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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Scotts .... here and what a Clint Harrington, manager of and later on lovely, PENNEY S, says that gym shoes • ;. are found at PENNEY'S, and he's teat er, at least in the right. Lots of sizes and lots of ear] r mornings, bring savings here ..... I fe 1 to the air thatLook at STELLA'S BEAUTY arOUnd the corner, if SALON for the special that will 'here send you backto-school in style. 0bid mal£e those tired Stella Winter, owner, is always t er s in E a s t e r n ready to please and will even open little happier as by up evenings by appointment, so " they should be call today .... SOothing rains to The bowling season is almost a little easier in .... all we can do is ething you don't it comes to goodies to buy at here in Mason 'Wever, as that is aqe . . . so glance and you'll find holding special hem is HOODSPORT Ed Taylor )ecial fall sale for fixing up that or getting ready 0r back-to-school is SPROUSE-REITZ and manager er had oodles of g to be -~xt Week .... Sharon Watilo, R SALES are ttoover line as Week, particularly a cleaner and can here and L. L. McInelly, owner of the TIMBER BOWL, informs us that there are plenty of places left in most of the leagues. Contact ''Mac'' for further information .... If the shoe doesn't fit, "Red Goose" won't let your child wear it and neither will BOB'S SHOE TREE. Owner Bob Wotton is extremely careful in fitting your children's feet whether they be teenagers or just little tykes. Stop in soon and take a look at the collection of styles and colors that Bob has on his shelves.., for all the family .... Shirley Cameron, manager of the MONEY SAVER store, stated that you can save up to 20% and more on somc items in all departments. Check, the next time you're in the store, expecially during the big back-to-school promotion going on right now .... For a delicious home made float, start with A & W root beer from MINOR'S A & W today and take aDRIVE-IN. Saturday only Minor low prices .... Williams owner, has slashed the at MILLER'S price of a gallon of root beer to lew fall line of ladies styled and at lees, so don't get the cut of :Y shoes for fall and in at MILLER'S Manager Kirk of Styles and colors and all of 'era are right for your poorly? Then N'S OF and let Ann he Garden Center Scotts fertilizer or Your lawn. And buy, during the ry sale of only 50c. Don't miss this one .... Merry Settle, owner of MERV'S TIRECAP & CARCARE CENTER, announced this week that Claude Irwin, former service manager at Kimbel Motors, has .joined his staff as full time mechanic. Claude stated he was happy to be with the firm, and asked that all his friends and customers stop_ in and say hell() .... That's 30 - for this week but remember that "A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds; For when the weeds begin to grow, then dotli the garden overflow." -DL -= Center: Center is people for a a Nutrition at the Center. persons call 'lee Center at 1. Or come the Center at 233 Center the owners of for donating the 29th. WOuld also like to Policeman for policing the ry BOard of the nter has changed Sept. 3 to at 7:30 p.m. Center. Ory Board is this fall, any interested citizens are welcome to attend the next meeting. Are you interested .in attending vocational school? If you are contact the Multi-Service Center at 233 2rid St. Grapeview To Start Tuesday The Grapeview School will begin its new year at 8:45 a.m. Sept. 8. Lunch will not be served the first day since classes will be dismissed at 1 l :45 a.m. The bus will travel its usual route at the regular time. New to the faculty this year is Miss Nancy Finch, a 1970 graduate of Western Washington State College, who will teach the middle room. 50 A " " mp gram Ups B L/ing The Food Stamp program in food coupons with the amount of resources of less than $1,500. individual participants. Grocer _q ~1 ;I its fourth year of operation in money they normally would be Most beneficiaries of the cooperation also is voluntary, ec|a| ~w Mason county, has increased food expected to spend for food. Food Stamp program who are not Officials say the cooperation of buying power and grocery sales These, plus the USDA-added on welfare are older, retired food retailers and coupon sales by an annual figure of more than bonus of coupons, are redeemable people living on their social outlets in Mason County has Good Sat., Sept. 5 Only! $121,000. for food at authorized stores, security benefits, small pensions, helped the program operate Irvin McArthur, Mason A total of 27 Mason Countyor other small fixed income, effectively. County administrator for the grocers are authorized by USDA Officials point out that the Information on the Food State Department of Social and to accept food coupons. Food Stamp program is Stamp program is available from II • I Health Services, Division of Public The State Division of Public completely voluntary for the State Division of Public Assistance, has advised FrankAssistance certifies eligibility of everyone concerned - the state, Assistance Mason County office ~ /I Reagan, in charge of the United participants and finances the cost the coupon sales outlets and the in Shelton, telephone 426-3363. la S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t o f of coupon issuance. There are • Agriculture's Food and Nutrition three food stamp sales outlets in P Service office in Olympia, that in Mason County. the year ended June 30, 1970, Most public assistance ~n n .,r ...... _ __ . ForOny ~. participants paid 5127,429, for recipients are eligible for the [['lacrler Io Head Heart l-ond [.)rive which they received coupons program, but other low income • individuals and families not on public assistance also may qualify for participation, depending on income and resources. For example, a family of four with a monthly net income of $355 or less and resources of St,500 or Dave Thacher, Shelton realtor, has been named to direct the February Heart Fnnd Drive in Mason County, Robert A. Schmidt of Olympia. regional chairman, announced today. Thacher. who resides at 526 South 10th St.. Shelton. directed two years as Shelton city chariman. He is a member of the local Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis Club and.the Jay-Cees, of which he is a past president. The February Heart Fund Drive provides funds for research, education and service in the fight less would be eligible, or a family of six with $435 or less in last year's successful drive in this against this state's chief health monthly net income and county and prior to that served tlireat, cardiovascular disease. worth $248,584. The difference represents the "bonus" of additional food purchasing power contributed by USDA. Participation in the program during June 1970 totaled 1,457 persons. McArtliur said the Food Stamp program gives low income people the opportunity to buy 1729 Olympic Hwy. N., Mt. View CRAYOLA Tuck box with 16 different col- ors. Reg. 29d SEAMLESS PANTY HOSE 1st qual. Enkasheer nylon. Beige and cinnamon. Sizes petite to tall• Reg. 99d. 9c Pr. Just Arrived In Time For School Ladies & Girls' SWEATERS 100% Acrylic Bulky Knit Lad ies $'199 Girls' 11 4 oz. plastic squeeze bottle• Reg. 59d Ug" S Ts FLAIR MARKER Smooth writing. Nylon point stays sharp. 10 colors. Reg. 49d TENNIS SNEAKERS R 8% x 11, 3 ole, college rul or wide rule paper. Reg. $1.59 PENS 33;' Three pens: 2-19~ ball pens and 1-49~ fine point ball pen. 87d value. iiPAPEReMATE "NINETY EIGHT" PEN 67' Leak-proof, skip-free, many col- ors-includes refill. Reg. 98d b HAIR SPF AY , , 49' Bo~gu~3enO;~lca~egR~J6~lar Hard To Hold BAG Fu,, oF 35 PENCILS 77' els. S ock up~'Penciltmakera°°fed on the lab THEME "Red Ouille" Spiral theme book. 3 hole 8½ x 11, college or wide rule. Reg. 49d each. I~~.oos, .,,~... o,.c,,v,s 57' 3r.J~%b~;;i" rings, with boost A ,~ woo° 4~~ ~/.u~~. OVER THE SHOULDER • r FROM, i, ITALYEach HANDBAG SCISSORS $399.Each :~ Metal edges. Reg. 10d 137 "Inside Story ® ! Var. asst., Val. to $2.98 extra features. Vinyl calf. rgreen Square Thursday, September 3, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3