September 3, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 3, 1970 |
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SCOUTS KEN Vonnolly and Craig Grubb, next to the house,
and volunteers Duane Nault of the PUD and Jim O'Neil
assisted with fire fighting efforts at the Jarvis house in
Hoodsport Monday.
time of his first enlistment. Chuck
has now re-enlisted for three years
and is Viet Nam bound.
destroyed the home of Esther
Jarvis Monday afternoon. Smoke
was seen from the street, Ed
Johnston ran to station and
returned with fire engine, and
volunteer's arrived. The Jarvis
home is located in the heart of
Hoodsport proper and within feet
of Ed's 76 Garage, so the alarm
was great as clouds of smoke
hovered over the area. Assistance
came from Union Fire
Department U.S. Forest Service
and Department of Natural
Resources arrived with their
pumper rigs, P.U.D. employees
and their bucket tub. not
forgetting boy scouts from troop
111. Windows were both blown
and knocked out, holes chopped
into roof and water wa~ hosed in
via the bucket tub with Duane
Knault in full control of the
nozzle. When ttoodsport truck
was forced to leave the scene to
re fill with water. Union tank
truck took over along with the
Department of pumper rigs.
Although the inside was
completely destroyed, the house
was unoccupied and no bodily
injuries occured.
Second Call
A second call came before the
to Altus, Okla. to see his son,
Bob, and wife Peg. Bob is on his
14th year with the Air Force.
Then to Kansas City for a brief
visit with his sister Mrs. L.
Hadley. From there it is up and
away to Iowa where sister's
numbering two will greet him, Amy
Browning and Shirley Ownes. A
short drive in a rented car will
then deliver Skipper John to the
home of his parent's in Linville,
Iowa. No use wishing John a good
time for to know John is to know
that not only will he have a good
time but so will all who gets the
pleasure of listening to his
enlightening tales of Life on the
Canal. Some fellows tell tall
stories of fishing but they would
have to go far to top Ole Capt.
John's shrimping tales
Home From Hospital
Joe Spalding is home and
looking great after a twenty day
stay in the Providence Hospital in
Seattle, where he had facial
Hazel White is getting out and
about after a two month
convalescent period, following an
attto accident last June.
Still in but doing very well
and recieving visitor's is Bob
Reed. Bob is in Harrison
Memorial in Bremerton.
I I'Up'e r'p, ana ,,oodsport Engine had time to No comment has been
cool off. This time to the home of received from the AI Piles on
Daisy Vance located about eight their recent i:::~nt to Reno
miles north of Hoodsport. A veryNevada.
~rVALLEY Sigurd Johnson. the ocean, and 1 t.Defiance. large brush fire was well Fun l-i.qnng
!0MISbI_Mr. Sunday a family was underway was Fun fishing was had bv the
htriOells enjoyedanda weeksMrS" had thcirand houseMrS Albertgucsts Beardcnthe past at Potlatch StatereUni°npark. Thoseheld close to thcandvance dangerouslYvchiclc and crew out at Springwater, when
&,SUP to Banff, Lake week, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawsonattending were Mr. and Mrs. Bob home. However the fellows soon Dewey and Boyd took employees,
er, and CrestsO?edB h(i and family of St. James, Ark. Bear den, Mr. and Mrs. Don put an end to the burning brush,friends, and family on achartered
__refamilytheYMrlS~ndv Mrs.S While here the Bcardens and their Bearden, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cusick, assured Mrs. Vance all was well,fishing cruise at Westport last
and returned to the station.
and families, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
guesls made a trip to Mt. Rainier,
Sunday. Largest fish was nabbed
Bearden and the honored guests, Trip Plan by Mike flail who beat Dewey out
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and family
• I of Arkansas.
~gl~a, Mr. and Mrs. Jin, Valley and
family of Lynnwood visited his
grandparents over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter
Pro" drove to Tacoma Sunday for
~t'- Ject manager of around $350.000."
vn . . dinner.
~_. State Umvers~ty's (;rosso says the layers of bluc
~al d" ' Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley
~'~t~e~lL _lg at the Ozette. clay that slid down onto the enjoyed a boat trip on the (:anal
Lla °. on the Olympic village and destroyed them as with the Goerge Valleys of is!and
ii Is Calling it "The places to live actually have been a Lake on Sunday afternoon.
~re,,°f thewestern Godsend to the archaeologists. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Tozier and
ald ,, "The clay has sealed some ofMr. and Mrs. Bolo Sarkowitz
'~s~ " n. Grosso,. . .°f the materials .iust like a time spent a week in the Caribou
ie, .t yst IS ,SO rich capsule," (;rosso said. "The country in Canada fishing at
~11~I nat It took two archaeologists actually can see different lakes.
archaeologists two some of these things change color While there they had a visit
~lfWeeks to excavate an and age as they are uncovered, from a black bear which was quite
t lt gck 18 aI That's one of our big problems an experience.
right now, finding ways to Weekend guests of Mr. and
~'tn • the lar~eo houses." preserve the artifacls m their Mrs. George Barkley were Mr. and
~,, tltans lived, natural state." Mrs. Guy Smith of Bremerton,
.TMfl oft°°kth 165 ma'orj The site manager said Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson and
t~ ,.. at small section, materials are being treated with a
~r,'oYPXcat of the house preservative compound of Kathy of Issaquah, Mr. and Mrs.
~o declared. He said polyethylene glycol as soon as Ed Kortnik of Bothell.
~t~l~gists probing the possible after they are excavated. Allen Richert celebrated his
;'.~mcation of at least "The archaeologists just 7th birthday. A pirate theme was
k~'~rge houses in the watch in dismay as the color of the decoration. A treasure hunt
[~'* area on of
Irate of preservat~ some of the artifacts 300 to a was enjoyed with candy, and
~lk~ials is a - thousand years old - actually prizes for all. Those present were
~tll' mazing, zou change color in front of their Paul Hunter, Barbara Moore,
~e~StPlace the Pompeii Steven Gravatt, Shannon
~redern hemisphere," eyes," Grosso said.
"Some of the things made of Johnson, Kirk Richert, and the
.~id 17)r. Sam Stanley, areCedaruncoveredare a lightforYellOWthe whenfirst time.they honored guest Allen Richert. , ,
~t~,~°rdinator for the Then, within a matterof[ DAN¢~
~,[~e Study of Man at minutes, the color changes from
t~'~an Institution in yellow to tan to light brown and
~lli~,u. C., had visited the then a dark chocolate color. J SHELTON VALLEY
~'we~kend. We are trying a vitamin-C J GRANGE HALL
~tln t believe the state solution on some of the baskets as
~i~m,,al.lot the artifacts," they are uncovered. This seems to
IIt~..e looked at some help hold the color. Of course we J Sat., Sept. 5
I~a) We've been taking are taking quite a few color
~i~qh he just couldn'tphotographs to show the original I MUSIC BYTHE
~a" ad been found colors of some
of the two-toned
~au'y'' baskets, for example, butwe'dlike ] Tune Toppers
,. ~n Which the WSU to be able to preserve more of
k~'~rkirlg is located on them," Grossoadded.
!tll,"~ Cape Alava the
~,~,,~.,t po,,,~ ,n i~ v°"';i".';'"
~t~t nd is accessible
: or by helicopter.
,..~:s OWned by the
~111~ ;; SOme of whom are
A.wao archaeologists
~i;~°tal of $70,000 in Repubhcan for
~'!,k.L Provided by the
[~art Affairs for the
~¢' I~ation of the area, MA!;ON
~lds are nearly
at of funds in the COUI IT '
mOnth and the
ld destroy what [$$[!;$0ll
~et out,, Grosso
is so rich "If you want a
There is
can hurry a job change elect
project Bill Werberger"
years and we
total cost at (pc Pol. Adv. by Bill Werberger)
John Vinzant is a going a
flying, his journey started with
leaving Sea Tac Tuesday and his
flight plans are going to take him
of the prize money by ¼ ounce.
with a 10 pound silver.
Basic Training
Basic training is underway at
The Herb Piedt's had a very
busy entertaining week when last
Wednesday Viola's sister and
husband arrived for a dinner from
Seattle, and was" followed by a
surprise Sunday visit from sister
Delores Buttolph from Spokane.
Julie Belmont and friend Kris
Strand arrived from Seattle to
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Thursday, September 3, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 1:
. Democrat -
(Pd. Pol. Adv. by Johnny Robinson)
Years Experience tkAttended E.W.C.E.
te of Washington State Patrol Academy.
son of Mason County.
Ft. Lewis for Doug leman, son of
the Vance Inman's. While Doug is
in the service wife, Sue, will be
s.taying with her parent's Mr. and
Mrs. Mel West, Alderbrook.
R eenlist ed
PFC. Charles Ferguson arrived
for a weeks visit with sister Dona
O'Neil and spouse Jim. Chuck has
been a summer resident of
Hoodsport traveling each year
from the Ferguson family home
in Souix City, Iowa, until the
and Olym c
Free Delivery * Open Every Friday 'ill 9 p.m.
spend a week with Julie's father
George. Julie missed seeing her
grandmother Lois Belmont who
flew to Soldotna, Alaska for an
extended visit with nephew and
his family.
Vic and Alice Frank had .a
suprise visit from Alice's brother
Jer Lassoie. Joe was enroute to
give fishin~ a try at Sekiu, then he
will return to Tacoma where he is
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