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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NOTICE OPEN SEASON FOR SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS FROM THE INDIAN BUSINESS Publkations NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL ~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" Legol PuMications BID ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids will be received by Lumbermen's Vacation Homes, Incorporated for construction of Legal Publications (NEJA) of the Southeast (SE--1A) of said Section 16; thence Easterly, along the North line of said Northeast quarter (NEJA) of Southeast quarter (SEJA), 126.25 Legal Publications WASHINGTON TO THE SAID RALPH H. ELWOOD: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR within streets, drainage and utilities, on sixty (60) days after the date of DEVELOPMENT FUND. RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, or before 1:00 p.m., September feet; thence Southerly, parallel the first publication of this Department of the Interior, Commissioner of Public Lands. 14, 1970, at the office of Project with the West line thereof, 417.42 Summons, to-wit, within sixty ..... Bureau of Indian Affairs, WesternNotice is herebygiventhaton Manager, Mr. Stan Lyman, First feet; thence Westerly, parallel(60) days after the 13 day of Mason t~ounty JusticeLourt 30 days in jail, license use due care Washington Indian Agency, Tuesday, the 29th day of and Pine Street, Shelton, with the North line 126.25 feet, August, 1970, and defend the A-"earin- on the do~'-^- suspended 60 days; Javan $20 forfeit; ( Federal Building, 3006 Colby September, 1970, commencing at Washington. more or less, to the West line of above-entitled action in the Pv ~ ~vt Avenue, Everett Washington ten o'clock in the forenoon of Principle bid items are: said Northeast quarter (NrJ/4) of above-entitled court, and answer in Mason County Justice Marsh, Rt. 4, Box 320, 2116 Rocky 98201. ' ' said day, at the Port Orchard 1550 L.F. of gravity and Southeast quarter (SE-1/4), thence the complaint of the plaintiff, and Court before Judge Glenn Boring, Ore., speeding, $25 speeding, $!5 Applications for grants from District Headquarters, located at pressure sewer pipe. North, along said West line, ~?3r~e aunCc~ePYi°fe~°urt~nSrWersUPf°n Correa during the past week forfeit; Allan Maul, 1025 Hoehn, Kt. the Indian Business Development Port Orchard, County of Kitsap, 1 Sewage lift station. 417.42 feet, more or less, to the Westley Dr., Tacoma, drunk C e n t ralia, Fund will be acceptedduring the State of Washington, by the 685 L.F. Water main and point of beginning, excepting plaintiff, at gtheir office Ybelow were: period of September 1 through District Administrator of said appurtenances, there from road rights-of-way,stated, and in case of your failure Washington State Patrol in public, $25 forfeit; Gary disorderly, September 30, 1970. Applications District, the timber on the 245 L.F. Storm sewer. N O W, T H E R E F O R E so to do, judgment will be M u II e n P.O. B o x 5 6 l, Leonard And¢ from qualified Indians for following described state land will1850 S.Y. Roadway NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rendered against you according to Oscar Barrett, I l ]0 Belfair, failure to stop at 4, SheltOn, s projects on or near reservations be sold at public auction to the Construction including That on Friday the 18th day ofthe demand of the complaint, Pioneer Way, Shelton, stop sign, $15 forfeit; Robert forfeit; Duan~ are to be filed with highest bidder, towit: asphalt surfacing. September, 1970, at 10o'clockin which has been filed with the im"ro-er lane of travel $15 Rice, 1715 Jordan, "['he Elmwood Ct., Superintendent, Western Plans and specifications may the forenoon of said day, I will Clerk of said Court. P ~' , Washington Agency. be obtained from Walker and sell the above described property, This ,sanaction brought by forfeit; Ray Cloeys, Rt. 5, Dalles, Ore. unsafe pass, $20 C~I ::o~:c~s' ;;~ no tarter.i_al ~°]' The Indian Business MASON COUNTY Byrne, Consulting Engineers, 610 or so much thereof as may be the plaintiff toobtaina Decreeof Box 840A, Bremerton, forfeit:' Haroid stratton, 9703 Developmen t Fund is a Application No. 34532 South Columbia, Olympia, necessary to satisfy said Dovorce and to distribute real and speeding, $15 forfeit: Robert 40th NE, Seattle, negligent P supplemental grant program to Don La ke located Washington, 98501. Adepositof judgement, together with personalproperty " Llnfoot, USS Constellation driving, $50 forfeit: Ron Jay LandsaW, increase Indian entrepreneurship, approximately 17 miles by road $5.00 per set is required, attorney's fees interest, costs and SHIERS, KRUSE & ROPER ...... -' increased costs, in all amounting BY: LEONARD W KRUSE l~remerton, speeoing, ~1~ Hutchinson, Rt. II, Box 745, 322, SheltOn, Indian employment and Indian west of Belfair. The sale is 8/27-9/3-2t to the sum of FOUR HUNDRED Attorneys for Plaintiff forfeit; Mary Oswald, 4747 Spokane, defective equipment, due care and income. Indian individuals, groups composed of all timber marked of Indian individuals, Indian with blue paint bounded by sale NO~D'~TORS NINTY-TWO and no/100ths -- P.O. Address: l l6th SW, Bellevue, speeding, $25 forfeit; George Whiteacre, forfeit; John J. ($492.00) -- Dollars. plus uox L/b $15 forfeit: John Peebles, tribesor Indian corporations may area boundary tags and property NO.4137 926 Fairview, Tacoma, Turner, Sheltoa= apply for a grant, lines on part WV2 NEZ/4 of Section Sheriff's costs. 720 Prospect Street ~ , n oA u d re,, Ur .... *^~ Projects must. be located 4, Township 22 North, Range 3 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Said sale will take place at the Port Orchard, Washington 98366 ~ ~ v o j ............, speeding, $25 forfeit; John intoxicated, .,S within this county or adjacentWest, W.M.; part SWV4 SEW of O F T H E S T A T E O F EAST door of the Court House at Phone: TR6-4455 speeding, $15 forfeit: Ralph Clappe, St. Rt. 2, Box 426, days in jaiL, counties. Projects must be profit Section 33, Township 23 North, WASHINGTON FOR MASON SHELTON in said County and 8/13-20-27-9/3-10-17-6tRhodes, 601 l Gifford, Belfair, driving while Robert Woo oriented or self-sustaining Range 3 West, W.M., containing COUNTY INPROBATE. State, and will be at public ~ ....... --~- Huntington Park, Calif., failure intoxicated, $125 fine, l0 Seattle, $h¢~ economic enterprises employing 30 acres, more or less, comprisingIN THE MATTER OF THE auction, for cash in hand to the NOTICE TO CREDITORS • • Indians. approximately 80,000 bd. ft. ofESTATE OF BLANCH B. BELL, highest and best bidder. NO.4133 to keep right of center line, days in jail, license suspended yield to ¢ The amount of the grant mayDouglas fir, 70,000 bd. ft. of Deceased. Dated at SHELTON, Wash., IN THE SUPERIOR COURT $15 forfeit. Ruddy Sander, 30 days. crosswalk, $I~ not usually exceed forty percent hemlock and white fir and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN this 11th day of August, 1970.O F T H E S T A T E O F 1 947 E. 18th, Bremerton, George Groethe reported an O'Neil,Hoodsport,V'-~d~ of the capital necessary to make 10,000 bd. ft. ot wrote pine and that the undersigned has been John D. Robinson WASHINGTON FOR MASON speeding, $15 forfeit; Robert outboard lnotor taken. $50 forfeit; Jail the project profitable or cedar, or a total of 160,000 bd. appointed and has qualified as the Sheriff of said County. COUNTY... ......... Sergeant, 1127 E. Dickinson, Dr. Charles Evans reported a self-sustaining. The grant may Personal Representative of the By Ann Rose Deputy. in me Matter or me tstate or ........... only be made as a supplement toft. Minimum acceptable bid: . Estate of Blanch B. Bell, Chief Civil Deputy ~,_,,,,~ r~,, ~,~ ~-,,,,~_~"A = ~ ~.,~,,L.,,~,,r'n o ~c~M anel[on, speeumg, $13 torteit', boat missing. Rt~ l, Box l other financing. Grants may not$2,605.00. deceased; that all persons having INGERSOLL & INGERSOLL Deceased. ' John Stockwell, 1434 25th, Larry Tobin reported a tire petit larcenY; be used for refinancing or debt Timber will be sold on a cash claims against said deceased are 422 So. Washington St. The undersigned is the Longview, failure to keep right of and wheel missing. 30 days in 1~i consolidation, or installment plan basis. Timber hereby required to serve the same, Olympia, Washington appointed an.d qualified personal center line, $15 forfeit• William F o r m s f o r m a k i n gmust be removed prior to duly verified, on the undersigned 8/20-27-9/~-10-4trepresentatwe of stud . estate.Th , Dick Giles reported about P O Box v~ applications and assistance in December 31, 1971. or his attorney of record at the _ ~__ the ompson, 7322 36th SW, Seattle, failure to yl¢l~ preparation and project planning On or before September 29, address below stated and file the TA----LL FOR BIDS Persons having claims against $50 taken from his residence. deceased are required to serve the speeding, $ l 5 forfeit; Ralph Mrs. Lois Davidson reported to pedestrian, are available from the Western 1970, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder same with the Clerk of the said Washington Agency or Portland must make a minimum deposit of court, together with proof of suchSealed bids will be received at same in duplicate, duly verified, Watson, 148 NE 156th, Seattle, a license plate lost. police l)el Area Office. Application forms $260.50 in the form of cash, service within four (4) months the Office of the Mason County on the undersigned or the • • ....... speeding, $15 forfeit; Nancy Dave Tllatd and instruction sheets are alsomoney order or certified check,after the date of first publication Commissioners in the Courthouse attorney OT recede at me aooress ............. Union Oil Co. reported a iates, r u pox zu~ llOO(lsport available at the Reservation Tribal Said deposit shall constitute an of this notice or the same will be at Shelton, Washington, until stated below arid file the same " " , , break-in. Nothing was taken, battery taken .f{. Community Center. opening bid at the appraised barred. 11:00 a.m., September 14, 1970, with the Cler: of this Court, failure to stop at stop sign, $15 Arnold Stoehr reported B. uz l)hilil 8/27-9/3-10-3tprice. Upon award of this sale, the Date of first publication: for furnishing the County withtogether with proof of such fine, $10 suspended Larry garbage dumped on his vandalism to respective deposits shall be September 3, 1970. two (2) 1971 Pick Ups with service within four months after ,~D*ter----~u~h at.o ......... ~[. i, uox 1521:1 returned to the unsuccessful /s/Allan Brooks Bell 4-wheel drive for the County August 20 1970 or the same will ........ ' property. .. ~. ...... ',. .... ,~' arwmg wlmout obtainin driver's three tires, a~ bidders. On the day of sale, the Personal Representative Assessor's Office. Specifications b~ .v,~,~, ua ...... g A cabin belonging to A vehicle purchaser must pay the balance GLENN E. CORREA will be available at the Assessor's H A N N A E L I ZABETH hcense, resistance to officers ]0 between the bid deposit and theAttorney for Estate Office in the County Courthouse. CARLSON Rt. 1, Box 30 days in jail: George Fahrnkopf, Charles Schearer was broken Manwil]er wcn!~ ~--~--~--"-------~----~----=~---- full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of Bell Building The County Commissioners Grapeview, Washington 98546 l 04D St Sheltn- nuhli~- into. in the Mr. ¥1© y ..... ' ,'- .... The Department of area. "ddY Septic Tank sale fee, or may, if the purchaser 121 South Fourth Street reserve the right to reject any or ROBE.RTL. S=N, DER intoxication, three daysinjail so elects at the time of sale, pay Shelton, Washington all bids, and to accept the bid Attu,,,ey .u, ~_~tat~ • Natural Resources reported a Randall ~ J Installations an additional amount, to bring 9/3-I0-17-3tdeemed most advantageous to the 125V2 N. 5th - chain saw missing, asoline credit ca~,~- the total amount of the deposit, County. Shelton, Washington 98584 Fisheries De art Mrs. r, ay DATED this 1st day of 8/20-27-9/3-3t p ment The county engineer's g n. CoO~ see-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal. exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of CALL FOR BIDS September, 1970. -- ................. W a 1 t e r B 1 u m , l l l 3 • office reported an abandoned bicycle taken. the full bid price based on the DreinFields, Ditch Digging, cruise estimate, provided that sealed bids will be received byBOARD OF COUNTY NOTICEOF Prinston, Tacoma, over car. Mrs Judy the Hood Canal School Diet No. COMMISSIONERS OF MASON Bill Hadden reported a reported" a p0 Y Backhoe, Trencher for Hire such deposit shall not be less than EXAMINATION possession of oysters, $25 $2,000.00 . This balance may be 404 at the School District Office, COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Civil Service Commission forfeit"Gerton Dallas, 4304 license' plate lost. away. - = d ~ ~ paid by personal check. Purchaser Rt. 1, Box 149 B, Shelton, Sept. By Ruth E. Boysen of the City of Shelton will hold - ' ...... Gene Neuneker reported Ron='" Lower KO , xaKima, over Phone 426-3660 must also furnish within 30 days 14 at 8 p.m. for 1 67 passenger Auditor & Clerk of the Board. examinations for the position of . • ..... of date of sale a surety bond of school bus. We will also consider a 9/3-10-2t patrolman and fireman at 7:00 possession el oysters, ~3u lumber taken. D.r~, ,osolin¢ reporteo 'Ilia CrS-21S7, Belfair 1127tin $1,000.00 to guarantee Transit bus, 73 passenger or John Temple reported Mrs. .W~,,¢ff compliance with all terms of the larger, with 12,000 Ib. front axlePRESET p.m. Sept. 10, 1970 at the Cityforfeit: RolandLeenhouts, Rt. Hall= ...... 3 Box 652 Yakima, over run-way light taken, reported aub:~;, bill of sale. All checks, money and alternate bid for 100" luggage AND HEARING ~pp~canrs TOr patrolman ' o~;.... '~,-, WELL possca.,.,, o. uyat ~; t:~ ~JU compartment. The Board reserves Notice is hereby given thatmust be between the age of 22 ~ "~ : ...... , .,,.~ Mrs. Harold Henson Mike ~'_ orders, etc. are to be made the right to reject any or all bids the Board of Commissioners of and 31 with no experience, to 36 [onei[; Lnanes Ma[xoort, /u~ reported on old Boxer dog ndow broiee"" payable to the Commissioner ofand waver informalities. No the with prior experience; heightS I 7 t h , Y a k i m a, over missing. _ wi .'-his at DRILLING Public Lands. The llg~, Accessibility: via Department bidder may withdraw his bid after PORT OF SHELTON 5'10" minimum with weight in nossession of o,,sters $50 A wallet belonging to were turned of Natural Resources access, the time set for the opening have prepared and placed on file proportion. ~ ....... ~ ~-- -~ Robert Marsh was turned in. Complete contract and unless the award of contract istheir preliminary budget for the Ap~,,~a,t~-"':~-"*" .u,'"- .,u,.an" .......... mu~t ~or~e~t', ~ene [~evm, zuu)), b. A vehi Bill Neal speofications may be examined at delayed for a period exceeding 30 fiscal year of 1970 and a copy be between the age of 22 and 36 28th, Seattle, overpossession Reta Cormier reported Patrick Serl Port Orchard District (thirtv~' days. Bus must meet thereof may be obtained by anywith hei.ght.of5'7"., of oysters, $25 forfeit; t r e s p a seers on her vehicle Headquarters, County Auditor's Washington State School bus taxpayer at the Port of Shelton /App=ications avai=able at fire Clifford Ponlov 1042 SW brother-in-law's place. Bergquist ,ilEl 421-2719 otfice, and oftice ot the standards and specifications.Office, 105- 4th St. betweenstation, police office or office of 3USth,- ..... Feueralr~ ~,.way, over A cabin belonging to collision. Commissioner of Public Lands, 1. Motor to be 391 cu. inches] 1:00 and 12:00 each week day. City Clerk and must be returned . .* ~. Olympia. 2. Conventional Transmission The Board of Commissioners no later that SeDt. 8. 1970. possession of oysters, ~z3 W a t s o n N i c h e ]son w as Vehicles i To be ~pld at Port Orchard S-speed direct in 5th of said Port of Shelton will meet Hel~l~,~ebt ~ .... ~.J;orfeit: reported broken into. DePoe an4 : ~ SWIMMING POoLs [31strict t~eadquarters :o~ Synchr~mesh. Spicer5652. at 8:00 p.m. on Septembes 17, ~-. D~i~It~:~ ~ '-~ ~;~ '~;J: ~C:~.~, ~ ......Items taken in a recent were invo Tuesday, September 29, 1970', at3. Heavy duty axle 18,500 lb.1970 at the Mason Co'~Jrff~ ..... 8/27-9/3-21 .... Sherlns ellice ' * burglary were found, collision- SepticTank 10 o'clock a.m. Rear. 9000 lb. front. Courthouse, Shelton, Washington ....... Raymond Erickson, Rt. 4, Craig Evans reported Natha~ Governed @ 60 M.P.H. for the purpose of fixing and NOTICE OF HEARING Box ' '~"P u .... bulldozing, backhoe 4.6wheels, 10 hole budd. 10:00 adopting said budget. Any ___ ~uo o ~soo, speeumg damage to a motel unit. his vehiC ON PETITION PUH ..... ' ..... ' and dump truck service Application No. 34600 x 20 x 7]/~. taxpayer may appear at the above AWARD NO 4133 ~zu ilne; James Lowlier, Kt. T o ni M a t so n reported while in 5.6 tires and tubes 10:00 x 20 mentioned time and place and be IN THE SUPER'IOR COURT 1, Box 1 l 5, Belfair, drivingvandalism. Surge water conditioners. PO-S-IO00 Road located Good Year Hi Miler. heard for or against any part of lot. approximately 5 miles by road 6. 12 volt Electrical system said budget. O F T H E S T A T E O F while intoxicated,$190 fi. e, John Boers reported a Mrs. northwest of Belfair. The sale is alternator 130 amp. Bat. 12 Dated at Shelton, Washington, WASHINGTON FOR MASON ~': break-in. composed of all timber bounded volt 220 amp. • this 28th day of Aug. 1970. COUNTY. $200 in c, by sale area boundary tags on 7. Tachometer elect. James A. Pauley, President In the matter of the Estate of Mrs. Goodchild reported taken frol~ 426-6539 Shelton, parts of the following: SE]/4 SWV4, 8. Brakes 16/2 7 rear. 16/2 5 9/3 and 9/17-2tDeceased. J O H N E M I LC A R L S O N.-~-------~---~------------------~---_ beans being picked. Lowell 1 X 1 X e/6tfn Sl/z SEW of Section 14, NVz NEV4, front. 12 C.F.M. air Leonard Pace reported a vandalism t NEI/4 NWV4 of Section 23, all in c ompressor front wheel ~ A petition for an award in lieu ~e II • Township 23 North, Range 2 limiting valve. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of homestead has been filed with ,aes battery taken, cook hoUSe Paving Contractor West, W.M., containing 16 acres, 9. Fuel tank 60 gal. NO. 4138 the Clerk of this Court. Said Superior Court Picnic ta ASPHALT PAVING more or less, comprising 10. Aluminum drop sash. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT petition will be heard October 2, :;' Divorces taken from approximately 320,000 bd. ft. of 11. Aluminized steel seat backs O F T H E S T A T E O F 1970, at 9:30 a.m. in the --Driveways Douglas fir and 10,000 bd. ft. of and sides from windows WASHINGTON FOR MASON Courtroom of this Court. These tides are for the Union S a n d:~" a B r o~t e n from --Parking Lots pine, hemlock and white fir, or a down. COUNTY. Lodga Kimbel ' Kenneth ]}roten. ~. ~~ area. For Shelton and Oakland In the Matter of the Estate of MyABSOtNyCTOhoUNoTsYoCLERKBay add one hour and 45 minutes Timothy Pills from Pamela hb IC]mbd Const. total of 330,000 bd. ft. 12. Radio and P.A. with outside ALMA K. CATTO, Deceased. Minimum acceptable bid: speaker. 4264243 "-" Shelton $8,755.00. The undersigned is the DEPUTY CLER~I~ and2.5 feet. - . Htts. / Timber will be sold on a cash 13. Flat windshield preferred. • 14. Windshield wipers air Tryco. appointed and qualified personal ROBERT L. SNYDER Thursday Sent 3: ": New Cases LIC' or installment plan basis. Timber 15. Seats to be 52 oz. Koroseal representative of said estate. Attorney for Estate ~, =" • ~ III~V|IIG must be removed prior to August type with foam seats and Persons having claims against the 1251/z N. 5th Low ........l:ll a.m. ~3.3 ft." State ~Department of 31, 1971. backs. No hairaccepted, deceased are required to serve the Shelton, Washington 98584 High... .... 7:05 a~m. ~ 10.2 ft. Revenue against Worley Priest, ~'~, Houses Raised, Foundations On or before September 29, 9/3 t 1970, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder 16. Rubber fenders front and same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the " Low ....... 1:05 l~m. 2.9 ft.unpaidtaxes. : ApplY~I and Leveling must make a minimum deposit of rear. High 7 17 p m 11 4 ft Phone 426-11147 $875.50 in the form of cash, 17. Auxiliary emerg, air brake to attorney of record at the address NO~RED-~'ORS " ". .....: .. • • • licenses :11 . money order or certified check, be Anchorlok. stated below and file the same NO. 4139 Friday, Sept. 4 .i County Building Permits auditor's/IffJ~ ' 1/27tfn Said deposit shall constitute an 18. Power Steering. with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ~,~, " ~ ,~ ~ m ~ ~; f Building permits approved by patr],:~ . opening bid at the appraised 19. Heaters to be 85,000 service within four months after O F T H E S T A T E O F ........... : ............. t. the Mason County Planner during and Virgj~a] price. Upon award of this sale, the trent and /Z,UUU BI U rear. 1 September 3, 1970, or the sameWASHINGTON FOR MASON High ....... 7:47 a.m. ]0.2 ft. the past week were to A.R. Ric aru Dozers & Bockhoes respective deposits shall be defrost fan. COUNTY IN PROBATE. Low ....... 1:41 p.m. 3.9 ft. returned to the unsuccessful 20. Rub Bub floor and steps will be forever barred. IN THE MATTER OF THE High 7'41 n m ] l 2 ft Colby, utility and carport, $600; Lewis, an I Bt bidders. On the day of sale, the throughout. ROBERT L. SNYDER .... Executor ESTATE OF FRANK P MAKe " " ....... - .... C. R. Coram, carport, $1,000; Sh¢lton. Gr vel & Crushed Rock purchaser must pay the balance 21. Drivers seat to be Kenworm Deceased..__ " Saturday, Sept. 5 Llewllyn Evans, patio and roof between the bid deposit and theair ride seat. P.O. Box 396, 125V~ N. 5th full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of 22. 12 ton jack. Shelton, Washington 98584 r~u/ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Low 2"1'7 a m l 9 ft over trailer, $600; James *~" '~ Expert Operators sale tee, ormay, if the purchaser 23. Header pad above door. ROBERTL. SNYDER that the undersigned has been... • ...... ~"""" "^'"~'" ~J~je so elects at the time of sale, pay 24. Locking gas cap door. Attorney for Estate appointed and has qualified as the r~lgl~ ....... ~:41 a.m. ~ u.u tt. Hoglund, vacation cabin, $2,500; . versonal Representative of theLow .......2:17 p.m. 5.0 ft. William James, residence, t 125V~ N. 5th Estate of Frank P. Make, High 8"05 p m 11.1 ft, $10,000; Julius Kapsandy, cabin, an additional amount, to bring 25. Dual muffler with Tail pipeShelton, Washington 98584 deceased; that all persons hav ng ........ " " $4,000; Charles Snell, ceramic 10B KIMIlB CONSTR. the total amount of the deposit, extended thru bumper. 9/3-10-17-3t claims against said deceased are Sunday, Sept. 6 " exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of 404Hood Canal School Dist No. ,4,2 hereby required to serve the same, Low 2"59 am 14ft shop, $500. ,~' '~'~ 6-4243 1/22 tfn the full bid price based on the 8/20-27-9/3-3t NOTICE OF SURFACE duly verified, on the undersigned . - " ...... --'-. " " -'~ ~-" City Building Permits cruise estimate, provided that WATER RIGHT or her attorney of record at the High ....... y:~l a.m. v.~ z[. Aug. 2"/ such deposit shall not be less than APPLICATION NO. 22406 address below stated and file the Low .. 2:59 p.m. 6.2 ft. Building permits approved by DAY & SONS ,2ooooo This balance may be NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S paid by personal check. Purchaser SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF WASHINGTON, same with the Clerk of the said H_Jgh 8"29 p m 10.8 ft.the city of Shelton during the Aug. 28 must also furnish within 30 days CAUSE NO. J-2145 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, court, together with proof of such .......... past week were to Kenneth Aug. 29 *' of date of sale a surety bond of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF OLYMPIA. service within four (4) monthsMonday, Sept. 7 CUSTOM $,.000 00 to guarantee THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TAKE NOTICE: after the date of first publication Low 3"41am 11ft Brownfield, porch and fence, Aug. 30 ' compliance with all terms of theFOR THURSTON COUNTY. That W. L. O'CONNELL, JR., of this notice or the same will be .... • ......".... • ,. o.. $500; Floyd Littlejohn, garage, Aug. 31 i Sel t. 1 ROTOVATING bill of sale. All checks, moneyT H U RS TO N C O UNTY, J.W. CURRY and MRS. Wm. C. barred n,gn ........ ,u:oH a.m.v., Jr. $1,500; George CoUett, residence, Sept. 2 ,re orders, etc. are to be made WASHINGTON plaintiff vs. BRIDGES of Seattle, WashlncJton Date of first publication: Low .......3:47p.m. 7.2ft. $17,200; George Collett, The payable to the Commissioner of VIRGIL COGBURN AND IRIS on July 24, 1970, f,led September3,1970. High ....... 9:05p.m. 10.6ft. residence, $17,200; George "h ~1~ Public Lands. K. COGBURN, husband and wife, application for permit to divert Georgena L. Make Tuesda t Friday ' Lawns, Gardens, Farm work--2 Accessibility: via Department defendant, the public waters of four Personal Representative , y, Sep.8 Collett, residence, $17,800; mostly r ~ machines no job too large or of Natural Resources access. Under and by virtue of a unnamed springs and/or unnamed GLENN E. CO_RREA Low 4"35 am 0.8ft. George Collett, residence, small. Complete contract and general execution issued out of stream tributary of -- , in theAttorney tor Estate .... • .... •" • ._- . o periods : specifications may be examined at and under the seal of the Superior amount of 1.00 cubic foot per Bell Building ~tgn ...... ~z:z~ p.m. :,.o ~t. $1"/,200. tempera1t ~' 421t 11750 Port Orchard District Court of theStateof Washington, second, subject to existing rights, 121 South Fourth Street Low .......4:53 p.m. 8.1 ft. Fire Department from45 t :~ Headquarters, County Auditor's in and for said County, on the continuously each year for theShelton, Washington High 9"47 p m l0 3 ft 4/gtfn office, and office of the 31st day of July, ]970, upon apurpose of domestic supply that 9/3-10-17-3tWidn ........ -. • • • Aug. 28, 12:40 p.m. car fire a Commissioner of Public Lands,judgment rendered in said Court the approximate point of --~--'----~-- esday, Sept. 9 in car owned by Scott Robinson, lOB OG |N Olympia. on the 24th day of April, 1970, in diversion is located within NWi/4NOTICE TO CREDITORS Low .... 5:41 a.m. 0.6 ft.628 Arcadia. To be sold at Port Orchard favor of THURSTON COUNTY, of Section 22, Township 22 N., NO. 4140 •High'' " 1"53 p m 10.3 ft. Aug. 29, 1:03 p.m., brush District Headquarters, on WASHINGTON and against Range 2 W.W.M., in Mason IN THE SUPERIOR COURT - "''" .... /^~ " " ~-~. fire, Rose Jackson residence, Insfollotion Ser,,/ce Tuesday, September 29, 1970, at VIRGIL COGBURN and IRIS K. County. O F T H E S T A T E O F LOW ....... O:Z~ p.m. ~.o [[. lOo'clocka.m. COGBURN, husband and wife for Any objections must be WASHINGTON FOR MASON High ...... ]0:4] p.m. 10.0ft. ]3]] Jefferson. Any sale which has been the sum of FOUR HUNDRED accompanied by a two dollar COUNTY IN PROBATE. • Aug. 30, 12:05 p.m. grass / Carpeting-- Formk:l-- offered, and for which no bids are FIFTY-SIX and no/100ths -- ($2.00) recording fee and field N THE MATTER OF THE Thursday, Sept. l0 fire, 1420 Center. received shall not be reoffered ($456.00) -- Dollars, together with the Department of EcologyESTATE OF MANFRED A Low 6"47 am ";7ft _L Ceramic and Linoleum until it has been readvertised. If with the attorney s fees, in~erest, within thirty (30) days from Sept. JONSSON, Deceased " Hi ............. Park Department all sales cannot be offered within costs and increased costs, and to 3, 1970. NOTICE IS " HEREBY 'gh .......2:59p.m. 10.9 ft. Licensed, Bonded the specified time on the me directed and delivered, I did Witness my hand and official GIVEN that the undersigned hasLow .......7:53 p.m. 8.5 ft. Michael Mertel, 2730 SW advertised date, the sale shallon the 11th day of August, 1970, seal this 14th day of August, been appointed and has qualified l ]4th, Seattle, operating Masott( & Insured continue on the following day levy upon all the right, tit e, and 1970. as the Personal Representative of motor vehicle in negligent Mr, between the hours of ten o'clock interest of said judgment debtors GLEN H. FIEDLER the Estate of MANFRED A. -~--~---~----------~--~-~'" manner in State Park, $50 2120 !~ Phone 426-3155 a.m. and four o'clock p.m. in and to the following described Department of Ecology JONSSON, deceased; that all ..... o o 3/6 tfn Said timber on said land willproperty to satisfy saidjudgment, 8/27-9/3-2t persons having, cla!ms against said . bl ll PublKations forfeit; John Clappe, St. Rt. AuSu tt be sold for not less than thetowit: -'--'-'------~-- deceasea are nereDy required to ............. 2, Box 426, Belfair, driving appraised value, as_appraised byA tract of land situate in the SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION serve the same, duly verified, on ............. while license suspended, 10 BroWn, (AIPBIItY me ~ommissioner ot Public Lands Northwest quarter (NW-V4)of the NO. 10522 the undersigned or her attorney September 3, 1970 days in jail, five suspended; Aulp~st in the manner provided by law, a Northeast quarter (NE-¼) of the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of recora, at the address below Thorn K 'Solwold notice of which is now on file in Southeast quarter (SEJkl of O F T H E S T A T E O F stated ano.. Tim the same with the Personal'Representative Roy C. Ettlin, Shelton, 1~ Rt. I, Box 198 the office of the Auditor of Section Sixteen (16), TownshipWASHINGTON FOR MASON with proot oLsuch.service w!thin Attorney for Estate in jail, suspended. Grapevlew, Wa. Mason county, and District nlneteen (19) North, Range five COUNTY. Clerk ot me sale court~ together GLENN E. CORREA falsifying accounts, 30 days Potter' 426-6915Lg/3tfn Administrator of said district. (.5) West, .W.M., particularlyL ILLIAN M. ELWOOD, four (4) aTter me aate Ot Bell Building Municipal Department ahoY, BertL. Cole oescrioeoasrollows: Plaintiff, vs. RALPH H. first publicahon of this notice or ]215outh Fourth Street Commissioner of Public Lands BEGINNING at the Northwest ELWOOD, Defendant. the same will be barred She ......... D e n n i s R a y, 1 5 1 0 BoX • . . • . . ~con, wasnlngton 9/3-10-17-24-4t corner of the Northeast quarter T H E S T A T E O F Date or rirs~ pUD ication: 9/3-10-17-3t Muirhead, Olympia, failure to Pale 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September3, 1970 "" r~