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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGEEIGHT THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1920 I:" Co tyCo de "* ?i rrespon nce • ;. "i'l I ALLYN i Mr. and Mrs. John Velke of Ta- coma are the gaests of Mr .and Mrs• Matt Mills for the week-end. B. A. Lewis and son of Seattle were here buying hogs last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Pulver of Seattle were at the Bays:de Inn, for the week end. Mrs. Frank Loyal Parker, her two waiting" for their auto to be repaired maid, Kee Wa and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Parker, were at the Inn last Friday and Saturday, while waiting' for thcirauto to be repaired as they had met with a breakdown on their way from their summer home at Mason Lake to Seattle. They were entlms;astic over the pretty ;scenery in and near Allyn. There have been many callers ut Speece house the past week. The Luests at the Bays:de Inn en- joyed the following menu Sunday: Fried chicken with brown gravy, masked potatoes, corn on the cob, cabbage salad, sliced tomatoes and sliced cucumbers, Apple and black- berry pie., blackberry jelly, tea coffee and milk. Mr .and Mrs. H. Buding were in Seattle last week. Wayne Baldwin who has been working on Hood Canal, with Chris Hanson, went to Seattle Sunday. The tent for the horses • on Hood Canal, near Hawthorne's Camp, where Chris Hanson is hauling logs by the contract, was damaged by a tree blowing down upon it and it wa sa very narrow escape for the four horses sheltered there. It seemed almost a miracle that not a horse was lmrt seriously as all were knocked to the ground as was the man who took care of them. Victor Raison: has purchased the gill net from Wayne Baldwin and will fish this autumn, using the boat Victor I, to transport his fish to Ta- coma. D. C. Nevitt brought in a crowd of loggers from Seattle in his new Paige Stage last Saturday evening. The "Soya" returned from Seattle, whore it has been undergoing repairs and *is now being repaired .by home talent under the skillful hand" of Lee J3aker• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curl have been joyed a trip to Seattle la:st, Friday. They returned Soturdav and spent ,he evening at A. I'eterson's home. Rumor says, "Wedding bcll in the near future." Mr. and Mrs. Erickson were in Shelton last Friday on a shopping expedition. Mr. Erickson bought a new tire for the auto. I I SHELTON VALLEY I H. A. Winsor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bennett and E. B. Rob- :risen visited at the J. F. Bennett home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Kneeland went to Olympia last Friday to sce her son who is still in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. ]!'rank Wandell and daughters and Mrs. S. A. Ferris of Shc lton, visited at the Winsor home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson and (laughters ) (f Camp 1, called on Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bennett and H. A. Winsor and family Sunday. Don't forget the dance here next Saturday night, Sept. 4th. Tickets $1.00. Cafeteria supper extra. Shel- ton music. Everybody Welcome. ? LOWER MATLOCK., Mrs. Annie King and son Arnold, were Shelton callers Saturday. Mrs. Hattie Bateman and. daughter Ruth, spent Sunday evemng with Rediska's. Mr. Russel Bray of Maple Valley, Washington, came to this vicinity last week to visit old friends after an absence of eight years. Mr. Albert Beck of Shelf•n, is spending the we.ok-end at the Red- iska home. Mrs. Hattie Bateman and daughter Ruth, spent Sunday afternoon at the Carstair homo. Mr. and Mrs. Rediska and daugh- ter, Dora and Isabella and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beck, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mikels of Beeville Sunday. Misses Dora and Isabella Rediska, Mrs. A. J. Beck, Margaret King, Russel Bray and Arnold King, spent Wednesday aftenaoon with Mr .and Mrs. Joe Gill. Mr. Alvah McKibben is spending the week-end in Aberdeen. entmtaining Tacoma friends the ] ;:! Mr. Sauer of Shelton, is busy pap- past week. ering the teacher's cottage of this Wayne Baldwin made a fine catch district. of salmon trout in Cleveland's Cove One day last week. 1 Mrs. D. C. Nevitt has a new Oxo  HATCHERY ITEMS I gas heater for her range that has._ added much in the way of coolness to r ' the comfort of her kitchen during the M.S.W. Blanton was taken to extreme warm days of summer, the Aberdeen General hospital, Tues- (lay, August 21, to undergo two •per- Lee Baker wrenched his back when, ations. At the present time weare he fell from the ladder recently and glad to know he is doing very nicely. thus delayed his work upon the new school building. Because of the illness and absence • The paint for the school house has I°f S. W. Blanton, Master of Hat- arrived from Tacoma. Why was it chery Grange, past-master Sherwood not purchased in AILvn or Shelton* of Satsop took his place at the meet- ling Of the Hatchery Grange Satur- Many want to know 'the reason. " day night with a number of other Would it not be a christian and visitors. neighborly act to make quite a bit Mrs. Costillo and two children and of effort to keep your horses an cat- I Mrs. Howard of Arlington, are visit- tle out of the Seecc n n v oo .roer ..... ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .if there is a little grass there once C. I. Welch. n a whlie. That would surely be better than to spend time bragging I, Mr. Harry Reid spent the week- end visiting his mother and father about what good neighbors Mr: and at Sherwood, Oregon, retraining Men' Mrs. Speece were, and worrying day with his daughter Ruby• about the condition of their home, i D. P. Welch and family of Sat- fence, etc., at present. Miss Elizabeth Gardner and brother (?) passed through here Sunday on their way to Victor, where Miss G. formerly taught. Mrs. Miller, the princit.)al of Allyn choo[g for this year, has ai:rived :and is now at the Raison: cottage, which is the teachers' cottage at present• sop, visited at the home of C. I. Welch Sunday. Mrs• Blanton and daughter Ruth visited Mr. Blanton in Aberdeen Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and daughter were visitors afar he home of C. I. Welch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Corbin are at' the COMMISSIONER PROCEEDINGS. inn once or twice a week, as they :keep their .rooms there all the time. Monday, August 30, 1920. :Mr. Corbin sells auto tires anti Board of County Commissioner cal- make all towns of any size on his led to Order in Special Session, pres- alns trips. ' ent Commissioner Hunter, Daniels Cad: and Anna Tillquist will leave and Cole and Clerk of the Board. for Seattle soon to attend school. County Supt. of Schools, Mary M. Notwithstanding the heavy down- Knight, filed report showing numbm. loour of rain, twentyeight neighbors 0f children of school age in County and friends, children and adults, onMay 1st, 1920, to be as follows: gathered at the home of Mr. and Male 698, Female 627, Total 1325. lIrs. Petersen last Saturday night Cou'nty Supt. of Schools, Mary M. and enjoyed a merry, social time, Knight, filed report showing the fol- vith music, dancing and refresh-lowing classification of School Dis- ments. , tricts: Oscar Zandall from Olympia at- High School Districts: 16-57 and tended the Peterson party Saturday 809. night. Non-High School Districts: 2, 3, 4, 5, An auto]natty consisting of Thos. 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 25 Read and Victor'Raisoni, the Misses 42, 43, 45, 46, 47,51, 52, 54, 56, 17- Anna and My/%le N'els0n and Geftie 58, 300, 302,' 304, 305, 306 and 307. and Ruby Reed enjoyed Lpleasant 43, 45, 56, 47, 51, 52, 54, 56, 17, trips on last Saturday and on Sunda, 58, 300, 302, 304, 305, 306, and 307. also. ' Etimate of the work one on Post Mr. Hedberg and'Miss Blanck,.en-, Road Project No 67, :Allred, James (Paid Advertisement) CALL.FOR COUNTY CONVENTION TO ELECT DEIEGA'I'E. TO STATE CONVE.NTION. To the Officers and Members of the Farmer-Labor Party, Nonpartisan League and Committee of 48. Greeting:- Notice is hcTeby given that a county convention of the Farmer- Labor Party of Mason County, Wash- ington, will be held at Kneeland Park in the city of Shelton, Wednes- clay the 8th of September, 1920, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose of electing the County's quota of delegates to the St;ate Convention of the Farmer- Labor Party of' Washington, to be held in he Labor I'emple, Seattle, on September 14th, 1920 at 10 o;clock A. M., and to the convention of the Twenty Third Senatorial District of the Fh'mer-L-bor Party of Washing- ton, to be held in the" City of P(n Orchard, Kitsap County, on Tuesday the i4th day of Septe;nber, 1920, at the Court ltouse in said city at the hour of 10 A. M. of said day; and to the Third Congressional Distriet'Con- vention of the Farmer-Labor Party of Washington, to be held in the city of Chehalis, Lewis County, State of Washington on Tuesday the 14th day of September 1920 at the County Court House in caid city, at the hour of ten o'clock A• M• of said day. All members of the Farmer-Labor Party, (Triple Alliance) and the Com- mittee of 48 in this county are el:g- able to participate in this mass county convention, and also to be selected as delegates to the state convention. Signed, Farmer-Labor Party of Ma- son County. C. S. BRUMBAUGH, Chairman FRANK ROBINSON, Secretary. We join in the above call, • FRED FERRIS, County Chairman Nonpartisan Lea.] gue. Dated at Shelton this /st day of September, 1920. 23rd GUST F. RUST for STATE SENATOR District, Island, Kitsap Mason Counties and Subject to Republican Primary, Sept. 14, 1920. Colby (Kitsap County) Wash. OATS YIELD 108 BUSHELS -------v- CASTLE ROCK, Aug. 30.--Thomp- son Cunningham has just finished threshing lis oats, obtaining 108 bushels to the acre. Last year he sold $13,000 worth of potatoes froni nineteen acres and retained about 300 sacks for seed. and Hendricks, Contraetors received rom the State Highway Commission. ivmved and carried that this estimate in the amount of $10,244.30 be ai- lowed" and that the Auditor be in:- structed to draw a warrant for tls amount. ', Moved and carried that the treas- urer'g deputy's Salary be raised to $95.00 pgr month to take effect the 1st day of Sept•, 1920. Supt. Mary M. Knight, filed report of defe'ctive youth in the county. Moved and carried that the budget published be adopted as an esttma of the expenses for the year 1921. On Motion the ,Board Adjourned tm meet Tuesday, Sept; 7th, 1920. W. A. HUNTER, • Chairman. IONE W. DOYLE, Clerk. 5cb000[ .... UWlie00 We have received: a large and corn plete line of all supplies needed in the County Schools. Tables, Ink, Pencils, Pens, Drawing Paper and Notebooks, all kinds and sizes. We have atarge stock of the new Text Books required in Mason County• JourLnal Stationery Shop ' ( Paid Advertisement) 3FFICIAL CALL FOR COUNTY CONVENTION Notice is hccby iven that a Ccumy Conventit,n of: le Farmer- Labor Party of Mas: n Covnty, Washington, representing the Far- mcr-Labor Party and principles, which are "Equal Justice anti Op- portunity," will be held in Knceland Park in the City of Shelton ;n Ma- son County, State of Washington, on Tuesday, the 14th day of Septem- ber, ]920, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, for the purpoe of electing a county campaign com- mitLe, and ptacing in nomination carol:dates of said party for legis- lative an(l county officers at the November, ]920 election for the fol- lowing ottices: County Clerk; County Treasurer; Sheriff Co'ronm.; Prosecut- inff Attorney. County Auditor; Sur- veyor; Superintendent of Schools; County Commissioners; Justice of the Peace; Constables. Representation in said Count' Convention shall include all nemhers of the Farmer-Labor Party of Mason County. - By C S BRUMBAUGH Chairman, ' FRANK ROBINSON.' Secrc.tary. We join in the above call FRED FERRIS, Chairman Nonpartisan League. Shelton, Wash., Sept. 1st, 1920. JAMES W. BRYAN for STATE SENATOR Mason, Kitsap and Island Counties. I hereby announce my candidacy or the office of Ste Senator of the 23rd State Senator District compris- ing the abovemamed counties, subject to tl/ecti0n:of the electors at the RepubliCan Primaries On September 14, 1920 ,. : i : W• J• BRYAN, 1 I00NOUNCEMENTS OF C00DIDATES (Paid Advertisement.) MARY M. KNIGHT for CLERK OF MASON COUNTY I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for Clerk of Mason County on the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries to be held September 14th, ]920. ]IARY M. KNIGHT. Shelton, July 17th, 1920. IONE W. DOYLE for AUDITOR OF MASON COUNTY. Announcing my candidacy for re- election as [Uounty Au('litor of Mason County, on the Demo- cratic ticket. Ione W. Doyle. D. F. WRIGHT for SUPERIOR JUDGE. I hereby announce myself as can- didate for re-election as one of the Superior Judges for Mason and Thurston Counties, subject to the • on-partisan prhnary election. D. F. WRIGHT. JOHN M. WILSON for SUPERIOR JUDGE. I hereby announce my candidacy f,}r reelection to the office of Judge of the Superior Court in and for tl:e Counties of Mason and Thurston 8abject to the decis, on of the vor, er., at the Primar election, Septembe. ].l, 1920. JO:I-I:. ]% WILSON. J. A. COLE for COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-elect•in as County Commis- sioner for the Third District of Ma- son County, subject to the expression of the voters in the Republican pri- maries. J.A. COLE. FRED HANSON Candidate for COMMISSIONER FIRST DISTRICT Mason County. At the request of old friends I have filed for the office of County Commissioner, First District, and beg to submit my candidacy to the voters of the Republican ticket at the Pri- mary Election. FRED HANSON, Potlatch, Wash. CHAS. R. LEWIS for PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. • I desire to submit my candidacy for the office of Prosecuting Attorney on the Republican Ticket, to the vot- ers of Mason County for their con- sideration at the primmT election. CHAS. R. LEWIS. ROBERT COOMBS Candidate for SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY Subject to the vote of the Republi- can electors at Primary Election, Sept. 14, 1920. HARRY McCONKEY for SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY. I wish to announce m.v candidacy for nomination as Sheriff of Mason County, Wash.. subject to the Repub- lican Primary Election. HARRY MCCONKEY. Shelton, Wash. RALPH W. POTTS Candidate for re-election. SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY." I hereby offer to the voters of Ma- son County my candidacy for re- election to the office of Sheriff of Mason County, subject to the Repub- lican party p'rimaries of said county. RALPH W. POTTS. W. A. HUNTER. for COMMISSIONER OF THE FIRST DISTRICT OF MASON COUNTY. I beg to submit to the voters of the Renublican ticket at the Primary Election, September 14th, my an- nouncement as candidate• for re- election to the office of Commissioner of the First District in said county. W. A. HUNTER. Skokomish Valley. S. W. BLANTON. for COMMISSIONER THIRD DISTRICT MASON COUNTY. I beg to place my candidacy for Commissionei. of the 3rd District, MasOn County on the Republican tic- ket for your consideration at the Primary Election to be held Septem- ber 14th 1920. S• W. BLANTON. W. J. MILROY for SUPERIOR JUDGE. I announce my candidacy, as a pioneer of this state, or the office of Superior 3:udge for Thurston and Mason Counties. W. J. MILROY. R. F. STURDEVANT for FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY AT SUPERIOR JUDGE. bargain, two-story residence in I hereby announce my candidacy, good order and two lots, cement subject o the voters, at tthe Prinary walks and all improvements, down Election, for Judge of the Superior town location. Price for quick Court of the Counties of Mason and sale $1600. For terms and infm,- Thurston. mat:on inquire at Journal Agency. R.F. STURDEVANT. Our Fall Suitings are coming in: and we are showing a fine assortment of the new styles at prices below tl/ose:: of last year. Fine all wool Sitvertone 56 in. wide per yard. ..... $7.50 Fine all wool Velour 56 in. wide, per yard .......... $6.00 Novelty Suitings, per yard ......... $4.00 and $5.00 Novelty Plaids, 56 in. wide, per yard .............. $8.50 Fine Serges ........................ $4.00, $6.00 and $6.50 SILKS ARE MUCH LOWER Best. quality 36 inch Taffeta, per yard ............. $3.50 ,repe de Cline 40 inch wide, per yard . $2.50 Georgatte Crepe 40 Jr, oh wide, per yard ............ $3.25 SPECIAL We have a few pieces of half wool 36 inch Danish Cloth in the following colors: Grey, White and Black, which we are offering at the special price of 50c per yard. EXTRA SPECIAL ALL WHITE SHOES ............. ONE-HALF PRICE This includes leather soled oxfords, and shoesl and all tennis shoes for men, women and children. THOMAS O'NEILL