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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"- Thursda SeI LE I FOR  r q$.'ewrwewl,'qr I 3uernsey cow, PHONE 26 for home milk Separator and John H. Lee, 8-21--9-4 '. FOR SALi: see el ,nd gi:owth, cut for auto parts and Mill :FOR SALE: Dry not slab wood, a (Cliff) Shelton, FOR SALE • side house IIardware, NEW TIRES now ited Car 6:00x16. 7:00x15, tubes of all sizes, sizeS.. Grove, FOR suit, size 38. Also 1 pair I pair grey spo 34 waist. Phone FOR SALE : See us for I] Wagner Feed Phnne 28, SALE : watt llgh air o.w FOR SALE : side house Hardware, hone order 125. W8-21--9-1I 'y work table.s, 8-21--9-4 i R6friger/tor: !all 401-R eve- 1,8-21--9-4 white enanml coal ranges, large heavy • F. Roberts, 8-21--9-4 t new %Vebster 1yet, $30; one 'adio, $15; one $10, Call 290-M P9-4-11 i:)wboat, cost st new. Inquire [-W. 9-4 (s" I; tii i cliis -iit tation. Phone ton 305. 9-4 rvvv ]NT on North Bay [4-A at Allyn, Bayside Apts. hot and cold eration, electric :ies, near grade )O1 bus in front :'ecru apts. fi'mn also cabins for , Mgr• 8-2$-tfn ]. d d cottage near HLghway. In- I  St., Shelton, 9-4-11 --tf responsibh{ Delight Park on e 765-R-2. H8-28--9-II dcottoges from per month. Ma- $8-21--9-4 room to era- lose to Hillcrest St. L8-21--9-4 cottage, furn- on, Rt. 2, Box 8-21-tfn - Y¢l-i xe-r-Ru b b e-r FOR sAbl WESTERN No. 25 Complete with and Pil  Also Oil $100 for G.C, Y[easuring shov- 'hone Hoodsport K8-28--9-26 pTay6__-lYl6 FOR SALE: ,, Shelton. Tractors T8-28--9-11 used water Reach-in r ,r .vwvwr- and ARS at OR THE TEST -- Toe In FREE JRNISHED f REPAIRS ;VIN RS 1 Streets 673 Lain Paise super- Mod, "A" sedan, C. truck chassis, ne 601. 8-21--9-4  :¥ ehK='£ d--gn-d Franklin, Star Lake Ncwatzcl). 8-28--9-4 ;de i "-" J/ pickup. 739-J, or inquire D8-28--9-II rick, also % and Leo heavy duty 9-4-11 lED write Rt. 1, , FREE: Secon free for side. See It. FOR 400-1b. Ice BoX ....... 1 h.p. 3 h.p. BINNS 8th & Franklt FOR SALE : rtage, ball • roller FOR Universal m( be seen at 474-M. FOR SALE: -Cl beds 7-ft. son, ly new. Box 1 Scrvic Foi-skLF. horn bull tle, raln, 171, Ebna. "0R --SALE : chair. tank, therm condition, I. Clay, LNTED ROWTH RED es paid by aber Co. finerva Park rt ll-W,3 oil Schott, corn( Mt. R Orchard run, eoby, ran e or roac. FOR old. ton. roluan or gh'l for number. ,rk and care of 300 , Inquire Journal Box tfn Vau[4 dd wagon wheels. Schneider, Rt, 2. 8-21--9-4 wanton to help: td care of child, P8.28--9-11 to take Vacuum Ms is an excep- for a live wire. II be in line when [d be handled on Must be finau- yCrite or phone Iouse of Palmer, enue, Bremerton, 2576. 7-10-tfn I to Olym- between 7:30 and x 166. R8-28--9-4 Bl:lgg.-& str.tt0i{ or 1-h.p. electric ;lilt, Star Rt. 2 8-28--9-4 ck, prompt free, Phone us collect. s Harbor Render Z-27tfn. ) work as oyster ay. Call long dis- collect, ask for 10-18-tfn hen hetp wante0 ,n COffee Shop. 5-4t for Mink rosen Mink Farm, '6 collect. 1-1tft s-''ff'=se g ex- ally known man- ounty..No invest- u,. I'.igh conlnds- ng qualifications, H9-4-25-4t or general house- :. Inquire Journal C9-4-tfn l'nished house or [l at Journal of- D-9-4 rl. ll}quirc Ten- T-9-4 lleOUS es work on lawns, rai helper, Phone F7-10-tfn IERS for locker cut and double L-R-1. R8-21--9-4 FOR shake' Rt, 1, w FOR Weaver, on BaY. FOR COW, heifers. 2, BoX ironerS. er, table ers. See J/ 4, I947. Win. Gifford of dinner guests of nsons Saturday evening playing uests of Mr. and Robinson Tuesday of were Mrs. Eliz.tbctia Meek. both instruct- Sacramento high Sire lived at the in Meh'ose. Wis- young lady. \\;Vhile friend through she decided to try and after of the n the Seattle di- locatcd their son, W, H Stewart of the week end in s, S. L. Pearne of oma, spent the at the home of at Indian Beach, night on their Hills went into on Tuesday. were Mr, and Mrs, son and daugh- Seattle. Satur- for a beach sup- E, Brown, Mrs, Sally, of were accompan- brother. Mr. lis wife and "Debbie" of Rock Illinois visitors barbecue and on the njoyable nov- catching sting rod from of the house. returned to the for the Labor them were Angle and Mr. and Mrs. Port Orchard friends. from Cal- spent the vacationing at was her fourth Allyn children are visiting with Mrs. Brasier's brother. Earl Trefethen, and family. The), are from Kan- sas and hope o be able to locate here. A lovely bridal shower was giv- en in honor of Mrs. Bill (Gert- rude) Bruning on August 21st at the home of Mrs. Ruby Morgan. Hostesses were Frances Tuten, Eilcen Reno and Shirley Wilson. I Potluck hmcheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morgan and family of Seattle spent the week end visiting with his broth- cr, Bill Morgan, and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Harthill and dauglters, Kay, C'Dalc and Lelani, of Elkhart, Indiana, are visiting Mrs. Harthill's uncle, John Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Austin are the proud grandparents of a new granddaughter, Glenya Ray, born to Mr. and Mrs. John Austin in Bremerton. Win. Austin celebrated his 57th birthday last Sunday. All his children and grandchildren wre home to enjoy a big chicken (fin- her with him. In the evening many of his friends dropped in to wish him many happy returns of the day. John Hegg from Wallace, Idaho, visited with his cousin, Mrs. Sam Corless, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hansen and son from Vancouver, Wash., visited with Mr. and Mrs Howard Woodard and family over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne rrefethen and Mrs. Bertha E. Stokes of Los Angeles, Calif., enjoyed a two- week visit with their brother, Earl Trefethen, and family. The Birthday Club honored Mr.s Maureen Cornelius and Beverly Woodard at a party given at the hnrne of Mrs. Leone Woodard on Grapeview Road August 27. The usual good time was had by all. The Allyn-Grapeview Fire De- partment was called into action last Sunday forenoon when a brush fire got out of control. They made a record run of six minutes from Grapeview to A1- Wenzel from lyn. This should prove to every- the last two one in Allyn the need to get be- hind the Fire Department and help were Mr. out all they can. of Tacoma. Mr. Remember, Community C1 u b in Tacoma meeting next Wednesday evening, Sept. 10. Several questions of from Valley Air importance must be decided on also a me- and it is necessary that there be • a good turnout. Cloquallum CA00S - ....... - .... "''--'--'- On the 20th of August. Mrs, Harry Matthews of McCleary was the guest of honor for a stork shower at the home of her mother }UNTING by Mrs. Hazel Bethworth and Mrs. E' Davis. ilding Mrs. Loertscher gave a shower aingtoa for Mrs. Jack Hinner who has been making her home in the old school cottage, but ecently moved to the Hoodsport district. ---- Mrs. Sue Weaver is living in M the Tony Annensen house as Tony C. alloy as finally gotten into the new one. , " " ' Hall Mrs. Weaver has bought a home in Shelton but it will notbe ready 12 for them until sometime later. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Wormann have re- Heustou AW Shelton 312 g Wash. 54A lllW P. ELIOT ENGINEER Bldg. LEWIS AT LAW SL LAW 11. SPRING Phdne 5 N on Wash. aimo t-top, Wuh, turned from east of the moun- tains as the housing situation was the same there as it is in this district. Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. Gene Donohough were callers at the Al LeGault home Sunday eve- ning. Mrs. C. P. Hunting is a guest at the home of her twin sister, Mrs. LeGaul.t. Mr. and Mrs. C: L. Anderson were m Auburn over the week end. Mrs. A1 Hansen and Miss Joelle Ardrade of California came home with Dianna Johnson, where she has been spending three weeks of her summer vacation with friends and relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Bulaha and George Laboki were honored with a house-warming party by their friends from Elma oon after their arrival in their home on the old home place at Cloquallum. MrS, L Fred Freeze and Marguer- ite LeGault motored to Olympia last Monday. ' The dances at the Cloquallum hall have been temporarily post- poned until further notice. I Prisoflla club will meet at the usual pilce net Wednesday. Onb of Cloquallums most eli, giblo youllg b.pchelors, has at last decided to cnange ms status in life as the antiofincemehts of his marriage has been ade. The I bride-to-be is an Aberdeen girl* active in the Baptist church there. Pickerin00 Mr, and Mrs. Maldor Lundquist and their daughter, Laurene, and son, William, and wife were down from Mr. Vernon last week and visited neighbors and friends in this communitY, Mr, and Mrs. Tho. Williams of Seattle were week end visitors at the E. B, Harriman home. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Howard and daughter, Tony went to Brook- lyn, Wash., the 23rd to attend the weddSng of Nadine toberts, Tony's cousin. Last Friday four of Tony's school friends came down from Seattle and on Saturday the five left for 'aeiric Beach for the week end. ' For the past two weeks LeRoy Fuller and daughter, Mary EHerl, have been visiting relatives in I Michigan. - Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Thomas were among the Columbia River fish, ere last week, and Mrs. Thomas caught a43 pounder. They went back on Laor Day as Mr. Thom- as was determined to top his wife's catch and maintain hts po- sition as fisherman of the family. Week end guests of Mrs. *Alice Gray were her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and Mr. White's brother and fam- ily, all of Seattle. Blankets for Christmas now on our generous mFaw.yl plan--nothing down, I week. Olympic Furniture, (St l Railroad, phone 94. (pal.adv.) SHELTON.MA ,ON COUNT',TOWPNAL wwwvvvvwvwwvv No'rI('E OI,' PREIAATION OF RESOLUTION I£GAI PUBLICA000NS I'IM,:LIMINAItY ('OUNTY I,I'I)(;ET I']TAIIIJ,iIING ,TO,'K NOTICE IS HEII!]BY (]IVL'IN liiaI Itl,i,Tl{li!'rl,;I) AItEA WItEREAS. a pelitioll having boon H | I I II NOTICE OF l/EARING ON FINAl,; No'rI('E TO CRI,:I)I'rOR,q Classified Service ILEPORT AND PI,]'PITION FOIL 1N TIlE SUPEIIIOR C(-)UL{T OF THE IIIMTI{IllUTllIN. STATE (IW WASII I Nflq_'I)N FOR  wvvvvvvvvvvvv NOTICE OF BUDflET MEETING Final hearing on the 1918 budget for Mason County P.U.D. No. q will he held in the office of the district, 4O'l Raih'nad Ave.. at 8 p.n].. ]h)nday evening. Ociob(q' 6lb. t{, R. McDONALD Secretary, 8-2--9-,I-2t NOTI('E (IF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public bearing will bo held on Mon- day, Septenlber 15, 1947 at 8:00 P.M, in the City Celmnission Room. Cily HaiL; on the question of whether m' not approval silould be granted to erect a school hoilding ell th,L foX- !owing described property or prom- Ises : Lots 3. 4. 5 and 6, Block 3, Fran- cis Shelton's Addition to Shelton, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION of the City of Silelton, Elliot B. lIn'ing, SecretarY. 9-4-II NO'I'I(".I, OF IIEARIN NOTICE IS HEREBY-GIVEN that tile Board of Cam nissioners of Pub- lie Utility District No. 1 of Mason County, Washington, have prepared and pla('ed on f le the proposed Budget for Public Utility DLsLrict No. 1 el Masqn Cotlnty, Washington, for the enstllllg year, Notice in further R'lven that a puB- lic hearing will be'held (n the first Monday *f October " 1947, (October 6th) at 8:'00 P.M, 'at the offLee of Public Utility District No. 1, for the purpose el' fixing the final Budget and nmking the ]ax levies, at which time any taxpayer may appear and be. hcard, for or against any part of said Budget, 1)sled thl 25th day of Angust, 1947. (Signed) DICI BUECHEL, Secretary of the Board. 9-4-11-2t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesoay, the 7til day of October, 1947, commencing at.ten o'clock in the forenoon.or said day, in front of tl)e main entrance dooi" to the wonty Court House in the city of Shetton, chuntg o. maraca, State of ,Washing. ton,by .me County-Auditor of aaiG county, the ..ollowlngdes¢ribed state lands, togemer with the improve- ments situated thereon, will be cold qt public aueti0n to the highest bid- uer thereIor, to-wit: NOTE,--No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared ,heir ,Intentlon to he. come Bach. can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. 19846 N of NE. of section 16_ ownship 23 n)rth, range 1 west, W,M., con- taining 80 acres, more or less, accord- ing to the government survey ,there- of, a praised t 1,400, , Sal lands wll She sol0 for not less th%n the app.raised value above stated ann upon me terms and conditions following: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, pst forthwith pay to the oIIlcer maglng the sale the full amount of the ap  praised valqe of th9 i.mpovements, a e above staten, u, the pur, chase prlco, mtml 0e Dala annually. thereafter withintereat on all deferrea payments at the rate of six Per can- turn per annum: Provided, That .any. purchaser m,ay make ,fll. Payment og p,lnoipal, interest. 9d statut_orF Iees at any ume ano onaln ¢teeQ, Te pur- chaser of land containing timner ,or other valuable materlala prohibited by law from cuttin or .emoying any 9h. tilber or materials @ttlmt.flrst 0Dtallti]lg consent ot the Coia:.missioher or runnc anaa, ntii the Ull amolmt of the purchase price ha been paid and deed issued. ' All sales of stste lands are made aubjact tq the resgrvat0ns of 0ils, gases, ooa, ores, .ranera|s and fossils n every name, klna and descrlpUon, and to the additimal terms ana con. dition prescribed In section 3 of chap= ter 26 of the Laws of 1907, . - Said land will' be mold sueot tQ the t erme, cgKditlgn, and, r¢.erar of cnapter 31z or tne esslon" aws of 1927, relating to easements for rlghts-of-way and the carrying of tim. ber, stone, minerals and other pro- ducts over the same. OTTO A. CASE. Commissioner of Public Lands• r. r. 9-4-11-18-2o--10-2-ot NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER ON. STATE LAND Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 7th day of October, 1947, comnlenclng at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, tn front of the main entrance door to the county court house in the City of heiton, County of Mason, State o Washington, by the 0ounty Audi.tor of.sai.d coun- ty, the timber on the following ae- serlbec state land will be.sold at pub- lic auction to the highest niuuer there- for, 'to-vit.: APPLICATION, NO. 19974 ; Tlmbor on NW SW/ of section 15, township 28 north, range o west, .W.M,,, c0ptainlng 40 acres, more or less, according to the government sur- vey ,thereof appralse at $¢ 087.50. 0 burning-on this area p. snag falling necessary. "l.'nls area to he agney logged, According to State's crume there are approximately 152,000 feet yellow fir, 46,000 feet de/,andin.gLand down (ello; fir 135,000 Ipe. r [lr, 100.000 [eet cedar' !4,000 [ee[ ga. standing and dowl'eedar, 2,000 feet wnite fir. APPLICATION NO. 19424 Timber on NA of NEA and SEllt of NE'i of ec[ion 28, t nship 2 north, 'i"ane 5" west, W..., contain- mg 12t0 acres, ore .or leas, accord- ing to the govenmem survey, thereof appraised a% $9,682,.00. This area to be cear cut and don- k"rg?l'l-'" "---- reseed ..frqm .high timbe r to southwest in ulympla atlonat According to the tat)s cruise there are approx]ma_tei ^9,0 .,feet red fir over 311" DBH ;Liv, feet red fir under"-30' I:IB'H, $4900q. ' feet pine 15,000 feet cedar, 54;000 reel nemlock 29,200 lineal.fet .cedar holes, , APPLICAT/zON NO. 19428 Timber on, SW, :ofW and N½ of SW¼ h .%ecUon. z.4.ttgwnshi p .23 north, range 5' west, w,x. contain- ing 130 acras more. or ,|eas., according to .the goverlltlg__aurvey thereoL appraised at $$J,955,o, This area to be clear cut and don- key lo ged, Ligh ap0t bnrni]tg .requlred. The see(i, areas-to oe tert are ap- proxhnately the .9 acres, along the ea te,ltly lin el, en w of NW'/,,. aan outh est rly 10 acles of the _ he s . '.. N'I..i of SW , ; .... bll tr9 |l 13]S tkre to be retained. "Accoramg to te tate's crmse there are approximate y_2.61i, 5,000 feet red fit', 120,000 feet---dg-ad'e'Standingl20O(i).etwhi and down red fir, . , .... t . t e pine, 67,G00 feet ceoar, ou,oq0 !eet hem- leek. .ser"'al o7%:0000r poles, The nUrcn . cove describ. ed timber will tie rgqutred to fall all dead slid de.ecuv.e Areea,gn  the area and to comp, wtm rows zov- erning slash disposal, as found in Title 86, Chapter. , :Remlntgn's Compiled St_tutes ann laws a rnenaatory thereto. The purchasers 0z state timber are required to run out the lines and are. responsible for. trespass in ease timber is cut on aJaeent state-owned land. The bill of sale to be'iaued will iVe tiae holder the right to construct ggin; ac,:gss the shove de- scribeu .tract 1 r . ae remcval of" said timber, qut wJ.t .not give him any ex- clusive .3utusalotl0n over the tract, The State reserves r.igt to lgrant rignts oZ way rot logging roas or for any omer purpose over and across the aboy.e describe d tracts at any time ann neimer tne tate nor the grantee shall be liabm to the holder of the hill of sale for any damage caused thereby. . , Sale] timber, on said land will b so]d for noc tess than the appraises value, o app..aised, b" the Ommlp. stoner o. 'pqu.C Landis in. the man- ner vroviaeu y taw, a statement of Wh10,. ig•tiPw Ca fiI0 in the office of the udlto] or. said county. "l'.s: or s.ate are: Cqah to be paR] on te aY or sate. ,The p.rqhaser, of timber on etate landm,Wlt.nae a tmra ..wlthtn which Io vl* :-maid, timber, with the prlvi- 14 e[ .uPlnlt ete4Iml of time upc[er the !Fautu overnlnff OTTO A.. )ASE, , • Cemmissioner ofPublic Lands. 9,4-11-I -25--10-2-5t il/e Conllllissioners of Iason ((llnty have collq)leted and I)laced )ll l il'o their prelin inary budget for Ma,:(,n Cotlnt3; for tile fiscal year t)l' 19.18. a ('ally of wbi('h will t)¢ fllrnishod a Ix' citizen who will rail at their ,,l'fic'e for iL ; FIIRTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN ihat this Ioard will meet at the C.m' ttouse In Sheltnn nn the first M,m- day in (Xq el)or 19i7 al L(] :00 a.lll. for tile pu '1) )se of fixing ibe i'innl 1)odgei and Ina.king tax levios llll(I ally taxpayer lOay al) )ear ILl ,qltl(l betll'ing Illld Lie hPflrd Ior or ag'aill}4t :lny Part of said budget. DATED this 2nd (lay of Sel,teml)or, 1947. BOARD 09' COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON Ey II. R DICKINSON, Chairnmn. Attest: USIE E. PAULEY, lark of t})o Board, 9-4-11-21 NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Tnesday, tho 7th day el .O(,tol),,2r , 1947, commencing at ten o'moe.! m the foreIloon of said da:y, In ront of the main entrance door to the .County Conrt House in tile city of Snelton, county of Mason, State of Washington, by the County AUdito of said.connty, the following describes ..:late 'thte lands together with the in!l).ro'emr] situated thereon, @ II be sotu at pat)lie atlctlon to tile highest bidder therefor, to-wit: NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States or persons who have declared their intentqn .to. become such. can purchase state tan(is. Said lands will be sold for not less lhan the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conuitions fol- I°winppLICATIOI-" N0, 11455 . All tide lands of the secon.a, emss, owned by tile State of W asnulgt(nl, sLtuat0 in front of adiaent pr abut-. ting ffpon the west 280,,7 Ieet of th,' east one-half in width of lot 6. sec- tion 24, township 20 nolJh, range 3 west, W,M., with a fr0nlage of .t.27 lineal ehains, more nr less, appraiscd at $45,00 net chain, or $192,15. APPLICATION NO. 10953 All tide lands of the .sotxmd. class, owned by the State o['.wasnl)lgt(m, situate In front of, aclJacent lo, or abntting upml that portion r of Lot 2, section .6. townsl]ip 24 n 'th, range 3 west, W.M,. known as the un- numbered tract of block 2 of ttle )nrecorded plat of Allie AhUs Sum- mer Home Tracts attd more particular- ly described as follows . ,Beginning at the meanqer2!°rncrna ,aid fractional sections 26 a , t, sl township and range, said meander corner having , a y.coc;ruinate of 818,840,70 feet, and an. X-c;ool'dLnate of L372,fi12.32 feet, relerrel t( L the Washington Coordinate asi,], Soutn Zone and being distan 3.81 feet n. an asimuth of 1 ° 53' 01" from the or't]l'west c()rner of said section 26, running thenee alcmg th.e g/)vernm(!nt meander line on an as|muul (ll 26 ° 40' 05". 695.17 feet. thence on an azi- nuth of 286 ° 55' 08" 240.12 feet. thence on an azimutl of 315 ° 08' 46.5" 1185.54 feet more or less. tn a.polnt on the line between lleadlands as established by decree of September 21, 1946 in tile Superior Conrt of Mason County, Hama Hams Logging ComPany vs, Allie Ahl et el. Case No. 4t-67, thence on an azimuth of 298 ° 47' 09.]" 229q.2G feet more o r less, to tile line of ex- treme, low tide, thence along the line of extreme low tide on an azimuth of 18 o '22' 210", 58,47 feet, thence ahmg the line of extreme h)w itle on an azimuth of 26 ° 07' 30", 164.70 feet, thence on an azimuth of 119 ° 30' 08", 2305.56 feet, more or less; to a point on said line between headlands, thence on an asimuth of 13Y 02' 36" ]219.{;1 feet, thence on an azimuth of 87  06' 119", 711050 feet,, m6re or less. to a point on the line between said sec- tions 20 and £7. thence on an azi- muth of 181  59' 01" 254.60 feet to the Dolnt of begining havtug an area r of 1.25 acres, more or Ices, aPI)raised at $8,740,00; also All tidelands of the second etass, owned hy the State of Washington, sittate in .front of, adiacent Io or abutting upon that portion of lot 2, sec.ti0n I. township 24 north, range West, W,M, known as lot 2, block 21 of the unrecorded olat of Attic AbJs Summer Home Tracts and more paT'- tLeu|arly described as follows: Commencing at tile meande," corn- er, factiorlal sections 26 and 27, said townllllp lnd rallb: "lald " mlnder corner, having a Y-coordinaie of 818.840.70 eet and an X-coordinate of 1.372,912.82 feet, referred to the Washington Coordinate System. South Zone, and being distant 18.81 feet 0n an, azimuth of 1 ° 5' 01" from the nortiiwes corner of said section 26 running thence ahmg the government meander line on an azimuth of 267" 04' 05" 734.23 feet to the, point of he- ginning, |hence continuing ah)np." said meander line on an azimuth (if 267 ° 04' 05" 99.57 feet thence on an azi- muth of 287 ° 17' 25.8" 79,64 feet thence on an azhnuth of 315 ° 49' 42.5" 1175.23 feet, more or less, to a point on the line between headlands as es- tablished by decree of Septenlber 21 1946 iu the, Superior Court of Mason County, Hams Hams Loggimr Com- pany vs Allie Ahl et el, Case Ne. 4467. thence on an azimuth of 298 ° 34' 7" 2282.55 feet move or less, to the line of extreme low tide, thence along the line of extreme low tide. on an azi- muth of 18" 22' 20", 4,98 feet. thence oil an azimuth of 118" 41' 00.1" 287.95 feet, mm'e or less. tl, a point on said lille between hedland thence on an azLmuth of 135 ° 29' 04.7", 1180.37 feet and thanes on an azhnuth of 107' $11sn.00, Th0 above descriptions are based nn Exhibit No. 14 of Case No. 4467, Hams Hams L0gglng Company vs. Allie Ahi et el, and the decreh eitered September .211, 1946, tn said case In tile Sucerlor Court of Mason County, , APPLICATION NO. 11478 The ttde lands of the second class lying between the lln e of mean .lnw tide and the line of extreme low tide, owned by the St.te of Washington, sitnate in front nf the west 168 feet fih'd v,'iLh Iht' I]oal'(l of Cotlnly (k)lll- illiss[OIl('l'S, i)e(itioning Ill,, e,qt,qblis]l- Iiloni (l" :L Sto('l( Resirit'ted *Area ('ov- ('l'illg 1he I'o[]owing (h's('riicd :n'ea:-- I)(*UlldeL on the n(,rth I).V "Little Sl((ll)l((Inl lay," i'l'Otll Kal'ailcbe Pi)]nl I€) lIig}tway 101, l]lcnee ex- tending (HIth IIII)IIK llighway I(11 It, tle Oy,der ]:lay i('ut([, ['t,lhiwing sanl(( to a dace ('a]]('d "l]ardscrab- I)t ," n OVS er I-]:IV lie,riPe ex- Iolldinl! alolll' the h,I't' el ()ysl(,r I V t( l(andh'he l.'ohlt, 1Jle |lla(e of 'hegi n'a hlg'. WTLEREAS, :i date ,,[ hearin was sol fro' June 10. 1947 nl 2:30 P.M. and later posl tuned until Jlille 16, 1947 (It ]0:00 A.Sf., and sl!bSo(ltleaL hearings having l een du v I el (m July 14111 nnd Atlg. 4ill. as sct forth in (llal)ler 40. Laws of 1937. and WIIEREAS all persons appearing were beard for or against estal)lish- Llenl of said stock restricted area and. WHEREAS, ,he ,,,,,,io,'"Y t';/ resi- l)eti- (]ents )f 1hi area in( signed I ion. llOV ther(fore, IE IT HEREBY RESOLVED lhat the Kamilehe area be declared to be a sleek reslricted area W]lcrein livestock will not lie t)ernlith,d IO ran ,'it large. Effective Oe.tol)or 4. 1947, DATED this ,Ill) day of August, 1917. BOAR1) OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WA SIIINCTON I1 P.. DICKINSON. Cbairtnan LYLE O'DI,]LL ROY CARR ATTEST : SUSIE E. PAULEY. Clerk of the Eoar0 8-14-21-28--9-3-I ...................... NO. 1925 NO'PICE TO CltI,DITORN TO PRI,]SENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 'rife STATE OF WASttINGTON I'CR MASON COUNTY IN TttE SUPEI{IOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASI41NGTON F()I[ MASON C()IINTY [n Probate In tire Matter of the Estate of Ida M. Chal)pell, l)e(',,nsed. NOTICIq IS I4EREI',Y GIVEN that Mary Chappell. Administralrix of tl)e ,,stale ()[' [(La lI ('llIillilell. (|e(,eos0d. h:ls filed wilil the Clerk I,f Lhe al/oe eniithd ('t,tll'I tll,r [('illtll l{el?ort nnd l'oiiti.n f(,r Dislribulion. nsKiag Ih(: (,(l/ll,[ lO st,tLlo alld al)[)l't)ve lho sanle, distribtde lh(, l)l',p(,l'ly it, tile persl,llS theFelo enii|]ed anll I, di,('llarge said Administratrix. N()TICI, IS FII]TtIER GIVEN that said Einal 1{, ](}r[ alld PeLition [or Di,:trit,llii(m will be ll(,llrd on Satur- day, lhe 13th day of Sept,qnber, 1947 Itl ill,' h,)Lll' of .10 o'clock ill the fcw(.- noel|. ;Ll the CoI|FI lA)onl, ill the Com't 1],)rise, ill S})eltoll. Washblgton, DaWd this 9th (hl' of Angust, lilt7. (SEAL) IIA KRY DF, YETTE. (OUllly Clerk, M:LSH1 Ci)llnty, WasllillglOll. CIIAS. R. LEWIS. Altorlley for said Eslate. l-:ell I]tlilding, ]l!) SotlLb ,llll Street. Sheiton, Mdson Collnty, Wasllint'ton, 8-14-21-28---9-4-4t ....................................... Notice of Stle of National Forest Timber every name, kind and description, and to.thc, additional terms ant] conditions preserlled in SeCtinn 8 of chapter 5@ Pf" th0 Laws. nf 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the t.rm.s, conditions and reseatinns of. baurer 13 of th0 SeSsion I, aws of 1927. i'elattngto eaement for right-ot-w.ay ald the carrying of timber, st.ns, mtn- erals and other prodiet* ove" tn .gme. - " OTTO A CASE. uommisslone of PnbHc Lands. 94-11-18-25'10-2-5t • /M+:wtsh ".to thank our friends and pslghbers for their mIB.durJn he ten .illness ef cur loves one;:, a!o for the beaattful flowers. Mrs, Keen- rvn Abel. Shirley Abel, Mr and 1Wrs. Joy Abel, 9-4 Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132; 16 U.S.C. A, 583-583i), and the ooperative Agreement for the Management In l'r,)bate of the Participating Forest Prop- Tn the Matter of lhe Estate of Ida crties in tlle Shelton Cooperative West, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sustained Yield Unit entered into I the undersigned, W. A. Wilsiers, hy and betwcen the United States [ has been appointed and lms quai- of America and the Simpson Log- [ flied as Administrator of the es- t'te, of the above nomod deceased; gins Company, dated December I and that all pers,lns having claims 12, 1946, all live timber marked o1' against the said estate (Jr the said designated for cutting and al] deceased are hereby required to 'serve the same, duly verified with the nec- n2erchantable dead timber located . , . ] essary vouchers attached, upon tile Oll an area embracing eigilt'-fl%e undersLgned Administrator or his at- torney of record, at the law office (85) acres, more or less, in See- I of Chas. R. Lewis lell l=hlilding. 119 tion 36, Township 22 North. Range i So. Fourth Street. Stlelton, Mason County, Washington. and file snell elabns logether with proof of service with the CLerk of the above entitled com't, within six nlonths after tile date of the first publication of thLs no- tice. to-wit: August ]4. 1947. or all claims not so aerved and filed shall be forever barred. W, A WITSIERS, Administrator of the estate of Ida West deceased Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth St, Shelton, 2fason County, Wash- ington, CHAS. R. LEWIS Attorney for said estate. Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth St. Shelton, Mason County, Washington, 8-14-21-28---9-4-4t NOTICE OF I)II4SOLU'rlON OF spruce, appraised value $5.10 per I'A RTNERSH 1 P NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ]V[ feet; approximately 100.000 Benjanlin I4, Ingrain and Einar D, feet B.M. western hemlock, and Reiten, heretofore doing business as other species, appraised value co-partners in Shelton, Washington, under tile firnl nanie and style of $4.00 per M' feet. In addition to Ingtmm-Reiten Motor Company. have the appraised values, $0.15 per M dissolved partnership as of August 6, feet B.MJwtll be collected for the 1947. ill total cut of'timber to be deposited That the said Elnar D. Reiten w pay all claims and bills against the into a cooperative deposit to be said l)artnership up to and inchlding used by the Forest Service for Angust 6, 1(,147, and all accounls re- ,ceivable by the said partnership will paying the cost of slash disposal, be collected and retained by the said $.f requested by the State of Wash- Einar 1). Reiten, Dated this 7th day of August, 1947, ington or by Grays Harbor Court- BENJAMIN It. INGRAM ty or by any person deemed to EINAR D. RETIEN, 8-14-21-28--9-4-11-18-25-71 8 West, Wynoochee River water- shed, Shelton Cooperative Sus- tained Yield Unit, Olympic Na- tional Forest, Grays H al'b o r County, State of Washington, will be sold to the Simpson Logging Company, Shelton, Washington, September 15, 1947, in estimated mounts and at appraised stump- age values as follows: Approxi- mately 600,000 feet B.M. Douglas Fir, appraised value $11.70 per M feet; approximately 20,000 feet B.M. western redcedar, appraised value $8,15 per M feet; approxi- mately 10,000 feet B.M. Sitka NO. 1932 NOTICE TO CREDITOltS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Jolln Mc, Nelce Deceased, Notlce s hereby given that the dersigned has hcen appointed and k has qualified an Executrix of the above entitled estate that all persons hav- ing (dairns against said dc(,eased are. hereby required to serve the same duly verLfled, on said M. Hldreth Horn or Charles T. Wright of record at the address below and file the same wLth the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of erich service, within six nlonths after the date of first lmblieathm .f this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication August 14th 1947. .M. HILDRETH HORN Executrix of said Estate Address: Shelton. Mason C(>un- CHA RLS ,Vasllingt on. T. WRIGHT Attorney for Estate Angle tuilding, Shelton, Mason County, Wasilington o 8-14-21-28---4-4t Nlate of rashingtun OFFICE OF Si]I'EVISOR OF liYDRAULICN Olympia NOTICE "OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 8005 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Roy E. Petty of Shelton, State of Washing- ton, under' date of August 25, :194'/, filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics Olyntpia, Washington, an pplicatLon fro' a permit to dwert the public waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Little Skookum Clek, In the amount of 0.01 second-foot, sub- of lot 1, section 19. township 2(I north, range 2 west. W.M., with a frontage of 2;60 lineal chains, more m' less, am)raised at $10,00 pet" chain, or $26.(10; else All tide lands of the second (lass, owned 'by the State of Washington, s[tate in ,front of, adjaednt to or abtting upon that part. of tire esst half tn wlnth of. 10t 6, section 24, townshiu u orth, range 3 west, ,M. lying east: of a line which is parallel with and 280.5 feet east ot lhe.west line of said east half nf lot 8..with a frontage of 8.69 lineal chains, ' ' )er mare or les. aDpralsed a $45,00 I. chain, or $391.05. APPI, ICATION NO. 11447 . All , lands of ,the second CroSs, ownea y the State of Washington, situate In ront of, adjacent W or shutting pon lot  and that taU. of lot 4, l¥1n north of the soul • ,hain of said lot: 4, all. In seotl0n 2, ehalmL moye, ,or less. appraisel at Franchise Allplication No, 1845 $3{].00 per enatn, or $897,00, NOTICE OF IIEAItING Sald lands will be sold for not les In the Matter of the Application of than rite apnraised value bovo:,t.ated VENINSULA LIGHT COMPANY, a and upon the terms ann cu,-(nuons..  grloration, for' a franchise to con fol a ins: e n r struct, operate and maintain an elec-  less than one-tenth of th u - I tric transmission and distributing line ehale, prl_a 9 met be paid at the time upon and along a [aortion of Secbndary al eate, 'rne nllrcnaser, if he be nat State Hlghwav No. 1'4-A, in Mason the owner of the improvements, must County, Washington. fgrthw!th nny. to the officer making WHEREAS. the P E N I N S U L A the. ssJe the full amqunt of the an- praises value of the Improv0ments, as ahoy( stated. One-tenth nf the pm.- ehaee nrlee mr%st be paid onnuall.v thereafter with interest on all deferred LIGHT COMPANY, a corporation, has filed with the I:lirector of Highways of the State of Washington, under the provisions of Chapte.r 58, Laws of 1937, an applieagon fro" a franchis oayments at the rate of six her cen- to construct, operate and maintain an turn per annum: Provided. That any electric transmission and distributing purchaser may make full oavment of line upon,, and alqIg a portion of princinal, interest and Statutnr ees Secondary State Highway No.. 14-., st any time apd obtain deed. Tb par in Mason County, Washington, Tor a chaser qf land cQntiin. t|mbr r period, of twenty-flve (25)years, at the other ,valuable materlals ls "Orontu*u zohowlng aesignated"points: by law from cutting or removlng an,v -Beginning at a point on the westerly aneh. t.lmher or materials WithoUt first siue of Secondary State Highway No. obtamln consent of the Commlsmon- 14-A ,as now located and o record in er of Publio ands, untll.the the Office of the Directorof HighwaYs, ount of the purchase price has een at Olympia, Washington, said point paid and deed isptled, . . being .opposite approximately Higll- All sales of dtate lanes are mane way Engineee's Station 604+00 (Sher- subject to the resetion of oi|,,.gas- wood.Creek,) in the SEof SWV, of es. ,coal..ores. minerals and. fNmus of Section 20. Townsllip 22 North, .RanGe 1 West, W.I, thence southerly along I thc westerly 'side of said highway to a point' opposite approximately High- way Engifieer's Station 526:{-00: i the SE¼ of NE, Section 31, Town- ship 2 Narth, RanGe 1 West, W.M, NOW'., , HREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ' That a hearing wIH be held on said application by the Director of high- ways of the State of Washington at ills office in the Transportation Build- ing, ely_topis, Washington, on the 30Lh da  ] of September, 1947, at lO.o'clgcl A,M ,, or ae soon thereafter as nearing ma be had. .... ated at 01ympla, Washington, this !2 day 9 f.Augus_t. I.7, _ ....... • .... /S/ cl-,AI'ta:sum :is, klA.t, Director of Highways. 9-4-11-18-8t MAS()N COITNTV, [n the Matter .f the Eslate .f %Var- " SEWING MACItlNE REPAIRS r,u) E. AE¢'I, Decease(I, .EXPERT rORK, Roasonld)h, ch:lrg',,s. N(Y['ICE IS }tEI'{],]HY (I]VN tlult ldstLmates made in y(tll' iloleO I)y a tilt' tln(leFsiglled. Kalllryt) A.bel Ila,'4 cotlrteo/is, Iiollded elll|lIOy(.L No h. been aPlmillled aa(l ha (lcalified as llgation. Drtql tls :t ('tlL(L (n' l)h(,ne lCxceutrix of 1he t,slato d" Wal'l,ol) E. ()lyrgpia 7580, .A:llt'l de,'oased, and ihai al o,r,tms .qINGE}t .qEWING MACI'IINE C(L haI'ing ehtinls tl:£/llllSt [hc said O.4Lnll} 5L/) 111. ,lih Ave. i)lylnpla 8-5-tfll tLl't, ht,l'ei.)y l'of tlirod 1. .;*'l'VC l]lCllh (I V V,'' f 'i lltlt) I lilt' l]xeetlll'iX or ill.ill h('l' dLll.v llpl),dn[c(1 liP.oil[ filial U _ _11 . " ............ " ............ 77LF_.'._-TF atll)rney ila/lll.d I..h>w. (ll lli (,lli(.e in SllLlO 5 (t)v(,y I]L(Ll4',, Sileltt,ll• V:Ish- .lgI,,l, t,,' . ....... 1,a,,,l ,,,',',),,e.,,:- Stoves and Ilat¢'d fls the I)la('e ['el" ibt tl'lnsst.t- ion of tile LitlsLness t,f said esleLo. and file tlu, .mnle with tlu, Ch'rk ,,1' Furnaces al)eve ontilJed ¢'l)url h)/;,q hor witJI l)ro(,f of snc]l sel'vi(',, witllill ;IX Ittontlls altt,r (late of first [ml)liea(ioll O[' this n(di('e, [O V.'i[: :\\;UgUSl 2qth. ]947. .r said elain),. will he h)rlwor barrQd. KATItRYN AI;EL E×eclltrix .f said ('sI:lte. ,I, W, GRAHAM, Attorney f.r Exe('tllriN.. Stlilo 5 ( o,,'ey III(tK., S}leli,)ll. Was)lillL toil, -2g-19-,I-11 -lN-,tt Classi fled Service PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer 105 Front Street .... " n .:__.: . .k.____:= .'----7 ....... 1__.". = r ..................... -- ELECTRIC TOOLS FOR SALE Complete carpefiter shop tools inchlding eonlbination table. ban. jointer, edger, phlncr, and date heads saw, electric swing saw. metal clamps, clectric drill prcss, electric grinder. L Electric cement mier with rubber wheels, new gas drag saw, 1000 watt floodlight, 1,- 500 watt floodlight. ] Phone Union 291 R--9-4 SLAB WOOD $10.00 a Load (25¢ per mile extra for delivery outside city limits) Shelton Valley Lbr. Co. PHONE 548-J 9-4tfn. have a reasonable interest in the i "-='--== = -m- -: ...... -----V;,TP---Ti proposed sale, or in its terms, a .... .-- .................... = ............................. public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 15th day of September, 1947, at 2:00 o'clock, p.m. Requests for public hearing not be considered unless re- in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olympia, Washington, on or before August 30, 1947. Dated Angust 12, 1947. T. G. Watson, Acting lorest Supervisor, Olympic Na- tional Forest. FALL PLOWING and SEEDING Work Guarantced Satisfactory F. E. OGDEN Rt, 9 Box 18 .... Phone 14-W 9-4-28 ALL SERVICES at the Baptist Church at reguhlr tiaras Sunday. Morning s(.rlnon "flow Can One Find God " evening sel'vic "Seven Ilnpol't- ant [fs nf Scripture. You will be welcome al all onr servl(',,.s, J. (). Bovec, 1)astor. 9-4 I J I II I i I I IlU WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT and NO. 1927 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE TATE OF WASIIINGTON lvOR MASON COUNTY. Ill tile Matter of Ihe Estate of abe lqoward, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified an Administratrix of tile above entitled estate', that nil persons having clainls against said deceased are, llcreby requLred to serve the salne, duly verified, on said WANDA LEE STIDD, or her attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with tho Clerk of said Court, to- gether with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or thc same will be barred. Date of first publication. August 28. 1947 WANDA LEE STIDD Administratrix of said Estate Address, 1510 Sulmnit Drive, Shelton, Wash. VIRGINIA C, MALLOY, jeet to existing r'igltt, continuously for Attorney Ior Estate the purpose of domestic supply that CLty Hall IN TRUTII the approximate point of diversion is Shelton, Washington located within SEL of NEW of Section 8-28--94-11-3t at 18, Township 19 N., Range 3 W. W,M,, in Mason County. A map showing THANK rou CAR, Assembly of God the location and plan of said diversion I wish to thank all my friends and and tile place of the proposed, use ts neigbbors mr tile khldness and deeds Tabernacle on file in the office of the State Su- they llave qone am:lag the long' ill- p ervlsor of Hydraulics, Olympia, ness ot my netovea husband, Also for 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M washington, together with such other the lovely flow%re, I especlally want information as Is requh'ed by law. to thank Mrs, Katm Johnson for her Rev. Sam McGill, Pastor Any person firn) or corporation whose right will bc injuri.usly af- services, re, A bert Hawkinson. M .l fected by said application may file " 7" - : . t ,, with the Stlte Supervisor of Hydraul- ics, Olympta, Washington, such' ob- jections or representations,tilirtyaS he (80)may daysdesirdaftert° make,datcin writing,ofwithinlast Mt Olive Lutheran Church publication, which date is September • 11, 1947. Witness my hand and official seal The Church of the Lutherm Hour this 28th day of August, A. D, 1947, (SEAL) RODNEY RYKEE, HiLLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE State Supervisor of Hydr'aullcs. 9-4-11-2t ° Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a.m. First Methodist Church "A Friendly Churoh in a Friendly Community" Fourth and Pine Sundy School at 9:45 a.m. MOrning Worship 11:00 a.m. Guest SpeakoP--Dr. Charles Wentworth, Altadena, Calif. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-R 620 Cedar St, Prompt Service IU IL.. I II FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 3R4 I _[ .,J J ...... JlJ, [ I [1 ...... ROBERSON & FONZO Heating & Plumbing Everything in Plumbing and Heating Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S. 2nd Phone fi85 We Deliver L MILL WOOD FOR SALE Enitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 First Church of Christ, Scientist SH E LTON Branoh of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientiat, Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: "MAN" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ):45 . DAY ,MORNING. SE!]VI,GE AT 11,,. O'Gk.QK WDNiDAY EVEINI MET[N0 AT S 0 L0'CK Readirg!italaedhy,thl €urch at 30? Alder street, on d{, emept lstnoay,, from 3 to a o ¢lOClt. an4 #.aay.a tr0ra .lt4t to 7 aS, 0'¢!0ck, Alt are eoraaliy irted,t ttttend he ervicea and visit ,, , th4 4ttadtng oam. ,: GHUR(H' &T SO3 ALDER aTHEET Blankets for Christmas now on our generous lay-away plan--nothing dowLL $1 per week. Olympic Furniture, 321 12ailroad, phone 94. (pd.adv.) There's increased opportu- nily ior hisher education io the R0gtltar Aim)' throutth the USAFI and Technical Training schooL. v0,0,00o, o,,o, o, Ihe Armed Forces n?a' cow enlist for direct as- gnmcllt t@ a unit withto the 6th ArlnyArea, This assignment is for a mieimum of one ycr, The Regular Army offers many excellent opportuni* ties for advaeeem¢ot thra Offi¢cr Caadidate School and the Air Cadet proaram. A limhed numbed'of Veterans ,na new enlist for asslgmnen to th E T O An excitingopportunhY to visit Europe ia peace time, plus a 20% increase in pay, Palmer membera of tbe tled Forces may now erl. lilt for inhial direct tllIlgn* mea¢ to the AAF insta[la. don Of thclr choice, . NOTICETO HIGH.S(HOOL GRAbUATESi Not',' ?oil can enlist to at- tead the Arm£ Air Forces Technical cho01 ot your hoice. OW Tit| ARMY ms A 00HAN i¥iR Mztanine Flqor , HOTBL OLYMPIAN Olympia, Wash,