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.15 words or less - $5.00 II. multioae i.eertion I
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15lade ' The Journal wild
• Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I
• Classified deadline-2 p.m. Tuesday I erroreinthefiret I
• Classified display - 5 p.m. Mdnday I insertion only, I
Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad
=,I/!N beds with box springs and
6-3013. $9/2
•ire. Excellent COndit on $500 426
r, ...... golf car, complete,
.+'/Ehul ATI_NG 8' dish, on,y 4 years
Scrambler 877-5452.
D dryer, $150. Call 427-
as stoves, in-
tank. Natural
482-5200. G9/2-23
queen vacuum, all
sold, perfect con-
2,000, sell $800
never installed. 72x48
will take $300. 877-
P.m. 19/2tfn
Trainer (exercise
Jick dial resistance. Paid
JUSt used a few times.
Gateway Center.
adults' clothing,
Hours 11
$700. 426-1609. C9/2
htly used, $30 each
6. A9/2
boxes - ward-
packing materials.
dar mill ends. U-
Iling. We deliver, $65
Agate Road, 426-
Iregate stepping
SALE, Lake Cushman.
Airstream, Brat, van.
$59,500 PACKAGE. 32' Luhrs cabin
cruiser, building site in gated communi-
ty on Harstine Island, 40' moorage slip
paid through 2017. All or nothing. 427-
8801. K7/29-8/19
DAHLIAS: WE grow the best. Taking
orders on bulbs. Also cut flowers. 800
different varieties. Mike's Dahlias. 907
Valley Road, 426-9854. M8/26-9/16
PLANT SALE - up to 50% off. Septem-
ber is a good month to plant perennials.
Over 200 varieties from $1 to $3.50.
Open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sun-
days, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call for an
appointment at 427-5930. Storybrook
Gardens, 1881 E. Crestview Drive,
Shelton, off of Agate Road, near
Shorecrest. $8/26-9/30
MOUNTAIN BIKE, 26" Giant Rincon,
Rock Shock, upgraded, quality compo-
nents/park tool stand, $425. Whirlpool
range, $100. 426-0459. H8/26-9/2
GRASS FED, grain finished, Angus
beef. Approximately 250-300 Ib halves.
$1.55 per pound, per half. $1.45 per
pound per whole. Shop fees included.
Slaughtering end of September. Call
evenings, or leave message. 427-
6201. R8/19-9/9
METABOLIFE 356 T". For product call
Dabble at 426-2136. Metabolife inde-
pendent distributor, N4187100499.
LIGHT OAK, 40" round, drop-leaf table
with 2 chairs. Excellent condition, $100
OBO, 427-1104. B9/2
REFRIGERATOR AND beams for sale.
426-1996. G9/2
INDIAN DESIGN sofa chair, $100. Little
Tykes, toddler blue, teddy bed with
mattress, $75. A Little Tykes outside
slide, $25. 426-0135. A9/2
HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 ffn
STAINED GLASS windows, stepping
stones, door inserts, suncatchers,
boxes, lamps, custom designs, re-
pairs, etc. Call Koleen, 426-0824 eve-
nings after 6 p.m. and weekends for in-
formation and estimates. W7/8ffn
Call 6 p.m. only or any- SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try
N8/19.9/9 harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux
I Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ.
, II qualitya;dv loam / model MD-MST02 wire accessonv= and
il ,+"00't'No00ocks:.oc.v / optical cable. Like new, $175, 432-
" =1 LANhor,, ___I_. I 1423. D912
00I3SCAPIN G Fatten your Halle
I1 000000:SC;ark
: Lawns. Spr nkle with a Rd t
, |j , Backh'oe-.ozer
t ,,Bulkheads'*Wl ip raps
['Jl livetles Anywhere
Ii| -''n HWEST I Coil the Journal office /
, 0026c9922 J I at 426-4412 to place I
_ Garage and Storage
| -- I
m | =o.=x. ,
m Horse Stable with I
I!11 +'" -"'"°°°1
20'X24'X8' J/k'..
Two-Car Garage RENTAL
16'x7' Roll-Up Door
years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
builders in Meson County.
at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required
range of buildings... • Airplene hangers • Carports •
• Warehouses • Horse arenas and stablss •
and shops Lic. #TOZIEBI024PK
426-4373 or 426-2411
Rental how=:
Mort-Sat 7-5, Sun 9-5
BUY OR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn
718 28TH
Two 40's pin ball machines (pay
out), Coke machine (chest type --
embossed), Victorian wicker baby
buggy, Gone With The Wind lamp,
needle point chairs, oak and pine
dressers, Oriental wool carpet 8x15,
Victrola and Edison records, super
cool child's desk, dbl child's desk,
rockers, trunks, Grandmother's
clock, neat lamps, tools, radios, tele-
phones, Christmas stuff, light fix-
tures, 6' loom, large glass float col-
lection, dough boy, good costume
jewelry, tables, chairs, mirrors,
Empire drop front desk, photos,
prints and pictures, Magic lantern,
table top stereoscope, Johnson Bros
china, good glassware, some depres-
sion, some pottery, waterfall bed-
room set, country primitives, qual-
ity newer furniture: end tables, cof-
fee and sofa tables, good estate
items and wonderful smalls.
lic# anticea562ms
terms: cash, MC/Vsa
BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-In
swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m.,
near Bremerton Airport. Information,
360-698-6031. R5/20ffn
LADIES OF the Lake annual rummage
sale, with proceeds going to Communi-
ty Projects. Just south of Hoodsport
Winery. Saturday only, September 4th,
9 a.m-5 p.m. Watch for signs. L9/2
COMMUNITY SALE at 21110 N. Hwy.
101, Sept. 3 & 4, 8 a.m-3 p.m. Come
join us. Fishing, household appliances,
old fashioned wood kitchen stove, col-
lectibles from countries around the
world. Also Winnebago, 27', Class A
motorhome with new engine. F9/2
MOVING SALE. Furniture, appliances,
misc., everything goes. 1681 Treasure
Island Drive, Treasure Island. Satur-
day, Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (360) 275-
3720. M9/2
UNION SALE. Women's plus-size
clothing, craft supplies and lots of mis-
cellaneous. Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.E.
9802 Hwy. 106, approximately 2 miles
East of Alderbrook Inn. A9/2
ESTATE SALE. Labor Day weekend.
Many items. Appliances, furniture,
household, fixtures, knickknacks, At
Rob's Excavating Storage #8, off
Johns Prairie Road. 360-426-3904. 8
a.m.-3 p.m. W8/26-9/2
STREET SALE, Lake Cushman, Divi-
sion 14. September 3-5, 9 a.m, Fishing
gear, antiques and collectiblee. Furni-
ture, books, clothes, housewares.
1981 Ford F150, 4x4, SuperCab. 19'
Bayliner, Beanies, pellet stove, skis,
and tools. Tons of miscellaneous. Fol-
low signs from Hoodsport. T8/26-9/2
FRIDAY/SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.E.
141 Dunoon, Lake Limerick. Radial arm
saw, work bench, table saw, wood
chipper, and household goods. R9/2
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Household
items, furniture, tools, electric golf
cart, winter coats and jackets, 2600 St.
Andrews Drive, third entrance, Lake
Limenck. O9/2
MOVING SALE. Chainsaw, boat and
stuff, building materials. New window,
fan, lights. Ladders, W/D, refrigerator,
desk, file cabinets, furniture, tools.
Saturday, Sunday, 80 E. Ballantrae,
Lake Limerick. D9/2
MOVING SALE, Saturday only, 8 a.m.-
3 p.m. Some furniture, Wurlitzer organ,
some ammunition and misc. household
items. Everything must go. 141
Hawthorne Lane. D9/2
BIG SALE, Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Woodstove, hospital bed, win-
dows, coUectibles, lots of miscellane-
ous. More second day. 2040 E. High-
land Road, Dayton. H9/2
YOU DON'T want to miss this ones Lots
of miscellaneous. Saturday, 9 a.m.-?
Skokomish Valley Rd, next to
hatchery, off 101. See ya there! N9/2
SOMETHING FOR everyone! House-
ware, clothes, Spinet piano, oak dining
room set, large 4-section, lighted living
room bookshelf/display center, Mig
welder, Oxyacet torch set with tanks,
futon, shotgun shell reloader with lots
of supplies, large Skutt kiln, doll kiln,
barbecue/smoker, antique picture
frames, compact truck canopy and
Delta tool box, G. Loomis fly rod, Warn
winch, new 200 amp service, porcelain
figurines, exercise equipment, nice
mahogany stand-up desk, computer,
066 Stihl chainsaw, float-tube, lots of
burls and much more. SE 710 Binns
Swiger Loop (2 miles out Arcadia Road,
1/2 mile down Binns Swiger), 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Saturday, Sept. 4th and 9 a.m-3
p.m. Sept. 5th. K9/2
SIX-FAMILY PLANT and garage sale.
Cribs, playpens, school clothing, jack-
ets. Clothes from newborn to xtra large.
Jeans, jeans, jeans. Linens, pillows,
sleeping bags, 24-ft. swimming pool,
books, dolls, and lots of miscellane-
ous. 1.2 miles from KFC up Pioneer
Way to Lake Blvd to 1370 Cloquallum
Road. Friday-Monday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
HUGE SALE! Garage and end of sea-
son nursery plant sale - 15% off. All
perennials, herbs, and flowering
shrubs. Oriental rug, furniture, knick-
knacks, clothes, baby stuff, kitchen
items, and more. Friday-Sunday, 10
a.m-5 p.m. 710Dearborn, N9/2
GIGANTIC REMODEL sale. Saturday,
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Mason Lake, Paradise Estates. 20 E.
Shore Court. Appliances, $50 each.
Furniture, building materials, mini-
blinds, miscellaneous items. Make of-
fers. All must gol Many free itemsl C9/2
4 FAMILY garage sale. Saturday, 10
a.m.-6 p.m. 917 Fairmount. Office
equipment, Beanie Babies, washer and
much more. O9/2
3 FAMILY garage sale. Lots of stuff,
314 Wyandotte. Friday & Saturday, 8
a.m.-4 p.m. A9/2
BEANIE BABIES, old and new. Bud-
dies, teanie beanies, beanie cards, at-
tic treasures plus furniture, clothes,
household items and crafts. Saturday,
317 West H Street, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. No
early birds please. A9/2
OLD FURNITURE, square dance
clothes, many miscellaneous items.
Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., off
Trails End Road, follow signs to E. 151
Olympic Palisades Dnve, Belfair. $9/2
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 6"
planer, stair stepper. Remodeled and
cleared out so you can clean up. 80
Collier (Southside School). B9/2
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Weather
permitting. 2432 E. Brockdale Road.
HUGE SALEI Baby clothes, 2 for $1.
Lots of other good stuff, too. Hwy. 3 to
Krabbenhoft, then follow signs. Friday,
Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. R9/2
GREAT VARIETY. Classic 1974 Super
Beetle, bikes, dinghy, XXL men's
clothing, household items, books, lots
more. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday/Sunday,
Sept. 4-5. South Shore, east of Twanoh
Park, follow signs 'to Twanoh Tides
Drive. W9/2
YARD SALE. Lake Limerick, Friday,
Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 2 families.
Household items, tools, books, toys,
lots of misc. 2371 E. St. Andrews
Drive. $9/2
TOP RACK for front loading dishwash-
er. Maytag BWC300 model 420629_88.
Call 426-0824. W9/2
STUDENT NEEDS ride 6:45 a.m. week-
days for ROTC Drill to Shelton High or
WaI-Mart. Will pay. Please call 426-
3031. $9/2
CASH FOR large quantities of clean,
dry moss. Wlll buy bales. 1.360-274-
8125, Castle Rock, WA. L9/2-23
YOUR VOTE in primary for Carolyn Kerr
for Commissioner of Finance. K8/19-
BUYING OLD stuffi Spot cash paid:
Old Books, Pocket Watches (running
or not), Wind-up Clocks, Pocket
knives, Padlocks, Diamonds (old cut,
imperfects OK), Diamond jewelryl
Sterling Silverl Gold in any form 10k,
14k, 18kl Not sure? We test gold, no
charger Dental gold (teeth, caps,
bridgework)! Raw gold (placer fines,
nuggets)l interesting photographs
WW2 & beforel Pre 1970 picture post-
cardst Hens teetht Did toolst Red Wing
Crockeryl Pottery, ceramics, Rook-
wood, Hull, Van Briggle, many others.
Green Fireking glassl Green depres-
sion glasst Pre 1950 Men's wind-up
wrist watches (running or not)l Flow
Bluel OZ books, Billy Whiskem, Nancy
Drewl Pre 1940 children's books. Coin
collections1 U.S. silver dimes, quar-
ters, halves, dollars dated 1964 or be-
fore! Indian artifacts (baskets, blan-
kets, beadwork, carvings)I Ink Pens,
fountain pens, pen accessoriesl Pre
1945 pencils, mechanical or otherwisel
Gas station memorabilia, old pump
nozzles, oil jam, pro 1950 road mapsl
Stamp collectionsl Railroad lanternsl
Oriental collectibles, pictures, statu-
aryl Old prints (lone wolf, end of trail,
etc.) & framesl Bird cages and standsl
Stuffed polemiclstsl Old Toys, sol-
diers, trucks, planes, ship modelsl
Nazi memorabilia. War souvenim of all
kindst Antique gunst Remington,
Winchester, Colt memorabilial Hand-
made quiltsl Home featheml And much
morel If it has character Dacha will buy
it at the Coin Shop, Tuesday through
Saturdayl Now at 112 W. Alder (next to
Mickey's Deft). Phone 426-0304.
RN/LPN: Pediatric and adolescent
home care shifts available. Part-time,
full-time, competitive wage/benefits.
New grads welcome. Call Avail Home
Numing, 1-800-637-9998. A8/26-9/16
MEDICAL BILLING. Immediate open-
ings FT/PT. No experience needed. Will
train. Data entry for doctors. PC re-
quired. Up to 50K per year, (888) 587-
2624 ext. 618. M8/19-9/9
MEMBER SERVICE Representatives.
Peninsula Community Federal Credit
Union is currently recruiting part-time
Member Service Representatives
(tellers) to join our service oriented
team. If you have strong people skills
and the proven ability to work with the
public in a sales/service position, the
Credit Union would like to hear from
youl Cash handling and sales experi-
ence also preferred. Submit resume to:
PCFCU, PC Box 2150, Shelton, WA
98584. Attn: HR Dept. EOE. P9/2
LEGAL ASSISTANCE/Secretary, com-
petitive salary, DOE. Mail resume to
Joe Snyder, Attorney, PC Box 1338
Shelton, WA 98584. sg/2ffn
EFrs LABOR-as-needed crew has a
30-401hour a week position. Excellent
opportunity for someone who enjoys
physical work and a vadety of tasks.
Good ddving record required. Wages
DOQ. Contact 426-0077. E8/26-9/2
cutters Shelton salon. Great pay,
medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or
part time. (206) 232.8008 T8/26-9/16
Pr°vidence I S°°ndlt°meCarel and Hospice
Exciting training opportunity for a
RN with med/surg experience. St. Pe-
ter Hospital is currently seeking a full
time evening (3-11 p.m., no Sundays)
RN to work in the Aberdeen Dialysis
Unit. RN, BSN preferred. Previous
nephrology/hemodialysis experience
preferred but not required.
Apply at or send resume to: Human
Resources, 413 Lilly Rd. NE Olympia,
WA 98506. Fax: 360/493-7442.
8/26-9/2 2t
'qt Providence I SoundHomcCar¢
I and Hospice
Providence SoundHomeCare & Hos-
pice is currently seeking supplemen-
tal RN educators to teach Caregiver
Training. Requirements include grsdu.
ate of an accredited school of nursing;
must have one year of experience in an
adult family home, boarding home,
home health agency or similar setting
and one year of experience in adult
education and Current Wash. State RN
Send or fax resume to PSHCH
3706 Griffin Ln. N.E. Oly, WA 98501
Fax (360) 493-4657
RECEPTIONIST 20 hours week, $6.18
hourly, 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Pro-
vide back-up reception, telephone cov-
erage, filing, and other office support
for social service agency in Shelton.
Senior Employment Program: Must be
55 or over and low income. Call (360)
427-2225, ext. 10 for applications.
Closes September 7, 1999. EOE. L9/2
FULL-TIME truck driver delivery. Must
have Class A CDL. Apply at 7707 Mar-
tin Way East, Olympia. Call 1-800-600-
6930 between 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
only. P9/2-9
HOUSEKEEPER FOR busy, working
couple with two young children. Stan-
dard housework and small household
projects on regular basis. Approx-
imately 20 hours monthly/once per
week. Begin immediately. Strong refer-
ences required, work experience pre-
ferred. Call 426-0865. K9/2-9
Apply at Belfair Physical Therapy,
23460 Highway 3. No phone calls. B9/2
MAJOR GREETING card company
looking for retail merchandiser in Shel-
ton, daylight hours. Please leave
name, number and brief qualifications
to 1-800-373-3636 ext. 92619. V9/2
ACCOUNTANT - LACEY location. 10
yearn minimum experience, full charge
financial reporting responsibility. Com-
puter literate, 300 emp., P/R with ADP,
office management experience. Salary
DOQ. References required. Send re-
sume to Blind Box 583, c/o The Jour-
nal, PC Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584.
CAREGIVER TO relieve regular worker
occasionally. Running errands and
housecleaning, WSDL required. Call
Mary, 427-4249. L8/26-9/16
ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of
volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1
day a week. But, these hours can be
adjusted. Your help would be greatly
appreciated, please call 426-2610 or
our new web site at for
more details. A4/30ffn
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege creating part-time Sociology In-
structor pool; $394.57/lecture credit.
Masters degree in Sociology or related
field required. Interested individuals
must submit college application and re-
sume to the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community Col-
lege, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olym-
pia, WA 98512, (360) 754-7711 ext.
360. Applications and resumes must be
received by 11:30 a.m., Friday, Sep-
tember 10, 1999. ANEOE. $9/2
FACILITY/G ROUNDS Manager 10 to 15
hours per week for retreat center. Re-
quires fix-it skills and ability to recruit,
train and supervise volunteers. Send
resume to Harmony Hill, 7362 E. Hwy.
106, Union, WA 98592. H9/2-9
County Juvenile Detention Center. Full-
time, $1,966 to $2,3901mo. Responsi-
ble for supervision, care, custody, &
transportation of detained juveniles.
Minimum qualifications: 2 ym of college
and exp. working with at.risk youth or 2
yrs working with at-risk youth and high
school grad or GED. Possess a valid
WSDL with good ddving record. Candi-
dates are subject to polygraph test,
complete background check, & must
obtain a food handler's permit prior to
employment. Application required &
available at Mason County Human Re-
sources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton, WA
98584 or call (360) 427-7265. Closes
9/15/99 at 5 p.m. M9/2
THE HIAWATHA Corporation is hiring
temporary truck drivers for production
season, 40 plus hours weekly. Must
have CDL. Quality Control workers
needed for production season. Prior
experience preferred. Team worker. 40
plus hours weekly. Bring resume. Apply
in person, 681 E. Johns Prairie Rd.,
Shelton, WA 98584. H9/2-23
in Shelton, WA has immediate openings
for experienced RNs and LPNs for tem-
porary and on-call (intermittent) posi-
tions. Send a stats application to: WCC
Human Resource, PC Box 900, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. W9/2-9
ACCOUNTING CLERK, full-time posi-
tion. AR, AP, PR experience required.
Call EFI, 426-0077. E9/2
We are looking for people who are
at least 18 years or older, have a
valid drivers license and proof of
insurance to deliver.
Please Contact:
8 a.m.-4 p.m. n.
Shelton Valley Group Home has a live-
in/sleep over position available. Room
and board in lieu o! wages. Contact
Dani or Tracy at 426-3578. E9/2-9
Shelton Valley Group Home has a
weekend living skills instructor position
and a part-time Activity/Transportation
position available. $6.50 an hour. Con-
tact Dani or Tracy at 426-3578. E9/2-9
GROWING COMPANY in Shelton has
an opening for new office position, 3/4
time with possibility of full-time. Data
entry skills required. Opportunity for
advancement. 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon-
day-Friday. Please send resume to:
POB 2044, Shelton, WA 98584. R9/2
NACs, HOME Health, Providence
SoundHomeCare & Hospice is current-
ly seeking supplemental Home Health
NAC to work out of the Mason County
office in Shelton. Requirements Include
current WA State certification with a
minimum of one year in an acute care,
skilled nursing or rahab facility, a valid
WA State Drivers License and an in-
sured reliable vehicle. Excellent pays
Qualified applicants can send resume
to or apply at 3706 Griffin Lane Road
NE, Olympia, WA 98501 or call (360)
459-8311 for an application and addi-
tional information. EOE. P9/2
dren. Morning and afternoon 3 to 4
days weekly. Nonsmoker, references,
transportation a must. Angleside area,
427-5212. R9/2
HOOD CANAL School District No. 404,
certified and classified substitutes
needed. Hood Canal School District No.
404 is currently building a register for
on-call substitutes for the 1999-2000
school year and is now accepting appli-
cations for certificated teacher and
classified positions (kitchen workers,
playground assistants, secretarial and
custodial). If you would like to be con- .
stdered for substitute work, applica-
tions are available in the district office
at 111 North Highway 106, Shelton, WA
98584 or call (360) 877-5463 for more
information. Washington State law now
requires that any pemon newly hlred by
a school district or educational service
district must be fingerprinted for a state
and national background check. Hood
Canal School District No. 404 is an
equal opportunity employer, and it shall
be the policy of Hood Canal School Dis-
trict No. 404 that no person shall be ex-
cluded from employment on the basis
of age, race, sex, creed, color or na-
tional origin. $9/2
same old dentistry? And the same old
pay? Excellent opportunity for experi-
enced, motivated person to grow with
our cosmetic, restorative practice. Su-
perb salary, benefits, bonus. Call 426-
9711. B8/26-9/2
fill out our staff. Send tape and resume
to: Program Director, KMAS, POB 760,
Shelton, WA 98584. EOE. K8126-9/2
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col.
legs hiring an Accountant Supervisor II
in the business office. Minimum qualifi.
cations include Bachelor's degree in
accounting, business administration or
related field. Equivalent educstion/ex-
pedence in accounting will substitute
for all minimum qualifications. Desirable
qualifications include a commitment to
a working environment that values di-
versity; experience in Financial Man-
agement System, governmental fund
accounting and computer software pro-
grams. An employment application and
required supplemental examination can
be obtained in the Human Resources
Office, South Puget Sound Community
College, 2011 Mottman Road SW,
Olympia, WA 98512. Phone 754,771t
ext, 360. Position closes 4:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, September 7, 1999. ANEOE.
LOCAL RECYCLING company seeking
qualified recycling plant operator.
Skilled in heavy equipment operation
and knowledge of pumps and irrigation
equipment desired. Paid holidays, va-
cation, medical, and retirement. Send
resume, Attn: Personnel, POB 982,
Centralla, WA 98531. B8/26-9/16
den maintenance person. Apply Mon-
day-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Blue Her-
on Condos, 6520 E. SR 106, Union.
CHILDcARE IN my Union home, 1-2
children. 2-3 mornings weekly. Must be
dependable and have references.
Good pay/great kids. 898-2162. F8/19-
BE YOUR own boss. Local hair salon,
semi-private room, $250 monthly. Must
have own clientele. Must be responsi.
ble, neat, tidy. 426-7733. H8/19-9/9
Thursday, September 2, 1999 - SheltomMason County Journal - Page 25
.15 words or less - $5.00 II. multioae i.eertion I
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15lade ' The Journal wild
• Four insertions for the price of three I be responsible for I
• Classified deadline-2 p.m. Tuesday I erroreinthefiret I
• Classified display - 5 p.m. Mdnday I insertion only, I
Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad
=,I/!N beds with box springs and
6-3013. $9/2
•ire. Excellent COndit on $500 426
r, ...... golf car, complete,
.+'/Ehul ATI_NG 8' dish, on,y 4 years
Scrambler 877-5452.
D dryer, $150. Call 427-
as stoves, in-
tank. Natural
482-5200. G9/2-23
queen vacuum, all
sold, perfect con-
2,000, sell $800
never installed. 72x48
will take $300. 877-
P.m. 19/2tfn
Trainer (exercise
Jick dial resistance. Paid
JUSt used a few times.
Gateway Center.
adults' clothing,
Hours 11
$700. 426-1609. C9/2
htly used, $30 each
6. A9/2
boxes - ward-
packing materials.
dar mill ends. U-
Iling. We deliver, $65
Agate Road, 426-
Iregate stepping
SALE, Lake Cushman.
Airstream, Brat, van.
$59,500 PACKAGE. 32' Luhrs cabin
cruiser, building site in gated communi-
ty on Harstine Island, 40' moorage slip
paid through 2017. All or nothing. 427-
8801. K7/29-8/19
DAHLIAS: WE grow the best. Taking
orders on bulbs. Also cut flowers. 800
different varieties. Mike's Dahlias. 907
Valley Road, 426-9854. M8/26-9/16
PLANT SALE - up to 50% off. Septem-
ber is a good month to plant perennials.
Over 200 varieties from $1 to $3.50.
Open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sun-
days, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call for an
appointment at 427-5930. Storybrook
Gardens, 1881 E. Crestview Drive,
Shelton, off of Agate Road, near
Shorecrest. $8/26-9/30
MOUNTAIN BIKE, 26" Giant Rincon,
Rock Shock, upgraded, quality compo-
nents/park tool stand, $425. Whirlpool
range, $100. 426-0459. H8/26-9/2
GRASS FED, grain finished, Angus
beef. Approximately 250-300 Ib halves.
$1.55 per pound, per half. $1.45 per
pound per whole. Shop fees included.
Slaughtering end of September. Call
evenings, or leave message. 427-
6201. R8/19-9/9
METABOLIFE 356 T". For product call
Dabble at 426-2136. Metabolife inde-
pendent distributor, N4187100499.
LIGHT OAK, 40" round, drop-leaf table
with 2 chairs. Excellent condition, $100
OBO, 427-1104. B9/2
REFRIGERATOR AND beams for sale.
426-1996. G9/2
INDIAN DESIGN sofa chair, $100. Little
Tykes, toddler blue, teddy bed with
mattress, $75. A Little Tykes outside
slide, $25. 426-0135. A9/2
HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 ffn
STAINED GLASS windows, stepping
stones, door inserts, suncatchers,
boxes, lamps, custom designs, re-
pairs, etc. Call Koleen, 426-0824 eve-
nings after 6 p.m. and weekends for in-
formation and estimates. W7/8ffn
Call 6 p.m. only or any- SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try
N8/19.9/9 harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux
I Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ.
, II qualitya;dv loam / model MD-MST02 wire accessonv= and
il ,+"00't'No00ocks:.oc.v / optical cable. Like new, $175, 432-
" =1 LANhor,, ___I_. I 1423. D912
00I3SCAPIN G Fatten your Halle
I1 000000:SC;ark
: Lawns. Spr nkle with a Rd t
, |j , Backh'oe-.ozer
t ,,Bulkheads'*Wl ip raps
['Jl livetles Anywhere
Ii| -''n HWEST I Coil the Journal office /
, 0026c9922 J I at 426-4412 to place I
_ Garage and Storage
| -- I
m | =o.=x. ,
m Horse Stable with I
I!11 +'" -"'"°°°1
20'X24'X8' J/k'..
Two-Car Garage RENTAL
16'x7' Roll-Up Door
years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
builders in Meson County.
at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required
range of buildings... •Airplene hangers • Carports •
• Warehouses • Horse arenas and stablss •
and shops Lic. #TOZIEBI024PK
426-4373 or 426-2411
Rental how=:
Mort-Sat 7-5, Sun 9-5
BUY OR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn
718 28TH
Two 40's pin ball machines (pay
out), Coke machine (chest type --
embossed), Victorian wicker baby
buggy, Gone With The Wind lamp,
needle point chairs, oak and pine
dressers, Oriental wool carpet 8x15,
Victrola and Edison records, super
cool child's desk, dbl child's desk,
rockers, trunks, Grandmother's
clock, neat lamps, tools, radios, tele-
phones, Christmas stuff, light fix-
tures, 6' loom, large glass float col-
lection, dough boy, good costume
jewelry, tables, chairs, mirrors,
Empire drop front desk, photos,
prints and pictures, Magic lantern,
table top stereoscope, Johnson Bros
china, good glassware, some depres-
sion, some pottery, waterfall bed-
room set, country primitives, qual-
ity newer furniture: end tables, cof-
fee and sofa tables, good estate
items and wonderful smalls.
lic# anticea562ms
terms: cash, MC/Vsa
BUY, SELL, trade, Rodeo Drive-In
swap meet, Sundays 8 a.m.-3 p.m.,
near Bremerton Airport. Information,
360-698-6031. R5/20ffn
LADIES OF the Lake annual rummage
sale, with proceeds going to Communi-
ty Projects. Just south of Hoodsport
Winery. Saturday only, September 4th,
9 a.m-5 p.m. Watch for signs. L9/2
COMMUNITY SALE at 21110 N. Hwy.
101, Sept. 3 & 4, 8 a.m-3 p.m. Come
join us. Fishing, household appliances,
old fashioned wood kitchen stove, col-
lectibles from countries around the
world. Also Winnebago, 27', Class A
motorhome with new engine. F9/2
MOVING SALE. Furniture, appliances,
misc., everything goes. 1681 Treasure
Island Drive, Treasure Island. Satur-
day, Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (360) 275-
3720. M9/2
UNION SALE. Women's plus-size
clothing, craft supplies and lots of mis-
cellaneous. Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.E.
9802 Hwy. 106, approximately 2 miles
East of Alderbrook Inn. A9/2
ESTATE SALE. Labor Day weekend.
Many items. Appliances, furniture,
household, fixtures, knickknacks, At
Rob's Excavating Storage #8, off
Johns Prairie Road. 360-426-3904. 8
a.m.-3 p.m. W8/26-9/2
STREET SALE, Lake Cushman, Divi-
sion 14. September 3-5, 9 a.m, Fishing
gear, antiques and collectiblee. Furni-
ture, books, clothes, housewares.
1981 Ford F150, 4x4, SuperCab. 19'
Bayliner, Beanies, pellet stove, skis,
and tools. Tons of miscellaneous. Fol-
low signs from Hoodsport. T8/26-9/2
FRIDAY/SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.E.
141 Dunoon, Lake Limerick. Radial arm
saw, work bench, table saw, wood
chipper, and household goods. R9/2
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Household
items, furniture, tools, electric golf
cart, winter coats and jackets, 2600 St.
Andrews Drive, third entrance, Lake
Limenck. O9/2
MOVING SALE. Chainsaw, boat and
stuff, building materials. New window,
fan, lights. Ladders, W/D, refrigerator,
desk, file cabinets, furniture, tools.
Saturday, Sunday, 80 E. Ballantrae,
Lake Limerick. D9/2
MOVING SALE, Saturday only, 8 a.m.-
3 p.m. Some furniture, Wurlitzer organ,
some ammunition and misc. household
items. Everything must go. 141
Hawthorne Lane. D9/2
BIG SALE, Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Woodstove, hospital bed, win-
dows, coUectibles, lots of miscellane-
ous. More second day. 2040 E. High-
land Road, Dayton. H9/2
YOU DON'T want to miss this ones Lots
of miscellaneous. Saturday, 9 a.m.-?
Skokomish Valley Rd, next to
hatchery, off 101. See ya there! N9/2
SOMETHING FOR everyone! House-
ware, clothes, Spinet piano, oak dining
room set, large 4-section, lighted living
room bookshelf/display center, Mig
welder, Oxyacet torch set with tanks,
futon, shotgun shell reloader with lots
of supplies, large Skutt kiln, doll kiln,
barbecue/smoker, antique picture
frames, compact truck canopy and
Delta tool box, G. Loomis fly rod, Warn
winch, new 200 amp service, porcelain
figurines, exercise equipment, nice
mahogany stand-up desk, computer,
066 Stihl chainsaw, float-tube, lots of
burls and much more. SE 710 Binns
Swiger Loop (2 miles out Arcadia Road,
1/2 mile down Binns Swiger), 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Saturday, Sept. 4th and 9 a.m-3
p.m. Sept. 5th. K9/2
SIX-FAMILY PLANT and garage sale.
Cribs, playpens, school clothing, jack-
ets. Clothes from newborn to xtra large.
Jeans, jeans, jeans. Linens, pillows,
sleeping bags, 24-ft. swimming pool,
books, dolls, and lots of miscellane-
ous. 1.2 miles from KFC up Pioneer
Way to Lake Blvd to 1370 Cloquallum
Road. Friday-Monday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
HUGE SALE! Garage and end of sea-
son nursery plant sale - 15% off. All
perennials, herbs, and flowering
shrubs. Oriental rug, furniture, knick-
knacks, clothes, baby stuff, kitchen
items, and more. Friday-Sunday, 10
a.m-5 p.m. 710Dearborn, N9/2
GIGANTIC REMODEL sale. Saturday,
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Mason Lake, Paradise Estates. 20 E.
Shore Court. Appliances, $50 each.
Furniture, building materials, mini-
blinds, miscellaneous items. Make of-
fers. All must gol Many free itemsl C9/2
4 FAMILY garage sale. Saturday, 10
a.m.-6 p.m. 917 Fairmount. Office
equipment, Beanie Babies, washer and
much more. O9/2
3 FAMILY garage sale. Lots of stuff,
314 Wyandotte. Friday & Saturday, 8
a.m.-4 p.m. A9/2
BEANIE BABIES, old and new. Bud-
dies, teanie beanies, beanie cards, at-
tic treasures plus furniture, clothes,
household items and crafts. Saturday,
317 West H Street, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. No
early birds please. A9/2
OLD FURNITURE, square dance
clothes, many miscellaneous items.
Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., off
Trails End Road, follow signs to E. 151
Olympic Palisades Dnve, Belfair. $9/2
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 6"
planer, stair stepper. Remodeled and
cleared out so you can clean up. 80
Collier (Southside School). B9/2
SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Weather
permitting. 2432 E. Brockdale Road.
HUGE SALEI Baby clothes, 2 for $1.
Lots of other good stuff, too. Hwy. 3 to
Krabbenhoft, then follow signs. Friday,
Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. R9/2
GREAT VARIETY. Classic 1974 Super
Beetle, bikes, dinghy, XXL men's
clothing, household items, books, lots
more. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday/Sunday,
Sept. 4-5. South Shore, east of Twanoh
Park, follow signs 'to Twanoh Tides
Drive. W9/2
YARD SALE. Lake Limerick, Friday,
Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 2 families.
Household items, tools, books, toys,
lots of misc. 2371 E. St. Andrews
Drive. $9/2
TOP RACK for front loading dishwash-
er. Maytag BWC300 model 420629_88.
Call 426-0824. W9/2
STUDENT NEEDS ride 6:45 a.m. week-
days for ROTC Drill to Shelton High or
WaI-Mart. Will pay. Please call 426-
3031. $9/2
CASH FOR large quantities of clean,
dry moss. Wlll buy bales. 1.360-274-
8125, Castle Rock, WA. L9/2-23
YOUR VOTE in primary for Carolyn Kerr
for Commissioner of Finance. K8/19-
BUYING OLD stuffi Spot cash paid:
Old Books, Pocket Watches (running
or not), Wind-up Clocks, Pocket
knives, Padlocks, Diamonds (old cut,
imperfects OK), Diamond jewelryl
Sterling Silverl Gold in any form 10k,
14k, 18kl Not sure? We test gold, no
charger Dental gold (teeth, caps,
bridgework)! Raw gold (placer fines,
nuggets)l interesting photographs
WW2 & beforel Pre 1970 picture post-
cardst Hens teetht Did toolst Red Wing
Crockeryl Pottery, ceramics, Rook-
wood, Hull, Van Briggle, many others.
Green Fireking glassl Green depres-
sion glasst Pre 1950 Men's wind-up
wrist watches (running or not)l Flow
Bluel OZ books, Billy Whiskem, Nancy
Drewl Pre 1940 children's books. Coin
collections1 U.S. silver dimes, quar-
ters, halves, dollars dated 1964 or be-
fore! Indian artifacts (baskets, blan-
kets, beadwork, carvings)I Ink Pens,
fountain pens, pen accessoriesl Pre
1945 pencils, mechanical or otherwisel
Gas station memorabilia, old pump
nozzles, oil jam, pro 1950 road mapsl
Stamp collectionsl Railroad lanternsl
Oriental collectibles, pictures, statu-
aryl Old prints (lone wolf, end of trail,
etc.) & framesl Bird cages and standsl
Stuffed polemiclstsl Old Toys, sol-
diers, trucks, planes, ship modelsl
Nazi memorabilia. War souvenim of all
kindst Antique gunst Remington,
Winchester, Colt memorabilial Hand-
made quiltsl Home featheml And much
morel If it has character Dacha will buy
it at the Coin Shop, Tuesday through
Saturdayl Now at 112 W. Alder (next to
Mickey's Deft). Phone 426-0304.
RN/LPN: Pediatric and adolescent
home care shifts available. Part-time,
full-time, competitive wage/benefits.
New grads welcome. Call Avail Home
Numing, 1-800-637-9998. A8/26-9/16
MEDICAL BILLING. Immediate open-
ings FT/PT. No experience needed. Will
train. Data entry for doctors. PC re-
quired. Up to 50K per year, (888) 587-
2624 ext. 618. M8/19-9/9
MEMBER SERVICE Representatives.
Peninsula Community Federal Credit
Union is currently recruiting part-time
Member Service Representatives
(tellers) to join our service oriented
team. If you have strong people skills
and the proven ability to work with the
public in a sales/service position, the
Credit Union would like to hear from
youl Cash handling and sales experi-
ence also preferred. Submit resume to:
PCFCU, PC Box 2150, Shelton, WA
98584. Attn: HR Dept. EOE. P9/2
LEGAL ASSISTANCE/Secretary, com-
petitive salary, DOE. Mail resume to
Joe Snyder, Attorney, PC Box 1338
Shelton, WA 98584. sg/2ffn
EFrs LABOR-as-needed crew has a
30-401hour a week position. Excellent
opportunity for someone who enjoys
physical work and a vadety of tasks.
Good ddving record required. Wages
DOQ. Contact 426-0077. E8/26-9/2
cutters Shelton salon. Great pay,
medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or
part time. (206) 232.8008 T8/26-9/16
Pr°vidence I S°°ndlt°meCarel and Hospice
Exciting training opportunity for a
RN with med/surg experience. St. Pe-
ter Hospital is currently seeking a full
time evening (3-11 p.m., no Sundays)
RN to work in the Aberdeen Dialysis
Unit. RN, BSN preferred. Previous
nephrology/hemodialysis experience
preferred but not required.
Apply at or send resume to: Human
Resources, 413 Lilly Rd. NE Olympia,
WA 98506. Fax: 360/493-7442.
8/26-9/2 2t
'qt Providence I SoundHomcCar¢
I and Hospice
Providence SoundHomeCare & Hos-
pice is currently seeking supplemen-
tal RN educators to teach Caregiver
Training. Requirements include grsdu.
ate of an accredited school of nursing;
must have one year of experience in an
adult family home, boarding home,
home health agency or similar setting
and one year of experience in adult
education and Current Wash. State RN
Send or fax resume to PSHCH
3706 Griffin Ln. N.E. Oly, WA 98501
Fax (360) 493-4657
RECEPTIONIST 20 hours week, $6.18
hourly, 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Pro-
vide back-up reception, telephone cov-
erage, filing, and other office support
for social service agency in Shelton.
Senior Employment Program: Must be
55 or over and low income. Call (360)
427-2225, ext. 10 for applications.
Closes September 7, 1999. EOE. L9/2
FULL-TIME truck driver delivery. Must
have Class A CDL. Apply at 7707 Mar-
tin Way East, Olympia. Call 1-800-600-
6930 between 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
only. P9/2-9
HOUSEKEEPER FOR busy, working
couple with two young children. Stan-
dard housework and small household
projects on regular basis. Approx-
imately 20 hours monthly/once per
week. Begin immediately. Strong refer-
ences required, work experience pre-
ferred. Call 426-0865. K9/2-9
Apply at Belfair Physical Therapy,
23460 Highway 3. No phone calls. B9/2
MAJOR GREETING card company
looking for retail merchandiser in Shel-
ton, daylight hours. Please leave
name, number and brief qualifications
to 1-800-373-3636 ext. 92619. V9/2
ACCOUNTANT - LACEY location. 10
yearn minimum experience, full charge
financial reporting responsibility. Com-
puter literate, 300 emp., P/R with ADP,
office management experience. Salary
DOQ. References required. Send re-
sume to Blind Box 583, c/o The Jour-
nal, PC Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584.
CAREGIVER TO relieve regular worker
occasionally. Running errands and
housecleaning, WSDL required. Call
Mary, 427-4249. L8/26-9/16
ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of
volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1
day a week. But, these hours can be
adjusted. Your help would be greatly
appreciated, please call 426-2610 or
our new web site at for
more details. A4/30ffn
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege creating part-time Sociology In-
structor pool; $394.57/lecture credit.
Masters degree in Sociology or related
field required. Interested individuals
must submit college application and re-
sume to the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community Col-
lege, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olym-
pia, WA 98512, (360) 754-7711 ext.
360. Applications and resumes must be
received by 11:30 a.m., Friday, Sep-
tember 10, 1999. ANEOE. $9/2
FACILITY/G ROUNDS Manager 10 to 15
hours per week for retreat center. Re-
quires fix-it skills and ability to recruit,
train and supervise volunteers. Send
resume to Harmony Hill, 7362 E. Hwy.
106, Union, WA 98592. H9/2-9
County Juvenile Detention Center. Full-
time, $1,966 to $2,3901mo. Responsi-
ble for supervision, care, custody, &
transportation of detained juveniles.
Minimum qualifications: 2 ym of college
and exp. working with at.risk youth or 2
yrs working with at-risk youth and high
school grad or GED. Possess a valid
WSDL with good ddving record. Candi-
dates are subject to polygraph test,
complete background check, & must
obtain a food handler's permit prior to
employment. Application required &
available at Mason County Human Re-
sources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton, WA
98584 or call (360) 427-7265. Closes
9/15/99 at 5 p.m. M9/2
THE HIAWATHA Corporation is hiring
temporary truck drivers for production
season, 40 plus hours weekly. Must
have CDL. Quality Control workers
needed for production season. Prior
experience preferred. Team worker. 40
plus hours weekly. Bring resume. Apply
in person, 681 E. Johns Prairie Rd.,
Shelton, WA 98584. H9/2-23
in Shelton, WA has immediate openings
for experienced RNs and LPNs for tem-
porary and on-call (intermittent) posi-
tions. Send a stats application to: WCC
Human Resource, PC Box 900, Shel-
ton, WA 98584. W9/2-9
ACCOUNTING CLERK, full-time posi-
tion. AR, AP, PR experience required.
Call EFI, 426-0077. E9/2
We are looking for people who are
at least 18 years or older, have a
valid drivers license and proof of
insurance to deliver.
Please Contact:
8 a.m.-4 p.m. n.
Shelton Valley Group Home has a live-
in/sleep over position available. Room
and board in lieu o! wages. Contact
Dani or Tracy at 426-3578. E9/2-9
Shelton Valley Group Home has a
weekend living skills instructor position
and a part-time Activity/Transportation
position available. $6.50 an hour. Con-
tact Dani or Tracy at 426-3578. E9/2-9
GROWING COMPANY in Shelton has
an opening for new office position, 3/4
time with possibility of full-time. Data
entry skills required. Opportunity for
advancement. 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon-
day-Friday. Please send resume to:
POB 2044, Shelton, WA 98584. R9/2
NACs, HOME Health, Providence
SoundHomeCare & Hospice is current-
ly seeking supplemental Home Health
NAC to work out of the Mason County
office in Shelton. Requirements Include
current WA State certification with a
minimum of one year in an acute care,
skilled nursing or rahab facility, a valid
WA State Drivers License and an in-
sured reliable vehicle. Excellent pays
Qualified applicants can send resume
to or apply at 3706 Griffin Lane Road
NE, Olympia, WA 98501 or call (360)
459-8311 for an application and addi-
tional information. EOE. P9/2
dren. Morning and afternoon 3 to 4
days weekly. Nonsmoker, references,
transportation a must. Angleside area,
427-5212. R9/2
HOOD CANAL School District No. 404,
certified and classified substitutes
needed. Hood Canal School District No.
404 is currently building a register for
on-call substitutes for the 1999-2000
school year and is now accepting appli-
cations for certificated teacher and
classified positions (kitchen workers,
playground assistants, secretarial and
custodial). If you would like to be con- .
stdered for substitute work, applica-
tions are available in the district office
at 111 North Highway 106, Shelton, WA
98584 or call (360) 877-5463 for more
information. Washington State law now
requires that any pemon newly hlred by
a school district or educational service
district must be fingerprinted for a state
and national background check. Hood
Canal School District No. 404 is an
equal opportunity employer, and it shall
be the policy of Hood Canal School Dis-
trict No. 404 that no person shall be ex-
cluded from employment on the basis
of age, race, sex, creed, color or na-
tional origin. $9/2
same old dentistry? And the same old
pay? Excellent opportunity for experi-
enced, motivated person to grow with
our cosmetic, restorative practice. Su-
perb salary, benefits, bonus. Call 426-
9711. B8/26-9/2
fill out our staff. Send tape and resume
to: Program Director, KMAS, POB 760,
Shelton, WA 98584. EOE. K8126-9/2
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col.
legs hiring an Accountant Supervisor II
in the business office. Minimum qualifi.
cations include Bachelor's degree in
accounting, business administration or
related field. Equivalent educstion/ex-
pedence in accounting will substitute
for all minimum qualifications. Desirable
qualifications include a commitment to
a working environment that values di-
versity; experience in Financial Man-
agement System, governmental fund
accounting and computer software pro-
grams. An employment application and
required supplemental examination can
be obtained in the Human Resources
Office, South Puget Sound Community
College, 2011 Mottman Road SW,
Olympia, WA 98512. Phone 754,771t
ext, 360. Position closes 4:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, September 7, 1999. ANEOE.
LOCAL RECYCLING company seeking
qualified recycling plant operator.
Skilled in heavy equipment operation
and knowledge of pumps and irrigation
equipment desired. Paid holidays, va-
cation, medical, and retirement. Send
resume, Attn: Personnel, POB 982,
Centralla, WA 98531. B8/26-9/16
den maintenance person. Apply Mon-
day-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Blue Her-
on Condos, 6520 E. SR 106, Union.
CHILDcARE IN my Union home, 1-2
children. 2-3 mornings weekly. Must be
dependable and have references.
Good pay/great kids. 898-2162. F8/19-
BE YOUR own boss. Local hair salon,
semi-private room, $250 monthly. Must
have own clientele. Must be responsi.
ble, neat, tidy. 426-7733. H8/19-9/9
Thursday, September 2, 1999 - SheltomMason County Journal - Page 25