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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 4, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 4, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.[,, Septe.mbel 4, lo.t,. SHELTON-MAq0N COUNTY JOURNAL Page l "' ........ ' -.--.•.." * " ............... ' ' _ ............  .................................................. I .............. : ....... '=.= .......... 'rh,,-aa,, seDtembe Sglmon Trout Cau'ht .... .,--,- ,,: ,, ,o ,'  ....... " ..... ' ' 'f ' ' ,u 'unty Post No. 169o, A+ ...', kok,....; ,' -""""-' " i,--T'------=--- .........  ] ; , , , " ...... - ./. .flu tJt**)  usaaa**  F ' , . (')- .... m-- po..00 I NeW Chevrolet. zch-up Introduced t l Save 25 to 407o 1 I    '" WrS "" was caught on ",. Martin plug Sun-  . | ' ' -- " --- * *l..__ I  *rTfflI: 2 ',. ,, ' day by Oeoro'e Behnont of Taco ............... : ........... :..:....-: ................................................. .:.).",":. ..... .'" 1'-'-: - on FuM Rille .............. llA e--" " " as visitino ..... . • ...:: ....... .-m\\;  ,'. - --- : - -. at z 1.L*..a .BJaaJ IJ [] W IliYllIJl gmar Meeting ma who w,. b wmrmeL  ------ , .... Lois Belntont, fishing from Hel- l ay, Sept, 5 -- 8 p.m. man's boathouse, eaught an 8- Word:; On Wood feet. Now it is fimre than prob- In his sensational hast seller. "Inside U.S.A.,' John Gmther giw's space to the lllnlher indus- try. My name "q)pears in his list of sources. This is a little c,m- barrassinf tn me. Actually I've been able to I'ind nothing ,,xcept the first parag'ral)i of the see- tion. "Wm'ds on Wood.' wiieh justifies the eredit. And it was my wife who l)roVided Mr. Gun- thor with this lead: "hre sat on a terrace n Seattle, and looked across the dancing blue saucer of Lake Washington; on the fa)' slore were banks o trees, and I l)eg:lu to learll a new vocabtdary. Halfway down the slope tim tree li]e stops, and patches in the forest are bare, like bald spots, but with a few trees left standing--'seed blocks,' as ttmy are called . . ." I Thereupon Mr. Gunther pro- eeed,; to get himself lost in busln slide-reek and down-tintbe for about 1500 "Words on Wood." This is too bad. :Fie is such a genial soul. He writes handsome- ly. Mainly Mr'. Gmther g o e S astray 0:3 his words and facts b5  what he has been led to believe they imply. Writing about the Douglas fir region', fro' example, he extols "selective logging," wl:en forestry states it won't work in 90 per cent of the Douglas fir forests--it is .t pine proposition, whi?e fir demands clear cutting witt seed blocks. He splits botan- ical hairs to deny that "timber is a crop" insisting that "the only authentie erop from a tree is the cone" -which is an absurd as it is to say that only the blossom mad seed of alfalla are a crop. No stalks ! Gqnther In Wonderland Little John has let one bureau- erat after another take him by his moist, grubby hand and lead him through a woodsy wonder- land, feeding him fairy stories all the while. There's the one about the vol- ume of sawtimber being reduced "ahnost 40 per cent" since 1908. John purses his mouth, and goes "Oo-oo!" over that one without a suspicion of its nonsense. As even the whistlepunks know, the forest statistics of today are yet conjectm'al---in 1.908 they were fantasy unalloyed, as the great gaps between various estimates of the period demonstrate. And there's the goblin that screams about virgin forests hav- ing been cut 'Tram an anginal acreage of 820,000,000 to about 100,000,000." Why the nightmare ? Of course that 100,000,000 acres will go.right on being reduced, to make wood products and also to provide more productive land "What's growing?" That is the question, not. "What's virgin?" Another nonsense horror of Gnnther's woodsy wonderland is this "From 1941 to 19,t5 the eoun- try as a whole ctff. about 16 bil- lion cubic feet of timber per year, whereas new growth only amount- .,ed to 11 billion cubic feet. Anti "the United States is still consum- ing, i.e.. destroying, half again as much as it grows." Bah! Ac- tually, in terms Of U.S. Forest Service latest figures, drain was 13.7 billion cubic feet in 194,t while growth was 13.4 billion cubic Lake Cushman The big event of the week at Cushman was the celebration of Del Laramie's fiftieth birthday. The Laramie house, was full of company all week. Their grand- daughters came to spend a fort- night, little Misses Agnes and Sandra Brydon of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. & E. McDonald and fam- ily from Paste spent two days visiting. Doctor and Mrs. Nor- man Dora and Miss Ann Brydon of Ellensburg spertt the entire week and a big celebration was held Sunday when a beautiful five layer birthday cak was cut. In- cluded ]n the Sunday celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cole and on, Lotlnie, Of Shelton. Later in the evening the paty enjoyed an oyster fry on the new barbecue stove which Del recently bullt. Three day visitors of Mrs. Otto Radtke this week end were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lamaster of Se- attle who caught several large bass from Standstil lake. :Mrs. Dave Collips entertained hr niother, Mrs. Ida Hardisty o'f Tacoma, over Sunday. Guests of Les Sandvig and fam ily the past week Were Miss Vera Watson, sister of Mrs. Sandvig, Lynn Jansen of Fife and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gnnn from Shelton. Mrs. Verne Hill was vistting in Tacoma, Shelton and Olympia five days last week, returning home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mortensen and Mrs. Sarah Scheuermann of Seattle spent Sunday with the Ed- ward Radtkes. Don Brown and Les Sandvtg are not the only ones at Cushma;n who are building boats. Verne Hill and Bob McLachlan have started a fourteen-foot inboard motor boat which promises to be something worthwhile. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott traveled to Milton to at- tend a birthday tancheon given by Mrs. M. F. McDonald for her mother, Mrs. A. !. Etherington who is Mrs. Linsco'tt's sister. While returning home from. a trip to Seattle on Friday on the Kalakata, Mrs. Edward Radtke met friends from DeKalb, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Beckman and son. The Beckmans, who are owners of a .grocery store in De- Kalb, are on a vacation tou of the Pacific Northwest and were spending Friday seeing the Bem- erton Navy Yards. Residents of the Lake Cushman area wish to thank Roy Pierce and Duke Arnold, logging truck drivers for file Diekman Mills Logging operations, for their ,sl0w, careful driving down Cushman road.. Thanks to tli¢ir good driv: ing, Cushman road is safe for tourists and local people. Guests of Steve Danford this week end were five classmates from Hill's Military Academy, 00GEST WEEK ,ruee Timrpe g-ues all have for the corn- men's league change only, try this year ne banner of ?drich Store. but another loves Up ns Allie Rob- n Lake Cuh-. the commer- acement for II confine its pson league, l League ac- lectricians ( a replace Lake sponsorships are the same • t the same manning the leagues (in= rods). Princi- ges occur on ue team. the COMPANY Commander Phone 697 $,It, (fray, Q.1v[. Adj. ;' Phone 352J Modern ExperienCed gO | FO HiRE'S YOUR e LAND cLEARIN(I:I .EXTRA PROTECTION • BULLDOZING DITCHING • BASEMENT ING • BU, $2.95 I, fatigue and needles heart strain often O PILEDRIVE from leg  chills, Why? Becouie the heart For L&nd or overtim it hp) to equ¢fliZe body 9 DUMP TRUCKS" uality Health UnderWear For I4ire ghl shirt with extra weight pound 10 ounce dandy on a Mar- tin plug," Hartley Barber of Olympia caught a 12-pound King, Niel Simmons and Bob Bearden got their limits of Rainbow from the North Fork. mtrYand Ritner'sin the • PILING AND Woht to ankles: plevents over.heeling in. _ ._  __ .'lnttures egira protection outdobr. Sleeve- For ate. ;:"|| all o ' * ' ue entry. The _-- enl.'r(.i;: r short/sleeved styles. But don't dMayl - •peets to re- PHONI-;.. ,,... .t mtirely from • sonnel, which , Emery Lin-' "'" [bier won't be lid " ' ..... ""W .............. vart'thiSandSeas°n'Buck Men s Shop keg and Bill . a lineup of ,,& .*rs for next ,. Hans Bohn m, Nick Day- ';' " Marion Smith save commit- league teams. s the veneer- ob Holt, Bob and Wiff Jet- ilitating m will have to uhly for the edule, for Ar- md to Belling- slin and Vera dly "retiring" only Jessica lout from last ST FS# HARVE - :dvi#' Sept. 4-6, or. Wash. Se t 4 7" clall'(, 1 P" " ". WP',I Port Angeles, 5:r. 5 7 Cowlit gage  ':" " : 'ta ,,' view, Wash.; IZ*i,/ ty. SremertO%;?:. land CountY,., $ Wash.; Sept. 5,1., , ish County, lVlOf:;; II Sept, 10"g;:tlItY'" Point in t, 11 be noted in schedules get ek but they'll erally lone in- .earn. elected G. A. dent and re- as secretary- ; the women's 'e Frisken into tyn Smith to Hazel Farrier :er,$ the corn-. :ted Bud Ken- reasurer. The encompassing Shelton City "-- is headed by esident, Paul sident, and AI /-treasurer. ITEED ,+ JRS ,AL.O00, Se t. 5-7, Pert . B, verett, "; I STATE Fgl.cld00t)'t: :- ": Sefit. 9214., .e,tq: [] This is a mg el@, with regular od)[t, horse racing .ol '? ,rofeSSl 'l ular p show. arges ac-  standard 'can save v ,ging your PENDLITON )r shop. RouNDtJ Sept. 10A feg0 , . r a I PendletO",  )LE , _TION C RECORD J. ',y ON TORAGE L CABINET hogany, hogany ?ONE ARM cord Noise Radically different in design and appearance, the new "advance-design" line of Chevrolet trucks an,d com- mercial cars, recently introduced, features numerots advancements and improvements for the conlfort and ¢owmnience of the driver. Shown above is a light delive;y plck-up model with a gross vehicle weight of 4,600 pound: and a payload capacity of 1.200 periods. The unit has a lld-inch wheelbase. All pick-up bodies of the "advance-design" line of trucks have a usable width of 50 inches for their full len:th. Heating and Plumbing Supplies Build for Permanence... CONCRETE WILL LAST WE MANUFACTURE 8" x 8"16" Standard Building Blocks Square and Bull-nose Corners Bayside Concrete ProdUcts Box 453 Shelton Phone 19-F-3 650 Dearborn Ave. Walter L, Marble Representing the METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Life and Personal Accident and Health Insurancec 1903 Stevens Phone 709-J gasolines weather! made give maxirau: ... AT YOUR FRIENDLY TAVERN Whenever you See the Rainier neon you can count on a glass of fine heel Leadingj dealers feature Rainier because Rainier is the beer that demanel. These dealers take great pride in serving Rainier right--tO bring tO ydd aiJ tkb rlch flavor an zestful tang of this refreshing, natio6ally famous beet; Enjoy the superb/efreshment of Rainier at your friendly tavern. ! Careffeel 1 USE ' l RICHFIELP GASOL IH NATIONALLY FAMOgS SINCE 1878 able that growth s ahead of th'a in. Mar0 Bogeys Mr. Gunther giv(,s full cred- ence to such deeeptive g•overn- ment statement as this: "Half the sawmills, pulp, shingle and veneer nnd other log-using plants i)1 Or'chert and \\;¥ashington have private timber in sight for not more than five years." That \\;vorlTly bunk has been nsed over and over fore more thnn five yea rs ! Another fairy tale is that in- dustry has /ouR'ht legislation for better organization of forestry in Washington State. Yet another is from one more deliberate de- ception by the bnreaucts ...... "Some 80 I)er celt of lhe cutLing in p?ivate lands is still done with- out conscious regard to futliPe crops." Then how did the South's .%qwtilber inventory in- crease along with inct'e{isdd cut- ting from "190 billion board feet in 9a3 to 3a8 billion in 1944 ? There is moI'e wonderland bunk on big ownerships and their prae- tipes. Tliere is silence on the wretched record of the govern- ment's forests m the war. Gunth- oF, sas, "What ` be.. government cus. it cuts selectivbls," which is sim'pTy, not. so. Finally tattle, 5elm let himself b6 led' around C16q{t'dt, Minhesots, without hi. 10a, rniflg a word. of th( insBiring story of wood conversion th*at wag ffihfolded by privhte en- terpnise there after the great fire of 1918. Off with his head! .., . . . ,11 UNLESS. YOUR WINDOWS and doors are properly fitted with metal weatherstrips, there is a clearance ,around them equal to a h01e in each window FOUR INCHES SQUARE! Let us show you what M ASTER " WEATHER- STRIPS arc and how small the cost is to equip your home. DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHONE 160.J [ IIII AN IDEAL CLEANER -- FOR GREASY POTS and PANS REMOVING RUBBER HEEL GREASE  TAR  PITCH from Hands MARKS from FLOO WASHING FABRIC Not Harmed by Water soLD IN M(ST SHELTON STORES Manufactured in Shelton by Price Detergent Co. ...... ; , PAINTED and VARNISHED Surfaces and WOODWORK RUGS and UPHOLSTERY LINOLEUM, TILE and PORCELAIN, SHOES and DISHES 1 .... Maybe. You want to Buy A cow, or a horse, or a pig, or Maybe - You Want to Sell A mule, '0i  a r goiit, or some Chickensi or Maybe You Ws; Buy A car or a bicyc] ,. or a tractor, or Maybe You to Some fii :iflture. or some [Ufiber, or some clothir/g, or Maybe Yo Want Some Property or you have m:nething you don't need Maybe You'll Call 100 and try a Journal Want ad --Well there won't be any maybes about what'll happen! Just try it once. The ,Iourm !