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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1964
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son 2, Mark Fredson 1, Harry FAST Peterson 2, Walt: Clayton '2, Bill I)ickie 0. hy Jerry KIEBIIIUI'Z 7/10 Bob Kiebmtz 1, and Clint Bud Pauley 2, Jack Kimbel 0, i,~ahead of the Bud b:nutzen 2, Jim Archer 2. the 19th WILLOUR 7/10 Clint Willour 2, league open- Lloyd VanBlaricom 2, Andy Tu- schedule son ], Arn Cheney Sr. 2, El1 Fau- bert 0. Came up with KEI~LY 4/6-- Fred Stuller 2, Bill a Possible 10 for Batstone 0, Rudy Oltlv/a~ 2. t t01eave the stan- MYEI~S 4/6----.Ivan Myers 2, Bob ..... Turner 2, Ken Broughton 0. Pis. Pet.COOTS 5/8- Clyde Coots 2, L. L. 7/10 .700Mclnelly 2, Larry Larson 0, Bob >:..:... 7/t0 .700 Miller 1. :::::>':::.::.. 7/10 .700NICLOY 2/6--Gary Nicloy 2, Pop 4/6 .667Hulbmt 0, Bob Coots 0, ........ : ......... 4/6 .667:PAULEY 2/6-Frosty Koch 2, ...... :: .......... 5/8 .625George Hermes 0, Jack Gray 0. /'"~"~'-.-.,.. 2/6 .333PRICE 3/10---Buck Price 0, Laurie ;: ............... 2/6 .333Carlson 0, Harry Cole 1, Darrell 3/10 .300Denniston 0, Art Bennett 2. ........ 3/10 .300TRAVIS 3/10-.Frank Travis 0, Point scoring Jim Fletcher 0, Boh Olson 1, Jim Morrissey 2, Oliver Ashf(Trd Thomp- 0. choice for fall. .going have a S E 'n~um age 55. bowling a ~UN AND 0NSHIP at the 1 2-BALL FOURSd)ME AGAIN DRAWS CROWD Another bumper ttlrnout respon- ded for the August mixed 2-ball foursome last Thursday at the Shelton Golf Club's Bayshore links. A two-way tie for low gross found :Mart2m Cole and Buck Price and Bert Batstone and Bob Olson coming in with 45s, closely follow- ed by Helen Rice and Jim Fletcher at 46. Alice Larson and Ray Rice captured low net honors at 34 3/4 followed by Jeanne Nicloy and Jack Kimbel at 36~A, Mary Jo Koch and Bud Pauley at 37~4, Sue Daniels and Jim McComb at 37½. High gross went to Helen Walker and Jim Morrissey. Pat McGrady, learned with Lu- cille Woodard, pitched closest to the pin on No. 3 at 10 feet 6 inches, a feat bettered by Frank Travis, at 7 feet 8 inches, playing as one of three men competitors without feminine ~pa.rtners. Travis had a low net of 34. Joined by their wives f~or the first time in the mixed 2-ball pla~ were Larry Larson, Fred St:uller, Jim Fletcher and Darrell Dennis- ton. Stock Orops Second Verdict Of Season Wes Stock's 1964 major league pitching record read 7-and-2 after two victories and one defeat in an action-filled week ending last Saturday. His second loss of the year (and second since 1962) came Satur- 'day in the llth inning when Cleveland's Fred Whitfield led off the top half with a home run. Stock retired the next three bat- ters but his Kansas City mates couldn't come up with. the tying run, so the Athletics took a 4-3 loss. It was the 0nly inning of the game Stock pitched. During the p~evious week Stock 'eeeived credit for two victor- ies. He has been seeing frequent action since his trade to the last place Athletics by the title-con- tending Baltimme Orioles . INC. Ph. 428,8231 Printing • Quality Work of All 'Kinds THE JOURNAL 227 Cote Phone 426-4~12 i,, ii Care aauty Salon 426,4582 Landscaping • Lawns rockeries, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDBCAPING :Herbert Baze 426-4718 'a6-8550 Pawn Shop . I • Money Loaned I [ • Items' Sold [ ] • Mon.-FrL 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. | ] . Sat. - 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. [ | SHELTON PAWNBROKERS ,I [ 122 SO. Second St. | j ' j Sand, Gravel coo- [ . 'Fop Soil ] ] • Peat Soil I Cosmetics [ • Custom Tractor Work ,[ ACY ,| Jq,bns Creek Sand & Gravel [ 42e.3327 142 - 552 Norm And . n I rewiring Sewing Machine [ [ • Sales, Service Rentale I • New and Used . J , • Free Pickup & Delivery Singer Sewing Ce~er ,| 117 5th Ave. East -olympia ,Ph. 357~7586 Tire Service I Pumps , New OK Tires [ • Recapping l ApPllaneeo , Used [ RIC CO. OK TIRE STORES [ 426-6283 Mt. View Ph. 426.4832 1 Travel Air - Rail - Steamship BuB Hotels - Tours • No ~xtra Charge For Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave 426-8272 } 426-4134 TV Service [ [ . Radio - repairs. I , Phonogtaptm TING [ . CB 2-way raulo / ] LEROY'S TV SERVICE ' 426-4673 IMS. View rph. 426,$172 ,~ . t .... t i rc ' ,~ C t/ T Y /0URNAL---Published in Chr, stma. town, U.g.A.", helton, Washington PACE 7 RETURNING CLIMBER LETTERMEN--Shown after a brisk morning turnout is the strong nucleus of Highclimber football letterman. Coach Bob Sund has back this season from the undefeated Olympic League championship eleven of 1963. They include, fn3nt row (left to right) fullback Fred LaMont, guard Steve Anstey, halfback Dave John- son, center Steve Archer, halfback ~om Lowe, quarterback Bill Archer, halfback Don Clary and guard Jim Richards; second row (I to r)---Assis- rant Coach Harold Wilson, end Mike Brickert, end Floyd Barnes, tackle Ed Latham, tackle BrianSnyder, tackle Bill Batstone, quarteback LarryPowell, guard Roy Ritner and Coach Sund.Halfback B,ob Miller was not available for the picture. Sund, who has issued uniforms to 71 ~igh school candidates so far, plans to run his troops through a "game situation" scrimmage session Saturday moroing beginning at 8:30 a.m. KINGS IN, WON'T BITE; SILVERS EXPECTED There appears to be a lot ot Kings in lower Hood Canal waiting to go up the local rivers and seem- ingly not overanxious to take hook and line. But the future looks brighter as fishermen expect the big run of silvers to hit the Canal within the next week or two. One of the happiest anglers last week may have been little Dave Bolender. The eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bolender, Hoodsport, snared a 20-8 king Monday on a dodger and Pearl Wobbler. He was fishing out ot Hoodsport Marina. Other fish reported from the Marina went to John Glidden, La Quints, Calif., 30-8 Thursday and 10 and 8-0 Kings Friday all on dodger and Peal Wobbler; C. G. F-'r7 : IN MASON COUNTY limit including a 5-0 Dolly Varden and six "nice" silvers. Vacation- ing V~aughn Sorenson has : been taking good catches every day ot fat silvers 12-14 inches. Fishermen have been going deep for best results. Recent high winds have cut down some of the activity on the Lake, however. STEVENS BOATS GIANT -HALIBUT Larry Stereo, s, Shelton, has proven that he doesn't let the big ones .get away. So besides .a big story, he ttas evidence to back him up. Several weeks ago Stevens pud- ed in a 90rphls'pound h alibnt out of Straits of Juan de Fuca waters off Agate and Crescent Beach Park, 15 miles west of Port Ange- les. Saturday Larry returned to those waters and hauled in a 95- pound monster also of the\halibut variety. Mrs. Ken Novak reports from the Park that many silver sahnon up to 16 pounds are heing taken in the area and told of another 30-0 King going to Hal Jones, Ta- coma, Saturday. RECREATION REPORT Shelton Ranger District The 1032 road is now open to traffic. All roads are in good con- dition, but drivers are asked to nse their headlights for safe driv- ing while the roads arc dry ana dusty. Church Creek Trail has had a SHELTON SHOOTER SCORES AT NAT. RIFLE BEET SFC Louis J. 'Phomure, Shellon, participating aa one of the 21- member 15.S. Army Reserve Rifle Team's Sixth Army, brought back folu' indivi(hml medals for shoot- ing excellence from the 1964 Na- tional Rifle and Pistol Matches recently completed at Canll) Pet'- ~ rY, Ohio. Rese|'ve teams from throughout :he lJniled States gathered 'at Camp Perry for this "World Ser- ies of Simoting", which saw com- petition from stone of the best t,ifle shots' in the nation. Camp Perry claims the world's longest rifle range for the high-power phase. Thomm'e, who in all competition nsed the new military M-I4 rifle, shot against 380 other men in the Master Reservist Class. Ills MI,;I)AL winning efforts in- good brushing job on the South Fork Skokomish side to the divide. Dry Creek Trail has been cleared to LeBar Pass and should be a good hiking trail. More work is being done from road 1200 down to lhe South Fork. Vine maple and huckleberry bushes are showing their fall dress of yellow, red and green. Black- berry picking is over for the year. Pigeons are plentiful. Although fire weather has been moderately safe, all must continue to be alert for east winds and rapid dryirg in slash areas. Slash burn- ing will be in progress during Sep- tember. DEER APPLICATIONS DUE FRIDAY; ELI( SEI~I'. 18 Hunters who plan to apply for any of the 1964 controlled deer hunts must have their application for a permit in the Game Depart- meat by Sept. 4, the Department reminded this week. Applicants for the controlled elk hunts have until Sept. 18 at 4:30 p.m. to turn in permit appli- cations to the Game Department's Olympia office or any district of- fice. Plumbing & Heating ,0 New Installations Remodeling Repair Maintenance PHONE Hoodsport 877-5505 eluded a fifth in tlie rapid fire l)|,elin~inary matches getting 100 o! a possible 100 with eight Vs tthe V is a four-inch circle inside the center of a i.arget. Shots in- side this V ring are used as tie- breakers when scores are identi- call; 27th in the preliminary rapid and slow fire aggregate getting 148 of a 1)ossible 1.50 with 12 Vs; :13th in the Marine Corps Cap- tain's Trophy shooting 99 with 5 Vs on a 300 yard rapid fire course; and 151h in tim Nevada Trophy Match with 148 out, of 150 and 12 Vs. In overall aggregate including the President's Trophy, Marine Corps Cup, Air Force Clip, Coast Guard Trophy, Army Cup, Navy Cup and Newvla Trophy matches Thomure placed 63rd. t~He dropped only six points, get- ng 544 of 550 of his rapid fire total. Thomure, who achieved his Dis- tinguished Marksman's Badge two years ago, was up against 2,327 competitors in the National Tro- phy Match. He placed a commen- dable 395th ,with a total of 242 of 250 with 17 Vs. The Shelton man. who has qual- ified for the national rifle compe- tition six of the past seven years, arrived home Tuesday after 17 days of shooting and three days of coaching the new shooters. Competition ended Sunday at Camp Perry. .... ;I TIPS TACOMA 2-1 SUNI)AY t¢igh-handed Ron Peterson twirled nntsterfnl one-hit b:dl over lline innings as he and the Skoko- mish Indians polished off Tacoma 2-1 Sunday in a Northwest Indian Leagne baseball game. It was the Slmkomish club's fourth consecutive Le'tgue triumph and seventh loop win of 11) starts this season. RON WlliFFED seven, walked five and hit one batter in holding tight control of the proceeding most of the way. He hit the lead off swinger in the seventh, who eventually came all the way aronnd to score "~llCOlnll'S only run, Skok plated both its rims in the third frame. Tom Gouley, who had singled, and Rick Miller, who had doubled, came across in the in- niug which saw eight VMley bat- ters come to the dish. The only other safety in the,inning was a two-base hit by Gary Peterson. Gmlley and Millet', the first and second men in the batting order for th~ winners, led all swatters with three hits each. Gonley poun- ded out three straight singles and Miller had two singles and a dou- ble to his credit. Next action for Skokomish will be the big Labor Day Tournament. RIlE Skok. 002 000 000----2 7 0 Tacoma 000 000 100--1 1 1 Pete:'son and Sp'u'r; Unavail- able. Hood Canal Marina S White Stag Kimball @ Taper Piex Belts Ropes Etc. YOUR UlliOll, Wash. Phone 898-2252 BIG FISH--Einar Olsoe of the Mill Creek Motel poses with the 45-pound king salmon he hooked from a charter boat at Westport last Wednesday. It took about half an hour to land the big fellow, caught near Whistler's Buoy. Olsoe, Del Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McGuire were on the charter boat "Molokai" Olsoe's catch also included two silvers, 10 and 15 pounGs. HUNGRY OR MAD?---Steve Rice, 9, didn't know whether that 3~2db., 21-inch large-mouth bass he hauled out of Island Lake last Friday afternoon was fighting mad or starving hungry. Steve was der~,onstrating (to a girl friend) how to cast a bUll- head from the lake shore when the finny giant grabbed the bait. That was normal enough, but when the hook came loose the fish grabbed it again and this time Steve got him onto dry land. Steve is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Rice. In the picture above Steve ia stand- ing on the spot from which he made the catch in f~ont of his parents Island Lake home. Brengan, Seattle, 28-4 King Sat- urday on dodger and herring; Cis- co Hicks, Shelton, 4-4 King Sun- day on dodger and Hicks SPecial; C. C. Evans, Shelton, 8-8, Sunday on dodger and Hicks Special and George Karre, Shelton, 8-0 King Sunday on dodger and herring. Monday fish were caught by Tom Endicott, Shelton, 8-0 King on dodger and Squid; Roy Wargi, Idaho, 3-0 Silver on dodger• and herring and Adam C. Millet', Olympia, 17-0 King and 8-0 Chum- py on dodger and herring. Earl Dubois, Seattle, fishing out of Restwhile Park, picked off Kings of 24-d and 13-8 Sunday and came back Monday for a 10-8 fish. Ed Osterberg, Shelton, fishing in the same area, Sunday came up with two Blackmoutb to 6-0 anti 6-0 silver on hem'ing and Kelp Cutter. Bill Kuhr brought in a 5-0 Blackmouth on the same tiring Sunday. , Wingard s Sport Shop reports that Hank Boysen and party pick- ed up five small silvers off,the North End of Harstine Island Tuesday. No sizes were given. The only other salmon success listed was" Dr. Lynn White's 25-0 King out of Westport last Wed- nesday. See picture on this page of another big Westport catch. LAKE CUSHMAN ,PICKING UP Lois Reed of Lake Cushman Re- sort says that fishing at the Lake is on the upswing. Duke Arnold boated a weight WHERE FUN SCORES HIGH for Your Pleasure The exciting diversion of billiards, long popular with men and women of all ages, is fast growing in .appeal. CALL IN FOR RESERVATIONS as a group or drop in and try them at the CheckYour Size...Check Your Savings I Pair Prices for 3-1" Nylon Brlackwalls SIZE No-Trade-i• Trade-in Price for 2t Price for =* 6.00 x 13 $37.90 $33.20" 6.50 x 13 40,40 34.30 7.50 x 14 45.60 ..... 38,80 8.00 x 14 52.30 t 44.50 8,50 x 14 57.30 48.70 6.70 x 15 45.60 38,80 7.10 x 15 52,30 .... 44,50 7.60 x 15 57.30 ..... 48.70 8.20 x 15 64.00 54.40, im o•,, =, .o,, p,r,',,. Looking fora dependable ,r Price for 2* $28.42 30.30 34.20 39.22 42.98 34.20, '39.22 42.98 'plus tax& old tires low-priced tire? 6.70 x 15 Save on tube-type All-Wealher"42" blackwall, plus tax by Goodyear I and old tire ,¢ NO MONEYDOWNI Tufsyn rt;bbe, r and 3-T Nylon cords, Why setth.' for any other]ow-pricedlire, FREE MOUNTING l Ge0bYEAR ,N&TION,WIOE "NO LIMIT" GUARANTEE -- No limit on "No Limit" Guarantee ! months * No limit on miles • No limit as to roads * No limit as to speed • For the entire life of the tread. • ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO ~r~ TIRES ARE GUARANTEED againsl defects in workmanship and ma- terials and normal road hazards, except repairable punctures. • IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FAILS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any o'f more than 80,000 Goodyear dealers in the United States and Canada will make ollowance on a new tire based on original tread depth romair(. ing and current "Goodyear Price." 45 ¢_¢_ T¢~ -- _ '¢- v-..¢¢¢ ¢± ¢ ........ BRAKES -- BATTERIES --- BALANCING -- ALIGNMENT -- RECAPPING FRONT & GROVE SHELTON 19th & Pac. Ave. - Tacoma SERVING NORTHWEST MOTORISTS SINCE 1920 5th & E MAIN PUYALLUP III I I II I