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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6. SlLTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI .. Thursday, SepI&apos;' : < -" ..... , . . ' ........ ,t 'temhe 5, 194& Regnlation NO. 751 has. not been tagged hy a game pie- in thin special open area which has Regulation No. 7a7 NOTICE I A  C J |_ i "[T ";, - " - NOTICE teeter or person authorlz.ed by the De- not been tagged by a game protector 1946 MiL.rator- Waterfowl and Mi- ]-IJ[')[.|V|:m]n. .run.ten __ - - ] I aw ! t'-- ...................... 946 Hunting and Trapping Seasons par!nmnt., of Gable. All seer trans 2 or person authorized b)v the Dpart= grat)ry ame Bird Regulations for  .... ; ...... _'_" '/7] --r-=lrh [ ill,t JoY  .... • ' ' tale f Wash )url[*(10L/L el, [IIU l[lti ItllO+it LIe algtsli ,/lent 0£ an,e £ eli[ trails or[eo t and Bag Limits [el tile St o. • - ,. ,.. .... the Sta e of Washington ,-,*to- tefore le.a, mg such area and all deer out of the anna shall be taglled efol'e ml,. rm/..i ........... i-t, ...... a .'e-u- I',]illiP l;l| "lthall ({ "lllt IID'lllJ ..l,.d All, hi ""Plh,:"f,fllowlnw res,dnti,m nnd r€*r..,- rctahled witllta sllch oIlen area shall leaving such area and all elk retained i.:, .L$:Yl;;; :.;'.T.Z:;3.,,':iii-,.;,'J,,t -----vxttit .i. lt.l.--..  .l!ll W li V ill I li i li .#/ 'JM uilu ''"" 1 itton ............. as duly: ............... and lC naltyi ........ pas,ed:" bn lagged, not .later. than( ' /.t llouls, withlu %uel open nrea shall be tagged and: ................. adopted at[the ........ 1 egu'al'"'gJulyV"*"lne t- * and ado ted at the leg(flair July me.t- , . , ' ng Jul 5 1946 of tile State Gal ell • , , . . after the dose,, of, tlus sp clal ( ason ofn°ttuslat°rs )eclalJ tllan 48seasonhOUrS alter tile close i .. • .o Tilt From Pul m 26 Out Ing Ju I 1,946 of tin• State Game Octobrr 13 to 30, both date.s hmlus ..... .  .." ..... COIl mission for the State of Washing- P C(a'lnniion'for tile state of hqlshing- lye, eli IMilnb'rldge lslaffd, Kltsap . .Novemqer 3 30 11, ngtn ates in- tOll, ton. courtly FR()V]DED That the use of cm!lv% m omy the. lollowiig ae= That it shall begun- an). type (,f fircal'l[ls other tiian sllot- scrioqu parts oz hsoun alia cial'[lelU guns firing slugs or is pro- counties. hlbited. I[ESOLVED: That i( slisll be un- lawful to hunt, take or pursue upland game birds, game aninials and/or fur- bearing animals in tile. state of Wash- lllgton at any time exccpt during thD following open seasons, with bag linl- Its as prescribed for each species. PROVODED, HOWEVER. That it sllall be Ulflawful to hunt, take or pur- sue upland genie birds, galnc animals and/or fur-bearing animals on lands set aside as state game reserves where ' the hunting, taking or pursuing of such upland genie birds, game aui- ulals, and/or fur-bearing animals is prolllbited. PROVIDED, FURTHER, Tile( all oth6r game birds, game ani- ,nals and/or fur-bearing animals not specifically mentioned in the following open seasons, are protected by closed seasons, and it shall be unlawful to ltunt, take or possess tile 8anle at any t|lne. BLUE GROUSE, RUFFED GROUSE (c)niluonly known as the Native I'heas- ant.), FRANKLIN GROUSE: General Open Season:  October 13 and 14 lit all counties of tile state EXCEt'T Adams, Benton, Franklin, Grant and Whitman counties, whicti sliall be closed to grouse hunt- intate•" Gali•i Reserves Open to Grouse 5-I unting: october 13 and 54 ill tim following rlLseFves Oldy : Cl'lelan county--Enlerald Park Game Reserve. Chelan counly---Nason Creek Game Chelan counl, yWhlts River Gains Reserve. Chelan-Klttltas counties --- Tcanaway Game Reserve, ()kanogall - Chelan counties -- Gold Creek (l+allle Reserve. Wllatcom Conllty---Mt. Baker Game Reserw . (see exception.) Except that part of Mt, Baker Gains "Reserve lying within a three nliie rod t s (,f the Mr. Baker Lodge, Bag' Ltnlit: Two (2) grouse per day (r a total of two (2) in possession Ot ally ,me tin]e, straight or mixed bag. IqlNESE PtIEASANTS : (]qli<'Fal OlJtffl Si'aSlJlt : (w, iotier 13 t,> ;0, both dates illclus- ire in vJl tOUlllies tip tile state. F, ng IAmit: Ttu•ee (8) cocks ]/cr day. fNO "'ptll .*t:;l!.lOli OIl hc.11S), t,alldl llal{ LiniJt: [Plfleen (15) Ctil- iD.t;',I ];tic'It4till{S ('C.(,CkAJ oi1] y) I)CI' 3(211- f,ll. 11 I,NC.t If I AN I'AI:tTItIDGE: CIJ :';tl) tg]!]AON (*Cllfl Ill (]Den l-*asoll: Octtiilt!r lJ 8ii, bolll dale inclus- Ive, in all connth2,s of ill0 tatc. }lag Llulit: ri'ia (Ill) qti;dl perAday or 1 total of lwent7 (20) quail in pos- sr.<4sion all any one time, PROVIDED: It. shall be lawfnl to hunt Chinese pheas.',aits {cocks only), and quail (lurhlg the regular open sea- son, for a distance of one mile south ,f the High Lille Irrigation Canal in Badggr Pocket, said area tmlng within the boundaries of tile Squaw Creek Game Reserve" in Klttitas county. PROVIDED 5t shall Ie lawful to hunt Chinese pileasants (cocks only), migratory waterfowl and quail, {[11 general open semson dates, within the boundaries of tlte Shflahe.kln Ganle Re- serve, in Okanogan "county, I-IIJNT]NG HOURS FOl? UPLAND GAME BIRDS: Lawful hunting hours for upland game birds for all counties lying west of tile, summ[t of the Caseade Moun- laths shall le one-half hour before snnrise to sunset, as taken at Seattle. Washington. annually until further (!tanged by the State {J&lue Collnlli,< - illon, bawful hunlhlg llourS for npiand -ganle blrds In Yskt]na+ []enton. Kli(',k- fiat, Klttitas, Grant, Chehtn, Douglas and Okanogan counties shall be one- half llour before sunrise, to sunset, as taken at Yakima, Washirtgtorl, annual- 1( until further changed by the State G ne C0nlnlJssion Lawful hunttng hours for up]anti galllO birds In Pend Oreille, StevenS ]Mrry, Lincohi, Spokane, Adams, Whit- mao, Franklin, Wails Walls. Garfield, Columbia and As(din counties shall be one-half hour beforc, suIlriso to sun- SeA aS takcn ul Spokane, Washington, ann)jall.v until fur!.hr changed by tits State (l'kr: Comnnsmon. DEER : General Open ScasoII: The second Sunday ,If O(tob n' and continuing eighten " (18) days, both dates ins us,re, allnualiy untii'change.d by the Conlnlisslon, in all counties of the stat, EXCEPT Adams, Benton. Franklin, Grant and Whltolan coun- %fes, and that park of Mason and Kit- sap counties lying within the follow- ing ueserlbed houn(lary, wnieh snail be closed to deer hunting .... Beginning at the poiut where tnc ear Creek, or Mtsslon Lake Road joins tile Old Navy Yard Highway near the moutll [if lJeal, Creek; then,:e northwesterly along said Mission Lake luad to th¢' point where it ts joined 1)y tile Gold Creek Truck TrlHl or C,C,C, Road near* the Mason-Kil,sap county line; thence northerly al0ng said C.C.C. Road t,o its Junction with the Gold Creek ,Road; thence easterly on the Gold Credk Road to It's junction with lhe I:lnton Rh, er Road and Eremerlon Gsa e Reserve boundary ; thcn¢!e southerly dowil th  Ilnion l ve, r Road Of gaine l'eserve boundary, io tt,B jullv- lion wilh the Old Navy Ym•d ttigti- Way thcnoe soutilwetterly along the Old Nlvy Yard Highway to its junr- lion with the 1lear Creek I,oad and pc,hi of b(glnlflng, F, xtended Sea+l()n : October 31 lo November ]0, both dates ' inclusive, in Spokaoc, Stevens and Pond Ore.ilk; counties. State Game l'{eserves OIlen to Deer I];{!nting: uetobor 13 lo 30. both dates inelusive, IU i,b¢ .following reserves Ol'l]y : Chelan county --.Emerald Park Game I.Ses eIw(!. Cheitul couuty--Wll]te River Game eorve. • ' .. Chtaa COUtlty-Nasoll (.reek Galne RescrVG ..' CileIl-K|ttitas o unties--Tcanaway Ganw. Ieserve. Okailogan---Che[an, .counties -- Gold Crl+e,k .Galne lesorve, Whateonl eotmtY--lIt. Baker (.anle Resl:rve (set÷ eoption)0 'El(eft tllat pari [)f Mt. laker Gan}e lhs(,rw; lying' withtn a' three nllle radhls Of [he ]Ylt, t]aker Lodge. Bag Limit: One (1) buck deer hav- tlig tt. le, ast one bra.nebed I.lntler, The head of said deer shrill 1,elllain wil.ll th+ carcass th.l'e.of willie In h'anspor- tali )n. I"ECIAL DEER SEASONS: .¢:tol)cl 18 to a0 Lot ] dnLes Inchm- iv . un WltidLly lsland in Itdand COUll- tying,),: lAmil line! (1) deer f ,Ither i.>:,. the b<.ad of whh:li hail • relllalll wilt1 h [ar 'tos lht "€" if whib in trsn- 1) n'la i,n. PROVIDED, Tllat it sltail }*  U[I]a%g}A1 |'¢ r qn Ve 811Y di{[ r f 'l,H 1 ID+! t s::ribed lt,:l ,at ( |)(,n a,r,a willi- e{It t';f'<:i h:/I ink }}[l£'ii iJ:,ei" trigged l)y 'k lilll} I HXt; <))' Or aqLI o' z['d rep 'e- 'i >;' ! tfi,' " ,,f tt, I')rpartnleoi ,ff Ganu';. >:,Jv,:lnb'r 10 and,:tl, irl on Y tie i',s- 10v/Tit[ (it!,o:, ibi?(I I  ',if n ( f 1)Or [fl S eo(UI i y : ] i tlui: o l tLe e:;t',I side of the ColUlul)is, J{Pt'et' th(d al't wiLhin olle lurid one-half n/lies ill' the. east bs,nk of .he Cohtll%,%ht RiVof bctW6;etl lbe Eavt V{rtatchee l.h'i(/g, aitd ihc Beela] rl(tge Jtag' Lilll t: ()lie {1) d*,or of e]lliei' s#x, the tiead of wilh'h shifll l.emain wti i t,li ciB.l'eas lh#:rellf while in'%rans- lml'Lat{on+ PROVIDED That It shall iiSt hlteF than }4 fi[){n's sfter itle' cloke of Ibis pccial season, Noveber 14 15 16 and t7 in the f61- lowing decribed portion of Pend Ore- ilk; county ; t All lands Oil 'lie eIL,t eide of tll0 Penal Orellte River that are witllia ,tires GI), )ntlea of the east bank of the }>end (treilt , |R.twen the IolIC I[ridge and the Idahollne: them; lends ,,n Ihe wrst ldde of thq Pond Oreilk, l'liver thai are. Wlthtu 1,ili(!e (,,R) in,los lit' the Wi*t bank Of th fiend el*e- ll e I{h'" wire Ite J011e I:h:idge and iJle towti Usk: Lhoae land8 "ill ihe ()[ I in of P(nd O [1 (OUlIt) r € li.le' : ' " " " 'q " ':7-ttat, rS:tv lying f F(llll i()wn {If :Bag Lhnit: elm (I) deer of either sex. the head of whk:h shall remain with Lhe carcass tbel'COf wbile in transportation, PROVOl)ED. That it sball be unlawful to renlove any deer fr(I)n the described sI)ecial open area without fh'st Ilavlng such deer tagged by it gainu proicetor or authorized representative o£ the Dcpartlllent of Game. BOW AND ARROW SEASONS: October 13 t,, 30, both dates inClus- ive,, PROVIDED• That it shall be fin- Jawful to Ilun[ game anilnaIs and game hh•ds for which tllere is an opeu, sea = SOU ILS provided l)y these regulations, In any other lnanner than with bow and arrow within the area of Ghelan eOlmy described b[dow during the perio October 13 to 30, both dates inclusive. Beginning at a point near Maverick Peak wilere the Mad River Trail joins the Ent[.t Sununit Road in Sec. 16, T. 27 N. I:L 18 E. W, M,; Thence in a southeasiery direction down said Mad Rh'er Trail lo the 1)otnt where it is joil[cd by the Coll/-far Creek Trail Ill Sec. 23, T. 27 N,. R. 18 E.W,M.; thence northerly up said Cougar Creek Trail 1o a l)[dnt one-half nlile more or less due east of Cougar MounLain; thence due we:It t([ Cou]'ar Mountain; lhenco in a northerly dlrocthm on a straight line drawn between Cougar Mountain aud alone Peak to l/ point near Devil Lake, wllere said line IS intersected by lhe Klone I)eak Trail: thence In a norl.herly dirl!ct•lon down tile Klone Peak Trail to thc point where it joins tle Entiat River Road; thcnce up said Entiat Rb/er Road on: nflle more or less to the point where safd road is joined by Lhe Thrcc Ci'cek Trail in Sec. ]6, T. 29 N,, R. 18 E.W.M.; thence southwesterly up said Three Creek Trail to tile Entiat SUlnlnlt (Chiwawa River-Entiat River Divide) ; thence seulh[.rly down the t,ntiat Smnmlt to the p,)iht where it is intersected by the Enlist Summit Road near Mavel'- tck I)cak and crmlh)uing a shorL dls- i.ttnc(! Illoll said sU[llnllt road io its ] I tll w tl 1 m Mad River Trail and pl)tal, Of I)('ginlllllg, l"]tl Linlit; ()lll (]) t)uck deer hay- [1}4" I£f least (fflC in'anc|lt!d .ant]el'. T))e ]loF, d I,]" said (i(ll' shull ronlain wJi|l tile ('ttl 'a.Jt {hl'Feof whih in lr&nspol'ta- liilli, (')!lit'i" 1.;'i11:11[ ;llii[lla[S lind t(allle bll(l',4, tllilc lls i)rt)vJdt!d In ttiese regu- hit i,il:4. Ll(!C(lillli>r ] I() 15. boih dali's inclus- iw,• PI.OVII)I.CD. That it shall lie un- lawful h) llunt take or pursue deer within the boundary of Lhe Pierce (]oun{y Gttllle ]{ese+rve in Pierce Coun- ty hl ztny olhcl' nlanner than witli baw and irl'oW during ,he special season, Decernber 1 to 15 botll dates Inclusive, Bag Limit: One tl) deer of either ,rex, the bead of which shall relnain wittl (he c u'cass thereol wliilo ill lransportatton.' PROVIDED Tbat It I shall be unlawful to possess any deer i killed in this special open area which I lu not been tagged by a ganic pro- teeter or person authorized by the Deparlluent [if Ganle. All deer trans- ported out of the area shall be tagged, before leaving, such area and all deer' retuined withln such open area shall be tagged not laterthan 24 hours after the c[bse of this special season, BEAR: W(slern 'Wasli ngt m (all counltes lyhlg west'of the Sumlnit of the C'aseade Mountains,) ()pen Season : Year m'ouml or the entire ycar EX- CEF'T That it sllsll lie unlawful to hunt or kill bear during the elk sea- son in all collnllev] open to elk hunting, State (}sine R.[.serve Open Io Bear Hunt] ng: Ochlber ]3 to 30, h(It]l dates inclus- Ive, In tilt' Mt. Baker Game l.eservc, Whateonl COlnlty, EXCEPT that part of the Mt. I,'tker Game Reserve lying within t three mile radius of thc Mt. Bak,,r Lbdge. Bsg Linill: No iinitt. BEAIt : Eastern Wllshlngton (all COUIIltes lyhlg east of tim stmunit Of the Cascade Mouatains,) Opett Soason : Ociobcr ]8 to 30, both dates In('lus- iv(', ill all coUnties havhlg an open do['t" season, State Game Reserves Open to Bear lt[lntlnff : O('hb('[' 1;] Io .q0. both dates inclus- Iv'(,> ill lhe f,)llowln reserves only: Chelan county--,nieraid Park Game Reserve. "Chelan county--White River Game R[!sel'vt:. Ctolail couniy--Nason Creek Game I%eserve. All lands of Asotin eounly lying out-, side the National Forest boundary and the Fordyce and Horak deeded lands lying within the Forest, boundary. That part oft, Garfield county l:lng outside the Nati(mal Forest bounaary bqtween the GarIigld-Asotin county line and the Mounfain " Itlghway and bounded on the norlh by the Pomeroy- Clarkson Highway; all lands lying outside the National Forest boundary In the GrOUSD Flat area of Garfield [:ounty snd the following sections and parts thereof within the National Fo['cst boundary: W. /z of Sec. 5, See. 2, 3, 10, 11, 52 and tlmt part of S(e, 4 and 9 lying east of the Moun- tain 1]ighway,' aH being ill Twp, 9 N., R, 4,,') E. W. M, Bag Liniit: One (1) 'elk ()[ ellher Sex. the head of wh[ch shall remain witll the carcass thereof while In transportation, PROVIDED, That it shall be unlawfol to poss0ss any elk killed Ill this spccial open area which has not been tagged by a game pro- teeter or person authorized by the Deparlnlellt of Game, All elk trans- ported out of the area shall be tagged before leaving such area and all elk retained wttllin such open area shall be tagged not later than 48 hours after the close of this special season, November 57 to 30, both dates ill- elusive, ill all of Chelan county. Bag Lbrdt : On(: (1) elk of either sex, the head of which shall remain with tim carcass thereof wbile in tl'anspor- 4allen, PROVIDED, That it shall be unlawful to possess any elk killed in lids special open area which has not been tagged by a game protector or person authorized by the Department of Garne. All elk transported ont of the area shall be tagged before leav- ing. such area aud all elk retained within such open area shall be tagged not later than 48 hours after the dose of this special season, Novenlber 12, 1946 to February 28, 1947, both dates inclusive, ia only the fellowing described portions Of Grays Harbor and Jefferson counties: All lands on tile south side of the .Quinault Rtw:r and Qulnault Lake lying wilhin the watershed of the Quinault River and Quinault Lake. be- tween Willaby Creek and the National Park bc)ulldal'y; and in a.dditlon, all privately owned hinds within the boun- da)'y of the Olympic Natiolml Park ill the watershed "of the Quinault River. Iaff Ltmits: One (1) elk of either twx, tile tread (if which shall remain with the calcaBs (hereof while ,in u'ansportation, PROVIDED, That it shall be unlawful to possess any elk killed in this special open area whtch ha not been tagged by a game pro- tector or person authorized by the De- partment of Game, All oak transported out of the area shall be tagged before leaving sueh area llnd all elk retained witifln sueh open area shall be tagged not laler than 4g hours after the close of this special season, NDvenlber 12, 1946 t(I February 28, 1947, both dates Inclusive, In only the following desoribed portion of Clallam county : All'lands in the. watershed of the Elwffa R!ver between the Olympic Loop Highway and the National Park bounuary; and, all prlvately ownea lands within the National Park bound- ark ill tlm watershed o£ the Elwha Rlvbr. Bag Limit: One (1) elk (if either sex, ,he [iead of wllich shall remain with tile carcass (,hereof wllt[e in transfer- tart,re. PROVIDED, Thal it shall be us,awful 1o possess any eJk killed in 1,his special Opell erea wilieh has not been tagged by a game protccq;or or Ierson authorized by the Depatttment bf Gains. All elk transported out of the area shall be tagged befol'e leav- ing such area and all elk reained within sueh opcn al'oa shall be lagged not later than 48 hours after thdelose of tills special season, HUNTING HOURS FOR IEER, ELK AND BEAR: One-half holr be- fore sunrise to sunset. RABBITS: (Cottontail and Enow- shoe), General Open Season: f The second Sunday In Octoler to tle twenty-eighth day of the follow- ing February, both dates inclusive, an- nna]ly until changed by the Conlmts- shin, in all counties of the state, EX- 'CEPT. that it shall be lawful to hunt, take or pursue rabbits during ttle en- fire year Ill Clark county and on Wllidby Island In Island county. EX- CEPT closed season iu CIarl¢ county fr,ln September 1 'to October 12, both dates Inclusive. Bag Liniit: Five (.5) rabbits per day, Chelan-Klttitas eountles--Tcanaway J straight or mixed bag, or' In possess- Galno Reserve. !Ion lit any one tlm(. EXCEPT,, no CreekOkan°ganGanie" Reserve.Cheian countle -- Gold f bag limit in Clark county and on Whid- Bag Lirait: One (1) boar, by Island in Island county, ELK: HUNTING HOURS FOR RABBITS: General Open Season: One-half houl • before'sunrise to SUU- The fir:t Stlndtty following lhe (:lose set. ., of the g,meral deer season and extend- SQUIRRELS: (Gray squirrel and ing lo Novelnher :11 both dates in- Black squirrel)CLOSED SEASON, c]u,.:ive, annually until t:hanged by the FUR-BEARONG ANIMALS: (Except ComlnisM,)ll ill the f011owlng counties BEAVER AND FOSHER, Closed sea- only: Asotln, Chebtn, Cla]laro, Colura- son). bia, Grays IIarbor. Garfie.ld, .lefferson, Gt,neral Open Season; (Except Mar- Kittitas, iVIason, Pacific. Wahkiakum, ten). "lValla Valltl, Yakinla. Shti. (iaul ,[.,l've.s Op£'n to Elk Hunthlg: N,venlber 3 to ll, both dales hi- chlsivo, ill li[e fdlowing I'e3erves only: C(ttniil)ia-Garfi[!ld counties --- Tucan- non (-faille ]'.eserve. Yakhua eounly,Rattlesnake Game roseP e. '1ag Lllli]t: One (1) Elk will, vis- ible hnrnl, the h(!ad uf wMeh shall re- nlaill wi|h lhc caFeass tll(q'eof Willie tn Iranspl)rtldion, PROVIDED That all [!lk killed in Cohanbta, Garfield, A,;othl iiud Wails Wails counties liiust December 1. 1946 to Janual•y 55, 1947. both dales inchrdve. Provided: It shall be unlawful to trap niUskl'at ill n'luskrat mounds or :Provided: ]1 shall be lawful to trap 5ur-bcar]lg anlnlals within the boundaries of the Lake %Vashlngton, Pierce counl:y, Little Spokane and lurnt Bridge Creek Game Reserves 'rom De(:eml)or 1..19,/6 to January 15. 19.17. t)oth dates inclnstve. Provided: 5t shall l)e lawful for any p(:rson holding tt traPl)Cr's license to bunt raccoon with dogs during the be checked al, a Gan/e Department open trapl)ing season. cheeking .,taiton net later than 48] Provided: It. shall be unlawful for llonl's /iflel' cllse of lhe sc.ason. [ nny person to shoot far-bearing anl- SI']{ICIAI ELK SEASONS: reals except raccoon with alw_ fire- O(,iobcr 1 and 2, both dates inelus- arms whatsoever; and it shall be un- h'e, .AND Novenlber 3 to 11, both dates lawful to ]oot or pursue raccoon with ineludvo in parts of Walla Wails a firearn] betweea sunset aud one- snd (2,ltnnbia eoLlU{ es described as haft hmlr before sunrise. follows Extended Raccoon Se.ason: (Oppn Area No. ]) Beginning at thcl. 3annary 16 to Fc, bruary 25, 1947, point whe,'e Mill Creek Road J[ Ills the , ooth dates inclusive,, in San Juan Wall). Wall.t-Dayton Highway at county only, Walls We ht; thence noltheaslerly • BagLi4nit: No limit, along I le WaIl t Walla-Dayton High- SPECIAL MARTEN SEASON: way to lhe ) )nt where it Is Join[,dl December 1 to .'t5, both dates fn- )3' tl Payne ]:{ollow loacl approxi- elusive, PROVSDED That t.lle taking ula[tly two ih's s,mthwest of Day-i of lnarten during this special eason ton; 'thence southerly ll. the Pa.vnet vhall bc open to all licensed trappers ]tollow Rosd to Its june(ion wtt:h tl)el who shall Stl.iCtly abide by" the fol- Lewis Peak Road; thence 8onl;llerly I lowlnK l'equb'e)ncnts: ' along tile Lewis ,}lea![ Road genedlYl. (1) It shall be unlawful for auy f llh'lwing 111[.* diVl('ie Detwee, ll II]e 'L'ou- trapper, it) use Intu'e than 36 traps. elmt Ind Col)pel waters]leds to_ the I (.) Withtn thirteen (,18) days iiftxu" end of the road nel[r Lewis l-eak;i the cl()se 0f tile-htwfui open season t lence due south to lh(;• ln)rth boun.d- ! oil nlarte.u each trapper stiall present al'y ol 1]l(' Mill Creek walersnea; nis skills for tagging and inspection illume(, sontbwesterly lih)ng tim boun-, IO the local gamc protector Jn the area d vy of ll/e ]%1 11 Creek walershcd to , in which be traps; AND at that ttme 1 / (3 'vl.(dl I o, theD[e wesL along the+ said gamt+ lroteetor all tag each tl <{ (')reg{[)l-,V1]sl'ltllF:l<,ll lille to the skin. PROVIDED: That ft shall be f$O]11 whcrt sltid line crosses the Mill } unlawful to mdl any ruarten skins {,h'o0]( •fhad; lhone', noi'[hwcte, rly i ,liken in tile state of Washington not ah i]v lh. Mill Cr d{ Ih l,I l (he s,) tagg'd I (t that ou and afro" Jan- i+,inL' wh(,)'o it .ohl. {,he l)ayion-.Val]a 1 uary 1, 1947, it Mmlt be unlawful 5or A'fttl:t Itgi)way llll(l point (ff beg[If i n[lY person to pOSSeSS ally nla+rten h;Iw.', pkins taken it t lile state of Washlng- IA)'CII AINHt N), ) t]tginnhlg a( .he t)n no so Iaggech ..  W r 1' I Pll C 'e('k aj:la d I g}tl4 Lhnit: No lilnit. J,,:. r,J *i. ,,wn [,f I) lytm;' th(n('e ] AND IE IT FURTHER "RESOLVED: ,"u,t,' %,  p' Pat t, Ci:eek Road to I Thit the above resohltion and regula- ils " uhcihnl Wiih th( Lewis Glllcll ' ti[ul shall be proinulgate'd hy'IIublish- R()lltt; t'h¢,nc¢ castet;ly tlp tile Lc.wiit Ing .tile same for one Issue lil, the (illlch R ))td to tt,s junction witil the I Olynlpia Ncw. Olynlpia, Washington, Ma on Lv Momlta n R+ ad: thence cast- i tile; oHlctal newspaper of the Stato ,'rty t lg iI'l, Malonev Mountain iRoadl Game Cornnnssion, and in the Ritz- Io tl-lo Hard. ock Gl;ato Ri,ad : ,hie [' I, ll 'e vllle Journal Times, Clarkstoa Iterald. north,r]v down thct Itardstock Grade Kennewi[!k CuurJer, Wena{chee Daily IO the lut, llIlnon River Road; thent,,e World, laort Angeles Evening News, soutllerly II I] lhe TucKnnon iver r{oad Vancouyer .Still, Tile ChI'on]c]e Dis- te llie Patri('k Trail Bead', tlienee, patch (Daytol0, Longview Dailv rews, Wetteriy up the Patrk, k Trail Read to Watcrville .Ulnpire Press, rtepublie ti[ SkLllm R[md; t lento .eutllelly up News Miner Paste Herald Ponmroy the Skyline R[i(l to the. Poln( wlwre East-Wa,hi.ngtpnhin, Grtult County tt IS joined by Die Lewis Creek Trail; Journal (Eparata), Montesano Vldette, thencl* %vesterly down the Lewis Creek Tht; Farnl Bureau News (Oak Har- Trail to the point wilere it jolns the bor), Port Townsend Leader, Seattle n',ad down ihc North Fork of ille Tlrnc,, Brcnlerton Sun, Ellensburg Touchet River: then.ce norlhwvsteely Daily Rccord. Mt, Adams Snn (Bing- down the T0U( l['t River Ioad to th0 (311), Tits Chehalis Advocate, The Day- town of Dayton and point of begin- ('_nport.Timis Tri0une. Mason Conlity Ilin Journal iSneltonj Kanogan lnuo- ]Jag Lhnii: One (1) vlk of eilher tlcudent, South end Journal, New- sex, the h,'ad of which shrill l.elllaln port Miner, Taconla TlnlOs, Iriday with the ceil'ass thereof while in trans- Harbor Journal, :ht. VernoW Daily lortstloo• PILOVIDED Tllat it sliall }terald. Skanlanla County Pioneer I)0 unlawfl.i1 Io l)osses any ell[ killed {Stevenson), ArlingLon Tinier, Spokes- |n th(*se sllceial open areas which ]lave. l)lan-R.evi(,w (Spoksne), Colville Ex-" Ih)t live I tagg?d hy a t(illne I)rol.(e[or allliuer The Eagle (Cathhtnoi), Walls or itel?ion auihorized by l]l[ D('part- 'Walh llnion t]ullctia, l(,ilinghaul I lent (if (lillI e All elk iransp)rled tlnrald.- Colfax Gazetle Colnnloner tlnd e 1( of ll)- lil,ms sh,'.lll lie tagged be- Yaldnllt Daily Republh., for one tssne, fol•e leaving suell arcas slid (ill elk Dated at Sentllo, \\;llrashington, this relaillorl wlihln suclt open [ireas shall 1st day ur July ]9#6, Slate (.lame Conullisstou I),) taizg'[,d not hirer lhnn 48 tlours afLer th(. eh:)se of this stcclal season, Jss. A. Loudon, Chairnlan Novelnber ] and 2 ill only the follow- Virgil B, BenningLon h)wing descl'tbed portion of t'lific Sam GJerde county, R.D. Hand Thai part of the watershed of the Marcus Nalley ed Wlllapa River lying malth of llle Main C, A. Peterson. Wlllaplt River lind east of the South Don W, Clarke, Director ' Fork Of the Willapa River. The Department of Game, 'J/5-1t Bag Limit: One tl) elk, of either re'x, tile head of whM1 shall rcnlatll With the iaJr[ass thereof while. In trans- USe the Journal Classlfleds-- possess any deer portalh.m, PROVIDED, That' It shall opera area'which be nnlaw/ul to poe$ any elk killed they really get results. RESOLVED : lawful to hunt. take or pursue migra- tory waterfowl and migratory game birds in the State of Washington at any time except during the following opcn seasons, with bag limits its pre- scribed for each species. PROVIDED, ]-]OWEVER, That it shall be unlaw- ful to hunt, take ar pursue nngratory Waterfowl and nflgratory ganle bh'ds on lands Met aside as state game re- serves where the hunting, taking or pursuing of such nllgratory water- fowl and migratory game birds is pro- htbited. PROVIDED FURTHER, That all (ither nligralory waterfowl and lnigratory anle birds not specifically nlentioned In the following ()pen sea- sons are proected by closed seasons, I and it shall be Ulflawful to hunt, take.I or possess the same at any tinm. ) General Open Scasons: Ducks, Coot, Geese and Brant (ex- ecl)t Ross's Gooose and SwanClosed Season) Oclobcr 26 to Decembc[' 9, 5946, both dates inclusive, in all coun. tics in the state. EXCEPT: t shall be unlawful to hunt, take or pursue geese in Walls Walls, Klickitat, Franklin, Benton and Adams counties at any other timo than on Sundays, Mondays and Thurs- days during the period October 26 to December 9, 1946, both dates inclus- tve, Wilson's Snipe or Jacksnipe and Rails and Gallinules (except Coot) Season Oloaed. Band-t..iled plgeons--September 1 to 30. both dates Inclusive. Bag Limits : Ducks (except American and Red- breasted Mergansers) : Daily Bag Limit--Seven (7) ducks, straight or nlixed bag, except such lhnit may not contain more than one (1) wood duck, Possession Limit -- Fourteen (14) ducks, straight or mixed bag, except much limit nlay not contaln in0re than one (I) wood duck, American and Redbreasted Mergan- Sel'S : Daily Bag LimltTwenty-fk,e (25) singly or mixed bag. Geese and Brant (except Ross's Goose) : Daily Bag Limit--Two (2) geese of any kuld, including Brant, and in ad- dition two (2) Snow geepe. _ . . Possession Llnlit is one daily Dag 'limit of geese. Coot: Twenty-five (25) per day and not nlore than twenty-five (25) ill pOS- SCSSiOn at any one time, Band-Tailed Pigeons: Ten (10) per day and not More than tell (10) in possession at any one time, Note: Only one daily bag lhnit of migratory waterfowl or migratory ganle birds is allowed in possession oil the first day of tile season, Hunting Hours: Lawful hunting hours for nflgratory Waterfowl and migratory game birds for all counties lyingwest of the sum- ndt,of the Cascade Mountalns shall be one-half bour before sunrise to one- half hem. before sunset, as taken at Seattle. Waslington, annually until further changed by the State Game Commission. Lawful hunting hours for migratory waterfowl and migratory'game birds tn Yakilna, Benton, Klickitat, Klttitas, Grant, Chelan, Douglas and Okanog- an counties shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour before sunset, as taken at Yakima, Washing- ton, annually until further changed by tle State Game ColmlSsion. Lawful hunting hours for nligratory watcrf0wl and nligratory game bird in Pond Orellle, Stevens, Ferry, Lin- coln, Spokane, Adams, Whltnlan, Franklin Walls Waihi Garfield> Co- lumbia, and Asot n eounties, shall be one-llalf hour before snnl'ise to one- half hour before sunset, as takbn at Spokane, Washington, annually until further changed by the State Gains Col)lmission. It shall be unlawful to have in pos- session nligratory waterfowl or blrds which were aken in this state more than ninety (90) days after the oh)so of the open season; and it shall be un- lawful to have innossession nngratory waterfowl or birds which were taken" outside tills state more than ninety (90) days after the close of tile open season in tlle state or country ill wtflch they were taken. Means of Taking: It sball be unlawful for any person to hunt or take migratory waterfowl or birds by the aid or use, directly or indirectly, of corn, wheat, o:ts or other grains of products thereof, refit, or any kind of feed whatsoever. Placed, deposited, distributed scattered, or otherwise put out whereby "such wa- terfowl or birds are lured, attracted, or enticed, regardless of tha dls- tanee interveniug ,between any such grain, salt, or feed and the position of the taker; and it shall be unlawful to hunt nligratory waterfowl by tile use, directly o," indirectly, of live duck or goose decoys, regardless of the distance intervening betweeu any such live decoys and the position of the taker. AND BE IT FURTHER RESO/VED: That the aove regulation shhll be pronlulated by publishing the same in the Olympia Newa Olympia, Washing- ton, the official newspaper of the State Game, Comniission for one isue and in the Ritzy,lie Journal Times• Clark- shin Herald. Kennewick Courier, Wo- natchee Daily World, Port Arigeles Evening News. Vaucouver Sun, the Chronkde Dispatch (Dayton), Long- View Daily New, Watervllle Elnph'e Press, Republic News Miner, Pasco Herald, Pomeroy East-Washingtonian; Grant County Jom.nal (]phrata), Montesano Vldette, The Farm Bureau News (Oak Harbor), Port Townsend Leader, Seattle Daily Times, Bremer- %on Sun, Eliensburg Daily Record, Mt. Adams Sun (Blngen), The Cbellalls Advocate, The Davenport Tinfes Trib- une, Mason Cotinty 3ou:al (Shelton) Okanogan Independent.' 'South Bend Journal, Newport Miner. Tacoma I Times. Friday Itarbor Journal, ML, Vernou D a 11 y tterald. Skanlanla Comity Pioneer (Stevenson), Arling- tou TllliCS, Spokesman-Review (Spo- kane), Colville Examiner, The Eagle (Cathlanmt), W'aIIa Wt)IIR Union Bul- letin, Bellingham Herald Colfax Gaz- ette Connnouel', and Yak ma Daily Re- public for one Issue. Dated at Seattle, Washhgton, this 1st day of July 19,16. STATE GAME COMMISSION ]as. A. Loudon, Chairman Vh'gll B, Bennington Sam L÷ jerdo R.. D• l{alld Marcus Nalley C. A Petersen, Dou W, Clarke. Dli'ect0r The Department el Galne. 9/5-1t Regulatlen No, 7,58 NOTICE The following resolution and regula- 'lhm was duly and regnlarly passedand adopted at the re,'ular July, 196 meet-- inK, July 1, 1946. of the State Gslno Counnlssion for the stats o Washing- toil. RESOLVED: That Regulation No. 106 be amended to rad as follows: That it shall be unlawhfl for any per- sou in tile state of Washington to, hunt, shDot at. or kill, Chinese pheasants, ttungarlan partridges, quail, nligralory waterfowl or nugratol'y game b/rds with a rifle or pistol within the State of Washington. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That lhe above resolution and regula- ties shall be pronlulgtted by publish- leg the salile for one tss{ie in the Olyeipia News, Olynlpla, Washhigton, lhe official newspaper of, the State GainS, Connuisalon, and in the Rilzvtlle Journal Thnes. Clarkson Herald Ken- newiek Courier, WenaLchee Daily rorld, Port Ange.les Evening News, Vancouver Sun, The Chronicle DIM- pal, oh (Dayton), Longvlew Daily News, Watcrvllh: Elnpire Press, Republic News Miner, Paseo Herald. Ponleroy East - Washington,an. Grant County Journal (Ephrata)., Montesano Vidette, The, Farm Burcau News (Oak I]arbor), Port TOwnsend Leader, Seattle Post Intelligcncer, Brenmrton Sun, Ellens- berg Dally Record, Mt, Adanm Sun (Btngcn). The Chehalis Advocate, The ])avetlllort Thnes Tribttne, Mason County Joui'ual (She]ton), Okanogan Independerlt. Soutl" Bend Journal. Newport 1VIhler, Ts[,olna "News Trib- une,-Friday Harbor ,10urnal, AIt. Ver- ralll Daily Hei'shl, Sktinlania Counly Pioneer (Stevenson), Ai'lingion lhnes, S)okeslnan-Review (Sllokane), Coiville xtoniXiCl'. The Eagle (Cathhunet), Walla W.alla Uniou Bulleliu, Bcllhlg- hanl ]-lerald, Col fax Gazette Conlnl(inor snd Yakima Daily Republic, for one issue, • Dated al Seattlc, Washington, this 1st day of July, 1946, STATE GAME COMMISSION Jas, A. Leud0n, Chah,man Vh'gll B. Bennington Sam Gjerde R. D, Hand arcus Nalley C. A. Poterson, Don W. Clarke, Dire(:tor . Department of G-,ne. FASTBALL STANDINGS W L rf ra *Active Club ............ 6 1 82 66 Rayonier .................. 6 2 77 57 *Morgan Lumber .... d 3 68 46 Lumbernten's Merc. 3 5 67 80 Needham's Men's .... 2 5 37 54 Skokomish Grange.. I 6 40 71 Gaines Tonight No. 1--Rayonier vs. Morgan No. 2--Activians vs. Grange Gaines Monday No. 1---L.M. vs. Needham's No. 2--Morgan vs. Activians Gamcs Thursday :No. 1--L.M. vs. Grange ;No. 2 Needham's vs. Rayonier Behind Clint Willour's gilt-edged flinging the Activians grabbed the rail position in the race to the wire in the second half fast- ball schedule with a 6 to 3 tri- umph over Rayonier last Thurs- day night. The clubmen slashed across three rnns in the third inning and a pair in the fourth to ice the tilt away after breaking through for a singleton in the seeond. Joe Holt, Buck Price and Willour produc- ing timely blows in the two big innings. Rayonier's markers were scored in the fourth, when a pair counted, and in the sixth. When Charley Cole singled and the Astir,an infield erred to put the first two aboard in the last of th seventh it looked like Ray- onier was going to make trouble, but Activian fielding, which had been excellent all game, came to the rescue with a double play whichs nuffed out the pulpmen's hopes. The Needham-Skokomish Grange game of Thursday was postpon- ed until this week. Regular play closes a week from tonight with the Activians hoIding the inside track to the title, although Morgan Lumber culd foul things up by defeating the leaders Monday night. In fact, the lumbermen could still make a triple tie of the race by whip- ping both Rayon,or arid the Ac- tlvians, tlzen repeating over the Activians in a playoff of a tie game between the two rivals. Inez ])odds Chosen Feminine Pin Head Feminine bowlers entru§ted af- fairs of the women's bowling eague to Inez Dodds, whom they elected president, and Franlde Fredson, whom they voted secre- tary, at tle league's organization- al meeting Friday night at the Hotel Shelton. An executive committee consist- ing of the two officers plus Rubye Frisken, retiring president, Vera Bishop, retiring secretary, Mickey Lindeman, Gwen Skelsey, Fie Cor- mier and Bessie Bolen was chosen to arrange the 1946-47 league schedule and iron out other de- tails of the approaching season. All players must be on the alleys before completion of the first frame in order to qualify for the first game, the committee decided. Teams will bowl in 7 and 9 o'clock shifts each Tuesday night, All ladies interested in bowling in the Thursday night inter-city league are asked to register at the bowling alleys as soon as possible as several positions are open on two of the .four teams. COLONEL WOOD ARRIVES TO JOIN FAMILY " Colonel Francis O. Wood arrived in Shelton Sunday to join his wife and two children, who have been making their home here with Mrs. Wood's sister, Miss Clare Engcl- sen. Col. Wood left the United States in January, 1944, and dur- ing the two years and nine months" he has been overseas[ he was lo- cated at Hawaii, LeytG New Cale- donia and Okinawa from where he was returned to the United States. l{eglllalian No. 750 NOTICE The f(lllowing resolution and l,egula- lion was duly and regularly passed and adopted at the regular July meet- Ing, July 5. 19-6, of the State Game Commission for tile state of Washing- ton. RESOI'VED: That it shall be un- law[lit for ally person to hunt, take or pursue. Cllhiese pheasants Ill the state of Washington without first having obtained, and havingin his possession, a Chinese Pheasant Hunting Pel'lliit.. RESOLVED FURTHER: That Chi- nese Plzsasant Hunting Permits shall be obtained from any authorized li- cense dealer at, no cost, and shall bear a nunlber, whlch mnnber shall be entered on the hunling license of the person leaking 'aoDlication for a Chi- nese Pheasant Ht-il'ltllig Pernllt. RESOLVED FURTHER: The nunl- hot" of the applieani's hunting license shall be eopied on the stub of the Chinese Phcasant Hunting " Permit, which stub shall be retained by lldense dealer. Inull(diately upon bllgghlg  Chi- nese plleasant during tile lawful opeu seasolt, the holder of a Cbinese Pheas- aut Hunting Permit sllall remove froln lhe Permit Card one puach mlder the dale corresponding with the date of kill. Fvery pOl•son possessing a Chinese Pheasant Hunting Permit shall, with- ill ten (10) days after %he (:lose of the lawful open season fqr tile hunting of Chinese "pbeasalliS, l'elurn such perlnit card to any autlml.ized license dealer or shall place such ilernlit card ill all envelope end mall to the offices [if the State Ganle Departnlent, 555 Snlitli Towel', Seattle 4, Washington, Any person violating any of the pro- visions of this regulation shall be gulf ty ef a misdenlcanor. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the above regulation shall be pro- luulgnted by publisliing the same. in the Olyinpta News, Olynipla, Wash- ington, the official ncwtpapcr .el ,the State Game Commission for 611[" issue and in the Ritzy(lie Journal Tin[es. Clarkson Herald. Kennewlck Couricr. Wenatchee Daily World, Port Aageh,s Evcning News, Valleouver Sun, Tb } C)lronielc. Dispatch (Dayton), Long- vleW Dally News. Wate'vllle Empire Press. RepubIle News Miner. Pasco Herald, Polneroy East-Waslliugtollian, Grant Oounty Journnl (El)hi:eta), Montcsano Victte. The Fal'iU Bureau News (Oak Harbor) Port Townsend Leader. Seattle I Post Intelligcncer, Brenl(lton Sl.ln, Elignsbur Daily Rec- oru. loll. Arlauis Sun (Bingen), The Chehalis Advoea(P, The DavelilJort Times Ti'tbullO, MaSoll County Joul'- hal (Shell(m), Okanogall Independent, South Bend Journal, Newport Miner, Ta¢(llla Nv+s T Ibun ]iil :  ' "" ", ""day Harhor ,l'OUl•nal, l%|t,• Vel'non 5) I y tt['1' lid, Sk; nn)alia C unty Pi(ulce.r (Slevctkqon), A rl Jngton Thues, Spokcsnnln-Revfew (Spokane) Colville Exaniiller, Tha Eagle (Catldanioi), Walls Walls Unioa Bulletin, Bellhlghani Herald. tolfax Gltzetie Conlnioner, and akiiaa Daily llepublic fl)r one issue. Dated at Seattle. Washington, this 1st day of July I946. STATE GAME COMMISSION JaM. A, Loudon, Chairmau Virgil B. Bennington Sanl GJerde R. D• Haud Marcus Nallcy 3 C, A. ]eterson. V]- :D[)n W, Clarke, Director 5-1t" The Departnlezlt of Game, 9/5-:it 29¾-Lb. Entry Takes Derby Ladder Lead; 3 Catches Added At List Top Three new names topped the Hood Canal Salmon Derby lad- der this week as the bigger fish began to make their appear- ance in the canal waters, although there were only four add,trees to the ladder altogether during the week's fishing. Topping the list now is a sizeable finny catch belonging to Fen E. Trenchie of Union weighing 29 pounds, 12 ounces, fol- lowed by Floyd ammer of Aberdeen with a 23 pound, two ounce catch, and A. C. Mercier of Union with a 21 pound, eight ounce fish which tied last week's leader, Clint Mifflin. All three of the new leading entries were netted off Union, as was Mifflin's leader of last week, The fourth addition to the ladder came at the other extreme, Jack Robinson of Union enter- ing a 15-ounce catch in competition for the prize to be awarded for the smallest fish caught in the derby. Robinson's catch "leads" competition at that end of the ladder by two ou'nces. The ladder as it stands according to the latest report of Derby Chairman Wally Oliver: FISHERMAN ADDRESS Ben E. Trenchie Union Floyd Vammer Aberdeen C. D. Mifflin Shelton A. C. Mercier Un4on John Hart Seattle Ben V. Leighton Shelton Jack Robinson Edmonds Marvin Morgan Shelton H. L. Jackson Olympia Roy Sherry Shelton Robert W. Burman Lilliwaup Neil Simmons Hoodsport Leo L. $chmidt Union G. C. Eck Shelton Fred Oletzke Olympia Bob Morris Potlatch- H. L. Jackson Olympia Archie C, Wright Shelton Charles Blomfleld She/ton C. 'W. Ruddell Olympia Bob Erhart ILilliwaup Harry Hess Union Floyd C. Ludwig Union H. L. Jackson Olympia Chas. Browner Hoodsport Harry Hess Union Jack Robinon Union WEGI- 29.12 23-2 21-8 21-8 19.10 lq 18-14 18-11 18-5 18.1a A 17-10 17-8 17 16 15-14 15-8 15-4 14-12 11-5 4-10 4-8 4-2 3 1-11 1-1 1-1 0-15 WHERE CAUGH'r Union Union Calm Cove Union Lackawanna Minerva Park Union Calm Cove Hidden Cove Minerva Park Stetons Resort Hoodsport Madrona Lodge Tillicum Beaoh Lackawanna Hoodsport Hidden Cove Minerva Park Minerva Park Lackawanna Stetons Resort Calm Cove Hoodsport Hidden Cove Hoodsport Union Calm Cove SIDELINE SLANT S by BILL DICKIE CUFF NOTES l since he last witnessed a profes- In addition to all the bowling lsional tilt, The three Perdue which will keep Paul Berets lo- ichildren , Eddie, Colleen and Mar- cal alleys humming this winter--nibeth, give the umpire a bad time five leagues, 40 teams, 200 bow1-]when he calls a close one against" ers---Shelton will be represehted in I Spokane, BarriSter Graham re- a fast scratch league operating  lates, and all can keep a box score on Monday nights in Olympia with I accurately. entries from Aberdeen, Centralia and Fort Lewis to round out the Shelton and Olympia competitors, Elmer 'Aloe' Ms(son, one of Lho best ltighclimber and jun. Jar legion baseball products Shelton has turned out, ilas caught the eye of the _New ork Yankee organization thru its cider Scout, Joe Devine, but 'Alec' declined to sign a con- tract because he did not care 1o give up his work for the tin- certain lifo of a ball player. Matsou's play around Grays Harbor catught Devine's alton- lion recently, resulting in the offer to tho former Shelton star. One of the big thrills of his life- time came to young Grant Angle, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Angle, when he was introduced to and talked with Leo Lasseen Saturday evening at Sick's Seattle Stadium, then was invited by the popular announcer to stay in the broad- cast booth and listen while Leo described a couple of innings of the Seattle-Los Angeles game to his radio audience. That Seattle lost the game, 6 to 3, was hardly noted by the youthful Shelton fan after that, for the evening had produced its big thrill for him. Young Grant, incidentally, saw six games in four nights and days of the Los Angeles-Seattle series. JUST 'EXERCISE' What a game the "old men" started a few years ago. Soft- ball • they called it, a gmne for old men, a pastime just for ex- ercise. Tint's how it started, but h)ok at the "old men's" game now. Tlio lmmo has been changed to fastball, more fans watch and ply these gnes In a single season throughout the country than baseball, with all its big league crowds and every- thing, according to r.eliablo sta- tistics on sports participation The "old men's" game for "ex- ercise" has grown up--way up. Baseball fervor runs strong in the E. A. Perdue family, former Shelton residents now living in Spokane, reports Attorney J. W. Graham,.just back from a com- bined builness and vacation trip to the Inland Empire. While at- tending the annual State Bar con- vention in Spokane, Attorney and Mrs. Graham were guests in the Perdue household (Mrs. Perdue is their daughter) and during their stay the Shelton attorney confesses he was inveigled into attending five Western International League games though it had been 20 years Columbia Salmon Lure Many Anglers Dozens of Shelton and Maso county fishermen have been haunting the Columbia River for the past week, vying witl thous- ands o£ other anglcrs trying to land big sahnon during the spe- cial fishing season set aside espe- cially for sportsmen, a ten-day period cloied to all commercial fishing in the mouth of the miglty rivcr. Luck in general was below par, conforming to the salmon fishing picture throughout the Northwest all year, according to reports 9f rcturning anglers. Biggest fish re- ported caught by any of the local fishermen so far to reach The Journal was a 47-pounder taken by Emil Laub,er, nlanager of the Maon County Creamery. SOME LUCK  ANY%VAY Lee Carlson and Everett, Sim- mons o Hans(ins Island caught two .cod and two trent fishing near the mainland Harstine ferry landing last Thursday. SPORTS CLUB MEETS The Mason County Sports and Skeet Club will hold its regular monthly meeting this evenin Odd Fellows Hall at eight according to notices mailed mere bets by Secretary Roland Sleyster. Calvary Pentecostal Church 120 East Pine St. Sunday Schoo]--9:45 a.m,, Morning Worship--ll:00 a.m. Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p. m, Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 8:00 p, m. Friday Regular Meeting, 8:00 p.m. EVERYON WELCON[E Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor but not the opening 1 climber foe(hal yard, ran 26 for the 1946 team workout Tuesday blocking and work. The new tions to the rest of this top of around but with the only a week from the late repoz capped first team Eight 1 ettermen ',:i!!:: the opening turn0Ulll:, i dates, including ll'e}; Carl Sundsten,. t ac-ej!0 '; ham, guard; DaY Y and Bob Rice, Gone Anker and Bill Ke?  Coach Hillyard, w-'.? ed with the small WI;; pirants for his firS!.!l club, liked its geared': proportions and :: backfield candida , ,', out as he sent two what actually scrimmage of Workouts crease in Highclimber me. 't with the first ful mage'due aboUt r ' Chet Dombroski a ard are again coaches this yeal Following the ; out next weekend ers tackle an eig, which gives th em,:i° between the openinl ,g Olympia at th.e al 0 the season's ina, Day with St, Mar  schedule Sept. • Sept. Oct. 4 Oct. Oct. 18 ' at Nov. I Nov. ll.---St. Church 10 a.m. and 7 1404 Youth for Christ At 8 P.M. Saturday, Sept• 7 BAPTIST CHURCH Eddy Coy of Tacoma Will Be Speaker SPECIAL Musioal and Vo- cal Sextet from the Canad- ian Bible Institute. \\; First Baptist Church J. O. Bovee, Pastor Paul Sweeney, Assistant Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship at 11 Young'Peoples Meetings 6:45 p.m. Evening Service at 7:45 ALL &RE INVITED ,i [ Christian I cailable at Church or on Branch of The First BostO First Methodist "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Gornn# Fourth and Pine Sunday 6chool at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m, Sermon Topic: "When Life Kicks Ba¢ HARDWICK W. HARSHMAN, Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone Mt. Olive Lutheran HILLCREST HIGHWAY AT GA sGAI; Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Having Trouble :, Getting tle  Leave Your LUMBERMEN'S ME Radio & Appliance LOCATED IN NEW HARDWARE and plastics ar( foods--cheese, Yes  Mason ( ' can to encoura in the same ma the cow, liter example of con' forms raw mal converts feed, J The operator of the same basic factory. He m SIMPSON LOGGING