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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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+v,, Page 8 ill i II I A Few Admill AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYERS Available Now TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC 4th &amp;Cota Phone 128 Washed Sand and Gravel JOHN'S CREEK SAND AND GRAVEL CO. Locally Owned and Operated BUSINESS PHONE 19-F-'I EVENINGS PHONE 655 Shelton, Wash. POOR JOg..... He tore his hair in wild despair, And Cursed the day o] his birth,; The dad.blamed thing just wouldn't run,. Tho he worked for all his worth. Now guess O Joe just didn't know, What made a deisel tick; For he worked and toiled and swore Til hc was nearly Mzk. Then he towed her in and with grave ch, agrin Asl:cd us to make her go; S , with a grin, we dug righ, t in And checked the ]uel flow. Well it wasn't long til she burst in song And wc heard Joe shout in glee; Wh, y th, at's all the durn thing needed Was a good mechanic,, see! Now you've read enough of this silly gulf, Yet, it's mighty wise to patronize A man who knows his stuff; Ask Joe, he'll tell you to see LEO C. NELSON In Connection With S. L. Pearson. Local J geut tot' Kaler-Frazer Cars and Rototillers • • First and Pine Phone 676 ,:.4..:,.:.,:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:,.:..:..:..:..:°4..:..:,.:°.:., ;%'"i'; ,'-7:"+ VV.T';-J;-TT-7"o -7 .--;-T--j-;-;-;';';'TT-7-;-,";Y-, -.-7-7; ;-J-,-7 7 i , :i: i :!:  oIo i!: :" ' ZIPPER NOTE BOOKS :i: "i: 4o NOTE BOOK PAPER :i: GENUINE CRAYOLAS' .:. .? INK -- PASTE -- PENCILS .:!i ERASERS AND ALL SCHOOL :! SUPPLIES .{ .:!i MASON COUNTY " STATIONERS :.,: 4o 118 N. Second Street Phone 602 ':i: = o • • • o • • • o • • • :.:oo:.:.o:-:,o:.o:o 4oo:,,:o .:*.:oo:-:,.:-:-:,.:,o:,o:.o:, o:.o:,4oo:" o:*';' o:* .:-:' ,;' ';'o:' 4";";° °,":'°o°°;'°;'°; '°.``:''.`';° °:'> SHELTON-MASON , ..... ,,,,,,,, .............................. 0kerstrom Expresses Appreciation For ! Support Given Extension Service Here His res gnation as county agent officially in effect as this week be- I gan, Clinton Okerstrom has asked The •Journal to convey his sincere appreciation to this community for the support given the extension service during the ten years he supervised the program here, and expressed the hope tim( his suc- cessor, Andrew Kruiswyck, will be accorded equally as generous and active backing. Okerstrom has accepted a sim- ilar position in Lewis County. The extension service is au ad- ,visory service offered through the coopers(ran of the county, the state, and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. "I have enjoyed very much working with Mason County folks and oragnizations," Oekrstrom commented'before leaving for his new post,' "and I regret leaving, but feel this opportunity in Lewis County is one I cannot afford to turn down." The service has been in exist- enee for 30 years in Mason county, and the last "two. agents have served for 28 of this 30. Herb :)rew will be remembered as the first agent. The agents have worked on long time projects to better farming conditions as well as immediate problems. During recent years labor saviug equipment has been a major project. Many pieces of labor saving equipment have been constructed by farmers. Such pieces as buckrakes and manure: loaders are the more important items. Insect problems concern- ing the berry growers have been l a major problem of the experiment station workers as well as the lo- cal office. Farm forestry is de- veloping into an important and in- teresting project. The past few years have also seen a great ex- pansion of the 4-H enrollments in[ Mason county. Future develop- men( .of such work in the county will be watched with interest by Mr. Okerstrom, he said. INTERESTING REPORT OF THEIR TRIP SENT FROM IOWA BY HACKS From Livermore, Iowa(, comes interesting details of the trip up to that point being taken by :Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hack of Shelton, who will have covered some 12,500 miles touching all corner's of the natien when they return to Shel- tort sometime next month. Quoting from a letter written to The Journal by Mr. Hack on Aug- ust 31 : "Here we ar;e in the land of tall Corn and fat hogs. If frost holds 0ff about" three weeks my guess is Iowa is sure Lo produce a bump- er crop of corn of excellent qual- ity. "We sure had luck meeting Washington folks. As we were leaving Glacier Park we stopped to take a look at Lake McDon- ald, one of the beauty spots of the park, we stopped beside a Washington car with an A license and found out they were the GiN mores who,once worked for Grant Angle on rhe Journal. Mrs. GiN ore wanth us to give her re- gards to Mrs. Skelsey. I "As we were getting in line Lo I go in() Yellowstone Park a car I stopped and we were greeted by the driver with a 'hello, there, L. D. Hack.' This proved Lo be Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fuller, who some years ago worked at the pulp mill. "]:'ears were plentiful--almost to() friendly to suit us--on one occasion inside the park. Ell(, deer, and a fine big bull moose gave our kodak a workout. We left the park at Cool(. Mont.. and spent the night at 7.500 feet elevation nd m the moruing had to use a razor blade to scrape frost off opr windshield as the thernmm- eter dropped to 32 degrees. The climh out of the vicinity of Cook is really wonderful, up to nearly 12,000 feet. "In one place we stopped to take some pictures and counted 12 blue water lakes and seven sep- arnte curves in the highway. "We stopped in Red Lodge, Mont.. to get gas and the young man who serviced our car started to laugh when he read our credit card. ' 'I was arrested in your city once,' he told us. 'My pal and I were running away from home and were picked u i) in Shelton. You sure have a swell police chief there. He took us down Lo Cen- tralia and put us on the train. He was certainly good to us.' "We attended the Humboldt county fair and the celebration of Iowa's 100th anniversary of statehood. Just as the announc- ing of all the various community queens, princesses and kings was completed we were greatly sur- We Pay CASH FOR Blackberries Price 10¢ lb, Delivered to OLD COUNTY FARM (Isabella Valley - Rt. 1 Box 216-A) and at these pickup points: MATLOCKPhone I-F-23 SKOKOMISHPhone 216-J-1 KAM I LCH E--Phone 2 {Price Subject to Market Changes) Money 00,,to Loan $50 to $500 lnfornml Personal Confidential EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE UNDER STATE REGULATION 120 South Third Street - - - Phone 540 prised to have the announcer in- troduce us to the gathering. We were given a wonderful ovation. "We are having a truly wonder- ful time meeting old friends of our youth, also trying' not to get our dates to parties, dinners, etc., mix- ed up. Right now we are enjoying one of those good old thunder and lightning storms, not a bad storm, but .it's really noisy outside and raining. We are both feeling fine and enjoying the trip much." Farm, Livestock Auction Coming at Goose Prairie Cloquallum and Dayton farmers will auction livestock and other farm articles at a community auc- tion at the Goose Prairie stock corral as soon as' the farmers round up cattle now on the range, according to A. E. (Bony) Loert- tcher, well known local auction- eer, who will conduct the auction sale. The date and other details will be announced in a later edition of this paper. Already listed for the sale, according to Mr. Loertscher, arc some fine Jersey heifers from well known herds in these parts a pure-bred white-face bull from a noted show herd, some good Durhams, and several head of good lambs and sheep. FOR SALE: ATTRACTIVE WA- TERFRONT HOME 5 }]riles ! from Shelton. with 19 acres oft land, 8 cleared. :10 slashed and I one in timber; 22 fruit trees, spring water piped to buildings; i 660 feet of waterfront; 8-room I modern house, plenty built-in I features and closets: laundry trays; good coustruetion. Large barn, chicken houses, roomy [ garage and woodshed and work- shop. Fenced. An ideal cl'ose-iu farm with wa£er view. For de-[ tails, see M. C. ZINTHEO, Real- tor, Phone 157, Shelton, ¥ash. 2t [ FOR SALE: ]0 acres Skokomish Valley, creek runs through place, modern 6-room house with fh'e-I place. ,16 holly trees, barn, ctiick- ! en house, garage, woodshed, I cows, chickens. Carl Crawle'y, t Star Route 1, Box 72, Shelton. I 9-5-tfn " FOR SALE: Largc size ena-ele'-d Montag circulating stove. In first class condition, $35.00. Marshall strawberry plants for I sale also, $1.00 per hundred. Call at Rt. 1, Box 125. 9-12-26 't Custom MEAT CUTTING AND MEAT GRINDING Have your locker meat cnt by an experienced meat cutter. Beef, pork veal and elk and dee'r in season. Cut, wrapped and trimmings ground, 3¢ lb. DON WILLIAMS 60,l Dearborn Phone 381-M 9-5-1t I%'O. 4771 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 1,'O1 MASON COUNTY Ural t,]. Hlttle and Vehliit E. Btttle, altd wife, aad Frank Coelill, Plaintiffs, --vs, Joint F. Slade aild the tlnkno,ll heirs or John F. Siado alld all othc.r ua- known (']alnlailts. Defendants. • STATE OF VASHINGT()N TO Joha IL Siadc and the lalknowll heirs of Jolln F, Sltl(h nnd till other tlakno%vll chihiilt, nls, Defl,ildlnlts : YOLI life, herl!by sullllnonod "to tll TM pear within sixty (60) dsys aflor lhe (llll of the lii'i#t liablhailoli of this Sill }lllOn,, to-wit : withhi ixly (60) dilvl,1 tiflol' the 29(h day of Jug'usl, 196. and defend the above-ontltlcd licthJa Ill the above-entitled Court and allswer the coniplahlt of the phihll.lffs, lind sel'vc it topY of' )'onl' answer tlpon the uild el'sl£'ned attornevl for lllo liltiiniiffs tit lhclr office [)GLOW stated liiid In CIlSe Of yOUI" failure O tO (]O, judgnlent will be rendered against you ttcC,II'dhll( to the delllallds of tile Colll- plahl( whii,h lnt.q beta fJlcd wilh tim Ch, I'IL of ,'laid Court, Th,, i)/lrp()l-;e of this lil,IJlin i I(i qliiot title h) real iroliorly in IaOll Cotllliy, ' [alc of Wll,,qltllglon. %VRIGIIt' & MALLOY, At.lorneys for tlaintiffs Of rico 811d Post Office x.ddl't', Ailgh BulldinK, Shclioa, Washlng't on. ( o ) 8-29 --9-5-1 .-19-26--10-3- 6t. COM M INNIONI';R',H NOTI('I,: O1" IIEARIN( (iN C()UNTY I1[' IIG ET Nt)TICE IS IIERI,:BY GIVEN ihat ill(! l]llllF(| (If C+ollllt.V C(I I] il sS I llel'S of 'laSlil} Coa]l(y htlvc i,Olill)|ctod lllld phwed on file, lhelr Prl,lhnheiaPy 13ud- Kot of rcc(,i]lll4 and exI)¢?lldilllres f()l" Mtl$oll (Olllll y fOF the l'i s,.'al yelir 1947. and thal it t,1). tll" Silitl [)tl(Ig'l will lie fiirnislled any'('ilizeii who will i'itl] lit lhe office of Ihe liotii'd ft)l' lhc .illillle. b'UILTIIEIt NOTICE is gi'con Ill:i{ Ihe tlilil] |i(ilii'd of (Ollilly ('ttllillllsillll(,l'S will iilOlq ill theh" ofl'h'(, ttl lhe Clllll't ]illilv in holtoli, Oil Molldli).j ()t'tlltlt'i' 71h, 1916, ill tho h[,ur of 2:01) p,in. ll)l ' (ll0 lilll'])(,sl I . ill fixhig" lhc £ilinl budget and Inakhlg' tax levies, and t lat ilk said ttl,'ll' and l)]ltce t lll" t lx- payw Inay appoal' tilld be. heai'd for or 8gaiast ally part of 14tiid budget. DATED at ShclLon. this 3rd day of Scpttaliber 19,16. HARRY DEYETTE, COilllly AudILor and Ex- officio Clerk of tht. BoltL'd of ('l)lllll y (.()ITI 11 ilssl(lllers. COUNTY JOURNAL Hunting, Fishing, Trapping Detail O,_00cially Listed Complete, official informaLi(m on all hunting and LrappiuK sea- sons within the State (if Wash- inglon i published in today's edi- tion of the Journal through the medium of the ailnuai legal ad- vertising ordered by the State Ga me Commission. All regulations pertaining to dates, open and closed areas, equipment which can be legally used, and bag" limit allowed on all types of eligible game are con- tained in the legal notiee, which covers inore than half .a. page. , The publication announces the ah'eady known facts that the deer and general upland bird hunting seasons will open on October 13 and close October 31, that the mi- gratory waterfowl hunting season opens October 26 and closes Dec- ember 9, that the elk hunting sea- son opens November 3 and closes November 11, that bear may be ldlled in Westeru WashinKton the year around except during the elk season, that the rabbit hunt- ins season opens October 2 and continues through February 28, 1947, and that the general trap- ping season opens December 1 and closes January 15, 1947. Many exceptions, several special seasons, and noLice that hunters mu,t possess special permiLs be- fm:e they caff shoot Chinese pheas- ants are among the details the careful peruser of the official :game depart ment notice will note. Sinee the complete reformation is available within the legal no- tice iLself, no further details will be attempted in this story, but should anyone wish to pursue the subject further he will find every- thing in the legal publication else.. where in today's Journal. MINNESOTA POLIO VICTIMS Word has been received by Tom Myers, Journal printer, and his sister, Mrs. Tom Kneeland, that two of the children of their broth- er, Jack, editor of a paper in Parkers Prairie, Minn., who lived in Shelton about a dozen years ago, are victims of the polio epidemic which has swept that state. Sheltonians Taking Tri l) To Iowa Home I Mr. arid Mrs. Walter L. Lewis of Shclton are leaviag here Sat - lll'dl]y Oil a thrce-week vaeation trip to their old homo town of Storm Lake, lowa, to visit rela- tives, maldng the trip by bus. They wili be joined at Cheyenno, Wyo., by their daughter, Mrs. George Neal of Denver, and at Storm Lake will meet their son, Le:-tel', who is in the process of bciiig discharged after 1,1 months service in the U. S. Navy at the Great Lakes Separation Center. He has beeri stationed at Cleve- Thursday, Dancing Every Wally Lee and His Orcbestr i ;2: ''l :i SCHNEIDER'S PRA hind most of his enlistment. 9 P.M. TO 2 A.M. £ NEED A II J.L. CATTO !/I For Retail If you are interested in a full anent position and opportunity vancement with a progressive to( please make application at our Store. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED RIDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED 1 Mile South On Olympic Highway ROGERS BROS, GARAGE Phone 218R-2X Must be neat appearing, reliable to meet public. Can use a limited number of men and women and also inexp men. in=lm= | : Carol Drake tell00 I ] how to can peaches PREPARATION--Wash peaches, ; sort according to size and ripeness. To peel, dip a few peaches at a time : in boiling water until skins loosen, dip in cold water and slip off skins. Cut. in halves, pit, or 'slice if desired. ; HGT PACK METHOD--Cover ,I I peaches with boiling syrup (I cup I sugar to 3 to 4 cups water) or boil- ; ing water, boil 3 to 5 minutes. Fill /'2 : hot jars to within ]z inch from top with hot fruit and liquid. Work out ; all air bubbles by running a table ; knife down inside of the jar, wipe rim and shoulder with clean, damp cloth (no soap, please). Put on i scalded lid. If self-seal type, tighten completely. I f screw-top with rubber i ring, screw tight,then unscrew one- ,quarter turn. Lower lint, filled jars I onto rack in deep kettle filled with hot water, placing jars so they won't I bump (luring processing. Add boil- Iing water until lids are covered by at a least I inch of water. Cover kettle, . heat to boiling. When water boils, I begin timing, and allow 10 minutes '. [or Freestones, 20 minutes [or Cling- I stones. i COLD PACK METHOD--Fill jars with peeled, raw halves, cover to  inch with boiling water or syrup. Finish as directed above allowing 20 I minutes [or Freestones, 35 minutes [or =. Clingstones. SAFEWAY STORES, PEACHESI t,00e to yo#r$ tM$ week at.., Some of the finest peaches you've ever seen are arriving righ at Safeway. They'r r ip jic,, weet and fine_=flavorpd,.. PEACHES FANCY YAKIMA Defuzzed, Pre-Cooled, Selected Ha!esB BO × 2.4 ¢ } Finest Canning Peaches 0000bert.00 ...... 2 30-LB. BOX • UTAH - ALL GREEN CELERY ...................  ..... U. S. NO. 1, IDAHO YELLOW ONIONS ........ U. S. NO. 1, IDAHO WHITE ONIONS ............ LOCAL DANISH SQUASII .... L:, LOCA.L SLICERS CUCUMBERS .............. LARGE SUNKIST LEMONS ......... : .............. FRESH LOCAL U. S. No. 2 Yakima 50-Lb. I POTATOES ' 89¢ I I Yakima U.S. No. 1 Quality 16-Lb. Box LETTUCE ........................ ' ITALIAN PRUNES $1,59 , ' I : ASPARAGUS SPEARS | Save at Safeway 'B=f I i '"'°< '<"'°" "'°" 37 PAROWAX, 1-1b ..... 2 Pk9s. 25€ ALL-GREEN, 1946 PACK, 19-0Z. CAN C KRAFT VELVEETA CH | KERR JARS, Regular ............ 12 Pints 59€ KERR JARS, Regular ........ 12 Quarts 69€ gERR CAPS, Regular ....... : ...... Dozen 22€ KERR LIDS, Regular .............. 2 Doz. 17€ | II | | | I water wiLh jar lifter,, finish sealing rubber-ring jars. Do not touch sell, I i seal lids. Set jars right side up away I I from drafts to cool. Leave for 24 I i I hours before storing. I ENRICHED, WHITE |  SLICED FRESH BREAD | I The Homemakers' Bureau I LARGE I1 4 ' 01 I ,,l,, x,,'a s,,/<,,,, S,,d,, -- LOAVES C '1 I m nm m m mum umm mem m em mm m m memm mem m mm m m, qmm | DELICIOUS PASTEURIZED CHEESE FOOD YOU'LL LIKE IT. 8-OZ. PKG. Get your copy of Carol Drake's Cauning Guide The instructions given in the above column are from Carol Drake's new Canning Guide. If you want to know how to can or freeze all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, fish; just send 10c in coin or stamps fox this 20 page manual to: CAROL DRAKE, Director The Hoalcmak¢rs' Burcau Box 2110, Dcpt.J, San Francisco 26, Calif. 5 1946. RSON PI AND HEA00 PHONE 222 South Seconl yW or 30-In. Fore Dry or Gre PROMPT DELl Or Haul Your O Save the Trucki .DICK KIEE SK00K Phone 160 00VEG!TABLE JELS-RITE PECTIN .................... 8-oz. 10€ " M.¢.P. ll0WDERED PE(TIN,...3 Pkgs. 25¢ A7"n''' a BALL MA$0N CAPS ................ D0zen 22€  IM'/!SL 2 C AN S 25 7, 'V VOrd Ot MRS. WRIGHTS :: a n d ACME GRADED "GOOD" BEEF 'how anxmus to get SHORT RIBS " lb. gwo'd ........... than to say to ever ACME "GOOD" ARM OR BLADE CUT BEEF "Your car is here. Coz POT ROAST ........... lb. it 00ust i00n,t possible t, aren't enough new Olds: *'''% ACME GRADED "GOOD" I)ue to shortages in ...... limitations on pro& C & H PURE SIRLOIN STEAK lb. of new cars still is behind SUGAR WHOLE OR HALF - "GOOD" LEG O' LAMB ......... lb. PAN READY POULTRY  "Ocoma" -'Fully (Eviscerated) Birds,' No Waste To Pay For Selected: • FRYERS ...................................... lb. • ROASTERS ................................. lb. • FRICASSEE .............................. lb. LAMB RIB CHOPS, Graded "Good". ................. lb. LAMB STEW, Breast O' Lamb .......................... Ib. HALIBUT STEAKS, Ti'y Tonight ....................... Ib. FRESH LING COD, Fillet .................................... lb. IQUAKER OATS00 I allotments arc far below anticipated. assure you, ho(vever, t is being done, both h to get your ear in And we'd like to take t You sincerely for the p r in which you have this period Of waiting. we have an important ZleJlec fhe car you dr NEW SPARE STAMP No. 51 NOW GOOD (5-LDS.) KEEP AMERlt ELL CHI AUTHORIZED OLD: First and Grove ORANGE JUICE, Full 0'Gold, unsweetened ........ 46-oz. 49 DEEP BROWN BEANS, Llbby's Vegotarian, 14-oz ..... 2 cans 19€ CUT GREEN BEANS, Sunrise Cily ................. '. .......... 19-ez. 20€ iCE CREAM MIX, Frizz, needs no (ream ..........  ......... Pkg. 29€ DEVILED HAM, Hormel's, easy-spreact ...................... 3-oz. 11€ SPAGHETTI DINNER and SAUCE, ,Golden Grain ............ l-lb. 32c CORN FLAKES, I(ellegg's .......................... 11-oz. pkg. 11¢ FR[SH t,tLK, Pasteurlzed ............................... "quart 17¢ NO SALES TO DEALERS: Prices for Friday and Saturday, September 6 and 7, subject to market changes and /