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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Th S !: 4 1947. Phone 656 Camp 3 Veteran, rgan & at 82, Heads East Ll,bel € COal r, r of 40 years with the Simpson Logging [r , the company this week to retire and east to friends and relatives hehasn't seen in 324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY 83 now, and I night watchman a[s0n railroads for ! months of his l l With the com- riefb stint at fir- I tive came during I 11907. [ oo SPECIAL PAINT ..... gal. d Outside Paint (in 5-gallon cans) 0• FG AND BUILDING SPECI LOW PR: Until ,--", Set Your with 4 inches MINERAL . • Call _ FREE STRUCTION sHELTON c ts, Nu-Pah, 19-oz. Carnation, as 25¢ Evap. :FOR • l'ak, Tender Swansdown as 19= Cake 17-OZ. ileyp NuoPak Vestag, .-- mS lq¢ Vanilla 0-OZ. ill lff O lind 11 or cream Ltter.L. 37'* Br'n Baker's .L,. 33 = Jiffy vIHte, Wheat •ead 18' /2-LB. )t or Peach Sazanna s 27 ¢ Pan. • JAR Table Syr 32' Log -OVER 100 S P E C I A Dutch It or lt°Yl 'EACHES ast chance to canl Fin- ;t Elbertas. You'll find west prices at Safeway 1 high quality fruit. See Jr fine selection. 30-LB. BOXES PRICED LOW ! RESH CORN, Golden LL GREEN CELERY, IDeal, ABBAGE, solid, tender ......... IARBLEHEAD SQUASH, th ELLOW DRY ONIONS, UNKIST ORANGES, rned. LIP-TOP CARROTS, IDeal, ,ANISH SQUASH, deep green, NO SALES TO D FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEF MARKET CHANGES 3 for the past closing of he decided home stamp- England. across the made without ground. He will ng on a flight : airplane ride. crossed the around of friends him off at it easy," Joe I'm lazy," or to my kin to s, Joe is a began with New Haven was 17. Then the fortunes Klondyke in and joined to buy and sail for the miner. Joe gold to put in went to Nome of years, ar- loggers he Joe went where he seven years. of the panic closed down job with help of for Simpson, A.H. An- lggest man scraped Sides."} and Since," he puts carried a lau- job. "A flash- looking not for a says. -"It's exciting after that plug tobacco. switching "to keep that marks is his silvery it the year railroad and hrs. ;ma st.ill is," says l try it out I tss when I trip east for the brand-new a shiny new His suit was on the De- party last in 1939, on to wear it. cleaner,s f.rom Seat- up," he and sister on October sister, Mrs. Will pass in Shelton I-:I_ e joined gh all been sta- of lower Club present: Eva Wtv- Lula and Mrs. place the last week. and Mrs. out from with ended the play on came Shelton A lot Waste. and Miss Art Coff- Called at afternoon meeting 403. As aesday. JOE GILL Hoodsport Hoodsport residents were sad- dened to hear of the death of J. Louis Shapley, former Hoodsport school principal, at Reno, Nevada. He suffered a stroke while riding with his son in an automobile near that city and was ill for a week, unconscious most of the time. His illness was caused by a dia- betic condition principally, from which he had been bothered for some time. His funeral was held Friday at Elma. Those attending from Hoodsport were Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert, Mrs. Ed. Deschamps and Howard Lock- wood who acted as pallbearer. A collision was reported Mon- day afternoon around 2:30 p.m. when an automobile driven by J. W. Goodpaster, county superin- tendent of schools, was involved m a collision with another car driven by Kenneth Anderson, 20, son of Dave Anderson of Hoods- port. The accident occurred at U point above Hoodsport where the old schoolhouse road joins the Cushman highway, upon which Mr. Goodpaster was driving west with his small son, in the direc- tion of his Christmas tree farm. Mrs. James O'Niel and children who have been spending the sum- mer in Hoodsport returned this week to Seattle in time for the children to attend school. Marilyn Jones from Aberdn, who has been visiting her grsind- parents, the William Gilberts, and a school chum, Marjie Jackson, returned to her home Monday af- ter spending five days in Hoods- port. VisitingMrs. Alice McClanahan over the week end were her moth- er, Mrs. Flora Hillard of Seattle. and Mr. and Mrs. William Dyer of Aberdeen ....... lyirg; A.. Van Slyke of Tacoma spentthe past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood. Of interest this week was the teen-age party given by Dorothy Lockwood at the school house gymnasium in honor of Kenneth Anderson who is leaving for the College of Oklahoma, and Marjie Jackson who leaves for Reed Col- lege in Portland. Dorothy also leaves for college at Ellensburg. There were thirty teen-agers present at the semi-formal party. The girlswore formals and just to be different, Kenneth wore full dress including tails. A wonder- ful time was enjoyed by all in- cluding refreshments, going away gifts, dancing and laughter. This group of peppy young folks have had a wonderful time all summer with picnics, dancing and swim- ming. Lea and Doris Bleecker and children were week end guests of thefr mother, Mrs. Hazel Bleeck- e2, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Neagle and Miss Roxy Norman of Tacoma spent the holidays with Mrs. Nea- gle's parents, the Dave Ander- sons. Guests of Robert Bleecker this week end were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win P. Cody of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zimmer, also of Tacoma. During a fishing party 'Mr. Cody caught his first salmon, a 5-pound silver, and Mrs. Zim- mer caught two weighii 2 and 5 pounds. Harold Sund suffered an acci- dent Saturday when he hit his foot with the ax while chopping wood and had to have several stitches taken in it. He is able to get around on crutches. Mrs. Blanche Callahan whofell from a ladder the 17th of August had more than a sprained ankle she discovered when the ankle didn't get well. She visited a bone specialist in Seattle who took her for treatment for two days in the Virginia Mason Hospital and found her heel fractured. She will have her leg in a cast six weeks in all but is now returned home. Her mother, Mrs. A. L. Sheltrau of Seattle, is spending the next few days with her. Mrs. 'Callahan is able to be about o crutches. Visitors of Mrs. Will Lunt Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer of Seattle. Over Saturday and Sunday she entertained her son, Gerald Lunt of Centralia. Mrs. Helen Swart of Tacoma has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Woolcottt, during the past week. Mrs. Richard Bates was taken suddenly ill Sunday and entered the Shelton Hospital Monday morning for. observation. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ierb Dickinson the latter part of the week were Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Calkins of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fahey of Minneapolis and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christianson, also of Minneapolis. President Ernest Worl asks that we be reminded of the first Com- mercial Club meeting of the sea- son which will be Monday, Sept. 8, due to Labor Day Deing on, the first Monday of the month. He hopes all will come md start;off with a large attendahce. '; SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Page,, 9 Your Dollars Buy More AI L. M. WE HAVE SEARCHED THE MAREETS BRING YOIJ OUTSTANDING VALilES - MODERATE PlaICES BROADLOOM RUGS From the Looms of MOHAWK -- FIRTH GULLISTAN 9 x 12--Leaf Pattern ....... s69.50 9 x 12--Floral Axminister .. s69.50 ' 5 - Piece Bedroom Suite 129 so Waterfall styling in rich Walnut finish. Includes Vanity with large mirror, Bench, Night Stancl, Chest and full size Bed. ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM QUAKER RUGS A wide selection of patterns for kitchen, bedroom, living room. ' 9 x 12 ................ *10.S0 9 x 12 Seconds .......... s9.50 12 x 12 ..... :. .... :-r-t-80 12 x 15 ............... s20.50 Inner Spring Mattress SPECIAL Designed by a famous manufacturer for sleeping comfort. Matching Box Spring ........ $29.75 J 9 x 15--Green tone-on-tone.. $79.50 MOHAWK 9 x 16--Green tone.on-tone $107.50 GULLISTAN 9 x 12--Grey Floral ...... $134.50 GULLISTAN 9 x 12--Pale Green Floral. s134.50 18th CENTURY PATTERN 9x 16--Firth ............. $129.50 WILTON 9 x 18--Green tone-on-tone $169.50 9 x lY6"Firth Floral ...... =112.50 GULLISTAN 9x 16--Rose Floral ...... $134.50 3BEAUTIFUL ALL WOOL 9 x 12-Hand Hooked Rugs $169.50 9 x 15-GuUistan Floral .... $127.50 MOHAWK 12 x 15--Green tone-on-tone 129.50 FIRTH 12 x 15--Tan Pebblesque 12x 15--Mohawk Floral... $156.00 An exciting new value in a Daveno and Chair. Covered in lustrous Nivelle fabric and treated with DRAX--the sensa- tional Johnson Wax Co. process that makes fabrics stain and soil resistant• Exclusive with L. M. $179.50 FU RNITURE DEPARTMENT Hear About DRAX on Fibber McGee and Molly Program Me,rcan Established 1895