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i.ii ii i i
son County, Washington.
Case Ne. 327.
Certificate No. 11.
:Mason County, Washington, a Muni-
eil)tl Corporation, and one of the
Counties of tile State of Washingtou,
l'htinti ff, vs.
l,'red Nicklason; Chas. Seiners Co;
Chas. Seiners Co. et al; 1• H. Randolph;
13. A. Howard; David R• Mitchell;
Antonia (]anlnlasono; Wilbur L. Alden;
John Howson; Win. Emmerson; Win•
Johnson; Peter Sandberg; E. Speaker;
E. Young; E, L, Capps; Emery White;
nd 'rank Ellis; Margaret Goodwin;
Arthur Shaw; 1. O. O, F. Lodge No.
140; J. tt. Scott and J. J, Brcnner
yster Co.; Hanna 1,]. and Percy Cole;
Annie T. Capp;Samuel D. James; Dra-
I]an] Timber Co.; Nellie M. Waxler;
1-1erbert Cook; Gee. F. Bancroft;Wal_-
er J. Woods; W, W. Morris; A. C.. .
:Everson; Win, Alberts; Herman D.
:I4ertz; E. E. Hodder; W. C. Rucard;
Olaf Anderson; Milton and Albert Har-
,%ritz; Northern Pacilie R. 1t.; F. "E.
:Ranney; Chas. Seiners; Eva E. Dates;
Chas. Gearheart; J. 1. Crown and Jen-
role J. Blodgett; Redlands Land Co.;
J• L. Kecsler; Jacob Cap,an; Redlands
Land Co.; A. B. Newell; H. C. and Jen-
nie Lance; Lyman Rogers; M. V: A.,
Smith; AVm. H. MeNamara; The Musi-
cians Association of Seattle; Samuel
4Cowling; A. B. Ne'cll; Geneva A. Mc-
Ncely; F. A. Duper; Hermann John-
son; Vayland L. Scarff; T. W. Little:
John Barger; Elmer E. King; George
JT. Upper andCo; John J. O'Kelfe; Mar-
,,ha Nunn; Benjamin F. Skillen; W. F.
Parker; S. T. Hills (Trustee); Grace
oash; MaJorie Colmary; Peter N.
Doiron; J. K• Bosler; Gee. Clark;
Adolph Kritzer; Marie Kritzer; D. Ed-
ward Riley; Cora I. Evans; V. E. Bart-
lett; Jennie Mayhew; Joseph W. Saul;
James D. L. Ieid; Rives W. Eddy;
.ndrewAndcrson; E. B. Currier; John
It. Evans; Merle L. Elliott; A. G.
Cearp; L. L. Smith; Eunioe L. Spring;
(]ordon A. Spring; C. M. Allyn; Carl
:Skoglund; Chester L. Smith; Lester and
:-Iarold Munson; Gee• Cyphert; V. H.
mith; John Siebenbaum; John Me-
:Reavy; E. C, McReavy; Samuel B.
weeney; Martin Luther Fox; Harry
Welles; Beaulah Meador 1/ and H.rry
Wells l/; Beulah Meador %4 and W. B.
Brook %: J. J. and Mary I,l Spau]ding;
Win. W. Rice; Mt ° M. Grogan; J. A.
.chmidt; William Wagner; Abraham
J. Gross; David Nellist; Perry L. Per-
'ins; Marjorie J. Weaver; Minnie R.
Kik; J. B. Bartlett; Mike De Lorenze;
Lawrence G. Westerman; B. E• Miley;
<eorge W. Johnson; Gilbert Flgg;
Frank K. Harvey; E. Frampton; John
]e. Deawll; John Richard Carline; A.
W. Graham; Claude J• Braman; Charles
:Schmiedehausen; John Lindquist; Ches-
W. Herman; Laura Jean Abell; Alfred
W. Martin; E. M, Moore; Martin Wins-
low; Noah Goodman; Jennie McCarthy;
Archibald S. Hooten; J. F, Nielsen;
Marguette Bulon; Axil G. Bulon; Harry
Herbert; Andrew Esler; Wallace %Vm.
Cavett; Walter Brown; William Stone;
Ada Evaline Stonier; Thomas Stonier;
James A. McGlllivray; Euphenia W
Stewart; James L. Stewart; Nora Can*-
erford; John Paterson: Hannah Pater-
son; Lloyd Warren' Elizabeth Busse;
A. Sands; and all persons unknown, it'
any, having or claiming to have any
right, title, estate, lien or intercst in
and to the property hereinafter describ-
ed, or any part thereof ,and each of
them and persons hereinafter nanled
as ewners of the hereinafter described
real property.
You, and each of you as owners,
claimants, or holders of an interest or
estate in and to the lands and premises
hereinafter described are hereby not]-
lied that the above named plaintiff,
Mason County, one of the lawfully or-
ganized and existing counties of the
State of Washington, is the owner and
i,older of the CertillcatesofDellnqueItcy
issued in one general Certificate in book
form,numbered elevcn (11) by the Treas-
urer of Mason County, Washington, to
said Mason County dated June 1st, 1920
and sub-numbered consecutively from 1
to 347 inclusive, to c)rrespond with
such tract and its owners name
set forth with the description of said
tract thereunder, and all filed with the
County Clerk, of Mason County, Wash-
ington, July 27th, 1920. The same be-
ing the amount then due and delin-
quent upon each lot, tract, or parcel
of land, respectively, for taxes for
the years 1913 and 1914 to 1919, in-
clusive. (As will more specifically ap-
pear by reference to each separate
numbered description with the owners
name thereto) together with interest,
penalty and costs thereon up to and
including the 1st day of June, 1929,
each such lot, tract, or parcel of land,
having been assessed to the persons or
corporations wilose names are given
with the sub-numbered descriptions
thereof each aud all of the persons
and corporations hereinbefore and
hereinafter named being the re-
puted owner of the lot, tract,
or parcel, the description whereof is
glvma with said owners name. herein
under its sub-number all of said prop-
erty being situate in Mason County,
Washington, and more particularly de-
scribed as follows:
(1) Tract No. 1, described as fol-
lows: Beginning on the North line of
the NWt of the NW of sec. 6, twp.
21 N; R. 1 W. at a point 330 ft. W, of
tile NE corner of said NW of NW
and thence running W on the N
line of said sac, 6, 330 ft., thence
southerly at right angles 669 ft,, thence
easterly parallel with the N line of
tar L. Cox; Monsine Johnson; A. J. said sac. 6, 330 ft,, thence northerly in
Sandusky; E. L. Deering; Gilbert Knut-la stratghtlinc 660 ft., and to the pt, of
:son, Iteuben V.nutson, and Mrs. ule [ beginning said tract contains 5 acres,
:Nelson; Percy Villiam Sayers; Iverlin sac. 6, twp 21, N.; It. 1 W. W.M., as-
2Nearhouse; William Wilson; Fred W. [sessscd to Fred Nlcklason; years delin-
"Wei)ster; Clarence E, Skinner; Annie I quent 1913 to 1919 inclusive' amount
,Geake" Minnie Wi hahn" Mary MeKin- delinquent -€11 6 a ' ,,,a ' t, .... €
• ' " ' a Ms> ell ' ' .................. '
row' Ieranei E t-lal' Edw rd :w "1$4 24 total due on said tra * €1n un
:H*rr:¢ A, .lat. Gee: Mcquee!l, Gella. J (2) The NE of the NE, see'. 7,
,C and Lelia L I-IawKes" xxeuoen anu twD 21 N I 1 W W M assess
(]hhert ](nutson' and 1M. Olo Nelson; t to bha S;ners be "years delinquent .
AVilllam 1-I Richardson; Bertha A New- 1914 to 1910, inclusive; &mount de;in-'
combe;Geo A Mehlfeld;H. F. Maxfield; ]quent, $i9. 49" accrued interest $4 43"
James ] MeCowan' Mollie C Branner" total due on stld tract 12: .2 " '
N. B. Simpson, Raliegh %V and Sarah (3), Tax No 652--44 72 L. C de-
and I scribed "
1Martin; V. E, J.B. Bartlett; Rob- as follows: tide land in front
ert Johnson; Bertie Railson; Siegel of lot 3, sec• 8, two. 21 S,, R. 1, W.
:Boy(l; ,Vllliam Francis; W. E. Hartley; ,W. M, 32.02 lineal chains; also begin*
Jennie Carter Davis; A, J• Brady; E. ning at the point of intcr-section of the
H, Mean; Joseph Lachance; Emma line between lots 2 and 3, above see-
Johnson; Alfred John Wilson; Henry tion, twp and R. with the meander
%Valdemar Cook; F. Freeman: Lela M. line, and running thence N. 49" E.
(18) The'SE 1O acres of NE
NE¼, sac, 8, twp. 19, N., R. 3, W. W.
M. assessed to E. Speaker; years delin-
quent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $5.92; accrued interest,
$1.69; total due on said tract, $7.61.
(19) Tax No. 150, described as fol-
lows: beg. at the meander corner to
free. sec's, l0 and 1], twp. 19, N., R.
I, %,V. shore of Skookum Inlet, runs
L 74 ° %V. 8.53 chains, to the initial
)pint to tract of land described as fol-
ows: thence S. 74 ° V. 7.50 chains,
tilenee S. 60 ° A r. 2.90 cilains, thence
N. 17 ° 55' E. 5.10 chains; thence S.
84" E. 4.81 chains, thence S. 63 ° 30'
1. 2.87 hains to point of beg. con-
tainntng 1.99 acres, lnore or less, ill
SeC. 10. twp. 19, N... R. 3. W. W. M., as-
sesssed to E. Young; years delinquent,
1914 to 1919, iuclusive;, amount delin-
quent, $17.49; accrued lnterest $5.77;
total due oil said tract, $23.26.
(20) Tax No. 748-18 L. C,, described
as follows: all tide lands laying ad-
jacent to and belonging to that part of
lot 1 In see, 10, twp. 19, N., of B. 3,
W. %V, M., laying E. of a certain creek
running parallel with and about 20 rods
E. of the. ,V. line of said lot, being 16.03
lineal chahm, more or less, in sac, 10,
twp. 19, N., R. 3, W. W, M•, assessed
to E. L, Capps; years delinquent 1914
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$16.03; accrued interest, $5.27; total due
on said tract, $21.30.
(211 Tract No. 1, described as fol-
lows: commencing at quarter post on
the see, line between sec's 11 and 14,
in twp. 19, N., R. 3, W•, in said county
and territory, running S. of said post
28 1-3 rods, thence E. 28 1-3 rods.
thence N. 28 I-3 rods; thence W. to the
lace of beginning containing5 acres,
sec. 14, twp. 19, N., R. 3, W. W. M.,
assessed to Emery White and Frank
Ellis; years delinquent 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $8.36; ac-
crued interest, $3.27; total due on said
tract, $11.63.
(22) The E½ NE NW£ of sec.
17, twp. 19, N,, R. 3, W. W. W., as-
sessed to Margaret Goodwin, years d e-
linquent 1914 to 1919, inolusive;
mount delinquent, $15,74, accrued inter-
est, $4,79" total due on said tract,
$20,53. '
(23) The N NE* NW SE*A NE%
of see. 20 twp. 19, N., R. 3, W• W. M.,
asssessed to Arthur Shaw; years delin-
quent, I913 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent. $1.76; accrued interest, $.61,
total due on said tract, $2.37.
(25) Tax No. 740 B-41,81 L. C., de-
soribed as follows: all tide lands of
the second class owned by the State
of Washington, lying between the line
of mean low tide and tie line of ex-
treme low tide and in front of lots 1,
and 2, see. 22, twp. 19 N., R. 3, W. W.
M., being 41.81 lineal chains, in sac. 22,
twp. 19. N., R. 3, W, W. M., assessed
to J, H• Scott and J, J. Brenner Oys-
ter Co., year delinquent 1914 to 1919
iochlslve; amount delinquent, $11.641
accrued interest $3.83" total due ou
said tract, $15,47'.
(26) The N* sw Nw of see.
12, two.' 21, N., R. 3, W. W. M., as-
sessed to Hannah E. and Percy Cole;
Years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclu-
delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $9.94; accrued in-
terest, $3.76; total due on said lot,
(49) Lot No. 1, see. 26, twp. 24. N.,
It. 3, W. W. M., assessed to Northern
l'acilic R. R.; years delinquent, 1914 to
1929, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$2.19; accrued interest, $.70; total due
on said lot, $2.89.
(50) Thc NVT NEV4, sac. 5, twp.
19, N., R. 4, %V. A r. M., assessed to
Chas Seiners Co, et al; years delin-
quent. 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amouut
delinquent, 19,65; accrued interest,
$6.64; total uue on said tract, $26.29.
(51) The S%V¼ NE, sac. 5, twp.
19, N., R. 4, V. V. M., assessed to
Chas, Somers Co. et al;years delinquent
1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $39.27; accrued Interest, $13.30;
total due on said tract, $52.57.
(52) The S& NE/, NW, see. 5,
twp. 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M., assessed
to Chas. Seiners, Co. et ai; years delin-
qent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $6,55; accrued interest,
$2.21; total due onsai4 tract, $8.76.
(63) Tile NW NW NV., ex-
c)pting SW 20 ft.. see. 5, twp. 19, N:,
R. 4, W. V. M., assessed to F. E. Ran-
nay; years delinquent, 1914 to 1915,
also 1917 to 19190 inclusive; amount
delinquent, $5.36 ; accrued interest,
$1.77; total due on said tract, $7.13.
(54) The SWat NW, see, 5, twp.
19, N., R. 4, W. V¢. M., assessed to
Chas. Seiners; years delinquent, 1914
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$21.87; accrued interest, $6•27; total
due on said tract, $26.14.
1 (55) The SE NW*, see, 5, twp.
9, N., R. 4, W. W. M•, assessed to
Chas. Somers;I years delinquent, 1914
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$21.87; accrued interest, $6.27; total due
on said tract, $28.14.
t (56) The N N%V*A SW*A, sec. 5,
wD. 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M.,. assessed
to Chas. Seiners; years delinquent,
1914 to 1919, inclu§ive; amount delin-
quent, $19.65; aerued interest, $6.64;
total due on said tract $26.29
(57) The SE S%V'V, SE (1631
sec. 5, twp. 19, N., R. 4; V¢. W.'M., as:
sassed to Eva E. Bates; years delin-
quent, 1913 and 1914 and 1917; amount
delinquent, $3.31 ; accrued interest
$1.87; total due on said tract. $5.18.
(58) The NWA NWA NWtA, (85),
sec. 6, twp, 19, N., R. 4, W. W. M.,
assessed to Chas Gearheart; years de-
linquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, 6.55; accrued in-
terest, $2.29; total due on said tract,
(59) The NWt£ NE% SV¼ (127)
see. 6, twp. 19, N,, 1l. 4, V. W.'M., as:
sassed to Chas. Gearheart; years delin-
quent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $8.19; accrued interest,
$2.76; total due on said tract, $10.95..
(60) The W. 30 acres of NV¾
SE/, excepting W. 30 ft,, see. 6, two.
19, N., R. 4, V. W. M., assessed to J.
1. Crown and Jennie J. Blodgett; years
delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $1,(}.65; accrued in-
terest, $6.64; total dne on said tract,
(61) The S½ NE NE., sec. 7.
siva; amount delinquent, $13.98; ac- twp. 19, N., R. 4, W. "V.M., assessed
trued Interest, $4.53; total due on said to Redlands Land Co.; years delinquent,
tract, $18.51. . 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
(27) The SWA SEA NWA of sac. quent, $16.37; accrued interest, $5.54;
3. twp. 22, N., R, 3, W, W. M., assessed total due on said tract, $21.91
to Annie T. Capp; years oellnquent, (62) The SW NW NE ex-
1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-Icepting N. 20 ft (194) sac. 7, twl) 19,
quent, $16.58; accrued Interest, $6•I1; ]N., R. 4, W. W. M,, assessed to J. L.
to}lduLotnIoaid tract, 2.2?:. 22 " ]Keesler; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
. / • u, .t:t4 . , 1. , ±" IlnOlUSlVe; amount delinquent 8 1 '
t%. r W M assessed to amuel [accrued IntT'ot " "" - " " ' -- $ " 9
"' " ' •' -- "" " " t .... ' " -" .... , ¢&. ; to[ai uue on
t). .James; years uelmquenL l'0a ¢o |said tract $10 95
L919, inclusive amount delinquent, (63) The SE SW*, NE/ (217),
$3.66; afferued interest $1,12 total due see 7 twp" 19 N ' R '4 W 'W M
Jones' Hugh McKenzie' Alice V Ran*- 5 57 cilains and N 38 ° 45' E 7 13 on said lot $4 78 assessed - %.o.h .....
' ' " h " " '" ' "29" Th' N"":" "'*"" . .......... al)tan' years aelm
.-say; John F. Thompson; Jane Smit more or less, to a point where the ( ) e wya rwA, sac, ., wp. quent 1914 to ,, -0',;-'--'• 7
"Walker; Laura Hall; James Brown; said meander line is intersected hy the 23, N., R. 3 z W. W. M,, assessed to delinquent .81-9j-, d:L.".sve, amoun
:Margaret Dundas; William Frank south boundary line of State Oyster uranam Ttmoer Co, years delinquent 276 2 +..::. =:: ,._ cuu meresr,
:mend O, Smith; Wm. O, P. Richmond; to Chas Somers 'Co'. at" tl." years delln . quent $329'1" accrued' in- N ..... Ii .. : _z r V
aames-- .%-- a''cm*vrr'a- Euphenia W W W M m=ue. ,,' ,t. :.'.Z 1913 to 1919 ,Inclusive," amount delin: ! (67) The SW1A SW NW", sac,
tewart; flames L. Stewart; Nora Cam- Mne as follows; bein'nn' a'the'lont quent,. $I.24; accrued interest $ 45. 18, twp, 19, N., R. 4, W. W. . as-
low, Defendants. the meander line Is intersected by the eat " 43 toqatl , $1.24;' accrued iiter-IRe ers ' W. W..M.,, assessed to L;man
:SUMMONS IN FORECLOSURE OF south line of State Oyster Reserve "'3: r" 9ue on said lot, $1.67 l ingesi years aennquent, 1913 to 1919,
TAX LIEN. Plat No. 98 and having a frontage of R t3 )W a or sac.. 22,. twp. 24, N., laccr u de;i amount delinquent, $1.62;
The State of Washington, to the 12.70 lineal chains, more or less . , . . . vl.., pel_ng lot 19 blk. A. [ .- 9 . n terest, $.54; total due on
tbove named defendants, ~ _ measured along the meander line. Th unrecgrgeupiat o raison, wasn., as-I salu lot, $2.16.
Fred Nicklason; Cnas, omers to; two discriptions tolrether have a total fsseeantt.° 1 °. F. Banoroft; years de- N(6 9) Lot 2, bik. 6 sec. 13, twp. 20,
Chas Somers Co et ai; I H. Randolph: frontage 44.72 cha'tns more or less q . 2 .. 3 to _I'JlS, InClUsive;. a- _. .% w. w. M,, assessed to M. V.
B. A. Howard; David R. Mitchell; In sec. 8, twp. 21 N. 'R. 1, W, W. M.'. moun aeiinquent. $1.25; ac. cr.ued Inter- - m.lth.; :},ears delinquent, 1919 to
Antonia Cammasono; Wilbur L. Alden; assessed to Chas Seiners Co. et ai; e935)'arta4, uue on sa|a lOt, 1.69. I.. mcJus,ve[` amount delinquent,
John Howson; Win. Emmerson; Win, years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclu- 3 tWW 1 o t .see. zz, twp..24, N., r.i .o:aqcruea_[nterest, $.54; total due
Johnson; Peter Sandberg; E. Speaker; sire; amount delinquent, $2.91: acorued , . .. ., nemg lot zu, bl. B. un-Ion said lot, $z.16.
E. Young; E. L. Capps; Emery White: interest $.86; total due on said tract, r ec°raea plat_ of El_don, Wash., as-[..(70) Lot 3, blk. 6, sec. 18, twp. 20,
nd Frank Ellis; arget O.oodwtn; $3.77. inosano 79airier ). woogs; ears .ue-I'_' " *, w. W...m.., assessed to Lyman
-rtnur naw; ,, u. u. r. ,.ouge .o. (5) The west 5 acres of S NE atunt ,delien3O ..llv, mcius,ve; [uger.s; years Oennquent, 1913 to 1919,
140; J. H. Scott arid J. J. Brenner SWZA, sec. 29, twp. 22, N., R. 1, W. . terest "45" toqa" ' .z; ..accrueq_ [n-lmemmv; amount delinquent, $1.62; ac-
Oyster Co.; Hanna E. and Percy Cole: M., assessed to I. H. Randolph; years "36" Part fl sue on sam lOtt.:tl.79, ]crueq Interest, $.54; total due on said
Annie T. CappSamuol D. James: Dra- delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive: at3 )W W M $c: z, twp. z4..N,, Iot, $2.16.
lmm Timber Co,; Nellie M. Waxier; amount delinquent, $8.51: accrued inter- unrecorded "lat" ?em. lot 20, blk. B. ]. (71) Lot 4, blk. 6, see. 19, twp. 30.
:Herbert Cook; Gee. F. Bancroft; Wai- est, $2.58; total due on said tract, sessed to WPa/lter °" mon., wash., as-],. 1. 4, W. W. M., assessed to Lyman
• er J. Woods; W. W. Morris; A. C. $11.07. lin uent 1913 fl. w o_%as; ears .ue-[;roger.s; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
:Everson; Wm, Alberts; Herman D. (6) Tract No. 5, described as for a%unt 'del/n- - .to lilly, ncluslve; [lncluslye; amount delinquent, $1.62: ae-
• Iertz; E. E, Hodder: W. C. Rucard; lows: lot 2, sec. 3, twp. 20, N., R. 2,' e t " 44 . u.en, 4.=; a.ccrueu nter-[crue 9 interest, $,64; total due on said
Olaf Anderson; Milton and Albert Hare W. except therefrom 9.40 acres here- s.,3.€." aa uue on smu lot, ¥1.s. [lot, $2•16.
vitz; Northern Pacific R. R.; F. E. tofors sold by J. M. Downs and wife -t U) or sec. 22, twp. 24, N., [ (72) Lot f blk 0 se- *-, o
Itanney; Chas. Seiners; Eva E.Bates: to Gee. Cyphert, also a tract 15 acres 14. 3, • W, W M being lot 8 blk (:I iN R 4 xr r --' " " "-" '-'" ....
Cowling A. B. Newel]; Geneva A. Me- (71" 'The NE4 Of the NEt, sec 24 r;eorhed "plai of E.Idon Wsh, Itssessod ] N.` vc .4, W. W." i;', atj.sessed to Arm:
Neely;F. A. DuISar; Hermann' John- twp. 20 N. R. 2 V. W, i, asse'ssed I13Wy ..gM'r]s;. years delinquent,[to. 191,amara;.years uelinquent, 1913
on; Wayland L, Scarff; T. W. Little; to Davicl R: Mitchell' years delineuent uent 19z,, mcmmve; amount delin-1.16]. ,, mcmmve amount dellhquent,
John Barger; Elmer E King; George 1913 to 1919 inclusi\\;,e; amount eltn-' 9.. ,. $1 24; interest, $.43; I • ;..accrueu Interest, $.53; total due
W, Upper and Co; John J. O'Keife; Mar- quent, $38.05" accrued interest $1462; tom Uue on sale ot, $167. Ion sate lot, $2.].
,ha Nunn; Benjamin F. Sklllen; W. F. tottl due on 'said tract, $52.67.' " 3 (#)w.PaM t. of lSne,12o 2, twp24, N., R. I (74) The E, 30 acres of SE NW"
Parker; S. T. Hills (Trustee);. Grace (8) The NW SW£ NE., sac. 12, rcorled')l " )°feEdon .¼2", .mK. c, un: [see. 19. twp. 20. N.,.I. 4, W. W. M,, as-
oash; MaJorie Colmary; Peter .IN, twp. 21, N., R. 2, W. W. M., assessed to to A I at: O__on" _.., wasn:, ..assesseu [sessetd to The Mumemns Assn. of Seat-
Doiron; J. K. Bosler; eo. ClarK; Antonia Cammasano; years delinquent, 1914 to"^'velu ' i --years aelmquent; lU.e; .Years ctennquent, 1913 to 1919, in-
Adolph Kritzer; Marie Kritzer; D. Ed- 1919, inclusive: amount delin- =uent $s, aocrd o, ,amoun penn-Icmslye.; amount dellnquent. $42.18. ac-
ward Riley; Core I Evans; V E Bar,- queri% $10.49" accrued interest $3 17" otal '" idlo" u *nerest, .; Jcrue Interest $16 28" total dueon said
lett: Jennie Mayhew; Joseph W. Saul; total 'due on said tract $13 57 ' " ' sue on sa , 43. |lot $57 4 ' ' ' '
James D. L, Reid; Rives W. Eddy; (9) The SE NWl,I ' sac" 13, twD 21 - (40) Part of sac, 22, twp. 24 N. R. ] t'.. '--" ..........
AndrewAnderson; E, B. Currier; John N,, R. 2, W. :W . M., assessed to (has: 3, "W. r. M., being Jot 4, blk. D, un-IloL"_. Trac r9, z z, OeserDect as for
It. ILvans, Merle L. Elliott, . A. G. Somers Co years delinquent 1913 to recorded plat of Eldon Wash assessed : ne perpetual use for road pur-
"i-[arold ]unson; Gee. Cyphert" V.H. (10 The qE SW sac 13 tw- on" stid lot, $1,71. ' ' li . 2.,) ft. (vs. 23* 45' E) q 60"
Smith" John Siebenbaum" John Me- 21 R 2 W w n'=,' (411 Part of sac 22 tw- 24 N 13' vxr ] 5 ft S 65* 49' W '69 et.
Iteavy; E. C, McReavy; Samuel B. Chas. Seiners Co.; years delinquent, R. 3, W..W,.M., being lot ', BIk. D.] 9 2 0 ____. 373 ft.S 60 W. 3]7 ft. and
"Sweeney: Martin Luther Fox; Harry 1913 to 1919 inclusive; amount delin- unrec°rge plat_of EIdon, Wash. as-nr o - w. 146 . r,rom the SW col
m'. (/.' fi'ice" M. '. 'Grocer; J A:!22 N R 2 W W ' assessed o tal due on said lot, $1 69: ' ; ' N. or R, 4 of W 'T FroP'o-,:
chmidt; ill]am Wagner; Abraham lWllbur L. Alden: years delinquent, (42) Part of sac. 22, twp. 24, N, 1t [noint of be. run S 28 W. 2 ft,;
J. Gross; .David Nell]st; Perr y_.L.. Per-11913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- 3, W, W. M., being lot 1, blk. E'un-' u.lo.nce s. 71 94 • E, 449 ft. to the
lns; Mar;pine J. weaverL._nme 1. quent, $96.42; accrued interest $35.05 recorded plat of Eldon Wash assessed right or way_ of the Shelton South-
]:ik; J, B. Bartlett; Mike o ,.orenz6;itotai due on said tract $134•77. to Herman D, Hertz: Years d'el/nquent wsern .ly. (:o,, thence N. 33" 55' E.
Lawrence G. Westerman; B. E. Miley; (13) Tract 16, beln'g SE NE 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin'-' -; alonr said right of way thence
eore_ W_, Johnson; G21b n Fig.g;]NW SE, sec• 2, twp. 23, N., R. 2, quent, $1.25; accrued interest, $.45 N. 71. 34' W. 449 ft, to the pt. of beg.
•,ranK K. iarvey; . ±,'r p ..; onnlW. w. M., excepting S. 30 ft., as- total due on said lot, $1.70, ' cnran.mng. ,.z acres, more or less
F Deavell John Richard Carnne A sassed to John H o alo
• ' ; ; . .[ ows n; years delin- (43) Part of sac. 22, twp, 24 N*. R. s . the per0etual use for road Dur-'
"W'. Graham; Claude J. Braman; Charles]quent, 1913 to 1919, inolusive; amount 3, W. W, M., being lot 2, blk.'E. 'un- noses only, of the following described
Schmiedehausen; John Linuqulst; nes_- ]delinquent, $2,62; accrusd interest, $.96; recorded plat of Eldon, Wash., assessed tract of. land, eight ft. in width, beg.
tar L. Cox; Monsine Johnson; A. 4, [total .due on said tract, $3.58. to Herman D. Hertz; Years delinquent, st a pmnt on the e0unty road which
Bandusky; E. L. DeerJng;' Gilbert Knut- i (13) Trat 22, being SWWt lq'E 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin- is W. 28. ft.: (vs. 23" 45' E.) S. 60*
men, Reuben K n_u.tson, and Mrs..u=lre]NW S E,, see: 2, twp:. 23, N., It. 2, quen.t, $1.26; accrued Interest, $.45; 13' W. 1.5 ft.: S. 65" 48' W 69 ft'
e[son ercy William ayer_s; .v [w. W.L. eXcept 30 rt assesses to total oue on saiu lOtS tl? 9 59* 30' v ., ct. an= •r i
l.os:rhouse, WIlllam Wi]so.n, Ted -|Jonn low. so.n:.years delinquent, 1913 (44) Part of .see. 22, twp. 24, N., R. ft. and S. 28 o W. 137 ft. from the
wenster; Clarence m. glnner; Annzplto 11, lnoluslve; amount delinquent, 8, W. W. M,, being lot 3, blk E., uu- Southwest cnrner of David SheltO.'s
Geake; Minnie Wilhelm; Mary[ z.;. accrued interest, $.97; total due reoorded plat of Eldon. Wash, assessed Donation Claim. said corner beirut the
now; Francis E. Hall; Edward Maxweu:/on sam tract, $3.60. to E. E. Hodder; years delinquent, 1915 Southwest corner of the NE, of NE
I-Iarry W. Clark Gem McQueen; Celia[ _(14) _-Tract 25 A being N NE to 1919, inclusive: amount delinquent, of sec. 24, twn. 20, N., 4, W. Vv" M. fr
C. and Lelia L. Hawkes; William|NW NW SE, sec. 2, twp 23N,, $1.25; accrued interest $.45; total due said Doint of beg run , "8' Vir 8ft
g;mtihaor.°ehlth F.AMaxee:|asese ' t' V'n exemPting N. S0 ft., on said lot,. $1.70. ' thence S. 71" S4' . 449 ft'. t the "rl,h
. ; . . ; . ,| ..... .. .. merson;, years i (45) Part or .see. 22, twp. 24, N., R, of w.v of the' Shelten ,outhwest R.v
names L. lYlcCowan: Mollie C. Branner;/uennqUent. l] to 1919, inelustvel a "3 W W. M. hemglot 16 blk E un- Co tleneo N 33" ' E 9 ft alo
N. B. Simpson; Raiiegh W. and Sarah[mount delinquent, $1.17: accrued inter- rcor(tsd-to V, C. Rucard.'ys delin- l'd rth{ of'waY thence N 71" .4'
Martin: V. E. and J. B. Bartlett; Rob-lest, $,34taOt1%%e on said tract, $1.1. quent, 1913 to 1919, lnclu'.sive; amount . a,0 ft, to the 'D't. of' beg. contalni'n
ert Johnson; Bertie Rallson; Siegel| ', (15) . SE, emg S NE delinquent, $1.z: accrued nterest, $ 45; 8-100 aers more or lss in sc 24.
Boyd; William Franois; W. E. Hartley;[NW, NW/ A, ec. 2, twp. 23 N., total due on said lot, $1.66. twp. 20 N 1R 4 W r ' a.scd
Jennie Carter Davis; A. J. Brady; E.[R. 2, W. W. M., assessed to Win. (46) Part of 22, twp. 24, N., It. fo Re muel"Cowlin: 'years dellnot.nt,
:H. Mean; Joseph Lachanoe; Emma[Emmerson; Fears nennquent .1914 to 3, W. W..IV[., ben lot_.1, blk. F. un= 1,1, to 1919, inclusive: amount dltn-
Johnson; Alfred JohR Wilson; Henry[ 1919, inmumve; amount ennquent, rceoroea plat ot loon, W. asn., assesasa cmc, t $1.98' sccrued t-trest $ 84'
Waldemar Cook: F. Freeman; Le]a M.[ $L17: accrued interest, $.34; total due to Olaf Anoerson; years nelinquent, 11 t0tsl 'due on' ssid t,¢,t $2 S2 ' ' '
Jones; Hugh MoKenzie: William Franklon said tract, $1.51.. ' , to 1919, inclusive , amount delinquent ": ..... -" J:--"" "z ....
Urney: tarah Huggan: =.cons Anaer- (16) Tract 26 being SE NW $1.24; accrued interest $44' total due "" Trio , NF, ,,., ,,.
on L May McGregor; James Kean; Win, NW SE, excepting S. 80 ft., see. on said lot $1.68. ' " ' sec. 31, twn. 2, N'., 4. N'• W, M.. s-
_. uggan; Charles Kersey: Carrie 2, twp. 23, N, R. 2, W. W. M.. am- (47) Part of see 22 twp 24 N', R sessed , A. B. SYewelI: Wars delln-
rnest: Blanche May McGregor Jef- sessed to W. Johnsonl years dslin- 3 W W. M. beinw lot 2 blk'F'un" n.t, 1914 *o 1919, inclusive; ammmt
xrey; Percival Dawson: Mary Hender- quent, 1914 to 1919, inolusive; amount rorded plat'of Ellen Wash seased el nouont. $2.6'.seerued interest, $.86:
on: Ella Thomas; F. B. Lancaster; delinquent, $2.33; accrued interest $.?2: to Olaf Anderson; ;ears d'elinquent total due on satd tract. $3.54.
gnes Heggiel Chas. E. Fumer: Ray- total due on tract, $3.04, 1913 to 1919, inclusive: amount elin (77) The E 6 acres of NE, F,
mend O Smith; Win. O. P. Richmondl (17) The NW of SE, see. 10. quent; $1.24: accrued interest $.44; NTM, sec. 31. twp 30. N., 1t. 4 W. W,
Ronald "S. Foster; Win. Henderson: twp. 28, N,, R. 3, W. W. M,, assessed teal dus on said lot, $1.68. ., assessed to A. B. Newell; years de-
•George Armatage" Margaret Y. Gal- to Peter Sandberg; years delinquent, (48) Part of sac. 22, twp. 24,.,, R. linquent. 1914 to 1.919 tnlusive:
braith; Ross J. 'Galbralth; Edith A. 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount ds- 3, W. W. M., being all of blk. -l, un: amount delinouent. $2,2G: accrued ]h-
I'pulis. Gee I-I Manche" Myrtle Cox: linquent. $47,88: accrued interest, $17.- recorded plat of Eldon, Wasn., assesseu terest, $.61; total due on said tet,
Mabel'Davtdson'; Chas. L, Murphy; J. 61; total due on said tract, $86.49. to Milton and Albert Harwits; years L$2.67.
(78) The W. 4' a,, NE. NE%
NV¢, (3), sac. 31, twp. 20 N., R. 4,
Aq W. M., assessed to Redlands Land
Co., years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, in-
clusive; amount delinquent, $1.35; ac-
crued interest, $.42; total due on said
tract, $1,77.
(79) The SE NW, sec, 13, twp.
2i, N., l. 4, W. V. M., assessed to
Geneva A, McNeely; years delinquent,
191,t to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $25,77; accrued interest, '$8.01;
total due on said tract, $33.78.
(80) The NW/ SW¾, sac. 13, twp.
21, N., 1{. 4, W. W. ]Vl., assessed to
Geneva .&. McNcely; years delinquent,
1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $20,04; accrued Interest, $6.22;
total due on said tract $26.26.
(81) The %V. of lot No. 1. sac.
1, twp• 1!), N., R. 5, W. V. M., as-
sessed to F A. Duper; years delinquent,
1913 to 1919, hlclusive; amount delin-
quent, $6•95; accrued Interest, $2.53;
total due ou said tract,, $9.48.
(82) The r of lot No• 6, scc.
1, twp. 19, N,, R. 5, W. W• M, assessed
to F. A. Dupar; years delinquent, 1913
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent
$3.52 accrued interest, $1.29; total duc
on*said tract, $4.81;
(83) Tract No. 1, described as f01-
lows: commencing at a point 17 chains
N, of the southeast corner of sam 1,
twp. 19, N,, R. 5, W. W• M., run thence
W. to tie meander line of lake ,tilence
N. following meanderlngs Of said lake
to apt. directly W. of a pt. 1 chain
• of the pt. of beg. thence E. to said
pt, 1 chain N. of the pt. of beg., thence
S. to the said pt. of beg., except road
2 rods wide along the E. end of said
tract for a highway and a path 10 ft.
wide along the lake shore for a foot
path containing .50 of an acre more
less, in sec. 1, twp, I9, N., R.
. W. M., years delinquent, 1913 to
1919, inclusive; assessed to Herman
Johnson; amount delinquent-u$1'91;de ac-
crued interest, $.74; total on said
tract, $2.65.
(84) Tract No. 3, described as fol-
lows: commencing at apt. 1 chain N.
o fthe southeast corner of sac. 1, twp.
19, N., R. 5, W. W. M., run thence W.
to the meander line of lake, thence in
a northerly direction following the me-
anderings of said lake to a point directly
W. of a point 2chains N. of said point
of beg., thence E. to said l)t. 2 chains
N. of said pt. elf beg. thence south 2
chains to pt. of qeg., excepting a road
2 rods wide along the E. end of said
tract for a highway and a pati 10 ft.
wide along the lake shore for a foot
path. containing .50 acres more or less,
In sec 1, twp. I9, N., R. 5, W. W. M.,
assessed to Wayland L, Scarff; years
dclinquent, 1913 to 1919, in,elusive;
amount delinquent, $1,91; accrued in-
terest, $.74; total dne on said tract,
(85) The W. 11 acres of E1/ SVCW
S%VA, excepting I0 ft S. of'see. 12",
twp, 2 N., 1¢. 5, W. %V. M., assessed
to T. %V. Little; years deliuquent
1914 lo ]919 inclusive; amount delion-
Iquent, $10.23" accrued interest, $3..1;
total due on said tract, $13.44.
(86) The "VI. NW. sr SEI
see. 12, twp. 20, N., R. 5, W. V. ),.i
assessed to T. W. Little; years delin-
quent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $4,4!); accrued interest,
$1.42: total due on said tract, $5.'11.
(87) The W of tract No. 85, sac.
13, twp. 20, N,, R. 5, V. V, M., as-
sessed to Joim Barger; years de;in-
queer, 1914 to 1919, in,elusive; amount
delinquent, $4.48; accrued interest,
$1.41; total due on said tract, $5..9.
(88) The NE S¼ NW NE,
sec. 22, twp. '29, N., R. 5, W. %V, lI.,
assessed to Ehner E. ICing; Years delhl-
qu'ent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive; umount
delinquent, $2.99: accrued interest, $.9t;
total due on said tract, $3.93,
(89) The W SE SVV, sec. 23,
twp. 20, N., R. 6. W. ,V. M., assessed
to George W. Upper & Co.; yo,trs de-
linquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $28.09; accrucd interest,
$10.55; total duc onsaid tract, $3.,4.
(90) The NE/a NI SW2, o
4, twp. 20, N,, R. 5, W. V. M., as-
sessed to Gee. W. Upper & Co.,; years
delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $11.27; accrued in-
terest, $4,02' total due on said tract,
(91) The SE NE,. sac, 28, twp.
21, N., R. 5, W. W. M., assessed to
Joim J. O'Kelfe; years delinquent, 1914
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$14.73; accrued interest, $4,00; total
due on said tract, $19.33.
(92) The NW SWA, see. 26, twp.
21, N., R, 5, W. W. M., assessed to
Martha Nunn' years delinquent, 1914
to 1919, inclusive; amount delinquent,
$14.73; accrued interest, $4.60; total
due on said tract, $19.33.
t (93) The Nt NWA SE., see. 32
wp. 21, N., R. 5, W. W. M. aseessed
to Benjamin F. Skillen; years delin-
quent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive, amount
delinquent, $8.22; accrued interest,
$2.34; total due on said tract, $10.56.
(94) The E SE SW NW.
sec. 34, twp. 21, N., R. 5, W. W. 1.',
assessed to W. F, Parker; Years delin-
quent, 1913 to 1914, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $3,99 ; accrued interest0
$1.44; total due on said tract, $5,43.
(95) The NW. SEA, see. 22, twp.
21, N.. R. 6, W. W. M,, assessed to S.
T. Hills (Trustee); years delinquent,
1914 to ]919, inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $33.67; accrued interest, $11.37;
total due on said tract, $45.04.
(96) The SW SE sec 22, twn
21, N., R. 6, W. W. }5., 'assessed to :
T. Hills, (Trustee); years delinquent,
1914 to 1919, Inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $33,67; accrued interest, $11.37;
total due on said tract, $45.04.
(97) Lot 14, blk. 7, Kamilche as-
sessed to I. O. O. F. No. 140; years de-
linquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $1.16; accrued in-
terest, $.36: total due on said lot, $1.52.
(98) Lot 16, blk. 7, Kamilche. ns-
sassed to I. O. O, F. No. 140, years
delinquent, 1914 to 1919, tnclusive;
amount delinquent, $1. 16; accrued in-
terest, $.36; total due on said lot,
(99) Lot 3, blk, 7, Lakeside, ss-
sessed to Grace Soash; years delin-
quent, 1914 to 1919, Inolusive; amount
aelinquent, $.67; accrued interest, $.20:
total hue ell said lot $.87.
(190) Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, hlk.
11, Lakes,de, assessed, to MaJ0rie Col-
mary; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $18.33:
accrued interest, $7.35; total due on
said lot, $25.68.
(101) Lots 1 to 24, Inclusive, blk.
1., Lakeside ,assessed to Majorte Col-
mary; years delinquent, lt113 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $18.34;
accrued interest, $7.36; total due on
said lots, $25.70.
(1021 Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, hlk,
1, Lakeside, assessed to MaJorie Col-
mary; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $9.18; ac-
crued interest, $3.68; total due on said
lots, 12.86.
(1031 Lot 4. blk. 1. Norwood City,
assessed to Peter M. Doiron; years de-
linquent, 1913 to 1919. inclusive; amount
delinquent, $.62; accrued interest, $.20;
total due On said lot, $.82.
(104) Lot 5, blk. 1, Norwood City,
assessed to J. K. Bosler; years delin-
quent, 1913 to 191, Inclusive; amount
deliquent, $.62; aCCrued interest, $20;
total due on said lot, $.$2.
(1051 Lots 6 and 7, btk. 1, Norwood
City, assessed to Gee. Clark; years de-
linquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $.49; accrued inter-
est, $.21; total due on said lots, $.70.
(1061 Lots 12 to 14, inclusive, blk.
1, Norwood City, assessed to Adolph
Kritzer; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinqu0nt, $1.85; ac-
Crued interest, $.65; total due on said
lots. $2.50.
(1071 Lots 17 and 18, blk, 1, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Marie Kritzer:
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, lnciu-
stve; amount delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43; total due on said lots,
(1081 Lots 21 and 22, hlk. 1. Nor-
wood City, assessed to D. Edward
Riley; years delinquenL 1913 to 1919.
inclusive: amount delinquent, $1.23; ac-
crued Interest, $.43; total duo on said
lots, $1.66.
(109) Lots 28 and 24, blk. 1, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Cora I. Evans;
years ddlinquent, 1913 to 1919, inolu-.
siva; amount delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43; total due on said lots,
(1101 Lots 1 tO 4, inclusive, blk. $,
Norwood City, assessed to D. Edward
Riley; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.47
accrued interest, $.89; total due on said
Lots $9.36.
r (111) Lots 19 and 20, blk. 2, Nor-
ood City, assessed to V. E. Bartlett;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sire; amount delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43" total duo on said lots,
(I121 Lots 21 and 22, blk. 2, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Jcnnie Mayhew;
years delinqueni, 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43; total due on said lots,
(2.131 Lots 11 and 12, b]k, 3, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Joseph W, Saul;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43; total due oil said lots,
(1141 Lot 21, blk. 3, Norwood City,
assessed to D. Edward It]lay; years
delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
anmunt delinquent, $,62; accrued inter-
est, $.29; total dun on said lot, $.32.
(115) Lot 22, blk., 3, Norwood
City, assessed to James D. L. Reid;
years delinquent, 1914 to 1919; inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $.55; accrued
interest, $.15; total duc on said lot,
(I161 Lots 1 and 2, blk. 5, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Rives W. Eddy;
years d#linquent, 1913 to 1919..inclu-
sive; amount delinquent $1.22; aoerued
Interest, $.42; total due on said lots,
(117) Lots 11 and 12, blk. 6, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Andrew Ander-
son; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, in-
clusive; amount delinquent, $1.22; ac-
crued interest, $.42; total due on said
lots, $1.64. ,,
(.116) Lots 15 and 16, blk. 5, Nor-
wood City, assessed to E. B. Currier;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $1.22; accrued
interest, $.42; total due on said lots,
(119) Iots 23 and 24. blk. 5, Nor-
wood City; assessed to John R. Evans;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1919, Inclu-
sive; amount ,delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43; total duo on said lots,
(120) Lots 1 to 4, inclusivs, blk. 6,
Norwood City, assessed to D, Edward
Rilcy; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.44; ac-
crued interest, $.89; total due on said
lots, $3.33.
(1211 Lots 5 and 6, blk. 6, Norwood
City, assessed to Merle L. Elllott;
yetrs delinquent, 1913 to 1919, Inclu-
sive; amount delinquent, $1.09; accrued
interest $.32; total due on said lots,
$1.41. '
(122) Lots 7 and 8. blk. 6, Norwood
City assessed to A, G. Kearp; years de-
linquent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $1•23; accrued in-
terest, $.43' total due on said lots
$1.66. '
(123) Lots 9 and 10, blk, 6, Norwood
City, assessed tur,, L. Smith; }.ears
delinquent, 1913 to 191!), inc'luslve;
anlounL delinquent, $1.23; accrued In-
terest, $,43; total due oil said lots,
(124) Lots 13 and 14, blk. 6, Nor-
wood City, assessed to D, Edward
]Riley; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinqucnt, . $1,23;
accrued in,crest, $.43; total due on said
lots, $1.66.
(125) Lots 19 and 20, blk. 6, Nor-
wood City, assessed to D. Edward
liley; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.24;
accrued interest, $.43; total due ou
said lots, $1.67.
(1261 Lots 21 and 22, blk. 6, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Eunice L.
Spring; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.24; ac-
orued interest, $.43; total due on said
lots, $1.67.
(127) Lots 23 and 24, blk. 6, Nor-
wood City, assessed to Gordon A.
Spring; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $1.23; ac-
crued interest, $.43; to tel due on said
lots $1.66.
(128) Lots 9 and 10, blk. 7, Nor-
wood City, assessed to C. M. Allyn;
years delinquent, 1913 to 1!119, inclu-
sive; amDunt delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43' total due on said lots,
(129) Lots 11 to 14, inclusive, blk.
7, Norwood City, assessed to D. Edward
Riley; years delinquent, 1914 to 1919,
inclusive; amount dellnouent, $2.17; ac-
crued interest, $.67; total due on said
lots, $2.84.
(139) Lots 1 and 2, blk. 8, Norwood
City assessed to D. Edward Riley;
years delinquent 1913 to 1919, inclu-
sive, amount delinquent, $1.23; accrued
interest, $.43; total due on said lots,
(131)" Lots I to 4, inclusive, b]k. 9.
Norwood city, assessed to Carl Skog-
lund; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
lbclusive; amount delinquent, $2.46; ac-
crued Interest, $.90; total due on said
lots, $3.36.
(1321 Lots 3 and 4, blk. 10, Norwood
City, assessed to D. Edward Riley,
ears delinquent, 1913 1919, inclusive;
amount delniquent, $1.23; accrued in-
terest, $.43; total due on said lots,
(1331 Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, blk. 11,
Norwood City, assessed to Chester L,
Smith; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $2.47; ac-
crued Interest, $.90; total due on said'
lots, $3,37.
(1341 An undivided int. in David
Shelton's 3rd addltion to Sheltn lots
1 and 2, blk. 24, assessed to Lester
and Harold Munson; years delinquent,
1914 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $20.65; ac/crued interest, $6,64:
total dte on said lots, $27.29.
(1351 Lot 1, blk. 3, Cyphert's Add,
to Sholton, assessed to Gee. Cyphert;
years delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inelu-.
siva; amount delinquent, $13.14; accrued
interest, $4.21; total due on said lot,.
(136) Undivided one-sixth int, in
Shelton tract No. 76, described a fol-
lows: the W. 21.30 acres of lot 3. see,
20, twp. 20, N., R. 3, W. (Ex, tract 77),
in sac. 20, .twp. 20, N., R. 3, W. W. M.
assessed to V. H. Smith; years delin-
quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $86,24; accrued interest,
$33,43; total due on said tract, $119.67,
(1371 Lot 51, blk. 48, Union City,
assessed to John Siebenbaump; years
delinquent, 1914 to 1919, inclusive;
amount delinquent, $.54; accrued inter.
est, $.15; total due on said 10t, $.69,
(1331 Lots 1 to 16, inclusive; bill
57 ,Union City, assessed to John Mc-
Reavy; years delinquent, 1913 to 1911],
inclusive; amount delinquent, $9.95; ac-
crued interest, $3.89; total due ol' said
lots $13.75.
(1391 Lots 1 to 8, ihclusive, blk. 1,
McReavy's 1st add. to Union City.
assessed to E. C. McIeavy; years de-
linquent, 1913 to ]919. inclusive:
amount delinquent, $4.98: accrued in-
,eresL $1,90; total due on said lots.
(1,t01 Lots 5 to 8. inolusive, blk. 14.
Bay View add. to Union City, assessed
to Samuel E. Sweeney; years delln-
ouent, 1914 1918 and 1919; amount
delinquent, $.57; accrued interest, $.13;
total due on said lots, $.70.
(141) Lots U ion)'n and 2, blk. 17, Bay
View Add. to City; assessed to
Martin Luther Fox; years delinquent,
1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
quent, $,62; accrued Interest, $.21;
total due on said lots, $.83.
(142) Lbts 5 to 8, inclusive, blk. 17,
Bay View Add. to Union City, assesse
to Martin Luther Fox; yearS dedln-
quent, 1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $1.24: accrued interest, $.451
total due on said lots. $1.69.
(1431 Lots 3 to 6, inclusive, blk. 18,
Bay View dd. to Union Cty, assessed
to Harry Welles; years delinquent,
1913 to 1919, inclusive; amount delin-
tquent, $1.26; accrued interest, $.47;
eta] due on said lots. $1.73.
(1441 Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, blk. 19,
Bay View Add. to Union City, assessed
to Martin Luther Fox; years delin-
quent, 1913 'to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $2.17; aCCrued interest,
$.82; total due on said lots. $2.99.
(14) Lots 8, blk. 19, Bay View Add.
to Union City, assessed to Harry
Vellos; years delinquent, 1913 to 1919,
inclusive; amount delinquent, $.31: ac-
crued interest, $.10; total due on said
lot, $.41.
(1461 Lots 1 to 7, lcluslve, bI
20, Bay riew Add, to Union City, as-
sessed to Harry Welles: years delia-
quent, 1918 to 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent, $4.36: accrued interest,
$1.66; total due on said lot, $6.02.
(1471 Lots 2 to 8, Inclusive, blk,
23, 'BaY View Add. to Union City, as-
sessed to Harry Welles; years delin-
quent, 1913 t,o 1919, inclusive; amount
delinquent. $ 2.05: accrued interest.
$.79; total due on said lots, $2,7S.
(Continued on page 10) , ..