September 3, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 3, 1964 |
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PACE .17
)r Olin, son
Otto, at-
last Thm's-
al2d r01 llrl]ed
SUnday. Vic-
Juvenile Correctional
I¢fall Concern:
the State Constitution, and the Extraordinary
Legislature of the State of Wash-
published for the consideration of the
of Washington, the following Referendum Bill:
Laws ExtraQrdinary Session, 1963)
ing for the issuance and sale of Mate
bonds up to $4,600,000 to finance
.a state correctional institution in King
mg Luther Burbank and Martha Wash-
for care, confinement and rehabilita-
and "girls committed by juvenile courts
of the department of institutions; and
Yment of the bonds from unp{edged retail
or other means authorized by the
io the state operated charitable, educational
lions; authorizing tim issuance and sale of
bonds to provide for needful build-
)UVenile correctional institution situated in
m the vicinity of Echo Lake; providing ways
Pay said bonds; maki'dg an appropriation;
SUbmission of this act to a vote of the people.
by, the Legislature of the State of .Washington:
.the purpose of providing needful buildings
restitution for the confinement and rehabili-
situated in King county in the vicinity of
I was established by the provisions
of 1961 as amended by chapter [165],
Bill No. 32), the state finance committee
zed to issue, at any time prior to January 1,
bonds of the state of Washington in the
Lea six hundred thousand dollars, or so much
~e required to finance the program above set.
and discharged within twenty years of the
Mr. an(1 Mrs. Ever•It Archer and
daughter visited a few days at
the Ellis(>n home.
The Herb Nelsons recently had
anolher unf(n'tunah~ accMent with
their car, While driving along the
highwqy north of She.lton a car
struck the rear of their enr and
/)ecau~e the trent seat slid back,
alh)wing lh(,nt l.o fall baekwards
the injuries were n,)t severe. The
hil and run d)'iver wins caught in
Shelhm shortly thereafter. They
arc both gra I eful they came
through with not too sm'ious in-
||ties to themselves or" their car.
Monday afternoon visitors at
he Eugene Faylor home were Mrs.
Josephine Baxter and Miss Eliza-
beth Ferrin who live near Indepen-
dence, Calif., and M~,n. James Dra-
ham of Olympia.
Saturday evening Mrs. Irene
White and daughter Donna of St.
Marie, Idaho visile(1 at the Tony
Ell[son home.
Sund'ty Mrs. Chester Marshall
visited with her mother Mrs. Marie
Jones at Aubm'n.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Ralstin and two boys of Lakewood
called at the Herb Nelson home.
The Herb Nelsons were dinner
guests Sunday evening at the Dr.
Edward t~,uge home on Arcadia
A NEW CEILIN(I is being in-
stalled in the Grange hall this
i Sunday evening Mr. and :Mrs.
Weilsnd Holt and son Tom of
i Port Orchard called at the home
of Mrs. J. L. Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Procter Hefting-
ton and three grandchildren of Ta-
;oma visited at the Eugene Taylor
mine on Sunday.
lV[esdames Ed Petty, Herb Nel-
son, and Marie Carlson and M. rs.
June Petty of Shelton attended
the ball g~me Tuesday evening be-
tween the San Diego Padres and
the Tacoma Giants at Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moulton
of Olympia were Tuesday after-
noon guests of the Edwin Pettys.
Mrs. ~¢~adie Griggs and grand-
dangilter, Au,h'ey Griggs of Olym-
)ia visited a few ,lays at tne Mar-
tin Otto tmme last week.
Mr. and Mrs. \Ve,dey Whitener
and Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Whitener
spent a few clays fishing at the
Colmnbia t~.ive.r last week.
The T. Abe family haw• moved
back to their former home near
the Olympia Oyster Company af-
ter having lived in the Rocky Bay
area for some time.
Mrs. Phil Simmons and cl'~ild-
reu visited a few days this past
week at tl~e Rev. A. W. Graham
immc in "Pacoma.
, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Whitener
announce the craning wedding of
Maxine Thomas to James Tygart
of Shelton at the Shelton Church
of God, Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. Recep-
tion will follow in the parsonage.
An invitation is extended to
friends to attend the wedding.
New signs are posted near the
freeway pointing the direction to
the newly platted lots called "Ks-
milche Shores" on Kamilche Point.
Grandma Annie Whitener informs
us that the name "Kamilche"
nleans "peaceful".
MR. AND MRS. Clifton Barnes
made the trip over the mountains
Thursday to Yakima to visit with
the Orville Barnes family for a
i few days.
School bells will be ringing again
Sept. 10 for Kamilehe boys and
girls. Teachers this year are
George M. Keller, principal, teach-
ing the seventh and eighth gra-
des. Robert Whitener, teaching the
fourth, fifth and sixth grades;
~rs. Ermine L. Page teaching the
first, second and third grades. The
bus schedule will be the same as
last year with Avery Kelley driv-
ing the school bus and maintain-
ing the school building. The school
rooms have been newly painted in
pastel colors for brighter interiors.
A new roof has also been placed
on the school building and gym-
nasiunl. •
DAYTON- John Sehur, son o1:
Mr. and Mrs. Dehner Schur, left
last Tuesday for Grandview where
hc will he teaching in the senior
high school.
gteve ~eedham is back from his
stay in Alaska and is making his
home with the ~,Villiam Rietdorf
family until his parents, Mr. "met
Mrs. Gerald Needham return from
The names of Mr. 'rod Mrs. H,
E. Wolden as great-grandparents
of Shaun Edward Wolden were in-
advertently omitted last week.
Shmm had the distinction of heing
born on Mrs. Woldens birthday.
Susan and Greg Bueehel, chil-
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bueehel
of Longview spent last week with
their ~randparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fritz Buechel.
Wednesday hmcheon guests of
Mrs. Darl Ooldy were Mrs. Marie
Archer of Long Beach, Calif. and
Mrs. Alma Goldy of Montesano.
Saturday dinner guests of Mrs.
Gertrude Scott were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry CallcinS and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Churchill of Shelton and
Mrs. Clifford Ford of Lake Nah-
Sunday visitors in the Warren
Williams home were Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Cole and children of Chehalis
and Mr. and Mrs. James Evans ot
FRIDAY DINNER guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Chappell were
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carr ann
children, Shelton and 1V~r. and Mrs.
C. L. Anderson of Cloquallum.
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Clary of Ka:
milehe were Friday dinner guests
of Mr. and l~rs. Alvie Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Churchill
of Shelton called on Mr. ~nd Mrs.
Warren Williams Saturday after,
Frank Brown was a real happy
fellow when his Bm~tam rooster
Specks won the rooster crowing
contest at the fair.
Joe Brown Jr. won the senior
livestock judging and will be going
to Puyallup. His Angus heifer won
a blue ribbon too.
Chuck' Brown will also be going
to Puyallup having won the jun-
ior "garden judging.
The girls in the family also did
--EAT OUT OFTEN-~ real well. Barbara won blue rib-
bons in cooking and serving, a
I I ~ blue in food Judging and the pur-
~ ..1~1r1 • 1934 Olympic Highway. North ple rosette as canning champion.
S GA,~,a-~a.~ on Mountain View' Beverly won a bhle in food
--BREAKF-AST--- LUNCH -- DINNER judging.
Special Dinners Daily -- Fried Clams --- Oysters Ramona Rickards is recovering
• Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime • at home from a tonsillectomy at
the Clinic Wednesday of last week.
GOOD COFFEE and Mrs. L. A. Todd were his
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Todd of Portland, Ore.
LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT 4 ndles from Hoodsport
on Lake Cushman Friday dinner guests of Mr. m~d
Mrs. Alvin Hulbert and family
,Ierry Manley of Tacoma Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Smith, Bill Johnson and
hl Melrvin ,)t' Shclton.
Mrs. Ron Moore's mother, Mrs.
Russell Conley of Spanaway, left
Sea-Tae on %Vednesday evening to
fly to Gueno Park, Calif. to be
with her daughter, Mr. Luther
Criss as she had to undergo surg-
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund spent
the weekend in Yakima with
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Belling.
visited her father, Ted Berry, Sun-
day and also got to visit with his
sister, Dessa Palmer who is np
from Nm~valk, Calif., with her
gl'andson, Tom Haines.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adams
of Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Todd Tue,~lay.
Joe and Chuck Brown are spen-
ding this week with their grand-
dad, Dan Brown at Kamilehe.
Thursday callers in the b. A.
Todd home were Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Todd of Mmmhester.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Todd and Mr. and 1vrrs. Al Frais-
ure and boys called on the Todds.
Mr. and Mrs. L: B. Todd are
enjoying a visit from daughter,
Mrs. Loran Mercier and children
of Nashville, Tenn.
Early Sunday morning there
was quite a bit of excitement
around the home of Mrs. E