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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTONrMA$0N COUNTY JOURNAL ....... Marriage AnnoUnced Prosecutor's Group LET THEM PLAY HARD 4 ¢ % ':" / /   " \\; '/'3 : WE'LL CLEAN THEIR DIRTY CLOTHES Arid keep them in school sparkling.. To keep your cfflldrer clear is to keep them healthy. So turn your dry Cleaning "Problems 'over to us. PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 Lon00 Slim. AT1- Wool SUITS 29., 5 la$long, t :hiplines i waist--give you t.he lerh fabrics' luxury,  dt/railit to ! these beautffullyttailored,su ts' at 29. 75. The annoLlnCelnent of the mar- riage of Earl Sheldon of Shelton to Mildred B. Heffernan, Wiscon- sin, Angus: 26 was made this week. Tim ceremony was performed in the chapel of the First Math- .diet church of Reno Nevada, by Reverend Charles d. Dohn. Mrs. Sheldon had been a teach- er in tile Wisconsin public school [ system for several years. ' Earl Shcldon is employed ill one of the local mills. RETURN FROM 3-DAY TRIP TO VICTORIA, B. C. Last week Mrs. Susie Pauley, cowaty auditor, Mrs. Nacre e Chase, Mrs. E. T. Miller of Ta- coma and Mrs. Hazel Leniger of Los Angeles spent three days in Victoria, B. C. The ladies motored to Port An- geles and took the. ferry across to Victoria. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Leniger were former business college school mates of Mrs. Pauley. This is their first reunion in 40' years. REGISTEIED NURSES MEET The registered nurses organiza- tion meeting will be held Septem- ber 12, 8 P.m., at the ome of Leona Clark on Spencer Lake. All members are m'ged to at- tend. SOCIal (VfN[$ OATS 29.75 This year'eoats'are'longer,'fidler, luxurious Is.king--made of won. derful woolens! Choose from ,suedes, coverts, gabardines needle: points, alpaca lined cotton gabar: dines ! They're, dr0_n£.i..€,,.eleat, oractical !. ........ Now/ Many,00rMany New Fall Handbags Expensive.looking [dressyBand  tailored k pouches, top-zippeis and uderalm styles ! I Shiningplastic patents and plastic leather grains[All in important Fall '€°l°rst wine'red' gree'n" black2 98 [.ndbr0wnY - " .... " Plus Tax 5.50 !Y0u'll'tlndhoes*for,every "occasion in this huge collection of Cynthias*! Smooth leathers and suede. Tie. Ipumps,(elosed puinps,,sling pumps; sandals. " " - "- Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. RECENTLY WEDAUgUst 3, Elaine Bearden and Bill B. Essex werg married ill the Hbol Canal CommUnity Church during a d0uble-Pllg ceremony. After a short weddirig trip to Sol Duc Springs this newlyweds [eft for college in SoUtherrt California. ---photo by Andt, ews SKOKOMISH P.T.A. MEETS The Skokomiish Parent-Teachers Club will hold its first meeting of. the year tonight at 8 p.m: in the school house. This meeting will be a social evening with new parents to the valley and first grade parents. getting acquainted with the other ntembers. $00¢HOOL DAYS WILL OON BE and accidents are hap- pening every day. Why hog protect, your son or daughter with one o£ our special Student's Accident InsuranCe Policies? Pays hospital and medical bills ariting from accidents. HERBERT G. ANGLE Aftgle Bldg. Phone 304 Representing the ma Life lnmrance SAVE TIME I TAKE A FERRY BREMERTON- SEATTLE Lv. LV. Seattle Bremerton 1:10 ram. 12:55 a.m "5:45 5:55 6:15 *7:00 7:15 7:30 8:10 8:30 9:00 9:25 10:00 10:15 10:40 11 15 11:30 11:55 8!00 2:45 p.m, 12:30 p.m. 1:15 1 ,'05 1:45 2:00 2:20 2:30 3:15 3:00 3:45 3:30 4:15 4:30 4:55 5:00 5!45 5:30 6:15 6:15 6:45 7:00 7:30 _ ' 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:15 10:30 10:15 11:45 11:45 *Daily except. Sundays and Holidays Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Stornes of Seattle; Andrew Pedersen, Se- .. _-II . ' ' att!e: Harold Ellingsen, Oakland, 0.-" I l Calif,; Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Salz- I I BLAOK BALL LINE er and =d .oa. Her,- , . ing, Elma; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nelson, Tacoma. Lemke, Wolden United During Lutheran Service The Mount Olive Lthcran Church decorated with tall stan- dards of white gladioli and wlite tapers, was the setting of the wedding uniting Donna Lou Lem- ke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Lemke, to Arthur H. Wolden, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden August 24. The bride, on her father's arm, wore a white slipper satin gown. Ttle sweetheart neckline was ac- cented by chiffon covering her throat and a cross. Her Iace edged net veil was caught in her hair with a seedpearl halo. On a white Bible she carried an orchid with white shower ribbon. Mrs. Rodney Salzer. matron of honor, was gowned m a yellow chiffon formal and carried a bou- quet of salmon colored gladioli, Two sisters of the bride acted as bridesmaids. Mrs. K. H. WoN den wore a pink chiffon over taf- feta dress while Betty Lemke wore a,ink net over taffeta gown." The bridesmaids carried bouquets of orchid gladioli. Gowned in a dustry rose formal Carol Ann Wolden, niece of bot] the. bride and the groom, acted as flower girl. She had a wristlet of rosebuds. June Wolden, gowned in yellow Inet and Violet Johnson in aqua net, acted as candlelighters. Both girls had wristlets of yellow glad- ioli. The best man was Walter W. Wolden, brother of the groom, while Glenn Roessel and Robert E. Lemke, brother of the bride, acted as ushei-s. Winnifred Collier, ac'eompanied by Douglas Larson, sang Be- cause" and "The Lord's Prayer." FOr her daughter's wedding Mrs. Lemke wore a black after- noon dress with white accessories. She wore a white carnation and red iosebud corsage. Mrs. Wolden wore a black dress with white accessories. Her cor- sage was of carnations and rose- buds. The new Mrs. Wolden chose a brown wool gabardine suit with palomino accessories for her trav- eling Costume to Victoria and easterh Washington. Upon" their retuPn they will make their home at ,Tth and Cota. The bride,  graduate of Irene S,. Reed High School, is employed at the Mason COunty Abstract and Title Co. The groom, also a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School, spent three years with the navy in the Pacific. He is now employed at Simpson Industries Warehouse. Th6 reception rooms of the church parlors, where {he wed- ding reception was hell, were dec- orated with summer flowers. Th brides table covered with a white linen cloth, was centered with the wedding cake. Roses surrounded the cake which was flanked by crystal candelabra. Mrs. Hildur Alvestad, aunt of the groom, and Mrs. Watson Ross, poured while Mrs. James Ogden, sister of the grgom, and Mrs. Mtl- dred Stornes, aunt of the bride, cut and served the cake. Mrs, Robert Lemke had charge clothe punch and Madeline WoOden took charge of the guest book, Others helping serve were Mrs. J, Needham, Mrs. E. Rauscher, Mrs. B. Ristine, Mrs. D. M. Stien, Mrs. William Buchmann and Mrs. R. Steimneyer. guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reynoldsen and Sandra and Jan, Coronado, Calif,; Mrs..C.L. Reynoldsen and Marlene, Seabeek, Wash., Mrs. Hildur Alvestad and son, Orville, Taconm, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Babcock. Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Harrington and Patty, Will Meet on Canal Through the. efforts of Mason Colmty Proseetltor I"rnnk Hous- ton, the mmual convention of the Washington State County Prose- outing Attorneys Association will he held at Alderbrnok hm next Jllne, it was learned lt/tc last week. Heuston, elected vice-president of tile a:sociation at its annual session in Spokane last sulnmer. persuaded association officers to place the convention here after previous phms to hold it on Orcas Island were dropped Carrs and Richards Have Holiday Guests The C. B. Riehards of Arcadia Point entertained Mr'. and Mrs. Paul Smith an family of Des Moines, Washington , for thc holi- day week-end. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Dandtu'and, Mr. and Mrs. Gqne Dandurand of Seattle, and :Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vanderwal of Agate were visitors at tlm homes of C. B. Richards and C. A. Carrs. Other guests of the Carrs of Arcadia Point were their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Marion of Bellingham, who flew down Sunday morning. Monday afternoon Mr. Marion took Mr. Cart and Gene Dandur- and for sky rides. He is former Navy Lieutenant flyer of Dive Bombers. LEAVES FOR CAIJFORNIA Mrs. Henry G. Edler, daughter of Warren Lincoln, postmaster, left by plane with her baby son from Seatle last Saturday morn- ing for Los Angeles. Mrs. Edler will join her hus- band at Auzusa, California. where he !s eployed by the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. SURPRISED BY VISITORS The G. E. Sharer's Of Allyn were pleasantly surprised last Monday when Mr. and Mrs. George Sand- erson of Puyalh|p; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behrendt and daughter of Long Beach California, and Mrs. Otto Behrendt of Minneapolis, Kansas, stopped in for a shore visit. All were neighbors in Kan- sas. LADIES GUILD MEETS The Ladies Guild of the Saint David's Episcopal Church will meet at 2 p.m. Monday, Septem- ber 8, at the home of Mrs. Don H. Clark. Reports will be made on the progress of the plans for the new church which is soon to be started. Blankets/or Christmas now on our generous lay-away plan nothing down, $1 per week. Olympic Furniture, 31 Railroad, phone 94. (pd.adv.) TOTEM CURIOS HAND PAINTED MYRTLEWOOD POLISHED MYRTLEWOOD SALT AND PEPPERS PLAQUES BROOCHES EAR PENDANTS SOUVENIRS HAND PAINTED TEA TILES HANS FASHIONED POTTERY CERAMICS HAND TOOLED LEATHER PURSES ENVELOPE TYPE PURSES LARGE PURSES WITH S''R A PS COIN PU RSE) SOME SADDLE LEATHER SOME HAND TINTED ALL HAND TOOLED 11 a.rn. until 8 p.m. daily except Mondays V2 mile South arid West of UNION, WASH. For Immediate Ins1 KRESKY OIL ,BURNING FLOOR F[ OIL-0-MATIC CONVERSION Distributed and Installed by SHELTON GAS C. C. Cole, Mgr. 122 So. Tllird St. The QUAKER "Challenger" AVAILABLE IN TWO SIZES Beautiful, scratcftpro0f, baked enamel finish 8-INCH BURNER I'll ue WA this winter wl!li UAK|R IF I ORDER NoW! $79.95 BLOWERS AVAILABIg IMMEDIATE Olsen F l: Sweaters Set The 328 COTA Fine Furniture for IN F ALL 321 L COTA ACTi Ting-a-lJng! Liseri to the f "All wool sweaters at this quality kriit , .. Every style, size for you]" CARDIGANS, SLIPON$ Long Sleeved --- t =3.95 to '5, £° ° OU LARGE A3SC BLOUS has just what you're Iookirg or work or play. Priced from $3.95 to " ,I SCARFS for Every Head' In a New Shipment GIF .-:F All S, tyles and C $1.25 to Crane's Appa,r00,,l ack To Scho0 El s; I MACI 's Be = ' Open Evenings PHONE 563 r Your HEATE] OIL STOVE .... "' BE THE SMA PHO:N a frill oll tank an set for ecru, a SUPPLY  ti0 to 1,000 gallons for unty Distrlbu;¢or