September 3, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 3, 1964 |
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SttELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
I i !=;;;! I ii !:::!!
wW 4r!! i , iliiiii ii!!! Le al Publications
I,'( ;. SAI
th,' Commissioners of Mason County STATE OF ¢
have eonq)h, ted and plac'ed on fileMASON C()I N~
t I qr preliminary buds 't f, r Mason tter
(,pyof which will b~furnished any Philip) XnderSOn
]~ ~ citizen 'whowillcallat thisoffice auallfivd ExecUt
• " --- - " -- " 0
for salne, i)(,rsons having
(i}'i:~iil~i'3(;) ' ~i:;li:l~ i:(;u i:!;;i:~:?~i'~' i:i~'ii Di!ii;::i'::l ~!ii g]:!£y~°r°~26n'" -- - SUPPLY ~~4 Jatl; :I~l~~~: ~?~iilte~l: hrt::i~:~?:i~ ~B "~76:8a:; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. That deceased are r:
I;'( :::::::::::::::::::::: i ' X~ lhis Board will meet at :h,; Courthouse same in dupllc~
. : t in She h,n m tl e 5th day of Oct )be ', said Exeeutor .o
9 - 1964 at the hour of 2:00' p.m. for the L. Snyder. at tlt~
nmking tax h.vies, and any taxpay~,r of said Court. }o
lilly {])pea" at sa d Herring lind be such s(rv ce, WIL;
he u'd for or aga nst any part of said the date of ftr.S!
budg(.t, notice, or tile S~l
DATED tiffs 31st day of August, _DATE ~.j4f firs
1964, at Shelton Washington. oer ,~. jJuv . F
:Board of C,,unly Conunissioners ~IH~IdFaI~AS,
.of Mason County, Washington. Robert L Snydel
By C. NOLAN MASON Atli,rney at Law
Mason County Auditor and Ex- 125V.., "N. 5th
Officio Clerk of the Board. Sheltoa, Washing
9/3-10 2L
_ Real Estate _
I " sPe :lA,"
] Just $200 down. Easy monthly p.ay
[ insured mortgage. Excellent family
[ Mt. View, 3 bedrooms, big closet '
[ big kitchen with loads of cabinetS,
| appEances, separate utility room.
] is under $12,000. Move in immed
..... .._: ...... ......... :i , ' • " ... -- . ' ': ..... ":: ._=. ...... : ....... :!i WATERFRONT REALTI
"Suburban Property Specialist
Substantial price drop on this 5 bedroO~n
more than worth while to see it. A full base~r
i : ! floors of family room makes storage prob~
r,- sevenal acres with creeks bubbling to tt~e
l__~i~k privacy within 'A mile of school.--Plus .... a vl~
you[ Price says owner wants to sell - Just $19,0
Not if yell like a little more than average
: average beach of pure sand and above average
~ ~'~i~i(ii!!il..i!ii(~i~l!~ii~i~' ~~~eJ2~i~ ~L_i~!!i!ii! Fii!iiii!i[c']~i~5$~i~iii~!i~}i} i!:ii~i! ~ii;]i;~i!ii~!i~~~ of Case Inlet at bel°w average c°st f°r the b'- $ 0 per me th will buy a sunrise view of
, . : of Harstine waterfront. Lets see it!
(~I.IC)ouN2TI~UTFTIONIs~,? S~ortl[ng ~roodl~ Used (~ars o~SBNED~OOM apa, tn,cnt S{,i~31): /ANI?tL]:SrIDEI th:e~an~.drrooo::: 8::tWnf! i~'::~'~.=~ i'~:p(lii,:~i'!:~:;'~O~(~;:!~l YOU CAN 'BE INDEPENDENT!
How easy to own this smfill cabin with fall
and FOUNDATIONS SCOTT d0 H.P.. all electric wi(l~ li'(gR SALE -- /960 Falcon Ranchero, ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment room. all eleetri(', w/w carpet, patio, ville. Wash. Phone 832-5371, Eaton- Taxes arc only about $1,0. ~¢t its only 5
Morse single control and Ride Glide new tires, clean. Phone 426-6091.. for rant. Heat, water and garbage fcnecd yard. F.H.A. terms $15.80(] vilh,. 8/20 tfa Evei'ything is ready
ill this clean little house.
Phone 426-6441 steering for 15 ft. boat. Motor corn- ~R 7/9 tfn furnished, lnquire ,119 Franklin St., by owner. 526-4500 after 5 or week- bi~,DER---ii,C~UI~:I=~EDI~OO=I~I--]I(-)u~d--f(j~:
( ............................ sale. FHA terms. Angleside. Fh'e- DON'T GIVE UP!!
7/23 tfn ph;tely reconditioned and tuned. A-1 ]'[]5"6---(~A~JI~i~I]AC.~se)=les---60---Spdci-al Apt. 5. phone 526-6596.B 7/23 tfn ends, O 6/18 tfn
................. condition. Sell for cash or trade Fleetwood, Also 14 ft. plywood boat. TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Phone i~ARGE -I~i'0MN~I-N--~TI~ION on viewl)lace, double garage, $400 down.
....... " for pickup truck. It. O. Rowe. Rt. Phone 526-8113. B 7/9 tfn 526-3169. B 8/13 tfn lotoverlookingwater and moun- Phone 426-6510. t¢ 7/23 tfn
- -- :~- 2, :Box 627. Shclton. phone 426-8032. -.- "...................................... You want a new house
R 5/28 tfn 1955 3/4 TON Ch(~,~;i, lc, t--i;i(:kup. Flat= FOR RENT .... Two i)cdroom lmuse tMns. Three bedrooms, two baths ..........................................
....................................... bed with sideboards, rebuilt motor, with garagenear school. Call 526-and den, carpels, garage with work- AT STADIUM BEAClt, In Grapevicw,
FREE ESTIMATES 16 ft. BOAT; Merc. motor 500-50 H.P. Call 426-4779 evenings. D 8/20 tfn ,1428. 3 8/27 tfn shop. Phone Union 898-2133. three heavily wooded lots, in disttn- YOU need 3 bedrooms
) gulshed setting, with tidelands, oppo-You require room out of town
Rag-Guide steering and controls, - ............................................ site State Yacht Harbor, Itarstlne YOU are looking near schools
wlndsheildalsotrailer. Phone 426- I~'C)1l SALE -- 1956 l-]udson Hornet ~ILL--(~REEK---~-()T]g:F.--ha'.~-one---and D 4/23 tfn
CARPET ~ood running e,mdition, paint andtwo bedroom cottages. Call 426-4520. ANGLESIDE CORNER lot, 90 x 120 Island. $100 ,)er ft. Private owner
4365 P 6/25 tfn tires. Also It 1950 ~,£-toa pickup, l-Ilghway 101 south. S 6/11 tfn for sale. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- I will sell or lease. Call Shelton 526-
I-6("it~--S~,[~E---- l(f-ft~--li,'am with oars Aft(~r 5 p.m. call 426-3035 or s,~e at I-~rTOl~-APT-S:~--fu-r-ni-she~i-ancl--tui2 day or Friday night calls, please. ' 8751, or address P. O. Box 217, but . . .
Our wall-to-wall installation and ,)ar-h,cks. $30. Pimne 12(i-6179. 2223 King. A 8/20 9/3 furnished one bedrooms apts. Ample A 7/4 tfn ! Grapevtew. W 8/6 tfn Its too old,and needs repair
T 9/3-1() -tsICK-UP"f()r-sale.--g65:--426--85972 ...... storage. All utilities irmluded except FOR SALE -- By Owner. Ahnost new ' ]~O--R--S'~E-'B-Y~-O-~,Ni~R--_2_--~-~'~;-i~,~I: Its too snlall for your needs
includes: 14 F()()T M(iNKd;~i~)]l-]'ilmr~liis:~d;d D 8/20 9/3 lights. Reasonable. 7th and Pine Sts., 3 bedroom furnished or unfurnished room home on Arcadia Ave. $6950. Its too large or small a,tl'act "
................................................... Phone 426-2121. 5/16tfn house on htrge lot. 70' x 120'. Hard- Phone 426-2278. M 8/20 tfn
p yw( ( (1 runabout. st(uq'- FOR SALE -- 1955 Chev. Bel Air 2-dr. wood floors, fully plastered through- It~ far from any schools
ALL NECESSARY TACK-LESS ins and controls. 15 h.p. Evinrud,~H.T.. V-8. Powerglide, i,ower win- out. Fh-cplaee, patio.Call 426-2206 N-EA-I~--IJN-I-(D~N---JUN-C:rI0~q------3I~ and .,.
STRIP, SEWING, MATCHING, and ws b~r. A fine fishing heat ful- di,ws, s*,ats, steering and brakes, after 5. I-I 5/28 tfn, seres, 9 ]niles from Shelton. 530 ft.
ly equil)l)ed and ready to go.2'125} New rubber. Also 1951 BSA sports, highway frontage, spring water, Nobody will finance you
USED FURNITURE wooded $,6oo. A,so ,,a e $3000 small then ...
CUTTING, BINDING, AND I'h,,ne 126-852, . N~:w motor. 080 o~'er stock.Call i I . house in She]ton :~ paid-for. Trade
MOLDINGS. 4 6-6,42 Salurday ,,r Sun,la,. Depreoiated Out?