September 3, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 3, 1964 |
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PAGE 4 gI-rELT0 --MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr M, ma. tm,vn, U.,q.A.", Shelton, Wa. hington Thur. dny,
(Political Advertising Paid for by B. F. Heust on and .Dr. J. T. Morrissey, Shelton)
"' r'E" ' WED Monday Bridge
" '; ..... ~ ~ '~#W ................ ~!~ Today, Thur.~day, Sept. 3 Shelton I)ulflicate Bridge Club
I /I''~'B 'l ~ liE' I ~ " ~i~?~ I D P'W field trip. Meet in front of ] winnm's in the north-south this
it T ~ I ~J~!':~ ~ [ p.m., Yacht Club business meeting, 8 ,clubhouse. [ :!;i:~ i~!.::[ /C : -~~~~ Schlos,~cr,C' Vanhrsdale andi)ick PerryM"~'a,d PaUlToa are bac- k
[ i~: ~l~ ~ "~''. ] Navy Mothels Chlb, 8 p.m., Me-] l~rodie, and Mr. and Mrs l.~ck _ with
• • i " ' morial Hall.
Chance of a Lifetime |BIi: i [ 40 &8 Voitu,'e 1.35 September' ::i!!!:'~"(:-'/ [] Graler. |
...... ] -- | =",Promenade dinner 7 p.m. at Rit-, ~i ~.~ ~l in the PUI) auditorium next Mon- your hostesS,
g~ .~A~..~ ~., ] ,,m l ~i:n: ] her's, program 8 p.m. at 40 & 8i "~ dayPlqYas llsnal.Will beAllheldinterestcdat 7:30bridgeP.m. MARY Snd~_d~
• ,, ,anw aa i:. - _ • = UB , "::";~i~:?"> ] VFW Auxfl,ary meeting, 8 p.m.,
• ~Y ~IBJw !/ | :(i/" :. ';I?~ "~i ~}i~; / Memorial Hall .qTih YEAll TO BE FETED .,t~
$ , .@# . , ..
1 l:i: ,. / 9 ti, ,,i.t, day of Mrs. Allie . T.gROAIi
] -, .... ; .~~' ~ J.~~ j Drovers hcense . examiner, 1O enA'iflhouseWill befromCelebrat'ed2.5 p.m.Withtomorrowall op- v ....... 9'30 tei~
.... : ::~!i~i:iii~:!:::: iS i " ~ ~ ~i~: a m - 5 m police station
,.! :~ ............. : ................. :::i:i:~!$~.. ' : • ',~'\~ ...... P' " " at the Eldon home of her son and ' ;oe, ~
/~~i7~::.. [ ~5~':i : " '7' '~ | Mt. View Community Club card
~~i!~ ] Iiii~!~J~~ $' :" ~ I party 8 p.m. community club-' iris wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Webb, *.'25 P!
..~~ i i::i~':~~ .... ~ " ~ ,house. on the Harems Harems river. It Adm• *" _1~
has been requested that there be SPECIAL FRn~
.;i~!::!~, [ !.i2' ! ': ...... '" ..... ~ / Game-type football scrimmage
.~i~;i~ ] ~:~!~ ' " ' ~~ 'by Sighelimber football squad, 9 no gifts. "THE~. tlle,$T&!~
~!~~ "~-"!ii~: I : .' ,~ |a.m. Loop Field. Journal Want Ads Pay Olympia~
i!!~~i~: i ~?~~ '; " ..... .: ,~:'~ J Sheiton churches invite you to ;; ~
~'~" ~ ¢~1~ i~: J -_:~ -_~ ~ : :'~ [attend the church of your choice...__._...~" '~,~il
'~i! :" ' [ "~ I ~[on,l&y, Sept.'/ '" ~IF~• 'A'N'D 'MRS•-I'~WRENC'E Stace, of Hoodsport announce the ~~
~~ ~j I : >" ~)~ i PUD No. 3 commission's meet- -~'~['~'~
I . ... ......... . ]in 1,.p.m.,PU, D com is onroom.I engagement of tfieib daughter, Jacqueline, to Nell Brigham,
$ NGER Feature--the ] I~e~.Geratu Herman, Mr. uiive Lutneran cnurcn mimster, re- J ~neJton 15rloge UILID, "I:;~U p.m., son of' Mr. and Mrs• Robert C• Brigham, all of Shelton. Miss
Push-Butt0n B0bbin--thsI tunned from Regina, Saskatchewan last week with his bride, the /PUD auditorium. Stacel, a 1962 graduate of Shelton High school, also graduated
bobbin !ills right ill the J foffmer Miss Lorraine Rehbein• A 4 p.m. service held in the i County commission's meeting, [ from .Clark college in Vancouver this spring. She is presently
macmnel ] Grace Lutheran church in Regina August 15 was performed by [ 10 a.m., courtlmuse. , empl,oyed in Vancouver. Her fiance, a 1961 graduate of SHS
Coast Guard in Portland, Oregon. No definite date has been set ~ =
,Pu[UaSdTeD~7::~:ig~ft I dtha~gR::r oM MK.entn~ I~lnd• ;emVl RTehLei:i~leTnaTh~isb;iad:enitss, tahr: / Tues=(l~y~ S;pL ~on non I is now a Third Class Commissary Man with the United States
• P ] Mr; and Mrs• Erwin Herman of Appleton, Wisconsin. Given in J Kiwanls~ Club lunc e , o , j for the wedding.
w ~ w ~ ~1 ~ i marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown ofJ Memorial Hall, second phase of] "
! N ~ J~ K J imp~rted silk organza and fine Venetian lace. The skirt fashioned J Ballot Battalion (superior court ]! '
I on Sheath lines, was topped with a classic fitted bodice featuring |judges), open to public at 12:30. '11 I ,~'Id~~
SEWING CENTER i a slightly scooped neckline, lily point sleeves and a lace cummer- ] City commission's meeting, 2JJ '
107 East 5th St. J bund• Cascading' from the shoulders to the floor was a lace edged J p.m., city hall. ]|!
Phone tra, .Her u,,etve,,ofs, k,,,us,onm,sted,rom a ewe,,edt,ara. , chool oard meeting. --------*-- TOOURV O
OLYMPIA ' J She iwore a cross necklace and pearl earrings, gift of the groom, ] Evergreen school. JJ
. I and Carried a bouquet of red Sweetheart roses with carnations and , Moose Lodge, S p.m., airportll _
tl *ATtaeematKOITHE$1NG£RCOMPAN¥ ano is Th .... l
u=u~m h step t . e couple arr,ved an She ton following a tr,p to hal. _ . . .
,0..,.,oo.,.,,0.o0... [ . . .
. ,, W0sc~nstn and other parts of the United States. J Degree of Honorl~rotect've As'll ookin'_
.......... , sociation, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. /I
Imp==== ..i..ii .= =~.=~ VFW AUXILIARY TO ,Lion's Club Board of Dlreetors,| i~ ~l ~~E
DISCUSS DINNER PLANS /meeting, 7:30 p.m. 2217 Cal]anan~p
........................... St. , transport them to our
~i!~:: ~i!~ ~ The next regular business meet-| Wednesday, Sept• 9 1
[] ! RE-ELECT ing of the Ladies Auxiliary to the, Drivers license examiner, 10 a./ mills, convert them ii1
l~ ~.:..!'/ ,'%;:.: i~ j Veterans of Foreign Wars will be] m to 5 p m., police station,
'.; ;i':::: ~ I ~il ............ held at 8 p.m. Friday in the] Annuai Chamber of Commerce ~ (.i:!i i andand shippapertheseand prodU0t~buildin~
--"':::%. ~. :::::'#;..:' ,'--l,.V .|.O=)..||.~al~l Memorial hall. ,Business and Education Day, I0 " est all over the W0¢lf '
K ::, .......... ~i i .,,.,. D||.| .n Auxiliary will discuss furtherl a.m. coffee session at Angle school,
" .':.:'' : :.:;i: :~ ~ UUlk=ll]'~ OUHL-|2N plans regarding the Gold Starl 10:30 talk by Ernest Timpani. noon ":::' i! ::i :::i '
~ :::::::: :" ~ I ---- -- parents dinner to be held'later.luncheon, 1 to 3 p.m. inspection .i~
comfort and better~e~!
~ i~~i N I _~'M~,~r~,, _ 17 p.m., program 8 p.m. ;~ , ' '* f~"a-.:.! ...... .: !" •
[] ' S.e works ,o bulls i -.---- '!,I',' ') .... " FARM----
I :ll Amer|c, ..d -- - -- " "" I Marriage Licenses ! :,.,
Shelton General Hospital
Soufhwesf Wash|nafon ............. [ Applying for marriage licenses ' ( "~"~;~__o, ' '~ ."~:""~ ...who keep our matt0'
i m nl . ~v-r. ann ,v, rs. Arvm r~arvey, ~ ...... '*--^n Count., Auditor's of
' ,3, Box 699. a boy, August 30. , /}i'ce"t~hi*s*;as' week were:" fed and enable us t~
J ~ I / Mr. and Mrs..vincent Bostwicg, LeRo,r 0 Mann 32 Elms, and
120 Kneeland street a boy, August I~' Mack 24 McCleary
A RECORD OF OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SERVICE " ~ " Betty . .. needy, who keep 0gr
30. Raymond J. Adams, 20, Quil- ITALIAN SPAGHETTI the way Theresa Or, makes it has been a
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Mustoa, Se- cene, and ffoan C. Martin, 18, favorite with her family throughout the years. Theresa, a third
aLtle, a boy, August 31. Quilcene. grade teacher at Mountain View Elementary school, has raised
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Deyette,Benjamin 1P. Koble, 22. Federal" seven children of her own besides spending 25 years in front of
Star Rt. 1., Box 665A, a girl, Way and Lynn M. 3"effery, 20, the blackboard••
Sept. 1. Shelton. , ~.: *
V, ern SLophilbeem, 17, Mountlake[ Theresa Orr's family voted un= Italian Sl)aghetti
Terrace, and Patte Williams, 18, l animously for her Italian Spag- I lb. ground chnck
Eugene, Ore.
Arthur March, 37, Puyallup, and
Betty BadgIey, 30, Puyallup.
Kenneth L. Fich, 38, Bremer-
ton, a~d Sharon Waali, 27, Pouls-'
For 27 years Julia Butler Hansen has served her nation in
elcctcd public office witb integrity, intelligence, ability!
The Woman's Christian Temp-
erance Union will sponsor a rum-
mace sale today" and tomorrow
in the PUD auditorium.
Clothing and various household
items will be on display.
(Pd. Pol. Adv.)
hetti when they found she was
trying to decide which recipe to
'donate Lo the Jouz~nal collection.
, The mother of seven, Theresa loses
her,youngest, Ron, to college this
month when he starts classes at
Washington State University.
Although the last of her child-
ren will be gone from her home
her concern for~ children's welfare
will not be over. A teacher with
25 years of experience behind her,
Theresa will resume her place be-
hind the desk of her third grade
~ tsp. salt
1 med, onion, chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
~§ green pepper, chopped
~ tsp. pure ground garlic
~ tsp. sweet basil, crushed
~ tsp. oregano
1 tsp. chili powder
V~ tsp. rosemary, crushed
2 Tbsp. oil
1 - 8-oz. can tomato sauce
1 small cau tomato paste
Small can mushrooms if desired
1 cup water
classroom at Mountain View Ele- 1 pkg. (8-oz.) thin spaghetti
ROUND DANCE CLUB mentary school this month, cooked and drained. Add 1 tbs.
Round dance' iessofm begin at Her time will further be taken margarine to keep spaghetti from
8 p.m. tonight in the Shelton Val- up with attending the ball games sticking togther.
ley grange hall with Bennie and as she is an avid sports fan, bowl- Heat oil in skillet. Add meat,
I am fully qualified to serve the people of my district and our county as County Commissioner. Hilda Bez~dson of Olympia a~'i~t- ing On "the teachers' league and celery, pepper, onions and spices.
• Came to Belfair 1931. Own and have operated, "Bill's Barber Shop," for past 19 years. Married stmmtors. Anyone interested is in= attending PTA meetings. She is Saute until meat is brown and veg-
for 34 years. Have two son's and two grandchildren. Veteran of World War II. Served on vited to attend. ,also a. member o$ the Christmas-etables are soft. Add tomato sauce,
both the East and West coast, China, Guadalcanal,~ Okinawa and Guam. ' " ' ..... ----------- [town Orthopedic Guild. When she!paste and water. Simmer for 20
Resident Supervisor for U.S. Army Ordinance, Plttsburgh, ,Penn., Arem Petitions for candidates for the I can find spare minutes from her mins. Mix with spaghetti and car-
• Past Commandant U, S. Marine Corps League, Bremerton, Washington. director positions must contain the [ busy schedule,Theresa will be busy nish with Parmesan cheese. Serve
• Past State Commandant U. S. Marine Corps League, Seattle, Washington. names of 100 registered voters in|with her knit~ting needles practic- with garlic bread. Serves four.
order for the candidate to get on I ing a recently iicquired hobby. (Theresa's family likes grated
• Past Commander Nuel Curtis Post 5372, V.F.W. Belfair, Washington. the ballot. J .~. •• ,cabbage and carrot salad served
• Member Bremerton Eagles for past 14 years• with it.)
• Chief Belfair Volunteer Fire Department for past 12 years,
• Formed and helped to organize, Belfalr Ambulance Service and Belfair Businessmen Associati,on,
becoming it's first president and was inbtrumental in getting "Shopping Guide" and Crosswalk
for Belfairo
• Justice of the ,Peace for Belfalr area 3 years and 3 months•
• 1 have always been interested in Youth programs, schools, roads, industries, .parks, tourist
attractions, civic problems for my own area a nd the county.
• Living in Belfair, I felt it my duty ~ help my community, my county and my country in any'way
I could possibly do so.
• I became a Volunteer Fireman to better help, not only my community, but my fellowman and
along with others like myself, we made the Belfair VOlunteer Fire Department one of the best in
this state.
• I believe in good sound government and balanced budget.
• If elected I will listen to all complaints ai~d will do something about them if possible.
• I have watched my district and county grow, and have observed and listened to a lot of problems.
• Living and working here, I understand the needs of the county, not only as a businessman, but
as a taxpayer also. I own my own home and five acres of land it sets on plus three other parcels
of land that total about five acres•
• Financially, my income is what I make in my shop.
• I am not obligated to anyone, for any reason.
• I stand on my own two feet~ concerning decisions and will oontinue to do so.
With your sincerely ,appreciated support on September 15th, I am pre-
pared to take on the position of Mason County Commissioner from Dis-
trict No. 2 .as a full-time job.
m • •
1962 DODGE4 dr. sedan -".';;,o'g'~;~;';'"~ao~;;;;"$1295
1961 CORVAIR ........................................ saaa
• 4 dr. - Radio & Heater - Stlok Shift
1955 CHRYSLER 4 dr ............................. $295
195 OLDS ................................................ $375
4 dr. - Sharp
We Still Have Three 196& Models
posture strong and
• . , who serve witl~
offices throughout tier
ing the wheels of
typewriter and
li~mo Offloo
Whenever you're startln' to
for the carton..
You'll agreet Darigold Cottage
We Are Offering Attractive Deals On
These New Cars.
. :~:'~,*-~.~:';:.~.
(Pald Political Advertisement)
Front & Railroad