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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 2, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 2, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Letters to !he editor... Supports Kelly Editor, Belfair Herald.. Hello from Dewatto Bay. My friend and neighbor, Lor- raine Kelly, is running for Port of Dewatto Commissioner, District 1. I've had the privilege of know- ing Lorraine for several years, first as a property owner and neighbor, then as a member of the Dewatto Can't March Band and Drill Team. She is an extremely intelligent woman with years of experience in the business and financial world. She loves and respects the De- watto area and its neighboring communities, and only wants the best for all of us. Even though we are a small port, we are impor- tant• Lorraine is on the Port of De- watto Advisory Committee and is always asking people of this area for their input as to what they want to see accomplished. She in- vites everyone to attend the monthly Port of Dewatto meet- ings as well as the advisory com- mittee meetings• Like Lorraine says, "It's your port. What do you want it to be?" For those of you who haven't had the privilege of meeting Lor- raine Kelly personally, I'm sure you've enjoyed her weekly col- umn, "Dewatto Doin's," in the Belfair Herald• It's time for a change• Please vote for Lorraine Kelly. Thank you• Deanna Saylor Dewatto Bay Tahuya A vote for Kelly Editor, Belfair Herald: Lorraine Kelly is a candidate for Port of Dewatto commissioner in District 1. I have known Lorraine for over 20 years as a personal friend of the Kelly family and can attest to her business competence and sin- (:ere commitment to serving the public interest, The Port Commission needs strong lea(lership with an eye to comprehensive planning and an ear to public opinion and input. The Port of Dewatto has an outstanding opportunity to better serve the needs of its citizens. Lorraine is a person who can help make that happen. A vote for Lorraine Kelly is a vote for a better Port future. Robert (Bob) Miller Tahuya By LORRAINE KELLY Every morning I check my computer for e-mail to see if any- thing interesting has been hap- pening, and this past week I hit pay dirt. Tom and Erin Quann have a summer place here at Dewatto Bay. We have watched their three children grow up, and what great kids they are. We've watched Mike and Megan since they were little ones, and Laura was born after they bought their place here. Mike and Megan are both competitive swimmers, which brings me to the exciting news. Megan, 15, has just returned from Sidney, Australia, where she competed in the Pan Pacific swimming competition, Megan had a spectacular meet. She took second in the 100-meter breast stroke with a time of 1:08.56• She is now ranked third in the world in the 100-meter breast stroke and has passed one more hurdle on her road to qualifying for the Olympic Games• SHE ALSO WAS named to the 400-meter relay team where her team placed first. To top off the competition, she was named "Rookie of the Meet." Keep your eyes on Megan Quann• She does stand a chance to take gold in the Olympics• We keep telling her that when she wins and they ask where she's going she should say Dewatto Bay instead of Disney- land. We promised her we would emblazon her name on the "Dewatto Can't March Band" sign that's at the head of the bay. I'm sure that just thrilled her to no end. Congratulations Megan. Mike seems to be the one that deserted this area. His sister Jan and her husband Gary Mazzonci- ni run Leonard's Oyster Compa- ny. His younger brother, Jim, owns a backhoe business in Shel- ton, and his older brother and wife bought a fishing boat last year where they fish out of Alas- ka. Are you ever coming home again Mike? Many years ago I fished com- mercially for salmon in southeast- ern Alaska. It's very hard work but you are your own boss. I could tell you some real good stories about life on the ocean, but I don't want to bore you. Maybe someday I'll share a couple of the good ones with everybody. WE HAD OUR first fire in the woodstove this past week on the rainy day we had. It felt great but was a little depressing. It makes you realize that we will soon be going into fall and then good old winter. I want to apologize to Sid and Jean Crackett who helped with the signs for the Dewatto Daze we had last month. They were a big help in getting the signs ready. Everybody that worked on the Dewatto Daze certainly de- serves a big thank you. Well, we received our primary ballots in the mail this past week. We've completed ours and have them on their way back to the county. I hope everybody who re- ceived one will vote and return them. It's important that we spend the time to fill them out and mail them. Labor Day is fast approaching and we are off to the Ellensburg t Letters from Linda I i Had another great e-mail from Rode) over the holiday weekend. 12,000 down to 8,000 and drop- Keep Dr Butler Mike Hays, who shared some I haven't been to a rodeo for many ping• Things just aren't the same more information. Did you know years, so I hope this is a great anymore. (What an old fogey • that Lilliwaup means Inlet? Or one. They tell me it can get pretty statement!) that Hamma Hamma means stin- hot at the rodeo grounds so let's The federal government kept Editor, Belfair Herald: Keep Dr. Butler in Belfair. Write your comments to the Doc- tors Clinic, c/o CEO Linda Brown, 2512 Wheaten Way, Bremerton 98310. Save our doctor! Debbie Gonzales Allyn BelfairV00 to hold rummage sale LEGAL NOTICES The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 5374 will hold a rum- mage sale on Saturday, Septem- ber 4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the VFW post on the Old Belfair Highway• All proceeds will go to- ward assistance for needy veter- ans, their families, widows and orphans. Preschoolers will be screened Grapeview School District will conduct free developmental screenings for infants, toddlers and preschoolers on Thursday and Friday, September 9 and 10. For more information or to make an appointment, please call teacher Daphne Patterson at 426- 4921 or 275-4921. Screening is available to any- one living within the school dis- trict. Although the service is available throughout the school year, parents are urged to take advantage of the fall dates, as those who show significant delays may be eligible for free preschool through the school district. There is also a tuition-based, cooperative preschool within the school building• Those signing up for the community preschool do not need a screening appoint- ment, as that is done during class time. The school is located at 822 East Mason-Benson Road in Grapeview. Information about the community preschool is available by calling Jenny Heaton at 426- 6017 or 275-6628. FD3 will serve pancakes & eggs Fire District 3, Grapeview, will host a pancake breakfast on Sat- urday, September 4. The Grape- view Fire Hall on Grapeview Loop Road is the place to be if you love French toast, scrambled eggs, ham, orange juice, milk and cof- fee. Breakfast will be served from 7 a.m. to noon by donation. Mr. Friendly the Clown will be on hand to entertain all. Bible study on Romans to begin Bible Study Fellowship will be- gin a new weekly class in Bremer- ton on Thursday, September 16. The daytime class meets from 9:10 to 11:10 a.m., and will be an in-depth study of the book of Ro- mans. A fully developed preschool is held in conjunction with th in- ter-denominational program?For details, please call (360) 275-3762 or (360) 437-0283. Exercise classes offered at Hawkins Exercise for Fitness classes are now being offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at Hawkins Middle School Com- mons. The $3 fee per session is donated to the North Mason Ki- wanis and North Mason Boys and Girls Club. For more information, please call 275-8602. H Bdb00 P,O• Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfoir office open ? o.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thmugh Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays, For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in Beynon Center. RICK STEDMAN ............................................................ Editor BRENNA WOODWARD ..................... Advertising Manager LINDA THOMSON  .................................... Editorial Assistant Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 ky, stinky and Wachetickeh means no fish? See what you can learn when you read this column. hope we don't wind up as a grease spot in the stands. I'll let you know how it all turns out. Owen, Steele hold June wedding Andrew Scott Owen, son of Debbie Owen of, Belfair and Curt and Bobbi Owen of Poulsbo, mar- ried Shauna Irene Steele on Sat- urday, June 26, in Stayton, Ore- gon. The bride is the daughter of Mark and Betty Jo Steele of Sil- verton, Oregon. She attends Che- meketa Community College and is a personnel clerk at Norpac Foods. The groom is attending the same school, and serves as a bank teller at Washington Mutual. The two met in Kirkland while both attended Northwest College and worked at Kirkland Children's School. John Peterson officiated in the double ring ceremony held at the Stayton Church of Christ. A mes- sage was also delivered by Ron Woodward. The bride wore a white sleeve- less dress with long train. The church was decorated with heart. shaped candelabra and flowers in Shauna and Andrew Owen white and yellow with blue rib- bons. The maid of honor was her friend Allison Bethurum, and bridesmaids were K'Lynn Cram- er, friend of the bride, and Rebec- ca Looney, cousin of the bride. All wore blue satin dresses. Attending the groom were best man Alex Owen, his brother, and friends Darel Handley and Justin Sterrett serving as groomsmen. The bride's brothers, Andrew and Scott Steele, served as ushers and candle lighters. The bride's cousins, Erica Mul- key and Nathan Schmedake, served as flower girl and ring bearer, respectively. Rebecca Ortega was the pian- ist, and singers included Scott Becker, Sandy Cavaliere and Paul Seideman. A reception in the church followed the ceremony. The couple took a wedding trip along the Oregon Coast, and is now at home in Salem, Oregon. Do You Know Why? By LINDA THOMSON Dear Tommy, Dearly beloved, I have loved, honored and cherished you for one-third of a century, but now you are retiring from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Oh, no! Now what? As somewhat of a control freak (who, me?), I have a fear of the unknown future, and this is a big- gie! What will you do with all your time? I know you have creat- ed a "to-do" list, from remodeling, painting and re-roofing the house to doing more motorcycle riding. But I can't help but think you may interfere with some of my stuffwhile you're at it! PSNS has been good to us, starting with your apprenticeship as a pipefitter when you were just 20, and my steady boyfriend! By the time you graduated from that program, we were married and had one child, and I was no longer working, at least for pay! In 1968, you got to make a pretty memorable trip, getting a tour of the Panama Canal, then boarding a moving submarine. You had a pretty unique experi- ence as a civilian, of being on the boat for eight days underwater from Panama to San Diego. IN YOUR EARLY days there, the yard was building ships for the U.S. Navy, whereas now they are cutting up nuclear vessels ac- cording to international agree- ments. Life has changed on the inside of the gates in response to the changes on the outside in this political world. And the work force at PSNS has gone from over us going on one salary as we raised both our kids, clear through their school years• I re. member the big promotion you got in 1971 to code 382, in facili- ties manufacturing, as a GS-7• And up you went through the numbers, to a GS-12 in short or- der, then moving into 300-N in 1983. • Your chin is too close to your nose? • You can't see your teeth when you smile? • Your lips have disappeared? • You can't chew anymore? • Your teeth look darker? Do you really think you have to live like this? Private Insurance • DSHS 23152 NE Hwy 3 • Belfair • (Across from Library) A section of The Sheton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Ailyn, Grapevlew, Tahuya, Mason Lake. South Shore, North Shore and Victor, iMXMlitXi Page 2- Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, SePtember 2, 1999 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substantial Development, Conditional Use Notice is hereby given that NORTH BAY CLAM AND OYSTER who Is the owner of the described property has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit- Subetantlal Development, Conditional Uae for the de- veloprnant of: SHELLFISH ENHANCEMENT PROJ- ECT INVOLVING THE SPREADING OF 3,700 CU. YDS. OF OYSTER SHELL ON TIDELANDS AND OYSTER/CLAM BEDS; SOURCE OF THIS MATERIAL IS FROM THE VICINITY OF THE PORT OF ALLYN PIER-FLOAT FACILITY AT A LOCATION ONE MILE SOUTH OF THIS PROPOSAL SITE. Site Address: 1150 E NORTH BAY RD BELFAIR Project Location: 1.1 MILE TO THE NORTH OF THE TOWN OF ALLYN ON NORTH BAY ROAD. Parcel Number. 122171180292 Within .... (quarter saction) of Section ... 17 Township.22N Range ... 01W.W.M, in BELFAIR, Mason County Washington. Said development is proposed within CASE INLET and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the application should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest within 30 clays of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 08/26/99. Written comments must be received by 09Q5/99. A public hearing will held on this permit re- quest. Contact this office at (360) 427-9670, Ext 365 for date and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 08f31/99 under WAC 197-11-340. Written comments regarding this determt. nation must be received by 09/15/99. 9/2-9 2t In 1979, your commute got a little bit longer. Living in Belfair has been worth it, for all of us. I remember the fun you had play- ing basketball with the guys in the local gym, running the score clock for high school games, and taking our kids to all those school and community activities• Of course, there has always been me- My teeth are now a pleasure. John you did a magnificent work of art. Thank you and keep pedaling. Stephen J. TOMMY THOMSON retires from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard tomorrow. torcycle riding in est, where you continue on trails, as well as joy. Back at PSNS in moved to the quality control manager, your least favorite ager. And finally, in went to fleet and port as assistant project tendent. AND THERE you tomorrow, when you cially retired, and ing up my equilibrium, yes, it is about me, too! As I'm fond of telling love my job, and I'm not give it up. But choose to do with the rest life, you're still my friend! I love you. BELFAIR • Mowing • Edging • Thatching • Pruning • Transplanting • Hedging • Fertilizing • Reseeding • Spreading • Weeding • Cleaning • Blowing • Gutters • Digging • Hauling • Pressure Washing • Brush Cleaning • Monthly Yard Upkeep Bids Call: Joe or Vicky Basler at 275-612 ADVANCED HEATING AND COOLING, INCa "Your comfort is our business/" Residential and Small Commercial SALES & INSTALLATION Free Fstimates • Heat Pumps • Gas & Electric Furnaces e, • Air (7onditioning • Flectric Air Cleaners ' Sheetmetal Work • Systems Design/Duct Work Financing avaiJable Toll Free: 1(888)818-9335 (360)415-9335 ST CONT IJ('#A - VAN C022N : • Radio • Factory Trainee • 24 Hour & Repair 5effi:e • Maintenance & Cont 360/275-4501 14ext Tue=dag' Imv Video Rdem=e Llt The Crow: Stairway to Heaven Home Improvement: Series Finale The Other Sister Return of the Musketeers Sometimes they Come Back for More Southie Twin Dragons Urban Menace First Tuesday of the $37.76 Regular Price $43.16 (prices include taX) Must present coupon to redeem. Not valid with any Good thru 9/10/99. 1: N. MILLER Remodeling Specialist Kitchens and bathrooms a specialty A DESIGN/BUILD FIRM Any size job from a new front door to complete rebuild 275-5702 , 426-2058 Tom Miller, Owner • Since 1961 THINKING ABOUT Then you need North Mason United Methodist welcomes you • :30 Worship Service I0 Christian Education (Children and adults) 275-3714 • THELER ¢OHHUNITY cENI"I¢ Pastor Phil Harrington • 22871 Stat Rt. 3, Letters to !he editor... Supports Kelly Editor, Belfair Herald.. Hello from Dewatto Bay. My friend and neighbor, Lor- raine Kelly, is running for Port of Dewatto Commissioner, District 1. I've had the privilege of know- ing Lorraine for several years, first as a property owner and neighbor, then as a member of the Dewatto Can't March Band and Drill Team. She is an extremely intelligent woman with years of experience in the business and financial world. She loves and respects the De- watto area and its neighboring communities, and only wants the best for all of us. Even though we are a small port, we are impor- tant• Lorraine is on the Port of De- watto Advisory Committee and is always asking people of this area for their input as to what they want to see accomplished. She in- vites everyone to attend the monthly Port of Dewatto meet- ings as well as the advisory com- mittee meetings• Like Lorraine says, "It's your port. What do you want it to be?" For those of you who haven't had the privilege of meeting Lor- raine Kelly personally, I'm sure you've enjoyed her weekly col- umn, "Dewatto Doin's," in the Belfair Herald• It's time for a change• Please vote for Lorraine Kelly. Thank you• Deanna Saylor Dewatto Bay Tahuya A vote for Kelly Editor, Belfair Herald: Lorraine Kelly is a candidate for Port of Dewatto commissioner in District 1. I have known Lorraine for over 20 years as a personal friend of the Kelly family and can attest to her business competence and sin- (:ere commitment to serving the public interest, The Port Commission needs strong lea(lership with an eye to comprehensive planning and an ear to public opinion and input. The Port of Dewatto has an outstanding opportunity to better serve the needs of its citizens. Lorraine is a person who can help make that happen. A vote for Lorraine Kelly is a vote for a better Port future. Robert (Bob) Miller Tahuya By LORRAINE KELLY Every morning I check my computer for e-mail to see if any- thing interesting has been hap- pening, and this past week I hit pay dirt. Tom and Erin Quann have a summer place here at Dewatto Bay. We have watched their three children grow up, and what great kids they are. We've watched Mike and Megan since they were little ones, and Laura was born after they bought their place here. Mike and Megan are both competitive swimmers, which brings me to the exciting news. Megan, 15, has just returned from Sidney, Australia, where she competed in the Pan Pacific swimming competition, Megan had a spectacular meet. She took second in the 100-meter breast stroke with a time of 1:08.56• She is now ranked third in the world in the 100-meter breast stroke and has passed one more hurdle on her road to qualifying for the Olympic Games• SHE ALSO WAS named to the 400-meter relay team where her team placed first. To top off the competition, she was named "Rookie of the Meet." Keep your eyes on Megan Quann• She does stand a chance to take gold in the Olympics• We keep telling her that when she wins and they ask where she's going she should say Dewatto Bay instead of Disney- land. We promised her we would emblazon her name on the "Dewatto Can't March Band" sign that's at the head of the bay. I'm sure that just thrilled her to no end. Congratulations Megan. Mike seems to be the one that deserted this area. His sister Jan and her husband Gary Mazzonci- ni run Leonard's Oyster Compa- ny. His younger brother, Jim, owns a backhoe business in Shel- ton, and his older brother and wife bought a fishing boat last year where they fish out of Alas- ka. Are you ever coming home again Mike? Many years ago I fished com- mercially for salmon in southeast- ern Alaska. It's very hard work but you are your own boss. I could tell you some real good stories about life on the ocean, but I don't want to bore you. Maybe someday I'll share a couple of the good ones with everybody. WE HAD OUR first fire in the woodstove this past week on the rainy day we had. It felt great but was a little depressing. It makes you realize that we will soon be going into fall and then good old winter. I want to apologize to Sid and Jean Crackett who helped with the signs for the Dewatto Daze we had last month. They were a big help in getting the signs ready. Everybody that worked on the Dewatto Daze certainly de- serves a big thank you. Well, we received our primary ballots in the mail this past week. We've completed ours and have them on their way back to the county. I hope everybody who re- ceived one will vote and return them. It's important that we spend the time to fill them out and mail them. Labor Day is fast approaching and we are off to the Ellensburg t Letters from Linda I i Had another great e-mail from Rode) over the holiday weekend. 12,000 down to 8,000 and drop- Keep Dr Butler Mike Hays, who shared some I haven't been to a rodeo for many ping• Things just aren't the same more information. Did you know years, so I hope this is a great anymore. (What an old fogey • that Lilliwaup means Inlet? Or one. They tell me it can get pretty statement!) that Hamma Hamma means stin- hot at the rodeo grounds so let's The federal government kept Editor, Belfair Herald: Keep Dr. Butler in Belfair. Write your comments to the Doc- tors Clinic, c/o CEO Linda Brown, 2512 Wheaten Way, Bremerton 98310. Save our doctor! Debbie Gonzales Allyn BelfairV00 to hold rummage sale LEGAL NOTICES The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 5374 will hold a rum- mage sale on Saturday, Septem- ber 4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the VFW post on the Old Belfair Highway• All proceeds will go to- ward assistance for needy veter- ans, their families, widows and orphans. Preschoolers will be screened Grapeview School District will conduct free developmental screenings for infants, toddlers and preschoolers on Thursday and Friday, September 9 and 10. For more information or to make an appointment, please call teacher Daphne Patterson at 426- 4921 or 275-4921. Screening is available to any- one living within the school dis- trict. Although the service is available throughout the school year, parents are urged to take advantage of the fall dates, as those who show significant delays may be eligible for free preschool through the school district. There is also a tuition-based, cooperative preschool within the school building• Those signing up for the community preschool do not need a screening appoint- ment, as that is done during class time. The school is located at 822 East Mason-Benson Road in Grapeview. Information about the community preschool is available by calling Jenny Heaton at 426- 6017 or 275-6628. FD3 will serve pancakes & eggs Fire District 3, Grapeview, will host a pancake breakfast on Sat- urday, September 4. The Grape- view Fire Hall on Grapeview Loop Road is the place to be if you love French toast, scrambled eggs, ham, orange juice, milk and cof- fee. Breakfast will be served from 7 a.m. to noon by donation. Mr. Friendly the Clown will be on hand to entertain all. Bible study on Romans to begin Bible Study Fellowship will be- gin a new weekly class in Bremer- ton on Thursday, September 16. The daytime class meets from 9:10 to 11:10 a.m., and will be an in-depth study of the book of Ro- mans. A fully developed preschool is held in conjunction with th in- ter-denominational program?For details, please call (360) 275-3762 or (360) 437-0283. Exercise classes offered at Hawkins Exercise for Fitness classes are now being offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at Hawkins Middle School Com- mons. The $3 fee per session is donated to the North Mason Ki- wanis and North Mason Boys and Girls Club. For more information, please call 275-8602. H Bdb00 P,O• Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfoir office open ? o.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thmugh Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays, For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in Beynon Center. RICK STEDMAN ............................................................ Editor BRENNA WOODWARD ..................... Advertising Manager LINDA THOMSON  .................................... Editorial Assistant Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 ky, stinky and Wachetickeh means no fish? See what you can learn when you read this column. hope we don't wind up as a grease spot in the stands. I'll let you know how it all turns out. Owen, Steele hold June wedding Andrew Scott Owen, son of Debbie Owen of, Belfair and Curt and Bobbi Owen of Poulsbo, mar- ried Shauna Irene Steele on Sat- urday, June 26, in Stayton, Ore- gon. The bride is the daughter of Mark and Betty Jo Steele of Sil- verton, Oregon. She attends Che- meketa Community College and is a personnel clerk at Norpac Foods. The groom is attending the same school, and serves as a bank teller at Washington Mutual. The two met in Kirkland while both attended Northwest College and worked at Kirkland Children's School. John Peterson officiated in the double ring ceremony held at the Stayton Church of Christ. A mes- sage was also delivered by Ron Woodward. The bride wore a white sleeve- less dress with long train. The church was decorated with heart. shaped candelabra and flowers in Shauna and Andrew Owen white and yellow with blue rib- bons. The maid of honor was her friend Allison Bethurum, and bridesmaids were K'Lynn Cram- er, friend of the bride, and Rebec- ca Looney, cousin of the bride. All wore blue satin dresses. Attending the groom were best man Alex Owen, his brother, and friends Darel Handley and Justin Sterrett serving as groomsmen. The bride's brothers, Andrew and Scott Steele, served as ushers and candle lighters. The bride's cousins, Erica Mul- key and Nathan Schmedake, served as flower girl and ring bearer, respectively. Rebecca Ortega was the pian- ist, and singers included Scott Becker, Sandy Cavaliere and Paul Seideman. A reception in the church followed the ceremony. The couple took a wedding trip along the Oregon Coast, and is now at home in Salem, Oregon. Do You Know Why? By LINDA THOMSON Dear Tommy, Dearly beloved, I have loved, honored and cherished you for one-third of a century, but now you are retiring from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Oh, no! Now what? As somewhat of a control freak (who, me?), I have a fear of the unknown future, and this is a big- gie! What will you do with all your time? I know you have creat- ed a "to-do" list, from remodeling, painting and re-roofing the house to doing more motorcycle riding. But I can't help but think you may interfere with some of my stuffwhile you're at it! PSNS has been good to us, starting with your apprenticeship as a pipefitter when you were just 20, and my steady boyfriend! By the time you graduated from that program, we were married and had one child, and I was no longer working, at least for pay! In 1968, you got to make a pretty memorable trip, getting a tour of the Panama Canal, then boarding a moving submarine. You had a pretty unique experi- ence as a civilian, of being on the boat for eight days underwater from Panama to San Diego. IN YOUR EARLY days there, the yard was building ships for the U.S. Navy, whereas now they are cutting up nuclear vessels ac- cording to international agree- ments. Life has changed on the inside of the gates in response to the changes on the outside in this political world. And the work force at PSNS has gone from over us going on one salary as we raised both our kids, clear through their school years• I re. member the big promotion you got in 1971 to code 382, in facili- ties manufacturing, as a GS-7• And up you went through the numbers, to a GS-12 in short or- der, then moving into 300-N in 1983. • Your chin is too close to your nose? • You can't see your teeth when you smile? • Your lips have disappeared? • You can't chew anymore? • Your teeth look darker? Do you really think you have to live like this? Private Insurance • DSHS 23152 NE Hwy 3 • Belfair • (Across from Library) A section of The Sheton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Ailyn, Grapevlew, Tahuya, Mason Lake. South Shore, North Shore and Victor, iMXMlitXi Page 2- Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, SePtember 2, 1999 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substantial Development, Conditional Use Notice is hereby given that NORTH BAY CLAM AND OYSTER who Is the owner of the described property has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit- Subetantlal Development, Conditional Uae for the de- veloprnant of: SHELLFISH ENHANCEMENT PROJ- ECT INVOLVING THE SPREADING OF 3,700 CU. YDS. OF OYSTER SHELL ON TIDELANDS AND OYSTER/CLAM BEDS; SOURCE OF THIS MATERIAL IS FROM THE VICINITY OF THE PORT OF ALLYN PIER-FLOAT FACILITY AT A LOCATION ONE MILE SOUTH OF THIS PROPOSAL SITE. Site Address: 1150 E NORTH BAY RD BELFAIR Project Location: 1.1 MILE TO THE NORTH OF THE TOWN OF ALLYN ON NORTH BAY ROAD. Parcel Number. 122171180292 Within .... (quarter saction) of Section ... 17 Township.22N Range ... 01W.W.M, in BELFAIR, Mason County Washington. Said development is proposed within CASE INLET and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the application should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest within 30 clays of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 08/26/99. Written comments must be received by 09Q5/99. A public hearing will held on this permit re- quest. Contact this office at (360) 427-9670, Ext 365 for date and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 08f31/99 under WAC 197-11-340. Written comments regarding this determt. nation must be received by 09/15/99. 9/2-9 2t In 1979, your commute got a little bit longer. Living in Belfair has been worth it, for all of us. I remember the fun you had play- ing basketball with the guys in the local gym, running the score clock for high school games, and taking our kids to all those school and community activities• Of course, there has always been me- My teeth are now a pleasure. John you did a magnificent work of art. Thank you and keep pedaling. Stephen J. TOMMY THOMSON retires from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard tomorrow. torcycle riding in est, where you continue on trails, as well as joy. Back at PSNS in moved to the quality control manager, your least favorite ager. And finally, in went to fleet and port as assistant project tendent. AND THERE you tomorrow, when you cially retired, and ing up my equilibrium, yes, it is about me, too! As I'm fond of telling love my job, and I'm not give it up. But choose to do with the rest life, you're still my friend! I love you. 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Not valid with any Good thru 9/10/99. 1: N. MILLER Remodeling Specialist Kitchens and bathrooms a specialty A DESIGN/BUILD FIRM Any size job from a new front door to complete rebuild 275-5702 , 426-2058 Tom Miller, Owner • Since 1961 THINKING ABOUT Then you need North Mason United Methodist welcomes you • :30 Worship Service I0 Christian Education (Children and adults) 275-3714 • THELER ¢OHHUNITY cENI"I¢ Pastor Phil Harrington • 22871 Stat Rt. 3,