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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CARS/TRUCKS FOR RENT ;ERVICES FOF RENT FA ZMERS WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/ base- ments, will help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices, 426-1290, Anne. $8/12-9/2 AUDREY'S PLAYHOUSE, licensed childcare, now accepting children ages 1-4 yrs., prefer full-time. For further in- formation, contact Audrey Martin, 360- 426-9659. A9/2-9 SUNRISE IN-HOME licensed daycare has a full-time opening for ages 0-5. 426-6908. $9/2-23 LICENSED DAYCARE, one full-time opening available in September for 2-3 year old. M-F, 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Pre- school, USDA, enriching environment. 427-7505. M8/26-9/16 PANDA BEAR Childcare. Licensed home with preschool program is enroll- ing for fall. Lots of love and excellent references. Great location for Olympia commuters. Bordeaux School district, 426-4103. H8/19tfn SERVICES JOHNSCREEK COUNTRY Kids, li- censed eleven years. Fun, loving envi- ronment, excellent ref., USDA meals. Mr. View School District, Laud, 426. 7669. N8/Stfn iiii COLORFUL CREATIONS Childcare Development Center (formerly Bright Horizons) New owner and staff Colorful Creations is a quality licensed daycare which offers a wide variety of services. • Programs for children 1-12 years of age • Before and after school care • EVENING CARE • Open from 6:30 a.m. - Midnight M-F • Accept DSHS Bilingual program (360) 427-1382 - Ask for Rtbe’cll lutdoor games and outings, arts and crafts, nutrilious dinners and snacks DANCE ARTS Academy in downtown Shelton at 109 S. 2nd Street now en- rolling for Fall classes. Ages 2-adult welcome. Pre-dance, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Gymnastics, and Swing. Call Donna for details, 432-0660. D9/2-23 PRIVATE MUSIC lessons. Piano, or- gan, guitar, banjo, all band/orchestra instruments. 40 years experience. BA degrees in music education. 426-3187. [38/26-9/16 BEGINNING GUITAR lessons. For info call 427-0397. T8/19-9/9 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn ARTLEY FLUTE, excellent condition, $400 OBO. Yamaha saxophone, good condition, $350 OBO. 426-9175 eve- nings. D8/26-9/2 MONDAYS ONLY George will be at the Coin Shop at 112 West Alder. Buy'and sell, listen to sad stories. Questions? Call 426-0304. O8/12-9/2 LOST. REWARD, 10-year-old male black Lab, white spot on chest, tur- quoise collar. Missing from Arcadia Rd. 427-3802. I miss him very much. J9/2 LOST. LARGE, friendly, male cat. Orange with white legs. Diabetic, needs insulin shots daily. Critter was last seen 8/3 in Brockdale area. We miss him! Please call 427-7823 or 413-4318, anytime. Reward. W8/12-9/2 FEMALE BORDER Collie puppy, very sweet, $150. 426-0672. Hope. D9/2-9 FREE BLACK Lab/Chow mix dogs, 8 weeks old, 2 females, 432-9721. W9/2 CHESAPEAKE BAY Retrievers, AKC. Born 6128199. Parents excellent hunt- ers. Great disposition, males $300, fe- males $350, 427-8389, G8/12-9/2 LABS, Bt.ACK/yellow, 31 champ, lines, excellent quality. Females, $450. Males, $400. 360-426-8074. C8126.9/2 PLEASE DON'T let us go to the pound. Free: 2 lovable large dogs. 2 huggable cats. Great with kids. 427-5976 or 456- 9132 c8/26-9/16 BURMESE PYTHoNs} =50-$150, will trade, Rats, $1.50,$4, all sizes, 427- 4174. O8/26-9/16 FORD TRACTOR, 1977, Diesel, front loader, heavy-duty rear blade, 3-point hitch, $1,000, needs timing gear. (360) 426-2117. H9/2-9 TACK SALE, new and used. September 4th, 9 a.m.-4 p,m. Saddles, blankets, bits, pictures, show clothes, and etc. Virg and Barb Martinell, E. 11 Johns Creek Drive (right off Johns Prairie Road). 426-6952. M9/2 GOOD HUNTING/ pack horse, $500 OBO. 427-9170 (let phone ring at least 7 times). P8/26-9/16 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9tfn ALFALFA HAY, 2nd cutting, excellent quality. $7.50 per bale. $7 per bale for 20 or more. 426-1803. P9/2 HORSESHOEING, 14 years experi- ence. Brent, 432-0944. 19/2-10/21 JAYS PAINTING & Pressure Washing Company. "For the finish that lastsl" We offer years of experience in interior and exterior painting at a price you can afford. Call today for a free estimate, ask about our 10-year guarantee at 432-8699. (We answer our phonel) Ask for Jay, (owner). P9/2 DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs cleaned, pressure washing services, mobile home roof coatings, interior/exterior painting, general car- pentry, finish work, manufactured home repairs. Call Dave, 427.4237. LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14 JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8113tfn SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic #ZlRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn YOU DEMAND the job done right the first time and at a fair cost. That's our motto. Painting, remodeling, repairs, carpentry, handyman specials. Small jobs a specialty. Licensed and bonded. 427"4111. T5/27tfn CUSTOM STAINED glass windows,-- doors, gift items, repairs. Call Kolsen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. WT/Sffn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Pays=e, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12ffn HANDYMAN CAN do just about any- thing. References, $15 hour, iLarry, 427-0636. $8/12-9/2 , ,,,,, WORK OF Art Landscape. Rock, walls, ponds, irrigation, etc. Free estimates, references. Call 360'275-5257. D8/12- 9/2 RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6ffn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/Stfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limblng, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured, Free estimates. Ltc. #601-312-066. 426-5234. RS/Sffn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121JS. 427-5066. C1/15ffn I JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 I III Page ;-6 Sheli0n-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 2, 1999 HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen. try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8121tfn 14' CUSTOMIZED aluminum Duroboat, electric start 1993 Yamaha, electric trolling motor, Lowrance, downriggers, built-in battery storage, Iockable dry storage, cover, oars, trailer, $3,500. (360) 877-5584. $9/2-23 15' GRUMMAN scanoe. Aluminum, will take up to 6hp light, $575. 427-7000. Mc9/2-23 1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin- rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer, always garaged, excellent condition, great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426- 0003. K6/3ffn 15 FT. RUNABOUT (fiberglass). See at Verles or call 898-4440 (Union); 3hp Sears outboard, air cooled, $200 for both. Needs trailer. $9/2 BY OWNER. 1978 21' Reinell Cabin Cruiser. Good condition, $5,500. Ster- eo, CB, extra large water tank, port=- potty, heater, inboard/outboard. Loves to cruise the San Juans. Must sell due to heart condition. Call 360-877-5197. L9/2 12' DAYSAILER, misc. boat seats, alu- minum pedestals, oars, etc. Saturday, Sunday, 80 E. Ballantrae, Lake Limer- ick. D9/2 LIKE NEW, 1994, SeaSwirl 1758E, 115hp Johnson, no salt. Skis/rope/ jackets included, $9,500 OBO, 426- 8157. D8/19-9/9 GREAT BUY. 1997, 20.5' Bayliner Ca- pri, 5.7L Mercruiser, low hours. Lots of extras, $15,500, Cushman Boats, 877- 5244. C9/2 11' RANGER Sailboat, excellent condi- tion, fully rigged for sail, teak trim, fi- berglass hull. $1,200. 360-426-2881. A9/2 1976, 27' Travco motorhome. Good condition, A/C, storage bin, awning, cable hook-up ready, too many extras to list. Must see to appreciate. Asking $6,000 OBO. Call evenings, 427-6936. P8/19-9/9 1985 CLASS A Wlnnie Chieftain, 22 ft., 59K. All the goodies, shows TLC, non- smokers. $14,500 or offer, 360-426- 7305. M8/12.9/2 WANTED RVs, travel trailers, 5th wheels. Buy or sell on consignment. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. $4/29ffn 1982 DODGE Ram van, full-size, V8, trailer package, runs and looks great, $2,000 firm. 1985 Caddy, fixer or parts car, V8, front wheel drive, $300 as is or $600 if we start it. Glass for 1975 Hon- da, fits other years, $90 OBO. 427- 2633, Janice or George. V9/2-23 1977 CHEV, heavy 1/2 ton, 4x4 pickup. 132,000 miles, one owner, well-main- tained, great condition, $3,500, 426- 6884. W9/2 1993 OLDSMOBILE Achieva, 4 door, automatic, one owner, loaded, well- maintained, $4,500 OBO. 427-6467. M9/2 ORIGINAL OWNER offers 1969 Ford 3/4 ton Chateau deluxe 12 passenger wagon; 131K miles, rebuilt 302 engine, transmission, brakes and more, excel- lent condition, always hangered. $3,200/OBO. Also wanted, kennel for 2 large canines. 877-9234. $9/2-23 1984, 3/,= TON Ford pick-up with tow package, $3,000. 426-1609. C9/2 1991 HONDA Civic sedan, 130K miles, great for commuter or college student. Comes with complete set of snow tires, $6,000. 426-4540 leave message. P8/19tfn JEEP, 1988, Wrangler, excellent con- dition, $6,000 OBO, 427-1104. B9/2 1971 FORD 250, 4-speed, $400, 426- 8832. W9/2 1991 LINCOLN Towncar, 4-door sedan, leather interior, all power, air, $4,500. Call 426-1371 after 6 p.m. O8126-9/16 1988 GMC Suburban, 2-wheel drive, 454, all power, tint, cloth, tow package, clean, runs great, $5,600 OBO ($700 below book), 426-3211. A8/26-9/2 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1983 PONTIAC Fir=bird, runs good, $600 OBO, 427-6323. G8/26-9/2 1985 LINCOLN Towncar, runs good, $1,000 OBO, 427-6323. G8/26-9/2 1986 NISSAN SE, ext. cab, 4x4 P/U, 3" lift, 32" tires, runs great. $3,000 OBO. Rick 277-3719. WS/19tfn 1986 FORD 4x4, body rough, runs like jewel, 60,000 miles on rebuild. $2,000. 427-6684 leave message. V8/26-9/2 4X4 CHEVY S-10, 1984, extended cab, camper top, needs engine. Trade for Ford Aerostar Van, $2,200 OBO, 426- 3763. H8/26-9/2 jOURNRL uqNT RID8 GET RF-81JLx8 gVElqLY TIME 1 BEDROOM mobile, water, garbage, heat paid. Washer/dryer in Belfair. $440 month, $250 :deposit, 275-3051. R9/2-23 BELFAIR 3 bedroom, 2 bath, split level, garage, Good Cents, $600 deposit, $850 monthly, 360-275-4834. No pets. C9/2 SHELTON - NEAT, clean, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, townhouse style with carport and storage. Only $475 rent, $475 de- posit. Available now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 SHELTON - LOW cost 2 bedroom rental. Approved HUD ("Section 8"). We pay W/S/G ($60 value). Only $415 rent, $415 deposit. Available now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 TIMBERLAKES - LOW cost, 2 bedroom mobile. Corner lot with 2 storage sheds and deck. Possible lease purchase. Only $450 rent, $450 deposit. Available 9/1/99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 UNION, COZY waterfront 1 bedroom furnished home with gas and wood heat. $450 rent, $500 deposit. Avail- able 9/1/99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 CUTE, 12X60, 2 bedroom mobile home in quiet park in Shelton. Carport, shed, $475 month plus utilities. No pets. 360- 789-9052. R9/2 ISLAND LAKE two (+) bedroom, semi- furnished. Minutes to schools and hos- pital. Available Sept. 1, $950 plus utili- ties. Randy, 1-800-726-6221 ext 2529. L8/19-9/9 STUDIO APARTMENT across from Safeway. W/S/G paid, $335 monthly. Call John, owner/agent, 426-3184. Pager 971-2881. R8/5tfn BARGAIN MINI.STORAGE1 Lowest rests in town. Newer units. Alarm and video security system. Starting at only $25. (360)426-5511. N8/26-9/16 AFFORDABLE HOUSING, bargain rents. Fully restored one and two bed- room apartments. New laundry facili- ties, children's play area. Security & resident manager on-site. Sorry, no pets. (360) 426-5511. N8/26-9/16 AVAILABLE NOW! Nice newer 3 bed- room, 2 bath home in Lake Limerick. Small pets negotiable. $775 monthly, $700 deposit. Call Caren or Mike, 503- 587-7132 or Marv, 360-876-2088. V8/19-9/9 2 BEDROOM house, carport, storage shed, Lake Limerick, $600 monthly/ $400 deposit, 427-6891 evenings. S8/26-9/16 GREAT VICTORIAN townhouse, $500 plus deposit, plus references. (360) 307-9505 or 1-800-575-1574, Code 00. J8/26tfn SECLUDED 4 bedroom, 2 bath, energy efficient home on 20 acres. 6 miles west of Shelton. 3-car carport, large deck with view of Olympics. Areas for animals. Available 9/16, $800 monthly, 360-412-1233. $8/19-9/9 ONE BEDROOM house, large city lot, near school, W/D hookup, W/S/G paid, $500 first/last, plus deposit, 438-6330 evenings. $8/19-9/9 ON HOOD Canal, 2 miles South of Hoodsport. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. $800 monthly. Available 8/25, call 541-753- 9160. C8/19-9/9 NEW STUDIO apartment on Fawn Lake. No smoking, no pets. $400 plus elec- tricity. 426-8906. H9/2 $550: LIKE new, 2 bedroom duplex on Mt. View with carport. Includes washer & dryer. $500 deposit. Call John L. Scott at 426-3319. $9/2 ONE BEDROOM, Hammersley Inlet wa- terfront, all appliances, no smoking/ pets. W/S/G included, $550 monthly, $450 deposit. (360) 427-1157. R9/2-23 HOODSPORT ONE bedroom apart- ment, sundeck. Hood Canal view, in- cludes W/S. $395 monthly. 877-5997. T8/19-9/9 SALE/RENT by owner: Alderbrook Golf Course, newer 3 bedroom fully fur- nished, all appliances, deck, fireplace. $800 monthly rent/S99,000 sale, 206- 793-1217. P8/12-9/2 NEAT ONE bedroom duplex with car- port, W/D, DAN, microwave, stove and refrigerator, gas heat, $400 monthly, Mt. View area, 898-3000. W8/12-9/2 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn AVAILABLE AUGUST 10: Well cared for 2 bedroom home, attached garage, fenced baekyard. No pets. Referenc- es. Angleside area. $600 monthly plus deposit, includes W/S/G. Call 360-426- 8635. T8/5tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $521 Now Taking Applications i’ Call for Appointment I II 427-7909 LABOR DAY WEEKEND! I I I • New and Used Motorhomes, travel trailers, 5th wheels • Thor • Windsport • Forest River • Salem • Sierra • Georgetown • Keystone • Montana • Cougar * Sprinter • Gulfstream • Year-End Blow-Outs! • Thousands $ $$ Discounts • Factory Incentives! lust one of many examples New 24' travel trailer with walkaround bed! ONLY$9,999 o Down Only$119 Mo. O.A.C. Customer to pay tax and license 10,25% at 144 mos. Come see us. You'll be glad you did! 1/2 mile east of Gorst on Hwy 16 (360) 373-2200 Toll Free (877) RV SHOPPER (877) 787-4677 HILLCREST. ONE bedroom finished loft. Clean and All appliances. Storage care furnished. $500 W/S/G. Deposit and credit quired. No smoking, no 5200. D8/12-9/2 RV SPACE available, ble available, $200 rr E6/17tfn SECLUDED ONE wooded lot, 8 miles from to Twanoh State Park. cess. $400 monthly. ( J8/26-9/16 HARTSTENE POINTE, 2 bath house, access to all pets. $550 monthly, (360) 792-1673. B8/26-9/16 SPACIOUS, LIKE new, 2 plex, large living room bedrooms. Stove, washer, washer/dryer Water/garbag $650 monthly, 7646. S8/26tfn COMPLETELY NEW, re= side. 2 bedroom duplex. Extra storage room, covered carport, no pets. $300 deposit, referenceS. in back. 426-6338. AS/19tfn FURNISHED 1 bedroom heat, woodstove, soutt Canal near Alderbrook, for July/August, then next summer. $300 898-2986. H6/24tfn RESIDENTIAL $350- 1 bdrm apt, and paint, $400- 2 bdrm, Ig. a( heat, $450- 2 bdrm, cl large yard, $475- 2 bdrm, very clear older apts, garbage paid, $475- 2 bdrm duplex, paint, very $525- 2 bdrm Ig. apt, ties pd! HI $575- 2 bdrm, floors, $650- WATERFRONT! 2 b clean, quiet, cottage, $700- 3 bdrm, 2 bth, home, acres, possible 606 WEST rr Ask for Rentals ur Property For • SHELTON: 2 $550 me. Ext #300 • SHELTON: 1 bed 1 apartment, $450 rag. • RAINBOW LAKE: 3 $600 me. Ext #400 • TIMBERLAKES: 2 $550 me. Ext #500 • MASON LAKE: 4 bed fully furnished lake $800 me. • MOUNTAIN VIEW: & K St., over 3,000 separate offices #600 • $38 £ MINI STOR V= $29 to $85 PICKERING Heated Units. Ext#1000 ATTENTION Is your property vacant touch. Call Sam today CARS/TRUCKS FOR RENT ;ERVICES FOF RENT FA ZMERS WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/ base- ments, will help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices, 426-1290, Anne. $8/12-9/2 AUDREY'S PLAYHOUSE, licensed childcare, now accepting children ages 1-4 yrs., prefer full-time. For further in- formation, contact Audrey Martin, 360- 426-9659. A9/2-9 SUNRISE IN-HOME licensed daycare has a full-time opening for ages 0-5. 426-6908. $9/2-23 LICENSED DAYCARE, one full-time opening available in September for 2-3 year old. M-F, 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Pre- school, USDA, enriching environment. 427-7505. M8/26-9/16 PANDA BEAR Childcare. Licensed home with preschool program is enroll- ing for fall. Lots of love and excellent references. Great location for Olympia commuters. Bordeaux School district, 426-4103. H8/19tfn SERVICES JOHNSCREEK COUNTRY Kids, li- censed eleven years. Fun, loving envi- ronment, excellent ref., USDA meals. Mr. View School District, Laud, 426. 7669. N8/Stfn iiii COLORFUL CREATIONS Childcare Development Center (formerly Bright Horizons) New owner and staff Colorful Creations is a quality licensed daycare which offers a wide variety of services. • Programs for children 1-12 years of age • Before and after school care • EVENING CARE • Open from 6:30 a.m. - Midnight M-F • Accept DSHS Bilingual program (360) 427-1382 - Ask for Rtbe’cll lutdoor games and outings, arts and crafts, nutrilious dinners and snacks DANCE ARTS Academy in downtown Shelton at 109 S. 2nd Street now en- rolling for Fall classes. Ages 2-adult welcome. Pre-dance, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Gymnastics, and Swing. Call Donna for details, 432-0660. D9/2-23 PRIVATE MUSIC lessons. Piano, or- gan, guitar, banjo, all band/orchestra instruments. 40 years experience. BA degrees in music education. 426-3187. [38/26-9/16 BEGINNING GUITAR lessons. For info call 427-0397. T8/19-9/9 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn ARTLEY FLUTE, excellent condition, $400 OBO. Yamaha saxophone, good condition, $350 OBO. 426-9175 eve- nings. D8/26-9/2 MONDAYS ONLY George will be at the Coin Shop at 112 West Alder. Buy'and sell, listen to sad stories. Questions? Call 426-0304. O8/12-9/2 LOST. REWARD, 10-year-old male black Lab, white spot on chest, tur- quoise collar. Missing from Arcadia Rd. 427-3802. I miss him very much. J9/2 LOST. LARGE, friendly, male cat. Orange with white legs. Diabetic, needs insulin shots daily. Critter was last seen 8/3 in Brockdale area. We miss him! Please call 427-7823 or 413-4318, anytime. Reward. W8/12-9/2 FEMALE BORDER Collie puppy, very sweet, $150. 426-0672. Hope. D9/2-9 FREE BLACK Lab/Chow mix dogs, 8 weeks old, 2 females, 432-9721. W9/2 CHESAPEAKE BAY Retrievers, AKC. Born 6128199. Parents excellent hunt- ers. Great disposition, males $300, fe- males $350, 427-8389, G8/12-9/2 LABS, Bt.ACK/yellow, 31 champ, lines, excellent quality. Females, $450. Males, $400. 360-426-8074. C8126.9/2 PLEASE DON'T let us go to the pound. Free: 2 lovable large dogs. 2 huggable cats. Great with kids. 427-5976 or 456- 9132 c8/26-9/16 BURMESE PYTHoNs} =50-$150, will trade, Rats, $1.50,$4, all sizes, 427- 4174. O8/26-9/16 FORD TRACTOR, 1977, Diesel, front loader, heavy-duty rear blade, 3-point hitch, $1,000, needs timing gear. (360) 426-2117. H9/2-9 TACK SALE, new and used. September 4th, 9 a.m.-4 p,m. Saddles, blankets, bits, pictures, show clothes, and etc. Virg and Barb Martinell, E. 11 Johns Creek Drive (right off Johns Prairie Road). 426-6952. M9/2 GOOD HUNTING/ pack horse, $500 OBO. 427-9170 (let phone ring at least 7 times). P8/26-9/16 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9tfn ALFALFA HAY, 2nd cutting, excellent quality. $7.50 per bale. $7 per bale for 20 or more. 426-1803. P9/2 HORSESHOEING, 14 years experi- ence. Brent, 432-0944. 19/2-10/21 JAYS PAINTING & Pressure Washing Company. "For the finish that lastsl" We offer years of experience in interior and exterior painting at a price you can afford. Call today for a free estimate, ask about our 10-year guarantee at 432-8699. (We answer our phonel) Ask for Jay, (owner). P9/2 DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs cleaned, pressure washing services, mobile home roof coatings, interior/exterior painting, general car- pentry, finish work, manufactured home repairs. Call Dave, 427.4237. LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14 JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8113tfn SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic #ZlRKLTS141OW. Z3/1 ltfn YOU DEMAND the job done right the first time and at a fair cost. That's our motto. Painting, remodeling, repairs, carpentry, handyman specials. Small jobs a specialty. Licensed and bonded. 427"4111. T5/27tfn CUSTOM STAINED glass windows,-- doors, gift items, repairs. Call Kolsen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. WT/Sffn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Pays=e, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12ffn HANDYMAN CAN do just about any- thing. References, $15 hour, iLarry, 427-0636. $8/12-9/2 , ,,,,, WORK OF Art Landscape. Rock, walls, ponds, irrigation, etc. Free estimates, references. Call 360'275-5257. D8/12- 9/2 RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6ffn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/Stfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limblng, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured, Free estimates. Ltc. #601-312-066. 426-5234. RS/Sffn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121JS. 427-5066. C1/15ffn I JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 I III Page ;-6 Sheli0n-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 2, 1999 HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen. try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8121tfn 14' CUSTOMIZED aluminum Duroboat, electric start 1993 Yamaha, electric trolling motor, Lowrance, downriggers, built-in battery storage, Iockable dry storage, cover, oars, trailer, $3,500. (360) 877-5584. $9/2-23 15' GRUMMAN scanoe. Aluminum, will take up to 6hp light, $575. 427-7000. Mc9/2-23 1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin- rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer, always garaged, excellent condition, great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426- 0003. K6/3ffn 15 FT. RUNABOUT (fiberglass). See at Verles or call 898-4440 (Union); 3hp Sears outboard, air cooled, $200 for both. Needs trailer. $9/2 BY OWNER. 1978 21' Reinell Cabin Cruiser. Good condition, $5,500. Ster- eo, CB, extra large water tank, port=- potty, heater, inboard/outboard. Loves to cruise the San Juans. Must sell due to heart condition. Call 360-877-5197. L9/2 12' DAYSAILER, misc. boat seats, alu- minum pedestals, oars, etc. Saturday, Sunday, 80 E. Ballantrae, Lake Limer- ick. D9/2 LIKE NEW, 1994, SeaSwirl 1758E, 115hp Johnson, no salt. Skis/rope/ jackets included, $9,500 OBO, 426- 8157. D8/19-9/9 GREAT BUY. 1997, 20.5' Bayliner Ca- pri, 5.7L Mercruiser, low hours. Lots of extras, $15,500, Cushman Boats, 877- 5244. C9/2 11' RANGER Sailboat, excellent condi- tion, fully rigged for sail, teak trim, fi- berglass hull. $1,200. 360-426-2881. A9/2 1976, 27' Travco motorhome. Good condition, A/C, storage bin, awning, cable hook-up ready, too many extras to list. Must see to appreciate. Asking $6,000 OBO. Call evenings, 427-6936. P8/19-9/9 1985 CLASS A Wlnnie Chieftain, 22 ft., 59K. All the goodies, shows TLC, non- smokers. $14,500 or offer, 360-426- 7305. M8/12.9/2 WANTED RVs, travel trailers, 5th wheels. Buy or sell on consignment. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. $4/29ffn 1982 DODGE Ram van, full-size, V8, trailer package, runs and looks great, $2,000 firm. 1985 Caddy, fixer or parts car, V8, front wheel drive, $300 as is or $600 if we start it. Glass for 1975 Hon- da, fits other years, $90 OBO. 427- 2633, Janice or George. V9/2-23 1977 CHEV, heavy 1/2 ton, 4x4 pickup. 132,000 miles, one owner, well-main- tained, great condition, $3,500, 426- 6884. W9/2 1993 OLDSMOBILE Achieva, 4 door, automatic, one owner, loaded, well- maintained, $4,500 OBO. 427-6467. M9/2 ORIGINAL OWNER offers 1969 Ford 3/4 ton Chateau deluxe 12 passenger wagon; 131K miles, rebuilt 302 engine, transmission, brakes and more, excel- lent condition, always hangered. $3,200/OBO. Also wanted, kennel for 2 large canines. 877-9234. $9/2-23 1984, 3/,= TON Ford pick-up with tow package, $3,000. 426-1609. C9/2 1991 HONDA Civic sedan, 130K miles, great for commuter or college student. Comes with complete set of snow tires, $6,000. 426-4540 leave message. P8/19tfn JEEP, 1988, Wrangler, excellent con- dition, $6,000 OBO, 427-1104. B9/2 1971 FORD 250, 4-speed, $400, 426- 8832. W9/2 1991 LINCOLN Towncar, 4-door sedan, leather interior, all power, air, $4,500. Call 426-1371 after 6 p.m. O8126-9/16 1988 GMC Suburban, 2-wheel drive, 454, all power, tint, cloth, tow package, clean, runs great, $5,600 OBO ($700 below book), 426-3211. A8/26-9/2 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1983 PONTIAC Fir=bird, runs good, $600 OBO, 427-6323. G8/26-9/2 1985 LINCOLN Towncar, runs good, $1,000 OBO, 427-6323. G8/26-9/2 1986 NISSAN SE, ext. cab, 4x4 P/U, 3" lift, 32" tires, runs great. $3,000 OBO. Rick 277-3719. WS/19tfn 1986 FORD 4x4, body rough, runs like jewel, 60,000 miles on rebuild. $2,000. 427-6684 leave message. V8/26-9/2 4X4 CHEVY S-10, 1984, extended cab, camper top, needs engine. Trade for Ford Aerostar Van, $2,200 OBO, 426- 3763. H8/26-9/2 jOURNRL uqNT RID8 GET RF-81JLx8 gVElqLY TIME 1 BEDROOM mobile, water, garbage, heat paid. Washer/dryer in Belfair. $440 month, $250 :deposit, 275-3051. R9/2-23 BELFAIR 3 bedroom, 2 bath, split level, garage, Good Cents, $600 deposit, $850 monthly, 360-275-4834. No pets. C9/2 SHELTON - NEAT, clean, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, townhouse style with carport and storage. Only $475 rent, $475 de- posit. Available now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 SHELTON - LOW cost 2 bedroom rental. Approved HUD ("Section 8"). We pay W/S/G ($60 value). Only $415 rent, $415 deposit. Available now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 TIMBERLAKES - LOW cost, 2 bedroom mobile. Corner lot with 2 storage sheds and deck. Possible lease purchase. Only $450 rent, $450 deposit. Available 9/1/99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 UNION, COZY waterfront 1 bedroom furnished home with gas and wood heat. $450 rent, $500 deposit. Avail- able 9/1/99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 19/2 CUTE, 12X60, 2 bedroom mobile home in quiet park in Shelton. Carport, shed, $475 month plus utilities. No pets. 360- 789-9052. R9/2 ISLAND LAKE two (+) bedroom, semi- furnished. Minutes to schools and hos- pital. Available Sept. 1, $950 plus utili- ties. Randy, 1-800-726-6221 ext 2529. L8/19-9/9 STUDIO APARTMENT across from Safeway. W/S/G paid, $335 monthly. Call John, owner/agent, 426-3184. Pager 971-2881. R8/5tfn BARGAIN MINI.STORAGE1 Lowest rests in town. Newer units. Alarm and video security system. Starting at only $25. (360)426-5511. N8/26-9/16 AFFORDABLE HOUSING, bargain rents. Fully restored one and two bed- room apartments. New laundry facili- ties, children's play area. Security & resident manager on-site. Sorry, no pets. (360) 426-5511. N8/26-9/16 AVAILABLE NOW! Nice newer 3 bed- room, 2 bath home in Lake Limerick. Small pets negotiable. $775 monthly, $700 deposit. Call Caren or Mike, 503- 587-7132 or Marv, 360-876-2088. V8/19-9/9 2 BEDROOM house, carport, storage shed, Lake Limerick, $600 monthly/ $400 deposit, 427-6891 evenings. S8/26-9/16 GREAT VICTORIAN townhouse, $500 plus deposit, plus references. (360) 307-9505 or 1-800-575-1574, Code 00. J8/26tfn SECLUDED 4 bedroom, 2 bath, energy efficient home on 20 acres. 6 miles west of Shelton. 3-car carport, large deck with view of Olympics. Areas for animals. Available 9/16, $800 monthly, 360-412-1233. $8/19-9/9 ONE BEDROOM house, large city lot, near school, W/D hookup, W/S/G paid, $500 first/last, plus deposit, 438-6330 evenings. $8/19-9/9 ON HOOD Canal, 2 miles South of Hoodsport. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. $800 monthly. Available 8/25, call 541-753- 9160. C8/19-9/9 NEW STUDIO apartment on Fawn Lake. No smoking, no pets. $400 plus elec- tricity. 426-8906. H9/2 $550: LIKE new, 2 bedroom duplex on Mt. View with carport. Includes washer & dryer. $500 deposit. Call John L. Scott at 426-3319. $9/2 ONE BEDROOM, Hammersley Inlet wa- terfront, all appliances, no smoking/ pets. W/S/G included, $550 monthly, $450 deposit. (360) 427-1157. R9/2-23 HOODSPORT ONE bedroom apart- ment, sundeck. Hood Canal view, in- cludes W/S. $395 monthly. 877-5997. T8/19-9/9 SALE/RENT by owner: Alderbrook Golf Course, newer 3 bedroom fully fur- nished, all appliances, deck, fireplace. $800 monthly rent/S99,000 sale, 206- 793-1217. P8/12-9/2 NEAT ONE bedroom duplex with car- port, W/D, DAN, microwave, stove and refrigerator, gas heat, $400 monthly, Mt. View area, 898-3000. W8/12-9/2 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn AVAILABLE AUGUST 10: Well cared for 2 bedroom home, attached garage, fenced baekyard. No pets. Referenc- es. Angleside area. $600 monthly plus deposit, includes W/S/G. Call 360-426- 8635. T8/5tfn GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $438 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $460 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $521 Now Taking Applications i’ Call for Appointment I II 427-7909 LABOR DAY WEEKEND! I I I • New and Used Motorhomes, travel trailers, 5th wheels • Thor • Windsport • Forest River • Salem • Sierra • Georgetown • Keystone • Montana • Cougar * Sprinter • Gulfstream • Year-End Blow-Outs! • Thousands $ $$ Discounts • Factory Incentives! lust one of many examples New 24' travel trailer with walkaround bed! ONLY$9,999 o Down Only$119 Mo. O.A.C. Customer to pay tax and license 10,25% at 144 mos. Come see us. You'll be glad you did! 1/2 mile east of Gorst on Hwy 16 (360) 373-2200 Toll Free (877) RV SHOPPER (877) 787-4677 HILLCREST. ONE bedroom finished loft. Clean and All appliances. Storage care furnished. $500 W/S/G. Deposit and credit quired. No smoking, no 5200. D8/12-9/2 RV SPACE available, ble available, $200 rr E6/17tfn SECLUDED ONE wooded lot, 8 miles from to Twanoh State Park. cess. $400 monthly. ( J8/26-9/16 HARTSTENE POINTE, 2 bath house, access to all pets. $550 monthly, (360) 792-1673. B8/26-9/16 SPACIOUS, LIKE new, 2 plex, large living room bedrooms. Stove, washer, washer/dryer Water/garbag $650 monthly, 7646. S8/26tfn COMPLETELY NEW, re= side. 2 bedroom duplex. Extra storage room, covered carport, no pets. $300 deposit, referenceS. in back. 426-6338. AS/19tfn FURNISHED 1 bedroom heat, woodstove, soutt Canal near Alderbrook, for July/August, then next summer. $300 898-2986. H6/24tfn RESIDENTIAL $350- 1 bdrm apt, and paint, $400- 2 bdrm, Ig. a( heat, $450- 2 bdrm, cl large yard, $475- 2 bdrm, very clear older apts, garbage paid, $475- 2 bdrm duplex, paint, very $525- 2 bdrm Ig. apt, ties pd! HI $575- 2 bdrm, floors, $650- WATERFRONT! 2 b clean, quiet, cottage, $700- 3 bdrm, 2 bth, home, acres, possible 606 WEST rr Ask for Rentals ur Property For • SHELTON: 2 $550 me. Ext #300 • SHELTON: 1 bed 1 apartment, $450 rag. • RAINBOW LAKE: 3 $600 me. Ext #400 • TIMBERLAKES: 2 $550 me. Ext #500 • MASON LAKE: 4 bed fully furnished lake $800 me. • MOUNTAIN VIEW: & K St., over 3,000 separate offices #600 • $38 £ MINI STOR V= $29 to $85 PICKERING Heated Units. Ext#1000 ATTENTION Is your property vacant touch. Call Sam today