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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, 5, 1946. PLUMBING Potlatch ng Every AND HEATING Mrs A. Schrimpf entertained ----" members of the Potlatch ladies club with a picnic last Wednes- P I-I O N E 6 8 D day at "Triton Head," the Schrimpf&apos;s new home on Hood p: Canal. Those enjoying the pleas- y Lee and His ant occasion were Mrs. Hunter Mrs. l{ieman, Mrs. Oberg, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Huss- man and the hostess. ingham stopped at the post office Thursday afternoon asking about old friends and acquaintances. Mr. I:udy was a former employee of ) P.M. TO 2 the Potlatch Mercantile Co. Mr. and Mrs. Borg of Pe Ell ..... are spending several days at their or 30-In. Forest Slab Wood 00otlatch cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray of Clar Mel shopped in Seattle last Mon- day. S A F E W A Y Dry or Greeu :Mr. and Mrs. Duanne Mead have moved lute their new home near Potlatch. PROMPT DELIVERY Mr. Schrimpf returned last Tuesday from a business trip to Offers Opportunity Spokane. Or Haul Your Own and Mrs. Reader made a trip to Port For Retail Angeles last Wednesday.  :My. and Mrs. H. J. Maury and Save the Trucking Cost daughter visited at the Carlson home on Labor Day. } Miss Katheryn Wilson, o£ Seat- tlc, spent the week end at her beach home, returning to Seattle . I C K g I E B U R T Z :Monday afternoon. interested in a full timef0r, r!l:l.--. ...... __ MILL Mr and :Mrs. F. A. :Morrison tITLE SKOOKUM motored to Grayland and Toke- ,¥ ...... ----------------- hind Wednesday on a sightseeing sition and opportunity it with a progressive f°°dCi! :ao"+ Phone 160 J trip. Mr. and Mrs. Thor Jacobsen ke application at our  lO, - and Harold Jackson, of Tillieum, i / visited at the K. Simon's home on Stmday. Mr. and :Mrs. Lelan Cowles and at appearing, reliable granddaughter of Tacoma called )ublie. at the :Morrison home Sunday. Carolyn Reiman was hostess Saturday evening at her home for limited number of a dancing party for a group of her friends. A very enjoyable eve- women and also inex ning is reported by those present. Young Bob Pickering, son of :Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pickering, arrived at the home of his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pick- SI-/EX.TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i i,i m i Farms Sought For War Veterans In Mason, Thurston Thurston County Farm Security office is asking the help of every land-owner, farmer and organiz- ation in this area in locating suit- able farms for rent or sale to qual- ified veterans who want to return to farming, reports William H. Dunham, County FSA Supervisor, Court House, Olympia. Farms where diversified crop and live- stock programs can be caried out are preferred. "Mart3' veterans with farm ex- perience prior to going into the service as well as retruned war workers can qualify for FSA aid in getting re-established on farms but are unable to locate suitable units for lease or sale in this area," said Mr. Dunham. "A qual- ified veteran or former farmer can be placed on every goood farm for rent or lease this fall, or for sale on an earning capacity basis." Eligible veterans can secure five-year loans up to $25,500 for purchase of necessary livestock, equipment, advance cash rent and household goods if they can se- cure written three to five year rent or share agreements. Divers- ified family-type farms can be purchased on the basis of 40-year • three percent loans up to $12,000 Af the price is based on long-time earning capacity. Authorizations in the recently passed "Cooley Bill' are expected to further aid both veterans and local farmers who need additional land, buildings, or development to make their present holdings full- time family sized farms. Although detailed instructions on these loans have not yet been received, plans can be made now for use of the new authorizations. The County FSA office wil be glad to give detailed information on types of farms that can qualify I for FSA aid, and will be glad to refer qualified veterans to land- owners and farms who contem- slate leasing or selling present lAY STORES, ering, Saturday afternoon, com-J ink up from Portland where his farxas. parents are spending a few days.[ ,,,vv,,,vv,,,,,,,,=cTv, I Use the Journal 2iassffieds--qq,,v,, .......... v,,v,¢ they really get results. ] Hoodsport Guests of Mrs. F. M. Smith last Ready-Mix PROPORTIONED CORRECTLY AND PROPERLY MIXED Gives You Better Concrete Also Washed Sand and Gravel week end were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. C. Jaers and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Follet of Tacoma. C. Davis Weyerhauser of Taco- ma Will speak at Hood Canal Com- munity Church September 8 at 11 a.m. All tre invited. Visitors of Mrs. H. E. Lockwood: Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Grosser,  Mr. and Mrs. Howard and 2vIr. and Mrs. Smith :Mrs. George Alden spent several days last week With Mr. Alden in Lynnwood. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson have sold their store to Mr. and Mrs.' Sugar Stamp 49 Good Thru Sept. OPA has announced that spare ration stamp 49 wil be good for five pounds of sugar through Sep- tember 30, instead of expiring in August 31 as originally scheduled. The extension was granted, OPA said, because of local shortages which have prevented housewives in some areas from using the stamp. The agecy explained that spare stamp 51 wil be good for five pounds of sugar during the October-December qu.arter. J. H. Calder, Montesano Pioneer, Death Victim Joseph H. Calder, 86, pioneer of' Grays Harbor county, who died at the alma hospital last week after a brief illness, was buried at Mon- tesano, his long-time home, Tues- day. He was an occasional visitor in Shelton and was noted for his flowing white beard, which he has carried through most of his life. He came to Montesano in 1883 and started the Vidette, which he operated several years, and while he made that city the home of himself and family, his activity in later years was in real estate. Pickering The neighbors and friends of J. Guy Lowman were shocked to hear of his death of a heart ailment at the Shelter general hospital last Friday evening. He had suffered a heart attack Sunday, August 25 and was taken to the hospital for rest and treatment at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Lowman lived in Pomona California during the win- ter since his retirement from the teaching profession several years ago and have spent their summers at "Sprinwold," their home in Pickering. . The funeral and interment were in Seattle where Mr'. and :Mrs. Lowman formerly lived and where he taught for many years. ]Besides the wife, Mrs. Dixie U. Lowman, he leaves a son, V. G. Lowman, and two daughters, Velda Jean and Anitra Lowman of Tacoma. The many friends extend sympathy to the breaved family and will miss te kindly interest and helpfulness which were outstanding traits of the deaseased. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Defel of Se- attle are spending a part of their vacation with Mr. and Mrs: F. F. Wylie. The Delfels formerly lived for a number of years on what is now the Jay Cole place. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mitchell and daughter LaVernc and Sue Mitchel all of Seattle spent Labor Day vacation with Mr. and :MRS. Maldor Lundquist. Mr. and Mrs. Lantz Wiss attend- ed a family picnic or reunion of the Wiss relation at Twanoh State ever seen are arriving right weet and fine_,flavored ,., TAH - ALL GREEN ,ELERY ...................  ..... . S. NO. 1, IDAHO "aLLOW ONIONS ........ • S. NO. 1, IDAHO VHITE ONIONS ............ )CAL IANISH SQUASII ........ )CAL SLICERS UCUMBERS .............. ib; kRGE SUNKIST lb, EMONS .......... - .............. , {aSH LOCAL Ih [' ETTUCE ........................ w, MASON MATERIALS Successors to SHELTON CONCRETE PRODUCTS PHONE 123 00RAGUS SPEARS ,,.,0+,.c. 37c ":EN, 1946 PACK, 9.OZ. CAN FT VELVEETA CH ; PASTEURIZED CHEESE FOOD 'LL LIKE IT. 8-0Z. PKG. er/os "70" Club Sedan. GM Hydra-latgc Drive optional at extra r.,o8$, f 00ahon 'il/ and a S UgarehasStitO ::' ? 0 0 ' - re" at ournew D" BEEF i ous you a to g y g " portance of .......... lb. K,y==e. And there,s nothing we'd like bctter careful upkeep and regular service. While ig h :l t now, than to say to every Oldsmo- you're waiting for your new OIdsmobile, there- )R BLADE CUT BEEF  ii'J :-"¥': "Your car is here. Come get ill" fore, be sure to take advantage of our factory- ........... lb. y, it !USt isn't possible to do that. D" :+  area t enough new Oldsmobiles to arc offering every kind of modern automotive < service--from lubrication to major overhauls. EAK ...... lb..A00 d. Due to shortages in materials ii!"  voidable limitations on production, the Regular servicing of your car will safeguard * i i|7, of new cars still is behind schedule, your investment and assure you of safe, de- ...... ....  ew c pendable transportation until that great day O0 D" = j j}|}, allotments are far below tlm figures when your new Oldsmobile is here! 1: ih ]'[]i ::': Originally anticipated ............ ,nna"'w":::::::::::::::::::::::,r" ¢ ",,I)" DEALER /el IUUR r --- ' , ' ............ 1 L CHEVROLEI .COMPANY AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALER FOR MASON COUNTY jest to ,narkct =hanges and st0€ First and Grove Streets, Shelter Phone 114 Archie Calahan. The Johnson plan on staying and helping ih the Park last Sunday September 1. Mrs. Edith Roberts of San Fran- store for several months until their home is completed, cisco California came Sunday, Sap- Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson lamber 1 for a 12 day vacation ' visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fills. are spending a few days in Port land on business. Marjte is stay- ing with Dorothy Lockwood until they return. Mrs. H. E. Lockwood spent sev- eral days in Tacoma last week and attended the marriage of her niece, Miss Dulcte Van Slyke. Mrs. George Alden spent several days in Renton last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Woodman and family. Peggy Hagan returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Turner took their granddaughter, Radon, home to Hoquiam Saturday. Mrs. Bill Killlngsworth and son, Bradley, have returned from Yankton, South Dakota, where they have been visiting relativeS. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bresmann are living with Mrs. Lunt. Mr. Bresmann has the contract for the new school room. They plan on staying until the building is fin- ished, Miss Marjie Jackson had as a dinner guest Saturday night Miss Dorothy Lockwood. It was Mar- jie's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Woodman and family were guests of Mr. and :Mrs. George Jackson. The Birthday Club surprised Alma Hill with a party last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellenson and daughter, Betty Jane, of Sac- ramento, Calif., spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Gifford. Friends of Mrs. RoMe Smith were sorry to hear of her illness. Karen Kaare ls to leave Sep- tember 15 for Vancouver where she is going to school Mr. and Mrs. Calkins of Port Orange, Fla., and Jack Calkine of Roseburg, Ore., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Dickinson. Mr. C'alkins is Mrs. Dickinson's brother. Guests of Mrs. Lunt the past week end were Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Lunt of Qentralia. Mrs. Matt Van Laanan enter- tained with a party last Friday for Mrs. Emery Winters whose birth- day it was. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kaare, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKieI, the Winters and the Van Laanans. Mrs. Walter BarKer received a cablegram from T/5 Walter Berg- er that he will be home before September 15. :Mrs. Richard Addleman is work- ink in Olympia for two weeks. George Kaare has been visiting the Morris Kaares, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siegel of Woodsou, Ore., spent Monday with Mrs. J. H. 'Nance. Mary Ann Jack and Dick returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Collins of Tacoma spent the Week end in Hoodsport, Molly Seymour has returned from spending a Week with rela-" Lives in Ehna. Carol Hill sl)ent the week end with his parents, Mr. and I'ru. Ra;Iph Hill. rhe last meethg of the Young People's Fireside Group met inside the church in its final rally. There were 98 present with groups from the National Book Club of Tacoma and the Youth for Christ from Shclton. The worship was led by /Rcv. Eddic Coy of Tacoma. Since Alma Hill has been asked to cook at school she has given up the paper reporting. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cole returned Saturday, August 31 from a weeks fishing trip in the foot hills of the Olympics. Rayonier Share Dividend Climbs t From 16¢ to 38¢ "Rayonier Incorporated reports for the three months ended July 3], 1946 net sales of $8,49052 L compared with $6,374,801 in the first quarter of the previous fiscal year. Consolidated net profit af- ter all dharges, including federal taxes, was $689,358, against $470, 103, and equal after preferred div- idents to 38 cents per share on the common stock compared with 16 cents for the same period in 1945. President Edward Bartsch, in his letter to stockholders, states that demand for the companys prod9cts continues in excess of its ability to supply, despite the added production made possible by re- opening of the Shelton, Washing- ton, mill Through availability of this additional production, sale in the quarter were 33 percent a- bove those for the 1945 first quart- er. Current sales reflect also price increases approved by the OPA during the present calendar year. Net profit before federal taxes showed improvement but did not .keep pace with the increase in sales costs increased further, due principally to additional wage in- areases. "Consolidated balance sheet as at July 31 shows current assets of $10,772,234 and current liabil- ities of $2,360,802." Log-Truck Accident Victim Recuperating Winnning a battle against crit- ical internal inuries, Melvin N. Howe, 43, Route 2, Belfair, who was critically inured in a logging truck accident near Allyn three weeks ago, was reported by Brem- erton hospital attendants where he is confined as making satisfactory progress toward recorvery this week. A load of logs on which Howe was standing separated and roll- ed from the truck after the safe- ty chain had been released, crush- ing Howe and inflicting critical in- ternal injuries as well as back and pelvis fractures, II II II I • I I I -- I I , Page_9 + Heinie's Taxi-Gr0cery FIRST AND PINE -- PHONE 392 Open Evenings -- Sundays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for GROCERIES--MEATS--VEGETABLES ICE CREAM--CANDY--OI? DRINKS -- Plus -- HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT RICHFIELD OIL PRODUCTS  AUTO SUPPLIES PHONE 392 for TAXI SERVICE A Non-Poisonous Non-Inflammable' New Cleaning Detergent GOLDEN BEAM is a new water soluble liquid soap cleaner containing grease removing solvents which is more effective than soap for general cleaning in the removal of grease, oil, pitch, etc. It is completely neutral and free from any alkaline reaction with water, and has mild anti- septic properties. GOLDEN BEAM maintains its cleaning and sudsing powers even in cold water. AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL RETAIL STORES IN SHELTON Manufactured and Packaged In Shelton By / PRICE D.ETERGENT CO. Am You May Now TURN IN Your Old Eleetrolux $1i¥ On a New Machine for only Free Pickup and delivery included. I 1 I II II ......... The Following Supplies Are Now Available at Klllme+ s Electric Store+-- Phone 664  •  , , , , . ELECTROLUX ELECTROLUX WAX I ELECTROLUX ,,....., I .... _...+., -"BBR "-&.. I LIQUID SOAP .ZO gat. I %%Zgq;% u '* * -Eas "to /-'l';- Why worry about Washing Powder' Short- X*.tLZXU. $3 per gal. Lasts Longer [age. Abe m. s'. ga ,o.s of cleaner I " : .... Y PP ve aKe 23 I 5 Lb Box Only I ,or ,i.o,o,,m an. I Plenty of Brushes on Hand -- All Sales and Service Work + JaekUndet Dit eat l00Ja IIleSUpervisi°n of ' Only Authorized Electrolux Representative in Mason County t In 8helton - Call Killmer's, Phone 664 -- For Orapeview, Allyn, Hoodport, Selfalr, ere. - Phone Hoodsport 2-W.2 207 Cola Street, Shelter Will handle S.ERVICE and SUPPLIES in Connectiou with the ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANER. Except ,for cords and hoses, all repair work to be handled by the Seattle Factory, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. KILLMER'S ELECTRIC STORE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY SPECIAL NOTICE Insurance and Real Estate We Pay Cash for Ashes and Sell Dirt Cheap. EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE 120 South Third Street - - • PLhone 540+:: ......