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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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el eac er s The Shelton School District Cafeteria Supervisor; Chet faculty and non-certified Dombroski, Principal-High employees and their assignments School; James Willis, Vice were announced this week by Principal High School; Paul Supt. Louis Grinnell. Johansson, Director of Guidance; Classes for students in the Frank Willard, Administrative Shelton District will start Tuesday Assistant - High School; Floyd morning. Jackson, Principal - Junior High The district employee list School; Walt Clayton, include: Administrative Assistant - Junior High; Ken Gesche, Principal Administrative Personnel Evergreen Elementary; Torger L o u i s R. G r i n n e 1 1 , Lee, Principal - Mountain View Superintendent; Bruce Jaros, Elementary and Jack Swanson, Assistant Superintendent; Ken Principal - Bordeaux Elementary. Gesche, Director of Elementary Education; Frank Willard, Shelton High School Director-Special Services- Chet Dombroski, Principal; Maintenance; Doris HiUman, James Willis, Vice Principal - Business Manager; Cay Smith, Reed Building Supervision; Frank A s s i s t a n t B u s i n e s s Willard, Director- Special Services; Manager-Accountant; Lewis Paul Johansson, Director of T a y 1 o r, T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Counseling and Guidance• Supervisor; Georgie Barrett, Tom Aaron, Driver Lilliwaup Vacation At Beac By VlVIEN OLSON Hansons have been able to get LILLIWAUP-Keith and Mary down to the beach. Dr. Vivien Jane Johnson and their four sons, Webb Hanson has been kept busy Mike, Pat, Doug and Jim, are with her work for the King spending part of their vacation at County Health Dept. and the the Ayock Beach home of Mrs. Welfare Dept. Her vacation was Johnson's parents, the Bob spent in a real busman's holiday, Richters. The Johnson are from as she used the time to have Oakland, Calif, where Keith is an thyroid surgery, Dave teaches engineer for Standard Oil Co. evening classes at the University The family made a leisurelyof Washington• The youngsters trip up here, stopping several days are looking forward to returning at a time and camping out along to school. the Oregon coast, enjoying the Community Club fishing, hiking and the beaches, all Don't forget the Potluck and of which were particularly pinochle at the Lilliwaup enjoyable to the young boys. Community Club on Friday night. After a visit with Keith's parents There are still some copies of in Centralia, the young family the Kukbuk available (until the spent some time at tile Puyallup next printing)but they are getting home of Mary Jane's brother and harder to find. But well worth it. sister-in-law, the George Richter's As well as all the yummy recipes, where the children enjoyed the there are many pertinent and farm and their young cousins, Bill interesting bits of information and Jill. about the area, in the back of the Now they are getting in a bit book. of fishing as well as rest and Recent guests of the Mark relaxation before they return Cotters of Indian Beach have been home in time for the children to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Murray of SI nme Education; Sharron Akers, Vocational Business Education; Bill Brickert, Coach- World History-Geography; Rue Brickert, General Business; Margaret Brigham, English-Library; Charlene Cardwell, English; Connie Cronquist, Driver Education; Jon Day, Biology; Bernie Dorcy, Special Education; Ronald Ellis, Special Education- U.S. History ; Jack Gaddy,, Biology-Physiology; Paul Gillie, English; Terry Gregg, P.E.-Study Hall; Alan Harding, Physics-Math; Charlotte Hilligoss, Latin-English-Head of English Department ; Norine Jeffery, Home Economics-Head of Home Economics Dept.; Arne Johnsen, Wood Shop-Carpentry-Head of Ind. "Arts Dept.; Lorraine Johnson, English-Journalism- Assistant Drama; Warren Johnson, Wood Shop; Bruce Kreger, Mathematics; Mildred Kreger, French; Nancy Lewis, Vocational Home Economics: Reta Loudermilk, Chemistry-Math- Photography; Ruth Looney, Typing-Bookeeping-Shorthand; Barbara Martin, Girls' Counselor; Robert Miller, Choir: Mark Mitrovich, English-Debate; Bruce Moorehead, Band-Music Theory-Head of Music Department; Merle Mortensen, Auto Mechanics; Larry Nelson, U.S. ltistory-Teacher Orientation; Gary Nicloy, Washington State History; Rand Peterscn, Librarian; Clyde Robb, Metals: Sheila Rogers, German; Willard Rublin, Drafting: Clyde Ruddell, German-Head of Foreigh Language Department; Michael Sims, Business Education-Math; Alan Skare, Math; John Stark, P.E.-Boys' P.E. Department Head; William Steinbacher, English-Art-Publications; Dean Tarrach, English-Drama-Speech; John Tarrant, Civics-World History-World Geography; Roger Tuson, Civics-Bus. Law-World Affairs-Head Soc. Studies; Richard Wentz, World Hist ory-U.S. History-Geography Dept.; Ruth Willard, Girls' P.E.-Vocations and Richard Morton, Counseling• Garrett Heynes High School iven or Rublin, Drafting; Clyde Ruddell, aide Evergreen; Dixie Aitken, German-English; Harold Wilson, Teacher aide Bordeaux and Ina Math; Rue Brickert, Algebra and Lee Densley, Teacher aide Mr. Cris Harmia, English. View. Evergreen Elementary Cafeteria Ken Gesche, principal• Georgie Barrett, Supervisor; Helena Anderson, 4th; Linda Anabel lsbell, Betty Johnson, Wakefield, 3rd; Leanna Day, lst; Aloha Krumpols, Olive Lanman, Geraldine Eken, I st, Ruth Kathleen Moorehead, Anna Rupe, Goodwin, Librarian; Monte Hang, Louise Snyder, Viola Wade and 5th 6th Departmentalized; Nancy Wright. Pa t ricia, Heintz, Remedial Transportation Reading ()A) day); Ed Hopkins, Lewis Taylor, Supervisor; 5th 6th Departmentalized; Eugene Holman, Transportation Janet Janda, 3rd;WalterJohnston,Assistant & Bus Driver; Denny 5th 6th departmentalized; Davidson, Transportation Shirley Krogh, Kindergarten; Assistant & Bus Driver; Rea Gwen Long, 2nd Diane Brown, Nell Davis, Dale Evans, Mauerman, 4th, Thelma Maxwell, 2nd; Linda Rhodes, 5th - 6th Veta Holtorf, Zola Keever, Lucille Departmentalized; Don Richter, Magnett, Jane Maschner, Lois Instr. Music; Azalee Snyder, 1st Pearson, Jack Reynolds, Ilene and Dana Thacher, Kindergarten•Twidwell, Barbara Ward, Fay Warren, Lewis Wysong and Mike Mountain View Elementary Woods, Bus Drivers. Torger Lee, Principal; Douglas Custodians D a y t o n , 5 t h 6 t h Jim Bariekman, Evergreen Departmentalized; Lorna Dayton, Custodian; Lloyd Goodwin, 2nd ; Robert Dethlefs, 4th; General Maintenance-Custodian; Catherine Evanson, 5th; Gladys August Grisel, High School Flakus, 3rd; Allen Hopp, 5th - 6th Custodian; Ernie Haigh, High Departmentalized; Evelyn School Custodian;Bill Henderson, Maranville, 4th; Gladys Martin, Junior High Custodian; George Librarian; Janet Miller, 3rd; Mary Lowell, Rogers Custodian; Pat Dickinson, lst; Patricia Sparks, Meurer, Gym Custodian Kindergarten; Maxine Stroshine, Raymond O'Brien, Bordeaux 3rd; Merrie Sims, 2nd; Nonie Custodian; Raymond O'Brien, Swanson, 2nd; Barbara Tarrach, Bordeaux Custodian; Dan lst; Helen Tiistola, lst; Byron Sandridge, Bordeaux-Lincoln Winter, 4th, Marjorie Yule, 5th - Gym Custodian; Les Sjoholm, 6th Departmentalized, and Doris Evergreen-Angle-Jr. High Jackson 5th - 6th Departmental- ized. Bordeaux Elementary Victor H. Swanson, Principal; Dorothy Barnett, 2nd; Stella Bennett, lst; Carole Bensen, 3rd; Roxanna Caples, 2nd; Doris Case, lst; Byron Deffinbaugh, 5th- 6th Departmentalized; Betty Eager, Librarian; Ralph Ervin, 4th; Kathryn Evander, 5th 6th Departmentalized; Doug Hanna, 5th - 6th Departmentalized; Linda Hart, lst; Patricia Heintz, Remedial Reading (Y2 day); Sharon Hopkins, 2nd; Genevieve Hughes, 4th; Peter Janda, 5th - 6th Departmentalized; Edith Lyle, 3rd; Lolly Miller, Kindergarten; Nola Parsons, Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. A.Y.F ............6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed•) • 7:30 p•m. I EARL EVERS, Pastor r Custodian; Merton Stalker, Reed Building Custodian; Sid Tindall, Mountain View Custodian; John LaMarsh, Mountain View Custodian; Harry Wheeler, Maintenance; Gary D• Hedrick, Maintenance; Gilbert Parker, Maintenance and Darrol Martin, Maintenance. CAN YOU BE SAFE ON THE HIGHWAY? Listen this Sunday to the Christian Science Radio Series for some interesting insights on this question• It's on 18 Washington stations including: 9:00 a.m. KXA 770 k.c. # FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 East Dearborn Pastor i1~ 7:00 p•m. AMBASSADORS QUARTET.._. Inn.- ..W~o''klr~. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ........11:00 a.m. M~n~l$1~J~: 6:00 p.m. Youth Mtgs ........ 7:00 p.m. w,~, COME BRING A FRIEND ~tJ= l NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH r Phone 426-2488 ttedllld l! 123 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. keY. Paul BU ,. 9.,~1~'. Bible Study ............................ ; ; ;'l~" & l'~J~ Worship ..... ~'' =' " ,7: I Midweek Service ....................~il 10:15 a.m. KGY 1240 k.c. r THE I:11 SPEAKS I ED CHAMBERLAIN,Minister .7: UIULL TO YOU Bible School ....... 9:45a.m. Family Service """lI:00~ ..... Worship ............................... :~" ,~1~ ;:rn. ¢~ I Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer-- I:" •~;.. ~,~ll~l • . . 5ervp~- Too many oils? Ch,ld CareServlce Avallableat 11:00~_~..~J~ ~.1 First Church of Christ, 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. .l~i Sunday School 11 00a m --Church ll:00a,~ !l~ • - • p |It* ~' Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 ;;ours ,,~lk] Reading room located in church. Reading ro°~',45 t07.~1~ ll:00a.m.to2:00pm Man &Fri Wed ev~ RPM DELO Multi-Service Oil is the one oil best for both diesel and gasoline engines, Chevron CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL MAN IN SHELTON C. C. COLE & SONS, 426-4411 *Standard Oil Company of California Fishermen's Club P•U.D. AUDITORIUM --3rd & Cote From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.,n. every Sunday Sunday, September 6, 1970 Bible Study: REV. RAY MAINWARING Speaker: JUDGE CHARLES WRIGHT St. David's Church Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, WashingtOn start school. Glendale, Calif.; from lndio, Calif. George Hermes, Principal; Kindergarten; Lee Rhodes, 5th - House Guests Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Avery; Ted Fred Abrahamson, PE 6th Departmentalized; Dorothy AutoGla ' I --Ready-mixConcrete I 11:00 A.M. -- Family Service .,, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hanson, of and Ida Rice and the David Physiology; Ron Arant, Auto Ridout, 5th - 6th Departmen- Concrete , , 7:30 A.M.-- Holy Communion Seattle' with their twin daughters' Hunters' While here Mrs" Hunter' Mechanics; Margaret Baldwin'talized; Eva Santamaria' 3rd and [ [ Linda and Laura, and son a professional artist, did a portrait Librarian; Edward Bartolat, Mary Stansell, 4th. Expert Installation I --Concrete Culverts & Blocks I The Church is always open for meditation and pray*" I --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone I Michael, spent part of the ofMrs. Cotter. Welding; John Bennett, SpecialService I--FireplaceScreens&Tools I weekend at the beach home of Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Flentie Mathematics; Tim Bjorn, English; JIM PAULEY, INC. her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Edspent 10 days with the Cotters.Robert Brigham, Social Science; Frank Willard, Director of I [ I GRAYSTONE of SHELTON [ , ,, Olson of Lilliwaup. This is the Dr. Flentie attended a Irene Burright, Commercial;Ben Special Services; Kim Kay, 15th&Railroad Ph•426"82311 I7th&Park 426"33441 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTERDAY first time this summer the Procotological Convention at Deibert, Carpentry; David Psychologist- Ass't Special Ed. • Alderbrook while here. Kipp.lmd ..... Dt¢~n~ ~ftal Science; Mike Director ; Murlel Dombroski, -: ..... ;~ ' " " :* ..... . Con~eO~iop. & 12th Sis. Phone ~.6.;i~(1~:~: Kerrie Lou Flentie returned toGi6s0n: Ba't~cl-Chorus; Mildred Speech Therapist; Mary Ofte, ,utomotivo , Cosmetics Presthood Meeting ............. •'. .... "" 1 Ihnllllenllinefailure$? South Pasadena with their Keenan, English-Reading;Charles SpeechTherapist;MelbaDenison; HOLIDAY MAGIC COSMEi'ICS Sunday School .... i:ii]]iiiiiiiii]i] ........ii•.5 parents, after spending the Kelso, Commercial; Kenneth Nurse and Rosie Smith, Nurse. Tune-up * Brakes Sacrament Meeting .......................... summer with their maternal Krogh, Machine Shop; Peter Teachers of Special Education Tires * Lube Free Demonstrations on New RPM Out- board Motor Oil Super Red adds power to 2-cycle and small 4-cycle motors. Extends plug life CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL MAN IN SHELTON C. C. COLE & SONS, 426-4411 *Standard Oil Cot~nlNIny of C411llornia TRANSFER FREE Skin Care grandparents. Londahl, English-Civics; AllenCarolyn Enzler, Rogers Free Pickup & Delivery Basic/Corrective Makeup. Winding up a wonderful Parker, Social Science; William School; Helen Huntley, Rogers TOM'S RICHFIELD DONAWAYENTERPRISES summer the Cotters were Rogers, Science-Math; Russell School; Joyce River, Rogers 1st & Railroad 426-393C 428 Henry St. 426-1317 of surprised by friends and neighbors Simons, Electronics; Phil School; Ron Ellis, Reed ., SHELTON CHURCHtheN when they gathered to celebrate Stopp[er, Body and Fender; Alvin Secondary Classes and Bernie • ~[: their 25th wedding anniversary. A Wagner, Drafting and Charles Dorcy, Reed Secondary Classes. ' Located in Memorial Hall, 2rid and ;l~aon~l;2&I money tree and silver and crystal Welch, Art. Auto Repairino, . ,Drugs Lowell Keene, Pastor 9 45= ~ carafe were presented to the Non-Certified I --Major Overhauls I I --Helena Rubinstein Sunday School .............. llL0~np.;~i • . : a.#. happy couple. Guests were Mrs. Junior High School Doris Hillman, Business I --Brakes & Ignition | I ----Cosmetics ' Morning Worship .............. 7:~a~" Lillian Richardson, Tacoma; Allie Floyd Jackson, Principal; Walt Manager; Cay Smith, Assistant j --Welding & Tune-ups I ' " " ' *' and Madge Robinson, Dave and Clayton, Administrative Assistant, Business Manager-Accountant; I Special Winterizint I I --Prescriptions Evening Service ....................... ...7:~ I --Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics ~-,. Iva Collins, Tex and Ada Shields Dell Abelein, English; CarolynDorothy Baker, Secretary-Junior and Jay and Fern Roush all of Anderson, Home Economics;Don High; Floy Batstone, SecretaryI ED'SSERVICE | I NELL'S PHARMACY Indian Beach; Garry and Peggy Anderson, English-Speech-Drama; High School; Billie Godwin, I ~9 so is, 426-12121 [5th & Franklin .Ph. 426-3327 N,--o,,o. ~,o,, ott~ ~o.. Oir,, O~m. S--.~ H.S.o, ~--,~ n Ch l' Dr. and Mrs. E• H. Flentie of Health; Helen Brewer, Librarian; Howard, Secretary - Reed ~r~ll South Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Harlan Buitenveld, Boys' Gym & Building; Mary Littlejohn, Beauty | Floor Covering Faith Luthera Flentie is the Cotters' daughter. Health; John Caples, Math- Secretary - High School; Rose I ---Complete Hair Care I 1 --Linoleum --Carpeting 7thand Franklin ! Science ; Walter Clayton, Quimby, Secretary - Junior High; I --Wigs - Wiglets - Switches I --Tile --Formica Counseling; Salli Clayton, Charlotte Roberts, Secretary -I --Merle Norman Cosmetics| [ WORSHIPed lO:00a.m• ! Science; Patricia VanHouse. Math; Bordeaux Elementary; Mickey I --Free Demonstrations I I REX FLOOR COVERING CHURCHSCHOOL:9:ISa'm" Eugene Crater, Boys' P. E. & Starkey, Secretary - Mountain I EL.AINE'S BEAUTY SALON l n~ Christian Worshl F Educltio ' Health; Jane Gruver,, English; View Elementary; Judy Taylor, 16th& Laurel 426-4582~ Mt. View Ph.426-2292 " " "p, ellowship, Jennifer Heaton, Girls Gym & Secretary - Garrett Heyns High Kenneth Robinson, Pastor NEW HOURS: 8:30 to 5:30 Monday through Thursday Fridays until 6 p.m. FSLIC INSURANCE INCREASED TO $20,OO0•00 SHELTON --[ First & Railroad, 426-8211 Home Office: Olympia Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton VOTE FOR 16 Health; Andrea Hill, English; Karen Holmgren, Math; Nancy James, Geography-History; Norine Jeffery, Home Economics; Arne Johnsen, Wood; Warren Johnson, Shop Math- Wood; George Kaszycki, Science-Geography; Richard Korte, Science; Patricia Lisoskie, Reading-History; Betty Looney, Typing; George Lufkin, Art; Loren Lyle, Science -Head of Science Department; Rita McArthur, English; Jack Marquette, History-Geography; Robert Miller, Glee Club and Choir; Bruce Moorehead, Music-Band; Richard Morton, Counseling; Gary Nicloy, Washington State History;Robert Owens, Wood - Electricity; Tom River, Algebra - Head of Math Department; Don Richter, Band; Clyde Robb, Metals; Willard PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVE 24111 DISTRICT POSITION 2 A Chanle for Progress. • • Elect Charles F. Mechals (Pd. Pal. Adv. by Charles F; Mechals.) Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 3, 1970 School; Jean Temple, Secretary - Evergreen Elementary; Alene Zamzow, Secretary Reed Building; Joyce Jackstad, Teacher licycl New and Re-Built Factory Trained Mechanic Complete L|ne cf New Parts and Accessories SWANSON'S BIKE SHOP Open 7 days Week, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. 3 blocks east of Airport Grocery on Spring Road Phone 426-4989 Masonry --Fireplaces --All Brick and --Block Work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 United Methodist ChurCh L G and King Streets -,niitar , REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Mt . , • . . " • 7:15P MI?,'0wO~ M uWrOrShlp Service .... Chu ch School for all Toomany greases? RPM Multi-Motive Grease in a handy cartridge gun kit greases everything. amwm CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL MAN IN SHELTON C. C. COLE & SONS, 426-4411 *Standard Oil Company of California ~ulldozer Servico *Clearing *Leveling *Excavating JOHN MAKOVINEY Bulldozing Phone 426-1289 For Service Call ;hain Saw; New and Used--Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 8,a.m. to 6 p.m., daily Mike's McCulloch shop 2215 Olympic Hwy. N.,426-4639 I I TH IS SPACE CAN BE HAD How About You? i P ool Supplies J I MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN ¢ I Paint s-Carpets-Wallpa perI | --Complete Building Supplies | MISSOURI sYNOD I --Plastering & Supplies I 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C | Nye Co. Building Supply I I Free Delivery | Sunday, Sentember 6, 1970 ~" .30 a.~" 1 426-8224 , On Cole Roao1 Sunday School and Bible ClaSs 9~.30 a,111, Divine Services at 8:30 a.m. anD • " ~.,, ental Service Theme: "THE HATED pROPHE1 Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers-Loaders-Pu mps Foldin9 Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Rubber Stamps For Fast Dependable Service GAEDES CRAFTS Phone 877-5411 Star Rt. 1-Box 24A Lilliwaup, We. 98555 Now serving Mason County travel --Air - Rail - Steamship --Bus - Hotels - Tours No Extra Charge for our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. ¢26-8272 426-4134 I I I Fifth First Baptist Ch (CONSERVATIVE)., & Cota Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson,Tl~'~" Sunday, September 6, 1970 11:00 a.m. Pastor Larson, "God's Labor Union" 1 Car., 3:5-11 9:30 a.m. Bible School 7:30 p.m. "Tongues--True and False" SHELTON ASSEMBLY 1521 Monroe St. MiSOn Sunday School ....................."" Morning Worship .................. " "" Christ s Ambassadors (Youth) ..... Evangelistic Service ....... ' REVIvALTIME, Sunday, Your savings account can be transferred from anywhere in the U.S. to Capital Savings -- without cost. Just bring in your passbook--the Crew in Blue will do the rest.