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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 5, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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+% SRELTON.MASON COUNTY 3OURNAI CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that emled bids will Do receWed by tl;e ll,reclors of School ;Jstriet No. a09, "ktlsen County, ..waMflngton, }11) t0 the Imur of 5 o&apos;cloc•k P,M. on • Sih.dember 10lh I[M.6 for demoliMflng and re- 'ovlng I|i,* old gl'lndstslld lind do- bris from LOOll Field, work to be fOllil)lotld wi|hll| six WOO[(S frolu daU. of award of )hi. The tflddor mu:d. pr-- Vide for I.,lilll,qlrJt|l lllSlll'/lllC¢! till Ihtl jolt, Ill vOlltldiaJli!e witil 1|11' laws of lhe ft[ Iv e  Virash ngton 1" gift is re- Servod to rejeisl aliy er all bids. Hy 01:dcr .of lhl, Pdmrd or l)Jrect,n';i ol iql,,ol l)istrh.i No. 1109+ Mason C, nlltly, Vi,/ltsh ing t on. LAURA T, fUftPlIY, tlf!rk. Set'joel lJlsi.riet No. 309. 8-29-9-5---2t. NOTICE OF CALl, FOR IIIDS OF PARIIINI; M ETEI{ NOTICE IS HI-IEBY GIVEN timt e, City () Slit•lion call foj lid on 1108day the 10ill (hly of SopiFnber, 1:946. at the hour of +2 o'clock p.m. 8t fhe Ctty Conlmission looms 'in the Oily It[all 'ill "8l'l,[OJl, Wallin'[)n, np- 0ll written Iliht for the 9Ur1llase and iMMlati m of q(t( p t'k ng nloiers, IDIOI'O, (,r .les[t, • ly order of the .City olt+lllllSslon 0f tl++ City of ,She)ton,; asl Dlffhm. Datcll Ihla 20ill day of Atlgnst, Jg,t(l. ALMA K+ ()ATTO. Aellng City Clerk 8+22-29-.9-5.--3t. NOTICE OIP. IIEARING NOTICE IS IIERI+BY GIVI,3N timt tli¢t l!lOill'd Of Collltl|isshlllers l)f Ptflt- ltc Utility District No. 1 of Mason C01ll'ltV, Washington, have prepared ,rld placed, on file .the PP, posed Bud- guet for Publi l;tiltly Disirlet No. l OJ" Masou [oull'tY, f0f ,Lh+) ,snsuin;f aar. Notiee is furi]ler given tbftt pub- 11: hearing will be held on the first ,onday of+October 1946 (Ootober 7th) at 8:0eli,m,, at tile i)l'fi,:e of Public Utility Disivlet N <L " l " f¢) 1' lhe ,pro,pose +(fixing the final Budget and making the is× levies, tit whictl tame any iax- ps.y r may appear till,'| bt. tlPfll'd for or agninst nny part ,,f said l,ludgot.' ntetl llls lill day d Septen'iber, 1,,971C. i Slgned) ALVI.HULEJ.T, Secretary of the Board. 9-5-12,.-2t. Stat( of Wasll'lngt on B t3)RAll;It'S. Olylnlila NIL 1685 NOTICE (IF SI,TTLEMI.]NT OF ACCOUNT IN TIlE SUPERI()F COURT OF TIIE STATF, OF W/SI[INC4TON IN AND F'tII. :MASON COUNTY (IN I)ltO IIA'J'I'D Ill ||le Mutter of th,' Esiatn ef Char- lea IPvUrll'is Carver. l)l-{'tqlsed. NtITICE is I'w/'iqly given that Ciltu'- lOS '', %¢l'i)I]ll. tilt • :tdll,illJs|rlitel" of llie t'q,llllt¢+ O1" (llal'lt.,q Francis (al'V(l'. de1',oase+i. 1111:4 ,'i2tldil'Pd aJttJ [}l'l++Si'l,tt, d for seith,lllejll I<l, /lilt] filed ,u the Upel'l(H' (ouFt <Jr said Colutt V nnd Sial( + ills IOinal twcoIllll as 8111."tl Ad- lilintslr,qt, lw; sntl IhaI, Satllrd/ly, the 14+h day of Stq)tendu+r. 11)46, at 10 e'cl(Jcl A... Ill be cou1"t ]'OOlH of 11111' said Silllerit r Court, in tim City of ['lhelton, ill 8Md '(Jullnly, has boon doly apl+ointed by our Supertor Court fo£" tile eLLtleilent of lh,' 'inal Ac- coum, at which tirtle aty/ place any person interested in said estate nmy ttl)lM,ar slid fih  his exve flious in writ- Jllg + tO lilts: .ll d F IJaI I,VCOttlIt. and COl, teSt till+ SIHII,, 'W1.TNESS tile Hen. ,folUl M. WiN son, Jndgl, Ot tile 8uid SuD,q'ier Court+ ILnd |J,¢+ Boal of said ([t)ul't affixe(l this flIll day of August. 19,111. CLA IH,] ENtl I+H.,SEN, (1(U.llllg (hq'l r. luld Clerk ef said H]J(rior Ct)111'1,. WP4I(UT ,% MAILOY. Ati,,l'a,'ys fC)IJ Adlllinlstrator, -15-22+29+--9.5--d t, REAL ESTATE VETERAN, wife lind ,child need IOod- ('1'11 ]ltllJSe or ,l],)arlnlant ill or near Shorten. Write Box: I , c-o'n;d e[l•l':O. P!)-5 ____.s ............................................. NOW (.)PEN lo civilians. "I-leautifttl II¢W -I)e(ll!t)Olll ]IOUI( ju, rt hardwood [h.)ors, Illt)lieru, hliost style eqlfil)- ltt¢'nt, 4-1'(K)tllS and hn,]l phls ill.)lily /.)rch, L(,vel Jqt 60 x 100, tdo:d faln- IIV |0('Ittio11, :N/o:r [)11#t llHd storPs t it L:iorel anll I( Slreets. Mr, Vh'w. A real buy 0t $'1509, ]11qnire Ethel I-h:)p- kills. Heini¢s Taxi Stand before ,t :30 p,n), A8-29--9-5 FOR SALE: 21 acres ef waterfront n. Tuands lOllin:mla on Hood Canal. $800. ,Vrlt.e I-l'ert,lan DewJ|z, Grlpe- view. Wasll. 8-29--10-3I CLASSIFIE ADV]RTISIN ATE 20 words or less (minimum oharge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 :week 50. Lower rates for larger ads an more Irei, tlotm. Reader notices $c per word. '78S ,minimum e)large .on each not ic Curd of Tllanks, $].00; origta poetry 50c per inch; elassltidd display rtes oa raquoat. A dvrtlssmants acceptsd over (+he ",tele4th6ne fram phone sub+ s6ribrs, Casla should accompany all other .orders Or payment nlads within five (5) dq0's of the IJrs.t insertion to save expense of hill, lng. An extra chgrge of 10c will be maae when .billing is necea salT. PHONE 100 . m FOR SA£:I: downiewn, a conlphto ............. h,o)lC In oxc,qlent condition, lhroe IWh'E][ bedrol)lUS, diniog roe(u, dioette. ,fh,e- ])laee; double l)hnnbing, full base- , . , . Vv. .... - nlellt, tl,uit)nlatl< (3tl Ileal. landseap- ] WE PAy CAStt for blackberries at old ed ground. With pool. S('e owner at county faro1, Lake Isabella Roll(l, 810 Cots St. L9-5-19' l,outo 1, Box 216A. L8-15--9-5 F()I: SALE: 6 acres good lind witl  4-rooln house, large attiC. Very ross- WANTED inmmdiately by ehtld-plae- onai)le. TWo In les s+ oti (11' S lolltll, itlg (11, rural homes of • ,., lille fl'nl ]tghway. lnqtlire l, good standards for ondeH)rivlleged ]u, Tayh)r, l(ami]cho. 9-5-19 children from infancy to 18 yoal'S. l=eard medical care, oh)thing pro- V dad. Pllone 200 or write ]'II,X 508. 1;'C)l SAtbE: 15 ncres. 4-re(no ,llouse Stloltan, W9-5 NO. 4755 + and halh, Tlu'ce acres in chive" SIIMMONI ii'lIR I'IJlILI;CATION ]3arn 49k20, Tw) WelJs, running wa- IN TIdE SUPEIIIOR COtIItT ()Ii' TItE l,,r ii) barn and llOUSe• School lois WANTEr): Tannin for housework bY STA,TE OF WASIflN(]T()N IP()II alld lnliil route, ehetrhr lights and day. lnqulre 700 TtlVller Aecllue O1" MASON COUNTY l,eh[)houe. 1/'ive tilile8 out in Lost( Ill)one 5fl2ff. V9-5 Willlalrl Khhh'ed, Plaintiff, vm Axol Lake Road. RoUte 1, :Box 219, Shelton. i R. Lindwal]. Ja;le Doe Lindwall, B9-5-19 i WANT.El'): one •30-30 Winchester car- whose truc Christian Nloue is to Plain. ..... blue, Model 94. Must lie #o)od, Wl'lte <tiff ulflcn0wn, his wife the lnlknown .............................................................. ±''-:"" Star .'te. No. 2. L. C. Munz. beirt of said Axel R. Lindw/lll. lie- 9-5-19 ceased, unknown lleirs of said JInte Doe Lindwati. decsased. Jatle ]Joc nulson, .v,,liose Lrlle Chrisitan nalile t/g to Plaintiff naknown, and the 1.1n- kDoWn hel,rs of said Jnne l)oe I(nut- sc)n. deceased, Defendanls. THE STA'IE OF WAStHNCTON to tile said Axel R. Lindwsll, Jane Dec Liiidwall, Whese t/'ue Christfan ntlnle i to Piidnti,fl' unknown, the unkaown )leirs of said Axel R. Lindwall. de- ceased, the Hnktlown heirs of said Jaile Doe Lindwali. dl'eeasod, Jane Doe KllUtSOn, ad ttle unkrll.)wn heirs 0g said J'am; Doe l'uut,h.ill de(eased, Defendants : GOOD BUYS 01 Mountain View 2 lots, nice home ............ $3250 On Hillcrest Nice, 3-bedroom kome .. $5250 WANTED: wotuan for llar,t ,tinle house- work. Must be neat and reliable. Phone 421R. Mc9-5-12 WANTED: good holues for young PUP- pies. InqTJire M: iliel Rbute 3, ox 179 (near Walker Park). S -22 --9 -5 WILL "ISRADE cold sLorage lcker l Auburn rot" 9he" jn S)elton, n- quii'e Olylnpic Motor So:los, phone 595, 8,32tfn. Shick & George TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby glven 1hat Itarry ,T, C, Berg et al of Uilon, State of ashlngton, under dale of August 22, kI6, filed with the State Surwrvis0r O,f Hydraulics Olympia. Washington, an applic.ation for a pcrrnit t d;vert the public waters of 9J! tmmtkd stream, in the amount of 0•06 cc0nd- foot, snbJect to existin ¢ rights, fronl April 15 te'Oetober'l 0t eaeh year for lle purpo o' J1'rigat'i( ffad c0ntin- Uously. for doidestie .supI)ly. that the pproxunaie point of diversion is lo- cated within NW: c)f SE or' Section 1, Tdwnhlp 22 N,, Range 2 W. W. M,, in Maton County. A it%ap show- tig the lodatlon and phul of said diver- sibrt and lho place of lhe proiiosed use Is on file in the offic of tile State S.perVimlr of tlydraulics, Olynipia, W/18binlton together witti such other tnt'orniath)a as is r0quh'ed by law.' Any pPrson, firnl or eorporation "wla, 8++ right Will be tu" urtollsly affected by said allplieation riaz'l'ile with the Stale Suporvis0r. of /-lydratilt;. at O|yniphi, Washington, such objection8 0r representations, ill writing, as he l'y desire to nlake, within thirty (80) ,_ys tilter date of last publics(it, n, w,blcb dete is Septenaber 12, 1946, Vllness itiy hand sad official seal (:his 26th day of AtlgUt. A. D. '946. RODNE Y. RYKHR. State. Supervis()r.or Hydraalics. 9//5-12-2t ot Fan- HEREBY GIVEN that aret Smitit, <if Fannle with court IMsrloutiou asltmg set- fib ,'rod approve said Final Report and Petition for Distribution, to dim- tllbtlte the property to lhe persons tl'eto entitled az}d to discharge said Executrixes. " ' '-]NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, thst Md Final Repwt and Petition tar TMstrlbul.ion will b0 t/card on t- rday tile 41h day of Saptmnber, HH6, a[ the hour of 10 o'clocl¢, in the rore- 0,on,  ih:Co31rt Rgont, In the Court .ouse, in heHon, w'ashtngton, •)ated this 12th day of August, 1.946. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, County Clerk elf the State of Was]lfngton, for M1ts(')n County. CHAS, R. LEWIS, &ttorney for said estate, eli Btiildtng 119 So, dth St,. ShUton,, asoh County, Washington. 8-15-22-29--J-5--4t. 'NO. 187 NOTICE TO CREDI'r$)RS TO I'REglENT AND FILE TIIEIR CLAIMS COURT OF THE FOR ed and ltasqualified of the Last Will and of Ver- and tllat YOU ;nld oal',h of you :ire hereby mimnoncd to ffppear withln Mxty (60) days after tile date of the l!h'st pub- liiation el' this Suiumons: to-wit: wtthtn s xty d'iys nft,+r th( 22ad day of August 'I946 lind defsnd the a!jovb entit ed action in t ae. above entitted Court, and answer he Coo(plaint of the t"qaintifl, and serve a eop of your answer upon tho undersib'ned Attorney for lainti£f, at his office be, low stat- ed. sad iti case of your failure so to do judvnient witl be+ rendered againot Yon Itccorditlg {;€1 the detllatl(18 Of the Coniplatnt whlch has lleen filet[ with tile Ct,rk of 8aid Court. By this action PIainliff seeks to qul0t his title In nnd to the following described Real Estate situated in Ma- s.0ri C(UP.ty, Washington to remove e'10uds front his title thereto aud to forever bar restrain and enjoin yoU ta ete, one of you from assm'ting any mgnt, title, cmtnl, oquity or in- tercst therein or thereto adverse to Plainl;iff's title, and to haY'e" Plaintiff adjudged the legal owner and entitled to posscssioa of Gown'nment Lots 1 and 2 and the North half (NIAz) of Lbe Southeast quarter (SE) Section 32, T)wns lip 22 N( rih, Fmnge 2 West, W.M., exceptfng t)ublic read rights of way. if atAy ' ' " CH'A,S. R. IdEVIS, Of flee and Post Otfiee Address: 1:]9 o. 4ih StretK, :Bell Building, Sh(qton, Mason Courttv, Washington, 8-22-29---9-,5212-19-26--10-3--.7t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS . NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, Ttlat on Ties<lay. the ]st dry of O(tober, 1946. COnllileneillg lit terl o'clock ill tho forenoon of said day, In frenl of tile ii)ain eutrance do0f to ttie Csunly Court HOuse in the City of Shclton, co-unty of Mason, St+ate of Washington; by" the County Audttor of said Couty. the followiog described state lands, together with the improw, ments situ- ated tllermn, wfll be 8old at. public aulem,+,t0 the hghest bidder,there- fat:.+ t:o-wW:, , '. "..' ' NOTE--N6 one except citizens of the IInlt(d State, or l)crsons who have dech.tred their intlmiion to beconle sugh, cau purchuse tate lttrlds. A1)PL!C.'/'ION :NO. 19 SE 4 sf NELl of section 28, town- ship 20 north, range 6 west V, 211, contalning 40 [1ores, nmre or les. ac- (ording to lh! ImVel'nnteut 1 tirvey t|lel'co|', II iDraised at $400.00, Sad h.utllS will Im sold for nol less tllan tile appraised valne above stated and uponthe*terms and vondlti0ns f01. Not lena t+h6n ne-tcnth of the Pur- chase prtce must ba paid at the time of eale, Thd purchaser, if he be not '(he owner of i21e Improvements rs f0rtbwilli pay to :lte off leer ,m,king the sah,; tile full atnount of I]Ie n)- praised vnle of the ll]lprov(,In¢nls, tls above stat0d, One-tenth of the pur- ctlliSt I)rlee Ioust be Daid alll)ll;1]ly lhereafter with interest ,m all dcf(31'- :).d ayments at the rate of ix per centUm per allnum; rovldc0, That Rny lurcliser HIty mMte full payment of principal intel+('st and statuto{y fees' ai any time an( obtain deed, The I1urcnam:r of ]()lld cenlainiug Iinlber or other valuable materials is trohi- bitcd bY law from cutting er l'mov- lng any' soch tim(let or nlaterJals with- out first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Plblic Lands, until the 1'1111 amount of tim puretlasc price has been paid and deed issued, All sales of sta, te lands re maple mtbject to the reservations of oils, gaseS, coal ores, minerals and l'0s- stls of every ]lathe, kind and lescripr lien. and o the additional %erms atilt condltions prescribed In section 8 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold auhJect to the terms, conditions and reservations of cllapter 312 of the Session Laws o£ :1927, relating to easements for rlgMs- of-way and .the carrying 0f timber, stole, minerals and othor products oer th same. OTTO A. CASE, Comnlissioner of Public Lands. 8-29--9-5-12-19-26---51, I(OTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday,. tht. 1st day of October. 1946, connncnc/ng at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the the main entrance door to the Connty this Court He(me in the city of Shelton, nr CoUnty of /ffason, State of Washing- shall bfi forever ton, by the County Auditor of said county, the. following described state ALBERTA . G[FFORD, . | tl10]lanas, together with thg. ilpr0ve- Lxoeutr! o.f=. estate or I merits situate thareon, writ bo sb/d vernon S, l(;tt(@d, aece.sqd, i t u.blla' auction lo the ltighest kid- Bell Buihi ng, '1 South atn i der thorefor, t0-wit: •, Shelton, Maon Coun-'1 N0E:-:Nro ons except citizens of ty. Washington. I the United State, or persons who a2HAS. R. LEWIS, I have  declared thetr intention to bs- Attorney for said estate come such. can PUrchaso etate lands. -ll Btiildtng, 119 South 4th Street, APPLICATION NO. 103,11 ahelton, Mason Count,_Waash/ngton. All tldc lands oi' tlle second class 8-2,9--9-5-L2--4t, owned by the State of Washington, s!tUate ih front of, adJae, ent to or anutung upon Lot 5, section 9, town- tlmt lsht 23 nor(b, range 3 west, W.M., €" C(nanflssioners, With a frontage of 8.65 lineal chains, alngton, will re- more o1' less. appraised at $40.00 pet" to 2;00 o'clock chain or $846.00. at the Cour,t Said lands will ba sold for not less .o, at Which than the appraised value above stated e and pub- and upon the term sad conditions fol- ': , lowing f th ur Cc mty Road t iess than one.tentho e p - 1 ingle seal etlte price must he paid at the time .6 olios long. of sam. ")2he purchaser, if he be not f |nantities: the owner of ths improvsment, mt '2, ;20 cu. the sale the full amount o... the p- fortbwlthPay to the officer making 0r lance, wlth praised value of the Improvemgnts, ¢,s , tnd bthcr above stated. One-teith of. the pur- ol file, with cbaa nlalce nnst be paid annually. as n County, thereafter wj,tll interest on all de£errea )  ay be ob- payments at tne ra_te o'lx2er ' ten- .0( for each turn per annum: rrovldea, That any. ld, t if plans purclmser may make full ayment ot ion returned in good principal, interest .and statutory fees at any time ana obtain seed. Tile pur- forms may bc obtained from €l0r of and cent(doing t.lmDer or Audttor of :Mason County. I other valuable materials ls prohibitea bid sltalt be accompanied by front cutting or removing any or cashi/w's check or materials without first the County Treasurer of consent of the Commisioner County. in ihe sum of 5% m until the full amount be for;cited to MasoR County ,rice lias been paid , the successful bidder lu case he nter into ,contract arid ftte 'Ely bond tn te tum contract to fill con- c0ntraet within five of award. 8-29--9-5--2t, of-WaY , of stone, minerals products over the same, OTTO A, CASE. Colnmissloner of Public Lands, 8-29--9-5-12-19-26--5t. wANTED : cleanhig wOllanthree days 125 N, Ftrst St. Phone 46 a week. Phone IM. ES-22tfn WANTED: responsible gii'l or woman ,i --", l- ."   ., to assist ih hoUsgwork, Must lke FOR, SAL': modern h0use/'5-'onlJ children, viome nights. PhOne 160M. down stairs, urffinislied upstairs ES-22tfn, suitable for two bedrooms. GIasscd- 'W2NTID.TO' BUY: good uset_ boy:s in back porch. Wired for electric range. Garage. On Hillcrest. See Lu- bicycle. Write C. C.' Townsend. Bei- cilh: ArbogliSt tit '/,dand 7rake. lair, Wash. . 8-29--9-5 ,9-5-19 FOR SAI.E: 50 or 250 feet.0f Island highway. ew nydraul/c pipe pusher• Lake Waterfront. Inquire 3t6 East Douglas Lince, Star Rou.e 1 Box Harvard Street. ,Me9-5-19 581, Union. Ph0no Bel#r 550• ...... . ' 7-11--i#,-5 FOR SALE: tlouse 0n 117 MiJ1 St. ) ........ $::L250, Balance to suit, Phone 8909, W ATED: women lnj../, on Littierock. Pg-5tf+n. i Chunky Stealn .aUnnry. " ,'o-ltl. FOR SALE: $3.500. l-room house and shower. 5 acres o5 laad four nliles south o,f Shelton on O.lyxuIc high- way, wood co6K stove an it walnut bedroont suite davenport and kit- then laJ e ,aud ellah's. Ivan C. Shut- ter. IU, i Box 24, 8-29tfn. FIRST TIME ON TItE MARKET 20 acres adjoining City Limits, lectric line arid el.y: water across the property, Priced for quick ,,-,.ale. If ybu ave looking for inv(stnient O1" a hl)llslng project see. WALTER A. MAGOON 325 Railroad Ave, Shelton, .Washington 8-29--9-5 [ANEp: glt'l rofi geaiera/ '.of/ice work, Write Bo B, c-o Journal, 8-tfn. WNTED: .b00kk_e6peg: /llqul/e Mason Couitty Steam ,aunary. 8-Sttnl WANTED: E.v4erenced woman £or goneral hoIsework, ad #ar 0f one Oflild. 0om, board, gooa satary. In- qulre a ournal. 4-114fn WANTED: Women to Wq.rl¢. as oyster Cullers at Oyster Bay. all long dis- tance, Oyst ay,' coRect, ask ".for OSba Zanclell. 10-1$-tfn W,I'IRFSS .and itc.hen nIP y_ante0. A0plYHotel "Shelton Coff4e Shop.._ W,.NT .TO BUY: old horses 19r.Miak FOR SALE: two houses. Apply at Ieea, lIyers and t-Iansen .Minl l,'arln, llbone 28,1R or 518 Park St. 7-4tin Olynlpl. Phone 4676 collect, l-lifo - WANTED ntmt's gld gold watch (haln, wjth"t'dun.d hk; Also Waclt OR SALE i 'oham.ns 'or lobs: Iaqulre Journal of- 240-acre stock ranch 12 tniies S,W. , /lee. Will P0Y ea. B6-27t'n. of Sheltou; 40 acres cleared, bal- ance in fir, aider and cedar; fruit W- tre, es an d hel•rs;,tWo-.creks,-n . 17"413ES,,:.,oilg g eIg, hgrt haul. ]w*opo/.ty;. .z,ool-fl ',h)ll$o. ,ith larg6 " , rame lYHJI;"Lyllfh' lDaa nd ' Yh- attic, new stock and lmY barn .K9 'vy, four miles s6uth of ett]:fn,-zs x84. anlt Other outbuildings; ce- n lenbd well. gas pump and large i'mk. Priced at $10.000. M. C. ZIN- ' i ..... 'i'tiEO, Realtor, Phone 157, Shel- State of Waslfington ten, Wash. 8-29---5 OFFICE OF 8UPEVIS()R OF It 'DItAUI,1CS' ' .'..' ,- - ' ....  ............. . r. Olympia FOR SALE: 2 bedroom niodern ]iome, largo living rooln, dinette, kltciten NOTICE OII,R RI¢IIIT with lets of built-ins, two large APPLICATION NO. 7397 |)edroonla, .bath, utllity room with 10undry tubs, 0hie&en house and, TO WltOM ITOOICERN: ,lah'ge Kat2age, l& lats, 'lawn, shrubs.  Notice  )2eret/y given that R. E. an(1 garuen spuce. Pitolle 3MWX t÷rossnmnn at Seattle, State of Wasn- , K8-22--9-5 ington, hnder date of A)j'ust 22, 1946, FOR SALE: 4-room house urnished filed wi,th the State upervisor  of Hy,l.aullic, Olympia. Wdshington, an er mfftirnished, 8 acreS, abmldaco applic0;tlon tar a permit to divert the of spring water piped to house by public, waters of an unnanmd stream gl.avity, Basclneut, fisu pond, 9 tributary (,f Goldsllorougll Creel€, in miles north of Shelton on U. S. 101": tile amount c)f 0,2.5 second-foot ub- R. M,Bonh.'uu, 8tar Route 1, Box Ject to exisiing rights, from Aril 149A, Shelton. 8-22--9-5 15 to October 1 of each year for ihe - - purpose of irrigation and continuously FO SALE: two t0ts on Island ake. 1'or domestic supply and fish culture; Phone 791J after' 6 p,m, D-229-5 that tlle approxirnate point of divszr- sion is located within SWA of NE . i i of See(iota 8, Township 20 N,, Range ,l W.W.M., in Mason County. A ap ho,wl+,lg ,the location and plan of said FO R S A L E dlyerst0n' and the place of the Dro- poiea .use is im iiic in toe office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, 13.73 ACRES of good property Olympia,. Washiag,ton, together with 8ucl} other im, ormation as i8 reqlflted located on Hammersley Inlet ny law. . about 12 miles from Shelton, kny erso;a, .flr!n ..or,, corporauon at IAbbys Point. 800 feet of whose right Wtu o,e Injuriously of- letted by s ald_ppllqatton may. file 1St and 2nd qlafls tidetartds. .With th.e State Si).per_S0f of Hyaratl- Has 6 room hoe with fire- ncs, at Olympia, washington, aucll plaee, not m0den, good well, 9bJecio.mi or rere.oat.alons, in wi'it- ng, as ne may teSlre to make within woodshed, garage and chick- thirty (80) days after date 'of last en house,• About 240 grape, pblfeatlon, whicil date is September ;12' 1946, +v's, 20 fru/t rees, 6 ut ';Witness lny hand and official seal trees, all feaced. Also some a, id th day o£ August, A,D. 1946, (SEAL) second growth timber. Excel- RODNEY RYKER, lent s+ub0vban property for the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. fftiture "#lien you are ready to 9-5-12=-21. retire, or year-round home. Priced at $8500 cash, 5-room modern home In excellent condition located on hill. 1-Ias good garage and utility room attached to home; Nice yard. Can t)e pur- cnased with additional lot i£ de- sired. Priced at $9.500.00. Good 5-room modern homo wlth fireplace and cement foundations. Located about 5 miles from Shel- tgn 9 pavi highway d ha. about z acres of land wlth lots or fruit trees and grapevines, also to sell at oace. 4 acres ef ,land in corner between two highways, good, soil., Excellent soot £or at6re0 .servic 9 s.tatlon  ana cabins. Close m. mccd at $1150 cash, 3.87 acres of good land and 2-room house located in Skokomlsh Valley. $I375.00. $ $ * 10 acxe of land and 4-room ltouse, located about six mtle east of Snelton on Allyn highway, Well on property but no electtqcity. $1500 tern/s, 5 o.ereswith a most modern 6-room ltome. Ecellent,garden with plen- ly 0f frtllt trees. Garage and fruit t:0om attached. This property is located close ill and is conlete in every respect. WIll have lobe sees to be appreehiteo. 'Pmced at $8,- 000.00. Herbert G. Angle State of Wcthingtan OFFICE OF SUIRVlSOR OF I! YDICAIILICS (Hympla NOTICE OF GROUND WATE RIGIIT APPLICATION NO. 8 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN • -Notice is reby.flven hat R. C. 'a!low" of Union Washington under sate of August '10, 1946 file.d wlth the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, OlymPia, Washington an applicaiion ol" a enlt to ;'lhdraw public ground water i)y means ot a welt situate 2 )iles South of Bclfalr, in the amahnt Of 17 gallons pet' minute subject to exls0ng "rlg,hts dnrlng the irrigation season, each year for the purpose of, irrigation,' 'n, c0tinuously for 10m- I esflc supply, for several families; that[ the location of the withdrawal Tel'ks I is within Governmest ot 2. Sec. 6 I Twp. 22 N'. Rge. 1 WW.M. in Mon [ Count. A map sltowin the location! and pa of ald works and the l)ce I of the )rap0sed use is on file in thc I office o£ the State SuPervisor of Hy-I draulics, Olympia, ashington togeth- I er with such other lnfornlation as is" required by law. $y p er,on, firnl or carpers(ion nose right ill t9. JnJtriously' af- fected by safa "appncation /nay 'ile With the State SuServisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia, Washington, sucti ob- jections or relresentations in.w. rit.g aS he may aeilre t0 matte, witmn thlr- ty (30) d ays after date of last ptibli- cation, wtllch date is September 12 1946, Witness my and and official seal this 151h day of August, A,D. 1948. (SEAL) RODNEY RYKER. State Supervisor of Hydraulics. By: CHAS, J. BARTHOLET, Deputy. 9-5-122t. t , ,. MASON LAKE Waterfront Tracts 60 X 300 foot, beauti£uit tres, marvelous gravel beach, good fishing, fine camp gounds. Take Baysh0re Road, follow signs. ONLY 15 MILES, come out and Select your tract, you name the down and monthly payments---You can't go wrong ,owning a waterfront tract. See Gordon Mendenhall ' Representative on tlle Ground W. C. MADING  702--3rd Ave., Seattle, El. 8745 7/t-ira Classi00ed Ads Classified Service PAIER tfANGtNG, signs, inierior painting, F. I(. McCutel)eon, 222 South Second S[., Pllone 685, Office, with Roberson Pluntbing. 8-1-tfn SEPTIC TANIS cleaned out, contonls hauled away. Quiek service. Call Chas• ,Jones. Olylepia 3486 or 7026. 8-22--I 1-7 P.USINESS OPPORTUNITY: $525 in- vested lu Vending Machines Call make YOu over $50 pet" week ill spare time. o selling. Apply NOW. P.O, Box 1074, Olympia, Wasl), J8-25--9-8 WELL DRILLING: Work and lnatc- rlal guarantebd Vern Davldson, 903 Ellinor, Shellou. Ptione 22!lW. 7-181fn 1,LECTROLI/X CLEANERS. SAIES, Scrvic and supplies. Free pickup and delivery. Jack llaniey, only authorized lac- tory re4n'escntat.ive. Phone 1-Ioodsport 2W2• 7-18--tfn PORTABLE STEAM CL]gANER for truck'and atlto motors, worg eve- .nings and Satnrdays. Ernest Bootl). 411 Harvard, 1)hone ,t78-J 6-20tfn. USED TIRES: passenger ad truk capping and repairing:  • Smtth Co., .lglon aria unerry, Olympia..Phone '7753. U. S. T res mla tfatterms, ll-1/Rfn. IF Y(U WANT CAPENTERS AND ELECTRiCIaNS contact C. L..Coi- lns, Bugines-Agent, 1612 Divls10n. Phone 240W. . 3-90tfn URGESON ADIO REPAIR'ING near Xunlor ltlgil ool. ,el0sed.,ratur- ,.dys. '22[ Franklin. phqne ai.W or leave 0rk at Killmer ,leetrlc. 5-7 COOK STOVE OIL CONVERTERS ain Available Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st St. Phone 126 Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 Classified Service DANCING every Satur(;ly at 1,Iatc cry Crango I:hlll. Good, good tin(c. W5-30tfu. IIEMSTITCHING: 10c yard[, also but- tonholing.. Mrs. Ellis Well.% 405 Ar- cadia. Avenue. (Corner Arcadi and 3oundary Streets,) 2-28-tl"n IIEMSTITCHING 10c "JARD. Knife and sqlssor sharpening. Would like to continue w/th h's, Twohy's cus- tomers. Mrs. FredElson, 427 Belle- vue. 3-7-tfn i General Home Repairs Handy .man with pick-up truck and tools, to take care of those small repair jobs. PHONE 656 FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Rug and Linoleum Cleaning Best Rates - Quick Service BRACY'S FLOOR SERVICE Phone Olympia 9547 Butler Motor Rt. 6 7/].8-8/30 ...................... --'"=t ............ Mr£CHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINESHOP o SPECIAL/ZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISt'I- ING. .............. ! , nl n .... i ...... CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 20l E, Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AD SELL ° EVERYTHING THE GIFT 'BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. Beautiful Sterling Silver St. Christopher ,Car Medals, 50¢ and up. St, Anthony, Scapular and Mraculous on eighteen and twenty-our inch chains, price range $3.50 .to $4.25. • 7/8-tfn Stoves and o 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton Western Supply Co. 218 N. First St. Phone 126 "Has Plenty of Those HARD-TO-GET-ARTICLES -- Such As -- Hydraulic bumper acks Friction-type bumper jacks Screw-type Scissor jacks Chrome Exhaust Deflectors odel-A Ford Water Pumps Water pumps .for other cars also Grill Guards White .Side-¢alt wheel rings Alemite grease guns and equipment Cook Stove Oil Conversion Units 2 and 4-slice Toasters Light Fixtures Furnaces V A C U U M CLEANED Phone 132-M Prompt Service AUTO BODY" REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS • WORK oo I EATON [ Body and Fender Works t Third and Grove Streets I Pom'im s I .7J2 '" "' i' "'") ,'+ \\; .... WEDISH MASSAGE Rheuna.tism, ove;rwelght, u n¢eigt "Regulates functions of skin, nerves, llg¢$tion lunbgo, circu- . IV[ ON DAY" THRU,'RID AY 9 ajn. -/6 p.m. 2  Seona st. A. F, 0PPELT Phone Hosport 24J4 or Shelton 48 Shelton F!X,IT, SH,0P o RemodUn_ O Furtture Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Reps;ired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX LOST AND FOUND LOS.:. I fq0t ro wbo,t, boom 8-in. matcnea ceaar n0orlng. Re<warl. F. RooJnson, LilliwaRp. 9='Stfn• LOST: .&ugutt 29,.,smll boy's tan cot ,etw,een 'Sastn and Port Townsfld. Flnaer please  notify J. E. MlIIer, 7I Washihgton. 'Port T0W.,$c .rid. 9-5 .... . ........ - , ....... L,. J,. ...... Voice o Steel Wten el s)eets are xolted fiat', ,the Ldividual grains of metal "com- plain" with crackle inaudflle to human ears unless greatly amplified by electronic tubes, I WE HAVE THE NEWEST TYPE BAR FOR REBORING Cleans Its Own Cut, No Shavings To Clean Out Afterwards O Crank Shafts Ground MITCHELL'S Automotive Shop 407 S. First St. Phone 628 [ ...... SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cota PHONE 243 OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by ftctJry mad: els. CAL WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 FOR RENT FOR •RENT: frozen food lockers. ,Ready on or about October 1. H. F. Boysen. Phone 62R. St. Rt. 1, Box 1 Mt. View. 8-29tfn". FOR RENT: 0ttages suitable for Couples, electric ranges and oil healers. No pets. Shake Cabln Camp, Union. Phone Union 258., 9-5-i9 FOI RENT: Beaut.ifully located on North Bay aria state highway lIA at Allyn, Washington, Xnown as Bayside Apts. management furn- ishes usual furniture and furnish- ings, hot and cold running wa%e, relgeration, electric lights, oi! burner and launury facilities. Apartment • prices from 25 to $22€0, Cabins $15 and $17.50. W. A. Beak- ley, Manager, 3-28-tfn WANTED TO REN SITUATION DESPARATE: depend" able young couple and .for months )ld baby need plac to rent.' 'Wfll everi constder temp_orary .arrangc- Inent. oali 1805. R. W. Kleourtz. 8-29--9-12 t Thursday, FOR SALE PIGS FOR SALE: L, D, Phart'is, Sial' R[. 2, Ih/x 25, Shellon tIWo lniles Ollt l\\;Intiock [Road), 8-22-.9-5 tP()I SALE: gl'dVPris[eill apph, .1,50 b()K tll til'(' ltil'(i. }il'itl)4' |IOXOS. ,](J- :;('ti|l ](ritII('r• h41111Slill Pnint (direct- ly fll'V():Lq I)t)3 • I'l'¢)lil (',ily l)oel¢), ,%29--9-J 2 FOI{ S& ],1']: gtlu(I II II(ihl ('(>llch. liltlk,'.l dolibh I)o(I. $25. ]D-gnlli)n 14ulv:nl- iz(,(t V,'Itl t'l' If,Ilk ,,.q A)0. All| olilal ic i,htl-li'h' il'olt. Usod sh(ll'L whilo. $(J.00. .]lUll'{iOIl AUtO ('()tll'I. No, 101. No, .14 lIi/4)lway, 1)ol]:lh'h, ,Vn• 8-29-- 9-I 2 F()I S.&LE: Sinph,× Ironer. ]n good i'ondition. C'all 6J6.J2. CS-29--9-]2 :MINK RANCII selling very fine strain O[ |)t','e(lillg stock, pens qnd e(luit)- loont.-.Dricod l'tasQllllilh', 1-)]lono. Bul- fair 25.1. Stur Jh)lle'J, llox ,185. 1Jll- iou, VashingLou. Sg-I 5tfll F()[ SALE: black suit, Size 16. hlqllil'o Joul'n:|l Slillil[ for OWtl(r. 100% wool. ()!'lice. Too LIB- ! 51 rn. HAVE CONNECTIONS for new land alfalfa huy. Place your or(let nO.V for wiuter SUl)ply while it is avail- :lifle. Wagcnev l,'eed C1/., 2J9 Sotlth First Strelt. 8-St.fn. KITCHEN cabinets, linen ('losei.s, store fixlliros, ond CtlStOlll niill- work, Iltad( to ot'dIH'. FoI • lrPc es|illlll|l.s l'llone 2i7R2, Petcrson l.Otl. 8-1Ira ItOUSEWIVES: Why Wax your floors every week! Use Phlsti-Kote 'twice a ylar. Sold at. S]lciton Electric Co.. 110 d!b, street. 8-I-tfn CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil.. See the new T!term silent Air Flow Burner m opea.dtioh at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia• Phone 77511, ll-15tfn. FOR SALE: see Olyml,)ie Motor Sales fOr auto parts and accessories. First and :Mill Streets, phone 595." 7-4t£n BRIGGS AND STRbTTON alr cooled gas engine. Smith and, Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn FOR SALE: Palomino saddle horse. Dot'ena Ciln'k. Route 1. ox 93A, Shclton (Kaniiiclle Point Road). 8-22--9.-5 FOR SALE: Anchm" coal stoker for In- stallation ill wood of coal furnace. Good condition. Phone 7qW, A8-22--9-5 FOR SALE: girl's bicycle, blue and wlflio. lloon tires; ElgFn malte. Good coudition, Phone 831WX. K8-22--9-5 FOR SALE: one kite/ran cabinet in good condition. Reasonable. One cast iron 38 x 80 sink and drain board, Write or call Star Rt, J. B°x97D 5 Weaver Creek). STEAM CLEANING and general re- pah, ing', Olympic Motor Sales. First and :Mill Streets phone 595. 9-5 FOR SALE: wo good used 6,001 ]6 tires : 17 pieces seasoncd lulnber 2X6X12 feet [,lefll': ono donl!) b(,d for truck ; Ott( vacuuol cleaal,t', ]='ht, nc 218R3. C9-5 FOR SALE. steel • framed. StorMine bal)y bt ggy. Phone 6R. 09-5 FOR SALE .30-06 ].ifle and tw) boxes of shells $60,00, Inquire Ellis Wells 405 Arcadia Ave., Shelton. 9-5-12 FOR SALloW: out' new gladiolus garden is now rady for cut flowers. :Many beautiful"colors. See thelfl at Earl's Gladiolus Gardens. two miles south on Olympia hig'llway. 9-5-12 FOI, gALE: fur coat. size 88 to 40, tWO (!Vellin dresses, one WOOl dress, liUld on(' pall' e[ cowboy boots. })hoIIO 606W. :M9-5-12 :MUFFLER LEAKING? See Olympic Motor Salcs. First and Mill Streets. when your cat' needs parts. 9-5 TIMBER "FOR SALE: o1@ attl::inld growtll, Anglcside district/M(tst bc removed soon, See erb Angle, 9-5-19 FOR SALE: ladies beaver fur coat. Size 14-16. Inquire after 5 p,ln, B.te. I Box 203A or phone 566M. 1%I9-5-]9 FOR SALE: locker meal less titan I two old mostly Durham. 1tar- years old t-Iall, Ms(lock. Wn. 8-15--9-19 FOR SALE: hand woven tiaen, baby blankets ,rugs, ydrdage etc. Orders taken also, 1416 Sununit Drive, lo- cated +me block west of higltway between Elinor and Dearborn Hill- crest. Phone 799JX. $8-22--9-12 FASt-I/eNABLE AND EXCLUSIVE Maisonette Dresses and blouses in ac, etate rayons slid cottons, reason- ably priced• You m'e invited to see ore" merchandise at 1416 Summit Di'ive. Located one block west of highway between Elinor and Dear- born, Ifillcrest. Phone 799JX. $8-22=-9-12 FOR SALE: home lighting plant 1,500 watt, 110 volt, 60 cycle, manual con- trol, sed very little• Reasonable and will demonstrate, Write Box C Journal 8 22 -9 FOR SALE: wood circulating "teat;'. 1518 Division. Pllone 344R. M9-5 FOR SALE: combination table Inod radio and phonograph, with autonm- tic record changer: also record ca))- lnet, Both for $65. Phone 461W. 227 So. 10th St. G9-5 FQR SALE: hcavy block and tade with 600 feet good heavy rode. In- quire 534 Fairnlont. Phone.329W.9.5 FOR SALE: Bartlett pears. Alfred W. Jones. Phone 4F21. 9-5 BATTERIES CItARGED in a jiffy without dan)aRe. Olympic Motor Salem, First and Mill Streets phone 595. ' 9-5 Miscellaneous OPPORTUNITY of lifetime supply- ing DDT and other profitable pro- ducts to frmers in Mason County. No expewience or capital required. Must have auto and good reference. Permanent Write m' wire McNESS COMPANY Ded)t. D, 2423 Magnolia t., Oakland 7, Calif. 9-5-12 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re--" frigeration Equipment, HOme freez- ers, locker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, portable cSolers power meat saws, "Cat' Lino' of Garden tractors. Kohl- er. Power Plants. Pxlce right qUlek deliveries, MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQIIPMENT Ph. 9690. Olympia, on the HIghwa at Mud Bay "Y ', P.O. Box 612. 2/7,fa PAPERHANGING ITERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING Plan New Brightness for Your Home Any Time George W. Sawyer 105 Front St. USED CARS FO SALE: 1929 Fageol truck, 21 ton. vJotor In good condition. Seven good tires. Phone 14I15. B9-5 FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1940 Ford • dump tnlek with 1350 Eaton rear end' 100-h,p, Mercury motor; new 8:25' tires. Joe Fitts,,'2lM. 1317 W. Bireh, 9-5-19 WANTED TO BUY oG2 Used ars for Cash at Cellng Prices. S. L. PEARSON Phone 548-W IIII II . I Covers Scrttch To cover scratches on furniture, if the wood is dark, rub the scratch with a fresh7 cut ,walnut me0( or touch it up with iodine. This will make the scratch less noticeable, FOR Ft')l SAL].I: (:hihl's 2, Bo.' 2'2. Capitol t,lle. Ft)R SALE: XValkO • I;lt!le all(l viii)is U('%V. $] 50 90t '1 Ta:dl PJl, ,lie P, ICYC L,E FOR ,;25.00. Inllui]'e tSli, FOR. SAI,I': two 15-i ,'1111] tllbOS. spike toolb 111:1n. ROUto t cutoff). FC)R SALE : installed in desk. lan'np OR SALE: red or 50C dr(,.¢sod. llii]('Yl Olll oll l(!lel4. EOAT FOR SALE: 4'al inboard with ,! oh n,lon olltboa ch'd ins, Pilone RANGE OIL We iustlill if tl'iC SIortL FOl% SALE: level: gese Pltl)pies, stock. Ia{n'e orauge Write MeClelland, Otynll)ia , WaM1. FOIl, SNLE: ]oeke and wrapping Star RoUte 1. ONE CH] Year old after 3 p.m. (Fl'Jsken's Y) FOR SALE: wl)it bucks. Leonard ]10. Shelton Phone 16Fll. FOR SALE: two sporL jackets. J OUl')llil. FOR SALE : stein apples 0 place on Cole 259. rtng 91OD: dry al r range, lots. FrEfik Shelton• FOR SALE: tree- Phone 537J FOR SALE: front [sting ,stove. In Phone 437R. FOR SALE: 6 year Dean Archer. 110 N. FOR SALE: 7i-ll Dresser with ttoodsport 15J3. FOR SALE: 18 ft. 5 ft. bemn. Small ( hardwood rills. mound. Jam, 251, Agate FOR SALE: Men Good eondit ion. R. R. Ave. (M. JOHN 2O0 $ NOLAN Walter Professional FREE Write P.O. BoX B. Frunklin ATTORN Courthouse, f Phone A. K. Personalized Address: Rt. Phone: CRAIG P. Eliot Title Phon0 Charles "Angle Building, CHARLES A'rTORIYIY ! 119-121 Soutll, Shelton ALDEN ATTORNK'Y Title Opposite 23 W.A. Phone 180- Accounting Bo0 123 4th Office &t Saturda: PAkR ON LAKE ISABE RAU'S OR( MILRE GRIMES # H. E. Miles On th by Shelton Eagles i Dancing 9:30 p.m. to For TH Vote For ilCounty SMITH om inee and,BI )endable , g Coal ALSO C (Direct From Mine to CO 225 SOUTH 2NO I NOTICE the Forest Servi, undel o March 29, 1 U.S.C: 583-583i regulations, pro] sustaint Mason, Thursi in the State of which punished below. of said Unit it is Service and the will enter into a to carry out The lands of the proposed for o a merehmatb: M ft. B.M., 8 and 18, Twp. 21 3, 9, 11, 12, 13, 1 21 N., Rge. 3 W.; tlt 13, 14, 15, Rge. 5 W.; S€ 15, 17, 18 and t, 6, 9, "1 ). 21 .IN., R , 11, 12, 14, 15- W. ; Sections 5, ( 5 W.; Sections 22 N., R: 36, Tw 2,0 and 31, Tw ] timbe £or ft. B.M. ! tO l:t inclusi ; Sctions 1 and 6, 0 i | ! N A k F Oal I ! ! I ! I . • t i ]