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l support the police
Editor, the Journal,
I am almost 80 years old and have raised seven
children of my own and then some others have I
helped raise.
I will not put up with the bullying or harassment
of our police officers. Not now or then.
I will support them and will go to the rally with
the walker and bells on, and a camera.
I feel that our governor should have been taking
care of our cities and our police. He is a coward and
the Democrats have not dealt with the real issues at
hand. '
Thank you for listening.
Dorothy Olson
Urging a fair vote
Editor, the Journal,
I’m writing to urge a fair vote this November
2020. We must protect our democracy. Attacks on
voting rights and mail~in voting, plus disinforma»
tion and hate speech by Republican candidates,
have made voting more difficult. I spoke with a
Vietnam veteran who said he was worried about
putting a Biden—Harris sign outside his home be- '
cause it might get shot up. My Biden sign, which
I have up along with other qualified Democratic
candidates’ signs on my property, was broken and
thrown in the ditch. I reported this to the Mason
County Sheriffs Office and will again, plus press
hate crime and harassment charges. My house has
had garbage thrown on property‘and my first dog
was poisoned because of homophobic hate. I am a
Jewish man and know what happens when hate
speech and actions are not confronted early on. .
Washington and America should be a safe place for
everyone. I urge respect by all candidates and par—
Michael Siptroth
Help me understand
Editor, the Journal,
According to the 3M Company, the N95 respira-
tor mask Will filter out 95% of particles 0.3 microns
in diameter, assuming it is tightly fitted and with
no facial hair. One can assume that homemade
masks and bandanas are less effective.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the coronavirus is
about 0.12 microns in diameter.
According to Mason County Public Health, one
death has been attributed to the coronavirus in Ma-
son County. .
According to the US. Census Bureau, the es-
timated population of Mason County as of July 1,
2019, was 66,768.
Doing the math: one death/66,7 68 persons x
100% 0.001419% of the population of Mason Coun-
ty has died from the coronavirus.
Based on these‘ facts, I am asking your readers to
please help me understand why wearing masks is
required in Mason County.
William Tabor
The real Robert Graham
Editor, the Journal,
I’m uncomfortable talking about myself, but
faced with Bert Mullen’s vile, ignorant name-call-
ing in last week’s letters section, and since this was
my only intro to many readers, I felt compelled to
Bert’s ignorance can be excused, I suppose, for he
is, after all, a Democrat, but the truly nasty stuff is
the product of his own fevered imagination. I would
ask readers or an attorney to View his letter if only
to see a perfect example of a reckless disregard for
the truth.
Anyway, some bio here: I spent a career, 21 ’
years, as an officer, and aviator in the US. Navy. I
flew helicopters, mostly search and rescue missions,
during two combat tours in Vietnam and later, at
several bases around the United States.
'After retiring from the Navy, 45 is way too early
to retire from anything, I thought, I went back to
Thursday, Sept. 3, 2020 - Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page A-5
Journal Lettér Policy
The Journal encourages original letters to the editor ‘of local interest.
Diverse and varied opinions are
welcomed. We will not publish letters that are deemed libelous or
scurrilous in nature. All letters must
be signed and include the writer’s name. address and daytime phone
number, which will be used for
verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing for length,
grammar and clarity. To submit a
letter, email, drop it off at 227 W. Cota St, or mail
it to P0. Box 430, Shelton,
WA 98584. .
college, earned my master’s degree in English and
quickly landed a job on a community college faculty
teaching mostly comp and lit. I taught a few other
courses like interpersonal communications and me—
dia studies. I served as department chair for three
Politically, I am a rock-ribbed conservative and
have been for as long as I can remember. As a kid,
I stood in my classroom each morning, hand over
heart, and happily pledged allegiance to our flag.
In college, most of my faculty colleagues were liber-
als, many of them of the radical feminist ilk. My
experiences with that bunch made me an even more
determined conservative.
Bert, does my little bio here depict for you a Rus-
sian operative? If so, let me know. Your charges
against me, by the way, are chump change. An
earlier writer called me a liar and a white suprema-
cist. Friend of y0urs? You both, and surely many
other Dems, are still trapped in that 3 year-old,
thoroughly discredited Trump-Russia collusion non-
sense. Best of luck, and get a life.
Oh yes, the Republican National Convention
was very, very good and completely outshone the
Democrat Donald Trump hate-o-thon of the week
before. I think Trump’s silent majority (the 12—15%
of Republicans who don’t respond to those dumb
and unreliable Democratic polls) will be out in force
come November.
I’ll certainly be there.
Robert E. Graham
Everyone should—
vote by mail
Editor, the Journal,
Voting by mail should replace voting at the polls
in its entirety. The two institutions that can defi-
nitely be trusted are the County Board of Elections
and the United States Postal Service. The money
saved by eliminating the need for poll workers
could be used to offer free postage on the envelopes
used to vote by mail. The person voting would also
have more time to consider what they are voting
for and would not be confined to the hours of the
polling place. It would also prevent unwanted en—
try to schools and churches from anyone trying to
harm someone. In addition, the voter would not be
harassed by someone trying to place unsolicited
campaign literature in their hand. The additional
revenue would boost the Postal Service and perhaps
keep it afloat until we as a country are able to vote
online. Voting by mail would solve the registered
. voter problem and guarantee safe passage of the bal-
lots to the County Board of Elections. It might even
prevent further spread of COVID-19.
Joe Bialek
Cleveland, Ohio
Policing is local matter
Editor, the Journal,
Democrats complain President Donald Trump
does not do enough to stop the violence but the 10th
Amendment of the Constitution says that policing
is a local matter; that’s called federalism. Local and
state crimes are handled by the local police unless
and until help is requested by the states. The single
exception is when federal property or federal em-
ployees are threatened.
Violence in Democrat—run cities is rampant, yet
mayors like Portland’s mayor blame Trump. These
mayors should either take charge or ask for help;
currently they play the blame game. In this election
season, when our candidates ask for our vote, do
Support the position of peacefully protesting in-
justices and advancing causes as promoted by the
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in his book, “Letters
from the Birmingham Jail?”
Support the violent and destructive actions and
behavior using mob rule and fear as advocated by
Saul Alinsky in his book, “Rules for Radicals?”
Do 10th Congressional District Democratic candi-
dates Marilyn Strickland and Beth Doglio condemn
the Violence or do they agree with the violence? A
nonanswer should be considered political cowardice.
Silence is violence. Inslee’s silence for the past
threemonths of violence in Seattle, Portland and
elsewhere is deafening and cowardly. Loren Culp
has spoken loud and clear; he repudiates this vio-
The Democratic National Convention had politi-
cians and Hollywood celebrities all silent on violence
in America today. After the convention Biden finally
and weakly agreed that violence was wrong.
The Republican National Convention had no Hol-
lywood celebrities and few politicians. Most were
tributes to the common man by average citizens who
condemned violence; some speakers were victims of
the current mob rule.
Violence continues because the near-universal
silence from Democrats is taken as tacit approval by
the anarchists. They believe the local defund-thee
police policies allow them to get away with anything.
Virginia’s new law makes assault on a police
officer‘a misdemeanor rather than a felony. Con-
temptible. The last weekend of August saw six cops
shot throughout America including the killing of
a 29-year-old black St. Louis police officer, leaving
behind a wife and three kids. Are there marches to
honor these officers? Dare I say, Police Lives Matter?
I know there are courageous, honorable Demo-_ ,
-crats.whiterehorrifiedbvihisviolence.- heuneedtn
speak up and stand up against mob rule. Silence is
Ardean A. Anvik
Restore what trust,
Mr. Neatherlin?
Editor, the Journal,
I totally agree with Patrick Burke’s com-
ments. Randy Neatherlin used that slogan when he
first ran and it had meaning back then. I even sup-
ported Randy during his first term but no more. Just
like most politicians once they get a little bit of
power, it goes to their head and, in order to get more
power, Randy gave in to the money folks that he
fought against prior to being elected.
In my observations, Randy does not have any
trust and yes, Patrick, he was a used car salesman
with his own used car lot. '
Randy has cost us taxpayers money, like the
$30,000 we had to pay for a public records viola-
tion earlier this year regarding the Grump Venture
Gravel Pit permit where he withheld some public
records which were later “found” in his garage. He
even went on vacation to Ireland with one of the
principals of that venture. From all the many execu-
tive sessions our commissioners are holding on a
regular basis, I wonder how many of them are as a
direct cause of our commissioners. I asked them to at
least give us the subject of these litigations against
the county, but was totally ignored. Sure makes me
wonder what they are hiding and who is at fault.
And let’s not forget the pending lawsuit in US
District Court against Randy Neatherlin, Dave
Windom and Grump Ventures, filed on June 29 by a
group of homeowners in the North Shore area. Sure
hope that will be resolved before the November elec-
tions. _ .
Please join me in making a change in our county
commission and vote for Ted Jackson, who is one of
the most honorable people I know.
Herb Gerhardt
s; LETTERS, page A—6