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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRI.DAY,, SEPTEMBER 3:1920 t tt t t t t APPEAL FOR U. S. TROOPS TO AID POLAND THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL t i i iii iiii ii Ill .... Illlil /Jlllll =- T 7 t :i::!ii :::  i ili iiiiiii::ii::ii!! LI] ii!:#! " I • i.. :i ! :!: i:::;! :i ii!!iii ,':' ji! '!ii:!ii' ' ii i:ii!i!!?il i;i!?: i i.iii!!!i ":i!!i!i: "?iii!ii! i:i:!j.'iiii Part of a delegation of 300 Polish sympathizers at the White House appealing in behalf of the Polish people of this country for aid from the U. S. in the Poland situation, which has grown critical. Dr. Fronczak of Buffalo,' N. Y., acting spokesman of the delegation, speaking to Joseph P "lumulty. secretary to the president. LAXATIVE People HEsBANE of old age is constipation. The bow- become weak and unable to perform their functions without aid. For this purpose only the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used. The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble and makes the constipation worse. Chamberlain's Tablets are a favorite with people of middle age and older on account of their gentle action. PLUMBING General Repair Work SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C. F. WILSON Shop at Fifth and Cedar. PHONE 104 THE GIRL WHO OFFERS her friend some of our cho- colates that she has received the night before is indeed generous. For it surely is a sacrifice to give up such delicious candy. Our choco- lates are not the ordinary kind. They have a flavor and smoothness all their own. Each one is a temptation to "just one more" till the box is empty. And the flavor lingers lovingly in the memory. FAUI,SOWS SOFT DRINK STORE The Greatest County Fair Grays Harbor HAS EVER KNOWN--AT ELHA SEPTEMBER I, 2, 3, 4, 8, 6 Be among the thousands that will gather at Elma for the Home Races, Carnival, Auto Polo, Auto Races and to see the Stock and Produce Exhibits. HOM00 EDWARD L. FRENCH Candidate for Lieutenant Governol' YancouvcH', Wahinflton R. F. D. No. 1 Reports, c, urren£ nld published, hoe dicate that Senator El. L. French ia making good in his canvass for the office of Lieutenant Governor of Wash- ington. His candidacy appears to be well received and abundantly enetors- ed. ttis legislative experience and knowledge of th needs of the state will make him a capable and able of- ficial. Mr. French stands high in the estimation of the peopl of his home oounty, Clarke, and his acquaintance about the state is extensive. Paid Adv. French C.mpaign Committ4m HOWIaNG FOR JUSTICE T{ew m]lcl more the mcl are do- bL{r Jo saw, Jhe co]mt)'y who are l-)v:ldinp; down to 1''(1 work than lhom who m'(' orffmHzin, atronizinff, and Dreylng on the workers! Word will never solve our re'oh- Irons. bnt WOl']C will. If about 99 per ('onl Of 1;]e l'(fol'nlel'S an¢t l.ffon]zel"s Of 4110 X':I,I']OII, "clnses" could be a,- god for a time, these classes could wo,k m,t thoir m'oblems in peace and without friction. The trouble with your professional agonizer and rormer is that he is "professional"--that is his field, ag- i(.ton. And s lnn as he is busy there is bound to be trouble. Ne constantly howls for Justice. Too bad he can't have it. and then tb- wn,.1,! could have a little peace and a little rest from his ravings. IOTIC - TO Ot-DITOaS No. 568. In the Superior Court of the State of Veashington for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Carl ,T c,obson, Deceased. Notlce is hereby given that the llndors] firmed has boon anpoJnted and has quMlfled as administrator of th " ate of Carl ,Iacobson, deceased: that -II orsfIls hnvln olalnls against alW deceased or against said estate are herhy required to serve the same, duly verified, on said sdmintstr..tor or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the clerk of the Court, toether wltt proof of snch service within slx () months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the ssme wll be barred. Date of first publication September 3. 1920. ROPHUS JACOBSOI. Administrator of Said Estate. Address Matlock, Wash. CTffAS. R, LEWIS, Attorney for Estate, Rooms 7 and  Lumberman's ulldlnw. Shelton, Wash. 9-3-24-4t, SUOt'8 lO IU-ZOTIO. No. 1644, In the Superior Court of the State of %Vashlngton for Mason County. Margaret McDonald and Herbert Clio- ,ton, co-partners, doing business un- der the firm name and style of Me- Donald & Co., plaintiff, vs, J. L, Ford and Jane Doe Ford, whose true Christian name is to plaintiff un- known, his wife, defendants. The state of Washington to J. L. Ford and Jane Doe Ford, whose true christian name is to plaintiff unknown, his wife defendants: You and each Of you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after date of the first publication of this summons, to wit: within sixty days after the 3rd day of September, 1920, and defend the above entitled ace ties in the above entitled Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated, and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will he rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint whioh I has been filed with the clerk in said Court. The object of this action is to obtain Judgment against you in the sum of Three IIundred and Nine Dol- lars and 23 cents ($309.23) fop goods, wares and merchandise heretofore sold and delivered to you by plaintiff, you 'are hereby further notified that plain- tiff has heretofore caused a Writ of Attachment to be issued in this cause and has placed the same in the hands of the sheriff of Mason Count)., Wash- ington, for service ,and that said her- tff has heretofore under said Writ lev- ied upon and attached certain real property belonging to you in the County of Mason, State of Washington, de* scribed as follows: East half of Northeast Quarter (E of NE 4) of Section Thirty Two (32), Townshi Twenty one ( 21 ) North, Range Three (3) West W. M. You are hereby further notified that in case Judgment is rendered against you, the lien of satd attachment will be enforced and said property or eo much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy Judgment will be sold and the proceeds applied to the satisfac- tion of said Judgment in the manner provided by the laws of tha Stats of Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Postomee Address, Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermen's Building, Shelton. Washington. Date of first publication, September 3, 1920. 9-3-10-15-7t. rAMELS have wonder- -" ful full-bodied mellow- mildness and a flavor as refreshing aa it is new. ' Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish mad choice Domestic tobaccos vein 7ou cn merits. Camels blend never tiros ymr taste. And, Camels leave no ur)i:!ca:>.r: t C4?,:;zetty aftertaste nor unpleasant ," ''":'* 1 .... .15..,, ,::,i. V (d.O:,: J ' %Vhat Camels qu;:ity ::J  ;:,;;t 1.,lend can mean to your ::;afY;,:i:cl'o- ,:,;,u sl=,oqld find out at once l It ":iq p::'o',,c o,a when you compare Camels v.,;.i",. ;,..y cMarette in the world a ar, y pmice.t , C.mels are .old evoryvhero *:r! scenfica!ly ,,eared packae of 20 tie, arctics for 2G centre, or ten t)ckaos (200 c,arc:ttes) m a gt.ssmo- p.per.covered carton Io strongly roco:nmor)cf thl. a£1OII tO/" fO travel. upply or ",hen jou R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO O. Winston-So|era, N.' PAGE SE t t Yes Sir-eel We made this ciga- rette to meet your taste! II III I/I I III t Make Your 1Kcney PRODUCTI00 E IF ALL MEN were spenders there wofild be no money to build ships, loan to farmers, ..... : equip plants or pay wages. It is the money of the 'saver' whic h must be used for such purposes, and it is by doing these things and many smaller ones, that it is made possible for money to earn money. . You can make your money productive, no matter how small the amount, by depositing it in the Scandinavian American Bank. Consult us regarding your desires for the future! This Bank takes keen pleasure m assisting its customers. The dominating idea here is helpfulness. ..... Send to day for our boo klet "Banking by Mail." ooo --THE BANK FOR EVERYBODY " ' " said County and Stale his final ac- the said final account, and center the same. count as such administrator of said Witness, the Hen. D. F. Wright, estate and that Saturday the second Judge of the said Superior Court, and day of October, 1920 at 10..00 o'clock the seal of said Court affixed this |Sth A. M,. at the court room of our said day of August, 1920. Superlor Court, In the town of Shel- ton, in said County, has been duly HATTIE E. RUCKER-GARFIELD, appointed by our Superior Court for County Clerk and Clerk of said S- the Settlement of the Final Account, parlor Court. at wbloh time and place any person M.W. LOGAN, interested in said estate may appear Attorney for Adminstrator, Shelton. and file his exceptions in writing to Wash. 9-3-17-3t. 2qOTZO]i o]r B]TT'r-:II,IER'T 01' JkOOOlOr'llT No. 548 7n the Superior Court of the ,State of %Vashlngton in and for Mason County. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Oscar L. Thompson. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that W. J, Beaker the administrator of tht estate of Oscar L, Thompson deceasbd, has rendered and presented for settlement to, and filed in the Superior Court of i i! !iil