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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 S1TELTON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL --- i ii ii [ i t mmm ill i t i L ................. - ................................................................................................................ Big Crowd Sees Callison Film Showing Adwmtages Told City Commission At Union Boosts Commun'ty Club Fu Of Feeding Silage In Routine Meet i  1 1 ML idents present to view them. the maD. photograI)her and magazine [ producers should be making" use Board of City Commissioners of presentation by I. P. Callison of writer, in showin" his thrilling ,ff tilag'e, stays Tony Cunha. of the Shelton to nmke a decision on the his Alaskan scenery and big game technicolor pictures for the bone- I deparlnlent of animal husbandry, type of parking meter they arc pictures provided enjoyable enter- fit of the club house fund.  State Colh'ge of Washington. going to install on downtown city Order tainment in the Masonic hall in P b icily in Tlw Journal nnd Here are some of" the important streets. Lhe choice should not he Union last Tl]ursday evening. The personal endeavors of chfl) mere- a(h, anlage: nl feeding silage, as dil'ficult. Representatives of two proceeds added another cheering bets were eredYtcd wii:h gathering, pointed ,mLuy Cunha: meters who will be represented in Now l boost to the cllll:) house l'Hnd of upon brief notice, the large SToup • tile Hood Canal Noma,n'. Cluh. whicll saw tim filln -rod lisLened ]. tllrients in silag'e are pro- the biddiu" have demonstrated {J "We're after 'Big Ban)e,' too," to tim authoritative comments of Served better than in hay. Ensil- their u)aehincs to the commission. explained Mrs. Irvin McVay, the the wihl life photographer, ink a crop avoids the losses in the They are Oscor Moll of the Park- i Tone and Monarch organization's chlb house commit- Many projects are being phm- field from bleaching', leaching, and O-heter company mid H. %V. ] QUICK DELIVERY tee chairman, in introducing M:r. ned by the club for its building shattering of leaves. It al.o pre- Thomas of the General Electric P.O.ox 1046 Phone 7454 Callison to the audience, "and it's fund, wittx the big event of the .nevves some el the vitamins, Supply company of Seattle. [ especially vitamin A tearotene), The commission transacted rou- Capital City Ihlel in the shape of a C.lub house." She fail, a bazaar ,'rod "Jamboree" in Olympia, Wash, expressed In behalf of the we- Ho0dsport just before Thanksgiv- whi('h azc especially needed in the tine business at their Tuesday ses- ..... man's club appreciation for tbc ing. Mrs. Mabel V. Aver is presi- winter rations of farm animabL sion, among other things giving ' dent of the Ftood Canal Woman's 2. Crops may be made into sil- ] authority to Fire Chief T. D. Deer 'Club, which win hold a meeting age when the we'ther does not to purchase a hose tester f' his ' Thursday, September _19, after a permit their being cured into hay. ! department. summer vacation. In many areas of this state, rain Ralph Davvison of the state de-i prevents proper cnring of hay and I pertinent of municipal corpora- FREE MOTOR ............................... Marine Recruiters :.s.)leaches many of the nu -'ti°ns has been assisting the com- trients. " - mmsion in their chores of fixing a 3. The use of sila'e will supple- ' 19,t7 budget for the operation of TESTING Here Tomorrow meut many of the poor quality the city services. Temporary recrniting offices hays used cereal hays and the tike in vitamin h and protein. Mrs. Angle Flies East AT ALL TIMES will be rnaintained at Memorial 4. By-produet feeds can be us- Buildkg this Friday from 9 a.m. ed as silage with better results Oil Month's Vacation • to 4:30 p.nL by Gunnery Sergeant than they can sometimes be nsed Mrs. Herbert G. Angle left here Marcus of tile U. S. Marine Corps otherwise, . Tuesday to fly to New York for Our Sun Master Motor for local hoys hetwcen the ages 5. Zcedy crops which might a month's visit at Trenton, N.J., Tester reveals causes for of 17 and 30 interested in enlistinK mokc po,)r hay may produce silage with Mr. and Mrs. ,Ioseph Bacsky. in the Marine Corps. of good quality The ensiling pro- Slm will be joined in mid-Septem- Sgt. poiuts out that the ees: will kill practically all weed bet" by Mr. Angle, who will go to Hard 8tatting Marine corps is still enlisting .ecds present, Hartford, Court., to visit some of Ignition Trouble young men for two-year period::' G. At a low expense, silage fill'- the insurance companies he repre- Loss of Power and also points out that in order] nishe: high quality succulent feed sents on a combined business and Excessive GlIB Uao t:o get in under the G. I. Bill of which is especially desired during vacation trip. Mr. Bacsky was sta- I¢.ights enlistments must be corn- the winter months, tioned in Shelton during the early pleted by October 5. which means 7. Silage is eaten practically days of the war with an Army they must be initiated at least without waste, whereas a certain medical corps unit. INGRAM,BRIDGES MOTORS p two'weeks m advance to be cer- part of hays, especially unpalat ............... - Firet dJL Rims Phone 621  date.tain ,)1" coral)lOtion before that [ abh,8. Silagehays' areis aalwaySgood substituteWaSted' for [ Stolen Vehicle Driver • ':, ....... :._  .... - . " The permanent lIarine [ pasture during the winter and dry Arrested Ill Coullty • .... rail Corps recruiting office is located , months. W, J. Lyman, 17. spent Monday It" YOUR FREIGHT ** the Aberdeen city *,all, Sgt. 9. The foragfromanarcaean nigh* ill the Mason County jail SH Marcus s00id. .00tored ia less spaee as silage and was rot00rned to the 0000tsa, Norman Campaigning than if stored as hay. County bastile the followir)g day ......................... after his arrest at the :Hoodsport- OIn'W BOAT InCounty.This Week BAPTISMAL SERVICE Bremerton tnrn-off by State Pa- Ired Norman, Republican nomi- SUN DAY trolman Black for driving a stolen nee for Congress in the third dis- Rev. J. O. Bovec ,will conduct car. The car belonged to F. M. trier and former 1.nember of Con- baptismal services for a lmlf doz- Michel of 1604 S.W. 152nd St., FAST ]EIGHT SERVICE .ress, was a Shelton visitor this en candidates at the regular eve- Seattle. Lyman stated that he WITH DDR DELIVWRV IN HELTON week in the interests of his cam- ning services at the First Baptist had attended the rodeo in Ellens- paign. Norman. who will oppose Chtirch this coming Sunday mght. burg' in the car and was return- ink to the peninsula district when 8,$tlo Freight should be routed via Sir. Indian, Ferry Dock, Congressman Charles Savage it] ] ....................... he was picked up. Tacoma Freight vta Sir. Skookum Chie, Milwaukee Dock, the November election, declares No. 2 that un00,00ually oncouragc00 I)Y I noor00. :00ac+or - the Republican Sentiment he hears National Park Films Time Schedule as follows: whUe vi,itig communities .',ud ,Co..,,d ,',,m p ) Leaves Tacoma Jaily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for people of lfi' district, station where the workers place Eiltertaiil ]Kiwanians the assembled door loosely togeth- Georg'e Andrews of Andrews Olympia and Shelton ....................................... Studio provided the entertainment ILYWO()D W()RK]Eg HIIRT cP. Thou the product is placed in rives Shelton laily, except Sunday Harold Dunbar suffered paiuful a press and before the glue is al- for Shelton Kiwanians at their CLARENCE CARLANDER, Ore|ldent ha.ok injuries yesterday at the lowed to dry, the press completes regular weekly hmcheon meeting Olympic Plywood plant when the assembling operation. Since this week at Memorial Hall when PUGET SOUND 00IGHT LINES struck by a descending' hoist He all the doors are of uniform size, he projected a series of beautiful was taken to Shelton hospital for although not uniform design, such sound travel pictures of Glacier treatmeut, standard operations are possible. National Park, Zion National ............................................. One of the most important jobs Park, Bryce Canyon Park and Yo- SNELGROVE HERE in the, door factory, the work re- senlite National Park. Prop sed .4 mdment to the[ 00,o0000rovo the most skill is tire job Tim fihns demonstrated the na- 0 kin{ a.d small daughter, Gay]e, of of the patcher. The patcher works rural scenic beauties of the parks, - Pullman, arc, visiting this week ou the product during each phase the pack trips and much of the with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. of the operation, but tle final wild life that is encountered State Constitution . ped to the jobber, is the work of a skilled artisan. He must Iocate Needhailri Family Home TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 5, 1946 the flaw, though it be only a small one. dig out the imperfect wood For Sunday Visiting T-O=T.E.M and insert a small chip .to fit the Mr. and Mrs. lfaurice Needham, ilole. The patch is glued into the Jr., were visitors at the home o, ws.oo, Sandwich hole and then sanded down. On place Sunday from Seattle. Maur- OFFIc oF THE SECE'rAY OF STATE, the best I)atches it is difficult to ice is connected with the sales de- To Whom It May Concern: and locate the spot that has been re- partment of the Worthington In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolution of C " Sh paired. Pump Company, and leaves Fri- the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published urlo op Several Grading Faelors day for three months of training Finally the finished door is dip- at several of the cmnpany plants or the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, a proposed amencLtaent to the constitution of the said state, as follows: Vz MILE SOUTH OF UNION pod into a gasoline sohltion to in New York and New Jersey. waterproof the wood, then the Miss Josephine Needham left Wed- HOUSE YOINT REOLUTION NO. 9 may be nuthorlzed or permitted under * doors are graded. The grade of the nesday for Seattle after a month's the laws of th United States, notwith.. € it fl&solved, By the Senate and sanding anything to the contrary in Unique - Beautiful door is determined by the quality visit at home. at elesentatives ot the State tlte eonstlmuon of.this state." A Charles Russell reproduc- of the wood, the number of __ Of Whington, la leglslattve cession And. Be/ Further Resolved That the pat:chcs and the g'eneral quality of M CALIFORNIA i aembli: ' Seeretary of Ste hall eause'the tore- lion on a leather purse. H E . bat, t the general election to be go,ng propose qonstitutJonal amend- NI{]W - I)IFFI!3RENT the workmanship. Mrs. George Benoit and her two el'd li this state on, t h Tuely qext mentto 0e published tor at least three A painting repr()duced on a After viewing the stocks of cent- [ children arrived lere from their i u'llng the nrs onday a lo- (3) months next preceding the election vember, 19, there hall be submitted in a weekly newspaper in every county ]eal.imr purse, all engraving, p]eted doclrs, Supt. Clark escorted home atSan Anselmo, Calif., last ta the qualified e luto ot this state, where a fiewspaper is publi;hed tinting, tooling and sewing tie writer to the second, but week to spend three weeks with ,o.r theft'approval.ann ratlflSqgn,  througnout the state, equally important, portion of his her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. resec.tlon, ai amenament to 7,rnate va done by haDd. A sterling sin Of t;onstitut:ton of the state ot Passed the I-Iouso Marel 3, 1945. ver clasp engraved by hand. I)laat. the, plywood section. At Catto. Washington, to ba added thereto a= a Go,r F. YAN'rts. Not For Sale the unloading platform there. new section to be known as section 3, Speaker of the House. On Display Only huge chunks of timber are lifted Use the Journal Classifieds a¢l to read ae follows: Passed the Senate Marclt 7, 1945. • onto a giant peeler that starts the they really get results. "¢tlo 8. The United State and. • * lt .agenelu.and lna.lXum,ntaliti.s, end Wcoa A. MYrss, first wheels of tlle operation mov-, thelr propaty@may.b.e taxed tmaer any President of the Senate. See our selection of unnsual o: ae ttx mw of thl tam, whenever Filed in the office of the Secretary o! purses that are in stock---all ing. Front the peeler the log is ..... and la such manner as such taxation State, March 13. 1945. tooling, tinting and sewing placed on a mammoth lathe, the work of which must be seen to be STATE OF W ASHINaTON, done by hand. believed., H 0 M E OFFIC OF,rilE SECRETARY OF STATE. Anotler new shipment of The lathe "unrolls" the thin I, B.¢ RlzWS, Seretary of State of the State of Washington, Navajo Rugs. movingSheets Ofbelts.WOOdTheoff onto a chainbelts carry the°f L 0 A N S lreby certify that the above and foregoing contains a ull, true and New Carnelian Jewelry. wood beneath saws that cut the correct copy of Hotmo Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislat.,e Chilnayo Rugs. flat strlps into usable lengths. 0 tim State of Washington at its twenty-ninth session, as appears frown Chimayo Cloth Sport Coats. Checker. along the belt discard me orihml of said Joint Resolution on file irn my office. Navajo Jeweh'y. . the smaller pieces of wood. The ] Convenient Terms Wt My Hand and the seal of the State of Washington this 29th Weaver Ceramies--.Distinct- belts then transport the embryo ; ' dSy 0,lIlly, 1046. ire- Beautiful. plywood irlto the driers, where, Baskets, Sweaters, Sex from depending upon the size, the wood " Reasonable Rates BELLE REEVES, the Skokomish Reservation. is left to dry for eight to 25 min- ouekware Crackled Pottery. Secretary of State. utcs. _ -_ ____ .___: _. Olefaetory Pleasantries " NO DELAY It is around the driers that the ................... '".-, ' ............ ------ ................................................................... delicious smell of warm cut tim- ' I I HH[I .1_ II I llll I lll I . ...... I I I w'P bcr permestes the air more than in any other place in the plant. M asonCounty Savings As the wood, is discharged from Horse 00Races the drier, it is placed on a patch-  I)]1 25soci,t'tO][[ ing machine and then on a gluing  L section, where the short pieces are Title *Insurance Bldg. glued together end to end to form the standard size. . ........... The final operation in the ply- - ........ :_ . - ' wood plant is concerned with glu. Sunday, September 8 2 p m the sheets of wood together iu a crosswise manner to complete mmm the formation of plywood. Actu- ' i • ally this final step is divided into M00ple Bowl Rld00ng two sections, one involving the, gluing of the wooden sheets for i t indoor use and the other for out- i door use. The type of glue used is the nmin variation in the two I processes. I After the sheets are glued triey TICKgTS are placed in a large oven drier, SOUTH ON --' -[&. where tlc glu taks its final form, •  Adults 1.00 from the drier the plywood is cut into the standard sizes and rolled HIGHWAY gg Servicemen 75¢ through ".mding ntachines. Opposite Students 50¢ Little Goes to Waste __11' Throughont the tour one is ,._.- G illetl:e&Guffey aware of the conservation prac- Observation Tower at Air Port - tices employed throughout the Seed Potato b. Kecnan & Kresek plant. No piece of wood, unles es it is of a useless quality, is al- lowed to be thrown away or burn- Field Seeds s " " ed. The smallest pieces, that can- E V e n t not actually be used in the man- ..__ £L- ufacture of dobrs or plywood, are ",J'JOMJ"-../| H RAC cut into uniform sizes and sold to MAPLE BOWL TROP Y E for Women of Olympia furniture plants to be used as Riding,Club. Also for Men of Olympia Riding Club. traChairpartsrUngS'of handleSfurniture.Or other ex- FARMERS RACE--Open to all. eerhaps the most outstanding POLO BENDING RACE--Olympia Riding Club vs Maple deduct'on arrived at after seeing Bowl, Riding Stables i the work of the men aud macitines used in the production, is the vital part played by the men and wo- 4 Men's Stock Horse Race Junior Musical Chair Iace men wo,.k,, Thee is little rea- ' ' Olympia Feed Pony Express Race Greased ]7.i C,tch "son to believe that the ntachine will ever replace Lhe work of ha- Feature Event ,n. hand:. Most of the work (tone, CO ti,e modern e+p- mpany VEY RIDING CLUB ESQUADRILLE llen ar, d umchhlery is employed, ....... is, in the final instance..acttmlly O'Neill Bldg, - Shelton done by. Lle hands of the men and I WOlnell elnl)ioyees. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning Teml)er of Washington Newspal)er Publishers' Association and National Editorial Association Entered as seeond-class matter at the posioffice at Shelton. Washington WILFORD L. JESSUP, Editor and Publisher., Bill Dickie, Advertising Mgr. Bessie Bolen, :Business Mgr. 7 Baptists•Now At Bible Schools *in Seven Sheltonians have departed the past few days for Bible in- stitute courses and instruction in the nliuistry, all ret)resentiltg the Baptist Church here. To the Los Angeles Bible Insti- tute have gone, Ed Hepner, Hugh Adams, Marjorie Deffinbaugh, Doris Itickson and Marion LeMas- tcr, all enrolled for a three-yea" course, while Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCoy, unable to get into the Lc)s Angeles scbool due to its heavy enrolhneat, are on their way to Philadelphia to attend a Bible In- stitute course in the City of Broth- erly Love. Three other Shclton Baptists who would be studying' at the Los Angeles Bible Institute now if they had heen able to get in are Elaine Stenberg, Edith Johnson, and Dorothea I-Iurst. Miss Hurst, however, will soon attend Seattle Pacific. College for similar studics. Miss Johnson and Miss Stenberg are waiting uatil they ean go to the LOs Angeles school. VISIT IN SPOKANE THIS WEEK Mrs. E. J. Faubert, her-sister, Mrs. Wendell Hemphitl of Seattle, and 'their mother, Mrs. Delia Jar- vis, left Tuesday for a visit this week in Spokane and other points of interest in eastern. Washington. 5, 1946.. ARTHRITIS • for years and am so I am free from pain do my work that I will auyone writing me Mrs. Anna Pautz, Vancouver, Wash. Subscription Rates: K i jVtl. ,-(.: -- -- -I D]--n:, 39i1!;:. --NUE-OVO Laboratories $2.50 per year in advance: G months $1.50: outside Zl'Lon County $2.75; [ '  Canada and li'oreign $3.50, a ar Wel Need A Later'00o00el00 00llnbar Wel PORTABLE WELl See Stan -- We Buy and Sell Any Make -- Any Model USED CARS ANYWI TracLor and Heavy t Machine Shop Sez ALL WORK GU Phone FIRST and B Formerly Triangle OLYMPIC MOTOR S, First and Mill Streets Phone 595 AUTHORIZED HUDSON DISTRIP, UTOR DON'T FORGET +: Cliff Wivell's ( TEXACO ! Representative in M; pia Oi 1 PRODUCTS ( • High Grade Fuel ,, PROMPT Si 1st and Franklin Open f0 PI-ION 1 i .0 In Our Loc 196 or  I .... WE'LL FILL UP YOUR TANK PROMPTLY '*"/[ i M..l. BETTER BURNING, MORE DEPENDAI"- l vklBl, ll,lLl ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL FOR YO . :i 50 TO 1000 GALLON STORAGE T For New Oil Burner Installations :L lm m __-_,.._ ,.a 1900eiton J Fn=,00=n v== !i ........ ..... Mason County Oistributor for Associated oil P¢°$ ! Cop to present conch ,,,: 9 Will be limited for s,  ?J as possible w, • ,  "%:' " IIIONE line of build 657 e WHEN SOME MOTORIST Who takes his half out of the middle of the road, Crowds you into the ditch, Don't cuss and get jitters. Call us and get the best wreok- er, For Quick, Capable Wrecker Service PHONE 52 • " Shelton Garage 1st and Cota Phone 52 ! ' I'm Baeked By, All the Resou00 , Of A Great Oil Company OVER N B C STATIONS MONDAY AT .5:30 P,M, (P.S.T,) ONE OF THOUSANDS OF I#i i • ! MOBILGAS 6USlNEf :: Wlenyoudrivc ,:'i; " g h into my Mobilgas Hm'ry Sa,,. .... D o, n e, cause it's n O, business and I want you to come back again. But strctclling far back of mc is an organization that " - " supports the service I give by producing top-quality gasoline, oil and othcr motor cssentials, i You can't beat our combination.., the 80 years of experience in research and production back of Mobilgas,, " indcpcndcntly owncd business on its toes to serve you .... . . Come into my station...or any station sltowing the sign of the Flfing Red Horse... and see American free t 'r s °ur waiting pplicat : rvice than ever to ; enterprise at work, and working. , ,.. e assure you that our c ] ve, ,,t L. + / tt " rang they can to furni Harry S. Saiter, Spokaue, 1Vasbingtou  COurteous service you t • 'i,, ,d to... Thank you. tlSTEN TO THE BENNY GOODMAN MUSIC FESTIVAL SOLD BY THOUSANDS OF INDEPENDENT MOBILGAS DEALERS AT 'rH SIGN OF ammm mma i dephone and T