September 3, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 3, 1964 |
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3, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.8.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE :15
8 p.m.
Sept. 6 & 7
Registration Open
For Preschool
A meeting of Preschool PTA
will be held Sept. 1,t at 8 p.m. in
the home of Mrs. Tom Coleman,
1122 8o. 7th street.
Mothers with children in the
preschool age bracket, three to
five years, should register them
now by calling either Mrs. Tom
Coleman at 426-8688 or Mrs.
Wayne Coleman at. 426-6310.
Canal Club Slates
First Fall Meeting
Members of the Hood Canal
Garden Club will hold their first
fall meeting next Thursday in the
Potlatch clubhouse of the Hood
Canal Woman's Club. A business
session presided over by Mrs. Mat-
tie Backhmd, vice president, will
commence at 11 a.m. It will be
followed by a potluck luncheon
and aftemmon program.
All interpsted women are invited
to attend and join the group.
NGERS The first meeting of the new ....
season for the Shel-Toa Orthopedic
WITH A Ouikl will be held at 8 p.m. to-
~TRANGER night at the home of ~qadia
A PORT ORCHARD church was the August 21 setting for the
marriage of Miss Gall H. Fisher and My. Fredric Lorenz Hines.
Parents are the Edgar Roblnsons and the Earl S. Hines, all of
:Miss Gait. H. Fislmr and Mr. hat and shoes. Mrs. Hines wore a
Fredric Lorenz Hines were mar- beige Jacket dress with matching
ried Aug. 21 in the Bethel Gracehat and brown shoes. Her corsage
Bible Church in Port Orchard. Rcv. was of white carnations.
Robert Rosendaal performed the
double ring ceremony fro, the Pink and white dahlias decorat-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ed the church basement for the
Robinson and the son of Mr. and reception following the ceremony.
Mrs. Earl S. Hines, all of Shelton. The wedding cake wa~u trimmed
Floral arrangements were of pink with pink and white roses.
and white glads. Those stowing were LaVerne
aA white sheath with matching Borcherding, Mrs. Almer and
h and shoes were worn by the Elaine Hines. Linda Nutt took
charge of the guest book and Shir-
bride. She carried a heart-shaped ley Frost was in charge of the gift
bouRuet of roses, table.
Miss Nancy Hines, maid of hen-
of the ThurstonoMason: County Bar Asso- or, was attired in a pink sheathThe bridegroom is a 1964 grad-
asked to check the qualifications of the candi- with a white circle hat and motel1- uate of Shelton High school and
or Court Judge, Position No. 1, and vote theiring sh0es, is employed by the SIPaub-Ellison
i Dave Boreherding acted as best Co. His bride is a Shelton High
man for the bridegroom with Jim school senior.
', ...... Church and Start Hines ushering.
Were received and counted, Hewitt Henry topped Music was by Rest Huneakcr and
more than a 2.1 ratio over his closest oompetitor, Sharon Lincnko.
cheek the qualifications, too, then vote for the A white carnation corsage com-
plimented Mrs. Robinson's green
Hewitt Henry. suit which was worn with white
ter Grade School, Olympia High School,
Law School
War I I
for 15 years
!rney General: 1948-1949
ring Attorney for Thurston County: 1949-1953
for Thurston County: 1953 to date
community activities
Comm., J. M. "Mac" Partlow, Chrm.
• Experienced
• Capable
• Impartial
(.,Paid Political adv.)
Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412
MI. View 81ub To
Sponsor Card Pariy
The Mt. View Community Club
will hold a card party at 8 p.m.
this Saturday in the community
clubhouse, "K" and Laurel Sts.
Winners at the last car(t party
were Alice Herzog and Ray Moore.
Second high were Dora Lanning
and Art Hazelquist. Traveling pin-
ochle was won by Alice Herzog
and Mary Necdham. Margaret
Newell and Roy Moore held 1500
Patrick T. Guild
Slates Meeting
Mrs. Carl Bernert entertained
members of the-Patrick T. Orth-
opedic Guild and their children in
her home August 18 with a hmch-
eon. Prior to the hmcheon a dis-
cussion was held and projects for
the coming year were planned.
It was decided the meeting will
be held on Thursday evenings this
year at the usual time. The date
of the first meeting was set for
September 10 in the home of Mrs.
Mike Gaskill.
Former Sheltonian
Visits Relatives
A 1935 graduate of Shclton High
School, Donald Moore, and his
family spent a few days last week
in Shelton at the home of his
:4ster, Mrs. Leonard Anderson, and
her family.
Memo is now a Los Angeles
State University economies pro-
fessor. He and his wife were ac-
companied by their son David, 14,
and their daughter Kathy, 5. A~
older daughter, Margaret, stayed
home to prepare for entering
UCLA this fall•
A family dinner Sunday cli-
maxed the visit.
The date for the annual Shelton
Hospital Auxiliary fall luncheon
has been set for Sept. 28.
Reservations can be made with
Mrs. Sam Fritz at 426-3475 or Mrs.
Oliver Ashford, 426-4234.
Two sisters had a chance to
catch up on ten years of separation
last week-end when Mr. and Mrs.
CARD PARTY WINNERS George Francis and family ot ,
Winners at the August 22 Eag- Millersville, Penns. visited at the
le's card party were Herman Lor- home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
enzcn and Vera Huntington with Kangas. The Francis' trip also in-
Roy Moore and Helen Garr con> eluded a stopover in California
ing in second. Traveling pinochlewhere they spent some time with
went to Arnold Livingston and a brother of Mrs. Francis and
Ruby Lorenzen. Mrs. Kangas.
iiliii ii;i!:ii!i;i!iii:!;ii~i .iii
You Can Trust TRAYLOR To
Provide full-time representation for
file people of the 24th District. Too often
our elected representatives have short-
changed our needs. Most of us are tired
of being treated like second class citizens.
Work for a more aggressive program of
creating needed jobs for our area. We've
had lots of talk about this, but no action.
It's time .for some results.
:Restore proper integrity to the legisla-
rive representation of our district.., an iii:i:ili;i
integrity we have a right to expecg from i!i!!iiiiiii!i
our elected representatives.
The annual picnic of the Ahern
and Johnson families was held at
Kneeland Pa.rk Sunday with 51
in attendance. Members of the
two families came from Spokane,
Yakima and Corvallis, Oregon.
]Y[r. and Mrs. Leland A. Stout
and sons Mike and Doug of Seattle
were visitors last week in the Otto
Radtke home.
:.~.. •: .•2: ...................
AN AUGUST 1 RECEPTION held in the Colonial House honored
newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cuzlck. She is the former Jane
Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams. His parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Cuzick. All are of Shelton. The Cuzicks
were married in July and are making their home in Shelton.
ere's the shoe
g ve you a
real run for
your money[
Low initial cost, easy upkeep.
And you've the newest Continental lines,
trim and slim, on durable action soles that
speed ) past everythin9 on two feetl
Black Tan
A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co.
Managed and Operated by CHRISTENSEN'S FOR SHOES, Bremerton
• o ,..
i: . '.
The past three decades in the pharmacy business
in Shelton has seen many changes .... I have enjoyed
being a part of all of them. Drugs and medicines that
were only dreams are now commonplace .... business
has changed and certainly Shelton has changed.
One thing has not changed throughout these thirty
years and that is the friendship that I have been privi-
leged to share with all of you day after day.
And now with the change of ownership of
McCONKEY'S DRUG CENTER from me to Ken Chap-
man and the change of name to EVERGREEN DRUG
CENTER I want you to know how sincerely I have
valued these years we have shared and offer my thanks
for your business and personal kindness.
While my presence at the
DRUG CENTER is familar to
all of you, my role of owner
and operator is new. I want
to tare this opportunil.y
to give you my assurance that
the same dependable, expert.
service that yOll have come to
expect at McConkey Drug
Center during the years Will be
YOUI" partronagc has always
l)een valued at the Drug Center
and we will continue to operate
the business to deserve it. It is
going to take sonic getting used
to . . . but thc new name is
it's in EvergTeen Square . . .
Phone 426-3,156,
Ken Chapman