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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SILTON-MASON COTY 30URNAL , j 50 CANDIDATES OUT FOR HIGHCLIMBER GRID SQUAD SEASON, JAMBOREE IS SEPT. 12 , Eleven lettermen were among illumination. ' " who wish to proeure hunting and With only nine days which to Aid Scholarship ,:ihin licenses may do so at the more than 50 aspirants who plung- I . . . . , in What's your desire in ed into a full scale conditioning whip hm aggregatmn into sllhpe Sam Corliss Grocery and Service shellfish? Satiate it here -- where the ac- companying s a u c e s and methods of cook- ery make a good thing better. Lunch or din- ner temptations. HEINIE HILDERMAN'S schedule when they reported to Coach Norm Hillyard on Labor Day seeking varsity posts on the 1947 Htghclimber football "squad which will play the first night football ever seen in Shelton, per- forming under the new Loop Field • ,,L , • • ,,, , JACK MOFFETT DANCING LES, SONS Children and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All Styles Ever Wednesday to 6 p,m. Shelton Eagles Hall Phone Union 385 CAFE CHATTERBOX SUPPORTS Designed You've Been Intending to Find Out Third and Railroad WHAT A SPENCER SUPPORT Can Do For You ACT TODAYSee For Youreelf before you purchase, exactly how a SPENCER can give you SLIM LOVELY LINES, rest you, guard agalnst tired backs. RNICE SCHREIBER Dr. SPENCER B] Phone 799-J DEALER 1416 Summit (Closed August 22 to Sept. 2) KIMBEL MOTORS Factory Approved Chrysler - Plymouth - International SALES - PARTS - SERVICE We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment ..- _ , , _. i . J  .... J L ,s In Our NEW SERVICE BUILDING AT SOUTH FIRST AND MILL STREET Electric Welding ! : PHONE I And Brazing ]. 601 I Motor Testing , • by the Latest Sun,nester Method Means No Guess Work i.ii .... T' J "   I ...... I IIJ I l ]J .... .......... ' ..... [ J IJ .........  .... v .............. Within A Week of Plaein0 Your Order we can have m your hands laeautlful, plate- less-engraved genuine Art- point wedding invitations a n d marriage announce. merits. Special attention given to Silver and golden wedding anniversary invita- tions. for the Southwest Wastiington jamboree at Hoquiam on Septem- ber 12, Hillyard pushed his big squad through two three-hour workouts the firPt day and tossed the lads into their first scrimmage Tuesday afternoon. An increasing- ly intensive conditioning program is planned by the Highcltmber grid mentor all this week with no eas- ing up until probably about next Wednesday, he intimated after Tuesday's scrimmage, The returninglettermen around whom HiUyard is fashioning his pigskin plans include five backs and six linemen, leaving only one end position without an insignia winner candidate. Another stout line (the key which made last year's squad so potent} is in the making with the capable Ken Cardinal back at cen- ter flanked by Mel Newman, Dave Eager and Cec Crows, guards, with Crowe due to move to a tackle spot, tall Norm Buck at one tackle, and the husky Ker Carl- son at end. Wayne Gibler, letter- man end, is eligible but i not ex- pected to return to school as he was married during the summer. In the backfield, Bob Cleveland returns to handle the ball at quar- terback in Hiilyard's T-formation Offense to dish the leather out to Fullback Rice and Halfbacks Paul Koch, Clarence C0ttrell, and Gene Wells. Several fine prospects are com- ing up from the 1946 B team, with Glen Anderson. Emmett Smith, Dec Collier, Danny Davidson and Gene Sawye seeking backfield recognition; Herb Loop, Wayne C]ary and Bob Hutton cotending for the end post opposite Carlson; John Miller sure to get a lot of attention in Hillyard's taelde as- signments; Emmett Knight, Don Emery and Bill Valley contesting for guard positions; and Jimmy Skagen for center. A couple of youngsters from Ray Patrick's 196 junior high team may crash the varsity squad this year, too. Most likely in this cate- gory are Roy Levett and Bernie Heuer, backs, but before the final decision is made by Hillyard he will give •close scrutiny to the abil- ities of Blazer graduates such as Des Koch. Deb Getty and Clar- ence Woodard, backs: Don Cleve- land, Ginger Deer, and Warren Edgely, ends: Ted Dale, Chuck Pennington. Chuck Berets and Jim Hunter, tackles; Dick Endicott, Bob Strobe and Jack Mallinger, guards: and Ken Smith and Ed White, centers, ] Two transfers who may fit into Hillyard's 1947 scheme of opera-I tion are Jack Christensen, half- I back from Stadium of TaComa, senior; and Merle Lindgren, end from Cleveland of Seattle; d pho- more. After the jamboree a week from tomorrow evening, the Highclimb- ors sail into an eight*game sched- ule which keeps them busy with- out a break until Armistice Day, when they close their regular schedule with their only daylight encounter of the entire season, meeting St. Martins Preps on Loop Field. A ninth game as a post-season affair is very likely to be added to the schedule, Hill- yard said, as Mr. Vernon has made inqu lries about renewing the game between the two schools which had to be cancelled last November be- cause of the floods which stalled traffic in Western Washington. Tentatively, the pans call for Shel- ton to go to Mt. Vernon Novem. LAKE SPENCER FISH POPULATION DOOMED BY SATURDAY EVENING POISONING CREW MEETING FRIDAY FOR INSTRUCTION Final instructions w!ll be giv- en members of the Mason Coun- ty Sports & Skeet Club and others who hve vohmteered or wish to assist In the poisoning of Lake Spencer a$ a meeting in Odd Fellows hall Friday eve-,-- sing at 8 o'clock with Alex Mac- Rea, district biologist for the State Game Department, out- lining the assignments of tile big poisoning cre The poisoning 111 take place Saturday with a detail of 50 to 80 me manning 25 beats. Members of the Slmrts & Skeet Club will form the nucleus of the working party but anyone else Interested in assisting with the work Is invited lo attend Friday night's meeting. H I I Shelton Man Second In Hoe-Hoe Tourney Tacoma.Special--Hal Grant of Shelton was among the winners in the first annual Hoe-Hoe club golf tournament stag0d here: Fri- day. Grant, head of the lumber firm which bears his name, turned in an 88 to tie for second place with John J. Pascoe of Tacoma, First prize winner with a score of 80 for the 18,hole event was Har- vey Austermuhl of Tacoma. Organized four months ago, Ta- coma-Olympia Hoe-Hoe club is the local chapter of a 56-year-old organization of men affiliated with the manufacture, distribution and sale of lumber and forest pro- ducts. Roses' Return From Two-Week Vacation Fred Rose left August 21 with Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Glassey to join Mrs. Rose at Saint Maries, Idaho, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Rose. Mrs. Fred Rose's her 21 for a night game. Mt. Ver- non would return the game in 194. , Sob, Robert W. IVorgenstern, and The Highclimber schedule as it wife and new baby Joined them. stands now'. H.F. Rose a,d Mr. and Mrs. Sept. 12jamboree at Hoquiam. Fred Rose continued on their two Sept. 19--at Olympia. weeks' vacation trip to Vancou- Sept. 26--BellaHnine at Tacoma vet, B. C., to visit an uncle of (night game. field to be at- Mrs. Rose's, H. A. Morgenstern. ranged later). From there the Roses traveled Oct. 3 Elma here. to Dallas, Oregon, to visit Mr, Oct. 10Raymond here. Rose's daughter, Mrs. A. C. Daw- Oct. 17at Montesano. son, They,also were overnight Oct. 24--Poulsbo here. guests of Mr. and ars. P. S. Twiss Oct. 31at Chebalis. of Chehalis, Washington. Nov. llSt. Martins here {day game). Fire Department Douses mOVOmNG VO mssovaz Brush Fire Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. B. L. (Boo) Rose The Shelton fire department was left She|ton last weeled to drive called to extinguish a. brush fire to JeHerson City, Missourl for a at 10th and Harvard' Street about month's vacat!ori trip and visit 12:30 Tuesday afternoon when a with Mr. Rose s brother, permit fire got out of control. There was no damage from the PARENTS OF GIRL fire which occurred in the Angle- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Millerc at. side district, Chief T. E. Deer re- 1, Box 24, became parents of a ported. He said it was the first baby girl born August 31, at the fire in Shelton for more than a Clinic Hospital. . week. w By T,d Kesting It ,may sound like heresy, but new and weedless but. became recent studies prove fish ponds poorer as weeds became abundant, don't need weeds. Ponds produce It is true that ?fish depend on better without them according to a proper aquatic growth" for food. Verne E. Davison, authority on soil But the proper growth is not a conservation, water weed. Microscopic, single- Every sportsman, farmer and celled plants Imown as alga do any other kind of conservationist the job. Scores of kinds are natur- should know the truth about water ally present in all ponds. If the weeds and fish, Then they can mineral fertility i low, the plants abandon any false notions, will total no more than one part What's wrong with weeds ? of plant matter to a million parts They protect mosquito and other of water. In such cases the water larvae from little fish. is so clear yoq can see several They protect too many little fish feet into its depth, and the pound- from the bass. age of insect larvae upon which They interfere with ctsting, the fish will feed is alfio low. Less Stems and leaves catch on the than 100 pounds of fish per acre hooks, are supported in such clear waters. They nterfere with boating and Weeds, brush a'nd every tree swimming, should be kept out of the pond They entangle the hook and bait and controlled around its edges. of those bluegill fishermen who Fishing will be more pleasant. wish to fish on the bottom. A Snakes won t be attracted and the weedless pond permits fishing any- pond will be easier to maintain. A whereand yields more fish. strip at least 15 feet wide should Weeds are unnecessary. Both be cleared next to the water's bass and bluegills reproduce satis- I edge, Double this width is better. faetorily without weed protection. It should be grazed or mowed to It is being done in hlndred of l maintain a low grass-like cover. p0rMs:0wd by pova mn:[ It Is easier to keep ne, ponds ers ann sposmen: .an a ponaj free from weeds than it is to kill has provideu goes nshmg wnen them back after they get started, Come Saturday evening, Spen- cer Lake's teeming fish population will cease to exist. Much like tlm POpulation of Hiroshima which was wiped out by one blast of an atomic bomb, the finny popula- tion of Lake Spencer is scheduled for quick exteination next Sat- urday when the State Game De- partment attacks it with rotes- one in the largest lake poisoning project yet attempted by the de- artment in its program of im- roving fishing in Washington lakes. Some 25 craft, manned by mem- bers of the Mason County Sports & Skeet Club and volunteers from the public generally, will tow sacks of rotonone through Lake Spencer it a pattern designed to completely saturate the water with the paralyzing chemical which removes all oxygen from the water and causes fish to suf- focate. The rotonone will be used in a five per cent solution with Alex MacRea, district biologist for the State Game Department, and oth- er game department representa- tives supervising the act ion, which is designed to remove all so-called scrap fish from the lake as wl as the weeds growing on the lake bottom. If the rotonone application is ef- ficiently done, every fish in Lake Spencer will be dead in a short period and in about two months, when the effects of the rotonone is completely dissipated, the lake will be ready for replanting with desireable game fish, the game de- partment points out. However, the first planting of new fisi in the lake probably will not take place until next spring, according to Mr. MacRea, when the new hatch is completed at game department hatcheries. Opposition to the poisoning" program ires been voiced by some of the property owners on Lake Spencer and a petition asking the game department to reconsider its plan for killing all the fish in the lake was circulated among the property owners, but no legal ac- tion has been taken to stop or delay the project. Shelion football fans who pur- chase tickets to the Southwest Washing'ton gridiron jamboree at Hoqniam September 12 from one of the three Shelten ticket dis- lributors will be contributing di- rectly this year to a college schol- arship for some Sielton high school gradnate, reports President Fred Beckwith of the Shelton Ki- wanis Club. As local sponsor of the jam- boree, the Shelton Kiwanis Club realizes a profit on all jamboree tickets sold in Shelton and with this money the Kiwanis Club this year is setting up a sctlolarship fllnd tO ,'lssist sonic deserving Simlton graduate gain a college education, President Beekwith ex- plained. , Throngh the efforts of the Shel- ton Kiwanis Club and Shelton school officials, twice the number of seats as last year have been re- served for Slmlton fans at the jaHtborce this year as the interest of Shelton fans in the gridiron sport is expected to be greatly iucreased this year. Tickets may be procured at Beckwith's Jewelry store, the L.M. sporting goods department, and the senior high school. Reserved sea, is are $1.25, general admission $1, with general admission in- creosing to $1.25 if purchased st tle gate. Tickets bought at the gait do not benefit either the Shelton Club scholarship fund nor the Shelton high school athletic fund, which share 100% of the proceeds of tickets sold in Shelton. Tickets should be bought in Shclton before next Wednesday as all unsold ducats have to be returned to Hoquiam on that date, Mr. Beckwith advised. Station at Allyn now, following Mr. Corliss' appointment as an agent of the State Game Depart- ment for dispensing licenses. NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48" J. L. CATTO HARDWARE THE JOURNAL Phone 100 Retired Lumberman Passes Away Monday Sylvester W. Barker, 76, retired Seattle lumbez'man, died in that city Monday after a long illness. Among his early operations was a raih'oad and logging camp in the Allyn district some thirty years ago. He was active in other years in city clubs, Masonic fraternities, Red Cross and Y.M.C.A. He is survived by three sons, Stanley F., Burke G. and Stuart D. Barker, all of Seattle. and a sister, Miss Hattie Barker of Grapeview. Ready-Mix Concrete Gives You ......   Lu, L Fuss-free, Muss-less WE DO THE MIXING --- and your concrete order on the to pour. It's the time, saving way to get the file of available contractors' at your service, too. ELECTRICAL SUPPLI 2 SEPARATE BUT ALLIED FIIMS UNDER, ONE ROOF ..... QUALITY ELECTRIC WIRING Guaranteed Material --and-- Workmanship --C. P. Eliot Registered Electrical Engineer WE HAVE IT--OR WILL HERE AT LASTLimited quantity of NeW !/2 h.p G. E. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Standard pr re..." A WEE BIT CHILLY THESE MORNINGS ANO l How About a PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER ........................ We Have in Stock One 40.Gallon TABLE TOP $i ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK ........................... COMPLETE INFORMATION ON EL'EGTRf0 o .,i,, Fixtures  Appliances  Supplies Title Insurance Building, Shelton Monday, September 8th Sheiton Auto Body at 120 East Pine Street in the KAISER-FRASER BUILDING Complete Automotive Body Service • tive Painting @ Glass Replacement holstering. Body and Fender Repair and Rebuild Radiator Repair • Specialty weldia$ JOHN BERNERT and WAYNE BURNETT, Operators SHELTON AUTO Kaiser-Fraser Building 120 EAST PINE STREET 4, 1947. • WELDIN MOUNTAIN Heavy and Light --- Acetylene and LE: A dandy two-wheel Ot all steel frame, new tires One Block North of Pine QUality Guaranteed Work -- ACCENT ON here for America's fine Watches; our repufc for dependable watt is your assurance fc the best quality at ,= price. ENSCHW nge Build ng, AR l.oeation at 4( Repair--We al commodities. 1( [NT 0 STAIN c SP] ........ ea Water repellant .................. ca, size 18 ... pr COoks, etc. Sizes : 3pr, ;ht worK. .................. ca, Sizes 14 to .................. ca, gOOd codiiion pr aneou; button, sizes 36 t repair ............ With battery .. enses ................ frame ................. 4 inch ................. AS AN EXTE -ICE, COCI An AI ":CIA LTY--Sizes vy Treated Arn II With Conf FIRST ST.