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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Yale 6  T ,H, t,l=, i ,,, , , H ,| ,, Classified Ad s Ip. lnp,.r qL, .VWW.-,qp" qp"qy"41p qr 'V'qp'*r ,It 'qP"  'qP"  Classified Service _ J I I ii ii I III IIII WheeIs Balanced On Your Car New Stewart-Warner post- war electronic balancer. $1.50 per wheel Bob Ervin Motors : 633 S. 1st Phone 673 k IIIIII II ii ii ii iiii DRY SLAB WOOD $1 per cord Shtplap and Shingles KAMILCHE VALLEY LUMBER CO. Route 1, Box 60 helto ,,, , m Fine Furnishings Practically new Bernhardt fum- ed oak dining room suite. RCA-Victor Console Radio- Phonograph. Hoover Vacuum Sweeper Chest of Drawers New Maple Vanity Floor Lamp Occasional Chair Shown by appointment evenings only 312 Pine Street, Pho]¢ 556-J Mrs. C. L. Giffqrd lTi ...... T ........................ --_ ( Corset tere ) BERNICE STEWART ( Charls ) Established Clientele BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone 372-R 616 N. lEt St. [ i i , For Prompt Delivery Classified Service STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone 87 STANDARD HEATING OILS Distributed by ...... SHELTON GAS COMPANY C. C. Cole, Mgr. .22 So. Third St. Phone 87 iii i i PLEASE CALL Stoohr & Itlcllort Mo- .:Core for carpentera. Phone hours will 9 Mondays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m,, Wednesd_ays from 1 to 4 o'clock p.m., and Fridays from 9 to 12 o'clock • a.m. Phone 212, S. A, Torklson, , Business Agent, 5-22-tfn Cabinet Work and Upholstering General Carpenter Work Park Street Cabinet Shop MARK FAY 518 Park St, Phone 284,R BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING Ralph DanieIson AT. 1 BOX 12A Phone 218 R2 tfn ENTER rile 1947 WORLD.WIDE GRAFLEX ©OMTEST WITH A NEW $,ooo.oo OTAL CASH PRIZES ANDREWS STUDIOS 120 North S¢c, ond St. t HONE lo2 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies. Free pickup and delivery. Jack Manley, omy authorized fac- tory representative in Mason Coun- ty. Phone Hoousport 2W2 or She[- ton 664. 7-18tfn. }ST$--ff--T-I--R: passenger and truck recappin and repairing. Sam B. Smith Co., Legion and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7758, U. S. Tires and batterms, ll-15tfn. v vv v v vvvvv v Classified Service CALL Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865 219 N. Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done -fSYf  t N-O .-Ui-a'- ;;  b tit: ............... II tonholing. MrS. ELlis Wells, 406 AT- EXPERT FITTING anl alterations eadla Avenue. (Corner Arcadi8 and done. Mrs. M. McCann, 222 So. 4th Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tin St., Phone 489-M. 6-10-tfn MARK'S USED CAR LOT 119 Cota St. phone 633 Open Evenings and Saturdays for Our Customers' Convenience '41 Chevrolet Coupe, R'. & H. '39 Ford Coupe '41 Dodge Coupe, R. & H. '41 Ford Sedan, Heater '40 Pontiac Convertible, R. & H. '36 Fo:d'Sedan '34 Plymouth Sedan MARK R. ADAMS REAL VALUES IN USED FURNITURE 1--Used Mahogany Dhling Room Suite with fee chairs. 7 pieces ........................................................ 69.50 :[---Used Mahogany Barrel Chair Upholstered in Tapestry ........................................................ 29.50 2--Wood Heaters .......................................................... $19.50--$29.50 1--Incinerator with Oil Burner .................................................. 79.50 1---Used Long Range .................................................................... 39.50 1--Used Toledo Range .................................................................. 49,50 1--Round Oak Dining Room Table ............................................ 12.50 1.--Used Kerosene Heater ............................................................ 19.50 OLSEN FURNITURE CO. 328 Cota Phone 102 ii i i ii HOWELL ROOFING CO. LOCATED AT Shelton Sheet Metal Works 321 South Third PHONE 105 Shingles -- Flat Roof -- Miscellaneous Asbestos Asbestos Gutters Thtckbutt Built-up Downspout Dutch Top Tar and Hexagon Gravel Coating ASBESTOS SIDING,  BRICK SIDING SPRAY COATING FOR LARGE AREAS ROOF REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Estimates Furnished Free CONSTRUCTION WORK Fills and Basement Digging Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS -- Prompt Service H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washington Phone Union 354 ii i i BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING  UPHOLSTERING LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Pllone 162 GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK J. M. SCOBEY Ill L itl iii i  i j TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ( Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason• Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS Sold and Repaired H. D. BAKER CO., INC. 114 W.5th OLYMPIA Phone 8044 Office Furniture, Files and Fireproof Safes SHELTON-ASON COUNTY 'OURNATJ i i i Classified Service REAL ESTATE BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- I ' ,,IIII I vice on all makes home and auto radios. Across from Junior High school, 1 Zklln. Phone n2w. WORTH LOOKING Pick uD and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Klllmer INTO Electric. ll-7tfn. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING. * * * also saris for all makes of sewing CONCORD BEACH TRACTS, 248 nmchtnes, Pimne 596J" or 38W be- tween 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. B10-3tfn ft. frontage, 10 acres; 2 houses tool shed, chicken house; gravity I I I ¢ater; will trade for house nearer Shelton, $4200. SAVINGS * * * 240-ACRE RANCH 12 miles to- ward Elma, 50 acres cleared, ban On ALL needed repairs to your once saleable timber; 64'x 80' barn car and other buildings; modern home Flat Rate with electricity; ideal for "dairy • Means -- More Money farm. • $ * IN YOUR POCKET ON ARCADIA ROA just out- side city limits, a 3-room modern A set price for home completely furnished, includ- ing electric range with oli burning EVERY JOB" incinerator; well, electric pump, full basement and fruit room. Free estimates .. Priced for quick action at $3900. FURNISHED FINE RESIDENCE LOT on high- . way in Mt. View Addition, with at another lot in rear, total 60 x 220 O ft., city water and sewer, nice Bob Ervin Mot rs homes on each side, $950. THE BUICK AGENCY * * * Phone 673 lEt & Mill St. NEAR GRAPEVIEW on mainland, 180 feet water frontage on a cove, ' sloping beach, no bank; 8-room modern home, furnace heat; com- pletely furnished; 356 ft. well; mile to school, 18 miles from Shel- ton; a wonderful waterfront home COOK WITH GAS ready to live. in; $17,800, on terms. Gas Equipment is .... ONE FULL BLOCK, I0 lots, in readily available Olympic View Addition; level and uncleared; water and lights avail- able; an opportunity for profit; Ranges, Water Heaters, etc. priced for quick sale at $1250. =1: * * in stock, for use either on ON NIT. VIEW: a new 4-room City Gas mains or in rural house with bath and utility room, areas with Bottled Gas. and completely furnished, includ- ing 6-ft, Frigidaire. Price $5800. FAST, CLEAN, ECONOMICAL For Realty Buys Consult a Realto -M. C. ZINTHEO Shelton Gas g n ,,.,omFanj, Phone 157 -- Title Ins. Building C. C. Cole, Mgr. Shelton 122 South Third Phone 87 FOR SALE I 2,000 ft. of waterfront, 60 acres of land partly under plow, about 500,- 900 ft. of timber. Fine home with KIMBEL OIL CO. outbuildings located about 3 miles east of Shelton by water. This property can be subdivided into RICHFIELD FUEL OIL :racts. $22,000.00. New Fuel Tanks * * * t0-acre farm with 5-room house (Any Capacity) nd outbuildings, about 20 acres ruder plow, with some stock and For Immediate Delivery nachinery. About 9 miles west of helton. $4,000.00, PHONE 465-W * * * ' '" Herbert G. Angle I CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING FOR REAL BUYS REPAIR WORK in Real Estate Homes Cut to Blue Prints HOMES -- FARMS Shelton Cabinet Shop WATERFRONT JACK DREW BUSINESS LOTS Behind the Bowling Alleys Always See Shirk & George 125 First Phone 46 Reliable, Expertly Prepared I I PRESCRIPTIONS Fo SALE: -bedroom house, h.rd- wood floors, full basement with fur- nace, kitchen wired for ,electric range. Phone 269-J. 534 Elinor. B8-21--9-4 "F--0--I SALE: 60-ft. waterfront 4-room lmuse, .utility room, fireplace, part- ly fimshed basement, located on I'sabella Lake, 3 miles out on Lost Lake Hlway, At. 1, Box 211-A. L8-21--9-4 shower, laundry tubs, furniture garden, fruit trees, berries, garage, On Contracts with the 90 ft, waterfront. East side Island Lake. Harry Johnson, At. 2, .Box Mason County Medical Assn. 315-P. 8-21-28 FOR' SLE.:'-6-r0om- modern- home Or Direct to You Service with grossed-In front porch and util- ity porcn. Large fruit room and lots P R E P P' S orout bulldlngs. Star At. 2, BOX 5. Drug Store side .with basement dug. Phone 'ul¢ : Buill]ng lot on South- 2rid & Railroad Phone 89 side. Robert A. Sloane, phone 283-3 or inquire Idylcwild Auto Ca:ll [ [[ SOME ONE WANTS THE Classified Service ARCTICLE YOU NO LONGER vvvv'',--,,,vvv,,v,-,,vvv NEED Call SHARPENING LaWnmowers, Knives, Scissors CLARK'S and Garden Tools of all kinds 2nd HAND-STORE 2Ol E Pine -- Phone 40 ,,,e eua,rs WE BUY AND SELL Keys Made - Locks RePaired . Sleyster's Fixit Shop Shelton Third, and Cota FIX-IT-SHOP PHONE 243 L  ,. O Remodeling O Furniture Repair g Appliance Repair UNDERsEAL Cabinets Built or Repaired Protects against rust, ping- O Free Estimates spots from flying rocks and O Pick-Up and Delivery gravel. GUARANTEED for CHARLES WARD the life of your car. Route 3, Box 192-A Phone 462-J $35 and $40 Available at _ 1 ] II I - Bob Ervin Motors PRESCIIPTION SERVIC on meGi- cal contracts; old age assistance, or 633 S. Ist Phone 673 direct with you on your doctor's order. Prepp_'a Drug Store° Second and Hdlroad. 10-Stfn. iii FLOORS S.iSE a- R-E-WfSHEDT." __ New hardwood floors installed, old DON"[' DE A STAY-AT.IIOME, call or mew homes. J. A. Schlange, Box 28, Belfah', Phone Belfalr 552. "Baby Sitters Association," 301-R. 7-17-47--7-17-48 Rel/ablo .Senior Girls. Rates 40c hour before mlumght, 50c per hour after. ] I I Ill ............................................ .2_ 8: 21---'9 "1:1. FOR sPENCER FOUNDATIONS and FOR PAINTERS sup.o, o.? -_ or appoint- PAPER HANGERS men  .m ummtt Drive. $9-28 SIGN PAINTERS 'Wff-G.,'. and mate- rial guaranteed; V.ern Davldson, 908 Ellinor, nelton. z-none 229W, 7-1tfn Phone 212 __ I .  :" Use tlle JournaI %-v'ai%t Ad-- they really get results. - Thursday, Sel _ J i,, ii.. i i i LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE , FOR vvvv vv vvvvv  " LOST: Vicinity Itamma tIamma small FOR SALE: Young Guernsey cow, / PHONE 26 for home mil ! black water Spaniel, small ' white was fresh June 1. Separator and spot on chest. Answers to "Queenie." milk strainer. Inquire Johu H. Lee, Good reward. Phone Shelton 616-R-2 At. 2, Box 217. 8-21--9-4 I FOR ]AL: see O1 or Journal Office. D8-28--9-11 FOR SALE: Wood second /i:owth, cut for auto LOST: Aug. 28. white dogwith brown according to order. Phone order 125. and cocker ears in Mason Lake-Shelton W8-21--9-11 FOR SALE" Dry road. Answers to "Nippy." Please FOR SALE: 2 fine Navy work tables, not slab wood notify S. B. Anucrson at J• C. Pen- i $20. Hal Olstead. 8-21--9-4 a hundred, ncy Store• 9-4 t ]'O--SALE:-6-ft. - G:E:-Refw=igerator: (Cliff) Bordez Also bridge lanq). Call 401-R eve- Shelton, Wn., LOST: White and black female men- I nings. R8-21--9-4 FOR SALE: grel. She resembles a Young setter. { FOR--SLE-_-2--largii-wlite enamel side house Reward. Phone 284-M. 9-4 Kalamazoo weed or coal ranges, Hardware, FOUND i Ladi.s-pai-0f'b}aci"gi0v6.,iT[ good condition, also 2 large heavy Owner identify and pay for ad. 9-4 [ coal heaters. Mrs. W. F. Roberts, NEW TIRES now 720 N. 4th. 8-21--9-4 lted '"vv'""vv'v_._. 'r FOR SALE: One almost new Webster Car RE2M5 AE automatic record player, $30; one 6:00x16, 'vvvvvvv,r'rv'v'v'.r",vv,v.v,,vv walnut table model radio, $15; one 7:00x15, nmnual record player, $10. Call 290-M tubes of all sizes. in after 5. P9-4-11 all popular sizes. F-OR'sAIE--iSZffc'dai::6wbJat cost First and Grove, FOR SALE $150, price $100. ahnost new. Inquire F0R--SALE: I 420 Cota St.. Phone 4-W. 9-4 suit, size 38. 2-ROOM HOUSE and lot on Park ! F6-R--SXLE- 6 -bari:a-cics*" buiicli-:s a{ St. House just moved on property Shelton Naval Air Station. Phone ready to set up. $1750. ! Henry Bacon at Shelton 305. 9-4 4-room home on lake frontage of 60 feet with concrete block re- FOR RENT taining wall and good beach, i Home in fair condition and new FOR RENT: Li)cated on North Bay foundation .is under constletion, and State Hiway 1-A at AIlyn, Wash. Known as Bayside Apts. Has new electric pump to install, The usual furnitnre, hot and cold 10 minutes from town on good running water, refrigeration, electric lights, laundry facilities, near grade oiled road, Has fireplace. If you school, and high school bus in front can do some work on this prop- of building. 2 and 3-room apts. from ertv it will make a fine inexnen- I $25 to $35 per month, also cabins for .h, /v cl. . 'nn  € rent. W. A. Beakley, Mgr. 8-28-tfn ...... .,,., .-.-:..-. vy.v* .. FOR RENT: Furnished cottage neaz' pump m nu w-eu. mcK sale. 1 Union on Navy Yard Highway. In- Priced at $2,250, some terms I quire' 604 Franklin St., Shelton. FOR SAL] * * * ' I. Phdne 49-5. , 9_-4-11 Excellent modern home with five' FOR RENT or lease to responsible WESTERN party, large hall at Delight Park on Lake Isabella. Phone 765-R-2. rooms down stairs, two bedrooms, dining room, fireplace. One room upstairs with one unfinished. Full basement with oil floor furnace. Excellent yard, also 2-car garage and large outbuilding attached. All in fine condition and close in. $10,- 000. * * $ New block store building close in and on main highway, suitable for most any kind of business. Also can sell a fine home with it. See it today. 150-acre farm with all buildings and stock, cows, bull, team, 250 laying hens, 300 young chickens, equipment, 22 tons of hay. Monthly income from timber stumpage from mill on property. Plenty of timber and wood yet to cut. Will accept Shelton city or suburban property up to $3500 in trade and balance mortgage or bankable pa- per. $9,650.00. Nearly eompleted 4-room home in Olympic View Addition has con- crete foundation and can be occu- pied at once. Priced at $3,2'75.00. 10 acres on Plckering Pass with good boat house with aluminum track, tidelands, furnished house on water, with fireplace and good view. $5,500.00. 5-room modern plastered home with 3 bed rooms, oil heater, new automatic gas range and hot wa- ter heater. Garage, workshop and nice yard. All in excellent condi- tion. Has new building on tract that can be included with home or sold separately, suitable for store or can be remodeled into house, located on flat close in to busi- ness district of Shelton. Property can be divided to suit Herbert G. Angle FOR SALE: 80 ceres, 10 Cleared, rest in second growth timber. 5-room house furnished or unfurnished, lights, water, telephone, farm nut- chinery, 7 miles south of Shelton. $8-21--9,.4 FOR SALE: 5-room inodern rooms hardwood floors, also Rock- wool insulation. Terms. I505.Mason H8-28--9-11 FOR RENTi- Furnish.d -cottoges from Sept. 1. $35 and $45 per month. Ma- drona Lodge, Union. $8-21--9-4 FOR RENT : Sl(ePin-rooi -to-en{: ployed young man. Close to Hillcrest __b_us line. 1732 Stevens St. L8-219-4 FOR RENT: 2-room cottage, furn- ished. J. M. Peterson, at, 2, Box 195, Phone 4-F-5, 8-21-tfn F-o-RR-ENT: Gas Batch Mixer. Ru6bgr tired wheelbarrow. Measuring shoe- Phone Hoodsport s, $4.00 per day. K8-28--9-26 FOR RENT: Paint sprayer. Phone 412-5, 201 Euclid SL,, Shelton. T8-28"9-11 USED CARS ii BE READY FOR THE STATE CAR TEST Lights Brakes -- Toe In TESTED FREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON NECESSARY REPAIRS Complete with Also Oil G.C. FOR SALE : Tractors and . FREE: free for side. See II. G. FOR 400-1b. Ice Box ....... 1½ h.p. 3 h.p. 3-phase BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets PHONE 673 FOR SALE: 1940 Graham Paige super- charged sedan, and Mod. "A" sedan also 3-ton 1942 G.M.C. h'uck chassis. Klmbcl Motors. Phone 601. 8-219-4 "'OR- SALE: -'38 -Foi-d :--rea'r--6 d--an' transmission. Roc Franklin. Star at. 2, Shelton ,near Lake Newatzcl). 8-28--9-4 Good shape. Phone 739-J, or require 620 Bellevue. ............ D S-28--9-n FOR SALE: At Kamilche Auto Parts. 1 Jeep meter, fire brick, also % and -inch cable. Also heavy duty Vaughan drag saw. 9-4-11 WANTED FOR SALE: C] ly new. Box 132. Service FOR'-SA LE " Regis! horn bul tle,L ]' 171, Elnm. FOR --SALE : chair. Inqu FOR condition, St. (on HIIlcrest). Mc8-21--9-4 FOR--SALE:--6-room house on---4- acres of ground. Good well, chick- en house, big garden spot, $2600. Located on Isabella Lake loop on Lost Lake Road. Phone 616-R-4. E. F. Landis, Rt. 1, Box 212. 8-219-4 I i I III t OAKLAND BAY Waterfront Property BY OWNERS Gravel beach, second class tidelands, electricity, insur- ed title, abundance of oy- sters and clams on each LOGS WANTED SECOND GROWTH PREFERRED Prevailing prices paid by Enitai Lumber Co. Mill located at Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3  I 5-ton oil Schott, cornel View. Orchard run, coby, E late Hart, ran;e or roacL FOR old. ton. lot, county road along prop- erty. 11 miles on Shelton- Agate road, follow arrows to destination• SUNSET TRACTS P• O. Box 209 Shelton, Wash. 8-28--9-19 FOR SALE: 82 lots in townsite of De- troit on, North Bay,. Wash. I.B. Palms, Grapeview, Wash. 8-21--9-4 REAL ESTATE FOrt SALE: 3-bedroom home and 2 artments. Income property• Phone • F7-10-tfn I 3 Choice building lots, Olympic View addition all for $750. Modern house4 acres more or less including 50 feet of water- front, $4650. Block and a half excellent Hill- crest view property, close in, $3500. 6-ROOM HOIJSE, 2-car garage, 50 ft. waterfront--on Hood Canal, Unfurnished $6,500. 53 acre farm with 40 acres cleared, modern house, outbuildings, farm machinery, etc, All for $9,500,00 with $6,000 down and balance on terms, H. L. Olstead Agency I CLEARED LOTS in Olympic View_, for sale, cheap. Pimne 6t-R, 117 tll st. DS-28--'J_ VGOR"L-E: About 8 acres :vatfront tideland, with house, good water also mectrlc pump, by owner. 4 miles on Arcadia Road. Victor Johnson, At, 3, Box 206. 8-7--9-11 VOR SALE: 10 acres with 5-room un- finished house, good well near school and store, In Agate Dist., at a bargaht hy owner. R. Prescott, at. 2, Box 242-A, Shclton. 8-14-28 WANTED: Capable wonmn or girl for part time housework and care of child. Stay nights. Inquire Journal office, tfn WANTED. A--nY sld-w-agon wheels. Give prme. A. K. Schneider Rt 2 Box 212, Shelton. 8-21"'9-4 WANTED Reliable woman to help with housework and care of child. Phone 476-W. P8-28--9-11 _ - _ _ - • WANTED WANTED: Salesman. to take Vacuum Cleaner agency. 'I'LIIs is an excep- tional opportunity for a live wire. Sewing macnl.nes will be in line when available. "rne c.ould be handled on a part time Dams. Must be finan- cially re.sp.onsib.le._Write or phone or ajpomtmenL ouse of Palmer, 632 Washington Avenue, Bremerton, Washington, Phone 2576, 7-10-tfn '--W6t.L-D-?ZLIX. r-' to Olyn,- on week uays between 7'30 and FOR :00 a.m. At. 3, Box 166. R8"28--9-4 'XqT- T-TRAOE .7 B ;1 gg.-&- Strat't0"i{ gas motor or  or 1-h.p. electric nlotor, loe Franklin. Star At. 2 FOR (Lake Newatzel), 8-28--9-4 'X-N-T.-i,]D-acl--s-t-.qk, prom-p courteous servme. Phone us collect. Elms 21-J-13. Grays Harbor Render, lng Inc. ..te. _ Y. Y, collect, ask for Oscar maaell. 10-IS-t2n w R_s s n(:k .--hp- -W- Apply totel netton Coffee Shop, 5-4t -'TO Y." Ores for Mink feed. Myers and Hanson Mink Farm, u[.vm|a. Pnone 4676 collect. 1-1tf. SALESMAN WI-'e' selling ex" perience lOt nationally known nlan- ufacturer, Mason county. ,No invest- ment, we traiu you.. I.hgh commis- sions. Write tatiag qualifications, Box H, Journal, H9-4-25-4t ........................................................... Ico WANTED: Woman for gcneral house- work, 1 day a week. Inquire Journal of flee. C9-4-tfu WANTED: Small furnished house or Meel)ing room. Call at Journal of'- rice. D-9-4 WANTED: Sales girl, Igquire Ten- dercrust Bakery. T-9-4 Miscellaneous CAPABLE BOY wishes work on lawns. 'den. or as general helper. Phone F7-10-tfn WILL TAKE ORDERS for locker beef, cooled, aged, cut and double wrap F.ed. Phone 764-R-1, R8-21--9-4 raised, number. FOR condition. 1518 Wn., be seen 1854-M, Garfield Wafters n|ountef Weaver, on BaY. leer sAL COW. helfers. 2, Box baby bed ann MaY be 4, ]947. I !vv P rs, Win. Gifford of dinner guests ol' Saturday evening playing of Mr. aud Tuesday of Mrs. Elizabeth both instruct- ) Sacramento high Sin] lived at the in Melrose, Wis- a young lad \\;Vhile l her h'iend'through she decided to try neons, and after ning of the Seattle di- located their son, W. H. Stewart of the week end in S. L. Pearne of spent the at the home of at Indiau Beach, night on their Hills went into on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. son and daugh- I Seattle. Saur- for a beach sup- Et Brow]], Mrs. Sally, of were accompan- brother, Mr. his wife and °'Dbbie" of Rock Illinois visitors barbecue and on the njoyable nov- catching rod from W of the house. T: returned to the , for the Labor M them were W, Angle and h Mr. and Mrs. [ Gr Port Orchard I us friends. from Cal- pa spent the / a vacationing at was her fourth JTh ) mi Wenzel from ly the last two on [hir guests were Mr. ,ot, of Tacoma. Mr. from Valley Air im Was also a too- n |,.,. Heustou LAW Shelton 312 )bell 0 Wash. 54A lllW P. ELIOT ENGINEER Bldg. 65 LAW on wash. • I