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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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er 3, 1964 Logan Q % GROWER Gunnar Johnson ,of [ looks over part of his logan- )ereen? [S berry crop, on nearly complete. $ Six years of experimenting with various insecticides on the Gun- ear Johnson farm on Harstine Is- land has come up with some good news for loganberry growers in Western Washington. The insecticide experiments have been conducted to attempt to find a solution to the dry berLT mite ? door of the 426-2057 Face? SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington .... i The most for )roblem, with apparent success. Johnson is about the only sur- living loganberry grower in the county from the some eight to 10 growers on Harstine and some on the mainland of a few years ago. Johnson says production this year on his eight-acre berry field is about up to normal after six years of spraying tests eonducted by tile Washington State Univer- sity Agriculture Experiment Sta- tion. DR.. El) BRAKE of tbe Western Washington Experiment Station at Puyallup has been in charge of the which harvest for this year !s to the farm. Johnson has about 15 persons picking berries this year, mostly neighbors from Harstine, along with a few who make the journey across the ferry to pick. After the six years of spraying and testing, the mites on " the Jotmson berries have almost been brought nnder control. The dry berry mites cause undeveloped berries to get dry and hard in- stead of ripening. Tl~e mites have hit other logan- berry 'growing areas in Western Washington, but, seemed to hit the Harstine growers the hardest. The Johnsons came to Harstine in 1930 and planted their berries soon afterward. They now have about eight acres of loganberries and an llcl'e of Kra,pes. The toll of the berry mites and rel.irement of the other growers on the island left the Johnsons as about the only loganberry Harvest In A Record OLYNII'IA Harvest of limber in the state of Washington s~t a 15-year record in 1963, reacll- ing almost 51,,', billion board feet. St~|e l~t)l(t Col~lnlissioner ]J)el't L. Cole ,said this week tile exact total harvested from state, federal, private and county forest lands during calendar year 1963 was 5,- 427,711,009 board feel. The total was well over the previous high set in 19(12 when 5,051,344,000 bd. feet was halwested. The 1963 harvest is 376,367,000 board feet over the 1962 total. The 5!~ billion is the highest since 1949 when timber harvest report.'~ were first compiled by the state. Com|nissione|" Cole said the har- vesting of the blov,,down timl,(,l' f)'om tile CohlnlbllS Day stotln ill 1962 and the demand for logs hy the export market were two ma- jor faeto)'s for the increase. • ABOUT 915,000,000, board feet of blowdown timber %~as harvest- ed during 1963. In 1962, the blow- down timber harvested was 11,- 151,000 boara feet. Only blowdown timber harvest reports from state and private lands are available. Western Washington counties again hadthe largest timber har- vest with 4,483,339,000 board feet. The top timber producing county during 1963 was Cowlilz county with Lewis county, the 1962 leader, Both counties had large anlounts of blowdown and salvage timber as a result of the Columbus Day storm. Cowlitz County led all counties in the state wilh a 1963 hal'vest of 579,590,000 board feet. Lewis coun- ty harvested 553,950,000 board ft. Eastern Washington counties harvested 944,372,000 board feet during 196:k Yakima county led the eastern Washington COllrd.ie8 with a harvest of 180,409,000 board feet. Ferry county was second with 148,336,000 board feet. The I.op ten counties for timber harvested included, in numerical order: Cowlitz, 579,590,000 BF; Lewis, 553,950,000 BF; Grays Har= bor, 479,431,01)0 BF; Pacific, 425,- 570,000 BF; Sk~mlania, 334,496,000 BF; Clallam, 332,905,000 BI~'; Pierce, 323,122,000 BF; Snohomish, 319,696,000 BF; Jefferson, 275,107,- 000 BF; and King, 242,886,000 BF. Mason County, with a timber harvest last year of 131,327,000 board fee': from 17,645 acres, rank- ed 15th in the state. In 1962, the county ranked 14th with 139,809,- 000 board feet of timber harvested from 26,174 acres. You Should Know... OLINT WILLOUR Would your family be more secure if you had bought more life in- surance 10 years ago? If so why not buy more today? Ph. 426-8139 i Screen Doors ii i i i ,$1 ill |ll i ii v i ii1~1~ ~ ,~1 HILLCREST tests on the Johnson f~:Lrm. Berry picking on the Johnson farm has been going on for about five a:eeks now and will continue for about another week. Most of the produ(:tion goes to the Werberger Winery on Picker- inK Passage, although a few are sold to local residents who come Sod Webworms Are ½x Pests Of Lawn When you walk over your lawn do tile little whitish or greyisl~ ~noths fly around ? They fold their wingq closely about t:lleir bodies when they rest. These arc tile moths of 'tile Sod Webwovm. Ir)egular bro'~vn sp()ts ~u'e the first signs of damage. If the infes- tation is heavy, large areas of grass may be damaged severely or destroyed in a few days. These larvae or worms are from L:i to 3/4 inch hmg and light brown with dark spots. Their beads are quite dark. The worm lives il~ a silken web and feeds mostly at night. Tlm insect can be controlled with dust, wettable powders or emulsif- iable concentrates of chlordane, al- drin, heptachlor or DDT. Use 1,,/( lb. of actual aldrin or ~,~ lb. of chlordane or DDT to 1000 square feet. ;:i?!i!i "!•i!i (;i:!::i~!i~{;i~i::i~¸ : :;:i:¸¢¸!%:;¸ :~ ?; !! :: ;~ ~. ii?/ ~" i~~ ~iii " ii il¸ Storm Doors H ii!~ii:i!iiii!:!!iii~:i::~: i : : i:ii : buy fewer pairs of shoes when you buy ~dmar~$ because your Phone 426-4522 produce,"s il!_I.ho co,rely. PETE MELIN Or " " Electric in " , r. At also able to buy 964 - - Plan Meetings ' . 1965 G-E AUTOMATICS FOR ii m Whethor you h=ve a big N.pomlln~l or a handful of Ioft4Vo~$ • ,.your new General Electric will wash # clean..,safely, swtflly,~ easily! G-E's dependable Filter-Ro washi~ Syetenl lakes the work out of wash days with new Mini:basket and jet ewidl dispenser. Choose your 1965 automa'dc sure iCs li-~ G.E. Automatic Washer ,- BIG CAPACITY 3-zone activator wash action power spray rinse I 2 ONLY --- G.E. High Speed Dryer 12-1b. capacity 3-heat selection Fluff cycle $, LIMITED QUANTITY -- PAGE 9 G.E. Deluxe Auto. Washer 3 water temp. 3 water levels 3 cycle filter fie $, 1-ONLY --- T )1 w/t w/t w/t are still wearing' them after shoes of poorer quality, have been The extra months of wear ~d~ards builds into shoes save you materials, expert cdaftsmanship and careful fit also protect ~gSters' feet. Put those feet in [d~ards shoes now during these growth years .... and save money, too. You'll find our selection aafl Styles complete for children of all ages. $|IOE DEPT. and Operated by FOR SHOES of Bremerton :il¢leen's Fittings Guaranteed • Mrs. l{ay Krateha SOIJTHSIDE - Sherilyn Byrd 'Guild m,,ets at the home of Joyee Byrd on September 9 for the first fall meeting and any one wanting ta join the Guild is welcome to attend. Skool,:un~ Community Club will meet (m Sept, 7 at Little Skookum Community Hall. Sl~ooku)ll Ladies' Chlh llleets oil Sept(~nlher 10. Sol~t.hside Grange meets this Friday evening, Septenlber 4 at the Grange Hall. Arcadia volunteer Fire meeting will be held on September 8 at Southside. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krateha Saturday were Mrs. Glen Kratcha and Shelley of Siletz, Ore. and ,lohn Kratcha. Janiee Kratcha spent last week at Westport. G.E. Matching Dryer 4 heats fluff cycle De-wrinkle cycle $, 1 ONLY-- I 2-ONLY -- Full Auto. Dryer Time Drying or Automatic Drying $, REAL SPECIAL G.E. Deluxe Washer Mini Wash - 2 Speed 3 Water Temp. & Levels Fast Delivery, Completely Guaranteed Your Satisfaction is 0UI GOAL! OPEN FRIDAYs' 'TIL 6 P.M. Our Factory-Trained service del)artment man carries a full line of replacement parts in his truck to give you the Best and Fastest repair service in Mason County. With Regrets A General Electric has made available to us ,at a SPECIAL Our wood and oil heating Del)artmeut. Limited models in SEIGLER and KRESKY OIL and WOOD HEATERS at BIG DISGOUNTS Buy now for a warm comfortable winter. • CREDIT FOR ALL • ALWAYS TRY MILLER'S FIRST FAMOUS G.E. and • One-Year Warranty Regular Stock q,,i Tills SALE ONLY ! • NO DEALER SALES, PLEASE • VISIT OUR SMALL APPLIANCE GIFT DEPARTMENT A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT