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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 3, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 3, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Since 1886 — Vol. 134, No. 36 MASON COUNTY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 2020 3-84 8-12 $1.50 gallium'lppia1h"“gill:{thanIIn":"Ahmllnnlpfll W31. LOW 005 SMALL TOWN PAPERS 927 W RAILROAD AVE SHELTON WA, 98584-3847 Speed demon Monster Attack Performance team rider Cameron Beaubier races last weekend during a MotoAmerica Superbike race at Ridge Motorsports Park in Shelton. Beaubier won both races at the Ridge event. See more photos on page A-15. Photo courtesy of Phil Veitch/Ridge Motorsports Park City accepts Simpson land s GpoHWeéics “ ‘ gordon@masoncounty. com The City of Shelton has accepted the gift of prop- erty from the Simpson Lumber Co. that includes the railroad right of way from the downtown water- front to US. Highway 101, and land on the wood- ed hillside across state Route 3 from the Shelton Yacht Club. By swan Weeks“ " my, who also happened to be the son of Gil’s pastor. After the event, Gil drove them both home, and dropped The Shelton City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to accept the land. The city will pay noth- ing for the property, except for an estimated $1,200 in real estate excise tax to Mason County. The council gave preliminary approval at its regular meeting Aug. 18. Residents will have plenty of opportunities to see LAND, page A-3 COMMUNITY PROFILE * Music, ministry, love bind Shelton couple , Q8 i1 Palmer and Betty Blanken- ship met as teenagers, he an established evangelical star, she a Bible college student persuaded to see him preach. “I thought he looked like a poor little humble mouse of a guy,” Betty, now 84, recalled. . “I thought immediately she was gorgeous,” 83-year-old Gil said. “I thought, ‘I’ve got to go with that girl.’ ” At least one obstacle stood be- tween the teens on that night in January 1946: Betty’s boyfriend, Jim- Betty off first. Jimmy then turned to Gil. . “He said, ‘What do you think of my girlfriend?’ ” Gil said. “I said, ‘You better watch out, I’lltake her away.’ Seven months later, Gil and Betty ' married. The couple, who have lived in Shelton for 34 years, last month celebrated their 64th wedding an- niversary. The ministry, the military and music have helped keep them together. see COUPLE, page A-10 unday protests planned By Justin Johnson justin@masoncounty. com A pair of planned events Sunday will bring two sides in the current nationwide conversations on race and policing to downtown Shelton. ' A Black Lives Matter protest is scheduled for 2 p.m. at Post Office Park near Second Street and West Railroad Avenue. At' the same time, a Back the Blue rally will take place on the corner of First Street and West Railroad Avenue. “We are well aware of the planned events,” Dar- rin Moody, Shelton police chief, wrote in a Monday email to the Shelton-Mason County Journal. “We are ‘ working with our community partners and our public ' safety and law enforcement partners to ensure that everyone that may attend any events can exercise their rights in a safe manner.” The BLM event is being organized by Dominque Miller and Marisa Kaneshiro, according to a Face- book post about the event. According to the event in- vite 68 people have indicated they’re committed to attend, as of Monday. ' “It is a smalltown that needs some of our at- tention. I do want us to march if there is enough of us there. I want some numbers and Security there because it is a iffy town. Please wear all black and masks. There will be free snacks, water and extra masks. Bring signs, noisemakers and megaphones, I want us to be really loud and heard. Be prepared,” reads the event description. According to its Facebook event, the Back the Blue event is being organized by Ilene Greenhalgh. The event has no description, but 115 people have indicated they’re committed to attend, as of Monday. Shelton residents Betty and Gil Palmer, who perform as longtime members of Old Time Fiddlers District 5, recently celebrated their 64th ‘wedding an- niversary. “We play up songs, not down songs,” she said. Journal photo by Gordon Weeks "53263 00111 Sanderson Field runway County pursues North Mason sees gets makeover CARES Act money sharp rise in airlifts Page A—2 Page A—l Page A-27