September 4, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 4, 1947 |
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eptember 4, 1947. , SIIELTON-ABON
Edward Eidemiller ,e e. -- r & rr.
[ Passes at Seattle " I t [' N I
Edward H. Eidemiller, formerl . [ .E I IE
/,,!; helfon resident, passed away in WWV B | B =m
'.::j".. Seattle Monday at the age of I
" .., 38 after a three-week illness ......
'. Mr. Eidemiller attended Shelton Recent I stoma
|[i' schools for 10 years and worked ,v ....... b
{ in a local grocery stoi'e here during Wffinf I I nltaC
"I ..... .... ""'8 '" o the
.' - the early tmrues.
,,, YW__ , ........ meeting
The funeral will be held at,ll ]'rfn I:lllnktt
**=u, home of
'm-- Wash. " the firep ace at t e home
r : ....... his wife Mrs Ann of the bride's grandmother Mrs First prize was won by Mrs,
tlrvvoz' a,'c ' ' A J " ' "" Merle Smith with u hat of cedar
Eidemiller, and a son, Jack, both .... LaRue, m Tacoma, Ahce M.
/! gdvisable
tell you frankly i,f
'€I Your watch isn.t
r(nairi •,
,, .v ng, or Will
[gVe satisfactory ser-
;f°ra 10ng enough
E make repairing
Phone 633
of Seattle, his father, E. J. Eide-
miller, and a sister, Mary Daw-
son, both 0f Shelton. and a bro-
ther, George, Vancouver, Wash.
The Women's Society for Chris-
tian Service 0f the First Methodist
ChUrch • will meet in the ehurcb
ptrldrs at 2 p.m. next Wednesday.
The program subject will be
"The Child' and His Education To-
day," led by Mrs. Vera Troy. Mrs.
Don0van Palmer Will be soloist for
tbe meeting.
All mdndbers and friends are in-
vited' to attend.
I am Happy to Announce that
My Son joining Me
in the
Practice of Optometry
Our Schedule Will be, Starting AUgUSt 26
0da -Friday-Sat. Tuesday.Wednesday
A'ngle Building" Phqne 374
Elliott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Da've Grcenwalt, of Wenatchee
was married to Paul Kenneth
Fredson, J,. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Fredso'n, August lJ at 8:30
p.m Justice Westcott performed
the ceremony.
On either side of the young cou-
ple stood standards of gladioli
while behind them on the mantle
were other suronlel flowers, form-
ing a frame around the bride and
The hride wore a grey striped
suit with royal blue accessories.
Her corsage va of gardenias and
rosebuds. 1
Acting as nktron of •honor was l
Mrs. Jane Mackey, sister of the]
bride, weariiZ a reen suit with
white accessoTies. Ier suit was set
off by a corsage of orange begon-I
ins. I
Mr. Bllck Mackey, brother-in-
law of tim bride acted as best man.
The bide's grandmother wore a
green afternoon style dress for the
occasion wih an oranged beg0nia
The bridegroom's mother chose
a navy blue suit and an orange be-
gonia corsage.
The newly.wedded couple will
leave on their honeymoon to Cali-
fornia for two weeks beginning
September 6. Upon their return
they Will make their home in Shel-
ton where the groom is employed
at the fiber board plant.
Both are graduates of Irene S.
Reed High School.
A small reception was held fol-
lowing the wedding. The bride's
table was centered with a two-
tier wedding cake flanked on either
side by candelabra and carnations.
Miss Jean MacAurther, aunt of
the bride, poured.
The R. C. Spanish Club met at
the home of Mrs. Helen Watktns
on Thursday, August 28. Election
of officers was held with Mrs. Ag-
nes Alexander chosen as president
and Mrs. Marjorie JohnSon as sec-
After an evening of studying, re-
freshments were served to Mes-
dames Milre Grimes, Helen Lem-
ley, Ardyce Jonson, Grace Beck-
with, Emeline Danials. Marjoie
Johnson', Nellie Nelson and Agnes
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Agnes Alexan-
der, tonight, September '4.
The Shelton Townsend Club No.
a will be the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Beinsen at 612 Cots
St. for their next regular meeting
Saturday, September 6, at 8 p.m.
All members are urged to be pres-
ent and to bring a friend.
Following the btlsmess meeting
refrehmcnts will be served. Ev-
eryone is invited to attend.
greens al)d red hot poker. ,Nancy
Brown xeas second with a large
cabbage leaf and violas. Vera Lin-:
scott won tlfird pri.e with her hat
of wild; carrot and filberts' in a
pbstillion shape• Honorable men-
tion went to Mrs. Alice Hill, Mrs.
Zoo Sceva and Mrs. Carrie Gifford.
A new member, Mrs. Betty
Sparks, was introduced. . -
An interesting short wa,q
given by a visitor from the Wesf
Seattle Garden Club, Mrs. N. D,
Barite, who told of the Seattle
club's.aims and efforts.
At tlle conclusion of the meeting,
Ddss Heine§ was on hand With
his color movie camera to' iake
It was decided to ave.the next
meeting, at the home of Mrs. Dor-
tha Carey' at LilliWaup, on Sep=
tember 4.
(by Shirley Thorpe)
The swim suits, fishing polet
suntan oils and hiking boots al
i went up on the shelf again Tues-
day--the beautiful Labor Day
week-end was over.
Everyone went bpck to work
thoroughly rested after a quiet hol-
iday, or miserable but happy after
a not so q'uiet one.
At 4 a.m. Fr dY rfi0rhlng the
Gay Tar 'or household Wls roused
oqt of a sound, sic€l% by a Iottd
Inocking. Mr. Taylqr'S brQher an d
h!,s family received a sleepy wel-
M:r. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor
and children, Billy and, 1q
been touring the Places of intereS£
he,;e and around the Northwest on
an extended trip from their hpme
in King Hill Idaho Their trip in-
cluded Yellowstone and Glacier
National Parl}s and a trip info
rhe Ken Taylors stayed in Shel-
ton a few days, going up the Canal
for some fishing and oyster pick-
Leaving on a week's vacation'
last week were Mr. and Mrs.
James Grimes. They planned to
visit Mr. Grime's sister and bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted el-
sen and mother, Mrs. Anna Kath-
erine Grimes m Portland.
Della Williams didn't take any
trips this week-end but Went 'trip-
ping over to the hospital to work."
Last week, however, Mrs. Williams
entertained her cousin, Mrs. Beu-
lah Maker and daughter, Joann.
The Makers were on their way to
Juneau. Alaska, to make their
Recently Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cor-
mier and son Richard, with Mrs.
Cormier's sister, Ida Mae Lowis,
and brother, IId0n Lewis, return-
Among' the showers given Miss
Elaine Bearden in honor of her
approtching marriage to William
Essex of Ellensburg, was the one
gives Xugust 2{) at the Hoodspbrt
schoolhouse. There were twenty
, people in attendance who opened
three times o's many gifts. The
shower hostess wa's Mrs. Maurice
Kaare, assisted by Mrs. Jean
The beautfful wedding cake had
as decorations a dove with two
wedding rings. Bngo was played
[with many winning prizes, l.he
grand prize going to Mrs. Matt
Van Loosen. First prize winner
Page 13
Matlock , V.F.W. AOXIL,.00 ..TS
v'vvvvv'v''vvwv'vvvvv'v' I Tile V.F.W. Auxiliary will hold
,vvvvvvvvvvvwwvvvvvvwwww I its regular meeting tomorrow,
(Crowded Out Last Week) ! September 5, at th Memorial Hall.
Matlock Grange club met on This meeting begins the fall sea-
Thursday with Anna Kingery and son.
Dorothy Adams as hostesses. I were business callers in Chehalis
After potluck hmcheoL Mrs. Friday and while there took in
Ed Valley md Mrs. Gdorge Sack- the Southwest Washington fair.
rider were honored guests to a Mr. and Mrs. Dumont Portress
dbuble stork Shower. They re, are spending awhile in Wenatchee
ceived many lovely giftS.
with the latter s sisters and faro-
Those present were Anna Kihg- ilieS.
cry, Dora Hearing, Margaret
Bishop, Edna Kingery," Agnes Mr. and Mrs, George Kelly were
Nye, Alma Nye, Dorothy Adams, dinner hosts last Saturday to Mr.
Mar na Woolsey, Margaret Cook and Mrs. Thompson and girls,
Lottie Ford. Frances ICing, Lil- Frances and Florence. of Elms,
lion goethe, Geraldine Ford, Shir- Mr. and Mrs. Beam of McCleary,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Valley and chin
at guessing games was Mrs. Joe Icy Chandler, Betty Prall, Edith dren, Jean, Sammy and David.
McKiel and second, Mrs. Matt Van Roderick. Dorothy Brehmeyer,
Janet Boyd, Virginia Sackrider, The occasion was the birthday of
Laaffen. ' Augusta Portman, Mary Kingery, their daughter, Elizabeth.
Another event honoring Miss Edith Kingery, Mrs. Freed, Es- On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Don
i Beau'den was a personal shower at tber Kingery and the honored Nye motored to Hoodsport to at-
essb ;: her school chum, guests and hostesses. .tend the wedding of Elaine Bear-
I mfot LockWood. There Nickel exchange was .taken by den and Btll Essex.
] Were eight girl friends present on Lottie Ford and hostesses Word has been received here
the night of August 18. meetfng, September 4, .will be that Marica Osborn, granddaugh-
Mr. and Mrs: Herb Dickinson Augusta Portman and Margaret ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Briska,
and Mrs. Katie Abbey left Satur- Bishop. now of Aberdeen, met with ah
day morning for a six day trip Mrs. Madge Kingery and Mrs. :accident of gettin.g her hail'
to' Prince Rupert, Cnada', and j. Kingery eturned hbme last caught in the wring¢r and it re-
back on an excursion boat.
Mr. and MrS. George Alden vis- Friday after spending the past quired 30 stitches to close the
ited Mr. and Mrs. Dess Haines month in Eugene, Oregon, for the wound.
over the past week and. Their
daughter, Peggy, visited Gloria
Osterholm and their son, DaVid,
is only one of the
many Sewing Serv-
ices available at your
Others include:
Hemstitching Picoting
Buckle and Button Covering
/ Cust6m Mdde Belt's • Pinking
510 E. 4th Ave., Olympia
.................... !
health of Madge, She is reported
getting better.
Miss Phyllis and Norman De-
¥is]ted Glenn LockWood. They Chambra of San Francisco, Col- WELL, SOON I'LL .1 [ I DON'T aN0 IT SI "1"O
returned to their home in Ed- ifornia, are spending two weeks N&VE TOSh'TTL] TROUBLE N¥ MORE,]
mends Sunday evening, here with thei grandparents, Mr. DOWN AND DO OURII I JUST SEND ]1 H ILLCREST
Miss Marybell Neudorfer of and Mrs. J,W. Green. F&LL.HOUSE ..,l £VERYTRIN6 |
and Judy palmer for a few days. 1:80 p.m. On Wed:
neday the bu will gQ back on
iting Ken0y and' Bob Ferg.lon. its normal schedul e. which leayes
Kenneth Anderson is to join them LilliWaup , early, enotgh, in t hp [ .,Z,
Tuesday night:, morning to arrive at Hoodsport'
The E)ave Andersons arc mak-
ing headway on heir new ho'use at 8:05 a.m.
M,". ,and Mrs. C. C. Collins and:
addition which is to consist of daughter, ' Nancy, ,'e spending the ' " "
Wally Oliver has purchased a Hoodsport. Mr, C011irm Was de-
piece of property between the lighte(I w!th the 17"-p0unc[ K!ng
schoolhouse and Cushman roads sol'men he caught .Saturday on a TRY OUR SHIRT
fromthe hill.Jack HeManley'Splans tOte thebuildtoPhis0f Martin Red Gill plug • which was LAUNDRY
home there eventually a birthday gift from Jack John-
From the slashing which he nas son, . .
already door, he finds a Wonder- It has been mentionc.d by sev-
ful view of the caal and Hoods- oral. local people that thank's
port, He ays that anyone who should• be given o our 0pera'f0h
needs to exercise' his muscles is Mrs. Hazel Dleecker, Who gives
welcome to come up and cut sttcl splendid service on the trio-
brush The properY wgs pur- phone exclange. She is always
chased from Shirley Marquis of cheetJful, obliging and Courteous
Chehalis. and is a great help to the corn-
We learn from a cpmmunieation munity.
receiv, ed by Mrs. Emery Winters Mrs. Bleecker was again made
that beth hIrs, and Miss Lallathin a grandmother Monday moi'ning
are in' gdod health and that Mrs. by the birfh of a baby girl to' her
Lallathin is to teach the ,:6ming daughter, Mrs. (Jane) Cecil zim-
sch0p}'year at Chehalis whil'¢ Miss merman in tlie Tacoma General
Lallathin is to teach at Snohom- Hospital. The baby weighed 6 - -- ..........
ish. pounds 7 ounces and is to be
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Herra from named Sandra Louise. Mother
Ios Angeles were visitors of the was doing fine at latest report.
David' Mathews family for 6no Mr. and Mrs. Boh Bleecker
week at the conclusion of which spent the week end visiting rela-
tives in Tacoma.
Dean Gilbert was home visit-
lug his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Gilbert, several days last week,
While at home, r he enjoyed a visit
from Miss Mary STick and Mr.
nl Mrs.. D. H. Drake of St, Pe.-
tersburg, Florida, who had enter-
tained im in their hpme. many
time w]{en he was Stati0ffed in St.
To ce[ebrate .,his fifth birthday,
Timmy, O'Niel entertained a group
Of playmates, Isst Wednes&ay at
the h0m of his grandparentsl the
Wm. Gilberts. Mr. and Mrs. Gtl-
bert spent Thursday in Seattle
on a business trip.
The Art Ayers and the Ralph
Hills celebrated their wedding an-
niversaries together on August
24, with a family party held at the
Ayres home in Hoodsport.
Give Blankets
On Our Generous, Easy Lay.Away Plan
el,00 Down-- $1.00 a Week
,% €
Mr and Mrs. Mathews took a
three day trip to victoria and
vancouver. 0, Sunday they tra'v-
clod to Pprt, Orchard to Visit cous-
ins, .Mr. ad Mrs. Morris Roc.
M.r. and Mrs. McCdtter vere
visiting their parents,, the HOW-
ard LoCkwoods on Monday and
will take their small son, Dale,
back with them to Tad0ma.
• Miss Kay Rtter of Regina,
Canada spent all of last eek
visiting her ' cOusin, Pete Kosnan-
ok. Miss Ritter Was entertained'
0n Wednesday by Mrs. Roy Asele-
Son' at the Grove and on Thursday
a dinner party was given for her
by Mrs. Emery Winters.
Mr. and ]Irs. Ed Hunt and
children and Mrs. Ethel Schram
Spent the Week end With the Dick
• To Veterans • H 0 M E
MR. RAWLINGS Convenient Terms
00ere TUesdays, Thursdays , Reasonable Rates
fer Personal Consultations * NO DELAY
AT'00005- . ........
uason uountT av.mgs
& Loan Assoclatmn
,_I ''o 'o'°r..__ .,,o..
• "' " " ' . • ' •
Mild, Me00ow Rockin
rivals ave.rocked whsys of old!
. ,,q th author of "Two
Yes. Before the Mt'? iJI
'bimd: €he Horn a cedm as0,
skippe'rs stowed a keg of
whiskey aboard. Roll-
ing with the ship flle
whlskey acquired a
deeper, finer flvorl
To capture this sage flge taste
wea' ashore, skigper.l'':l
Ig beneath thi¢ q,¢.
Rocking brough out the same
€$ you'll emoy
m my Rockin
Chair Whiske
Ttday, gentlemem m6drn'
sCi¢;ce improves on both
mediods. Controlled agita.
giott in m F special blending
process bves Rocking Chair
, ;/ripe, smoothness of taste.
' 7
Sooh nd Mellow
• as Ocean-Rocked
' WbBhie{2f Old
$,W) _,, sa.n
PINT ..J415 QUART\\;
/ Plu= I0 War Liquor Tax
Il¢nded Whskey, 86 Proof,
72t Grain Neu'tlai SIiiit
Addlemans. On Saturday all wen
ed from a combined hiking', camp- Up the Dos.ewailip8 to camp and
inff and fishing trip to Flapjack fish alld returned with 10 trout.
Lake .... . Ric]8:rd Sparks, schobl princi- m mm mm mm k
Willie there the party.stayed at p'al, wiShs to afin0unce tha't reg- - .. .
Mount Lincoln Chalet. Durin'g the istration for new and beginning LYS Talk Plum Eng[t00
nine days they camped Mr. and pubils of Hoodsport school' Will be
theMrS" BruceforMCClean hikedvisit.uP to held on August 28 and 29 from 10 About AOfa Insurance"
lodge an overnight a.rn. to ; P.m. at h e Schoolhouse. "
The William Anderson. family Those. Wlo ces|re to register prior
including Shirley and the dog, tQ..(he opening of school on .Sop- Thatls Different
"Cookie," took a camping trip to {:drpler 2, should come at that It will pay you to team about Sta'
Trout Oreek on the North Fork of
the Skykomish Riv0r, near Stev- t.i:n,_Symlt is exte.nded' to Fai-m Mutual'a cerumen sense, auto !fi
dns Pass. They took some pictures :ls. Low Millard Wh0, m com.. urance'thatpasthemanwhcpayst1
and did some fishing.. )hy with. her fancily arrived' iu
Mr. and Mrs. I. L, Wilson;" Dr. edoW2h Idah tQo late to see pemium. YOU buy Where you get h
and Mrs. B. N. Collier and children, r £a:hel ", Sam Da'/p, ,bfore he: most for y0ur money Whdn' you beqer5
Winnifred, Boy and' nepheW, B0b- tossed aW.a. N, A.t,,1b tied tey onbofStateFarm'smorethaffamltlic
by, Mr. and Mrs. V. F.' DaVidson' Cf f": r drum 9, Mrs. Dt3". polidy61ddrs. Get details NOW}
and son, Denny, and MisS' E. lqeh- 0 WIo nod been ill WS feeliR
ry, a nurse at the Clinic lospital, o¢wha improve& The Nil- j, R. D'. IN'BODY
spent the Labor Day weel-ehd on' ald@, WhO were awty ten days, ' Shet0n G'aa'ge
the Columbia River hear Seaview. 'eturn'e& home F_0tla, ,
Mr. nd Mrs. A. F. ('0bRths, of or atutldts Who, re riding to. ' ........ =- .
H0rsehead Bay, and Mz. ' and Mrs. ;hl:toa, hlgh , Sci60 and. jhior. STAlt FSRM' I$.AN(:;E L'
Will Waldrip, of Hardscrabble, on igh Sd, h09 on Wil|am Qflbert's f BIo0iing)oh, Illt,,-
Oyster Bay, were guests at a fam- us September ', the ,,bqs v¢il . We,M% to,€,St A'uo !
ily dinner party Friday afternoon e#tve 0e hour Ibter .tan us{l , I'
at the Angle-Needham home on md school the first day will be ,
P" T
............ : .... III THEATRE [] • n
Mr. and Mrs, Walt Pi0kens and '
J0scphine Ned.dham, .were holiday .........
visitors wlWtheir paren'ts, Mr. an d =1 ,, m mR I[ ! ! II
Mrs. M. H'. Nedham. "lhey spent l|i J ' [ Iqlll'
d few days in 8helfon and With |I ' !,,.q-,L,,..w. [ '"l
down-Sound friends, before reurn- [ I1! ]]z[]A]l]
ing to their home at Monrovia, ...... -,-7
Calif., by way of Sutherlin and | SheJtMhWa|h.
Gr,3nts Pa, ss, Ore., where they vis. I " ....
ied fh¢ dgar rurnen, Jr., fa'm- ..........
!ly _and M r. PIckens parents. |' STARTING TONIGHT
Mr.and Mrs. IVred StucR.andLB A&' '' W:WEK
Mr: Laura Stuck returned home | , --'." 7"- ?'-' '" .
las" Thlrsday from a plegsant,trp I IThirsdair, Wededa.
wfiidh 02k them 4,760 miles: bC,m Auus't 28 se-t 3
East tp' Wit friends and rdltUves [ u " - .
They t0ok the Columbia R ver I | Te ODe a n.0ly
hghwa'y through Yellowst6ne.Na - [11 CLARK GABLE In
tional Park to Casler, Wo'., .where ..-..=,...onnm.,rnr
hey visited an aunt anc then on 'l'lJ JlI.ULlil.rfiD
slster.t° Rapid City to visit Mr. Stuck s with' Deborah" Kerr,
in Iowa they visited Mrs. Stuck's . Edward Anold, etc.
si'ster and' brother for the fiTst NOTEAdults 50¢ This Show
time in 25 years During their stay
they net many othe relatives nd ..............
Th/sday - Friday
Sep{e'mbe{ 4 - $
East 81de Kids
Jean Porter
Saiurday - TUesday
September 6 - 9
Starrind Ray Millard,
Barbara StanwycR
Friday - Saturday
September 5 - 6
Johnfiy WeisnlUller
Brenda Joice
Johnny Sheffield
James Brow, Shells Ryan
Nordefi Nsh
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Sept. 7 - 8 - 9
Maureen O'Hara
John Payne
34th STREET"
Edmund Gwenn
Gene Lockhart
A Picture That Brings a
Special Meaning to Our
Days ! !
ednesday - Thursday
Sept- 10 - 11
Steve Brodie - Audrey Long
Eddie Dean ad HLs
HOrse Flash
Miss Vera Thomas, of Btemer
ton, was a recent week end guest
at the home of Kolee Sharer of
Marriage •Licenses
Applications for marritge, li-
ceases were filed in the office
the Mason County auditor this
week by the follbwing dohp1¢s:
Joh C. Holman 24,. Shelton,
and .Helen Patricia Eddy, 18,
Olympia, August 26.
Oscar. W. Cook, 27, Qnileene,
and Donita Fay Burnell, 16, rin-
non, August 27.
Oral S. Burnett, 40, Shelton, and
Edna Jane Couch, 41, Spencer,
Nebr., August 27.
Robert O. Puhn, 23, and Thelma
Harton, 19, both of Shelton, Aug-
ust 30.
Herbort. F. Brehmeyer; J., 18,
and Geral'dine Ford, 18, both El-
ms, August 30.
oo% VmCUN WOO,
Here's a, blanket you'll cherish
through the years.., for the beauty of its color and
texture, for the sleeping comfort it affords,
t'¢ ,,
Chatham's Lamsdown is made of 100% virgin wool whose,
soft, nap attests to its extra.fine quality.
Of medium weight, Chatham's finest blanketis just
's light as " ' " as
t s warm...just restful as it is hxuriou,
• Pink rose. mqmlng glory blue. apple blouom 0roe, :
gardenic= white, sunddne poach, yellow lily
,,a.;on,.mx0" '15.9 5
OJympic Furniture Co.