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Friday September 3, 1920 THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL
iii J: i i ii i i i i i i i l l iii ii ill i i i l
Ill .
To be voted on November 2. 1929.
An Act to authorize the issuance of
State Bonds to provide funds for the
construction of a state system of hard
sut't'aced trunk line highways.
State of \\;Vashington,
Office of tile Secretary of State.
TO whonl it lnay concern: In obed-
ienz:e t() tile s/at(? constitution and all
act of the legislature approved by tile
Governor March 12, 1919, entitled: "An
Act providing for tile construction Of
a state system of trunk line hard sur-
fae hghiways, providing for the is-
suan(e, sale and r,_ttelllptlon of State
bonds to create a fund fro" such pur-
pose, and for the submission of this
act to a vote of tile people," there is
hereby published for the consideralion
of the voters of the State of V, rashing -
ton tile folh)wtng proposed act of tile
legislature of said state:
(S. B. 240)
An Act providing for the construction
of a state system of trunk line
hard surface highways, providing
for the issuance, sale and redemp-
tion of state bonds to create a fund
for such purpose, and for the sub-
mission of this act to a vote of the
Be it enacted by the Legiature of the
State of Washington:
Section 1, A state system of trunk
line hard surface highways shall be ac-
quired and construoted by the State
of Washington as soon a,s practicable,
upon the highways of the state along
the routes herein described ,so as to
connect with each other the different
communities and principal cities of ttle
state as near as may be, to-wit:
(1) Tile Pacific Highway from Blaine
to Vancouver; also a highway running
from Seattle to Des 1Hoines and thence
by the most feasible route to Tacoma.
(2) The Sunset Highway from Ran-
ton to Spokane and thence east to tile
Idaho State line.
(3) The Inland Empire Highway.
(,t) The Olympic Highway.
(5) Tile National Park Highway from
Tacoma to Ashford and thence by the
most feasible route to the Rainier Na-
tional Park; also from Elba to the Pc-
cilia Ocean at Holman.
Sec. 2, The highways constructed or
improved under the provisions of this
net shall be finished with a wearing
surface of Portland cement concrete,
bituminous concrete, asphalt, brick,
vood block, stone or other material
equally permanent and durable, not less
than eighteen feet in widtll, laid upon
Portland cement concrete base of a min-
imum thickness of five inches: Provided
that if the state highway commissioner
shall deem it impracticable to improve
any portion of any highway herein de-
scribed by paving as herein provided,
the state highway board may provide
for the Improvement of such portion of
the highway in such manner as in its
Judgment will best aecomodate travel
Sec. 9. The money arising from the
sale of each issue of bends shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the
credit of a spe.ciai fund to be known as
the "State Trunk Line Highway Fund,"
which shall be used in carrying out
the provisions of this act,
Sec. 10, All moneys paid to the state
known as the Motor Vehicle Code, and
the Session Laws of 1915, commonly
Iklqown as the 1Motor Vehicle Code, and
all acts anlendatory thereof, over and
above such nloneys as shall be esti-
mated by the secretary of state to be
necessary for the purpose of adminis-
tering said chapter 1,t2 slall be first
aPl)ropriatcd and used for the purpose
of paying and discharging annually
the principal and interest on such bond-
ed hldol)ledllcss then due and payable
and sim.ll fr,)nl time to time be de-
posited In a special fund to be known
as lhe "State Trunk Line Higilway
Bond Redemption Fnnd." Each year
after this act becomes effective, and
until all of said bonds have been re-
tired, it shall, be the duty of the state
board of equalization to include in the
tax levied for slate purpose. a direct
annual tax for such anlount as shall
be necessary and sufficient, iu addition
to tile moneys collected under said
chapter 142 and paid into the said
state trunk 1Dte highway bond redeml)-
tion fund. to pay tile intert annually
as it shall accrue on each and every
bond issued under the provisions of this
act and also to pay and discharge tile
principal of such bonds at par value as
such bonds shall respectively fall due:
Provided, that no dire, or annual tax shall
be levied for any Year in which sum-
cicnt' money Is collected under said
chapter 142 and 1)aid into said bond
redemption fund to pay the lntarest
as it shall accrue on said bonds for l
that Year aud also to pay and disoharge
the principal of all of said bonds fail-
Ing due during euc'h year.
Any surplus of money collected un-
der said chapter 142 after the payment
of tile expenses of administering said
law by lhe secretary of state and I,ro-
vidtng for tile payment of tile princi-
pal of and the payment of te interest
on bonds falling due during that year.
ns aforesaid, shtll 0,? 'mid Into a fund
to bc linolvn aS tile "S:ate ]'r'.|lk ].Ins
Malntainance Fund" and uset for tim
])urpose of maintaining tile roads here-
in described In 1)ursuance of apI)roprla-
tions the,refer by the legislature,
Any surplus remaining in tile state
trunk llne highway maintenance fund
over and above th)t expended in l)ur-
suance Of appropriations for the main-
tenance of roads as herein provided
shall annually be ,listrtbmed to the
various counties, chics and towns of
the state ill the fo owing nl&nner
TO tile various eoHntJes of the state
in which are located primary highways
the iml)rovement and maintenance of
which is not provided for by this ac%
for the maintenance of such highways;
and to the various eltte.s and towns of
the state in which are located streets
forming a part of the route of any
primary highway through such city or
town, for the maintenance and improve-
ment of such streets, a sum not to ex-
and the construction ot the necessary
sungraae therefor Including the pur-
chase of machinery or supplies. All
h Sac. 11. .rhenever any county shall
ave expenses any moneys from the
road ald bridge fund or from the pro-
ceeds of bonds in the improvement or
construction of any of the highways
described in this ae by paving such
highway ,the state highway board shall,
if such paved highway is of proper and
durable hard surface type to make it
practicable to do so, utilize such paved
highway in the system of state trqnk
line highways provided for in this at.
If any highway so paved by any county
be so utilized, the state highway board
shall determine the amount by which
tehsutiIIzation of such Ived highway
• unM tne Cost oI Improving and con-
structing the state trunk line system
of highways provided for in this act and
such. amount (in no event to exceed
the actual amount of the first cost of
construction paid from the funds of
such County) shall be placed to the
construction work shall be done under
the supervision of and upon plans and
specification prepared by the state high-
way Commissioner. Contracts for the
construction and improvement of said
trunk line highways shall be let by by
the state highway board to the lowest
and best responsible bidder or bidders
on such term and conditions and on
open competitive bidding after public
advertisement in suvh manner and for
such times as may be Prescribed by
said state highway board.
The state highway board shall have
power to provide for the furnishing by
ths state of any tools, machinery, sup-
D|ies or materials n'eeKIeI for sucl work
and in the event the state highway
hoard undertakes to furnish tools, ma-
chinery, supplies, or materials, such
tools, nachinery, supplie and mater-
ials shall be purchased by the state
highway board on opml competitive
Sac. 6. The state highway board Is
authorized to cooperate with ths proper
authorities of any city or town of the
third or fourth ciass and expend mon-
eys for the improvement of any portion
of any highway herein described which
may pass into or through any such
city or town.
See. 7. All highways herein de-
_oribed .when constructed along porman-
snt graaes and alignment shall be per.
manently controlled and maintained by
the State of Washington.
Sac. 8. For the purpo6e of provid-
ing means for the payment of the cost
of construction of said state system of
trunk line highways there shall be
issued and sold bonds of the State of
Washington for an amount not ex-
ceeding thirty million dollars ($30,009,-
000,0O), to beer interest at a rate not
to exceed five per cent ($ per 'cent) per
annum, payable semi-annually.
The issue, le or retirement of said
bnds shall beunder the general super-
men anu ¢ontrot o the state highway
board. Such board may in its discre-
tion provide for the luanee of oou-
p0n or registered bond., to be date<L
lssuea ana Beta item Urns to tiros as
the .construction work progresses, in
such amounts as may be necessary to
provide money to pay for sald work
and the expenses incidental thereto.
All of the bonds issued hereunder shall
mature at the rate of one million five
hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,-
090,00 principal each year, commencing
in the year 199.2 and ending in the year
1941. Such bonds shall be signed by
the governor and the state uditor
Under the seal of the state, and any
interest coupons attached to such bonds
shall be authenticated by the fac-simlle
signatures of the same officers. Any
bonds may be registered in the name
of the holder on presentation to the l
state treasurer or at the fiscal agency
of the State of Washington In N¢w
York, as to principal alone or both
principal and interest under suvh reg-
ulations as the state highway board:
may prescribe. Said bonds shall be in
credit of such ounty in the permanent
highway ftd in six annual installments.
beginning On the first day of January',
1.922, or, If the board of County com-
mlasloners of any OUnty so elect, such
PaYment, instead of being credited to
such county in the permanent highwb, y
fund, shall be paid to such county to
be used in the payment of any county
bonds issued by said county for the
Improvement of any such highway,
Sac, 12. This act shall be submitted
to the people for their ratification at
the next general election tn accordance
with the provisions of section 3 of ar-
ticle VIII of the state constitution, and
in ecordanee with the provislos of
section 1 of article II of ths state
constitution, as amended at the general
election held tn November, 1912, and
the laws adopted to facilitate the opera-
tion thereof.
Passed the Senate March 8, 1919.
Passed ths I[ouse March $, 1919,
Approved by the Governor March 1
The above act filed in the office of the
Secretsry of State March 1. 1919.
(Seal) I.M. HO'IIrELL.
Segretary of State.
There shall be printed on all ballots
provided for the said election the
. "For Referendum Bill No. 1 relating
to a system of hard surface trunk line
"Against Referendum Bill No. 1, re-
lating to a system of hard surface
trunk line highways."
tn testimony whereof, ! have here-
Unto Set my hand and affixed the seal
of the State of Washington.
Done at Olympia, this 1st day of June,
I. M. I0ELL.
(Seal) Secretary of State.
• To be Voted on NOvember 2, 199.
such denominations as may be pre- REFRENDUM BILL IO. .
scribed by the state highway board and
embody an absolute prOmise of the An act providing for the payment of
State of Washington o pay both prln- equalized compensation to veterans of
cipal and interest in gold coin of the the war with the Central Allied Powers.
United States of the present standard
State of rashlngton
of value and fineness, at uh place or Office of the Sac
places, as the state highway board may retary of State.
Proviae, and to levy sufficient taxes To whom it may concern: In obedl-
eacn Year d pay tee Interest and prin- ence to the state constitution and an
ciPal of said bonds as they become due act of the legislature approv,d by the
All bonds issued under the provisions Governor March 25, 1950, entitled: "An
of this act shall be sold to the highest [Act providing for the payment of equal-
and best bidder or bidder, on such lized compensation to veterans of the
terms and conditions and on open corn- ] war with the Central Allied Pow
eutive bidding after public advertise- l authorizing the issuance and Sale ot state
meet and at such times as may be pre- [bonds and the levy of a tax to pay said
|cribed by the state highway board, but[bonds making an appropriation, provid.
not fo a sum so low as to make the[trig enaliUe8 ,and providing for the
et interest returned to the purohassr [ submission of this act to a vote of the
exce_fl_.e.per cent per annum: payable[people', there: is hereby published fur
-.,,,,-unually, computeu O¥ stan-' the eonslaeation of tha voters of ths
aard tables, upon •such sum. State of Washington, the followinE pro.
posed act of the legislature of Bald state:
An ACt providitg"
for the payment eli
equalizcl compensation to veterans
of the war with tile Central Allied
Powers, authorizing the issuance
and sale of state bonds and the levy
of a tax to pay said bonds, making
an appropriation, providing penal-
ties, and providing for the submis-
sion of this act to vote of the peo-
Be it inacted by the Legislature of the
State of %Vmhington:
Section 1. There shall be paid to each
person who was regularly called ell-
listed, drafted Inducted or commis-
sioned and wile served on active duty
ill the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of
the United States between the 6th day
of April ]917, and tile'.llth day of No-
vember ]918; and to each person who.
being a citizen of the United States at
the time of this entry therein, served
on active duty in the naval, military or
air forces of ally of the governments
associated with the United States dur-
Ing the war wlth the central allied pow-
ers between the 6th day of April. 1917,
and the 11th day of November, 1918; and
who. at the time of hls call, enlistmont.
Indue'Hon, commilon or service, was a
bona fide resident of the State of Wash-
ington, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.-
00) for each and every month or major
fractlon thereof of active duty perform-
ed subsequent to April 6, 1917, and prior
to November 11, 1919: Provided, That if
any such person shall have borrowed
money frnm the Veteran's Welfare Com-
mission and shall have failed to repay
said money, then the amount thereof
shall be deducted from any sums pay-
able to any such person under this act
and said loan shall thereupon be Can-
celled and discharged: Provided, fur-
ther, That p(rsons who have received
extra compensation from any other state
or nation other than the United States
for such active service shall not be en-
tttled to compensation under thts act
unless the anlount Of compensation so
received Is less than they would be en-
titled to hereunder, tn which event they
shall rcceive the difference between the.
enmponsatton allowable under this act
and the extra compensatlon already
r'eelved frnm such other stnte or na-
tlon: Provided, further, That persons
who have received greater compensation
than the re.'ular pay of the Army, Navy
or Marine Corps and commutation for
q',larters and subsistence ,shall not be
the Veterans' Comlensation Fund.
Sac. 5. The state auditor may in his
discretion issue warrants under the pro-
visions of this act in anticipation of the
sale of the bonds herein authorized.
See. 6. For the purpose of providing
means for the 1)ayment of compensation
hereunder and for paying the expenses
of administration, there shall be issued
and sold bonds of the. state of Washing-
ton in the sum of eleven million dol-
lars ($11,900,000.00): Provtded ,that if
the proceeds of the sale of suoh bonds
bc insufficient to pay the compensation
herein allowed, then sumcient additional
bonds to pay such compensation shall
be issued and sold. The issuance, sale
and retirement of said bonds shall be
under the general supervlsion and con-
trol of the State Board of Finance. The
State Board of F'lnance may, in its dis-
cretion, provide for the issuanc of cou-
pon or registered bonds to be dated, is-
sued ,and sold from time to time and in
such amounts as may be necessary to
make the payments provided for by this
act. Each of such bonds shall be made
payable at any time not exceeding twen-
ty years from the date of Its
with such reserved rights of prior re-
demption as the State Board of 1,lnanc(
may be specified therein.The
bond shall be signed by the governor
and the state auditor under the seal of
the state; and any coupons attached to
such bond shall be signed by the same
offices, whose signatures thereon inay
be in facsimile; and such bonds shall
bear interest at a rate not to exceed six
r cent per annum, which bonds shall
sold for not less than par. Any bonds
may be registered in the name of the
holder on presentation to the state
treaurer or at the fiscial agency of the
state of Washington in New York, as to
principal alone or as to both principal
and interest, under such regulations
can the state treasurer nlay prescribe.
Said bonds shall be in a form embody-
lag an absolute promise of the state of
Washington to pay both principal and
interest ill gold coin of the United States
of present standard of value, at such
place or l)laes as the State Board of
Finance may providc, and shall be in
such denominations as,may be I)res-
cTlbed by said Board. All bonds Issucd
under the provisions of thls ac In&y be
sold in such manner and in such a-
nIounts and at such riffles and on such
ternls and conditions as the State Board
of Finance may l)r(,scribe: ]?rovided,
That If said bonds are sohl to any per-
sons other than the state of %Vashing-
ton they shall be sold at public sate,
and it shall be the duty of the State
entliled to rocolve COmDcnsatlon nnder Board of li'inance to cause sueh sale to
this act unless the amount of extra [be advertised in such manner as it shall
eompensrtilon so rear|vend is less than [deem sulllcient.
they would be entHled to hereunder, in ] Bonds issued under the provtons of
hteh e:ent they .shall receive the dlf- ]this act shall be a legal Investment for
o;% .D.ween nc compfnsatlon al- l any of the funds of the state, Including
e u/.uer ms arCt nee.such extra Ithe permanent school fund, any higher
ompensauon. n case of tne oeatn Of]educational funds, and accident fund of
annYesuen person w.hH? In sucn ervice [the industral insurance department.
q al amount sna|l ne palu o nls t, Sec. 7. The nloney arising from the
surviving wldow, if not re-married at i sale of each Issue of bonds shall be de-
the tlme compensation Is requested, or posited at the state treasury to the
In case he left no widow and left child- credit of a special fund to be known as
ran, then to his surviving children, or the "Veterans' Compensation Fund,"
or in the event he left no widow or chll- which shall be used for payment of the
dren, then to his surviving parent or compensation provided in this act and
parents if actually dependent upon sUch for paying the expenses of the adminis-
deceased person for support. Persons tration thereof. For the purpose of
of the female sex, or their surviving carrying out the provisions of this act
children or parents, who are in all there is hereby appropriated from the
other respects within the terms of this Veterans' Compensation Fund the sum
act, shall be entitled to compenaation of eleven million dollars ($11,000,000.00)
S . , ., _ . See- 8. For the purpose of creating a
ee, 2. Tee peru "person, a u In retirement fund for the retirement of
se.tlon 1 of this act shall ot include :suoh bonds upon maturity and the pay-
persons, wno. during the perloa of their meet of interest thereon as it falls due,
service, refused, on cOnselentlgus..lliti- the proper state and county officers shall
cal or other ground, to sunect them- levy and Collect a tax of one mill upon
selves to full mllttary discipline or un- eae dollar of the taxable property in
qualified service, or who. while in such the stae for the year 1921 and for each
service, were separate, therefrom nder year thereafter: Provided, that if said
circumstances amounting, to a ellsnonof tax be Insufficient then the proper state
ao, e olscarge ann wno nave not se- ann county offices are authorized and dl-
9uently. been. officially restored to ! retted to levy and collect such addition-
nonorame star,Is, ann sucn person snhlllal taxes as mWY be necessary for the
not ne entitled to tee nencnts or this payment of lflRerest u,on pal bonds
act, ........... l and the retlrelent of the principal
. 3. AI! llsnursoments requlru ev I thereof upon maturity. All moneys de-
this act for compensation shall he m¢le ]rivod from such tax shall be paid into
upon the presentation of a. certificate I the state treasury vmd credited to a fund
pen a rorm to ne pPeserlratl by t',e ]to be known as the "VeLerans' Compen-
state auditor, which certificate shall he }tion Bond Retirement Fund,"
duly verified by the elalmant nn,ler ,ath l Sec. 9. No charge made by any agent,
and shall sct forth the name, resldence [notary pubiic or attorney for any ser-
at the tlme of entry into the service, ce in connection wlth obtaining the
date of enlistment, Induction or eom- owance as provided for by th!s act
Imisslon, (late of discharge or release shall be recognized by the state and
any person who. for a consdieration,
discounts or attempts to discoun L or
from actlva gervic if the,. cl|lat
is not on active duty a statement
to subject himself
to full military discipline and un-
qualified servtce and that he has not
been separated from the servl.,e under
clrcumsts.ncee amounting ten d/shonor..
for a consideration advances motley up-
on any certificate or certilleate issued
purspant to the tcrnm of this act, shall
be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
Sec. 10. Any person who, with intent
to defraud, subscribes to any false
oath or makes ally false representation,
either in the execution of the eertifl-
I that the claimant during the period
I for which compensation Is al lowed
did not refuse
able discharge .and such further infor-
mation as the state auditor may require.
Such certificate shall be presented to the
state auditor or his to-
gether with an honorable discharge or
release from active servle" er tn (.see
of its loss a properly authenticated rec
ord of service or in the event that the
claimant is still in the ser¢lee a prop-
erly authenticated rceord of s]I active
service performed by the claimnnt cub-
sequent to April 6, 1917. and prior to
November 11, 1919. or if the same oe
presented by the widow, child or parents
of a deceased veteran, then with proper
eviaence of death, together with a prop-
erly authenticated record of service, and
the state auditor shall endorse upon
suoh discharge, relearns or. record of ac-
tive service, a statement that such dis-
charge, release or record of active ser- wa. made the basis of the applies-
son anu snall return such discharge or
relese or record of active service to the
claimant aud shall forthwith draw his
warrant In the name of ths claimant
upon the Veterans' ComPensation Fund
for an amount equal to fifteen dollars :
for each and every month of active set-i
vice ,or major tretlon thereof, be-]
tween the 6th day of April. 1917 and l
the llth day of November. 1919' and[
the state treasurer shall pay such'war I
rants from Veterans' Compensation
,nd. n cses where application for
compensation Is mls by the widow,
children or parents of a deceased vet-
eran, such peroon shall furnish the Bme
information as though the application
were made b the deceased vsteran and
the stats auditor shall prepare an ap-
propriate form of certificate to oover
such cases. Compensation allowed to
the children of deceased veterans hail
be Paid to the guardians of such chil-
dren, which guardians, if appointed by
the Oourts of this state, shall serve
without compensation and in the diore-
tips of the court without bond and it
shall be the duty of every attorney In
this state to appear in the courts or
render any other ncoeary legal alt-
ance in behalf of such children in so far
as the provision of this act are ooneern-
ed, without compensation, and no pub-
:lie officer slall couect any fees in any
proceedings brought in behalf o such
children to secure compensation undsr
this act.
The state auditor 18 empowered to
make such additional reasonable require-
merits from applicants as are neessa
to present fraud or the payment of
compensation to Persons not entitled
Sac, 4. The state auditor shall fur-
nish free of charge, upon application
therefor ,the necessary form of certi-
ficate to all persons entitled thereto, and
may establish at different )ointa within
the state of Washington, ofliece at which
there shall be kept on file for the use
of persons covered by this act, a suffi-
cient number of forms of certificate so
that there may be no delay In the pay-
ment of"this compensation. The stat0
auditor may auttorlze the county audi-
tor or county corK, or both, of any ooun-
ty of the state to act for him in re-
;ceiving application under the provisions
of this act ,and shall furnish such per-
sons with the proper Certificates to en-
able them to accept such applications.
The state auditor is hereby authorized
and directed to procure such printing
and office supplies and equipment, 8rod
to employ such persons as may be neces-
sary in order to properly carry out the
provisions of this act and all expenses
incurred by him in the administration
of this act shall be paid by warrants
drawn upon the Veterans' Compensation
The adjutant general shall advise with
and assist the state auditor in the per-
formance' of the duties of the auditor
under this act, and when so called upon
the adjutant general may employ such
persons and incur such exlenSes as may
be necessary such expsnkes to bs paid
ny warrants urawn upon the Veterans'
Compensation Fund.
The auditor and the adjutant general
may require persons employed by thsm
under this act to furnish good and suf-
flclent surety bend to the State of
Washington for ths faithful psrform-
anel of their duties and the pesmlums
upon aald bonds shall be payabla from
Approved by the Governor, March $,
The above act filed in the office Of the
Secretary of State March 25, 1920.
I. M. I'/OrELL,
Scretary of Stats.
There shall be print'ed on all ballots
Provided for the said election the
"For Referendum Bill No. $, relat-
•lng to equalized compensation to vet*
erans of the war with the Central Al-
lied Powers,"
"Against Referendum Bill NO. , re-
lating to equalized compensation to vet-
crane of the war with the Central AI-
lied Powers."
In testimony whereof, I have hereun-
to set my hand and affixed ths seal of
the State of'Washington.
Done at Olympia, this 1st day of June,
(Seal) I.M. HOELL,
7-80-I0-29-14t, Secretary of State.
or. ......
Notice is hereby given that ths Board
of Count Commissioners ', of Mason
County, tate of Washington, will meet
at their ogles In the County Court
House at Shelton, September 7th, 1920,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, to hear
and determine the advisability of sell-
Ing the following described property
belonging to said County, to.wit:
S. E. t of N. E. 4 of N. E. of
sec. 14, Twp 20 NO., Range 2 V.
Any person Interested may appear
before the Board at the above mention-
ed time and offer argument either for
or against the proposed sale.
Date of first publication August 6th,
8-27-t:' . ' "
Nottze is hereby given that the Reg-
is tration Books in the various vottng
precincts in Mason County, State of
Washington, will be closed according
to law against original registration on
the 24th day of August, 1920, and all
persons desiring to vote at ths Pri-
mary Election must register either be-
fore or on the above mentioned dat.
i Books will again bs opened for
stration of voters ths day foll
the Primary Election, to be held
tember 14, 1920.
Mfltneas my hand and seal this 8th
day of August, 1999.
. ' t Auditor of Mas0n County.
New fall samples have arrived, so order
that new suit now
Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
Suits sponged and pressed . . 1.00
Suits cleaned and pressed . . 2.00
Skirts .... . . 1.00
Jackets " "' " . . 1.00
Dresses ...... . . . 1.75 up
Fancy Dresses cleaned and
pressed ........ $.25 up
J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton
(;rml] n(n
Suits sponged and pressed . . $L00
Suits dry cleaned and preed 2.0@
Coats ...... . 1.00
Pant .... " 1,00
Pants sponged and pressed . .
Overcoats dry cleaned and pressed 2.00
Overcoats dyed ...... 5.00
Suit dyed ........ 5.00
- , |
EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. ..i:. --
• i i i
Single Fare $121. RoUnd trip $2.72
(Daily except Sundays)
Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 8 p. m.
The morning trip eonneets with the 11 o'e.lo Tacoma to 8eale
boat at Municipal Dock. Pmmeagers from Seattle to Shelton
should take the steamer leaviag Seattle at 1 o'clock 1 m.
Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 8.
Modern and Fireproof
Reasonable rates for transients and weekly
rates for permanent guests.
Fourth Ave. at Jefferson
Opposite new court house, four blocks from
depots and docks
Eugene Brunner, Mgr.
Hotel Holland
II I Ill II I I I I I I Jl
cares provided for by this ac or who
with intent to defraud, presents to the
state auditor, or to any other officer of
the state, any cortillcate for the purpose
of obtaining funds provided by this act
which do not in fact belong to such
person, or makes any false representa-
tions In connection with obtaining any
• unds under the terms of this act, shall
be guilty of felony,
additional means for raising moneys [
for the payment of the interest and
principal of said bonds and this act
shall not be deemed to provide an ex- , :
elusive method for such payment.
Sac. 19.. If any section, subdivision,
sentence or clause of this act Is for
any reason held to be unconstitutional,
such decision shall not affect the val-
idity of the remaining portions of this
/I Sheikh and I
8ec. 13. This act shall be submitted
to the people for their ratification at
the next general election in accordance
.,,, ,,,o o, .o¢.oo, o, Ice 00lant
Article VIII of the State Constitution: I| ' s__ mH____ m
and in acordanee with the provisions
Of section 1 of Article II of the State
Constitution as amended at the general
election held in November, 1912. and
the laws adopted to facilitate the opera-
tion thereof.
Passed the House, March 22, 1920.
Passed the Senate. March 23, 1920.
L i, _