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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00age4 .... .............................................. ..-E-CCC.. :- ......................................... " ......... ' I MISS ZUMSTEIN AND ROY Rebman. Famd Holds ..... Vilv, - , ' ""00IMETIt00 t |H 'MEEK ARE ENGAGEO Y ' ! _ , ,_ . . of Wo0dl:nd, Wasn., nave a,}- Sunday, +At; ust 25, a Rebman , . ' l ±fltirrltxi 111  __ • --+ours for one = +-:,+ +i 1N q.X ial\\; set M+ek of Shelton, sol+ of Mr. and man: the first in five years• The • • • . y P . + your laundry, do ,t up,:,+ a afterno daughte+ Pearl to ++liner Roy home of ..... I ' " E Septem Mrs Roy Meel ' • ' ! settin+ of the First n . nd AdUlt +trends imP]1711 | II ! tll t i +   ++raduatc ol the  ALLET, I/Robert +,+ ........ ++ qm" aimiyc+rsary o[ 2€ir. lld Mrs. • .Jl+Ur14LIJllq:51LJl+ IrIFill¢ J. IHt£*.7 .• .. - . • " 7+  . il  I d , i SchOol and .qert.. CROBATIC |/ the me _ - -.: ;. . t:] ttie Navy. q' Styles |i has a I No dat(+ l ms been set for the " , " " • . ....................... s, **,,,* , ..... , ......... [of Olympia, oeeanle the bride of :• ad liam B hod 1 we(Iding, + ....... were Mr• and Mrs. Paul Wamsley, , " Wednesday evening, Sel)tember d .... :•': it to you packaged + ..... i. [ednesday Itand M " +,Y, ,Make, a',,+  .,R;Safe Re- ] ..................... , and Mls. Chestel Valley of Shel- r use  ' ' _  P.m.. I/,,+clmrge .... lJJ't'" ''*` r .... i .......... -- " i | ' . ............. ttl riV e . ' . . * • I+(+111• 11112 JL,tV.I'tIIU d U +lovee oI  ]IIii "I€11I |1 |n-oc¢*'u al£. $/J . Perlfftm+nc¢. I !1 R°°° It,, =, NOW I i . u "i 'E¥" AT ,+ I y Jonn /[l " ' ' " w ,  was ou[staitQing £TJL¢IDIL#IL Ik.JIUlUIIIU k_]liiLlllil .L..llblbLtl+" +, , " ] rlhla , ! mS00re00rAr i,ll£/,,,lll,,ll,i.oJ i !. / if+ l IF KOOg_'_." ]  |i 'n+ -+ # [ ' " +  +ill t " " m • " . . . wc£'c u£ +itic O[ tile Cllancei I + bet 6 a + , , ' - " WICII  x+t utmtu aclornill tile '!, '+'-- 'wl • ,  Jll*'7,v,,,lill ...... I Rebm/lu. with. Reverend Elmer B. Christie members resent ' I 'r u.,v-++.,,-=-+,ffi-iI 1D&lT¢tXlr e. O¢'tJ I I ...... " + ' • t c a deco ated wi ii white ill I +tlm'U ainu uCnmu pall o1 tile i ':+ / '£--i" 1528. Olympic nlway (Hiilcrest i: noi;;U PHONE ,S,, I Shmk daught, ..... I. i I ,+ II /W - II B ,+,,"--• . • , . "• • '  uest ...........  i,-tt•l-gray cJress styles .c" I /, ,*'',, + +' " . . Y .  ................. rape o [ne smr[ ING.'  ]J --^L • ' , ' ' • • - • a*,, +at+ mcuves ei" snoeKln +:+-+"-:+ " ..... . ..... visit in Glay]and with Mr and ..... oo SEPTEMBER MEET •eweI • Y " dl -- . . • the cere+ony m the Green R m , . • 3, ry was sdver e'trrings that '- ,. ', • lrs. Arclue Davis a few days • .' T e The Shelton Woman s Christianpl s ere .... R "+ --n - ' ' + • l" " ': ' "' re lap monthly meetin Friday, I s g .m 1 . 5+ II I ' - .... , . , , • " -, i Tnere Will he' an election o[ Or- "  a " '+'I 1 lib 1 Aumus / ,"--- ! ,,  / • +m,, I I ,  r  " " ' , - of the room ac ed a the be ilillll ivw,.v - , II I • i m UShers were lames Maish ice 1S RE AT LAS /I • " c i er rrla e zv£rs dames towse ana ene /-luloert | '½ Price Cosmetic- Pra ed1g n ma i g , The women of Greece will Sew for I ' ' el + + • fineet line of /I All Cosmetics In Our Stock To I  • I IIm I1 . " • tin lglt plume ana a corsage D0U- i t £1,,- . . --+- ,., ,, m Herbert R. Bell 17 of helton mini braids to the mee g• P o ' nm'n+hv00l R$00mt00 66-gal. Automatic • 1' - • ur ed to be quet of gardenias. Mrs. Valley, , , It rage compart. II iVIVtll/ , MiqldlMt Vii W ...... •' - " ...... ] +,u+.ur oz tree prltegroom, was + : a.. m II : • 1:V2 to 3 K.W. Fan type "" B n of on vew . •  with a shell pink hat and matching Directors +,:':';' ' al -0 wa©n yo ti O erated by Dorothy Leonard and Effm Avery aryl ags 22 L g 1 1 eds • '¢" l' " Graham Theatro Sidg -- Phone I +"+ ++ "'*+ + +•"' +'  ++ ' 'same  ,,x.,,., : +m /I "++ .... _ • l-'receoing the ceremony, miss ' • [|+..,.. ..+..=.++ ,Lover sang ecause alto "illi t :. and Lur Jean Hes 19, of Etma, Kelso and Der 1 Bail of Long IE , €= s Finest on No;r|CE--Afr Scot 1 this busil i ..... "'1+ , r ' AgUS+ + r l l " view were marries +acuray, ug- • , ,, u + " ' +: mI0f !: i will be owned .by Mrs Effie Av ii - ' I il , , II I y, e DrlUal pary received tne 7 ............................ I .......... II rooms were decorated with a re lO I _._ _.m l i ' 2' Sh 1 e o fusion or many uases of ]ovei •  l'| ,. • ..... II aar f, II gloom Mrs O R Sheets of Amer + F II ir'- ,, ars eorge ozie remamg a  l[ |1 |' " v / I v ' ' oI xvtrs. triulanu [or a small . . . + + + ..o /I MR. AND MRS. SHAFER g P " room's cake Mi - • ,, :-+s /I • zlies had charge ot ule gueS DOCK I o o c ' | -- O' • for Kel " ................................... ' • - . x'  , ecelvea A } Feryl, there were Mrs. Olive Gren Shower Honors Bride" - Salt Lakeg CityP andY back through For Underprivileged Chlld ell • Of Brand Ne berg and daughter, Hannah, Mrs. San Francisco. For traveling, Mrs. Cheery, oy iumlatin:+to . make winter the brightest scason of the year. Superb wools that hold •their color. :.. in new sculptured or e]ssde styles .... eame with hal]heads or extra brilliance. isses ¥, women's, juniors' sizes.' 29,75'34.75 ) I Women's Real Kid Leather Gloves SmartlF Styled -- Carefully Tailored -- Made in Czechoslovakia. Rex Fifth Avenue Compacts Large Round Shape With Gary Colpred Floral Designs. L ,,, tt ..... A Lovely Assortment of Women's Hankies Bouquet Scented Cleansing RangingfPom I0€ to 11129 23¢ 13.90 Rose, Blue, White, To Impart a Delioate Fragrance to Milady s Pooketbook. ,, , ,,  ...... • . .... , ' Fasl+ion Manor ,Chenille Bedspreads Floral Digqs, Full.; 81@,, .CI0s¢ly Turfed Chenille. In Aqua or Maize to Harmonize Witl Your Bedroom SuRe. .:. + . . . ........ Pauline Harris, William Coley, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Loop and son all of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jastad and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dill, Dr. Anderson and Miss Nell Truesdale, all of Morton, and George Nickell of Seattle. ,,NURSE LOSES FAT SAFELY AYDS WAY @#it slimmer llbt! exercise t+] Eat allT,,e$, ltatl0,_gl"4Yr, , lust Cut down, 'AYDS Vlmmjn /,I Candy. ReduciatPlan ill eaJe, ! 'I eeltible, ealier. 1'o zeJrlm. ro i• ]i ,. No taxative. i |00 ro=e lollnl 14 to [/ • tim0 1 Ibe. everaie In itTw weeks I "r I l.,+mi m+wi.4+, pJ,. s AyDS before maal dllathe at k't ¥ouget vipmrcda, tanratl, asent t, in Ayds, t tb AYDS viam way to l o_ weight now.0 da. suppl s, $2.2. MONRY BACK on  v" if YO; don't get te. Phone MoCONKEY PHARMACY 4th & Railroad Phone 303 Elect Friday A shower honoring Mrs. Harold Tucker, a recent bride, was given by her sister, Mrs. Paul Gibble, last Friday afternoon. Gaines were played during the afternoon and prize winners were Mrs. Bert Putnam and Mrs. Harry Calkins. Mrs. Tucker received many lovely gifts for the new home near Mt. Vernon. At the close, delicious refreshments were served. Guests present included Mrs. C. E.. Judkins, Mrs. Gayle Wentz, Mrs. Harry Calkins, Mrs. Orrin Woodall, Mrs. Hilda Spray, Mrs. Tom Aaron, Mrs. OscaP Westby, Mrs. William Holman, Mrs. Ar- thnr Stanley, Mrs. Ed Burslie, Mrs. Ethel Baze, Mrs. Reynolds Mason, Mrs. Bert Putnam, Mrs. Glbble and the honor guest, Mrs. Tucker. EPI$COPAI GUIL-------D AND SERVICE8 NEXT WEEK Sez¢lces of the St. David Epis- copal MiSsion will be held at the home of Mrs. Bertha GHsdale, 309 N. Second street, Sunday after- "P" ii A00II A+IM,= +_ lmon, Ssptembsr 8, at 4 o'elock. The Guild will meet with Mrs. Sadie Wllley, 1233 Franklin treet, a 2 o clok Thursday afternoon, qlVl.l.+ ' .Ssptember 12. All members and it heir fPisnds are asked to be pres- ent. TWO COUPLE6 Justice M, C. Zintheo performed a marriage ceremony for two cou, ples Satmxtay afternoon, August in Technicolor 31. They were R. S. Michaud of Deming, Wash., and DoroUly Kra, Amn the son of Bremerton; and Herbert R. inging Troubadors Burl Bell of, Shelton and Grace Marie Reinerteon of Havre, g.ont. Ive Also New end 8hot Fetnres _ _ IIII SUN. - MON. - TUES. Sept, 8-9-10 Walt pisney's Happy omdy Musical "MAKE MINE MUSIC" in Technieolor --plus-- News -- llarts -- Cartoon ...... I ...... WED. - THURS. TWO FEATURES "THE SPIDER WOMAN" with Gale Sondergard" as the Spider woman and Rondo Htton as the Monster Man and-- liopaiong Cssldy in "THE EAGLE'S BRAND" D OF H TO MEET TUESDAY The Degree of Honor will meet Tuesday evening, September 10, t 8 o'clock in the I.O.O,F. Hall for their regular business meeting. The drill team will meet an hour earlier, at 7 o'clock to practice. DAYTON COMMUNITY CLUB TO MEET The Dayton Community Club will meet Friday evening, Septem- ber 6, at 8 o'clock and will close with a pot-luck supper, at the clubhouse. A fine program has been arranged by the musicians of the community. FATHER IS ILL IN HOSPITAL Mrs. M. E. Kennedy of Seattle has been in Shelton during the past week because of the illness of her father, Charles Woodall. He is con'fined to the hospital. WOMEN OF THE MOO6E POT-LUCK DINNER A pot-luck dinner will be held tim Women of the Moose Thurs- day noon at,the home of Mrs. Ol Thompson, 650 Cascade, and all members are urged to attend. Valley added a three- quarter length black coat to her wedding suit• She is a graduate of Olympia High School and attended St. Pe- ter's Nursing School. Mr. Valley is a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School in Shelton and served in the Navy for three years• The couple will reside in Shelton fol- lowing the wedding trip. FOUR SISTERS VISIT FOR FIRST TIME IN FIVE YEARS Mary E. Nobles. who recently returned fl'om a two weeks' motor trip to Yellowstone National Park, in company with her daughter, Bessie E. Hughes, and grandson, Leonard Hughes of Stanford Uni. versty, entertained during the past week, four of her sisters. The remfion was held at Olym. pus Manor on Hood Canal, the second such gathering in five years• Those present were Mrs. Ida Stanton front Buffalo Lake, Minn., Hannah Billinghurst, So-] phia Eaton and Anna Winters from From Infancy to 18 Years Board, Medical Care, Clothing Provided I am interested in more information abOt taking a child (or children) into my h°e' Boy ........................... Girl ............................. g! .................. School age .................. i the .................... Fa{t : , I am of ......................... eaders Name ............................................................... ' ,i * Address " ............. r?'  Date ............................ Phone No ....................... * • Books + (Mail To P:O,. Box 508, Shelton) • , ,o** %****o Tacoma. One other sister, Carrie ":";";";";" v.;.,.;... Baller of Denver, was unable to 00UESTS AT KENNEDY @" " HOME FOR WEEKEND I * Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy,] " Jr., Miss Lottie Kennedy, all c)fl Seattle, and Dr. and Mrs. B.S. +i "k Miles of Portland were weekend I I i''Llll e guests at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy, 1 llld Red Peter and Karol Kennedy, I grandchildren of "Mike's", we:e! due back to Seattle Monday from] Colorado Springs where they ]tad been doinff some skating. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GREETINGS FRIENDS... I have sold my papering, painting and decorating busi. ness to OLIVER H. LYLE and DALE WHEELER Two returned war veterans who will serve you satisfactor- ily and give you good honest work. These boys were in my" em- ploy before the war. H. P. STEWART Painting Contractor 143 Rainier Avenue Bremerton Phone 1137 (This Service Is Available To Shelton People) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII " Brother, you can put worry away in moth balls when you use RPM Heavy Duty Motor Oil. From the moment ir flows into your heavy-duty engines, heavy-duty trouble in thc shape of carbon and gum gradually gets cleaned out. Patented compounds in this oil keep a rugged oil film corrosion, prevent air bubbles. Relax with Motor Oil--it's desi motors with high C.C. 122 South Phone 87, Big 5 Table (Narl 2 Hol, Notel Ring Notel Traci Pal Ruler ,Coml Reinf Pen ] Pen ] All K TOP Next to R