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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7 _ L I . Th, ursday, Septemb Yours for the One call and we'll I your sundry, do it UP pital clean" in our scientific plant it to you packaged and for use. runty Steam Cleaners DRY • f', br , 1946. 0FFETT CING 00SONS and Adult 4E, BALLET, )M ACROBATIC All Styles Wednesday 06 P.m. les Hall a 385 CLEANERS & I St. Phone 86 ,cans service is extremely prompt, aad is based o years of experience Directors HAZEL WALMER M CARLTON I. SEA )W FRED HOLM INE H.C. BRODIE )N COUNTY & LOAN ASSC 7551 Security Building OLYMPIA. WASH. IATELY IMMED .... lhild Placing Agency or Rural tlomes Of Good Standards -t lderprivileged Children . -ore Infancy to 18 Years edical Care, Clothing ,Provided ted in more information abOt ld (or children) into my h°e' ................. Girl ............................ .................. School age .................. : e .......... " Fat"  D ERS RE AT LAST 'finest line of , Units. Alumi- on inside and of approved in. atie tempera° I. Quick action abers, big compart- tany other when yott today/ =edca,s Finest and Food Freezers METItODIST WOMEN WILL MEET SEPTEMBER 11 The Women's Society of Christ- San Service will meet at the Met- hodist Ch}xch parlors Wedne.qday, September ii at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Members and their friends are invited T.o attend• Mrs. Robert C. Johnson will preside at the meeting and Mrs. Clive Troy has a program planned. Mrs. Wil, liam Brodt will lead the devotions and Mrs. Bernice Stewart is in (:harge of the music. Mrs. Stew- art and Mrs. W. C. Batchelor are hostesses. V. F. W. POST TO MEET FWI DAY The V.F.W. Post will hold their regular meeting, Friday, Septem- ber 6 at the Memorial Hall Start- ing at 8 o'clock in the evening, 8ttEL)N-Y_ASON C J0RNAI I! Catholic War Vet S O C IA L E V E N T S Post Is In Making Rev. Mark Wiechmann, O.S.B., pastor of St. Edward's Church. Shelton, will head a delegation of his veterans to a meeting in the parish hall of St. Michael's Church, Olympia, Thursday evening (Sept. 12th) at 8 p.m. for'formation of a parieh post of Catholic War Vet- erans, Inc. Rev. A. L, Leahy will preside at the meeting at the request of Bishop Gerald Shaughnessy; John B. Geraghty of New York" City, semor organizer of Catholic War Veterans, and officers of Seattle posts of CWV will be the speakers. Father Mark said both men and woman vets of his parish are eli- gible if they hold honorable dis- MISS ROSS ANNOUNCES charges from wartime service in ENGAGEMENT any U. S. war and if they are Mr. and Mrs. Watson Ross an- practical Catholics. nounce the engagement of their ] Officers will be elected at Thurs- daughter, Charlotte, to Rodney day night's meeting, also the vets Salzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- will vote on the name of the par- mend Salzer of Elms, Wash, ish post and what amount they will set as annual due; most posts set $3.00 annual dues. BOOK BINDING --Libraries and Schools Songs and Prayer Books Periodicals, Magazines Newspaper Files --Old books repaired and rebound. Prices Reasonable Karl Krupa Bookbinder Route 1- Box 114 Raymond, Wash. I CANNING SUPPLIES Jars - Rings - Crocks Waterglass For Putting Up Eggs Olympia Feed Company O'Nielll Bldg.- Shelton -ve Just Received A Large Shipment Of Brand New rs ............................................... -o"°'" .............. Phone No ....................... To*P:O.. Box 508, Shelton) .. . Books ********************* " ooks lle  d Red r low YOU ¢4# 8E % 4RTED 480UT ?UIPMENT" Big 5 and Big 10 Tablets (Narrow and Wide) , 2 Hole, 3 Hole Notebooks , Ring Binders Notebook Paper Tracing & Carbon Paper , Rulers Compasses Reinforcements Pen Holders . Pen Points All Kinds of Erasers : worry away in moth . RPM Heavy Duty :he moment it flows r engincs, heavy-duty of carbon and gum ancd out. Patented il keep a rugged oil film air bubbles. Relax with RPM Motor Oil--it's dcsi motors with high !00IE Toe HAT lle,, t Next to Ralph's Grocery 122 South Phone Father Mark said the CWV is just'like the Legi6n and VF ", ex- cept that it has a religious pro- gram. CWV iS recognized by the U. S. Veterans Administration to help vets get benefits under the G. I. Bill. The members receive Holy Com- munion in'a body at intervals and arrange a .Requiem :Mass for de- parted comrades cure a year. Each poet has a priest as chaplain. CWV members are urged to join the other recognized vet groupe such ae the Legion and VFW: Six posts have been formed in Seattle, one in Port Angeles and one in Yakima. Sk0komish Valley Mr. and Mrs. Chester; Valley left Friday for Maine where they will visit Mr. Valley's' family, 'among them a sister .who. is leaving soon as a missionary to India. They also plan to visit in Michigan with Mr and M,rs. Ray Hartwell, who lived in the valley several yeare ago. Miss Edith Johnson, of Seattle, spent the week end at the home of her parents. 4-H Club leaders and members are busy this week getting ready for the county fair, to be held lethe old gym, September 6 and 'Neighbors sympathize with the Stenberg family who had the mis- fortune to lose their home by fire while they were away for the La- bor Day week end. Scout Troop No. 8 with Mr. Ros- enberg as leader, made a three- day hike into the Olympics in the Constance Lake area. Those mak- ing the trip were Jimmy Hutton, Marshall Vail, Jim Hunter, Verne Rosenberg, Stanley and Ronny Johnson, Jerry Richert, Gene Ir- win and Laurence Putvin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryder (Lu- cille Ahern)are receiving con- gratulatione on the birth of a boy born August 31 at Bremerton General Hospital. .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sallee and family made a trip to the Ocean Sunday. The Harold Hunter family en- joyed a trip to Mr. Rainier last week. Several young people hiked to Flapjack Lake and Mr. Gladys on Labor Day. Those enoying the trip were Gayle and Jim Hunter, Ronny Johnson, Doris, Carol and Bob Hunter. SERVICE STATION BROKEN INTO TUESDAY NIGHT The sheriffs office Wednesday received a report that Fred's Motor Service Station at Mission Creek on the North Shore Road, Hood Canal had been broken into Tues- day evening" and it was reported about $150 cash was taken. Dunoyier's TAXI Phone 620 at Shelton Garage An amazing, sew "'cellophane. like" tiniah Io Flooxa, Wood- work and Furniture[ Easy to ;leanl Requies NO waxingl Only $2.9s oer quart \\; SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. B. W. SORER 110 4th St. Phone 1§4W ! I FOUR SONS ENJOY HOMECOMING The home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy V. Dunbar. 528 Fairmont Ave, Shelton, was the scene of a home- coming for each of four sons re- cently or now in military service. l:)iek, who served in the Amphib- ian tractor branch of the army in the Pacific zone for ,flmost two years, returned home last January. Paul served in the Armored Tank I corps of the Army until May of I this year at which time he was I released from the service. Ward has just bcen returned after 15 months service ]n the Army Avi- ation Engineer Corps at Guam and Okinawa, John who entered the service in June of this year imd completed his boot-carol) traing in the Navy and after an eight day furlough at home re- turned Sunday, September 1 to San Diego, California, for as- signment to duty, FIRST FAMILY REUNION IN 20 YEARS Mrs, Lou Greeley at Briar Lane on Hood Canal entertained her four sisters and brother last week and this visit is the first time they all have been togetler in 20 years. The guests included Miss Elinor Goold, former secretary to the chief engineer of the American Bridge Company m New York; Miss Gertrude Goold, head of the household economic department of the Milwaukee Wisconsin Tech- nical High School; Mrs. Charles Everett, formerly of Tillicum Beach and now of Tacoma; Miss Clarissa Goold, head of the cat- alouge department of tie Brook- lye N. Y. Public Library; and Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. G0old of Sher- wood, Oregon. HELEN LANDER'; GRADUATES Bellingham, Western Washing- ton College of Education annomc- ed on August 23 the graduation of Helen M. Landers, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Landers, 523 4th St. Miss Landers, who was graduated with a group of 111, re- ceived the bachelor of arts degree and the three, year certificate. REUNION OF CLASS OF 1931 The class of 1931 of the Irene S. Reed high school will hold their reunion Saturday evening, Sep- tember 14 at Rau'e on Hood Canal, Dinner, will be served at 7:30 and wives and husbands of the class members are invited to attend. HOMEMAKER'S CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Hillcrest Homemaker's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Mar- ion Helser on Mt. View, Thursday, SeptmWber 5. All members are urged to attend. I C. DAVI,S WEYERHAEUSER I TO TALK SUNDAY I C. Davis Weyerhaeueer of Tac-] oma wil speak at the Hood Canal Community Church in Hoods-j port Sunday September 8, starting] at 11 o'clock. tIarstine Island • | Tuesday mormng was a great day for the school children, Six started off for the Shelton high schools and about 14 for the Is- land grade school. Mr, and Mrs, Ed Dawson ar- rived from Los Angeles this week end at the J. C. Simmons home in time for their daughter to start to school. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer, Miss Vivian Archer and Bud Glaser spent Saturday night in Olympia as guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Seward. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wickman of Hoquiam and Mrs. Bill Sund of Grapeview spent Sunday at the Wickman summer Imme. Mrs. Ed Wilson called at the hospital Tuesday and reported Mr. Wilson was feeling somewhat bet- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Sundius Johnson of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Win- ston J. Johnson of Belfair spent the week end at their Island I homes, Mr. and Mrs. Chapin Foster and son of Tacoma, Dr. and Mrs. Ben Briggs and family of Shelton were 1Vonday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hitchcoek. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodge and friends of Olympia were on the Island Monday looking "over Mr. Dodge's old stamping grounds. Gordon Simmons, with the help of LeRoy Fessler and Amos Bab- cock of Picketing, is getting his new home ready for occupancy before the bad weather sets in. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyd of Naches and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crockett of southern Oregon, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe F. Page Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett took Mrs. Roscoe Page to Everett to see her son and family who have a little girl that is quite ill. Mr, and Mrs." Earl Callahan and son of Bainbridge Island (ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carl- son. llllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllP Mason County . i Creamery Says. _= In August, 1940, the U. S. Bureau of Census reported a total of 108,000 unemploy- = ed workers in the State of - Washington. Today there are about 70,000 unemployed or . =/3 less than the 1940 total. While the total labor force had increased over 200,000 = since 1940 there is still a -- shortage of skilled workers . in many lines. Very likely half of the 70,000 now draw- . I,ng unemployment insurance find that easier than work- = ing. = = --= Mel Beardon says it is re- 1 ported that in the United l = States are in excess of a J -- mlllion women who are over- 1 =_ weight. Of course their are --=-{ E just round figures. ' ----'.li 1 EJlJ]llil|JiJJJiiJlJJJJJ|||JJJJJJJJJJJJJ||JJJJ  F Local Couple Are Married In Seattle The marriage of Miss Nelda Chapman and Wilbur Flint was L solemnized, at the home of Mr. and i Mrs. Thomas Dune in Seattle on recently Smday, Septernber 1. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fh)yd Chaperon of Lost Lake and the 1)ridegroom is the son of Mrs. Mary Flint of Sheiton. The bride wan attractive in a pale blne suit with a white hat and veil anc her corsage was of gar- denias and pink rosebuds. Attending tle quiet ceremony ] were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunn, Mrs. Darlene German and the par- ents of the couple. Following the wedding a snpper was served the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Flint did not dis- close the deetination of tl]eir two weeks' wedding trip, Stanley-Tucker Nuptials Held In Shelton The Shelton Baptist Church Sunday, August 25, was the scene of the wedding of Hazel Stanley and Harold Tucker, both of Mt. Vernon. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Glbble were their attendants. The bride wore a powder blue gabardine suit with black acces- sories and her sister, Mrs. Gibble, wore a black euit. Both wore gar- denia and pink rosebud corsages. Following the ceremony a recep- tion wa held in the Gibble home for the immediate family. Fol- lowing a four-day honeymoon in Canada they will make their home in Mr. Vcrngn, LEGION AUXILIARY PLANS TEA FOR THURSDAY The American Legion Auxiliary is planning to have a tea at the Memorial Hall from two to four o'clock. At that time the new officers will be honor guests and I members are urged to be present l for a social afternoon. ] Installation of officers will be I held at the next meeting. TO VISIT OLD HOME I IN MAINE ] Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley and I Mrs. Ethel Ferris left Saturday] for a morith's trip to the Valley I ancestral home and relatives in I Maine, their first visit in years. I MRS. HEPNE-RAND SON I LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA . Ed. Hepner and mother, Mrs. Eora Hepner, left Sunday by auto for Los Angeles where the former will enter the Bible Inetitute for a course of training. Tiey plan to make the trip by auto, going by way of Nevada. O.E.S. SOCIAL CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY Tuesday, September 10, the Or- der of Eastern Star Social Club will meet at the Masonic Temple for a 1 o'clock hmcheon. Mrs. I, L. Wilson will be hoetess. A M A R ANTFI -O-A L CLUB ENJOYS PICNIC The Amaranth Social Club mem- bers and their families enjoyed a picnic recently at the Ernest Crane summer home on Island Lake. About 47 were present and a de- licious pot-luck supper was served at 6:30 o'clock. AMARANTH SOCIAL CLUB I l HAS LINEN HAMPER ' 1 A hamper filled with household] linen will be given away by the 1 Amaranth Social Club sometime i this month. It will be on display I in the Lumbermen's Mercantile I window and thoee interested can[ secure the tickets from members I in the etore. I l ARCADIA ECONOMIC CLUB TO MEET SEPTEMBER 13 The Arcadia Economic Cltzb will meet at the home of Mrs. Ben Drake Friday, September 13. A pot-luck luncheon will be served at noon. a anSB6eio the men and theboys I Mrs. Iennedy's Sister Visits Here Miss Marjorie Medrum and Miss Betty Blanco of Seattle visit- ed lastweek-end with the former's brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Kennedy. Roy Tucker jr., and Joseph Smith, both of Dal- las, Texas were also week-end guests at the Kennedy home. pARAMOUN T THEATRE flhelton, Wash, Thursday - Saturday Sept. 5 - 7 2 FEATURES Ray MiIland "THE WELL GROOMED BRIDE" "BLAZING THE WESTERN TRAIL" Chas. Starrstt I Sunday - Wednesday Sept. 8 - 11 2 FEATURES "RENDEZVOUS WITH ANNIE" In Cine Color "HOME ON THE RANGE" PARAMOUNT "ANNIVERSARY Thursday - Saturday Sept. 12. 14 TWO FEATURES Ring Crosby "SING YOU SINNERS" Wm. Gargan | "HOT CARGO" II II I1' I Lake Cushman Thrills and chills! Th O. K. Linseotts have an airplane in their family. Daughter Verna Andrews and husband Bob, who is the flier. arrived at Cusinnan two weeks ago having flown [Tom San Dicgo to Boeing fiehl, Se.attle, in their ] }llrci]t1 sod tWO pltssen- ger red Acroniea. They flew by way of the Lincott nut ranch near ['()re,'-..,t. Grove, ()re.,, landed in the grain stubble field which had previously been inspected as  landing site and tnxied right np to the front door. Mrs. Linscott, who had been timidly :dmonishing her children not to insist on her taking a skyride, go a gleam in her eye and insistc.d timt she have her turn FIRST! There's nothing slow about grandma these days. The Andrews, zooming around inspecting Hood Canal and snr- rounding areas, siglted a large herd el' ell{ north of Dew Mountain en Lilliwaup swamp. Tie plane being later parked at the Kitsap County /kirport near Bremerton, severaL loeal people including Dave Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sceva, Clarence Robinson, Karl Linseott and tc, tty Rains were taken on short flights. Aii enjoyed the ndvel expermnec. Not being equipped for bhnd flying, tim Andrews were obliged to return to the landing field 20 minutes after their take- off for home Friday. They were able, however, to leave Sunday. Mr. Andrews passed his final fly- ing examinations a year ago but t;his wan their first long trip. SM1/c Robert Raines is expect- ed to arrive at Cushman Wednes- day f'om San Tao, China, by way of San Diego. He will see his two month old son for the first time. And speaking of new babies, Mrs. Rsy Peterson returned to Cushman Saturday witi her two month old son. Mrs. Merle Smith spent a week in Tacoma so as to be near her sister while ,he was in the hospital. Angus McDonald, father of Mrs. Mark Ryan, is returning home to Tacoma Wednesday after spend- in K a week vJsitinff his family. Will those residents of Cush- man who especially want news items in the paper please bring or send them to the service house so they may,be gatiered Sundays, in time to catch the weekly edi- tion ofThe Journal? A box will bc provided to receive same. Your news reporter will visit you in°per - son whenever possible, but will al- ways gather news from the ser- vice house on. Sunday. To celebrate a second wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke entertained as week end houseguests Mr. and Mrs. Mm'tin Vanderlip, Mrs. Walter Carlson and Mrs. Lee Stout of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lamaster of Port Angeles. Sunday callers from Tacoma were Mr, and Mrs. C. W, Jones who visited their daughter and family, the Don Browns. On Thnrsday tle Browns entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dick Addleman, Mrs. Jeanette Bcrger and son Dickie, all of Hoodsport, at dinner. Jim Radtke wishes the world to know that he can swim. To appre- ciate this large accomplishment, one would have to know how lon" and how hard he has been trying. Mrs. Ida 11ardisty is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Dave Collins this week end. Sunday guests of the Edward Radtke family were Mr. and Mrs, Fred Overman of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Breeeman of Ta- coma. Mr. Breseman is to super- intend the job of building the addi- tion to the Hoodsport school for E. G. Walker, who was awardcd the contract. Work on the project has ai,.eady begun, FAMILY GROUP HOSPITAL PLAN ANNOUNCED SHELTON -- A. new hospital care plan has just been made available to overt family at special group rates covering everyone 3 months to 70 years of age. Pays up to 90 days at $10 per day for room for each separate sickness or accident. Covers all sickness and aeei- dents, materuity, fenmle all- eases, appendicitis, hernia, ton- mils and ambulance. Select your own doctor, your own hospital, anywtere in the world. Pays from $10 to $300 for surgical, which i paid direct to you or your doctor if wished. Up to $180 additional hospital allowance for each separate sickness or accident. PAYS IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER POLICY YOU MAY HAVE. No medical examination is re- quired and the cost is low. BENEFICIAL STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. Home Office, Los A,geles, Calif FOR FULL INFORMATION about hospital ("are plan write today to Beneficial Standard Life Insurance Co., P.O. Box 291, Shelton, giving" frill ad- dress. D.A-N-C-I-N-G SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT From 9 P.M. to Midnight Memorial Hall Music by General Welfare Club Orchestra ...... Ze , LITTLE JACK IIORNER W£LL.RA6; VACATION'S O01NG TO'81 " OVER ,N A wEEK ! WlSt4 GRANOMA WOULD IJAVE SEVl;N CtCKN DINNERC ALL iN ONg W(;K WLL.Wt4AT AIN'T ,. \\; *: "MAKE MINE MUSIC" Walt Disney's latest full- length feature, is at the Graham Theatre this week end witi its many grand musical hits, all of whlcl tony be purchased in either sheet or record form at BECKW.ITH'S. For instance, we have the following song scores from "MAKE MINE MUSIC' on our shelves: "All the Cats Join In" "Two Silhouettes" "'Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet" "Without You'" (Rhumba) Prokofieff's famous "Peter and the Wolf' all in both sheet music and records. We invite you to come in and hear them for yourself. BECKWITH'S SHELTON MUSIC STORE 120 Railroad Phone 143 SHEET MUSIC for that New Song Hit "I LIKE TO BE AROUND WHERE YOU ARE" by Walter L. Lewis of Shelton NOW ON SALE AT BECKWITH'S Hear the Recording FRIDAY ONLY .. i vI i 1 .LL ....