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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.qWffff TON'---MA 0N C01T/qq JOUP.NAL Published in "Chr tm.,.,tow., U.KAY, Shell on, Wa,qhing on if%)malay, cgal Publications NIL 3278 NIITICI,.' TO {'IIEi}IT(III~ ]N Tt-IE SUPEI~.IOR C()URT (:)W THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill the Mailer .f lhe Estate of EARL F. FULMER, I)ecoaued, ~[al'gal't'l l,. Ftlhllel' is tile appointed and qualif',ed Executrix of said as- late. All llel's~ms having vhllnls agaill.~t s~tid di!cl~asl!d life l'l,qLI h'(,d IO 91!I've 1|1o sanle Ii1 dlll~liealt., duly verified, (~11 said Exocutt'tx .r her attorney, R,,llel'l L. ~,lyd(w, at l he address be- hlw stated, and file the same with lhe Chq'k of said (hmrt, together with In'oaf of suvh sevvlce, wilhin six lnonths after the date of first ptlblica- thin ()t' this notice, or the sanle will be barred. DATE of first puhlieati.n: Sel)tem- "bar 3, 1964, MRS. MARGARET L. FULMER ]251/z Norlh 5th Street Shellon, WaM'd ng tel). Robert L. Snyd,,r Atbwney at Law 125~L. N. 5th Sh,qlt)n, Washlnglon 9/,%10-17 3t NOTICE OF llUDGI,Yr IIEARING ]N'oIic~ IS hereby given thai the l=hmrd of ConmHssioners of Ihe PORT OP SHELTON have eonlpteled and placed on file their prelinltnary hud- get for the fiscal year of 1965 and a copy thereof may bE obtained by any taxpayer at the f011owlng athlres,~: Jim Pauhw Motors at 8th and Raih'oad Awmue, Shelton, Washington, Tile YIi,ard of Conmlissionevs of said Port of Shelton will meet at 8 p.m., on September 17, 1964 in the court- room at the Mason County Courthouse in Slmlion, Washington for the pur- pose of fixing and adoiltin~ said bud- get. Any ta~;payer fllay appear At the above-nlentioned tinle and place and l:m hoard for or against Any part of said bridget, l)ated at Shelton, Washint~ton this 31st day of August, 1.964, by order of the Port of SImlt~)n. JAMES A. PAULEY, President President Buard of Commission- eF,q NOTICE I)F IIEAIIING Ou Petition For l'r.llosed Pul,lle ihlsplllll Dlsl,'iet NO.TICE In ttEREBY GIVEN that on ll{ond!ly. AtlgUSl 2,t, 1964, 4he County Auditor presenled Petitions, in the follliwing forln, to the Boln'd of Counly COlnlilisshlnel.s lit their i'egu]~ll' session. Said Peliti(ins eontahled signalln',!s O1: 1767 peoph~ and the Audilor presented the Board wllh a Certificate of Suffic- i('ncy covel'ing" 806 of said SJglllltUl'OS, which l'(!l)l'(!SellIS ill oxl:ess of 1051 of Ille voles east :it Ilia last (lenel'nl Election, held in ]Vlasllli Cotlllly Oil Nov~!lllllel' 6, 596'2. The E6ard of County ConlmlsMonel'S Welll on record diri!cting lhe" County Auditor to publiuh the lille of said Pelition, without the signatares, and to give N(,lict, of tt inlblic Hearing lo I,l! tWoUgtll ,111 th(~ nlallel', llC(~lll'ding to ItCW 70.4,1. Aceardillgly, lhE following Petition anil Notice are ]lel'ewith se, t out: PETITION FOR FORMATION OF HOSPITAL DISTRICT "TILE UNDERSIGNED, being ele('lors of Mil.qf)n County, do hel'e- hy l)etilion |he County of :Mason, its Auditor lind Connnissioners, for the formalion of a Public Hospital Distrh:t; said District hi encom- pass all precincts in Mason County and thereby bE county wide. ThE undersigned ftllqhel' petition the Auditor t(, transmit said petition with his Cortifieate of Sufficiency attached thereto, to the Commis- s[0nel's i)f Mason County who are l)etitimmd to fix a date for he ar- ing,pn the petith,n together with proper notice thereof, and after sRIO hEarhlg, to enlel' all order es- "tablishing and defining lhe bound- ary line,~ of the proposed district, and lo then Submit the petition and Ol'd~w to the voters of lY[aSOlI Coun- ty In accordance wIIh.RCW 70A,I.- 020." (End of Petit{on, followed by 1767 signatm'es) NOTICE is hereby given that a Hear- ing will be held on said above Petition by the said :Bi)ar¢t of County Commis- sioners of Mason County. in the Off tee 9/3-10 2t of the Board in the Courthouse in Shelton, W:lsllingh,n, on Ihe l llh (hl:~ i)f Sel)tendmr, 1964, at ]0:0[I A.M., at which tillll! 'lilly llel'Niin HI) desil'ing nlay al)l)oIll' &lid he ]leal'd fill' 1"11' aK,'llllSt lho Kl'anting of said lh.lilion. DATED this 2(llh tiny c,f Augosl, 1964. ]¢oard of COIlllly Ci)lllllliSSilpneI's (If }IIIson Cliunly. Wll~llill,~;ll)ll, 1;3' C. NOLAN MASON t'lnuHy Audit.r l, ll(i Ch','k of the ]~oal'll, 8/27 9/3 21 C(IIINTY It(JAil I'ItOJE(!T NI), .159 hi the nlall~q' .f (LR.P. No. ,159 to he (!,)nsl l'nc| ed on M:lS(lll el)linty l{-nd No. '2