @ b " h
el# id." '-prayed full time," Sergi gins October 4.
• Donald Lee Lagasa, 33, of In reak-m at Bays ore
h, Peputy Prosecutor Pat Eason 1911 Washington Street, Shelton, program. Judge Sheldon ached- tion of two counts of possession of
WaVer, asked the cour
F¢ e e t . t to in- pled not guilty to delivery of uled a review of her progress for illegal drugs and three counts of
.^ ae bail Saw er raised A Shelton youth arrested after Workman and two companions change for a promise from the
€0 , • " Y methamphetamine. Judge Shel- August 3, 2000. fraudulently obtaining prescrip- a burglary at Bayshore Golf Club "broke into the Bayshore Golf prosecutor not to file additional
h,.rds bad to $10,000 and re- don scheduled an omnibus hear- IN OTHER proceedings last tion drugs, in July pled guilty to burglary Club and stole some golf carts charges.
i ecl a pretrial hearin for ins for September 9, a pretrial Thursday, Judge Sheldon: Judge Sheldon appointed Lane and theft charges in Mason Coun- and some other stuff," he wrote in
:'oer 22 ....... g. Rosenow has lost his right to
t[ • a,u rml aurm hearing for September 22 and
4 ¢JUry term that begins Octob during the jury term that be- Ethan Veigh Workman, 19, his guilty plea. Sheldon scheduled sentencing for
trial * Signed an order of restitution to be her defense attorney and ty Superior Court last week. the statement that accompanied own or possess a firearm. Judge
gins October 4. directing Gerald Leahy to pay found probable cause for her ar-
iIN * Blake Richard Fuller, 32, $408 to Peninsula Community rest. She set bail at $7,500 and of East 70 Evergreen Drive, pled Judge Sheldon told him he has October 14.
GNMENT proceed- scheduled arraignment for Sap- guilty before Judge Toni Sheldon lost his right to own or possess a Another defendant changed
,,"nngthe weekly criminal- of 1111 Archwood Drive, Olym- Federal Credit Union. - last Thursday to two counts of firearm. She scheduled sentenc- her plea in superior court pro-
* Ordered Gerald Wayne ember9.
'alenciar on Thursday: pia, pled not guilty to two counts burglary in the second degree and ing for October 14. ceedings on Tuesday. She is:
n T. Carla, 34, of Lacey of forgery. Judge Sheldon sched- Bailey to pay $480 in restitution ON TUESDAY. three counts of theft in the first TWO OTHER defendants also * Stefani Dean Brock, 30, of
::°.guilty to vehicular as uled an omnibus hearing for Sap- in a case involving forgery. • Ryan E. Case, 20, of Puyal- degree.
" • " ° Signed a $5,000 warrant for lup was identified in an investiga- changed their pleas Thursday in 14311 188th Avenue Court, Gig
flora an[ drwing under the in- tember 9, a pretrial hearing for A sixth count of theft in the superior court. They are: Harbor. She pled guilty to escape
le a.ce. Judge Toni Sheldon re- September 22 and trial for the the arrest of Zeberiah Daniel tion of residential burglary, second degree was dismissed on a • Stanley Ray Tackett, 38, of in the second degree.
i him on uersonal jury term that begins October 4. Slawson after he failed to appear Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi motion by Deputy Prosecutor 2408 South Chyann, Tacoma. He Brock was charged in connec-
ce ..... recogni-
,! 0aPeSnCllng an omnibus hear- * Derek Kent Hawkes, 19, of fore hearing on possibile termi- to be his defense attorney and Reinhold Schuetz as part of a plea
eptember 30, a pretrial 196 NE Victor Road, Belfair, pled nation from a diversion program, found probable cause for his ar- agreement. He also promised to pledmunityguiltYcustody.tO escape from cam- tiOnshe appearedWith eventSin court°f Juneto review3' whena
tig,t °n October 27 and trial not guilty to malicious mischief in * Signed a $5,000 bench war- rest. She set bail at $1,500 and recommend that Workman be In return for. the plea Deputy report that she had failed a test
've"e-jury-,e term that begins the first degree. Judge Sheldon rant for the arrest of Bradley A. scheduled arraignment for Sap- sentenced to 36 months in Work Prosecutor Schuetz promised to for the presence of drugs in her
' Vie r 8. scheduled an omnibus hearing for Grubham after he failed to ap- tember 9. Ethic Camp.
ante Gas ar Zaca September 30, a pretrial hearing recommend that he be given a system.
, of 2^. P - rise, Workman admitted that he mid-range sentence of 45 days. "The judge ordered me into
t'u:,'u Laurel Street' Shel'l the charge juryf°r October 27 and trial for theterm that begins November Court metes time in BayshorebUrglarizedGolfbUildingSand Countryat Clubthe Judge Sheldon told Tackett he custody. While waiting for the jail
ntuglt¢e has lost his right to own or pos- staff to come and take me to jail I
laa-' don ached- 8. and took property belonging to
sess a firearm, left the courtroom," she said in
, Omnibus hearing for Se * David Wayne Cox, 36, of three of the members there. The
sentence wolations He waschargedwithescaping the statementthataccompanied
Rer' a pretrial hearing for 1317 Dickinson Avenue, Shelton, incident took place on July 7. from custody on November 9. "I her guilty plea.
tjoer 22 and trial during pled not guilt to heft in the sec-
. # errn that begins October and degree after Deputy Prosecu- did willfully discontinue making Judge Sheldon scheduled sen-
tar Schuetz changed the charge Judge Toni Sheldon heard alle- his probation by using math- myself available for supervision," tencing for September 23.
19aa, ryJ. Dickenson, 49, of from commercial fishing without gations Thursday in Mason Coun- amphetamine, failing to complete Brown to he said in the statement that ac-
l gilChemak, Belfair, pled not a license in the first degree. Next, ty Superior Court that a number moral reconation therapy, failing companied his guilty plea. Shel- $tw. Ei S$€
-L,' possession with intent to Cox faces a pretrial hearing of defendants had violated the to stay within prescribed gaG-oo-'- time fo osc,eo,oenoogore
"c " ¢ture a controlled sub- scheduled for September 22. conditions of their probation. The graphical boundaries and failing F tember 9. SPRING ROAD CHAPEL
' Judge Sheldon scheduled * John Thomas Vandervort, defendants are: to make payments towards his le- * Joseph Marvin Rosenow, CHURCH OF GOD
, "aibus hearing for Septem- 22, of Bucoda, pled not guilty to * Patricia Ortiz, 31, of Shel- gal financial obligations. -- -jhur00larv 45, of I0 North Hamma Hamma 1113Shclton,E. Shclton Springs Road
taking a motor vehicle without ton. She was found to be in viola- He was originally charged in Drive East, Hoodsport. He made WA 98584
the owner's permission. Judge tion for failing to make court-or- 1998 with theft in the second de- an Alford plea of guilty to assault (360) 427-6998 (Meg)
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus dered payments in her 1992 con- gree. Gent Ray Brown, 21, of Ta- in the second degree. That means
Illllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hearing for September 9, a pre- viction for possession of stolen * Andrea Dawn Coleman, huya, was sentenced Thursday in he maintains his innocence but Contemporary Saturday Service 6 p.m.
.. r/et.ev trial hearing for September 22 property. The judge ordered her 20, of Shelton. She was ordered to Mason County Superior Court to thinks the evidence against him Traditional SundayScrvicc II am.
tl Sunday Evening Activities 5 p.m.
and trial for the jury term that to perform 120 hours of communi- serve 60 days in jail. 13 months in prison for reaiden- is such that a conviction was like-
begins October 4. ty service. Judge Sheldon found that she tial burglary, ly. Alan Tinnerstet, Pastor
"q"llo"OO,llll,,Ol,,ll,,,,,,,,,illlOl,,, • Michael Wayne MeCord, "If she doesn't complete it it's a failed to report to her supervisor, He was arrested on June 19 af- He made the guilty plea in ex- (360) 426-795
Hi0h Low Precip. 34, of 2108 Callanan Street, Shel- new violation," Judge Sheldon changed residence without the tar Ross Denney saw him in
abreneit (in.) ton, pied not guilty to delivery of said. permission of her supervisor, downtown Shelton wearing a pair The following is an editorial from
76 60 .05 methamphetamine. Judge Shel- * Tanyah Kay Edwards, 31, traveled without permission out- of overalls that Denney used to The Tacoma News Tribune, Sunday, August 29, 1999.
82 47 0 of Shelton. Judge Sheldon or- side of geographical boundaries paint his boat. Brown was subse-
85 50 0 dered her to serve 50 days in the established by the court, failed to quentl_y charged _with breaking
68 58 i Tip line.alerts Mason CountyJailandconverted perform community service and into aboatdockedattheShelton Permanent EMS
61 58 .o 240 hours of community service to failed to make payments towards Yacht Club. He told police he was
.e 67 50 law to vmlencc another 30 days in jail for a total her legal financial obligations, cold and didn't have a place to
66 48 .15
for the previ- A new toll-free number at the of 80 days injail.Edwards was found to have theftShe was convicted inin the second degree.1998 of arrestingSleeP' according to a report by theofficer, levies aren't wise
are recorded for the Shelton Police Department lets violated her probation by failing Judge Toni Sheldon noted that
Service at 4 people report school violence, or to report for supervision, moving Brown has a criminal record but
Olympic Air at threats of violence, to police with- without the approval of the Library closed for said she will recommend that he
out being identified. Washington Department of Cor- spend the time in work ethic
'gists with the Na- Shelton Police Chief S. R. rections, failure to make court-or- painting today, camp. "You may need some help
Service predicted Johnston said callers will remain dared payments, failure to corn- to open tomorrow to learn the right skills so you're
Y morning that the anonymous. The number is 1-877- plate 240 hours of community ser- not back in court again, ° she said.
- ,, Weekend weather 379-SAFE (1-877-379-7233). vice and failure to get an evaiua- The William G. Reed Library She ordered him to pay $500 to
Highs Fri- tion for chemical dependency, in Shelton is closed today for the crime victims' fund, $350 to-
.^ should range The violations concerned her painting. The library should be wards his attorney's fees, $173.30
rtin:' With Sunday morn- [i [i
g and ending cloudy; in 1996 and 1997. Community Librarian Tim Mal- tion.
probation on three criminal cases open at 10 a.m. tomorrow, says in court costs and $20 in restitu-
temperatures, once the £HIO £TI0L * James Lawrence De- lory. "I think I'd like to go to work
should max out at Gagne, 39, of Puyallup. He was During the closure, book-drop ethic camp definitely if that's poe-
Lows are expected to given 366 days in prison, facilities are open and books will sible. I know I made a mistake,
o 5. He was found to have violated be collected regularly. Brown said.
ording to figures
Ympic Air at San- reports
Taught .78 inches
a little average more of than 1.19 forThe traffic 1999 deaths year-to-date investigated total • •
I want to find a way to . ust like you, I drive the
month. The year- by the Washington State Pa- increase city revenues same bumpy streets
'ta!, front-loaded by a trol in Mason Countyis 5. The without increasing * DEDICATED and search for down-
s 47.90 inches, well date of the last traffic death
, ,, - average of 35.52 was June 4, 1999. In compari- Taxes... town parking.
ae.first eight months son, the 1998 traffic death to- ="=# t"-=-'l . •
.n short, it was a tel for the same time period
August in a
an'nOrmal year. was 7.
C.C. Cole & Sons, Inc. CAROLYN OF
- Evergreen Fuel Co. 00.To
Full Line Petroleum Jobber make 1
• Tanks * Lubr,cants • COHHITTED I a difference--- /
• Furnaces & Equipment * EXPERIENCED vote for me. /
Pine Serving Mason County 426-441 I i Paid for by Carolyn Kerr for Commissioner of Finance, 501 Kari Court. Shelton,WA 98584 * 426-2356 I Paid by Thomas Brokaw, Candidate for MCFD #5 Commissioner Poe. #I ]
since 1935 426-2261 4950 Mason Lake Drive West, Grapeview, WA 98546.
Voting against an emergency medical services levy is like
voting against motherhood and apple pie. Even so, The News
Tribune recommends voters say no to EMS levy proposals in
Tacoma, University Place and Thurston County
We have no quarrel with the purpose or the amount of the
proposals appearing on the Sept. 14 primary ballot. The
'"'N problem is fire officials in those
r=l.¢ i Iv jurisdictions want voters to
mrrmMENDATION s make the levies permanent -
• .--v..,.. and that's unwise.
Until this year, cities and fire districts could only ask voters
to approve EMS levies for six- or 10-year terms. This year,
however, the Legislature allowed cities and fire districts to ek
approval for permanent levies, meaning they would no longer
be required to return to the voters periodically.
EMS levies, which pay for paramedics and medical rescue
units, almost always win handily at the polls. But occasionally
it's a close call, as it was in Tacoma in 1994 and in King County
in 1997. Fire officials would rather have the assurance of a
permanent tax; they note voters can reduce or repeal an EMS
levy by referendum if they're dissatisfied.
The traditional six-year term is long enough to provide both
stability and accountability to the taxpayers. Fire iepartments
should be no different from schools and other local governments
required to periodically put their special levy requests before
the voters.
ProEMS campaign statements don't tell voters that
permanent EMS levies, set at a fixed rate, could produce a
revenue windfall for fire departments ifproperty values
increase strongly over the years. Rejecting permanent levies
this year won't leave citizens unprotected; fire districts or
departments can return to the polls next year before their
current levies expire.
Fire districts in Lakewood and tiny Greenwater are seeking
one-year and six-year EMS levies, respectively. Those are fine.
But voters should tell fire officials seeking permanent cash flow
to go back to th drawing =rdl
. These concerns also apply to the EMS
levy by Mason County Fire District #5
Please don't double your EMS Tax and make it permanent.
Thursday, September 2, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
m •
00u00perior court roundup: McGee is arrested after
Judge doubles McCord's bail 'ch h tig
" p P
o s ' inves ation
after arrest on bench warrant
8d.efendant in Mason County beT 30, a pretrial hearing for Oc- charges after his arrest last McGee was identified Friday in program.
• " ' Thursday in an investigation of Mason County Superior Court.
w nor Court, arrested on a tober 27 and trial during the jury an alleged "chop shop" at his Judge Toni Sheldon found prob- McGee was arrested last Octo-
arran and held on $5 000 bail term that be ns N v
w . _ , , " o ember 8.
ap bail doub!ed when he • Marc Eward Frary, 28, of home at 21 NE Leahy Drive. able cause for his arrest in con- ber and charged with possession
" nection with the lesser crime of of stolen property in the first de-
,,,. tg oemre a jua e 502 guilP ;Male Street SheltOndeiiPeryled He was arrested in an investi- two counts of taking a motor vehi- gree after deputies found two al-
,'of;1,Kempton ScCord, not tea charge of
cation of possession of stolen cle without permission. She set legedly stolen pickup trucks at
.! • washington Street of methamphetamine. Judge property after deputies of the Me- bail at $7,500 pending arraign- his home in Tahuya. He faces the
t0t :,n, Was in court on Wednes-' Sheldon scheduled an omnibus son County Sheriffs Office re- ment September 9. prospect of a speedy conviction on
st ( Y, aUgust 25 to face chares of hearin for Se tember 30 a re- calved a tip that he had returned At the time of his arrest McGee this charge if a superior court
"essi - g P , P
n of methamphetamine trial hearm for October 27 and to his house in Tahuya. Deputies was enrolled in Friendship as judge finds that he has violated
and drivin • • ' g
i in th^ gLwith.hcense suspend- trial during the jury term that be- think his property may have been part of a diversion agreement the terms of his diversion agree-
s,, mra ciegree The war- gins November 8. used to strip down stolen vehicles that allows defendants to avoid ment with Friendship.
ia rogued after he failed to * Richard Martin Ralston,
. l)efe°r a pretrial hearing. 36, of 191 NE Katchemak Lane,
il M .:'° attorney Sergi said Belfair, pled not guilt to posses-
. '^mlSsed the hearing be- siGn with intent to mYufacture a Admits theft, burglary:
on ." marked the wrong date controlled substance. Judge Shel-
ale calendar Ser I ask don th pl d h g
Judge o_ • g ed scheduled an ommbus hear-
t'o oail , . - g . P , P
/0 , oawyer to keep the defend in for Setember9 retrial You ea s to c ar es
iranisno at $5,000. 'This gentle- hearing for September 22 and
fly l"tlv e'-' mght risk" He is cur" trial during the jury term that be" @ b " h
el# id." '-prayed full time," Sergi gins October 4.
• Donald Lee Lagasa, 33, of In reak-m at Bays ore
h, Peputy Prosecutor Pat Eason 1911 Washington Street, Shelton, program. Judge Sheldon ached- tion of two counts of possession of
WaVer, asked the cour
F¢ e e t . t to in- pled not guilty to delivery of uled a review of her progress for illegal drugs and three counts of
.^ ae bail Saw er raised A Shelton youth arrested after Workman and two companions change for a promise from the
€0 , • " Y methamphetamine. Judge Shel- August 3, 2000. fraudulently obtaining prescrip- a burglary at Bayshore Golf Club "broke into the Bayshore Golf prosecutor not to file additional
h,.rds bad to $10,000 and re- don scheduled an omnibus hear- IN OTHER proceedings last tion drugs, in July pled guilty to burglary Club and stole some golf carts charges.
i ecl a pretrial hearin for ins for September 9, a pretrial Thursday, Judge Sheldon: Judge Sheldon appointed Lane and theft charges in Mason Coun- and some other stuff," he wrote in
:'oer 22 ....... g. Rosenow has lost his right to
t[ • a,u rml aurm hearing for September 22 and
4 ¢JUry term that begins Octob during the jury term that be- Ethan Veigh Workman, 19, his guilty plea. Sheldon scheduled sentencing for
trial * Signed an order of restitution to be her defense attorney and ty Superior Court last week. the statement that accompanied own or possess a firearm. Judge
gins October 4. directing Gerald Leahy to pay found probable cause for her ar-
iIN * Blake Richard Fuller, 32, $408 to Peninsula Community rest. She set bail at $7,500 and of East 70 Evergreen Drive, pled Judge Sheldon told him he has October 14.
GNMENT proceed- scheduled arraignment for Sap- guilty before Judge Toni Sheldon lost his right to own or possess a Another defendant changed
,,"nngthe weekly criminal- of 1111 Archwood Drive, Olym- Federal Credit Union. - last Thursday to two counts of firearm. She scheduled sentenc- her plea in superior court pro-
* Ordered Gerald Wayne ember9.
'alenciar on Thursday: pia, pled not guilty to two counts burglary in the second degree and ing for October 14. ceedings on Tuesday. She is:
n T. Carla, 34, of Lacey of forgery. Judge Sheldon sched- Bailey to pay $480 in restitution ON TUESDAY. three counts of theft in the first TWO OTHER defendants also * Stefani Dean Brock, 30, of
::°.guilty to vehicular as uled an omnibus hearing for Sap- in a case involving forgery. • Ryan E. Case, 20, of Puyal- degree.
" • " ° Signed a $5,000 warrant for lup was identified in an investiga- changed their pleas Thursday in 14311 188th Avenue Court, Gig
flora an[ drwing under the in- tember 9, a pretrial hearing for A sixth count of theft in the superior court. They are: Harbor. She pled guilty to escape
le a.ce. Judge Toni Sheldon re- September 22 and trial for the the arrest of Zeberiah Daniel tion of residential burglary, second degree was dismissed on a • Stanley Ray Tackett, 38, of in the second degree.
i him on uersonal jury term that begins October 4. Slawson after he failed to appear Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi motion by Deputy Prosecutor 2408 South Chyann, Tacoma. He Brock was charged in connec-
ce ..... recogni-
,! 0aPeSnCllng an omnibus hear- * Derek Kent Hawkes, 19, of fore hearing on possibile termi- to be his defense attorney and Reinhold Schuetz as part of a plea
eptember 30, a pretrial 196 NE Victor Road, Belfair, pled nation from a diversion program, found probable cause for his ar- agreement. He also promised to pledmunityguiltYcustody.tO escape from cam- tiOnshe appearedWith eventSin court°f Juneto review3' whena
tig,t °n October 27 and trial not guilty to malicious mischief in * Signed a $5,000 bench war- rest. She set bail at $1,500 and recommend that Workman be In return for. the plea Deputy report that she had failed a test
've"e-jury-,e term that begins the first degree. Judge Sheldon rant for the arrest of Bradley A. scheduled arraignment for Sap- sentenced to 36 months in Work Prosecutor Schuetz promised to for the presence of drugs in her
' Vie r 8. scheduled an omnibus hearing for Grubham after he failed to ap- tember 9. Ethic Camp.
ante Gas ar Zaca September 30, a pretrial hearing recommend that he be given a system.
, of 2^. P - rise, Workman admitted that he mid-range sentence of 45 days. "The judge ordered me into
t'u:,'u Laurel Street' Shel'l the charge juryf°r October 27 and trial for theterm that begins November Court metes time in BayshorebUrglarizedGolfbUildingSand Countryat Clubthe Judge Sheldon told Tackett he custody. While waiting for the jail
ntuglt¢e has lost his right to own or pos- staff to come and take me to jail I
laa-' don ached- 8. and took property belonging to
sess a firearm, left the courtroom," she said in
, Omnibus hearing for Se * David Wayne Cox, 36, of three of the members there. The
sentence wolations He waschargedwithescaping the statementthataccompanied
Rer' a pretrial hearing for 1317 Dickinson Avenue, Shelton, incident took place on July 7. from custody on November 9. "I her guilty plea.
tjoer 22 and trial during pled not guilt to heft in the sec-
. # errn that begins October and degree after Deputy Prosecu- did willfully discontinue making Judge Sheldon scheduled sen-
tar Schuetz changed the charge Judge Toni Sheldon heard alle- his probation by using math- myself available for supervision," tencing for September 23.
19aa, ryJ. Dickenson, 49, of from commercial fishing without gations Thursday in Mason Coun- amphetamine, failing to complete Brown to he said in the statement that ac-
l gilChemak, Belfair, pled not a license in the first degree. Next, ty Superior Court that a number moral reconation therapy, failing companied his guilty plea. Shel- $tw. Ei S$€
-L,' possession with intent to Cox faces a pretrial hearing of defendants had violated the to stay within prescribed gaG-oo-'- time fo osc,eo,oenoogore
"c " ¢ture a controlled sub- scheduled for September 22. conditions of their probation. The graphical boundaries and failing F tember 9. SPRING ROAD CHAPEL
' Judge Sheldon scheduled * John Thomas Vandervort, defendants are: to make payments towards his le- * Joseph Marvin Rosenow, CHURCH OF GOD
, "aibus hearing for Septem- 22, of Bucoda, pled not guilty to * Patricia Ortiz, 31, of Shel- gal financial obligations. -- -jhur00larv 45, of I0 North Hamma Hamma 1113Shclton,E. Shclton Springs Road
taking a motor vehicle without ton. She was found to be in viola- He was originally charged in Drive East, Hoodsport. He made WA 98584
the owner's permission. Judge tion for failing to make court-or- 1998 with theft in the second de- an Alford plea of guilty to assault (360) 427-6998 (Meg)
Sheldon scheduled an omnibus dered payments in her 1992 con- gree. Gent Ray Brown, 21, of Ta- in the second degree. That means
Illllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hearing for September 9, a pre- viction for possession of stolen * Andrea Dawn Coleman, huya, was sentenced Thursday in he maintains his innocence but Contemporary Saturday Service 6 p.m.
.. r/et.ev trial hearing for September 22 property. The judge ordered her 20, of Shelton. She was ordered to Mason County Superior Court to thinks the evidence against him Traditional SundayScrvicc II am.
tl Sunday Evening Activities 5 p.m.
and trial for the jury term that to perform 120 hours of communi- serve 60 days in jail. 13 months in prison for reaiden- is such that a conviction was like-
begins October 4. ty service. Judge Sheldon found that she tial burglary, ly. Alan Tinnerstet, Pastor
"q"llo"OO,llll,,Ol,,ll,,,,,,,,,illlOl,,, • Michael Wayne MeCord, "If she doesn't complete it it's a failed to report to her supervisor, He was arrested on June 19 af- He made the guilty plea in ex- (360) 426-795
Hi0h Low Precip. 34, of 2108 Callanan Street, Shel- new violation," Judge Sheldon changed residence without the tar Ross Denney saw him in
abreneit (in.) ton, pied not guilty to delivery of said. permission of her supervisor, downtown Shelton wearing a pair The following is an editorial from
76 60 .05 methamphetamine. Judge Shel- * Tanyah Kay Edwards, 31, traveled without permission out- of overalls that Denney used to The Tacoma News Tribune, Sunday, August 29, 1999.
82 47 0 of Shelton. Judge Sheldon or- side of geographical boundaries paint his boat. Brown was subse-
85 50 0 dered her to serve 50 days in the established by the court, failed to quentl_y charged _with breaking
68 58 i Tip line.alerts Mason CountyJailandconverted perform community service and into aboatdockedattheShelton Permanent EMS
61 58 .o 240 hours of community service to failed to make payments towards Yacht Club. He told police he was
.e 67 50 law to vmlencc another 30 days in jail for a total her legal financial obligations, cold and didn't have a place to
66 48 .15
for the previ- A new toll-free number at the of 80 days injail.Edwards was found to have theftShe was convicted inin the second degree.1998 of arrestingSleeP' according to a report by theofficer, levies aren't wise
are recorded for the Shelton Police Department lets violated her probation by failing Judge Toni Sheldon noted that
Service at 4 people report school violence, or to report for supervision, moving Brown has a criminal record but
Olympic Air at threats of violence, to police with- without the approval of the Library closed for said she will recommend that he
out being identified. Washington Department of Cor- spend the time in work ethic
'gists with the Na- Shelton Police Chief S. R. rections, failure to make court-or- painting today, camp. "You may need some help
Service predicted Johnston said callers will remain dared payments, failure to corn- to open tomorrow to learn the right skills so you're
Y morning that the anonymous. The number is 1-877- plate 240 hours of community ser- not back in court again, ° she said.
- ,, Weekend weather 379-SAFE (1-877-379-7233). vice and failure to get an evaiua- The William G. Reed Library She ordered him to pay $500 to
Highs Fri- tion for chemical dependency, in Shelton is closed today for the crime victims' fund, $350 to-
.^ should range The violations concerned her painting. The library should be wards his attorney's fees, $173.30
rtin:' With Sunday morn- [i [i
g and ending cloudy; in 1996 and 1997. Community Librarian Tim Mal- tion.
probation on three criminal cases open at 10 a.m. tomorrow, says in court costs and $20 in restitu-
temperatures, once the £HIO £TI0L * James Lawrence De- lory. "I think I'd like to go to work
should max out at Gagne, 39, of Puyallup. He was During the closure, book-drop ethic camp definitely if that's poe-
Lows are expected to given 366 days in prison, facilities are open and books will sible. I know I made a mistake,
o 5. He was found to have violated be collected regularly. Brown said.
ording to figures
Ympic Air at San- reports
Taught .78 inches
a little average more of than 1.19 forThe traffic 1999 deaths year-to-date investigated total • •
I want to find a way to . ust like you, I drive the
month. The year- by the Washington State Pa- increase city revenues same bumpy streets
'ta!, front-loaded by a trol in Mason Countyis 5. The without increasing * DEDICATED and search for down-
s 47.90 inches, well date of the last traffic death
, ,, - average of 35.52 was June 4, 1999. In compari- Taxes... town parking.
ae.first eight months son, the 1998 traffic death to- ="=# t"-=-'l . •
.n short, it was a tel for the same time period
August in a
an'nOrmal year. was 7.
C.C. Cole & Sons, Inc. CAROLYN OF
- Evergreen Fuel Co. 00.To
Full Line Petroleum Jobber make 1
• Tanks * Lubr,cants • COHHITTED I a difference--- /
• Furnaces & Equipment * EXPERIENCED vote for me. /
Pine Serving Mason County 426-441 I i Paid for by Carolyn Kerr for Commissioner of Finance, 501 Kari Court. Shelton,WA 98584 * 426-2356 I Paid by Thomas Brokaw, Candidate for MCFD #5 Commissioner Poe. #I ]
since 1935 426-2261 4950 Mason Lake Drive West, Grapeview, WA 98546.
Voting against an emergency medical services levy is like
voting against motherhood and apple pie. Even so, The News
Tribune recommends voters say no to EMS levy proposals in
Tacoma, University Place and Thurston County
We have no quarrel with the purpose or the amount of the
proposals appearing on the Sept. 14 primary ballot. The
'"'N problem is fire officials in those
r=l.¢ i Iv jurisdictions want voters to
mrrmMENDATION s make the levies permanent -
• .--v..,.. and that's unwise.
Until this year, cities and fire districts could only ask voters
to approve EMS levies for six- or 10-year terms. This year,
however, the Legislature allowed cities and fire districts to ek
approval for permanent levies, meaning they would no longer
be required to return to the voters periodically.
EMS levies, which pay for paramedics and medical rescue
units, almost always win handily at the polls. But occasionally
it's a close call, as it was in Tacoma in 1994 and in King County
in 1997. Fire officials would rather have the assurance of a
permanent tax; they note voters can reduce or repeal an EMS
levy by referendum if they're dissatisfied.
The traditional six-year term is long enough to provide both
stability and accountability to the taxpayers. Fire iepartments
should be no different from schools and other local governments
required to periodically put their special levy requests before
the voters.
ProEMS campaign statements don't tell voters that
permanent EMS levies, set at a fixed rate, could produce a
revenue windfall for fire departments ifproperty values
increase strongly over the years. Rejecting permanent levies
this year won't leave citizens unprotected; fire districts or
departments can return to the polls next year before their
current levies expire.
Fire districts in Lakewood and tiny Greenwater are seeking
one-year and six-year EMS levies, respectively. Those are fine.
But voters should tell fire officials seeking permanent cash flow
to go back to th drawing =rdl
. These concerns also apply to the EMS
levy by Mason County Fire District #5
Please don't double your EMS Tax and make it permanent.
Thursday, September 2, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
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