September 4, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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' THE OLDTIMER ' Bikini Target
CHANGES GIVE Ships Studied
Recollections from 50 Years Ago OTHER BENEFITS In Navy Yards
.any BOAT By Lafe Redafe Seve,l ..,,,iries have bocn
received for informatlen abeut The Navy, vitally interested in
the proposed changes in the ohl- the results of the Bikini tests is
.FAST FREIGIIT SERVICE , All these here rodayos and cowboy shows remind me o' age and survivors insurance law• continuing an active program of
WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON the time back in '97 they wuz a feller caught a 600 pound Briefly, the Social Seeurity study in the effects of these
lests on the various types of ships
shark by lassooing 'ira. Sea-goin' cowboy he wuz, name o' Adminislralion has recommend- employed.
Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, ed ilmt Congress extend (,over- Most of the target ships sur-
Tacoma Freight via str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. J.W. Aldridge. Lived up near Detroit. age, increase the beneflls, pro- dving the tests are at Kwajalein
No• 2 Seems this here now mud-shark
had scared a couple ladies niglL vide disability -insurance, and nwaiting" ultimate disposition, with
Time Schedule as follows: outa' their rowboat and they hal- Canned Peaches lower the age requirement for lableda numberfor Ofintensivethem havingstudy therebeen
Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. rn. for loocd fer help. He Mr. Aldrig% women workers and widowers mid a,t navy yards on tim west
Olympia and Shclton WaI, being a gallant sor00a cow- Turn Dark? ,rein ,o .00.ica, ear° in- coast and a: Pearl Harbor Tho.c
Arrives Shelter daily, except Sunday boy, like they all is, he grabbed surmR;e is also proposed, selected have been determined to
,.s lo,g-ropo and hit the saddle--- YOU Can Fix 'em At present, nearly 40% of all he the most interesting because
CLARENCE CARLANDER. President I mean waves.
civilian jobs are not ('overed by of structural damage and radio-
PUGET SOUND FREIGHT UNES Chased thet there fish like a
posse after a rustler. Fish With a record crop in prospect, Social Securify. This is unfair ogicaI contamination.
thought so, too, fer he took off fcr the peach outlook also indicates a to non-eovred workers, and to Two transports, the Gasconade
I II I / I I .... i .... I_ the hills. And ended up with his new high in home-canned pantry those who alternate hetween and Crittenden, and the light car-
nose stuck m a nmdbank, stores, c.overed and exempt jobs. tier Independence will bc studied
And thet wuz when the lesson And that outlook for quantity The Administration recom- by the navy at San Francisco in
cum in handy. J. W. wound it canning makes quality canning mended that the law be changed connection with work on radio-
a-round his head ,% few times, and even more important in the opin- to include all gainfld workers, logical decontamination methods
TCliff Wivell's CERTIIEDE EXA¢0 SERVe then let fly. Caught thet big lonoflnezEckblad, extension nu- including agricultural anti do-being developed therc.
shark slick as a willow whistle, tritionist of the State College of mestic elnployees, l)ublic era- The heavy cruisers Pensacola
Right by the tail. Washington. Too many home- ployees, employees of non-lzrof- and Salt Lake City, and the de-
The ladies, they sighed sighs of canned peaches are still tough, it organizations, railroad work- I.stroyer Hughes arc scheduled to
relief, and let out a couple of dark and tasteless, she declares, era, and self-emifloyed persons, , tornl another study group at
genteel cheers fer the rodayo act. Homercaned peaches can be a including famners and snmll Ires- i Bremerton, Wash.
lnessmen. These groups are now I At Pearl Harbor, a third group
Representati]e in Mason County for The fish, he didn't say nuthin', delightful dish. And they will be, excluded from old-age and sur- for study will contain the battle-
0[ m ill 0[[ W00d Embarrassed, Ireckon.ThcnwuzthedayswhenShel. Miss Eckbladsays, ifhomecan-lvivorslnsuranceprotectlon ;TH[ ]:0iUM I ships NewYorkandNevada.
ers as careful seledtio'n, gentle ....... Dawson and Fallen, the destroyers
ton could reely boast of its Cal- ners faithfully follow, sucll point- , .... I The transports Briscoe, Brul¢,
iforny climate. Fer a while thet handling, precooking, and care- I Mugford, Rhind and Stack, and
IH1 summer thc flies wouldn't even fully-timed processing..She urges the concrete barge YOK 83, have
_ Ili i 2 II- move out'n the shade. I rec- homemakers to keep ",cull" pro-, been selected for special inte/'est
lect the thermometer wuz perk- ducts off their pantry Shelves by among the ships to remain at
PRODUCTS COMPANY in' merrily away like a logging following these peach-canning' di- Kwajalein and every effort is be-
camp coffee-pot fer two-three rections recommended by tlm State
days. More'n ninety, it wuz. College of Washington:
I reckon tiey wuz a reason fer Pinochle At Its Best
High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils an tile heat, them days, though. Speed Colmta Last Tuesday at three,
They wuz forest fires a blazin'- Have the containers and other A foursome were we:
PROMPT SERVIGE away all over the county, eqaipment ready ahead of time Ellen Brown, Bill Hoag,
1st and Franklin Phone 397 One feller out Harstine way so you can work with speed. That Mr• Waylett and me.
near lost his barn from the fires, means having tested, containers
A flamin' brand landed in his clean and hot, having the hot-we- Pappy got the score pad
barnyard an' fore he noticed it ter hath kettle ready and waiting (No chips were to be had)
it had singed all the leaves on --and the water hot. You'll want If you've played cards you know
t \\;1 '1 / //P/ his orchard. Lemme see---I re c'- t° be sure' °f c°urse' that y°u There's ere missing-°r s°
lect his name wuz Mr. Haskel. have the latest information on And you cautiously bid on your
, He and Daisy and Walter fit thet using" the containers you have se- hand.
fire to a standstill and saved the lected--whether lass jars or tin Picking up my twelve cards
barn and house, cans. ° I gave aglance at my pard
• Another fire near got away Make the sirup before you start And decided to bid to the cop.
from one of the neighbors thet peeling the peaches. Br|ng it back
r summer too. Thet wuz out at to the boiling point while you're Once around we all bid.
Dayton. George Weymouth wuz peeBng them. Allowrthree-fourths (My anxiety I hid)
the feller's name If it hadn't to one clp of liquid for each My! The bidding was going so
been fer some fricndsof his'n be- quart of fruit. . slow. .
ing out to meeting at the Day- To make a medium sirup, boil I bid on and on
:2 ton church he'd a lost his house one cup of sugar and two cups of My heart thumping along
and barn sure as shootin', b water--or juice. Some people An ace of cards I just had to have.
Mr. Sligh happened to pass y, prefer a thin sirup. Make that by
--''%LL""'. "* L and seen George fightin fer dear using one cup of sugar to three My pardner looked sorts pasty
life, as they, say in the newspapers, cops of water---or juice. A very (I'm sure sle thought me too
( so ile run down and told the f°tks thick, sweet sirup is not espec- hasty)
AR tRtCA # 1' at the church and all the men ially desiiable as it takes away But finally the cards were all
eum back and helped him put it some of the natural flavor of the mine.
R out. Real neighborly, folks wuz,
peaches. '
F0 them days. Choose Tel) Qzm!ity Seven Aces I held
Thet wuz the smnmer Mosher
nd McDonald's leggin' camp Select top quality peaches free (But only 100 meld)
Till she gave me the cards in my
burned out. All the men grabbed t'rom bruises oz' other blemishes, suit.
their plugs o' chawin' terbaccer Ripe peaches picked right off the
tree and canned immediately are
Sometimes, mister, you wonder how
gears keep up their tough iob in to-
day's high- powered .... engines and
sometimcs they lUSt don't. Ihat s why
RPM Gear Lubricant is compounded
to protecLmodcrn gears--by carry!ng
heat away, keeping a pressure-tease-
mg od fihn on em whale making cx-
tgg utts ands.stops. Keep in gear with
IM Gdar ' Eubricant !
122 South Third St., Shelton
Phone 87
and extra boots an' run. fez' the
railcars. Company lost all their
Duildin's, raft2 only managed to
save their hosses and donkey in-
jines. They wuz leggin' out Mud
Bay way, about nine miles from
I rec'lect them wuz the days
whets a woman'd git proposals in-
stead o' havin' to .go around ask-
.in' some handsome cuss to marry
her. Tltey wuz one lady ,made
the trip to the Klpndyke j'epprted
she had fifty of the g61d-sick
males ask fer her hand.
Thet wuz before she'd got fifty
miles up the Yukon. Shc figured
she'd be able to turn down a-bout
two hundred thousand before she
got to Dawson city. Never did
heat' how she cure out.
Thursday, August 21., boy was
born to Mr. and Mrs a
• William
Baird of Box 383 at Shelton Gen-
eral Hospital.
Lawton Lumber Company
Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson
420 South First St. OPEN UNTIL NOON SATURDAYS Phone 56
usually tops in quality--and pro-
duce a top quality canned product.
If you've just picked up your
canning peaches at the market, go
over them carefully. Don't can
those with. bruises and blenishes.
One 18-pound box or flat should
yield 7 to 8 quarts of canned fruit.
Work with small quantities at
a time. This is especially import-
ant in keeping the fruit from turn-
ing dark,
To make peeling easier, dip the
peaches into boiling water for ,a
ininute or two to loosen the skins.
(A wire basket or cheesecIoth
bag makes this easier.) Then dip
the peaches immediately into cold
water, cut in half, slip out the pit,
and slip off the skins. /
Drop qmcmy into a gallon of
cold water containing two table-
spoonfuls each of salt and vinegar.
(That's also to help keep the
peaches from turning dark.)
Drain enough for one jar or can
and put immediately into boiling
hot sirup. Just heat through--
allowing enough room in the ket-
tle so you can easily and careful-
ly turn over the peach halves or
Slices, The quick heating drives
off air and helps prevent Vitamin
A losses.
Pack In Jars
PaC' hot into hot jars and cov.
cr with;hot sirup, Leave a one-
half inc/, headspace in glass Jars
and one-fpurth inch headspace in
:No, 2 tin cans. Adjust lid follow-
Ing direction that camewith the'
,process in hot-water bath. Pro-
c¢#s quart glass jars and No. 2
tin cans for 20 minutes--pints f0:
15 minutes. Begin counting time
when the water has reached a roll-
ing boil. Be sure, of. course, that
the water comes at least one inch
over the tops of the jars.
Remove from the canner and
cool, right side up in a ell-ventil:
dt¢d place. Avoid drafts for glass
Jr#. C0ol tins in cold water.
, After jars are cool, inspect t/d
test seal, label, and store. It's also
a good idea to give jars a follow-
up inspection within the month.
Add Vitamin C
If you want to spend 5 or 6
cents more per quart, you can make
canned peaches a good source of
Vitamin C as well as Vitamin A.
5ust add Vitamin C tablets while
your canning'. The Vitamin 13
tablets will also help the centred
fruit keep its fresh color.
When canning with Vitamin C
tablets, put them in the jar 0r
can before the fruit and sirup are
acked in, ant the fruit processed.
e 2 tltblets of :tOO milligram
for each quart jar--or 5
tgblets of the 50 milligram or I0
of the 25 milligram strength.
There are three main reasons
whY. canned peaches turn dark,
thereby losing texture, flavor, and
appetite appeal, Miss Eckblad
says. Darkness tlroughout tle
jar or can usually shows over pro-
cessing or slow cooling.
Darkness just on top shows lbb0r
seal or under processing• Dark-
ness in peaches during the canning
process indicates either poor fruit
or poor handling,
Booth Sentenced Here
Following Guilty Plea
bert L, Booth; heiton; was
sentenced to not more than 10
years at the state prison in Wal-
la Walla in .Superior Court ses-
sion August 28,
Sentence was passed by Judge
D. If. Wright following a plea of.
guilty to charges 'of second-de-
green assault, The charges grew
out of an attack on a local taxi
driver this summer.
I got what I wanted
And before them I flaunted
The eight aces and three other
Yes, one thousand aces
And right 'fore their faces
A trump suit in clubs they did see.
It was "Pappy's" poor dealin'
(He nigh hit the cellini
Now that game is just past his-
Editor The Journal: ]
I should send this to Ripley in-
stead of to yon, I suppose but
I am so proud of this card game
event that I thought I should
crow a little.
Mrs. Brown is our neigllbor
lad2. Bill Hoag is my nephew
who is living with us and works
at the fibreboard plant where my
husband also works. This hand
of pinochle was.the 2nd (and last}
in the game, Tuesday afternoon,
August 26:
Of course, 1,000 aces are as
scarce as Einstein's theory on rel-
ativity is hard to explain or even
scarcer (more scarce),
Anyway, tlmt hand held as
many aces as this epistle does
grammatical errors--and I'm real-
ly all puffed up (in more ways
than one) yet Ha!
Mrs. Stanl,ey Waylett.
P.S.--I hope you li forgive my
Pentometer !
, "Wr ',r V',Vv,v v v,w VV-,qhw,v,,r,v ,vv ,v ,
Harstine Island
,Mr and Mrs. J. C, Simmons
9ntertaiAAd their niece, Mrs. Haz-
I Vaughan of San Diego, several
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fessler and
son, Jon, were Sunday evening
dinner guests of his brother and
family,,i', and Mrs. Wayfie Fess-
ler of Kitsap.
Mr. and Mrs. Johfi L. Hitch-
co][ an0 family had as Sunday
gueStS Mr, and Mrs. Ben Briggs
and family of Shelton an:d Mr.,
and Mrs. Chapin Fostel and fam-
ily of Tacoma.
Mrs. George White and daugh-
tent and their families of Seattle
_ ' ee end guests of Mrs.
were w k
aary Carlson.
Mrs. Catherine McManerny and
children returned to their hdme
in l9rle6n Friday after better
than d week Spent with her moth:
er, Mrs. Mary Carlson•
Mr, .and Mrs. Ed Dawson and
daugliter arrived home from Los
Argeles Monday Just in time to
g;et their daughter in school.
Mr. and Mrs. Sundius Johnson
of .Olympia spent the week end
at their island home,
The Roscoe Peg6 family had
their daughter and family, the
Clyde Crocketts of Eugene, Ore.,
home on vacation last week ....
Mr. and Mrs. AIvJz/ nde/son
had as Sunday guests Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Matters and children of
Mr, a//d Mrs. Ed Wilson had as
,abor Day guests their two
daughters and families, Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Housen and Mr. and
Mrs. Reid Mitchell, all of Seabeck.
School started Tttesday morning
with Mrs. Gordon Simmons as the
teacher. Mrs. Jssie Simmons,
our last year's te
, , acher, is now
teaching at Agate.
Clyde ttarriman drove to Aber-
deen Saturday to make the ac,
quaintanee of the new niece of
Iris at the Albert Otterstad home
and also to call on his other sis-
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
V. Hlle of Hoquiam.
U'se the Journal Want Ads
they really get results.
ing made to preserve them. The
other ships there are in a care.
taker status, and probably as stu-
dies progress they will be used
to test the various methods de-
veloped for removing radiological
The submarines Skipjack and
Skate are being retained at Mare,
:Island for special decohtamination
The target vessels surviving
from the second test were heav-'
ily contaminated by the radioac-
tive materials contained in the
spray which was deposited on
Until these radioactive mater-
ials are removed by means of
decontamination methods, the
ships will be unsafe for perm-
anent 'occupancy, but personnel
can work on board them and stay
for a limited period provided cer-
tain special safety precautions
promulgated by the Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery arc follow-
ed. These same precautions will
be followed also at the various
shipyards where the ships will be
studied by the navy•
The study and development of
effective means of radiological de-
contamination is one of the most
important projects being under-
taken by the navy in its program
of preparation against atomic
warfare. The work is being done
by the navy* department in co-
operation with the Atomic Energy
The Bureau of Ships has es-
tablished a Radiation Laboratory
at the San Francisco Naval Ship-
yard to prosecute the research
and development phases of the
program, and close liasion i
maintained with the Radiation
Laboratory of the University of
California which has been engag-
ed in similar work for the Man-
hattan district and for the eom-
/lliss Joll.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Cuzick of Star Rt. 1 Box
/95, August 21 at the Shelton
General Hospital
The Deekerville Club met on
Thursday .qt the home of Mrs.
Lloyd Johnson. Those present
were visitor. Phyllis Brehmeyer;
members, Lillian Boothe, Lottie
Ford. Dorothy Adams Ratchet Val-
ley, Alma Nyc, Geraldinc Fm'd
Nellie Rossmaier slid the hostess.
Lill/an Boothc broup.'ht the two
pair of pillowcases that the club
will gve away at the first P.T.A.
mecting. Jello and cake wcre
served by the hostess. Nickel ex-
change was taken by Phyllis Breh- t0,
meyer. Next mceting will he with
Geraldine Ford on Sept. 11. We LE R
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee. Miss
Ada Nye, Mrs. Elvin Martin and FORM
son, John, all of Rochestcr, and T00LK Moles. Money
Mrs. Banks Ansley of San Cruz. Compounded
Calif., were Sunday guests of Mr. natural food.
and Mrs. Don Nye, and later in e for 30 years.
the day called at the Sam Nye we
home. 'IA FEED CO.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woleott of ,,,, |elton.
Seattle were Saturday callcrs lit Maybe 7°U'.,ve
the J. W. Green imme. , put your wsse--._
ice for fear w0
Mr. Lowell and daughters, Lo" t
lita and Caroline, Mrs. Daisy Jack, in finishing,
al of Tacoaa, Mrs. Warren nt- don' ,0r '
er azd girls, Janet and Evelyn of £0000uto Parts Ac
Bremerton, were Thursday callers ARE b:jilll t Det.¢¢_A
at the Rossmaier home. nmke ,., m
Mrs. Lloyd House of Tacona ......... S.,'
brought .her daughter, Gloria Val- I SED--and "__ t'a''gi ' T
ley, back SO she could attend slb]e. 00ho00o=00tO00otivem__ acque
school here after spending" the
that Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams of BO ,,,,.:,.'K RAKE LINI]
Etonville are the parents of a
boy named Er])est Stanley, on gi, p]r':,'----
Saturdfiy,. August 30. She is the 123 $.I:::B 2,d OR YOUR AUT(
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Nye. " Brake Shoes R
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Black and son ,:
spent the week end in Tacoma. e
Grangers, don't forget that lete Automotive
Saturday night is meeting night. ' "
'°' °::=7:2
"$ •
. Der.Weang
All parts precut Norpac's all,aluminum u!i!!'
economical answer to buildt w
easily erectedno need to
good for a fifetimel I|
different purposesand il
figures for ordinary pre|a I
buildings• Reserve one
As Low
(0rmerl Miskella
See Our Sample Garage Set-up at our
5 Miles West of Olympia at
...... PHO,E 9690 -- OLYMPI/
Fe We Will B
i Will Sell
A, E. I, EMK¢
ANNOUNCES the opening
his new
Ice Cream for the Kiddies
Drop in and See Us--7 Miles Out on Mat|0e J;i
Frankly, we're mighty proud Of our
new station. So you ran be sure we'll
give you rhe kind of friendly service,
when you swing in for Chevron
Spreme and RPM Motor Oil, thafll
make you want to come back again.
Drop in soOn.,, we're here to serve