September 3, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 3, 1920 |
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i i i i i
FOtt THE YEAR 1921,
tile County Commissioner of :Mason
County, SLate of Washington, have
aeed the estimates o1' expenses and
lsceilauoous I:{ceeipts of the. various
departments for tile year 1921 as fol-
lows :
Salary ....................... 1380.00
Salary I?,nployees ............. 50.00
OilRvc Supplies ................ 15.00
Postage, telephone & telegraph
........................... 80.00
Advertising and Publications .. 250.00
Lubricants ................... 1.50.00
Repairs and replacements, Auto
.......................... 125.00
Tire Expense ................. 200.00
Reference Books .............. 15.00
Traveling Expense ............ ]25.00
:Equipment, Outlays, Upkeep ,. 70.00
:Miscellaneous, Auto License., 20.00
Total .................... 2480.00
Traveling Expense ............ 30.00
Total .................... 140.00
Sheltou Public Library ....... 300.90
County ]Fark
Labor , ....................... 100.00
County Fair
Equipment ................... 100.00
Adv. & Pub ................... 50.00
Labor ........................ 200.00
Total .................... 35..90
Justice Courts
Justice Court ................ 100.00
Court Costs .................. 25.00
Witness ...................... 100.00
Jury Fees .................... 50.00
]efcrence 13ooks .............. 10.00
Total .................... 285.90
Stat e Exaninations
Examining County ............ 400.00
Indigent eliof
Fnod Supplies ................ 900.00
Clothing and Shoes .......... 5%00
(,ash " ......................... 440.00
])rugs ........................ 50.00
l-h)spltal ...................... 1080.00
Physician .................... 200.00
Burial ........................ 100.00
Traveling Expenses.. .......... 100.00
Total ..................... 3020.00
oor ]altn
Salary ........................ 900.00
Clifford L. Babcock, Republican
candidate before the September pri-
maries for the nomination for State
Treasurer, has been a resident of
Clallam County since the fall of
1888. Born on a farm near Aurora,
Illinois, he followed farming immed-
iately following his settlement in
Washington. He still owns the same
farm and resides thereon.
£smeBo Labor ........................ 50.09
Salary ........................ 1200.00 iPostage, Tel. & Tel ........... 25.00
Salary (Employees) ........... 1200.00 Clothing & Shoes ............. 50.00
Office records and supplies .... 400.00 'Food ......................... 700.00
Postage, Tel. & Tel ........... ]0.00 Drugs ........................ 75.00
akdv. & Publications .......... 10.00 Physician .................... 50.00
Traveling expense ............ 50.09 Rurial ....................... 109.00
iHorseshoeing & Blaeksmithing . 15.00
Total .................... 2870.00 i Feed and Livestock .......... 60.00
aoard of -qualizatton Fuel ......................... 70.00
Salary ........................ 200,00 Lubricants .... 20.00
Office Records & supplies ..... 10.00 Repairs & Re},'lacemdni.'j: .... 30.00
Adv. & Publleatlon ........... 10.00 Furniture & Fixtures .......... 90.09
Mileage ...................... 30.00 EquIi)ment ................... 100,00
: Miscellaneous Exl)ense ........ 100.00
Total ..................... 250.00 1
Auditor Total .................... 2435.00
Salary ........................ 1400.00
Salary (Employees) .......... 1200.00
OiI'tce I¢ccords & Supplies ..... 200.00
Postage, Tel. & Tcl ........... 259.00
Adv. & Pub ............ ...... 175.00
l-t e f er en e,e Books .............. 50.00
Traveling Expense ............ 50.00
Freight, Drayage, ete ......... 10.00
Furniture & li'lxturcs ........ 50.00
Total .................... 3,385.00
Salary ........................ 130').00
Salary (lqml)h)ye(s) .......... 50.00
Ollice leeords & Sul)plies .... 150.00
Pt:)stt*,, Tel. & Tel ........... 65.00
Traveling i,]xpense ............ 30.00
l,]qni|)m(m t, Minor ............ 5.00
Damage and Claims
IrJl)-los to Persons .......... 100.00
Injuries to Property .... ; ..... 109.00
Toial ................ 200.00
O fleers ] oo8 ................. 100.00
• ()lll(( SIII)I)|{OS ................ 50.00
Adv. & ]'ub ................... 25.00
--'- Total ............... 175.00
f lothers' ]Penstons
Catch ......................... 1609.00
General Administration
, Th)rlla'ul( (IV:l.l ])(par(me,lt ..... 300.00
R'lhlrie--.Intl. tr Cllatlf, ...... :[900.00
l n,]llN ;riLl ] )lNtlrallce .......... 50.0D
iF'slage, Tel, & 'Pe] ........... 125.00
:Adv. & ])uh .................... 25.00
Tot0.1 ..................... 1600.00 }Stm(h.y lqxl,cnse ' 100.00
"l'n "tRIter l )U¢!I)I I U I',IN on { I()n({s .......... 1000.00
Sahtry ....................... 17,00,00 I l'r(dffht,, Expr(,ss, ere ......... 100.00
Salary (Drnployees) ........... 2500.00 t.fanlt(>r qup))li(s .............. 50.00
Olilc:e ]:Leco,'ds & Supplies . ./... 100.00 I l,iht ItentaTs ......... ]50.01)
])osiage, Tel. & Tel ........... 25.00 l h(, Supplies ............... 25.09
I.oference ]'ooks ............. 1'.).00 'aAer S()'vice
Traveling Exl)enses .......... 100.00
Drayage, Express, ete ......... 15,00
............... 50.00
Lubrtcani,' ' : : : 1: : : : : : '. : : : :: : : : 35o.oo
l"urnlture & Fixtures ......... 25.00 iMiscellaneous. County ........ 100.00
t,lqulpment--New ............. 50.00 I I:{epah.s, ]{enlae(,ments & quip-
lilqulpmcnt-AVltnor 10.00 ment. County ............ 400.90
Lubricants ................... 200.00 Tire Expense ................ 350.00
Repairs and Replacements .... 75.00 Eqntpmet (Outlay) .......... 100.00
Tire Expcnse ................. 15(I.00 Forest Fire Protection ........ 275.00
Total .................... 4400.00
salary Prosecuting ttorney
salary (E'l&'&;s')"llllllllll 1200.00109.00
Oee Records & Supplies .... 50.00
Postage, Tel & Tel ........... 80.00
Adv. and Pub ................. 25.00
Reference Books .............. 50.00
Travelihg Expsnse ............ 50.00
Rebates & Taxes Refunded ... 4000.00
Insurance Premilms .......... 350.00
Repairs--Court House ........ 250.00
Total .... ................ 10,350.00
Grand Total ................. 52,807.20
w-stmatod -ecaipt |
Auditor's .Fees ............... 1300.00
Clerk's Fees
Bpectal Counsel ............ 2.00.00 Treasurer's Fees'i'i'ax" "Deeclsi': 1600'0000.00
Securing Evidence ............ 150.00 Interest ob Taxes ... ......... 2000.00
Total Interest on Deposits .......... 2500.00
1905.00 Sheriff's Fees ............ 509.00
"'''reamuor ...... " l Sale of SuppltesPoor Farm . 150.00
alary ...... ,, .... .. ............ ]300,00 I -
Salary (mptoyees) .......... 1500.00 ]Total Estimated Receipts .... 7150.00
Office Records & Supplies . .... 175.001 Curont Zxpen|e
Postage, Tel. & Tel ........... 200.09 lAmt. to be Raised by Taxation
Adv. and Pub ................. 100.00 I ....................... 45 657.20
Traveling Expense ............ 40.00 { Speolal unds '
rayage, etc. 20.00 I lndlgent Soldier .............. 2000.00
)'Urntture & Fixiu;'::::::::: 200.00 Special Road Bond Fund ..... 80o0.o0
inor Equipment ............. 30.00 County Sohool ................ 13,250,00
:High School District 3785.85
Total .................... 3565.00 Intitute ......
..................... 200.00
Hherlff oad District No. 1 , ......... 8700,00
Salary ....................... 1309.00 Road District No, 9. .......... 10,809.00
Salary (Employees) ......... : 900.00 Road Dstlrict No, 3 .......... 7150.00
Office Records & Supplies ..... 75.00 Road Dlstrtct No. 4 .......... 6300,00
Postage, Tel. & Tel ........... 75.00 ]toad District No. 5 .......... 1035,00
Adv. and Pub ....... .......... 50.00 Road District No. 0 .......... 18.800.00
SuDdry Office Expense ........ 25.00 Road District No. 7 .......... 11,309.00
Traveling Expense ............ 200.; ea l)lrlt , , ......... 5800.00
FDrn!uro & '{xt,jro ......... 25.00
Total ........... , ........ $650.00
0h001 uperlntaaent
Salary 99.00
Salary (]m'p'lo'ees')":::::::::: 000.00
Office Records & Supplies ..... 200.00
Postage, Tel. & Tel ............ 150.00
Adv. & Pub .................. 150.00
Traveling Expenses .......... 150.00
Community Fair Expenso 59.00
Reference Books ....... , ...... , 0.00
rrniUlro & Fixtures ......... 200,00
' 6[kl ,. ,,, t, ............ 2476.00
oad' of dtoataon
alarie ...,, ............. .. 200.00
Trb.vellng xpenses .......... 100.90
8th orad Exammlatlons ...... 100.00
I ....
lod and Bridge ............ 25,000.00
These estimates are subject to re-
vision, and the Board of County Com-
missioners, sid (ountv and State will
meet at theioffice,in the Court I-Iouse,
Monday the 4th da of October, 1920,
at the hour of 10:00-0'clock A. M., for
the purpose of giving any taxpayer
the opportunity of being heard in
$,V0i x of or against any proposed tax
Date of first publication, Sept. ,Srd,
County Auditor and Clerk of the Board
of County Commissioners,
....... ........ ..,., . .
Taking up daiTing, he followed
that branch successfully until 1910,
when he was, .figuratively speaking,
taken from his wagon as a mik' ped-
dler in the city of Port Angeles,
and ,laced in the office of Treasurer
of Clallam County, where he served
four years. In 1914 he was elected to
the State Legislature, serving as
Clallam County representative one
term. In 1914 Mr. Babcock was one
of the organizers of the Port Angeles
Trust & Savings Bank and was per-
sonally active in its management un-
til its consolidation with the Citi-
zens National Bank of Port Angeles
in December, 1919, when he became
vice president thereof and has also
been active in its management.
Being desirous of devoting his en-
tire time to his banking and farm
interests, Mr. Babcock refused to
for re-election to the legis-
and the county was represent-
the following two years by a Dora'
ocrat. In 1918 he was again made
the candidate on the Republican tic-
ket and elected. His record of four
years in the State Legislature is one
any man may well be proud of. He
has always been Careful', c0nsclen,
tious and painstaking servant of the
people wherever caJled to serve. He
has always stood for a square deal
regardless of any persona[ sacrifice.
During the recent war period he gave
freely of his time and means when-
ever and wherever needed. He was
county chairman of the Third, Fourth
and Fifth Liberty Loan drives and
with his usual ability, energy and
thoroughness, Clallam County's rec-
ord was written high amdn the
sister counties of the-state. -
Mr. Babcock's long residence in
the state; his wide experience in
farming, banking and state politics
equips him especially well to fill the
duties not only of State Treasurer,
bt for the many and varied boards
and commissions of which officer is
required to act as a member. His ad-
vice and counsel should be valuable
Salaries ; ............... ,. 1t41.0
Salary )(EmlsIoee) .., 100.00
Postage, Tel, & Teh ,..:... 49.00
"OUrt Cost .;.,'..;,,,w,... 50.00.
W|tnth'rlmln| s, ,, ...... 200.00
ur F#) ,,.,,,, .......... 200.00
ord & Ilglbg Of Jurors ... 100.00
&tli ................... 59.00
ota, .... ................ .. 1'
.... Oounty/ atl
,oal;d of Prisoners ........... 13,5.00
quipment ................... 75.00
Total . .... ............... 200.00
/_. , Comml|stonz
&laries . ... .................. 1800,00
Office .Supplies, et ........ , ... 100.00
Adv. & Pub. .................. 00.00
raveling Expenses .......... 350.00
........ .: ........... 2050.00
Total ealth Oostr
Salary ........................ 600100
rugs, etc ................... 20.90
Traveling Expense ............ 20.00
teportinK Vital Statistics ..... 40.00
County Nurse ................. 1500.00
Traveling Ex.---County Nurse . 600.00
Total .................... 2080.09
alary .' ....................... 100.00
Office Expense ................ 10.00
: - to the leo, ple of the, state at these
• ow ZSXMAS times wheff0nly the best men avail-
The council of the To-wa Of [helton, abl should be stationed in places of
"Washington, submit th fol|owh, e. trust.; No man can successfully at-
timates of ths receipts and disburs- tob . "iaN,,,, ,.,,,.ih, Aa;o,
ments for the year 1921, a more de- .-- ..... . % ..... o ..%...........,-
tailed statement of which is on file !sm. on tins reeora Mr. ffaDcocK
with the clerk ....... seeks the votes of the people of the
These estimates are subject to re- State of Washington .....
vision and the council will meet at the '-" - ' - ' ..... t
City Hall,, Otobr .,4 1920, at 7:30 , vzason ounynas a special meres
o,clook p, m.. at wh|eh time any per- in supporting Mr. Babcock because
son wishing to be heard for or against he I/as always taken a' rrea- inter-
Istimtt Ixpmditue , i a.u.x-trng tu usytttp¢ ngn-
Park ...... , ..... ............ .$ 200.00 way, and as state treasurer would
Stree.ts ...................... 1 800.00 be a nemher of the 'highwaY" board.
atames .... . ............ , .... 1 900.00 ! '. .........
l.ih¢, l'4e(t ,, The highway from Hoodsport north
Hi[h and" San'It'{ion': ::::: :: "-56:00 along. Hood Canal was ]aut through
Interest and Redemption ...... 1,600.00 in emergency with limited lands, and
Fire Department ............ 300.00 lack m,,bh n¢ ¢nra{il. t ÷_qth
rinting etc .... 700.00 ....
• ,-. ..... • ........ s. s Width and Jrades, now an elem#nt of
.................................. {dange r to he heaa,y travel over the
8.85o.o0 ]highway. We hope to liae a friend
le... =.... -in conrt who ,will aid in completing
............ "-- ' ......... " .... a ' r
License Fund . ...... ......... $300.00 {t e Dlympic Hghw y, and a e fay-
Road and Bridge Fund ....... s00.0Olorahle to Mr, Bab;.ock's candidacy.
County Library Fund .......... 800 00 Pa'd for " intereste- "iz f
Dock Fund ............... .., 120 0ffl 1 Dy (1 C1 en 0
Mason County).
T ............ { ......... 7,830.00
i i
At last we will have it f0r you
We are installing our 'gasoline pump and beginning Sun-
day morning we will have plenty of gasoline and oil to care
for your needs. We are pleased to be able to announce to
our many friends and patrons that we are at last able to
iVe them the gasoline service that they have been waiting
r several months. Hereafter we expect to have plenty of
gasoline for the public.
"For Better Servia"
....... Cl
Needham othier
Maxwell Building, Railroad Ave., Sh elt0n. Phone 463.
Many Sheiton PeoP!e Have Kidney
Trouble and Do Not Know It
DO you have backache?
Are you, tired :and worn out?
Feel dizzy, nervous and depressed ?
Are the kidney secretions irregu-
lar? i i
Highly colored; contain Red ment?
Likely your kidneys are at fault.
Weak kidneys give warning of dis-
Heed the warning; don't delay-- II [
Use a tested kidney remedy. {I I
Read this Aberdeen testimony. I I ]
A. McQuaig, 218 W. Market St., ill
, a ,t '
Aberdeen W sh., says: Dean s I I I
Kidne.v Pills are a household med-
icine for lddney oubles in our home
and whe!er oeasl0n alls for a
kidneF medicine, we use them; I am
Subject,to, pains in my back when
my kidneys get out of fli It're-
qutre only, a fewJdoses of Doau's to
0verc0me,the trouble. : ',, II i
Pce 60€ t all: deale Dn'.t{] I
sirnl, ak: for a kidn remedy--get 11 I
Dean s Kidney Pill,--the same ,flaatll I
Mr. McQualg had. Foster-Milburn ]l
Co., Mfrs, Buffalo, N.Y. [
Olympic Line
The Proof
Of The Pudding
Once you have used Flour
you'll never be content without it.
Cooks appreciate its firmness and flavor.
But the "Proof of the Pudding" is the
way the folks enjoy the splendid breads
and pastries made with it.
'le Meat of the Wheat", Wheat
Hearts make the ideal breakfast food.
Even wa61es are easily made with
Pancake Flour.
if your poultry just boards with -- Instead of
producing, Poultry Feeds will put them
to work. Use OLYMPIC Stock Feeds, too.
Why You ShOUld Choose
HARTLEY'S ELECTION will do more to unify industry and
--to silence the political radical ! } ,.
--to restore the confidence of investors , ",
--to encourage state development ' ",-
--to reduce the burden of taxation
than anytMng else that ear happen to the state of Washington
If Washington is to keep pace with her sister states of the Pacific, the wheels of in-
dustry must not be throttled.
L 'o ;
Thousands of tourists and investors, many of them seeking permanent homes in the
matchless climate of' the Pacific Northwest, want positive assurance tit Washington is
not to be a second North Dakota.
Hartley alone of allthe cadates has taken a definite and fearless standagainst radi-
Hartley promises to put the affairs of the state immediately on a strictly business ba-
sis; to select practica men as heads of deprtmehts, just as a successil business coneern
would do; to weed out waste and extravagance wherevor found, see that taxpayers
get full value for every dollar expended.
The small homeowner has just as much at stake as the ig business man and is en-
titled to the fullest measure of protection against excessive taati0ii.
The millions of dollars to be Spent on good roads, r eg!amation projects and other big
development works must be kept free from graft and wastefulness.
Political "pull" will find little encouragement with Hartley as Governor.
Col. Hartley will enter the state house unhampered by pre-election promises to office
seekers. He has steadily refused to ]pawn state patronage for political support.
Hartley is friendly and frank with honest labor.
He knows by long years of experience what it means to earn
a living by the sweat of his brow.
Organized and unorganizedlabor will be treated fairly and
justly. The man in overalls will have just as much influence
as his employer.
Col. Hartley's success in his own business is the best guarantee :to the taxpayers
that the affairs of the state Will be conducted economically, and efficiently.
The services of a man of the Hartley type are rarely available for public office,
Elect Harfle¥ and Save the 600d Name 01 Washington