September 3, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Correct 4-H
There were some
inaccuracies in the listing of the
4-H winners in the Mason County
Fair which appeared in last week's
issue of The Journal.
Clothing champion rosettes
were awarded Donna Schmiege
and Rene Gates.
Only one poultry rosette was
awarded, to At Sievert, There was
no poultry rosette awarded to
Mike Matson.
Top point winners in several
classes were not awarded rosettes
since rosettes are not provided for
these areas•
These include Kenneth
Drake, forestry; Mary Carson,
crafts; Traeey DeMiero, home
iTnprovement; Jeff Nelson,
woodworking; Becky Chapman
and Teresa Murray,.photography;
Oliver Chapman, electricity and
Jeff Nelson, small engines.
City Told Water
The Shelton City
Commission, at its meeting
Tuesday, received a letter from
Mrs. Itoward Thompson, a
resident of Jones Rd.,
complaining of the lack of water
pressure in her area.
She stated that another
person on the Jones Rd. water
line had a pump on the line, and,
when ~t was in operation, she
could get no water.
City Street Superintendent
Bob Temple said the question
about the water line had come up
before, and, that residents of the
area had been informed that since
the line is outside the city limits,
it they wanted to pay for
installation of a new line, the city
would put it in and hook the
houses up to it.
Ite said the present line starts
out at 1% inches and goes down
to 3/4 inch at the end.
Monday To
(try t ,truly state and federal
government offices in Mason
County will be closed for Labor
Day holiday.
Most businesses in the county
will bc closed also in honor of the
The Post Office will have its
Itl~ular lloliday mail schedule with
mail arriving at and leaving from
the Post Office and distributed to
Pus! Olficc Boxes. There will be
no rural or city mail delivery that
School Board
Meets Tuesday
The Shelton School Board
will hold its regular September
meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
Evergreen School Library.
The board is expected to
MRS. JANE WlNDSOR, former Mason County Extension
agent, stopped in Shelton last week before leaving for Alaska
where she will head home economics extension work for
the Alaska Extension Service.
In A
Mrs. Jane Windsor, a
supervisor with Washington State
University's Cooperative
Extension Service since 1966, has
accepted the position of state
leader of home economics for the
Extension service at the
University of Alaska. She
reported for duty in Fairbanks
Sept. 1.
Mrs. Windsor has been with
the WSU Extension service since
1956 and was an agent in Mason
County for 10 years. She moved
from Shelton to Puyallup in 1966
to become district program leader
of home economics for all of
Western Washington. She also
taught home economics on the
WSU campus for six years and in
secondary schools in Yakima and
Grays Harbor Counties.
Taking Mrs. Windsor's place
in Puyallup beginning Oct. 1 will
be Mrs. Alice Osgood "who has
been in the King County
Extension office since 1967.
Besides working with clothing and
homemakers club programs in
Seattle, she was instrumental in
launching the expanded nutrition
program in King County. Earlier
in her career as a professional
home economist, Mrs. Osgood
was an Extension agent in Yakima
County and also served as both a
state and federal Extension
clothing specialist.
Maxey Group
Sets Meeting
The Mason County Maxey
for Senate committee will meet at
8 p.m. Thursday in the Court
Purpose of the meeting will
be to discuss the McCarthy Rally
scheduled for 8 p.m. Sept. I0 at
the ~I~ ~enter Arena.
A reception has been
scheduled for 5:30-7 p.m. in the
Executive Dining Room of the
Mirabeau Restaurant at the top of
the Seafirst Building.
The charge for the reception
will be $12.50 a person and there
will be a $2 donation at the door
for the rally.
Entertainment at the Rally
will be by the Springfield Rifle,
Dancing Bare and Oluronbi.
Anyone interested in
obtaining tickets can contact
Rodger Tuson, 426-2045.
make a decision as to what to do
about bids on the new
handicapped school building
which were opened last week.
Bids on the project were
considerably higher than had been I monthl HEARING AIDS l
estimated and the board took
them under advisement at the~) y Service Center, usually held on the first Friday of
time of the bid opening. ~ the month, will be held on the second Friday this month l~
I:nll,.ITylczak Firday, September 11th, Hallmark Inn l
~ See next week's paper for announcement of special interest t~
Miss Margaret Ruth Ann
and importance. .~
Tylczak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Francis Tylczak, 407 North ~ BELTON, HEA=IN, AIDS
Sixth St., Shelton, will be a
student at Stephens College,~ 418 5 Washington, Olympia, Dia1943.9650 ~418 S Washington, Olympia, Dial 943-9650 9
Columbia, Mo., during the A A
1970-71 school year.
• Brakes • Tune.Up • Electrical Work
• tube • Oil Changes • Front.End A
Now at
8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
1st & Cota
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 3, 1970
Today, Thursday, Sept. 3
Rotary Club luncheon,
noon, Ming Tree Cute.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45
a.m., Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m.,
court house annex.
Yacht Club business
meeting, 8 p.m. : dinner, 6
p.m., clubhouse.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30
p.m., PUD conference room.
Multi-service center board
meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the
VWWI Madrona Barracks
No. 1462 and auxiliary, noon
potluck and regular meeting,
Fair Harbor Grange, 6
p.m. potluck and regular
meeting, Grapeview Fire Hall.
Rummage Sale, PUD, 9
a.m. 4:30 p.m. Welcome
Chapter No. 40 OES.
Friday, Sept. 4
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
Drivers license examiner,
1 0 a.m. 5 p.m., court
house basement.
VFW auxiliary, 8 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Rummage Sale, PUD, 9
a.m. 4:30 p.m., Welcome
Chapter No. 40 OES.
Moonlight rummage Sale,
5 p.m. 9 p.m., Odd
Fellows Hall above
Coast-to-Coast Store. Ruby
Rebekah Lodge, No. 75.
Game Night, 8 p.m.,
Union Fire Hall. Sponsored
by Hood Canal Improvement
Saturday, Sept. 5
Eagles Pinochle Party. 8
p.m., Eagles Hall, airport.
Sunday, Sept. 6
Shelton churches invite
you to attend the church of
your choice.
St. Edward's Women's
Club Bake Sale, after masses,
in the church basement.
VWWI and auxiliary No.
2778 potluck luncheon and
regularmeeting, 12:30 p.m..
MasonicLodge, Belfair.
Monday,Sept. 7
Labor Day
Tuesday, Sept. 8
PUD No. 3 commission
meeting, t p.m., PUD
conference room.
County Commission
meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse.
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Hallmark Inn.
City Commission meeting. 2
p.m., city hall.
Judge Frank Baker upheld a
Department of Fisheries order
closing Commencement Bay in
the Tacoma area to sports fishing
after a hearing in Mason County
Superior Court Friday.
Arthur Yount, owner of
Totem Boat Haven, and Phil
Valentine, a sports fisherman, had
sought an injunction against the
closure action.
The case had been set in
Mason County for hearing before
Judge Baker.
Henry Wendler, senior
biologist for food fish
management with the Department
of Fisheries, testified that the
action had been taken after the
catch of Chinook salmon in a
commercial fisheries area above
Commencement Bay had betm
only about a third of what had
been anticipated.
The salmon heading to the
Puyallup River spawning grounds
go through Commencement Bay,
he said.
He commented that the
Puyallup spawning grounds need
all the fish they can get for
reproduction. The river suffers
because of the Indian fishing
activities, Wendler said.
Also testifying was Robert
Gruett, assistant patrol chief for
the Fisheries Department. He
testified as to how regulations are
processed and made known.
Valentine testified that he had
fished in Commencement Bay for
a number of years and the catch
this year was the best it had been
for a number of years.
Yount and Valentine were
represented by Sam Allotta, a
Tacoma attorney and the state by
Larry Coniff.
In denying the injunction,
Judge Baker said he would rule
the state had followed proper
procedures according to law,
but, could have provided more
information as to the reasot~ for-
the closure in the notice which
was sent out.
The judge stated the state has
a right to manage the fisheries
resources and that he could not
find that the decision to close
Commencement Bay ~ sports
fishing was arbitrary or
Reg. $2.99 Asstd. Colors
Fish I let Panty Hose , .ow
/I' 93cOW
Washington Forge Universal Carver
'Pretty Smooth, Reg. $6.79
For A
Cooler Ride...
Choice of colors.
Reg. $ t .49 Special
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STORE OPEN: 9:30 A.M. - 8:30
Monday thru Saturday --Closed Sundays.
Phone 426-3456 - Evergreen Square
(Continued from Page 1 )
has served as prosecuting attorney
tile past four years.
County Assessor Willis
Burnett is seeking election to his
sixth term in that office. Burnett,
a Democrat, is opposed in the
Novenlber General Election by
Bill Werberger. Werberger did not
attend tile meeting Tuesday night.
"file duty of his office,
Burnett said, is to place a fair and
current value on all taxable
property in tile county so that
each piece of property is paying
its fair share of taxes.
There arc some 35.000 tracts
of land in the county, he
Burnett said hc was born in
Tacomu and raised in Mason
County, graduating from tligh
School here. lie was elected
assessor in 1050.
Unopposed for rv,-elcction this
fall is ('ounly Auditor Ruth
Boysen. ller office, she said. has a
variety of duties including clerk
of the county commission,
county election officer and an
agent of the State Motor Vehicle
Nile stated she was born in
South Dakota and came to Mason
County in 1t)37. She has been
employed in the attttitor's office
since 1958.
Treasurer John ('olc is also
unopposed for re-election to) the
position he has held since lt}54.
The duties of his office, he
said. is to take in and distribute
all tax nloney alld olher fullds
coining in to tile county for the
various taxing districts.
Cole explained the investlnent
progranl which has been m effect
since 1967 which has resulted in
the county collecting some
$60,000 so far this year in
interest. This money, he said, goes
Game Night Set
A game night will be held
Friday at 8 p.m. in the Union i:ire
Hall. The event will be sponsored
by the Hood (?anal Improvement
into a cumulative reserve fund
which is used to buy equipment
for the county offices. Cole said
another $20,000 or more will be
collected in interest during the
remainder of the year.
Cole was born in New Mexico
and graduated from high school in
Arizona. lie attended the
University of Minnesota one year
Laurel Court
To Hold Practice
Laurel Court No. 26 will hold
a practice for the visit of the
Grand Matron on Wednesday at
7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Temple.
All officers must be present.
On next Thursday the
Atnaranth Social Club will meet
at tile home of Nina Dishon, 407
fast "'D'" St., at 9:30 a.m. for a
work party.
Gets Degree
1)aut E. Johansson, Shelton,
received a Master of Science
degree in counseling from the
University of Oregon at the
and then returned
where he graduated
in pharmacy.
He came to
to work in the
and later worked as
for Roy
County Cumin
Bariekman, is
re-election to
which he was
1954. He is a
He stated the
balancing the budge
the county
hiring the counY
directs the county
Kamilche and
life in Mason
employed as a
Rayonier pulp
Christmas Tree
commissioner in.
field of seven candJ
County Clerk
a Republican also
re-election, was
meeting Tuesday
The candidates
sttmtner graduation exercises Aug.
15. the meeting were
Johansson is director of Jaycee President
counseling and guidance
forJerry Swartos acted
Shelton lligh School. ceremonies.
and Want
Leave Your
Name Jim
for the German
QUALIFIED For sheriff
204 W. "E'"
(Pd. Pol. Adv.
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- ,1 J ' : "+' '- -2 " " r reenm
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