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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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UAD 4 1947. WELDING SHOP MOUNTAIN VIEW ]t at Ailyn Heavy and Light Welding ---Acetylene and Arc- ;theLiCellSeSAllyn arca I L A dandy two-wheel Utility Trailer, all alumi- c:m'e hunting and Y, all steel frame, new tires and tubes ............ $145.00 nay do so at the ec'y and Service One Block North of Pines Auto Park i now, following QUality Guaranteed Work -- Reasonably Priced ing licenses.  ...... ]D A 1YPI¢ f. • IBER !! r Le 48" Ji ACCENT ON VALUES! ly-Mix i i' rete i s,ou i J here f A ' fi or mer|cas mest • ' in Watches; our repufa- trom for dependable watch ree, Muss-less )O THE MIXING  and :oncrete order on the lr. It's the time, labor , way to get the availab!e contractors'  lr service, too. ,, 00ou, o,,u,oo,o fo, the best quality at a ,4B= "1" . price. ENSCHWANDER Phone 74-W ,L SU S" FIRMS UNDER, ONE ROOF', E IT--OR WILL GET ASTLimited quantity of NeW . LECTRIC MOTORS. Standard price.." :HILLY THESE MORNINGS ANOI'I ELECTRIC HEATER ................. ; ...... ;tock One 40.Gallon TABLE TOP O'T' WATER TANK ............................ TE INFORMATION ON EL Quality ,.go Appliances- Supplies Lake Cushman v v v .v ,qp. v v ,v. v ,v v v v v v r.v'.lv v w 'qr 'v'v "qp. Exciting news was received on Labor Day about the birth of a son at 3 a.m. :Monday morning to Mrs. Ray Peterson in the Ta- coma General Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces. The Petersons, who were expec- ing a girl, have not yet decided upon a name. Mother and child were doing fine at last report. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlson were visitors of the Otto Radtke.- over Sunday. When they re turned home to Seattle Sunda:y evening they were accompanied by Mr. and /Irs. Walter LaMaster who have been vacationing the past week at Cushman. Accom- panying the Carlsons to visit the IZadtke's were Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dougherty also of Seattle. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. :Linscott drove to Lacy to visit Mrs. Linseott's sister-in-law from I Palouse, Mrs. Laura Chase who ;is visiting her son and family, Walter Chase of Lacey. Labor Day dinner guests of the Lins- cotts were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rains and son, Frank, of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins are traveling during their time off to Fort Alberni, Canada• New member of the Les Sand- rig family is Raymond Larson, 12 years old, who is to make "his home with them and attend school at Hoodsport. TENTS TARPS for Hunting Season VARIOUS SIZES FRED HOLH Feed & Auto Loans (Formerly Olympia Feed) Across From Safeway -  • III II I Fairbanks-Morse PUMPS For Every Purpose SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W SHELTON-MASON i WATCH FOR KIDS! SCHOOL STARTS, BRINGS HAZARDS "WARN ING ! "School has started, and school children are crossing streets and highways to and from classes. Drive caxefully and save a child's life---maybe your own child!" With this plea to drivers to watch for school children on the highways, Patrolman Bill ]lutsinpiller added that the speed limit of 0 miles mt hour will be strictly enforced, and there will be no acceptable ex- • ruses. All speeders will be ar- rested, he promised. Ill 4 Divisions in Simpson Move w,th A consolidation move ' in the Simpson Logging company Shelton operations was revealed last week. Grisdale division, including tim- ber and logging operations and control of the land in the region of the new Sustained Yield con- tract will be headed by Manager George Drake. The Shelton*McCleary division, headed by Don H. Clark as man- ager, will be responsible for all manufacturing operations with the exception of the Woodfiber plant, the jobbing warehouse and the Simpson rainroad and re- search laboratory. The Woodfiber division, which includes the plant itself and the adjoining laboratory, will be headed by Manager C. J. Macke. R. E. Seeley is manager of the Sales Division, which will handle the jobbing warehouses and all manufactured product saes. Grapeview FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS: Phone for the fire truck is 8-F-24. I State that it's a fire call and give location. The fire department is making a water" survey of the community to determine available I supply of each home. Here is a I list of fire department officers: I Les Rice, chief; 1st assistant, Bill Somers; 2nd assistant, Dan Tay- lor. Battalion chiefs, Archie Gil- bert for Stretch Island, John Lom- bard for Stadium area, .Gordon Peterson, area south of Sherwood creek, Chick Wrage for Allyn, Julius Stock, area around the store, Fire cfptain is Web Ether- ton, driver is Chas. McGlothlin. Battalion chiefs will hold drills for their own districts. Each dis- New Location trict will have its own group• The next dance will be at Victor on September 6. There was a grass fire at A1- AT 407 SOUTH FIRST with AR SURPLUS new location at 407 South First Street--formerly Mitchell's Repair--We are going to carry the same complete line of commodities.' As in the past, we will do our best to serve BE PROUD 0F YOUR HOME-- Why wait to paint? Finish your Home with a High Grade Material at a LOW COST! You'll be proud of the good results! 100% Lead and Oil, Zinc Base-- Gal. s3,95 outside Top Grade Surplus ..................... Chrome Green, Red ................................ Gal. 1,35 UP [NT STAIN SPECIALS!! SHOE PACKS ........ pr. $4.95 Mfg. Gobdyear, rubber bottom, leather uppers.. NAVY OXFORDS.. pr. $6.95 , Black Dress, limited sizes, 100% lea ther SWEATERS ................ $1.25 ........ ca. $1.95 Water repellant ea. $1.98 size 18 PANTS ..... pr. $1.45 COoks, etc." Sizes 29-44. 3 Dr. $1,00 oys, wool button, ages 4 to 6 . , ght worK. SWEATERS ................. $1.49 00ber 8th :"": ................... .......... ea.ea'$1.3979¢ LIFE RAFToneB°ys manW°°l pullover ..... for ........... school. Ages9,956-11 ee. Sizes 14 to 17 All hardwood, camp. with 2 mattresses kLLS pr. $1.95 Work Pants, Whipcord $3.95 OOd coidiiio, Green, hcay duty, all sizes to 30 tscellaneous and Hardware Bargains ol button, sizes 36 to 445.95 Blankets, white Navy ................................ 5.95 ILDING " ....................................... .... Blankets, 100% Virgin Wool .................... 3.95 need":::- ............................ 3.95 BtO-Flight Jackets .................................... 9.95, ,-epair .................... 75¢ Suntan Pant, new ........................................ 2.95 i ..................................... 2.95 Suntan Pants, new ....................................... 2.95 1 " " , With battery .......... 89¢ 2 Dividers, Pexto .................................... 1.00 lenses - . ..... 39¢ 6" Lineman's Pliers ............................ : ......... 980 'lied frame ........................ ................. "'" 3.954.95 Push B-r'o0ms "'14; 14"File. fo ,m,,al,. ....................................... 145€.25 ................................ 79¢ Claw Hammers .............................................. 1.25 4 inch ........................ 4.50 'Hammers, Ball Pein, 2.1b ......................... 1.29 Repair and Rebuild ir • Specialty W eldiOg , TT, Operators 0 --- D.D.T. BOMB --- l-lb. Capacity .....x....,...o. 97= COCK ROACHES, ETC. Good for six months. An Absolute Bargain for. only ................................. !CIALTYSizes 5x7  6x7 8x10  9x12  10x12  9x15 14 5 x21 5 Treated: Army Ouck INQUIRE-- LOWEST PRICES in Town! 's Mercantile With Confidence--Our Ain/is to Serve You" FIRST ST• Formerly Mitchells Automotive Repair COUNTY JOURNAL Jaycees Slate Final Discussion Of Youth Center The Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce will have its regular Two Journalism Scholarships at Cheney College Eastern Washington College, Cheney (Special).--In response to meeting at the Colonial House demand aroused by the course of- Tuesday night, fered by the Spokane Press Club, Discussion of definite nlans for Eastern Washington College is ON- the p-roDosed new outhv and ..... civic tablishing, two. journalism scholar- ;, ¢ =+ + ,,, +h o-n shps according to an announce- ara't "the'meeting'o'he'Seiton ment ,made by President Walter [ Junior Chamber of Commerce W. Isle. I meeting next Tuesday evening in They will be available fall I the ColonialHouse. term for incoming freshmen wno I Tentative plans for the new civic hav e made outstandin.g high I building have been sketched, and scnom records jou.rnasm. e- ] "-esetn a-rawings as "well'" s 'he out- "'' """  '"" *'"' ""'"" I in line of a general plan of operation nend:ton b£rhigh schorl  pr - for the center will be presented to va ._%,, 0 ..;,,; ...... _o ;, .... "he ..... a uanoloaes will also submit. em- group Ior (nscusslon ann p- . . rov 1 Preside "   n" onstratmns of their general abfl- p a, n tene urgoy e, h, €,, ,-rlt- said yesterday. , "=,  ....... The Ja cee " i the Last year top men and women . . y s are piann nff, in rallo and newspaper came to cener ill an enor[, tO provloe a our e.aml)us.' Ull-(l[i.r I;'he allspices'' Of permanent recreatmn center for ha ln, Ixana 'Pae fhwh 'lPh|e v the youth of She!ton and Mason I pert instruction was invahmble to county wncn wm superseae reel our students, and we are deeIfly series at '±'een Age ances. spon-] gratified that the Press Club will sores Dy the group ourmg the lrepea t the course here this fall," summer ,, . ' .... I President Isla said The efforts • ±'ne next Teen Age oances are i _, +u s.),i_llst=, ill r'tctlc"t . . .... i ournallsm aroused so much t - slated to start in October. • ....... t .... l- ,in er  'me Jaycee commi:ee nan su- jo, *hat e hv - had in-uirie-' died similar projects from varmus not nnlv from Inland Emnlre slu- r .....  --- • .pc ts 5f the country, including one dentg but from ambitious jour- m Hartford, the Atomic bomb nalism students from the coast town, and a youth center in Roe.h- and from Idaho and Montana," ester, New York. An effort will he continued be made to provide supervised re- n, u, • ', ......... creation and social activities as the" exn;o n on;SoerequeS?nSlm well as a living memorial for the de-artent in which Jt is now Mason county war dead. v. ' posmble to major for a B.A. de- • ,=,,r,,,,,,,=,, gree, the college is offering two T "r • . journalism scholarships. union Eastern Washington College is vvvwvvvv,vvvvv one of the institutions to which The:"Smith Boys" are in the the Spokane Press Club grants a majority nero now. George and his yearly scholarship to an outstand- wife came down from Alaska last ing high school journalist. Under week and are staying with his this scholarship the s t u d e n t mother, Mrs. Yerbruge in one of chooses his college. . the Twana cottages. They plan to ...... go to Washington, D C, to visit • • ' ' and Allan Rau have sold their 'n- Mrs. Smith's mother The brothers terests in Rau's restaurant in Shel- who are living here are Pat, James and Danny. The latter spends most of his time in Bremerton with the baseball team. Jack Smith of another family has also returned from Alaska where he was fishing. He and wife, nee Georgia McHenry, have moved to the Skokomish valley. Louie Pfundt, captain of the "Bull Moose" and his crew return- ed Friday from Alaska. Thursday of last week Mrs. Pauline Wyatt was happily sur- prised with a visit from her mo- ther "Grandma" Pfundt, her sister; Mrs. Katie Cramer, her children and a neighbor all from Holly. Mrs. Wyatt's hobby is flowers and ton. Dr. Thus. Roemer came up from Portland last week end. His wife and son Bruce returned with him to make their home at Portland. There have been many cases of "two day" flu in this community and several persons have been very ill for the two days. Mr. and Mrs. David James mov- ed here from Shelton last week. They are living in the home they purchased from Harley Neldon. Mrs. Jame's mother "is living in the former Francis Wright home. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Snyder, who will both teach again in the school here, are living in the summer especially tuberous begonias of home of the Galyean's. This home which she had many lovely speci- was built by Morris Johnson. mens to show them. -- ...... Mrs. Irvin McVay dnterLained Blankets for Christmas now group of young women at her lyn last Sunday morning and the local fire department was called. Bill Morgan, president of Allyn Community Club, clocked their arrival. It took exactly six min- utes from the time the call was placed until the fire truck arrived at Allyn dock and the fire truck started from St. Charles winery at Grapeview which iS its usual' parking place. One thing the Grapeview-Alyn Fire Department wants thoroughly understood, ac- cording to its publicity chairman, is that they will not tolerate hav- ing ordinary cars cutting in on the line of cars driven by the fire department personnel. May we remember the distaff side and give credit to Mrs. Leans Somners and Mrs. Emma McGlothlin' for an- swering the telephones when the fire calls came in last Sunday and the Sunday before and spread the alarm. ' Yesterday we had a pleasant visit with the Spooner family, Mrs. Francis Spooner, who has spent the summer in Canada, Mrs. Jane Mitchell, who has also been away for a few weeks, and Mrs. Faye Mitchell, vacationing be- tween classes. Mrs. Verna Johadson returned from an east of the mountains trip last Friday. She visited Miss O'Loughlin. The county is fixing that new piece of road near the school- house that went out under the heavy freezing last winter. E. J. Etherton of Richmond Beach spent a few days with his son, Web, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bush are leaving soon for their former home in Eagle Rock, Oregon, where they will gather their an- nual nut crop. Mr. Bush, who has been employed at Bonneville sub- station for five years, has been released from his position and they will build up from where they left off when the way came along. Besides their nut trees, they will have nursery stock. This nurs- ery stock will be located near Vancouver, Wash., at the home of their son, Wiliston. Mr. and Mrs. John Purdun (Evajean Bush) ex- pect to lbe in Eagle Rock at the same t'me. Mr. and Mrs. Bush are making Grapeview their per- manent home but will go back and forth as necessary. The Bush's hear from their son, Johnny, in Palmer, Alaska, that he got him- serf a very fine caribou, also that they have put away in their freez- er loads of wild currants, cran- berries, buckle and blue berries, etc. • And in a nice letter, from Mrs. Hilda Okonek, she says that she and her husband, A1, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sund spent a Week at Sekiu and had plenty of luck. To quote from her letter "kept us gals plenty busy canning an nd cooking.", A1 Okonek and son, Eddie spent last week end at Co- lumbia river. Marion Okonek, their daught'er, has accepted a position in Olympia in the Public Lands and Social Security Build- ing as junior typist. She is so happy to be working in the beau- tiful Capital grounds; A beautiful brand neW blue car (Chevrolet) just c&me for Joe Tschida. S. W. Barker of Seattle, broth- er of Miss Hattie Barker, passed away the latter part of last week. Gordon Pe:erson is the latest returnee from the Alaska fishing grounds. In 1839 Isaac Babbitt discovered the anti-friction alloy known as Babbitt metal. Congress voted him $25,000 for his invention. ':" home Wednesday afternoon of last week honoring Mrs. Gilbert Mc- Dermid, who left a day or so later for Santa Clara, Calif. The group consisted of enthusiastic members of a glass club, who have met regu- larly throughout the summer studying and acquiring old glass. n, .. This group presented Mrs. Me- Dermid with a piece of old glas as 'a parting gift. Mr. and Mrs. McDermid are the son-in-law and daughter of the C. J. Bacon's. Mr. McDermid is in his last semes- ter at the University of Santa Clara and will enter the post graduate school at midyear. This couple, having spent considerable time here since the war, have many friends on the canal who will be looldng fozvard to their return next summer. Miss Clara Eastwood has been entertaining merrily, guests from her old home Mercer Island, Cali- fornia and Seattle. Her home and Miss Flagg's have been filled "be- yond" capacity but they report a grand time. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Porter, who have been living in the old Gar- field home, moved back to Tahuya Thursday of last week. Mr. Porter Shelton Lodge No. 65 I.O.O.F. Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.ln. , I.O.O.F. HALL Visiting Members will be Cordially Welcomed W. S. RAWDING, N. G. GUY CALL, Secretary Ruby = Rebeka Lodge Mee-'-  Second a-d Fourth Fridays Mary Dobson, N. G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary .,, , -- _ on our generous lay-away plan--nothing down, $1 per week. Olympic Furniture, 321 Railroad, phone 94. (pd.adv.) FRYE HOTEL 3rd Ave at Yesler Way 325 Fireproof--Outside Rooms All With Radio 24 Hour Garage Service - Private Dining Rooms and Coffee Shop Located within the Seattle industrial, .shopping and Theatrical distriots Directly across the street from the County-City Bldg. Reservations Assured "It's the Water" TKE ORIGIHAt LIGHT TADLt IIEit THE. OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY, OLYMPIA; WASHINGTON, UlS.A. '7 E . Page 3 GOOD CLEAN FUN COME ONE -- COME ALL AT MEMORIAL IIALL Every Saturday Night Dancing 9 P.M. to I A.M. SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB QUALITY ' • You'll get more wear out of these V'I shoes, more comfort and more cam- ' ments than you've had in ages. Visit [[1  out store today and select your new fall shoes• Quality is always yours " when you shop herb. DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR (formerly Needham's Men's Wear) 123 RAILROAD , PHONE 494 Coleman OIL FLOOR FURNACE Take It easy--stop fire- tending drudgeryyet have a better-heated house. Cole- man Oil Floor Furnace sits in the floor, is easy to install quickly. Burns low cost oil. No fuel to cdrry, no ashes to mess up the house. We have a size to give YOUR home, too, real "warm-floor" heat at low cost, Listed by Underwriters' Laborat0rics. See U! Coleman OIL F|oor 00Furna¢e =t ¢00000t#lt00l lt00NSt Uffl/00a#Ti00l/00 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Established 1.895