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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Twelve THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL BRYAN'S LABOR RECORDLAUDED[ CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENA" I Tea GETS OKEH OF I "LABOR." ' " "Label °'' is tbe name of one of the greatest Labor Weeklies in the worh]. It is published at Washington, D. C, and is the mouthpiece of organized labor. Former Congressman B1Tan, who has consented to be a candidate for State Senator from this district and who had to compel them to put his name on the' ballot, was in Washing- ton last summer, As he was leaving for home "Labor" paid him the fol- lowing just tribute: "Former Congressman James W. Bryan, left last Thursday for his home after spentng a while in the capital. The former congressman is well and favorably known among labor and progressive 'circles for his persistency while in congress for the labor program and for progressiv legislation generally,' Mr. Brya tood for Government ownership c railroads and presented arguments in favor of the proposition that are a part of the permanent records and have been used ever since in high school and college debates all over the country. "Mr. Bryan while in congress was a member of the committee on Mer- chant Marine and Fisheries, and was a member of the sub-committee that reported out the ship purchase bill. He fought for the seaman's bill and made a sub-c0mmittee report in fa- vor of that measure that was regard- ed by Andy Furseth as one of the best arguments presented for the measure. He then followed up the measure and renderd such aid in  marshaling arguments in its behalf that old Andy is one of his best friends and admirers. ; Still on the Job. "Before leaving the capital Mr. Bryan addressed a letter to his for- mer colleague, Mr, Clyle Kelley, a member of Congress from Pensyl- vania, urging event effort to retain the merchant ships secured by the proceeds of Liberty Bonds and war savings, in the hands of the govern- ment. He points out in the letter that the shipping board reports a net gain of over $100,000,000 on the operation of these ships; he calls attention to the claim that they had to give back the railroads on a guar- ROBERT E. DWYER Candidate for STATE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Subject to Republican Primaries, Sap- tember 14th, 1920. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Maxwell Maternity Home 711 West Fourth St. Phone 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the office of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postoffice Building, Sheldon, Wash, Open 9 to 12--1 to 5 Evening by appointments. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash The people today are looking for young, aggressive men who have al' I CHAS. R. LEWIS ready demonstrated their Integrity, I ATTORNEYATLAW, worth and ability in their particular/Phone 463 SHELTON WASH lines of endeavor. They want them !'Room "" .... " because they have already made good :( s 7 & V ,umoermens Bldg.) and they want them because of the years of service that are ahead of them. Such a man is Captain Robert E. Dwyer, candidate for the office of State Insurance Commissioner. He has been actively engaged tn the insurance and bonding business in the City of Seattle for the past eight years and has made good. He is opposed l to State insurance but advocates tim fair regulation by the state of in- surance companies and their rates, and that whenever the rates are found to be exorbitant or unfair the eommts- stoner should not hesitate to enforce reduction. He believes that each class of insurance, whether it be stock, mutual, fraternal or interdnsurance, has Its particular merits, and if op- erated in accordance with the laws which properly safe-guard the interests of the public, should be encouraged. Captain Dwyer lea graduate of Yale Law Sehool. He served in the Wash- ington Legtslatare during the 191  session with credit to himself and the State, and has always taken an active part in all civic affairs. Although Im- mune from the draft he volunteered for the American Army and rose to the rank of captain of infantry. He served with distinction from August, 1917, to March, 1919, when he was honorably discharged and returned to his home again, taking up his chosen line of sndoavor. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly |gtflu- enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat- ment. I-IALL'S CATARRH MEDICIN1 Is taken internally and acts through ths Blood on the Mcous Surfaces of the .ys. tern, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease. gives thepatlent strength by improvin| the general health and assists natura t doing Its work. 00.00 for any case o! Catarrh that wALL'S CATA MEDICINm fails to cure, Drugsts 760. stlmonlals fre '.  Cheaey & Co., Toledo, Ohio. PROOSmD JLlllq"D]fT O STA"I'B OONSTITUTXO'. To be voted on November 2, 1929. An amendment of Section 16, Article I of the state constitution, relating to Eminent Domain. State of Washington, Office of the Secretary of State. TO whom It may concern: In obedi- ence to the State Constitution and an act of the legislature, approved by the Governor March 17, 1919, entitled as fol- lows: "An Act providing foi" the amend- ment of section 16 of article I of the constitution of the State of Washing- ton, relating to Eminent Domain," there Is hereby published for the consideration of the vo£ers of the State of WaShing- Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARRETT GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and I Conveyaning I Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelter PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash i ii r SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh roasted peanuts W. !!. SHITH All the Daily Papers 8 H E LT 0 N INDEPENDENT Auto Stages of said lot 4 with said meander line with a t'r)ntagc of 11.56 lineal chains. more. or loss, measured S, long th meander line according to a certified copy of tbe government field notes of the survey tberoof on file in the of Ttce of the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, Washington. appraised at $86.7O. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Terms and Conditions of Bale,--Not less than one-tenth of the purchase • rice must bc paid at the time of sale to the officer making the sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the olnccr making .the sale the full amount of the appraised value of the Improvements, as above stated. One- tenth of the purchase price must be )aid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per eentum per annum, together with accrued interest on any balance at the same rate: Provided, TImt any )urchaser may make full payment ot principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed or state patent. The purchaser of .land contain- ing timber or other valuable materials Is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands or the board, until the full amount 3f the purchase price hsa been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in the act of the leg- islature approved March 20, 1907, being section 3 of oliapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subJec,t to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of ]911, relating to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, mineral and other products over the same. The above described lands are offered for sale in pursuance of an order of tiler ]3card of State Land Commission- era. and an order of sa] duly issued and ccrtiiled by the Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of Washing- ton now on llle in the ofnce of the county auditor of said county. CI,ARK: V. SAVIDGE. Commissioner of Public Lands. 8-27-10-1-$t NOTIC: O SALE 0P STATE T-ANDS Notice is hereby given, that on Tues- day, the 5th day of October, 1920, be- tween the hours of ten o'clock In the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon, commencing at tell o'clock In the forenoon of said day, in ront of the main entrance door to the County Court House in the city of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, either by the county auditor of said county or by a member of the Board of State Land Commis- sioners of the State of Washington, the following described state lands, together with the improvements situ- ated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-w/t: "application o. 11063. NE of SW of section 16, town- ship 21 north, range 4 West, W. M., containing 40 acres, more or less, ac- cording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $1760.00. Im- provements appraised at $1605.00. Application o. 1110. • .NW of SE of section 36, town- snzp z north, range 2 west, W. ., containing 40 acres, more or less, ac- cording to the government survey thereof,  appraised at $800,00. Im- provemedts appraised at $175,00. APltestion o. 1119. SW of kE of section 86, town- ship 21 north, range 3 west, W. M,, containing 49 acres, more or less, ac- ording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $600 00 Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Terms and Oondltione of Bale-Not less tlian one-tenth of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale to the officer making the sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay [to the officer making the sale the full amount of the appraised value of the improvements, as above stated. One- tenth of the purchase price must be paid annually thereafter vlta interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per eentum per annum, together with accrued interest on any balance at the same rate: rovtded, That any purchaser may make full payment of principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed or state patent. The purchaser of land contain- Ing timber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands or the board, until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed Issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils. gases, coal, ores. minerals and fossils antee to the private exploiters of. rail- of every name, kind and description, roved transportation because there was and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in the act of the leg- a deficit in ra'ilroad operation by lslature approved March 20, 1907. being the government, but in the case of section 3 of ciapter 256 of the Laws the ships, where there is a net gain, ton the following proposed amendment of 1907. Said land will he sold subject to they are just as anxious to reward to the constitution of said state: the tetras, conditions and reservations the favored few. F ....... HA ** Leave Shelton- Leave 0bnpta of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of rank Morlson, ecretary American   t 2 ""' -"-- 1911, relating to easements for rights. Friday September 3, 1920 Notice of Primary Election TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1920 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES 1, IOlle V. Doyle, Auditor of Iason Coullty, Washington, do lterehy certify- that the following named persons have filed their Declaration of Candidacy under the I)lroet I'imary Law as members of the Repul)liean 1)arty for tL varions olllccs ,and in the orders herein stated, and that the oillco sought, the name or' the candidate, and his address, are as follows: UNITED STA'IS SENATOR VCESI,EY L JONES ............................ 1162 E. Newton, Seattle %Vash. FRANK EttlCNSON Ft)REST L I-IUDSOI ........................... R. F. D. No. 1, Everett, Wash. .......................... 1101 Bailey St., Seattle, Wash• W. M. INGLIS .............................. 1361 33rd Ave So., Seattle Wash. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 3rd Congressional District AL:BERT JOHNSON .............................. 0 L. St., Hoqulam, Wash GO3rERNOR JOHN STRINGER .......................... 1817 4th Ave. No. Seattle Vah_ ROLAND H. HARTLEY .................... 2320 Rueker Ave. Everett' EDWIN T. COMAN .................. 1827 W 9th Ave "S, pokane' • , Wash. LOUIS F. HART JOHN A. GELLATI; ...................... 3719 No. 36th St., Taconla Wash, ........................ Kittitas St., Wenatchee. Wash. GEORGE I_. LAMPING .................... 1127 38th Ave. No., Seattle Wash ANNA MAC EACHERN ...................... R. F. D. No. 8, Seattle Wash. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR T,'DVCA!D L. FRENCH ...................... R. F. D. No. 1, ¢ancouver, Wash. "r "xr ,'x HARVI'] H. PI/IPPS .................. 1408 Montgomery Ave., Spokane Wash jj..'J.'.C'2.NR-' ......................... 911 Summlt Ave., Seattle, Wash,  1.,. ,IqIPSTEIN .............. 318 So. Division St., Wails Walla, %Vash, w=**. #, wuz ........................ 5504 Latona Ave., Seattle, ,Vash. SECRETa." O' STATE. 5. GRANT HINKLE ........................ .. 2604 Matn St., Olympia, Wash. IOHN STATE TREASURER. " i,.l.iPRYo,::z.: ..................... 8o w. lfth, Aberdeen, Wash.  L, . >.t)Cl ............................. Port Angeles JOIIN L. MUItRAY .................. Frldav 1-1arbor. Vasll.Wash" STATE AUDITOR. C. r*V. CLAUSEN GEOl.GE A. /IUNI)Y .................................... Port Orchard. Vrash. ........................ 4239 Juneau St., Seattle, Wash. ATTORNEY GENERAT.. L. L. TI-IOMPSON THOMAS I"IANCIS''I[[NT ................ 210 W. ]4th St.. Olympia, VVash. .............. 1206 Summit Ave., Seattle. VCash.. SAVIDG1COMMISSIONER O PUBLIC LANDS. CLAI,3 V. .................... 1118 Adams St.. Olympia 'ash. SUPERINTENDENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTIONS. JOSh]I:'HINE COI.L1SS PRESTON .., .................... "vVal]a ,ralla. Vraqh.. 1IIS. iILIZABETH JONES .................... 3617 Colby Ave., Everett, Vash. STATE ISAICE COM$JSIOlgR. H. O, FISHBACK .............................................. Adna, Wash. ttOBERT E. DWYER ...................... 4139 15th Ave. N. E. Seattle, Wash. rOINT STATE SENATOR. -- ason, rtsap and Island 0ounties GUST F RUT " -- ..... JAM ,' ............................................... oley, Waste. /gS W. BRAN ..................... Dletz :Bldg., Pacific Ave., Bremertor STAE RE:IPRI=IE 2ITATI'V. MARK E. REED 81st lY, ltstriot. ............................................ Shelton, Wash. COUNTY SRI', ROBT. COOMBS ................................. HARRY McCONKEY .............. Union, Wash. R. W. POTTS ......................................... Shelton, Wash. ............................................... Shelton, Wasl. STELLA C. JENSEN OOUTY CL:HRX. ........................................ Shelton, Wash. OOIMTY WJ&]=JITT]BR. ADA C, CLOTHIER ......................................... Shelton. Wash. CHAS. R. LEWIS 0OU OS.OUTQ &TTOY. ......................................... Shelton, Wash. OOU OOMtSs0nR. Ist Di|t.J.ot. w. A. HUNTER FRED HANSON ......................... .................. Potlatch, Wash. ........................................... Potlatch, Wash. J. A. COLE .......... 8rd Dlstot. S. W. :BLANTON .... ..................................... Shelton. Wash. ...................................... Elma. Route A. Wash. That the aboe named candidates are to be voted for at the Primary Elec- tion to be held lh the regular polling places in the various Precincts in the County of Mason, State of Washington, on the 14tn day of September, A. D. 1920, and that the polls will be open during the hours between 8 A M andl 8 P.M. • • IN" TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the 27th day of August, 1920. IONE W. DOYLE. Auditor of Mason County, (Seal) State of Waslrlngton, OTIE O RMA.R RLECTXO Tuesday, September 14th, 1920. DrOORATZO 0AZt'nATB. ]', Ione W, Doyle, Auditor of Mason County, Washington, do hereby certify" that the following named persons have filed their Declaration of Candidacy under- tbe Direct Primary Law aS members of the Democratic Party for the various cruces, and in the orders herein stated, and that the office solght, the nam of the candidate, and his address, are as follows: UNI'R STATS BE2¢AOZ. GEORGE F. COTTERILL .............. 501 Westvlew Drive, Seattle, Wash. rd Ooros=mul Dlaiot. GEORGE P, FISHBURNE .................... 506 Broadway, Tacoma, Wash. EDWARD T, MATHES ...................... 529 High St., Beliingham, Wash.. I. G. O'HA.RRA .............................. 9B30 Rainier Ave., Seattle, Wash. A. E. JUDD ............................... 870 Market St., Chehalis, Wash.. W. W. BLACK .............................. 29'40 Oake Ave.. Everett, Wash H. C. BOHLKE ............................................ Grandview, Wash. G]ORGE HAZZARD ......................... 8407 So. "A" St., Tacoma, Wash  STATB JASU'R]R. C. C. GIBSON ........................................... Davenport, Wash. • T£ AUDZTO. ATTORrJ=Y OEMRA.. JOHN W. HANNA ........................................ Wenatohee, Wash. O0MZ=ISZOIt11 O P1TB-Z0 -JLtrD3. ALBERT SCHOOLEY . '. .... ... ............. 1190 Alfred St.,. Chehaiis, Wash. CATHERINE MONTGOMERY ................. 31 Elk St., Bolllngham, Wash. JESSE F. MURPHY ..............  ......... 162 10th St. No., Seattle, Wash. 00tTTT 0-wlt w. MARY , KNIGHT ...................................... ... She]ton, Wash. SOREN C, NELSON .......................................... Allyn, Wash. CO'TY AIYO I. ION] W. DOYLE ........................................... Shelton, Wash. M. r. LOGAN ............................................... Sheiton, Wash. OOtT £8S!10. J. B. SHELTON ............................................. Shelton, Wash. JEAN TODD FREDSON ...................................... Potlatch, Wash. OOUT OOMMIBXO. Brd DLstlt. LEVI G. SHELTON ........................................ She]ton, Wash That the named candidates are to be voted for at the Primary Elec tlon to be held In the regular polling places in the various Precincts in the- County of //Iason, State of Washington, on the 14th day of September, A. D. 1920, and that the polls will be open during the hours between 8 A M and' 8P.M, " • IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the 27th day of August, 1920, IONE W. DOYLE. Auditor of Mason County, (Seal) . State of Washington. JIDZCZA T- TzOrET ...,, .. .,.._T' Ione W. Doyle Auditor. of Mason County, State of Washington, do hereby .a,cf. 2t the following named persons have filed their Declaration' of Candi- u  ...... ne Dlret Prlmary Law on the Non-Partisan Ji]di.olary T1cks:t u 'C the various offices and in the order as hereln stated, and that the office g and the name of the candidate, and his address, are as follows: $UE wr CO'T J. WARR (:or Btx Year T. ote fo Three). EN W, TOLMAN ,'.. So. 727 Cedar St., Spokane, Wash,, 6 year term O. R. HOLCOMB .. .......... 2002 So Main St, Olympia Wash., 6 term. year J, :B, BRIDGES .............. 414 N. Broadway,' Aberdeen, Wash,, 6 year term. WALTER B. SEALS ............ 1707 Sunset Ave., Seattle Wash. 6 year term. . jUDe OP Tr !i1)] OO133T o ae u0101l Dlstriot Oomp0sed of Thson and Mason Counties° D (TWo to be eleote), , F. WRIGIT ........ .......... 228 E 17th St,, Olympia, Wash. W. J. MILROY .'. ." ..... " " " " 217 E' 13th St Olympia, Wassn. JOHN M. WILSON .* .................... "" 2201 Co*lumbia St',, Olympia, Wash. I-I. G. _R_AETTIG .... '.','.':'.'.'.'.'.'.':.'.'.'.','.','.'.'.'," ..................  Olympia, Wash. 14. F. STURDEVANT ........................ 1708 Franklin St., Olympia; Wash That the above named candidates are to. be voted for at the Primary Elec- tion In the|County of Mason, State of Waemngton, on the 14th day of Septn- ber, A. D. 1020. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and officta seal the 27th day of AugUst, 1950. IONE W. DOYLE, Auditor of Mason County,, (Seal) , . I State of Vshington,,